mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 13:13:22 +03:00
Make the hie-core server retargetable (#1873)
* Move mergeHandlers into Server * Make partial handlers a proper newtype * Pass the options in to runLanguageServer * Take in user handlers * Remove the code lens handler since we don't advertise it * Add setSomethingModified, rather than faking it for the LSP VFS * Rewrite the LSP notifications * Improve the display of info messages around openning and modifying text documents * Make sure stdout and stderr don't have buffering, so we see their output immediately * Handle exit properly * Make notifications forward on to their previous values * Remove the exit handler, HIE already has a good default for it * Add comments on FileStore
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ da_haskell_binary(
hazel_deps = [
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ executable hie-core
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
module Development.IDE.Core.FileStore(
getFileExists, getFileContents,
@ -44,7 +45,10 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS
-- like `setBufferModified` we abstract over the VFS implementation.
data VFSHandle = VFSHandle
{ getVirtualFile :: NormalizedUri -> IO (Maybe VirtualFile)
, setVirtualFileContents :: NormalizedUri -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ()
-- ^ get the contents of a virtual file
, setVirtualFileContents :: Maybe (NormalizedUri -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ())
-- ^ set a specific file to a value. If Nothing then we are ignoring these
-- signals anyway so can just say something was modified
instance IsIdeGlobal VFSHandle
@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ makeVFSHandle = do
{ getVirtualFile = \uri -> do
(_nextVersion, vfs) <- readVar vfsVar
pure $ Map.lookup uri vfs
, setVirtualFileContents = \uri content ->
, setVirtualFileContents = Just $ \uri content ->
modifyVar_ vfsVar $ \(nextVersion, vfs) -> pure $ (nextVersion + 1, ) $
case content of
Nothing -> Map.delete uri vfs
@ -66,8 +70,7 @@ makeVFSHandle = do
makeLSPVFSHandle :: LspFuncs c -> VFSHandle
makeLSPVFSHandle lspFuncs = VFSHandle
{ getVirtualFile = getVirtualFileFunc lspFuncs
, setVirtualFileContents = \_ _ -> pure ()
-- ^ Handled internally by haskell-lsp.
, setVirtualFileContents = Nothing
@ -158,11 +161,24 @@ fileStoreRules vfs = do
getFileExistsRule vfs
-- | Notify the compiler service of a modified buffer
-- | Notify the compiler service that a particular file has been modified.
-- Use 'Nothing' to say the file is no longer in the virtual file system
-- but should be sourced from disk, or 'Just' to give its new value.
setBufferModified :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ()
setBufferModified state absFile contents = do
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
setVirtualFileContents (filePathToUri' absFile) contents
whenJust setVirtualFileContents $ \set ->
set (filePathToUri' absFile) contents
void $ shakeRun state [] (const $ pure ())
-- | Note that some buffer somewhere has been modified, but don't say what.
-- Only valid if the virtual file system was initialised by LSP, as that
-- independently tracks which files are modified.
setSomethingModified :: IdeState -> IO ()
setSomethingModified state = do
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
when (isJust setVirtualFileContents) $
fail "setSomethingModified can't be called on this type of VFSHandle"
void $ shakeRun state [] (const $ pure ())
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ gotoDefinition ide (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos)
Just loc -> SingleLoc loc
setHandlersDefinition :: WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers
setHandlersDefinition WithMessage{..} x = return x{
setHandlersDefinition :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersDefinition = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.definitionHandler = withResponse RspDefinition gotoDefinition
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ onHover ide (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = do
Nothing -> pure Nothing
setHandlersHover :: WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers
setHandlersHover WithMessage{..} x = return x{
setHandlersHover :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersHover = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.hoverHandler = withResponse RspHover onHover
@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.IO.Handle (hDuplicate, hDuplicateTo)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Development.IDE.LSP.Definition
import Development.IDE.LSP.Hover
@ -32,14 +33,18 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
:: ((FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -> VFSHandle -> IO IdeState)
:: LSP.Options
-> PartialHandlers
-> ((FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -> VFSHandle -> IO IdeState)
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer getIdeState = do
runLanguageServer options userHandlers getIdeState = do
-- Move stdout to another file descriptor and duplicate stderr
-- to stdout. This guards against stray prints from corrupting the JSON-RPC
-- message stream.
newStdout <- hDuplicate stdout
stderr `hDuplicateTo` stdout
hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- Print out a single space to assert that the above redirection works.
-- This is interleaved with the logger, hence we just print a space here in
@ -57,9 +62,13 @@ runLanguageServer getIdeState = do
clientMsgBarrier <- newBarrier
let withResponse wrap f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Response r wrap f
let withNotification f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Notification r f
let runHandler = WithMessage{withResponse, withNotification}
handlers <- mergeHandlers [setHandlersDefinition, setHandlersHover, setHandlersNotifications, setHandlersIgnore] runHandler def
let withNotification old f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Notification r (\ide x -> f ide x >> whenJust old ($ r))
let PartialHandlers parts =
setHandlersIgnore <> -- least important
setHandlersDefinition <> setHandlersHover <> -- useful features someone may override
userHandlers <>
setHandlersNotifications -- absolutely critical, join them with user notifications
handlers <- parts WithMessage{withResponse, withNotification} def
void $ waitAnyCancel =<< traverse async
[ void $ LSP.runWithHandles
@ -69,7 +78,7 @@ runLanguageServer getIdeState = do
, handleInit (signalBarrier clientMsgBarrier ()) clientMsgChan
(modifyOptions options)
, void $ waitBarrier clientMsgBarrier
@ -89,20 +98,14 @@ runLanguageServer getIdeState = do
-- | Things that get sent to us, but we don't deal with.
-- Set them to avoid a warning in VS Code output.
setHandlersIgnore :: WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers
setHandlersIgnore _ x = return x
setHandlersIgnore :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersIgnore = PartialHandlers $ \_ x -> return x
{LSP.cancelNotificationHandler = none
,LSP.initializedHandler = none
,LSP.codeLensHandler = none -- FIXME: Stop saying we support it in 'options'
where none = Just $ const $ return ()
mergeHandlers :: [WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers] -> WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers
mergeHandlers = foldl f (\_ a -> return a)
where f x1 x2 r a = x1 r a >>= x2 r
-- | A message that we need to deal with - the pieces are split up with existentials to gain additional type safety
-- and defer precise processing until later (allows us to keep at a higher level of abstraction slightly longer)
data Message
@ -110,14 +113,7 @@ data Message
| forall m req . Notification (NotificationMessage m req) (IdeState -> req -> IO ())
options :: LSP.Options
options = def
{ LSP.textDocumentSync = Just TextDocumentSyncOptions
{ _openClose = Just True
, _change = Just TdSyncIncremental
, _willSave = Nothing
, _willSaveWaitUntil = Nothing
, _save = Just $ SaveOptions $ Just False
, LSP.codeLensProvider = Just $ CodeLensOptions $ Just False
modifyOptions :: LSP.Options -> LSP.Options
modifyOptions x = x{LSP.textDocumentSync = Just orig{_openClose=Just True, _change=Just TdSyncIncremental}}
where orig = fromMaybe tdsDefault $ LSP.textDocumentSync x
tdsDefault = TextDocumentSyncOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
@ -12,89 +12,41 @@ module Development.IDE.LSP.Notifications
import Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server hiding (runServer)
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
import qualified Network.URI as URI
whenUriFile :: IdeState -> Uri -> (NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
whenUriFile ide uri act = case LSP.uriToFilePath uri of
Just file -> act $ toNormalizedFilePath file
Nothing -> logWarning (ideLogger ide) $ "Unknown scheme in URI: " <> getUri uri
textShow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
textShow = T.pack . show
setHandlersNotifications :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
{LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams TextDocumentItem{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile ide _uri $ \file ->
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.insert file)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Opened text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidChangeTextDocumentParams VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} _) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Modified text document: " <> getUri _uri
setHandlersNotifications :: WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers
setHandlersNotifications WithMessage{..} x = return x{
LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification $ \ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams item) -> do
case URI.parseURI $ T.unpack $ getUri $ _uri (item :: TextDocumentItem) of
Just uri
| URI.uriScheme uri == "file:"
-> handleDidOpenFile ide item
| otherwise
-> logWarning (ideLogger ide) $ "Unknown scheme in URI: "
<> textShow uri
_ -> logSeriousError (ideLogger ide) $ "Invalid URI in DidOpenTextDocument: "
<> textShow (_uri (item :: TextDocumentItem))
,LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification $ \ide (DidChangeTextDocumentParams docId _) -> do
let uri = _uri (docId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier)
case uriToFilePath' uri of
Just (toNormalizedFilePath -> filePath) -> do
onFileModified ide filePath
logInfo (ideLogger ide)
$ "Updated text document: " <> textShow (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
Nothing ->
logSeriousError (ideLogger ide)
$ "Invalid file path: " <> textShow (_uri (docId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier))
,LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification $ \ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri)) ->
case URI.parseURI $ T.unpack $ getUri uri of
Just uri'
| URI.uriScheme uri' == "file:" -> do
Just fp <- pure $ toNormalizedFilePath <$> uriToFilePath' uri
handleDidCloseFile ide fp
| otherwise -> logWarning (ideLogger ide) $ "Unknown scheme in URI: " <> textShow uri
_ -> logSeriousError (ideLogger ide)
$ "Invalid URI in DidCloseTextDocument: "
<> textShow uri
,LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile ide _uri $ \file ->
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.delete file)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Closed text document: " <> getUri _uri
-- Note that the state changes here are not atomic.
-- When we have parallel compilation we could manage the state
-- changes in STM so that we can atomically change the state.
-- Internally it should be done via the IO oracle. See PROD-2808.
handleDidOpenFile ide (TextDocumentItem uri _ _ _) = do
Just filePath <- pure $ toNormalizedFilePath <$> uriToFilePath' uri
onFileModified ide filePath
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.insert filePath)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Opened text document: " <> textShow filePath
handleDidCloseFile ide filePath = do
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Closed text document: " <> textShow (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
onFileModified ide filePath
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.delete filePath)
-- | Manages the file store (caching compilation results and unsaved content).
:: IdeState
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> IO ()
onFileModified service fp = do
logDebug (ideLogger service) $ "File modified " <> T.pack (show fp)
-- if we get here then we must be using the LSP framework, in which case we don't
-- need to bother sending file modifications, other than to force the database to rerun
setBufferModified service fp Nothing
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Development.IDE.LSP.Server
( runServer
, Handlers(..)
, WithMessage(..)
, PartialHandlers(..)
) where
@ -38,10 +39,26 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Service
data WithMessage = WithMessage
{withResponse :: forall m req resp . (ResponseMessage resp -> LSP.FromServerMessage) -> (IdeState -> req -> IO resp) -> Maybe (LSP.Handler (RequestMessage m req resp))
,withNotification :: forall m req . (IdeState -> req -> IO ()) -> Maybe (LSP.Handler (NotificationMessage m req))
{withResponse :: forall m req resp .
(ResponseMessage resp -> LSP.FromServerMessage) -> -- how to wrap a response
(IdeState -> req -> IO resp) -> -- actual work
Maybe (LSP.Handler (RequestMessage m req resp))
,withNotification :: forall m req .
Maybe (LSP.Handler (NotificationMessage m req)) -> -- old notification handler
(IdeState -> req -> IO ()) -> -- actual work
Maybe (LSP.Handler (NotificationMessage m req))
newtype PartialHandlers = PartialHandlers (WithMessage -> LSP.Handlers -> IO LSP.Handlers)
instance Default PartialHandlers where
def = PartialHandlers $ \_ x -> pure x
instance Semigroup PartialHandlers where
PartialHandlers a <> PartialHandlers b = PartialHandlers $ \w x -> a w x >>= b w
instance Monoid PartialHandlers where
mempty = def
-- Server execution
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Demo(main) where
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import System.Time.Extra
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ main = do
if "--lsp" `elem` args then do
hPutStrLn stderr "Starting IDE server"
runLanguageServer $ \event vfs -> do
runLanguageServer def def $ \event vfs -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "Server started"
initialise (mainRule >> action kick) event logger options vfs
else do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user