Support multiple hie.yaml files (#127)

* Hack around - hie-bios expects files to really exist on disk

* Fix getLocatedImportsRule to pass the file to the session

* Add support for multiple simultaneous hie.yaml files.
Also rewrites the user experience on setup to be less verbose.
Also adds masking for GHC session construction.

* HLint

* Code review comments

* Switch to the Strict map
This commit is contained in:
Neil Mitchell 2019-09-25 12:01:41 +01:00 committed by Moritz Kiefer
parent 37f19935e2
commit 60ed687de9
4 changed files with 72 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import System.Exit
import Paths_ghcide
import Development.Shake hiding (Env)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC hiding (def)
import qualified GHC.Paths
@ -64,13 +65,12 @@ main = do
-- lock to avoid overlapping output on stdout
lock <- newLock
let logger = Logger $ \pri msg -> withLock lock $
let logger p = Logger $ \pri msg -> when (pri >= p) $ withLock lock $
T.putStrLn $ T.pack ("[" ++ upper (show pri) ++ "] ") <> msg
whenJust argsCwd setCurrentDirectory
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
hPutStrLn stderr dir
if argLSP then do
t <- offsetTime
@ -78,31 +78,43 @@ main = do
runLanguageServer def def $ \event vfs caps -> do
t <- t
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Started LSP server in " ++ showDuration t
let options = (defaultIdeOptions $ loadEnvironment dir)
-- very important we only call loadSession once, and it's fast, so just do it before starting
session <- loadSession dir
let options = (defaultIdeOptions $ return session)
{ optReportProgress = clientSupportsProgress caps }
initialise (mainRule >> action kick) event logger options vfs
initialise (mainRule >> action kick) event (logger minBound) options vfs
else do
-- Note that this whole section needs to change once we have genuine
-- multi environment support. Needs rewriting in terms of loadEnvironment.
putStrLn "[1/6] Finding hie-bios cradle"
cradle <- getCradle dir
print cradle
putStrLn $ "Ghcide setup tester in " ++ dir ++ "."
putStrLn "Report bugs at"
putStrLn "\n[2/6] Converting Cradle to GHC session"
env <- newSession' cradle
putStrLn "\n[3/6] Initialising IDE session"
vfs <- makeVFSHandle
ide <- initialise mainRule (showEvent lock) logger (defaultIdeOptions $ return $ const $ return env) vfs
putStrLn "\n[4/6] Finding interesting files"
putStrLn $ "\nStep 1/6: Finding files to test in " ++ dir
files <- nubOrd <$> expandFiles (argFiles ++ ["." | null argFiles])
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show (length files) ++ " files"
putStrLn "\n[5/6] Setting interesting files"
setFilesOfInterest ide $ Set.fromList $ map toNormalizedFilePath files
putStrLn "\nStep 2/6: Looking for hie.yaml files that control setup"
cradles <- mapM findCradle files
let ucradles = nubOrd cradles
let n = length ucradles
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show n ++ " cradle" ++ ['s' | n /= 1]
sessions <- forM (zipFrom (1 :: Int) ucradles) $ \(i, x) -> do
let msg = maybe ("Implicit cradle for " ++ dir) ("Loading " ++) x
putStrLn $ "\nStep 3/6, Cradle " ++ show i ++ "/" ++ show n ++ ": " ++ msg
cradle <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle x
when (isNothing x) $ print cradle
putStrLn $ "\nStep 4/6, Cradle " ++ show i ++ "/" ++ show n ++ ": Loading GHC Session"
cradleToSession cradle
putStrLn "\n[6/6] Loading interesting files"
putStrLn "\nStep 5/6: Initializing the IDE"
vfs <- makeVFSHandle
let cradlesToSessions = Map.fromList $ zip ucradles sessions
let filesToCradles = Map.fromList $ zip files cradles
let grab file = fromMaybe (head sessions) $ do
cradle <- Map.lookup file filesToCradles
Map.lookup cradle cradlesToSessions
ide <- initialise mainRule (showEvent lock) (logger Info) (defaultIdeOptions $ return $ return . grab) vfs
putStrLn "\nStep 6/6: Type checking the files"
setFilesOfInterest ide $ Set.fromList $ map toNormalizedFilePath files
results <- runActionSync ide $ uses TypeCheck $ map toNormalizedFilePath files
let (worked, failed) = partition fst $ zip (map isJust results) files
putStrLn $ "Files that worked: " ++ show (length worked)
@ -137,8 +149,9 @@ showEvent lock (EventFileDiagnostics (toNormalizedFilePath -> file) diags) =
withLock lock $ T.putStrLn $ showDiagnosticsColored $ map (file,) diags
showEvent lock e = withLock lock $ print e
newSession' :: Cradle -> IO HscEnvEq
newSession' cradle = do
cradleToSession :: Cradle -> IO HscEnvEq
cradleToSession cradle = do
opts <- either throwIO return =<< getCompilerOptions "" cradle
libdir <- getLibdir
env <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
@ -147,15 +160,33 @@ newSession' cradle = do
initDynLinker env
newHscEnvEq env
loadEnvironment :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
loadEnvironment dir = do
res <- liftIO $ newSession' =<< getCradle dir
return $ const $ return res
getCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
getCradle dir = do
dir <- pure $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir
mbYaml <- findCradle dir
case mbYaml of
Nothing -> loadImplicitCradle dir
Just yaml -> loadCradle yaml
loadSession :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
loadSession dir = do
cradleLoc <- memoIO $ \v -> do
res <- findCradle v
-- Sometimes we get C: and sometimes we get c:, try and normalise that
-- e.g. see
return $ normalise <$> res
session <- memoIO $ \file -> do
c <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle file
cradleToSession c
return $ \file -> liftIO $ session =<< cradleLoc file
-- | Memoize an IO function, with the characteristics:
-- * If multiple people ask for a result simultaneously, make sure you only compute it once.
-- * If there are exceptions, repeatedly reraise them.
-- * If the caller is aborted (async exception) finish computing it anyway.
memoIO :: Ord a => (a -> IO b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoIO op = do
ref <- newVar Map.empty
return $ \k -> join $ mask_ $ modifyVar ref $ \mp ->
case Map.lookup k mp of
Nothing -> do
res <- onceFork $ op k
return (Map.insert k res mp, res)
Just res -> return (mp, res)

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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ test-suite ghcide-tests

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ getLocatedImportsRule =
pm <- use_ GetParsedModule file
let ms = pm_mod_summary pm
let imports = [(False, imp) | imp <- ms_textual_imps ms] ++ [(True, imp) | imp <- ms_srcimps ms]
env <- hscEnv <$> useNoFile_ GhcSession
env <- hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSession file
let dflags = addRelativeImport pm $ hsc_dflags env
opt <- getIdeOptions
(diags, imports') <- fmap unzip $ forM imports $ \(isSource, (mbPkgName, modName)) -> do

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import System.Environment.Blank (setEnv)
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Directory
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
@ -609,6 +610,11 @@ pickActionWithTitle title actions = head
run :: Session a -> IO a
run s = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
ghcideExe <- locateGhcideExecutable
-- Temporarily hack around
-- since the package import test creates "Data/List.hs", which otherwise has no physical home
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dir ++ "/Data"
let cmd = unwords [ghcideExe, "--lsp", "--cwd", dir]
-- HIE calls getXgdDirectory which assumes that HOME is set.
-- Only sets HOME if it wasn't already set.