Suggestions for missing imports from local modules (#739)

* Suggestions for missing imports from local modules

* Avoid unnecessary work on InitialLoad when checkProject is off
This commit is contained in:
Pepe Iborra 2020-09-03 09:32:40 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent f8889c7112
commit 09aa8e5f4b
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 116 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ library

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.Session.VersionCheck
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
@ -300,10 +301,14 @@ loadSession dir = do
-- files in the project so that `knownFiles` can learn about them and
-- we can generate a complete module graph
liftIO $ modifyVar_ knownFilesVar $ traverseHashed $ pure . HashSet.union (HashSet.fromList cfps')
mmt <- uses GetModificationTime cfps'
let cs_exist = catMaybes (zipWith (<$) cfps' mmt)
when checkProject $
void $ uses GetModIface cs_exist
when checkProject $ do
mmt <- uses GetModificationTime cfps'
let cs_exist = catMaybes (zipWith (<$) cfps' mmt)
modIfaces <- uses GetModIface cs_exist
-- update xports map
extras <- getShakeExtras
let !exportsMap' = createExportsMap $ mapMaybe (fmap hirModIface) modIfaces
liftIO $ modifyVar_ (exportsMap extras) $ return . (exportsMap' <>)
pure opts
-- | Run the specific cradle on a specific FilePath via hie-bios.

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@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Development.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import GhcPlugins (HomeModInfo(hm_iface))
newtype OfInterestVar = OfInterestVar (Var (HashSet NormalizedFilePath))
instance IsIdeGlobal OfInterestVar
@ -88,5 +90,12 @@ kick = mkDelayedAction "kick" Debug $ do
files <- getFilesOfInterest
ShakeExtras{progressUpdate} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $ progressUpdate KickStarted
void $ uses TypeCheck $ HashSet.toList files
-- Update the exports map for the project
results <- uses TypeCheck $ HashSet.toList files
ShakeExtras{exportsMap} <- getShakeExtras
let modIfaces = mapMaybe (fmap (hm_iface . tmrModInfo)) results
!exportsMap' = createExportsMap modIfaces
liftIO $ modifyVar_ exportsMap $ return . (exportsMap' <>)
liftIO $ progressUpdate KickCompleted

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import qualified Data.SortedList as SL
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Control.Concurrent.Async
@ -153,6 +154,8 @@ data ShakeExtras = ShakeExtras
,restartShakeSession :: [DelayedAction ()] -> IO ()
,ideNc :: IORef NameCache
,knownFilesVar :: Var (Hashed (HSet.HashSet NormalizedFilePath))
-- | A mapping of exported identifiers for local modules. Updated on kick
,exportsMap :: Var ExportsMap
type WithProgressFunc = forall a.
@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ shakeOpen getLspId eventer withProgress withIndefiniteProgress logger debouncer
progressAsync <- async $
when reportProgress $
progressThread mostRecentProgressEvent inProgress
exportsMap <- newVar HMap.empty
pure (ShakeExtras{..}, cancel progressAsync)
(shakeDbM, shakeClose) <-

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Rules
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.Shake (Rules)
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ import Data.Functor
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Safe (atMay)
import Bag (isEmptyBag)
import Control.Concurrent.Extra (readVar)
plugin :: Plugin c
plugin = codeActionPluginWithRules rules codeAction <> Plugin mempty setHandlersCodeLens
@ -83,10 +85,12 @@ codeAction lsp state (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _range CodeActionContext{_diag
<*> use GhcSession `traverse` mbFile
-- This is quite expensive 0.6-0.7s on GHC
pkgExports <- runAction "CodeAction:PackageExports" state $ (useNoFile_ . PackageExports) `traverse` env
localExports <- readVar (exportsMap $ shakeExtras state)
let exportsMap = Map.unionWith (<>) localExports (fromMaybe mempty pkgExports)
let dflags = hsc_dflags . hscEnv <$> env
pure $ Right
[ CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List [x]) (Just edit) Nothing
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction dflags (fromMaybe mempty pkgExports) ideOptions ( join parsedModule ) text x
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction dflags exportsMap ideOptions ( join parsedModule ) text x
, let edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ executeAddSignatureCommand _lsp _ideState ExecuteCommandParams{..}
:: Maybe DynFlags
-> PackageExportsMap
-> ExportsMap
-> IdeOptions
-> Maybe ParsedModule
-> Maybe T.Text
@ -815,7 +819,7 @@ removeRedundantConstraints mContents Diagnostic{..}
suggestNewImport :: PackageExportsMap -> ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestNewImport :: ExportsMap -> ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestNewImport packageExportsMap ParsedModule {pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule {..}} Diagnostic{_message}
| msg <- unifySpaces _message
, Just name <- extractNotInScopeName msg
@ -835,7 +839,7 @@ suggestNewImport packageExportsMap ParsedModule {pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule
suggestNewImport _ _ _ = []
:: PackageExportsMap -> NotInScope -> Maybe [T.Text] -> [T.Text]
:: ExportsMap -> NotInScope -> Maybe [T.Text] -> [T.Text]
constructNewImportSuggestions exportsMap thingMissing notTheseModules = nubOrd
[ suggestion
| (identInfo, m) <- fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup name exportsMap

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@ -1,57 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.RuleTypes
(PackageExports(..), PackageExportsMap
) where
import Avail (AvailInfo(..))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.Shake (RuleResult)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Name
import FieldLabel (flSelector)
type Identifier = Text
type ModuleName = Text
data IdentInfo = IdentInfo
{ name :: !Identifier
, rendered :: Text
, parent :: !(Maybe Text)
, isDatacon :: !Bool
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
instance NFData IdentInfo
mkIdentInfos :: AvailInfo -> [IdentInfo]
mkIdentInfos (Avail n) =
[IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing (isDataConName n)]
mkIdentInfos (AvailTC parent (n:nn) flds)
-- Following the GHC convention that parent == n if parent is exported
| n == parent
= [ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) (Just $! parentP) True
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds
] ++
[ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing False]
parentP = pack $ prettyPrint parent
mkIdentInfos (AvailTC _ nn flds)
= [ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing True
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds
-- Rule type for caching Package Exports
type instance RuleResult PackageExports = PackageExportsMap
type PackageExportsMap = HashMap Identifier [(IdentInfo,ModuleName)]
type instance RuleResult PackageExports = ExportsMap
newtype PackageExports = PackageExports HscEnvEq
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)

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@ -3,26 +3,17 @@ module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Rules
import Data.HashMap.Strict ( fromListWith )
import Data.Text ( Text
, pack
import Data.Traversable ( forM )
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Types.Exports
import Development.Shake
import GHC ( DynFlags(pkgState) )
import HscTypes ( IfaceExport
, hsc_dflags
, mi_exports
import HscTypes ( hsc_dflags)
import LoadIface
import Maybes
import Module ( Module(..)
, ModuleName
, moduleNameString
import Module ( Module(..) )
import Packages ( explicitPackages
, exposedModules
, packageConfigId
@ -43,19 +34,12 @@ rulePackageExports = defineNoFile $ \(PackageExports session) -> do
, (mn, _) <- exposedModules pkg
results <- forM targets $ \(pkg, mn) -> do
modIfaces <- forM targets $ \(pkg, mn) -> do
modIface <- liftIO $ initIfaceLoad env $ loadInterface
(Module (packageConfigId pkg) mn)
(ImportByUser False)
case modIface of
Failed _err -> return mempty
Succeeded mi -> do
let avails = mi_exports mi
return $ concatMap (unpackAvail mn) avails
return $ fromListWith (++) $ concat results
unpackAvail :: ModuleName -> IfaceExport -> [(Text, [(IdentInfo, Text)])]
unpackAvail mod =
map (\id@IdentInfo {..} -> (name, [(id, pack $ moduleNameString mod)]))
. mkIdentInfos
return $ case modIface of
Failed _err -> Nothing
Succeeded mi -> Just mi
return $ createExportsMap (catMaybes modIfaces)

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module Development.IDE.Types.Exports
) where
import Avail (AvailInfo(..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Name
import FieldLabel (flSelector)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import GhcPlugins (IfaceExport)
type ExportsMap = HashMap IdentifierText [(IdentInfo,ModuleNameText)]
type IdentifierText = Text
type ModuleNameText = Text
data IdentInfo = IdentInfo
{ name :: !Text
, rendered :: Text
, parent :: !(Maybe Text)
, isDatacon :: !Bool
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
instance NFData IdentInfo
mkIdentInfos :: AvailInfo -> [IdentInfo]
mkIdentInfos (Avail n) =
[IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing (isDataConName n)]
mkIdentInfos (AvailTC parent (n:nn) flds)
-- Following the GHC convention that parent == n if parent is exported
| n == parent
= [ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) (Just $! parentP) True
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds
] ++
[ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing False]
parentP = pack $ prettyPrint parent
mkIdentInfos (AvailTC _ nn flds)
= [ IdentInfo (pack (prettyPrint n)) (pack (printName n)) Nothing True
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds
createExportsMap :: [ModIface] -> ExportsMap
createExportsMap = Map.fromListWith (++) . concatMap doOne
doOne mi = concatMap (unpackAvail mn) (mi_exports mi)
mn = moduleName $ mi_module mi
unpackAvail :: ModuleName -> IfaceExport -> [(Text, [(IdentInfo, Text)])]
unpackAvail mod =
map (\id@IdentInfo {..} -> (name, [(id, pack $ moduleNameString mod)]))
. mkIdentInfos

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- HLINT ignore -}
module Testing ( module Testing ) where
module GotoHover ( module GotoHover) where
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Foo (Bar, foo)

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@ -1036,7 +1036,10 @@ suggestImportTests = testGroup "suggest import actions"
, test False [] "f = quickCheck" [] "import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck)"
, testGroup "want suggestion"
[ test True [] "f = nonEmpty" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)"
[ test True [] "f = foo" [] "import Foo (foo)"
, test True [] "f = Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar(Bar))"
, test True [] "f :: Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar)"
, test True [] "f = nonEmpty" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)"
, test True [] "f = (:|)" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))"
, test True [] "f :: Natural" ["f = undefined"] "import Numeric.Natural (Natural)"
, test True [] "f :: Natural" ["f = undefined"] "import Numeric.Natural"
@ -1063,12 +1066,13 @@ suggestImportTests = testGroup "suggest import actions"
test wanted imps def other newImp = testSession' (T.unpack def) $ \dir -> do
test wanted imps def other newImp = testSessionWithExtraFiles "hover" (T.unpack def) $ \dir -> do
let before = T.unlines $ "module A where" : ["import " <> x | x <- imps] ++ def : other
after = T.unlines $ "module A where" : ["import " <> x | x <- imps] ++ [newImp] ++ def : other
cradle = "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [-hide-all-packages, -package, base, -package, text, -package-env, -]}}"
cradle = "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [-hide-all-packages, -package, base, -package, text, -package-env, -, A, Bar, Foo, GotoHover]}}"
liftIO $ writeFileUTF8 (dir </> "hie.yaml") cradle
doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" before
void (skipManyTill anyMessage message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification)
_diags <- waitForDiagnostics
let defLine = length imps + 1
range = Range (Position defLine 0) (Position defLine maxBound)
@ -2380,6 +2384,7 @@ thTests =
-- | test that TH is reevaluated on typecheck
thReloadingTest :: TestTree
thReloadingTest = testCase "reloading-th-test" $ withoutStackEnv $ runWithExtraFiles "TH" $ \dir -> do
let aPath = dir </> "THA.hs"
bPath = dir </> "THB.hs"
cPath = dir </> "THC.hs"