mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 10:39:40 +03:00
Code action to insert new definitions (#309)
* code action to insert new definitions
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import Packages
import DynFlags
import ConLike
import DataCon
import SrcLoc as GHC
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
@ -70,12 +69,12 @@ data Context = TypeContext
-- i.e. where are the value decls and the type decls
getCContext :: Position -> ParsedModule -> Maybe Context
getCContext pos pm
| Just (L (RealSrcSpan r) modName) <- moduleHeader
, pos `isInsideRange` r
| Just (L r modName) <- moduleHeader
, pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r
= Just (ModuleContext (moduleNameString modName))
| Just (L (RealSrcSpan r) _) <- exportList
, pos `isInsideRange` r
| Just (L r _) <- exportList
, pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r
= Just ExportContext
| Just ctx <- something (Nothing `mkQ` go `extQ` goInline) decl
@ -93,54 +92,34 @@ getCContext pos pm
imports = hsmodImports $ unLoc $ pm_parsed_source pm
go :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe Context
go (L (RealSrcSpan r) SigD {})
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just TypeContext
go (L r SigD {})
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r = Just TypeContext
| otherwise = Nothing
go (L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) GHC.ValD {})
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just ValueContext
go (L r GHC.ValD {})
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r = Just ValueContext
| otherwise = Nothing
go _ = Nothing
goInline :: GHC.LHsType GhcPs -> Maybe Context
goInline (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) _)
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just TypeContext
| otherwise = Nothing
goInline (GHC.L r _)
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r = Just TypeContext
goInline _ = Nothing
p `isInsideRange` r = sp <= p && p <= ep
where (sp, ep) = unpackRealSrcSpan r
-- | Converts from one based tuple
toPos :: (Int,Int) -> Position
toPos (l,c) = Position (l-1) (c-1)
unpackRealSrcSpan :: GHC.RealSrcSpan -> (Position, Position)
unpackRealSrcSpan rspan =
(toPos (l1,c1),toPos (l2,c2))
where s = GHC.realSrcSpanStart rspan
l1 = GHC.srcLocLine s
c1 = GHC.srcLocCol s
e = GHC.realSrcSpanEnd rspan
l2 = GHC.srcLocLine e
c2 = GHC.srcLocCol e
importGo :: GHC.LImportDecl GhcPs -> Maybe Context
importGo (L (RealSrcSpan r) impDecl)
| pos `isInsideRange` r
importGo (L r impDecl)
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r
= importInline importModuleName (ideclHiding impDecl)
<|> Just (ImportContext importModuleName)
| otherwise = Nothing
where importModuleName = moduleNameString $ unLoc $ ideclName impDecl
importGo _ = Nothing
importInline :: String -> Maybe (Bool, GHC.Located [LIE GhcPs]) -> Maybe Context
importInline modName (Just (True, L (RealSrcSpan r) _))
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just $ ImportHidingContext modName
importInline modName (Just (True, L r _))
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r = Just $ ImportHidingContext modName
| otherwise = Nothing
importInline modName (Just (False, L (RealSrcSpan r) _))
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just $ ImportListContext modName
importInline modName (Just (False, L r _))
| pos `isInsideSrcSpan` r = Just $ ImportListContext modName
| otherwise = Nothing
importInline _ _ = Nothing
@ -151,7 +130,7 @@ occNameToComKind ty oc
_ -> CiFunction
| isTcOcc oc = case ty of
Just t
| "Constraint" `T.isSuffixOf` t
| "Constraint" `T.isSuffixOf` t
-> CiClass
_ -> CiStruct
| isDataOcc oc = CiConstructor
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.Error
, srcSpanToFilename
, zeroSpan
, realSpan
, isInsideSrcSpan
-- * utilities working with severities
, toDSeverity
@ -80,6 +81,10 @@ srcSpanToLocation src =
-- important that the URI's we produce have been properly normalized, otherwise they point at weird places in VS Code
Location (fromNormalizedUri $ filePathToUri' $ toNormalizedFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename src) (srcSpanToRange src)
isInsideSrcSpan :: Position -> SrcSpan -> Bool
p `isInsideSrcSpan` r = sp <= p && p <= ep
where Range sp ep = srcSpanToRange r
-- | Convert a GHC severity to a DAML compiler Severity. Severities below
-- "Warning" level are dropped (returning Nothing).
toDSeverity :: GHC.Severity -> Maybe D.DiagnosticSeverity
@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ import Control.Monad (join)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
@ -47,10 +49,12 @@ codeAction lsp state CodeActionParams{_textDocument=TextDocumentIdentifier uri,_
-- logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $ "Code action req: " ++ show arg
contents <- LSP.getVirtualFileFunc lsp $ toNormalizedUri uri
let text = Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope) <$> contents
parsedModule <- (runAction state . getParsedModule . toNormalizedFilePath) `traverse` uriToFilePath uri
(ideOptions, parsedModule) <- runAction state $
(,) <$> getIdeOptions
<*> (getParsedModule . toNormalizedFilePath) `traverse` uriToFilePath uri
pure $ List
[ CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List [x]) (Just edit) Nothing
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction ( join parsedModule ) text x
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction ideOptions ( join parsedModule ) text x
, let edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing
@ -89,8 +93,8 @@ executeAddSignatureCommand _lsp _ideState ExecuteCommandParams{..}
| otherwise
= return (Null, Nothing)
suggestAction :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestAction parsedModule text diag = concat
suggestAction :: IdeOptions -> Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestAction ideOptions parsedModule text diag = concat
[ suggestAddExtension diag
, suggestExtendImport text diag
, suggestFillHole diag
@ -100,7 +104,9 @@ suggestAction parsedModule text diag = concat
, suggestReplaceIdentifier text diag
, suggestSignature True diag
] ++ concat
[ suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm text diag | Just pm <- [parsedModule]]
[ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
++ suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm text diag
| Just pm <- [parsedModule]]
suggestRemoveRedundantImport :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
@ -138,6 +144,36 @@ suggestReplaceIdentifier contents Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
= [ ("Replace with ‘" <> name <> "’", [mkRenameEdit contents _range name]) | name <- renameSuggestions ]
| otherwise = []
suggestNewDefinition :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestNewDefinition ideOptions parsedModule contents Diagnostic{_message, _range}
-- * Variable not in scope:
-- suggestAcion :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range
| Just [name, typ] <- matchRegex message "Variable not in scope: ([^ ]+) :: ([^*•]+)"
= newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name typ
| Just [name, typ] <- matchRegex message "Found hole: _([^ ]+) :: ([^*•]+) Or perhaps"
, [(label, newDefinitionEdits)] <- newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name typ
= [(label, mkRenameEdit contents _range name : newDefinitionEdits)]
| otherwise = []
message = unifySpaces _message
newDefinitionAction :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
newDefinitionAction IdeOptions{..} parsedModule Range{_start} name typ
| Range _ lastLineP : _ <-
[ srcSpanToRange l
| (L l _) <- hsmodDecls
, _start `isInsideSrcSpan` l]
, nextLineP <- Position{ _line = _line lastLineP + 1, _character = 0}
= [ ("Define " <> sig
, [TextEdit (Range nextLineP nextLineP) (T.unlines ["", sig, name <> " = error \"not implemented\""])]
| otherwise = []
colon = if optNewColonConvention then " : " else " :: "
sig = name <> colon <> T.dropWhileEnd isSpace typ
ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}} = parsedModule
suggestFillTypeWildcard :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestFillTypeWildcard Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
-- Foo.hs:3:8: error:
@ -255,8 +291,6 @@ suggestFixConstructorImport _ Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
suggestSignature :: Bool -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestSignature isQuickFix Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
| "Top-level binding with no type signature" `T.isInfixOf` _message = let
filterNewlines = T.concat . T.lines
unifySpaces = T.unwords . T.words
signature = T.strip $ unifySpaces $ last $ T.splitOn "type signature: " $ filterNewlines _message
startOfLine = Position (_line _start) 0
beforeLine = Range startOfLine startOfLine
@ -265,8 +299,6 @@ suggestSignature isQuickFix Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
in [(title, [action])]
suggestSignature isQuickFix Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
| "Polymorphic local binding with no type signature" `T.isInfixOf` _message = let
filterNewlines = T.concat . T.lines
unifySpaces = T.unwords . T.words
signature = removeInitialForAll
$ T.takeWhile (\x -> x/='*' && x/='•')
$ T.strip $ unifySpaces $ last $ T.splitOn "type signature: " $ filterNewlines _message
@ -403,7 +435,7 @@ addBindingToImportList binding importLine = case T.breakOn "(" importLine of
-- | Returns Just (the submatches) for the first capture, or Nothing.
matchRegex :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [T.Text]
matchRegex message regex = case T.unwords (T.words message) =~~ regex of
matchRegex message regex = case unifySpaces message =~~ regex of
Just (_ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, bindings) -> Just bindings
Nothing -> Nothing
@ -418,6 +450,12 @@ setHandlersCodeLens = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x{
LSP.executeCommandHandler = withResponseAndRequest RspExecuteCommand ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit executeAddSignatureCommand
filterNewlines :: T.Text -> T.Text
filterNewlines = T.concat . T.lines
unifySpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text
unifySpaces = T.unwords . T.words
type PositionIndexedString = [(Position, Char)]
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP (
, toNormalizedUri
, fromNormalizedUri
import GHC
import SrcLoc as GHC
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as ReadP
@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions"
, importRenameActionTests
, fillTypedHoleTests
, addSigActionTests
, insertNewDefinitionTests
codeLensesTests :: TestTree
@ -412,9 +413,7 @@ renameActionTests = testGroup "rename actions"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 14) (Position 2 20))
liftIO $ "Replace with ‘argName’" @=? actionTitle
action <- findCodeAction doc (Range (Position 2 14) (Position 2 20)) "Replace with ‘argName’"
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
@ -432,9 +431,7 @@ renameActionTests = testGroup "rename actions"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 6) (Position 3 16))
liftIO $ "Replace with ‘maybeToList’" @=? actionTitle
action <- findCodeAction doc (Range (Position 3 6) (Position 3 16)) "Replace with ‘maybeToList’"
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
@ -452,10 +449,9 @@ renameActionTests = testGroup "rename actions"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 36) (Position 2 45))
let actionTitles = [ actionTitle | CACodeAction CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands ]
expectedActionTitles = ["Replace with ‘argument1’", "Replace with ‘argument2’", "Replace with ‘argument3’"]
liftIO $ expectedActionTitles @=? actionTitles
_ <- findCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 36) (Position 2 45))
["Replace with ‘argument1’", "Replace with ‘argument2’", "Replace with ‘argument3’"]
, testSession "change infix function" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
@ -809,6 +805,61 @@ extendImportTests = testGroup "extend import actions"
contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB
liftIO $ expectedContentB @=? contentAfterAction
insertNewDefinitionTests :: TestTree
insertNewDefinitionTests = testGroup "insert new definition actions"
[ testSession "insert new function definition" $ do
let txtB =
["foo True = select [True]"
, ""
,"foo False = False"
txtB' =
,"someOtherCode = ()"
docB <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines $ txtB ++ txtB')
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _
<- sortOn (\(CACodeAction CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$>
getCodeActions docB (R 1 0 1 50)
liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: [Bool] -> Bool"
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB
liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines (txtB ++
[ ""
, "select :: [Bool] -> Bool"
, "select = error \"not implemented\""
++ txtB')
, testSession "define a hole" $ do
let txtB =
["foo True = _select [True]"
, ""
,"foo False = False"
txtB' =
,"someOtherCode = ()"
docB <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines $ txtB ++ txtB')
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _
<- sortOn (\(CACodeAction CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$>
getCodeActions docB (R 1 0 1 50)
liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: [Bool] -> Bool"
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB
liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines (
["foo True = select [True]"
, ""
,"foo False = False"
, ""
, "select :: [Bool] -> Bool"
, "select = error \"not implemented\""
++ txtB')
fixConstructorImportTests :: TestTree
fixConstructorImportTests = testGroup "fix import actions"
[ testSession "fix constructor import" $ template
@ -1546,6 +1597,29 @@ openTestDataDoc path = do
source <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 $ "test/data" </> path
openDoc' path "haskell" source
findCodeActions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> [T.Text] -> Session [CodeAction]
findCodeActions doc range expectedTitles = do
actions <- getCodeActions doc range
let matches = sequence
[ listToMaybe
[ action
| CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions
, actionTitle == expectedTitle ]
| expectedTitle <- expectedTitles]
let msg = show
[ actionTitle
| CACodeAction CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions
++ "is not a superset of "
++ show expectedTitles
liftIO $ case matches of
Nothing -> assertFailure msg
Just _ -> pure ()
return (fromJust matches)
findCodeAction :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> T.Text -> Session CodeAction
findCodeAction doc range t = head <$> findCodeActions doc range [t]
unitTests :: TestTree
unitTests = do
testGroup "Unit"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user