mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 18:23:38 +03:00
Introduce a newtype for file paths with normalized slashes (#1633)
This implements part 2 of #1507 and fixes the daml-ghc-test-dev test suite on Windows (not enabled on CI due to GRPC issues). I have also tested this in the IDE on Windows and Linux.
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ getSrcSpanInfos
:: IdeOptions
-> ParsedModule
-> HscEnv
-> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)]
-> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)]
-> TcModuleResult
-> IO [SpanInfo]
getSrcSpanInfos opt mod env imports tc =
@ -36,20 +36,20 @@ import Module
-- | Unprocessed results that we get from following all imports recursively starting from a module.
data RawDependencyInformation = RawDependencyInformation
{ moduleDependencies :: Map FilePath (Either ModuleParseError [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)])
, pkgDependencies :: Map FilePath (Set InstalledUnitId)
{ moduleDependencies :: Map NormalizedFilePath (Either ModuleParseError [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)])
, pkgDependencies :: Map NormalizedFilePath (Set InstalledUnitId)
-- ^ Transitive dependencies on pkgs of this file, i.e. immidiate package dependencies and the
-- transitive package dependencies of those packages.
data DependencyInformation =
{ depErrorNodes :: Map FilePath (NonEmpty NodeError)
{ depErrorNodes :: Map NormalizedFilePath (NonEmpty NodeError)
-- ^ Nodes that cannot be processed correctly.
, depModuleDeps :: Map FilePath (Set FilePath)
, depModuleDeps :: Map NormalizedFilePath (Set NormalizedFilePath)
-- ^ For a non-error node, this contains the set of module immediate dependencies
-- in the same package.
, depPkgDeps :: Map FilePath (Set InstalledUnitId)
, depPkgDeps :: Map NormalizedFilePath (Set InstalledUnitId)
-- ^ For a non-error node, this contains the set of immediate pkg deps.
} deriving (Show, Generic)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ instance NFData LocateError
-- | An error attached to a node in the dependency graph.
data NodeError
= PartOfCycle (Located ModuleName) [FilePath]
= PartOfCycle (Located ModuleName) [NormalizedFilePath]
-- ^ This module is part of an import cycle. The module name corresponds
-- to the import that enters the cycle starting from this module.
-- The list of filepaths represents the elements
@ -94,10 +94,12 @@ instance NFData NodeError where
-- `ErrorNode`. Otherwise it is a `SuccessNode`.
data NodeResult
= ErrorNode (NonEmpty NodeError)
| SuccessNode [(Located ModuleName, FilePath)]
| SuccessNode [(Located ModuleName, NormalizedFilePath)]
deriving Show
partitionNodeResults :: [(a, NodeResult)] -> ([(a, NonEmpty NodeError)], [(a, [(Located ModuleName, FilePath)])])
:: [(a, NodeResult)]
-> ([(a, NonEmpty NodeError)], [(a, [(Located ModuleName, NormalizedFilePath)])])
partitionNodeResults = partitionEithers . map f
where f (a, ErrorNode errs) = Left (a, errs)
f (a, SuccessNode imps) = Right (a, imps)
@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ processDependencyInformation rawResults =
, depPkgDeps = pkgDependencies rawResults
where resultGraph = buildResultGraph rawResults
successEdges :: [(FilePath, FilePath, [FilePath])]
successEdges :: [(NormalizedFilePath, NormalizedFilePath, [NormalizedFilePath])]
successEdges = map (\(k,ks) -> (k,k,ks)) $ MS.toList $
MS.map (map snd) $ MS.mapMaybe successNode resultGraph
moduleDeps =
@ -131,22 +133,22 @@ processDependencyInformation rawResults =
-- 2. Mark each node that has a parse error as an error node.
-- 3. Mark each node whose immediate children could not be located as an error.
-- 4. Recursively propagate errors to parents if they are not already error nodes.
buildResultGraph :: RawDependencyInformation -> Map FilePath NodeResult
buildResultGraph :: RawDependencyInformation -> Map NormalizedFilePath NodeResult
buildResultGraph g = propagatedErrors
sccs = stronglyConnComp (graphEdges g)
(_, cycles) = partitionSCC sccs
cycleErrors :: Map FilePath NodeResult
cycleErrors :: Map NormalizedFilePath NodeResult
cycleErrors = MS.unionsWith (<>) $ map errorsForCycle cycles
errorsForCycle :: [FilePath] -> Map FilePath NodeResult
errorsForCycle :: [NormalizedFilePath] -> Map NormalizedFilePath NodeResult
errorsForCycle files =
MS.fromListWith (<>) (concatMap (cycleErrorsForFile files) files)
cycleErrorsForFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> [(FilePath,NodeResult)]
cycleErrorsForFile :: [NormalizedFilePath] -> NormalizedFilePath -> [(NormalizedFilePath,NodeResult)]
cycleErrorsForFile cycle f =
let entryPoints = mapMaybe (findImport f) cycle
in map (\imp -> (f, ErrorNode (PartOfCycle imp cycle :| []))) entryPoints
otherErrors = MS.map otherErrorsForFile (moduleDependencies g)
otherErrorsForFile :: Either ModuleParseError [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)] -> NodeResult
otherErrorsForFile :: Either ModuleParseError [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)] -> NodeResult
otherErrorsForFile (Left err) = ErrorNode (ParseError err :| [])
otherErrorsForFile (Right imports) =
let toEither (imp, Nothing) = Left imp
@ -171,17 +173,17 @@ buildResultGraph g = propagatedErrors
in case nonEmpty errs of
Nothing -> n
Just errs' -> ErrorNode (NonEmpty.map (ParentOfErrorNode . fst) errs')
findImport :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe (Located ModuleName)
findImport :: NormalizedFilePath -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe (Located ModuleName)
findImport file importedFile =
case moduleDependencies g MS.! file of
Left _ -> error "Tried to call findImport on a module with a parse error"
Right imports ->
fmap fst $ find (\(_, resolvedImp) -> resolvedImp == Just importedFile) imports
graphEdges :: RawDependencyInformation -> [(FilePath, FilePath, [FilePath])]
graphEdges :: RawDependencyInformation -> [(NormalizedFilePath, NormalizedFilePath, [NormalizedFilePath])]
graphEdges g =
map (\(k, ks) -> (k, k, ks)) $ MS.toList $ MS.map deps $ moduleDependencies g
where deps :: Either e [(i, Maybe FilePath)] -> [FilePath]
where deps :: Either e [(i, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)] -> [NormalizedFilePath]
deps (Left _) = []
deps (Right imports) = mapMaybe snd imports
@ -190,17 +192,17 @@ partitionSCC (CyclicSCC xs:rest) = second (xs:) $ partitionSCC rest
partitionSCC (AcyclicSCC x:rest) = first (x:) $ partitionSCC rest
partitionSCC [] = ([], [])
transitiveDeps :: DependencyInformation -> FilePath -> Maybe TransitiveDependencies
transitiveDeps :: DependencyInformation -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe TransitiveDependencies
transitiveDeps DependencyInformation{..} f = do
reachableVs <- Set.delete f . Set.fromList . map (fst3 . fromVertex) . reachable g <$> toVertex f
let transitiveModuleDeps = filter (\v -> v `Set.member` reachableVs) $ map (fst3 . fromVertex) vs
let transitivePkgDeps = Set.toList $ foldMap (\f -> MS.findWithDefault Set.empty f depPkgDeps) (f : transitiveModuleDeps)
pure $ TransitiveDependencies {..}
pure TransitiveDependencies {..}
where (g, fromVertex, toVertex) = graphFromEdges (map (\(f, fs) -> (f, f, Set.toList fs)) $ MS.toList depModuleDeps)
vs = topSort g
data TransitiveDependencies = TransitiveDependencies
{ transitiveModuleDeps :: [FilePath]
{ transitiveModuleDeps :: [NormalizedFilePath]
-- ^ Transitive module dependencies in topological order.
-- The module itself is not included.
, transitivePkgDeps :: [InstalledUnitId]
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Functions.FindImports
import Development.IDE.Functions.GHCError as ErrUtils
import Development.IDE.Orphans()
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
-- GHC imports
import BasicTypes (StringLiteral(..))
import DynFlags
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as Ex
import System.FilePath
data Import
= FileImport FilePath
= FileImport NormalizedFilePath
| PackageImport M.InstalledUnitId
deriving (Show)
@ -67,11 +68,11 @@ getImportsParsed dflags (L loc parsed) = do
locateModuleFile :: MonadIO m
=> DynFlags
-> [String]
-> (FilePath -> m Bool)
-> (NormalizedFilePath -> m Bool)
-> ModuleName
-> m (Maybe FilePath)
-> m (Maybe NormalizedFilePath)
locateModuleFile dflags exts doesExist modName = do
let candidates = [ prefix </> M.moduleNameSlashes modName <.> ext | prefix <- importPaths dflags, ext <- exts]
let candidates = [ toNormalizedFilePath (prefix </> M.moduleNameSlashes modName <.> ext) | prefix <- importPaths dflags, ext <- exts]
findM doesExist candidates
-- | locate a module in either the file system or the package database. Where we go from *daml to
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ locateModule
:: MonadIO m
=> DynFlags
-> [String]
-> (FilePath -> m Bool)
-> (NormalizedFilePath -> m Bool)
-> Located ModuleName
-> Maybe FastString
-> m (Either [FileDiagnostic] Import)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ mkDiag dflags src e =
case toDSeverity $ errMsgSeverity e of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just bSeverity ->
Just $ (srcSpanToFilename $ errMsgSpan e,)
Just $ (toNormalizedFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename (errMsgSpan e),)
{ _range = srcSpanToRange $ errMsgSpan e
, _severity = Just bSeverity
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ srcSpanToFilename (RealSrcSpan real) = FS.unpackFS $ srcSpanFile real
srcSpanToLocation :: SrcSpan -> Location
srcSpanToLocation src =
Location (fromNormalizedUri $ D.filePathToUri' $ srcSpanToFilename src) (srcSpanToRange src)
Location (filePathToUri $ srcSpanToFilename src) (srcSpanToRange src)
-- | Convert a GHC severity to a DAML compiler Severity. Severities below
-- "Warning" level are dropped (returning Nothing).
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Desugar
import GHC
import GhcMonad
import FastString (mkFastString)
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.SpanInfo
import Development.IDE.Functions.GHCError (zeroSpan)
import Prelude hiding (mod)
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ import Var
-- | Get ALL source spans in the module.
getSpanInfo :: GhcMonad m
=> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)] -- ^ imports
=> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)] -- ^ imports
-> TypecheckedModule
-> m [SpanInfo]
getSpanInfo mods tcm =
@ -94,17 +95,17 @@ getTypeLPat _ pat =
(Named (dataConName dc), spn)
getSpanSource _ = (NoSource, noSrcSpan)
importInfo :: [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)]
importInfo :: [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)]
-> [(SpanSource, SrcSpan, Maybe Type)]
importInfo = mapMaybe (uncurry wrk) where
wrk :: Located ModuleName -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe (SpanSource, SrcSpan, Maybe Type)
wrk :: Located ModuleName -> Maybe NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe (SpanSource, SrcSpan, Maybe Type)
wrk modName = \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just afp -> Just (afpToSpanSource afp, getLoc modName, Nothing)
Just fp -> Just (fpToSpanSource $ fromNormalizedFilePath fp, getLoc modName, Nothing)
-- TODO make this point to the module name
afpToSpanSource :: FilePath -> SpanSource
afpToSpanSource afp = Span $ RealSrcSpan $ zeroSpan $ mkFastString afp
fpToSpanSource :: FilePath -> SpanSource
fpToSpanSource fp = Span $ RealSrcSpan $ zeroSpan $ mkFastString fp
-- | Get ALL source spans in the source.
listifyAllSpans :: Typeable a
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ getFileExistsRule vfs =
res <- liftIO $ handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> return False) $
(isJust <$> getVirtualFile vfs (filePathToUri' file)) ||^
Dir.doesFileExist file
Dir.doesFileExist (fromNormalizedFilePath file)
return (Just $ if res then BS.singleton '1' else BS.empty, ([], Just res))
@ -107,14 +107,16 @@ showTimePrecise UTCTime{..} = show (toModifiedJulianDay utctDay, diffTimeToPicos
getModificationTimeRule :: VFSHandle -> Rules ()
getModificationTimeRule vfs =
defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetModificationTime file -> do
let file' = fromNormalizedFilePath file
let wrap time = (Just $ BS.pack $ showTimePrecise time, ([], Just $ ModificationTime time))
mbVirtual <- liftIO $ getVirtualFile vfs $ filePathToUri' file
case mbVirtual of
Just (VirtualFile ver _ _) -> pure (Just $ BS.pack $ show ver, ([], Just $ VFSVersion ver))
Nothing -> liftIO $ fmap wrap (Dir.getModificationTime file) `catch` \(e :: IOException) -> do
let err | isDoesNotExistError e = "File does not exist: " ++ file
| otherwise = "IO error while reading " ++ file ++ ", " ++ displayException e
Nothing -> liftIO $ fmap wrap (Dir.getModificationTime file')
`catch` \(e :: IOException) -> do
let err | isDoesNotExistError e = "File does not exist: " ++ file'
| otherwise = "IO error while reading " ++ file' ++ ", " ++ displayException e
return (Nothing, ([ideErrorText file $ T.pack err], Nothing))
@ -127,16 +129,16 @@ getFileContentsRule vfs =
mbVirtual <- getVirtualFile vfs $ filePathToUri' file
case mbVirtual of
Just (VirtualFile _ rope _) -> return $ textToStringBuffer $ Rope.toText rope
Nothing -> hGetStringBuffer file
Nothing -> hGetStringBuffer (fromNormalizedFilePath file)
case res of
Left err -> return ([err], Nothing)
Right contents -> return ([], Just (time, contents))
getFileContents :: FilePath -> Action (FileVersion, StringBuffer)
getFileContents :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (FileVersion, StringBuffer)
getFileContents = use_ GetFileContents
getFileExists :: FilePath -> Action Bool
getFileExists :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action Bool
getFileExists =
-- we deliberately and intentionally wrap the file as an FilePath WITHOUT mkAbsolute
-- so that if the file doesn't exist, is on a shared drive that is unmounted etc we get a properly
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ fileStoreRules vfs = do
-- | Notify the compiler service of a modified buffer
setBufferModified :: IdeState -> FilePath -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ()
setBufferModified :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ()
setBufferModified state absFile mbContents = do
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
case mbContents of
@ -74,41 +74,38 @@ defineNoFile f = define $ \k file -> do
-- | Get GHC Core for the supplied file.
getGhcCore :: FilePath -> Action (Maybe [CoreModule])
getGhcCore :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe [CoreModule])
getGhcCore file = eitherToMaybe <$> runExceptT (coresForFile file)
-- | Generate the GHC Core for the supplied file and its dependencies.
coresForFile :: FilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action [CoreModule]
coresForFile :: NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action [CoreModule]
coresForFile file = do
files <- transitiveModuleDeps <$> useE GetDependencies file
pms <- usesE GetParsedModule $ files ++ [file]
fs <- liftIO
. mapM fileFromParsedModule
$ pms
cores <- usesE GenerateCore fs
cores <- usesE GenerateCore $ map fileFromParsedModule pms
pure (map Compile.gmCore cores)
-- | Get all transitive file dependencies of a given module.
-- Does not include the file itself.
getDependencies :: FilePath -> Action (Maybe [FilePath])
getDependencies :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe [NormalizedFilePath])
getDependencies file =
eitherToMaybe <$>
(runExceptT $ transitiveModuleDeps <$> useE GetDependencies file)
getDalfDependencies :: FilePath -> Action (Maybe [InstalledUnitId])
getDalfDependencies :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe [InstalledUnitId])
getDalfDependencies file =
eitherToMaybe <$>
(runExceptT $ transitivePkgDeps <$> useE GetDependencies file)
-- | Documentation at point.
getAtPoint :: FilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe (Maybe Range, [HoverText]))
getAtPoint :: NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe (Maybe Range, [HoverText]))
getAtPoint file pos = do
fmap (either (const Nothing) id) . runExceptT $ getAtPointForFile file pos
-- | Goto Definition.
getDefinition :: FilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe Location)
getDefinition :: NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe Location)
getDefinition file pos = do
fmap (either (const Nothing) id) . runExceptT $ getDefinitionForFile file pos
@ -118,18 +115,18 @@ getDefinition file pos = do
:: IdeRule k v
=> k -> FilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action v
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action v
useE k = ExceptT . fmap toIdeResultSilent . use k
-- picks the first error
:: IdeRule k v
=> k -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action [v]
=> k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action [v]
usesE k = ExceptT . fmap (mapM toIdeResultSilent) . uses k
-- | Try to get hover text for the name under point.
:: FilePath
:: NormalizedFilePath
-> Position
-> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action (Maybe (Maybe Range, [HoverText]))
getAtPointForFile file pos = do
@ -138,7 +135,7 @@ getAtPointForFile file pos = do
spans <- useE GetSpanInfo file
return $ AtPoint.atPoint (map Compile.tmrModule tms) spans pos
getDefinitionForFile :: FilePath -> Position -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action (Maybe Location)
getDefinitionForFile :: NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action (Maybe Location)
getDefinitionForFile file pos = do
spans <- useE GetSpanInfo file
pkgState <- useE GhcSession ""
@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ getParsedModuleRule =
(_, contents) <- getFileContents file
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
liftIO $ Compile.parseModule opt packageState file contents
liftIO $ Compile.parseModule opt packageState (fromNormalizedFilePath file) contents
getLocatedImportsRule :: Rules ()
getLocatedImportsRule =
@ -185,7 +182,7 @@ getLocatedImportsRule =
-- | Given a target file path, construct the raw dependency results by following
-- imports recursively.
rawDependencyInformation :: FilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action RawDependencyInformation
rawDependencyInformation :: NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] Action RawDependencyInformation
rawDependencyInformation f = go (Set.singleton f) Map.empty Map.empty
where go fs !modGraph !pkgs =
case Set.minView fs of
@ -242,7 +239,7 @@ reportImportCyclesRule =
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
where loc = srcSpanToLocation (getLoc imp)
fp = srcSpanToFilename (getLoc imp)
fp = toNormalizedFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename (getLoc imp)
getModuleName file = do
pm <- useE GetParsedModule file
pure (moduleNameString . moduleName . ms_mod $ pm_mod_summary pm)
@ -324,12 +321,12 @@ mainRule = do
fileFromParsedModule :: ParsedModule -> IO FilePath
fileFromParsedModule = pure . ms_hspp_file . pm_mod_summary
fileFromParsedModule :: ParsedModule -> NormalizedFilePath
fileFromParsedModule = toNormalizedFilePath . ms_hspp_file . pm_mod_summary
fileImports ::
[(Located ModuleName, Maybe Import)]
-> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)]
-> [(Located ModuleName, Maybe NormalizedFilePath)]
fileImports = mapMaybe $ \case
(modName, Nothing) -> Just (modName, Nothing)
(modName, Just (FileImport absFile)) -> Just (modName, Just absFile)
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.Logger as Logger
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Development.IDE.Functions.GHCError
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (NormalizedFilePath)
import Development.Shake hiding (Diagnostic, Env, newCache)
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ import Development.IDE.State.Shake
data Env = Env
{ envOptions :: IdeOptions
-- ^ Compiler options.
, envOfInterestVar :: Var (Set FilePath)
, envOfInterestVar :: Var (Set NormalizedFilePath)
-- ^ The files of interest.
, envUniqSupplyVar :: Var UniqSupply
-- ^ The unique supply of names used by the compiler.
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ runActions x = join . shakeRun x
-- | Set the files-of-interest which will be built and kept-up-to-date.
setFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> Set FilePath -> IO ()
setFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> Set NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
setFilesOfInterest state files = do
Env{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
-- update vars synchronously
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ getIdeGlobalState = getIdeGlobalExtras . shakeExtras
-- | The state of the all values - nested so you can easily find all errors at a given file.
type Values = Map.HashMap (FilePath, Key) (Maybe Dynamic)
type Values = Map.HashMap (NormalizedFilePath, Key) (Maybe Dynamic)
-- | Key type
data Key = forall k . (Typeable k, Hashable k, Eq k, Show k) => Key k
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ profileCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newVar 0
setValues :: IdeRule k v
=> Var Values
-> k
-> FilePath
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> Maybe v
-> IO ()
setValues state key file val = modifyVar_ state $
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ setValues state key file val = modifyVar_ state $
-- | The outer Maybe is Nothing if this function hasn't been computed before
-- the inner Maybe is Nothing if the result of the previous computation failed to produce
-- a value
getValues :: forall k v. IdeRule k v => Var Values -> k -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Maybe v))
getValues :: forall k v. IdeRule k v => Var Values -> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (Maybe (Maybe v))
getValues state key file = do
vs <- readVar state
return $ do
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ shakeRun IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{..}, ..} acts = modifyVar shakeAbort $
-- | Use the last stale value, if it's ever been computed.
:: IdeRule k v
=> IdeState -> k -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe v)
=> IdeState -> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (Maybe v)
useStale IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{state}} k fp =
join <$> getValues state k fp
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ unsafeClearAllDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} =
writeVar diagnostics emptyDiagnostics
-- | Clear the results for all files that do not match the given predicate.
garbageCollect :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> Action ()
garbageCollect :: (NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) -> Action ()
garbageCollect keep = do
ShakeExtras{state, diagnostics} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $
@ -280,17 +280,17 @@ garbageCollect keep = do
:: IdeRule k v
=> (k -> FilePath -> Action (IdeResult v)) -> Rules ()
=> (k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (IdeResult v)) -> Rules ()
define op = defineEarlyCutoff $ \k v -> (Nothing,) <$> op k v
use :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> FilePath -> Action (Maybe v)
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe v)
use key file = head <$> uses key [file]
use_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> FilePath -> Action v
use_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action v
use_ key file = head <$> uses_ key [file]
uses_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> [FilePath] -> Action [v]
uses_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [v]
uses_ key files = do
res <- uses key files
case sequence res of
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ isBadDependency x
| otherwise = False
newtype Q k = Q (k, FilePath)
newtype Q k = Q (k, NormalizedFilePath)
deriving (Eq,Hashable,NFData)
-- Using Database we don't need Binary instances for keys
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ instance Binary (Q k) where
get = fail "Binary.get not defined for type Development.IDE.State.Shake.Q"
instance Show k => Show (Q k) where
show (Q (k, file)) = show k ++ "; " ++ file
show (Q (k, file)) = show k ++ "; " ++ fromNormalizedFilePath file
-- | Invariant: the 'v' must be in normal form (fully evaluated).
-- Otherwise we keep repeatedly 'rnf'ing values taken from the Shake database
@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ type instance RuleResult (Q k) = A (RuleResult k)
-- | Compute the value
uses :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> [FilePath] -> Action [Maybe v]
=> k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [Maybe v]
uses key files = map (\(A value _) -> value) <$> apply (map (Q . (key,)) files)
:: IdeRule k v
=> (k -> FilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, IdeResult v))
=> (k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, IdeResult v))
-> Rules ()
defineEarlyCutoff op = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity $ \(Q (key, file)) old mode -> do
extras@ShakeExtras{state} <- getShakeExtras
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff op = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity $ \(Q (key, file)) old m
unwrap x = if BS.null x then Nothing else Just $ BS.tail x
updateFileDiagnostics ::
-> Key
-> ShakeExtras
-> [Diagnostic] -- ^ current results
@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ updateFileDiagnostics fp k ShakeExtras{diagnostics, state} current = do
let newDiags = getFileDiagnostics fp newDiagsStore
pure (newDiagsStore, (newDiags, oldDiags))
when (newDiags /= oldDiags) $
sendEvent $ publishDiagnosticsNotification fp newDiags
sendEvent $ publishDiagnosticsNotification (fromNormalizedFilePath fp) newDiags
publishDiagnosticsNotification :: FilePath -> [Diagnostic] -> LSP.FromServerMessage
publishDiagnosticsNotification fp diags =
LSP.NotPublishDiagnostics $
LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics $
LSP.PublishDiagnosticsParams (fromNormalizedUri $ filePathToUri' fp) (List diags)
LSP.PublishDiagnosticsParams (LSP.filePathToUri fp) (List diags)
setPriority :: (Enum a) => a -> Action ()
setPriority p =
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (
@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (
@ -42,14 +46,18 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Syntax
import qualified Data.SortedList as SL
import System.FilePath
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJClass as Pretty
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP (
@ -67,6 +75,26 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
-- | Newtype wrapper around FilePath that always has normalized slashes.
newtype NormalizedFilePath = NormalizedFilePath FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, NFData)
instance IsString NormalizedFilePath where
fromString = toNormalizedFilePath
toNormalizedFilePath :: FilePath -> NormalizedFilePath
toNormalizedFilePath "" = NormalizedFilePath ""
toNormalizedFilePath fp = NormalizedFilePath $ normalise' fp
-- We do not use System.FilePath’s normalise here since that
-- also normalises things like the case of the drive letter
-- which NormalizedUri does not normalise so we get VFS lookup failures.
normalise' :: FilePath -> FilePath
normalise' = map (\c -> if isPathSeparator c then pathSeparator else c)
fromNormalizedFilePath :: NormalizedFilePath -> FilePath
fromNormalizedFilePath (NormalizedFilePath fp) = fp
-- | We use an empty string as a filepath when we don’t have a file.
-- However, haskell-lsp doesn’t support that in uriToFilePath and given
-- that it is not a valid filepath it does not make sense to upstream a fix.
@ -76,16 +104,16 @@ uriToFilePath' uri
| uri == filePathToUri "" = Just ""
| otherwise = LSP.uriToFilePath uri
filePathToUri' :: FilePath -> NormalizedUri
filePathToUri' fp = toNormalizedUri $ filePathToUri fp
filePathToUri' :: NormalizedFilePath -> NormalizedUri
filePathToUri' = toNormalizedUri . filePathToUri . fromNormalizedFilePath
ideErrorText :: FilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText fp = errorDiag fp "Ide Error"
ideErrorPretty :: Pretty.Pretty e => FilePath -> e -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorPretty :: Pretty.Pretty e => NormalizedFilePath -> e -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorPretty fp = ideErrorText fp . T.pack . Pretty.prettyShow
errorDiag :: FilePath -> T.Text -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
errorDiag :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
errorDiag fp src msg =
(fp, diagnostic noRange LSP.DsError src msg)
@ -119,9 +147,11 @@ defDiagnostic _range _message = LSP.Diagnostic {
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
ideTryIOException :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO (Either FileDiagnostic a)
ideTryIOException :: NormalizedFilePath -> IO a -> IO (Either FileDiagnostic a)
ideTryIOException fp act =
mapLeft (\(e :: IOException) -> ideErrorText fp $ T.pack $ show e) <$> try act
(\(e :: IOException) -> ideErrorText fp $ T.pack $ show e)
<$> try act
-- | Human readable diagnostics for a specific file.
@ -129,8 +159,8 @@ ideTryIOException fp act =
-- along with the related source location so that we can display the error
-- on either the console or in the IDE at the right source location.
type FileDiagnostics = (FilePath, [Diagnostic])
type FileDiagnostic = (FilePath, Diagnostic)
type FileDiagnostics = (NormalizedFilePath, [Diagnostic])
type FileDiagnostic = (NormalizedFilePath, Diagnostic)
prettyRange :: Range -> Doc SyntaxClass
prettyRange Range{..} = f _start <> "-" <> f _end
@ -152,7 +182,7 @@ prettyDiagnostics = vcat . map prettyDiagnostic
prettyDiagnostic :: FileDiagnostic -> Doc SyntaxClass
prettyDiagnostic (fp, LSP.Diagnostic{..}) =
[ slabel_ "File: " $ pretty fp
[ slabel_ "File: " $ pretty (fromNormalizedFilePath fp)
, slabel_ "Range: " $ prettyRange _range
, slabel_ "Source: " $ pretty _source
, slabel_ "Severity:" $ pretty $ show sev
@ -185,7 +215,7 @@ emptyDiagnostics = ProjectDiagnostics mempty
-- if you want to clear the diagnostics call this with an empty list
setStageDiagnostics ::
Show stage =>
FilePath ->
NormalizedFilePath ->
Maybe Int ->
-- ^ the time that the file these diagnostics originate from was last edited
stage ->
@ -198,8 +228,8 @@ setStageDiagnostics fp timeM stage diags (ProjectDiagnostics ds) =
diagsBySource = Map.singleton (Just $ T.pack $ show stage) (SL.toSortedList diags)
uri = filePathToUri' fp
fromUri :: LSP.NormalizedUri -> FilePath
fromUri = fromMaybe noFilePath . uriToFilePath' . fromNormalizedUri
fromUri :: LSP.NormalizedUri -> NormalizedFilePath
fromUri = toNormalizedFilePath . fromMaybe noFilePath . uriToFilePath' . fromNormalizedUri
getAllDiagnostics ::
ProjectDiagnostics stage ->
@ -208,7 +238,7 @@ getAllDiagnostics =
concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (fromUri k,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v) . Map.toList . getStore
getFileDiagnostics ::
FilePath ->
NormalizedFilePath ->
ProjectDiagnostics stage ->
getFileDiagnostics fp ds =
@ -217,10 +247,10 @@ getFileDiagnostics fp ds =
getStore ds
filterDiagnostics ::
(FilePath -> Bool) ->
(NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) ->
ProjectDiagnostics stage ->
ProjectDiagnostics stage
filterDiagnostics keep =
ProjectDiagnostics .
Map.filterWithKey (\uri _ -> maybe True keep $ uriToFilePath' $ fromNormalizedUri uri) .
Map.filterWithKey (\uri _ -> maybe True (keep . toNormalizedFilePath) $ uriToFilePath' $ fromNormalizedUri uri) .
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.LSP
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (uriToFilePath')
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import GHC.Generics
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ getHoverTextContent = \case
-- | Virtual resources
data VirtualResource = VRScenario
{ vrScenarioFile :: !FilePath
{ vrScenarioFile :: !NormalizedFilePath
, vrScenarioName :: !T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
-- ^ VRScenario identifies a scenario in a given file.
-- This virtual resource is associated with the HTML result of
-- interpreting the corresponding scenario.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import GHC.Paths
main :: IO ()
main = do
(ghcOptions, files) <- getCmdLine
(ghcOptions, map toNormalizedFilePath -> files) <- getCmdLine
-- lock to avoid overlapping output on stdout
lock <- newLock
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ main = do
-- | Print an LSP event.
showEvent :: Lock -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
showEvent _ (EventFileDiagnostics _ []) = return ()
showEvent lock (EventFileDiagnostics file diags) =
showEvent lock (EventFileDiagnostics (toNormalizedFilePath -> file) diags) =
withLock lock $ T.putStrLn $ showDiagnosticsColored $ map (file,) diags
showEvent lock e = withLock lock $ print e
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