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synced 2024-12-04 15:52:08 +03:00
Allow preprocessors to emit warnings (#176)
* Allow to emit warnings in preprocessor * preprocessor result type IdePreprocessedSource
This commit is contained in:
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ getModSummaryFromBuffer fp contents dflags parsed = do
-- parsed module (or errors) and any parse warnings.
:: GhcMonad m
=> (GHC.ParsedSource -> ([(GHC.SrcSpan, String)], GHC.ParsedSource))
=> (GHC.ParsedSource -> IdePreprocessedSource)
-> FilePath -- ^ the filename (for source locations)
-> Maybe SB.StringBuffer -- ^ Haskell module source text (full Unicode is supported)
-> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] m ([FileDiagnostic], ParsedModule)
@ -340,8 +340,9 @@ parseFileContents customPreprocessor filename mbContents = do
throwE $ diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags $ snd $ getMessages pst dflags
-- Ok, we got here. It's safe to continue.
let (errs, parsed) = customPreprocessor rdr_module
unless (null errs) $ throwE $ diagFromStrings "parser" errs
let IdePreprocessedSource preproc_warns errs parsed = customPreprocessor rdr_module
unless (null errs) $ throwE $ diagFromStrings "parser" DsError errs
let preproc_warnings = diagFromStrings "parser" DsWarning preproc_warns
ms <- getModSummaryFromBuffer filename contents dflags parsed
let pm =
ParsedModule {
@ -351,4 +352,4 @@ parseFileContents customPreprocessor filename mbContents = do
, pm_annotations = hpm_annotations
warnings = diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags warns
pure (warnings, pm)
pure (warnings ++ preproc_warnings, pm)
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ toDSeverity SevFatal = Just DsError
-- | Produce a bag of GHC-style errors (@ErrorMessages@) from the given
-- (optional) locations and message strings.
diagFromStrings :: T.Text -> [(SrcSpan, String)] -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromStrings diagSource = concatMap (uncurry (diagFromString diagSource))
diagFromStrings :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> [(SrcSpan, String)] -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromStrings diagSource sev = concatMap (uncurry (diagFromString diagSource sev))
-- | Produce a GHC-style error from a source span and a message.
diagFromString :: T.Text -> SrcSpan -> String -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromString diagSource sp x = [diagFromText diagSource DsError sp $ T.pack x]
diagFromString :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> SrcSpan -> String -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromString diagSource sev sp x = [diagFromText diagSource sev sp $ T.pack x]
-- | Produces an "unhelpful" source span with the given string.
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ catchSrcErrors fromWhere ghcM = do
diagFromGhcException :: T.Text -> DynFlags -> GhcException -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagFromGhcException diagSource dflags exc = diagFromString diagSource (noSpan "<Internal>") (showGHCE dflags exc)
diagFromGhcException diagSource dflags exc = diagFromString diagSource DsError (noSpan "<Internal>") (showGHCE dflags exc)
showGHCE :: DynFlags -> GhcException -> String
showGHCE dflags exc = case exc of
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ notFoundErr :: DynFlags -> Located M.ModuleName -> LookupResult -> [FileDiagnost
notFoundErr dfs modName reason =
mkError' $ ppr' $ cannotFindModule dfs modName0 $ lookupToFindResult reason
mkError' = diagFromString "not found" (getLoc modName)
mkError' = diagFromString "not found" DsError (getLoc modName)
modName0 = unLoc modName
ppr' = showSDoc dfs
-- We convert the lookup result to a find result to reuse GHC's cannotFindMoudle pretty printer.
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
-- | Options
module Development.IDE.Types.Options
( IdeOptions(..)
, IdePreprocessedSource(..)
, IdeReportProgress(..)
, IdeDefer(..)
, clientSupportsProgress
@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ import GhcPlugins as GHC hiding (fst3, (<>))
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities as LSP
data IdeOptions = IdeOptions
{ optPreprocessor :: GHC.ParsedSource -> ([(GHC.SrcSpan, String)], GHC.ParsedSource)
{ optPreprocessor :: GHC.ParsedSource -> IdePreprocessedSource
-- ^ Preprocessor to run over all parsed source trees, generating a list of warnings
-- along with a new parse tree.
-- and a list of errors, along with a new parse tree.
, optGhcSession :: IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
-- ^ Setup a GHC session for a given file, e.g. @Foo.hs@.
-- The 'IO' will be called once, then the resulting function will be applied once per file.
@ -53,6 +54,15 @@ data IdeOptions = IdeOptions
-- the presence of type errors, holes or unbound variables.
data IdePreprocessedSource = IdePreprocessedSource
{ preprocWarnings :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, String)]
-- ^ Warnings emitted by the preprocessor.
, preprocErrors :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, String)]
-- ^ Errors emitted by the preprocessor.
, preprocSource :: GHC.ParsedSource
-- ^ New parse tree emitted by the preprocessor.
newtype IdeReportProgress = IdeReportProgress Bool
newtype IdeDefer = IdeDefer Bool
@ -62,7 +72,7 @@ clientSupportsProgress caps = IdeReportProgress $ fromMaybe False $
defaultIdeOptions :: IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq) -> IdeOptions
defaultIdeOptions session = IdeOptions
{optPreprocessor = (,) []
{optPreprocessor = IdePreprocessedSource [] []
,optGhcSession = session
,optExtensions = ["hs", "lhs"]
,optPkgLocationOpts = defaultIdePkgLocationOptions
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