Make sure warnings use unqualified names where appropriate

Because we are constructing the message objects ourselves, as
opposed to error messages which are constructed by GHC, we need
to take care to respect the passed-in 'PprStyle'.
This commit is contained in:
Ganesh Sittampalam 2019-09-13 13:20:10 +01:00
parent 4aa1821fe2
commit 316d78a471
2 changed files with 21 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ withWarnings :: GhcMonad m => T.Text -> ((ModSummary -> ModSummary) -> m a) -> m
withWarnings diagSource action = do
warnings <- liftIO $ newVar []
oldFlags <- getDynFlags
let newAction dynFlags _ _ loc _ msg = do
let d = diagFromErrMsg diagSource dynFlags $ mkPlainWarnMsg dynFlags loc msg
let newAction :: DynFlags -> WarnReason -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> PprStyle -> SDoc -> IO ()
newAction dynFlags _ _ loc style msg = do
let d = diagFromErrMsg diagSource dynFlags $ mkWarnMsg dynFlags loc (queryQual style) msg
modifyVar_ warnings $ return . (d:)
setLogAction newAction
res <- action $ \x -> x{ms_hspp_opts = (ms_hspp_opts x){log_action = newAction}}

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@ -206,6 +206,24 @@ diagnosticTests = testGroup "diagnostics"
, testSession "unqualified warnings" $ do
let fooContent = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-}"
, "module Foo where"
, "foo :: Ord a => a -> Int"
, "foo a = 1"
_ <- openDoc' "Foo.hs" "haskell" fooContent
[ ( "Foo.hs"
-- The test is to make sure that warnings contain unqualified names
-- where appropriate. The warning should use an unqualified name 'Ord', not
-- sometihng like 'GHC.Classes.Ord'. The choice of redundant-constraints to
-- test this is fairly arbitrary.
, [(DsWarning, (2, 0), "Redundant constraint: Ord a")
codeActionTests :: TestTree