More code actions for hie-core (#1948)

* Push the suggestion work further up

* Make LspFuncs an argument to the handlers

* Actually pass around the contents of the buffer to suggestAction

* Make suggestAction do sensible figuring out if you remove the next line too

* Better indentation

* Code action to add GHC extensions as required

* Deal with extra arguments to LSP handler
This commit is contained in:
Neil Mitchell 2019-07-01 08:30:37 +01:00 committed by Gary Verhaegen
parent ff492c37b3
commit 42221e66d5
6 changed files with 70 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -10,40 +10,88 @@ module Development.IDE.LSP.CodeAction
) where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import qualified Data.Rope.UTF16 as Rope
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Generate code actions.
:: IdeState
:: LSP.LspFuncs ()
-> IdeState
-> CodeActionParams
-> IO (List CAResult)
codeAction _ CodeActionParams{_textDocument=TextDocumentIdentifier uri,_context=CodeActionContext{_diagnostics=List xs}} = do
codeAction lsp _ CodeActionParams{_textDocument=TextDocumentIdentifier uri,_context=CodeActionContext{_diagnostics=List xs}} = do
-- disable logging as its quite verbose
-- logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $ "Code action req: " ++ show arg
contents <- LSP.getVirtualFileFunc lsp $ toNormalizedUri uri
let text = Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope) <$> contents
pure $ List
[ CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List [x]) (Just edit) Nothing
| x <- xs, (title, edit) <- suggestAction uri x]
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction text x
, let edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing
suggestAction :: Uri -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, LSP.WorkspaceEdit)]
suggestAction uri Diagnostic{..}
suggestAction :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestAction contents Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
-- File.hs:16:1: warning:
-- The import of `Data.List' is redundant
-- except perhaps to import instances from `Data.List'
-- To import instances alone, use: import Data.List()
| "The import of " `T.isInfixOf` _message
, " is redundant" `T.isInfixOf` _message
= [("Remove import", WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List [TextEdit _range ""]) Nothing)]
, let newlineAfter = maybe False (T.isPrefixOf "\n" . T.dropWhile (\x -> isSpace x && x /= '\n') . snd . textAtPosition _end) contents
, let extend = newlineAfter && _character _start == 0 -- takes up an entire line, so remove the whole line
= [("Remove import", [TextEdit (if extend then Range _start (Position (_line _end + 1) 0) else _range) ""])]
-- File.hs:22:8: error:
-- Illegal lambda-case (use -XLambdaCase)
-- File.hs:22:6: error:
-- Illegal view pattern: x -> foo
-- Use ViewPatterns to enable view patterns
-- File.hs:26:8: error:
-- Illegal `..' in record pattern
-- Use RecordWildCards to permit this
-- File.hs:53:28: error:
-- Illegal tuple section: use TupleSections
-- File.hs:238:29: error:
-- * Can't make a derived instance of `Data FSATrace':
-- You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive an instance for this class
-- * In the data declaration for `FSATrace'
-- C:\Neil\shake\src\Development\Shake\Command.hs:515:31: error:
-- * Illegal equational constraint a ~ ()
-- (Use GADTs or TypeFamilies to permit this)
-- * In the context: a ~ ()
-- While checking an instance declaration
-- In the instance declaration for `Unit (m a)'
| exts@(_:_) <- filter (`Set.member` ghcExtensions) $ T.split (not . isAlpha) $ T.replace "-X" "" _message
= [("Add " <> x <> " extension", [TextEdit (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 0 0)) $ "{-# LANGUAGE " <> x <> " #-}\n"]) | x <- exts]
suggestAction _ _ = []
-- | All the GHC extensions
ghcExtensions :: Set.HashSet T.Text
ghcExtensions = Set.fromList $ map (T.pack . show) [Cpp .. StarIsType] -- use enumerate from GHC 8.8 and beyond
textAtPosition :: Position -> T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text)
textAtPosition (Position row col) x
| (preRow, mid:postRow) <- splitAt row $ T.splitOn "\n" x
, (preCol, postCol) <- T.splitAt col mid
= (T.intercalate "\n" $ preRow ++ [preCol], T.intercalate "\n" $ postCol : postRow)
| otherwise = (x, T.empty)
setHandlersCodeAction :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersCodeAction = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.codeActionHandler = withResponse RspCodeAction codeAction

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@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ gotoDefinition ide (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos)
setHandlersDefinition :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersDefinition = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.definitionHandler = withResponse RspDefinition gotoDefinition
LSP.definitionHandler = withResponse RspDefinition $ const gotoDefinition

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@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ onHover ide (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = do
setHandlersHover :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersHover = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.hoverHandler = withResponse RspHover onHover
LSP.hoverHandler = withResponse RspHover $ const onHover

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ runLanguageServer options userHandlers getIdeState = do
clientMsgBarrier <- newBarrier
let withResponse wrap f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Response r wrap f
let withNotification old f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Notification r (\ide x -> f ide x >> whenJust old ($ r))
let withNotification old f = Just $ \r -> writeChan clientMsgChan $ Notification r (\lsp ide x -> f lsp ide x >> whenJust old ($ r))
let PartialHandlers parts =
setHandlersIgnore <> -- least important
setHandlersDefinition <> setHandlersHover <> setHandlersCodeAction <> -- useful features someone may override
@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ runLanguageServer options userHandlers getIdeState = do
msg <- readChan clientMsgChan
case msg of
Notification x@NotificationMessage{_params} act -> do
catch (act ide _params) $ \(e :: SomeException) ->
catch (act lspFuncs ide _params) $ \(e :: SomeException) ->
logError (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
"Unexpected exception on notification, please report!\n" ++
"Message: " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++
"Exception: " ++ show e
Response x@RequestMessage{_id, _params} wrap act ->
catch (do
res <- act ide _params
res <- act lspFuncs ide _params
sendFunc $ wrap $ ResponseMessage "2.0" (responseId _id) (Just res) Nothing
) $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
logError (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ setHandlersIgnore = PartialHandlers $ \_ x -> return x
-- | A message that we need to deal with - the pieces are split up with existentials to gain additional type safety
-- and defer precise processing until later (allows us to keep at a higher level of abstraction slightly longer)
data Message
= forall m req resp . (Show m, Show req) => Response (RequestMessage m req resp) (ResponseMessage resp -> FromServerMessage) (IdeState -> req -> IO resp)
| forall m req . (Show m, Show req) => Notification (NotificationMessage m req) (IdeState -> req -> IO ())
= forall m req resp . (Show m, Show req) => Response (RequestMessage m req resp) (ResponseMessage resp -> FromServerMessage) (LSP.LspFuncs () -> IdeState -> req -> IO resp)
| forall m req . (Show m, Show req) => Notification (NotificationMessage m req) (LSP.LspFuncs () -> IdeState -> req -> IO ())
modifyOptions :: LSP.Options -> LSP.Options

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@ -32,24 +32,24 @@ whenUriFile ide uri act = case LSP.uriToFilePath uri of
setHandlersNotifications :: PartialHandlers
setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
{LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams TextDocumentItem{_uri}) -> do
\_ ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams TextDocumentItem{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile ide _uri $ \file ->
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.insert file)
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Opened text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidChangeTextDocumentParams VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} _) -> do
\_ ide (DidChangeTextDocumentParams VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} _) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Modified text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidSaveTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
\_ ide (DidSaveTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Saved text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
\_ ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
setSomethingModified ide
whenUriFile ide _uri $ \file ->
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.delete file)

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@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Service
data WithMessage = WithMessage
{withResponse :: forall m req resp . (Show m, Show req) =>
(ResponseMessage resp -> LSP.FromServerMessage) -> -- how to wrap a response
(IdeState -> req -> IO resp) -> -- actual work
(LSP.LspFuncs () -> IdeState -> req -> IO resp) -> -- actual work
Maybe (LSP.Handler (RequestMessage m req resp))
,withNotification :: forall m req . (Show m, Show req) =>
Maybe (LSP.Handler (NotificationMessage m req)) -> -- old notification handler
(IdeState -> req -> IO ()) -> -- actual work
(LSP.LspFuncs () -> IdeState -> req -> IO ()) -> -- actual work
Maybe (LSP.Handler (NotificationMessage m req))