Fix diagnostics update bug (#959)

* Preventively switch to uninterruptible mask in withMVar'

withMVar' is used to update the shakeSession var and it's crucial that the
third argument is not interrupted.

'mask' can still be interrupted for I/O actions and, while we were careful to
ensure none was used, if it ever breaks it will lead to very hard to debug

* refactor: move to RuleTypes

* Add a TestRequest to wait for arbitrary ide actions

Closes #955

* expectCurrentDiagnostics

* Add a test suite for cancellation

* Introduce --test-no-kick to fix cancellation tests reliability

* delete unsafeClearDiagnostics (unused)

* GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps - remove StringBuffer

Since the contents of the buffer are not tracked by the fingerprint.

* Fix diagnostics bug

Given a FOI F with non null typechecking diagnostics D, imagine the following scenario:

1. An edit notification for F is received, creating a new version
2. GetModTime is executed, producing 0 diagnostics.
  2.1 updateFileDiagnostics is called
  2.2 setStageDiagnostics is called
  2.3 LSP.updateDiagnostics is called with a new version, resetting all the
  diagnostics for F
  2.4 newDiags=[] in updateFileDiagnostics, which is different from D (the last
  published diagnostics), which enqueues a new publishDiagnostics [] in the
3. An edit notification for F is received before typechecking has a chance to
run which undoes the previous edit
4. The debouncer publishes the empty set of diagnostics after waiting 0.1s
5. GetFileContents runs and since the contents of the file haven't changed since
the last time it ran, early cutoff skips everything donwstream

Since TypeCheck is skipped, the empty set of diagnostics stays published until
another edit comes.

The goal of this change is to prevent setStageDiagnostics from losing
diagnostics from other stages. To achieve this, we recover the old diagnostics
for all stages and merge them with the new stage.

* Fix hlint

* Use Map.insert for clarity

* Fix redundant imports

* Fix "code actions after edit" experiment"
This commit is contained in:
Pepe Iborra 2020-12-21 06:06:51 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 22d9fde844
commit 0d4e3b9499
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 309 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -115,7 +115,13 @@ experiments =
( \p doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
whileM (null <$> waitForDiagnostics)
-- NOTE ghcide used to clear and reinstall the diagnostics here
-- new versions no longer do, but keep this logic around
-- to benchmark old versions sucessfully
diags <- getCurrentDiagnostics doc
when (null diags) $
whileM (null <$> waitForDiagnostics)
not . null <$> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ data Arguments = Arguments
,argsShakeProfiling :: Maybe FilePath
,argsOTMemoryProfiling :: Bool
,argsTesting :: Bool
,argsDisableKick :: Bool
,argsThreads :: Int
,argsVerbose :: Bool
@ -35,5 +36,6 @@ arguments = Arguments
<*> optional (strOption $ long "shake-profiling" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Dump profiling reports to this directory")
<*> switch (long "ot-memory-profiling" <> help "Record OpenTelemetry info to the eventlog. Needs the -l RTS flag to have an effect")
<*> switch (long "test" <> help "Enable additional lsp messages used by the testsuite")
<*> switch (long "test-no-kick" <> help "Disable kick. Useful for testing cancellation")
<*> option auto (short 'j' <> help "Number of threads (0: automatic)" <> metavar "NUM" <> value 0 <> showDefault)
<*> switch (long "verbose" <> help "Include internal events in logging output")

View File

@ -118,7 +118,15 @@ main = do
logLevel = if argsVerbose then minBound else Info
debouncer <- newAsyncDebouncer
initialise caps (mainRule >> pluginRules plugins >> action kick)
let rules = do
-- install the main and ghcide-plugin rules
pluginRules plugins
-- install the kick action, which triggers a typecheck on every
-- Shake database restart, i.e. on every user edit.
unless argsDisableKick $
action kick
initialise caps rules
getLspId event wProg wIndefProg (logger logLevel) debouncer options vfs
else do
-- GHC produces messages with UTF8 in them, so make sure the terminal doesn't error

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ library
base == 4.*,

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Shake as X
define, defineEarlyCutoff,
use, useNoFile, uses, useWithStale, useWithStaleFast, useWithStaleFast',
use_, useNoFile_, uses_, useWithStale_,

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Extra
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Control.Exception
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Time
@ -100,15 +99,6 @@ isFileOfInterestRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \IsFileOfInterest f -> do
let res = maybe NotFOI IsFOI $ f `HM.lookup` filesOfInterest
return (Just $ BS.pack $ show $ hash res, ([], Just res))
-- | Get the contents of a file, either dirty (if the buffer is modified) or Nothing to mean use from disk.
type instance RuleResult GetFileContents = (FileVersion, Maybe T.Text)
data GetFileContents = GetFileContents
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable GetFileContents
instance NFData GetFileContents
instance Binary GetFileContents
getModificationTimeRule :: VFSHandle -> Rules ()
getModificationTimeRule vfs =
defineEarlyCutoff $ \(GetModificationTime_ missingFileDiags) file -> do

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (NormalizedFilePath)
import TcRnMonad (TcGblEnv)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Development.IDE.Types.Options (IdeGhcSession)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Int (Int64)
data LinkableType = ObjectLinkable | BCOLinkable
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
@ -190,6 +193,55 @@ type instance RuleResult GetModIface = HiFileResult
-- For better early cuttoff
type instance RuleResult GetModIfaceWithoutLinkable = HiFileResult
-- | Get the contents of a file, either dirty (if the buffer is modified) or Nothing to mean use from disk.
type instance RuleResult GetFileContents = (FileVersion, Maybe Text)
-- The Shake key type for getModificationTime queries
data GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime_
{ missingFileDiagnostics :: Bool
-- ^ If false, missing file diagnostics are not reported
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Eq GetModificationTime where
-- Since the diagnostics are not part of the answer, the query identity is
-- independent from the 'missingFileDiagnostics' field
_ == _ = True
instance Hashable GetModificationTime where
-- Since the diagnostics are not part of the answer, the query identity is
-- independent from the 'missingFileDiagnostics' field
hashWithSalt salt _ = salt
instance NFData GetModificationTime
instance Binary GetModificationTime
pattern GetModificationTime :: GetModificationTime
pattern GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime_ {missingFileDiagnostics=True}
-- | Get the modification time of a file.
type instance RuleResult GetModificationTime = FileVersion
data FileVersion
= VFSVersion !Int
| ModificationTime
!Int64 -- ^ Large unit (platform dependent, do not make assumptions)
!Int64 -- ^ Small unit (platform dependent, do not make assumptions)
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance NFData FileVersion
vfsVersion :: FileVersion -> Maybe Int
vfsVersion (VFSVersion i) = Just i
vfsVersion ModificationTime{} = Nothing
data GetFileContents = GetFileContents
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable GetFileContents
instance NFData GetFileContents
instance Binary GetFileContents
data FileOfInterestStatus = OnDisk | Modified
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable FileOfInterestStatus

View File

@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ getModSummaryRule = do
getModSummaryFromImports session fp modTime (textToStringBuffer <$> mFileContent)
case modS of
Right res@(ms,_) -> do
let fingerPrint = hash (computeFingerprint f dflags ms, hashUTC modTime)
let fingerPrint = hash (computeFingerprint f (fromJust $ ms_hspp_buf ms) dflags ms, hashUTC modTime)
return ( Just (BS.pack $ show fingerPrint) , ([], Just res))
Left diags -> return (Nothing, (diags, Nothing))
@ -742,16 +742,18 @@ getModSummaryRule = do
ms <- use GetModSummary f
case ms of
Just res@(msWithTimestamps,_) -> do
let ms = msWithTimestamps { ms_hs_date = error "use GetModSummary instead of GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps" }
let ms = msWithTimestamps {
ms_hs_date = error "use GetModSummary instead of GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps",
ms_hspp_buf = error "use GetModSummary instead of GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps"
dflags <- hsc_dflags . hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSession f
-- include the mod time in the fingerprint
let fp = BS.pack $ show $ hash (computeFingerprint f dflags ms)
let fp = BS.pack $ show $ hash (computeFingerprint f (fromJust $ ms_hspp_buf msWithTimestamps) dflags ms)
return (Just fp, ([], Just res))
Nothing -> return (Nothing, ([], Nothing))
-- Compute a fingerprint from the contents of `ModSummary`,
-- eliding the timestamps and other non relevant fields.
computeFingerprint f dflags ModSummary{..} =
computeFingerprint f sb dflags ModSummary{..} =
let fingerPrint =
( moduleNameString (moduleName ms_mod)
, ms_hspp_file
@ -761,7 +763,7 @@ getModSummaryRule = do
, fingerPrintImports ms_textual_imps
fingerPrintImports = map (fmap uniq *** (moduleNameString . unLoc))
opts = Hdr.getOptions dflags (fromJust ms_hspp_buf) (fromNormalizedFilePath f)
opts = Hdr.getOptions dflags sb (fromNormalizedFilePath f)
in fingerPrint
hashUTC UTCTime{..} = (fromEnum utctDay, fromEnum utctDayTime)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Service(
IdeState, initialise, shutdown,
getDiagnostics, unsafeClearDiagnostics,
) where

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- | A Shake implementation of the compiler service.
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Shake(
useWithStale, usesWithStale,
useWithStale_, usesWithStale_,
define, defineEarlyCutoff, defineOnDisk, needOnDisk, needOnDisks,
getDiagnostics, unsafeClearDiagnostics,
IsIdeGlobal, addIdeGlobal, addIdeGlobalExtras, getIdeGlobalState, getIdeGlobalAction,
@ -84,6 +83,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Debouncer
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat (NameCacheUpdater(..), upNameCache )
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans ()
import Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Types.Action
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger hiding (Priority)
import Development.IDE.Types.KnownTargets
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ import Data.IORef
import NameCache
import UniqSupply
import PrelInfo
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import OpenTelemetry.Eventlog
@ -502,7 +501,7 @@ shakeShut IdeState{..} = withMVar shakeSession $ \runner -> do
-- | This is a variant of withMVar where the first argument is run unmasked and if it throws
-- an exception, the previous value is restored while the second argument is executed masked.
withMVar' :: MVar a -> (a -> IO b) -> (b -> IO (a, c)) -> IO c
withMVar' var unmasked masked = mask $ \restore -> do
withMVar' var unmasked masked = uninterruptibleMask $ \restore -> do
a <- takeMVar var
b <- restore (unmasked a) `onException` putMVar var a
(a', c) <- masked b
@ -652,11 +651,6 @@ getHiddenDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{hiddenDiagnostics}} = do
val <- readVar hiddenDiagnostics
return $ getAllDiagnostics val
-- | FIXME: This function is temporary! Only required because the files of interest doesn't work
unsafeClearDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO ()
unsafeClearDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} =
writeVar diagnostics mempty
-- | Clear the results for all files that do not match the given predicate.
garbageCollect :: (NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) -> Action ()
garbageCollect keep = do
@ -998,25 +992,19 @@ updateFileDiagnostics :: MonadIO m
updateFileDiagnostics fp k ShakeExtras{diagnostics, hiddenDiagnostics, publishedDiagnostics, state, debouncer, eventer} current = liftIO $ do
modTime <- (currentValue =<<) <$> getValues state GetModificationTime fp
let (currentShown, currentHidden) = partition ((== ShowDiag) . fst) current
uri = filePathToUri' fp
ver = vfsVersion =<< modTime
updateDiagnosticsWithForcing new store = do
store' <- evaluate $ setStageDiagnostics uri ver (T.pack $ show k) new store
new' <- evaluate $ getUriDiagnostics uri store'
return (store', new')
mask_ $ do
-- Mask async exceptions to ensure that updated diagnostics are always
-- published. Otherwise, we might never publish certain diagnostics if
-- an exception strikes between modifyVar but before
-- publishDiagnosticsNotification.
newDiags <- modifyVar diagnostics $ \old -> do
let newDiagsStore = setStageDiagnostics fp (vfsVersion =<< modTime)
(T.pack $ show k) (map snd currentShown) old
let newDiags = getFileDiagnostics fp newDiagsStore
_ <- evaluate newDiagsStore
_ <- evaluate newDiags
pure (newDiagsStore, newDiags)
modifyVar_ hiddenDiagnostics $ \old -> do
let newDiagsStore = setStageDiagnostics fp (vfsVersion =<< modTime)
(T.pack $ show k) (map snd currentHidden) old
let newDiags = getFileDiagnostics fp newDiagsStore
_ <- evaluate newDiagsStore
_ <- evaluate newDiags
return newDiagsStore
newDiags <- modifyVar diagnostics $ updateDiagnosticsWithForcing $ map snd currentShown
_ <- modifyVar hiddenDiagnostics $ updateDiagnosticsWithForcing $ map snd currentHidden
let uri = filePathToUri' fp
let delay = if null newDiags then 0.1 else 0
registerEvent debouncer delay uri $ do
@ -1051,45 +1039,6 @@ actionLogger = do
return logger
-- The Shake key type for getModificationTime queries
data GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime_
{ missingFileDiagnostics :: Bool
-- ^ If false, missing file diagnostics are not reported
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Eq GetModificationTime where
-- Since the diagnostics are not part of the answer, the query identity is
-- independent from the 'missingFileDiagnostics' field
_ == _ = True
instance Hashable GetModificationTime where
-- Since the diagnostics are not part of the answer, the query identity is
-- independent from the 'missingFileDiagnostics' field
hashWithSalt salt _ = salt
instance NFData GetModificationTime
instance Binary GetModificationTime
pattern GetModificationTime :: GetModificationTime
pattern GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime_ {missingFileDiagnostics=True}
-- | Get the modification time of a file.
type instance RuleResult GetModificationTime = FileVersion
data FileVersion
= VFSVersion !Int
| ModificationTime
!Int64 -- ^ Large unit (platform dependent, do not make assumptions)
!Int64 -- ^ Small unit (platform dependent, do not make assumptions)
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance NFData FileVersion
vfsVersion :: FileVersion -> Maybe Int
vfsVersion (VFSVersion i) = Just i
vfsVersion ModificationTime{} = Nothing
getDiagnosticsFromStore :: StoreItem -> [Diagnostic]
getDiagnosticsFromStore (StoreItem _ diags) = concatMap SL.fromSortedList $ Map.elems diags
@ -1097,17 +1046,24 @@ getDiagnosticsFromStore (StoreItem _ diags) = concatMap SL.fromSortedList $ Map.
-- | Sets the diagnostics for a file and compilation step
-- if you want to clear the diagnostics call this with an empty list
:: NormalizedFilePath
:: NormalizedUri
-> TextDocumentVersion -- ^ the time that the file these diagnostics originate from was last edited
-> T.Text
-> [LSP.Diagnostic]
-> DiagnosticStore
-> DiagnosticStore
setStageDiagnostics fp timeM stage diags ds =
updateDiagnostics ds uri timeM diagsBySource
diagsBySource = Map.singleton (Just stage) (SL.toSortedList diags)
uri = filePathToUri' fp
setStageDiagnostics uri ver stage diags ds = newDiagsStore where
-- When 'ver' is a new version, updateDiagnostics throws away diagnostics from all stages
-- This interacts bady with early cutoff, so we make sure to preserve diagnostics
-- from other stages when calling updateDiagnostics
-- But this means that updateDiagnostics cannot be called concurrently
-- for different stages anymore
updatedDiags = Map.insert (Just stage) (SL.toSortedList diags) oldDiags
oldDiags = case HMap.lookup uri ds of
Just (StoreItem _ byStage) -> byStage
_ -> Map.empty
newDiagsStore = updateDiagnostics ds uri ver updatedDiags
getAllDiagnostics ::
DiagnosticStore ->
@ -1115,13 +1071,13 @@ getAllDiagnostics ::
getAllDiagnostics =
concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (fromUri k,ShowDiag,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v) . HMap.toList
getFileDiagnostics ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
getUriDiagnostics ::
NormalizedUri ->
DiagnosticStore ->
getFileDiagnostics fp ds =
getUriDiagnostics uri ds =
maybe [] getDiagnosticsFromStore $
HMap.lookup (filePathToUri' fp) ds
HMap.lookup uri ds
filterDiagnostics ::
(NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) ->

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
-- | A plugin that adds custom messages for use in tests
module Development.IDE.Plugin.Test (TestRequest(..), plugin) where
module Development.IDE.Plugin.Test
( TestRequest(..)
, WaitForIdeRuleResult(..)
, plugin
) where
import Control.Monad.STM
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI, original)
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
@ -21,16 +26,25 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import System.Time.Extra
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Control.Monad
import Development.Shake (Action)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Data.String
import Development.IDE.Types.Location (fromUri)
data TestRequest
= BlockSeconds Seconds -- ^ :: Null
| GetInterfaceFilesDir FilePath -- ^ :: String
| GetShakeSessionQueueCount -- ^ :: Number
| WaitForShakeQueue
-- ^ Block until the Shake queue is empty. Returns Null
| WaitForShakeQueue -- ^ Block until the Shake queue is empty. Returns Null
| WaitForIdeRule String Uri -- ^ :: WaitForIdeRuleResult
deriving Generic
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
newtype WaitForIdeRuleResult = WaitForIdeRuleResult { ideResultSuccess::Bool}
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON)
plugin :: Plugin c
plugin = Plugin {
pluginRules = return (),
@ -69,4 +83,24 @@ requestHandler _ s WaitForShakeQueue = do
n <- countQueue $ actionQueue $ shakeExtras s
when (n>0) retry
return $ Right Null
requestHandler _ s (WaitForIdeRule k file) = do
let nfp = fromUri $ toNormalizedUri file
success <- runAction ("WaitForIdeRule " <> k <> " " <> show file) s $ parseAction (fromString k) nfp
let res = WaitForIdeRuleResult <$> success
return $ bimap mkResponseError toJSON res
mkResponseError :: Text -> ResponseError
mkResponseError msg = ResponseError InvalidRequest msg Nothing
parseAction :: CI String -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Either Text Bool)
parseAction "typecheck" fp = Right . isJust <$> use TypeCheck fp
parseAction "getLocatedImports" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetLocatedImports fp
parseAction "getmodsummary" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetModSummary fp
parseAction "getmodsummarywithouttimestamps" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps fp
parseAction "getparsedmodule" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetParsedModule fp
parseAction "ghcsession" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GhcSession fp
parseAction "ghcsessiondeps" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GhcSessionDeps fp
parseAction "gethieast" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetHieAst fp
parseAction "getDependencies" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetDependencies fp
parseAction "getFileContents" fp = Right . isJust <$> use GetFileContents fp
parseAction other _ = return $ Left $ "Cannot parse ide rule: " <> pack (original other)

View File

@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import System.Time.Extra
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction (typeSignatureCommandId, blockCommandId, matchRegExMultipleImports)
import Development.IDE.Plugin.Test (TestRequest(BlockSeconds,GetInterfaceFilesDir))
import Development.IDE.Plugin.Test (WaitForIdeRuleResult(..), TestRequest(WaitForIdeRule, BlockSeconds,GetInterfaceFilesDir))
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJust)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -556,7 +557,91 @@ diagnosticTests = testGroup "diagnostics"
changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Nothing Nothing $ T.unlines
[ "module Foo() where" , "import MissingModule" ] ]
expectDiagnostics [("Foo.hs", [(DsError, (1,7), "Could not find module 'MissingModule'")])]
, testGroup "Cancellation"
[ cancellationTestGroup "edit header" editHeader yesDepends yesSession noParse noTc
, cancellationTestGroup "edit import" editImport noDepends noSession yesParse noTc
, cancellationTestGroup "edit body" editBody yesDepends yesSession yesParse yesTc
editPair x y = let p = Position x y ; p' = Position x (y+2) in
(TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {_range=Just (Range p p), _rangeLength=Nothing, _text="fd"}
,TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {_range=Just (Range p p'), _rangeLength=Nothing, _text=""})
editHeader = editPair 0 0
editImport = editPair 2 10
editBody = editPair 3 10
noParse = False
yesParse = True
noDepends = False
yesDepends = True
noSession = False
yesSession = True
noTc = False
yesTc = True
cancellationTestGroup :: TestName -> (TextDocumentContentChangeEvent, TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TestTree
cancellationTestGroup name edits dependsOutcome sessionDepsOutcome parseOutcome tcOutcome = testGroup name
[ cancellationTemplate edits Nothing
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetFileContents", True)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GhcSession", True)
-- the outcome for GetModSummary is always True because parseModuleHeader never fails (!)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetModSummary", True)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps", True)
-- getLocatedImports never fails
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetLocatedImports", True)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetDependencies", dependsOutcome)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GhcSessionDeps", sessionDepsOutcome)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetParsedModule", parseOutcome)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("TypeCheck", tcOutcome)
, cancellationTemplate edits $ Just ("GetHieAst", tcOutcome)
cancellationTemplate :: (TextDocumentContentChangeEvent, TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) -> Maybe (String, Bool) -> TestTree
cancellationTemplate (edit, undoEdit) mbKey = testCase (maybe "-" fst mbKey) $ runTestNoKick $ do
doc <- createDoc "Foo.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}"
, "module Foo where"
, "import Data.List()"
, "f0 x = (x,x)"
-- for the example above we expect one warning
let missingSigDiags = [(DsWarning, (3, 0), "Top-level binding") ]
typeCheck doc >> expectCurrentDiagnostics doc missingSigDiags
-- Now we edit the document and wait for the given key (if any)
changeDoc doc [edit]
whenJust mbKey $ \(key, expectedResult) -> do
Right WaitForIdeRuleResult{ideResultSuccess} <- waitForAction key doc
liftIO $ ideResultSuccess @?= expectedResult
-- The 2nd edit cancels the active session and unbreaks the file
-- wait for typecheck and check that the current diagnostics are accurate
changeDoc doc [undoEdit]
typeCheck doc >> expectCurrentDiagnostics doc missingSigDiags
expectNoMoreDiagnostics 0.5
-- similar to run except it disables kick
runTestNoKick s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir' dir "." "." ["--test-no-kick"] s
waitForAction key TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} = do
waitId <- sendRequest (CustomClientMethod "test") (WaitForIdeRule key _uri)
ResponseMessage{_result} <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ responseForId waitId
return _result
typeCheck doc = do
Right WaitForIdeRuleResult {..} <- waitForAction "TypeCheck" doc
liftIO $ assertBool "The file should typecheck" ideResultSuccess
-- wait for the debouncer to publish diagnostics if the rule runs
liftIO $ sleep 0.2
-- flush messages to ensure current diagnostics state is updated
codeActionTests :: TestTree
codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions"
@ -3652,7 +3737,7 @@ rootUriTests = testCase "use rootUri" . runTest "dirA" "dirB" $ \dir -> do
-- similar to run' except we can configure where to start ghcide and session
runTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> Session ()) -> IO ()
runTest dir1 dir2 s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir' dir dir1 dir2 (s dir)
runTest dir1 dir2 s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir' dir dir1 dir2 [] (s dir)
-- | Test if ghcide asynchronously handles Commands and user Requests
asyncTests :: TestTree
@ -3765,11 +3850,11 @@ run' :: (FilePath -> Session a) -> IO a
run' s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir dir (s dir)
runInDir :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a
runInDir dir = runInDir' dir "." "."
runInDir dir = runInDir' dir "." "." []
-- | Takes a directory as well as relative paths to where we should launch the executable as well as the session root.
runInDir' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Session a -> IO a
runInDir' dir startExeIn startSessionIn s = do
runInDir' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Session a -> IO a
runInDir' dir startExeIn startSessionIn extraOptions s = do
ghcideExe <- locateGhcideExecutable
let startDir = dir </> startExeIn
let projDir = dir </> startSessionIn
@ -3780,7 +3865,8 @@ runInDir' dir startExeIn startSessionIn s = do
-- since the package import test creates "Data/List.hs", which otherwise has no physical home
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ projDir ++ "/Data"
let cmd = unwords [ghcideExe, "--lsp", "--test", "--verbose", "--cwd", startDir]
let cmd = unwords $
[ghcideExe, "--lsp", "--test", "--verbose", "--cwd", startDir] ++ extraOptions
-- HIE calls getXgdDirectory which assumes that HOME is set.
-- Only sets HOME if it wasn't already set.
setEnv "HOME" "/homeless-shelter" False

View File

@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ module Development.IDE.Test
, expectDiagnostics
, expectDiagnosticsWithTags
, expectNoMoreDiagnostics
, expectCurrentDiagnostics
, checkDiagnosticsForDoc
, canonicalizeUri
, standardizeQuotes
) where
,flushMessages) where
import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Lens hiding (List)
@ -78,12 +80,21 @@ expectNoMoreDiagnostics timeout = do
liftIO $ assertFailure $
"Got unexpected diagnostics for " <> show fileUri <>
" got " <> show actual
handleCustomMethodResponse =
-- the CustomClientMethod triggers a RspCustomServer
-- handle that and then exit
void (LspTest.message :: Session CustomResponse)
ignoreOthers = void anyMessage >> handleMessages
handleCustomMethodResponse :: Session ()
handleCustomMethodResponse =
-- the CustomClientMethod triggers a RspCustomServer
-- handle that and then exit
void (LspTest.message :: Session CustomResponse)
flushMessages :: Session ()
flushMessages = do
void $ sendRequest (CustomClientMethod "non-existent-method") ()
handleCustomMethodResponse <|> ignoreOthers
ignoreOthers = void anyMessage >> flushMessages
-- | It is not possible to use 'expectDiagnostics []' to assert the absence of diagnostics,
-- only that existing diagnostics have been cleared.
@ -94,42 +105,67 @@ expectDiagnostics
= expectDiagnosticsWithTags
. map (second (map (\(ds, c, t) -> (ds, c, t, Nothing))))
expectDiagnosticsWithTags :: [(FilePath, [(DiagnosticSeverity, Cursor, T.Text, Maybe DiagnosticTag)])] -> Session ()
expectDiagnosticsWithTags [] = do
diagsNot <- skipManyTill anyMessage diagnostic
let actual = diagsNot ^. params . diagnostics
unwrapDiagnostic :: PublishDiagnosticsNotification -> (Uri, List Diagnostic)
unwrapDiagnostic diagsNot = (diagsNot^.params.uri, diagsNot^.params.diagnostics)
expectDiagnosticsWithTags :: [(String, [(DiagnosticSeverity, Cursor, T.Text, Maybe DiagnosticTag)])] -> Session ()
expectDiagnosticsWithTags expected = do
let f = getDocUri >=> liftIO . canonicalizeUri >=> pure . toNormalizedUri
next = unwrapDiagnostic <$> skipManyTill anyMessage diagnostic
expected' <- Map.fromListWith (<>) <$> traverseOf (traverse . _1) f expected
expectDiagnosticsWithTags' next expected'
expectDiagnosticsWithTags' ::
MonadIO m =>
m (Uri, List Diagnostic) ->
Map.Map NormalizedUri [(DiagnosticSeverity, Cursor, T.Text, Maybe DiagnosticTag)] ->
m ()
expectDiagnosticsWithTags' next m | null m = do
(_,actual) <- next
case actual of
List [] ->
return ()
_ ->
liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Got unexpected diagnostics:" <> show actual
expectDiagnosticsWithTags expected = do
let f = getDocUri >=> liftIO . canonicalizeUri >=> pure . toNormalizedUri
expected' <- Map.fromListWith (<>) <$> traverseOf (traverse . _1) f expected
go expected'
go m
| Map.null m = pure ()
| otherwise = do
diagsNot <- skipManyTill anyMessage diagnostic
let fileUri = diagsNot ^. params . uri
canonUri <- liftIO $ toNormalizedUri <$> canonicalizeUri fileUri
case Map.lookup canonUri m of
Nothing -> do
let actual = diagsNot ^. params . diagnostics
liftIO $ assertFailure $
"Got diagnostics for " <> show fileUri <>
" but only expected diagnostics for " <> show (Map.keys m) <>
" got " <> show actual
Just expected -> do
let actual = diagsNot ^. params . diagnostics
liftIO $ mapM_ (requireDiagnostic actual) expected
liftIO $ unless (length expected == length actual) $
assertFailure $
"Incorrect number of diagnostics for " <> show fileUri <>
", expected " <> show expected <>
" but got " <> show actual
go $ Map.delete canonUri m
expectDiagnosticsWithTags' next expected = go expected
go m
| Map.null m = pure ()
| otherwise = do
(fileUri, actual) <- next
canonUri <- liftIO $ toNormalizedUri <$> canonicalizeUri fileUri
case Map.lookup canonUri m of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $
assertFailure $
"Got diagnostics for " <> show fileUri
<> " but only expected diagnostics for "
<> show (Map.keys m)
<> " got "
<> show actual
Just expected -> do
liftIO $ mapM_ (requireDiagnostic actual) expected
liftIO $
unless (length expected == length actual) $
assertFailure $
"Incorrect number of diagnostics for " <> show fileUri
<> ", expected "
<> show expected
<> " but got "
<> show actual
go $ Map.delete canonUri m
expectCurrentDiagnostics :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> [(DiagnosticSeverity, Cursor, T.Text)] -> Session ()
expectCurrentDiagnostics doc expected = do
diags <- getCurrentDiagnostics doc
checkDiagnosticsForDoc doc expected diags
checkDiagnosticsForDoc :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> [(DiagnosticSeverity, Cursor, T.Text)] -> [Diagnostic] -> Session ()
checkDiagnosticsForDoc TextDocumentIdentifier {_uri} expected obtained = do
let expected' = Map.fromList [(nuri, map (\(ds, c, t) -> (ds, c, t, Nothing)) expected)]
nuri = toNormalizedUri _uri
expectDiagnosticsWithTags' (return $ (_uri, List obtained)) expected'
canonicalizeUri :: Uri -> IO Uri
canonicalizeUri uri = filePathToUri <$> canonicalizePath (fromJust (uriToFilePath uri))