Delete redundant code (#1199)

This commit is contained in:
Neil Mitchell 2019-05-16 17:34:54 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 46c3867409
commit 2e704bdabd
3 changed files with 10 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ import MkIface
import NameCache
import StringBuffer as SB
import TidyPgm
import InstEnv
import FamInstEnv
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -139,16 +137,14 @@ typecheckModule
:: IdeOptions
-> ParsedModule
-> HscEnv
-> UniqSupply
-> [TcModuleResult]
-> [LoadPackageResult]
-> ParsedModule
-> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe TcModuleResult)
typecheckModule opt mod packageState uniqSupply deps pkgs pm =
typecheckModule opt mod packageState deps pm =
fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) $ Ex.runExceptT $
runGhcSessionExcept opt (Just mod) packageState $
catchSrcErrors $ do
setupEnv uniqSupply deps pkgs
setupEnv deps
(warnings, tcm) <- withWarnings "Typechecker" $ \tweak ->
GHC.typecheckModule pm{pm_mod_summary = tweak $ pm_mod_summary pm}
tcm2 <- mkTcModuleResult (WriteInterface $ optWriteIface opt) tcm
@ -158,23 +154,13 @@ typecheckModule opt mod packageState uniqSupply deps pkgs pm =
loadPackage ::
-> HscEnv
-> UniqSupply
-> [LoadPackageResult]
-> InstalledUnitId
-> IO (Either [FileDiagnostic] LoadPackageResult)
loadPackage opt packageState us lps p =
loadPackage opt packageState p =
Ex.runExceptT $
runGhcSessionExcept opt Nothing packageState $
catchSrcErrors $ do
setupEnv us [] lps
dflags <- hsc_dflags <$> getSession
exposedMods <- liftIO $ exposedModules <$> getPackage dflags p
let mods =
[ Module (DefiniteUnitId (DefUnitId p)) mod
| (mod, _mbParent) <- exposedMods
, False {- HLINT ignore "Short-circuited list comprehension" -}
forM_ mods $ \mod -> GHC.getModuleInfo mod
setupEnv []
-- this populates the namecache and external package state
session <- getSession
modEnv <- nsNames <$> liftIO (readIORef $ hsc_NC session)
@ -187,16 +173,14 @@ compileModule
:: IdeOptions
-> ParsedModule
-> HscEnv
-> UniqSupply
-> [TcModuleResult]
-> [LoadPackageResult]
-> TcModuleResult
-> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe GhcModule)
compileModule opt mod packageState uniqSupply deps pkgs tmr =
compileModule opt mod packageState deps tmr =
fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) $ Ex.runExceptT $
runGhcSessionExcept opt (Just mod) packageState $
catchSrcErrors $ do
setupEnv uniqSupply (deps ++ [tmr]) pkgs
setupEnv (deps ++ [tmr])
let tm = tmrModule tmr
session <- getSession
@ -259,29 +243,6 @@ moduleImportPaths pm
rootModDir = takeDirectory . moduleNameSlashes . GHC.moduleName $ mod'
-- When we make a fresh GHC environment, the OrigNameCache comes already partially
-- populated. So to be safe, we simply extend this one.
mkNameCache :: GhcMonad m => UniqSupply -> [TcModuleResult] -> [LoadPackageResult] -> m NameCache
mkNameCache uniqSupply tms pkgs = do
session <- getSession
onc <- nsNames <$> liftIO (readIORef $ hsc_NC session)
return NameCache
{ nsUniqs = uniqSupply
, nsNames = extendOrigNameCache' onc tms pkgs
-- | Extend the name cache with the names from the typechecked home modules and the loaded packages.
-- If we have two environments containing the same module we take the later one. We do this because
-- the name cache comes prepopulated with modules from daml-prim and we overwrite those with our own
-- daml-prim package.
extendOrigNameCache' :: OrigNameCache -> [TcModuleResult] -> [LoadPackageResult] -> OrigNameCache
extendOrigNameCache' onc tms pkgs = foldl (plusModuleEnv_C (\_x y -> y)) onc modEnvs
modEnvs =
[(ms_mod $ tcModSummary $ tmrModule tm, tmrOccEnvName tm) | tm <- tms] :
[lprModuleEnv lm | lm <- pkgs]
newtype WriteInterface = WriteInterface Bool
@ -319,8 +280,8 @@ tcModSummary = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module
-- | Setup the environment that GHC needs according to our
-- best understanding (!)
setupEnv :: GhcMonad m => UniqSupply -> [TcModuleResult] -> [LoadPackageResult] -> m ()
setupEnv uniqSupply tms lps = do
setupEnv :: GhcMonad m => [TcModuleResult] -> m ()
setupEnv tms = do
session <- getSession
let mss = map (pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module . tmrModule) tms
@ -337,64 +298,9 @@ setupEnv uniqSupply tms lps = do
foldl' (\fc (im, ifr) -> GHC.extendInstalledModuleEnv fc im ifr) fc
$ zip ims ifrs
when False $ do
-- construct a new NameCache
nc' <- mkNameCache uniqSupply tms lps
-- update the name cache
liftIO $ modifyIORef (hsc_NC session) $ const nc'
-- update the external package state
liftIO $ modifyIORef (hsc_EPS session) (updateEps lps)
-- load dependent modules, which must be in topological order.
mapM_ loadModuleHome tms
-- | Update the external package state given the loaded package results.
updateEps :: [LoadPackageResult] -> ExternalPackageState -> ExternalPackageState
updateEps lps eps =
{ eps_inst_env = newInstEnv
, eps_PIT = newPIT
, eps_PTE = newPTE
, eps_rule_base = newRuleBase
, eps_complete_matches = newCompleteMatches
, eps_fam_inst_env = newFamInst
, eps_ann_env = newAnnEnv
, eps_mod_fam_inst_env = newModFamInstEnv
(newInstEnv, (newPIT, (newPTE, (newRuleBase, (newCompleteMatches, (newFamInst, (newAnnEnv, newModFamInstEnv))))))) =
(\(instEnv, (pit, (pte, (ruleBase, (completeMatches, (famInst, (annEnv, modFamInstEnv))))))) ->
(instEnv `extendInstEnvList0`) ***
(pit `plusModuleEnv`) ***
(pte `plusTypeEnv`) ***
(ruleBase `unionRuleBase`) ***
(completeMatches `extendCompleteMatchMap`) ***
(famInst `extendFamInstEnvList`) ***
(annEnv `plusAnnEnv`) *** (modFamInstEnv `plusModuleEnv`))
( emptyInstEnv
, ( emptyPackageIfaceTable
, ( emptyTypeEnv
, ( emptyRuleBase
, (emptyUFM, (emptyFamInstEnv, (emptyAnnEnv, emptyModuleEnv)))))))
[ ( instEnvElts $ eps_inst_env e
, ( eps_PIT e
, ( eps_PTE e
, ( eps_rule_base e
, ( concat $ eltsUFM $ eps_complete_matches e
, ( famInstEnvElts $ eps_fam_inst_env e
, (eps_ann_env e, eps_mod_fam_inst_env e)))))))
| p <- lps
, let e = lprEps p
-- TODO (drsk): This is necessary because the EPS that we store include the results of
-- previously loaded packages and we end up adding instances several times to the environment.
-- It would be better to have pure delta stored in the LoadPackageResult, such that it
-- contains only identities/instances/names coming from that specific loaded package, but I
-- failed so far in computing the correct delta.
extendInstEnvList0 instEnv0 clsInsts =
extendInstEnvList emptyInstEnv $
nubOrdOn is_dfun_name $ instEnvElts instEnv0 ++ clsInsts
-- | Load a module, quickly. Input doesn't need to be desugared.
-- A module must be loaded before dependent modules can be typechecked.

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@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ type instance RuleResult GetDependencies = TransitiveDependencies
-- | The type checked version of this file, requires TypeCheck+
type instance RuleResult TypeCheck = TcModuleResult
-- | The result of loading a module from a package.
type instance RuleResult LoadPackage = LoadPackageResult
-- | Information about what spans occur where, requires TypeCheck
type instance RuleResult GetSpanInfo = [SpanInfo]
@ -111,11 +108,6 @@ data TypeCheck = TypeCheck
instance Hashable TypeCheck
instance NFData TypeCheck
data LoadPackage = LoadPackage InstalledUnitId
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable LoadPackage
instance NFData LoadPackage
data GetSpanInfo = GetSpanInfo
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetSpanInfo

View File

@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ module Development.IDE.State.Rules(
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJust)
import qualified Development.IDE.Functions.Compile as Compile
@ -73,16 +71,6 @@ defineNoFile f = define $ \k file -> do
fail $ "Rule " ++ show k ++ " should always be called with the empty string for a file"
-- | Return a distinct supply of uniques.
getUniqSupply :: Action UniqSupply
getUniqSupply =
getServiceEnv >>= liftIO . getUniqSupplyFrom
getUniqSupplyFrom :: Env -> IO UniqSupply
getUniqSupplyFrom Env{..} =
modifyVar envUniqSupplyVar $ evaluate . splitUniqSupply
-- Exposed API
@ -290,45 +278,23 @@ typeCheckRule =
define $ \TypeCheck file -> do
pm <- use_ GetParsedModule file
deps <- use_ GetDependencies file
lps <- mapM (flip use_ "" . LoadPackage) (transitivePkgDeps deps)
tms <- uses_ TypeCheck (transitiveModuleDeps deps)
setPriority PriorityTypeCheck
us <- getUniqSupply
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.typecheckModule opt pm packageState us tms lps pm
loadPackageRule :: Rules ()
loadPackageRule =
defineNoFile $ \(LoadPackage pkg) -> do
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
pkgs <- liftIO $ Compile.computePackageDeps opt packageState pkg
case pkgs of
Left e -> do
reportSeriousErrorDie $ "LoadPackage " ++ show pkg ++ " computePackageDeps failed, " ++ show e
Right v -> do
lps <- mapM (flip use_ "" . LoadPackage) v
us <- getUniqSupply
res <- liftIO $ Compile.loadPackage opt packageState us lps pkg
case res of
Left e -> reportSeriousErrorDie $ "LoadPackage " ++ show pkg ++ " loadPackage failed, " ++ show e
Right v -> return v
liftIO $ Compile.typecheckModule opt pm packageState tms pm
generateCoreRule :: Rules ()
generateCoreRule =
define $ \GenerateCore file -> do
deps <- use_ GetDependencies file
lps <- mapM (flip use_ "" . LoadPackage) (transitivePkgDeps deps)
(tm:tms) <- uses_ TypeCheck (file:transitiveModuleDeps deps)
let pm = tm_parsed_module . Compile.tmrModule $ tm
setPriority PriorityGenerateDalf
us <- getUniqSupply
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.compileModule opt pm packageState us tms lps tm
liftIO $ Compile.compileModule opt pm packageState tms tm
loadGhcSession :: Rules ()
loadGhcSession =
@ -359,7 +325,6 @@ mainRule = do