Backport HIE files to GHC 8.6 (#689)

* Backport HIE files support to 8.6

* Use hie files as source of truth for name source spans.

Since we started reusing `.hi` files, this exposes a bug where definitions
aren't available since a bad source span from the `.hi` file gets put into
the NameCache. We rectify by ensuring the span in the NameCache always matches
the one from the `.hie` file.

This has surfaced because an interaction between the commit which uses `.hi`
instead of retypechecking and the change to use the shared global NameCache
to read `.hie` files.
This commit is contained in:
wz1000 2020-07-16 14:56:58 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent cbafcf29f4
commit 993cfddc79
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 3352 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -155,6 +155,14 @@ library
if (impl(ghc > 8.5) && impl(ghc < 8.7)) && !flag(ghc-lib)
hs-source-dirs: src-ghc86
if (impl(ghc > 8.7) && impl(ghc < 8.10)) || flag(ghc-lib)
hs-source-dirs: src-ghc88

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
Binary serialization for .hie files.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieBin ( readHieFile, readHieFileWithVersion, HieHeader, writeHieFile, HieName(..), toHieName, HieFileResult(..), hieMagic,NameCacheUpdater(..)) where
import Config ( cProjectVersion )
import Binary
import BinIface ( getDictFastString )
import FastMutInt
import FastString ( FastString )
import Module ( Module )
import Name
import NameCache
import Outputable
import PrelInfo
import SrcLoc
import UniqSupply ( takeUniqFromSupply )
import Util ( maybeRead )
import Unique
import UniqFM
import IfaceEnv
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.IORef
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.List ( mapAccumR )
import Data.Word ( Word8, Word32 )
import Control.Monad ( replicateM, when )
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing )
import System.FilePath ( takeDirectory )
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes
-- | `Name`'s get converted into `HieName`'s before being written into @.hie@
-- files. See 'toHieName' and 'fromHieName' for logic on how to convert between
-- these two types.
data HieName
= ExternalName !Module !OccName !SrcSpan
| LocalName !OccName !SrcSpan
| KnownKeyName !Unique
deriving (Eq)
instance Ord HieName where
compare (ExternalName a b c) (ExternalName d e f) = compare (a,b,c) (d,e,f)
compare (LocalName a b) (LocalName c d) = compare (a,b) (c,d)
compare (KnownKeyName a) (KnownKeyName b) = nonDetCmpUnique a b
-- Not actually non determinstic as it is a KnownKey
compare ExternalName{} _ = LT
compare LocalName{} ExternalName{} = GT
compare LocalName{} _ = LT
compare KnownKeyName{} _ = GT
instance Outputable HieName where
ppr (ExternalName m n sp) = text "ExternalName" <+> ppr m <+> ppr n <+> ppr sp
ppr (LocalName n sp) = text "LocalName" <+> ppr n <+> ppr sp
ppr (KnownKeyName u) = text "KnownKeyName" <+> ppr u
data HieSymbolTable = HieSymbolTable
{ hie_symtab_next :: !FastMutInt
, hie_symtab_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int, HieName)))
data HieDictionary = HieDictionary
{ hie_dict_next :: !FastMutInt -- The next index to use
, hie_dict_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int,FastString))) -- indexed by FastString
initBinMemSize :: Int
initBinMemSize = 1024*1024
-- | The header for HIE files - Capital ASCII letters "HIE".
hieMagic :: [Word8]
hieMagic = [72,73,69]
hieMagicLen :: Int
hieMagicLen = length hieMagic
ghcVersion :: ByteString
ghcVersion = BSC.pack cProjectVersion
putBinLine :: BinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
putBinLine bh xs = do
mapM_ (putByte bh) $ BS.unpack xs
putByte bh 10 -- newline char
-- | Write a `HieFile` to the given `FilePath`, with a proper header and
-- symbol tables for `Name`s and `FastString`s
writeHieFile :: FilePath -> HieFile -> IO ()
writeHieFile hie_file_path hiefile = do
bh0 <- openBinMem initBinMemSize
-- Write the header: hieHeader followed by the
-- hieVersion and the GHC version used to generate this file
mapM_ (putByte bh0) hieMagic
putBinLine bh0 $ BSC.pack $ show hieVersion
putBinLine bh0 $ ghcVersion
-- remember where the dictionary pointer will go
dict_p_p <- tellBin bh0
put_ bh0 dict_p_p
-- remember where the symbol table pointer will go
symtab_p_p <- tellBin bh0
put_ bh0 symtab_p_p
-- Make some intial state
symtab_next <- newFastMutInt
writeFastMutInt symtab_next 0
symtab_map <- newIORef emptyUFM
let hie_symtab = HieSymbolTable {
hie_symtab_next = symtab_next,
hie_symtab_map = symtab_map }
dict_next_ref <- newFastMutInt
writeFastMutInt dict_next_ref 0
dict_map_ref <- newIORef emptyUFM
let hie_dict = HieDictionary {
hie_dict_next = dict_next_ref,
hie_dict_map = dict_map_ref }
-- put the main thing
let bh = setUserData bh0 $ newWriteState (putName hie_symtab)
(putName hie_symtab)
(putFastString hie_dict)
put_ bh hiefile
-- write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
symtab_p <- tellBin bh
putAt bh symtab_p_p symtab_p
seekBin bh symtab_p
-- write the symbol table itself
symtab_next' <- readFastMutInt symtab_next
symtab_map' <- readIORef symtab_map
putSymbolTable bh symtab_next' symtab_map'
-- write the dictionary pointer at the front of the file
dict_p <- tellBin bh
putAt bh dict_p_p dict_p
seekBin bh dict_p
-- write the dictionary itself
dict_next <- readFastMutInt dict_next_ref
dict_map <- readIORef dict_map_ref
putDictionary bh dict_next dict_map
-- and send the result to the file
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory hie_file_path)
writeBinMem bh hie_file_path
return ()
data HieFileResult
= HieFileResult
{ hie_file_result_version :: Integer
, hie_file_result_ghc_version :: ByteString
, hie_file_result :: HieFile
type HieHeader = (Integer, ByteString)
-- | Read a `HieFile` from a `FilePath`. Can use
-- an existing `NameCache`. Allows you to specify
-- which versions of hieFile to attempt to read.
-- `Left` case returns the failing header versions.
readHieFileWithVersion :: (HieHeader -> Bool) -> NameCacheUpdater -> FilePath -> IO (Either HieHeader HieFileResult)
readHieFileWithVersion readVersion ncu file = do
bh0 <- readBinMem file
(hieVersion, ghcVersion) <- readHieFileHeader file bh0
if readVersion (hieVersion, ghcVersion)
then do
hieFile <- readHieFileContents bh0 ncu
return $ Right (HieFileResult hieVersion ghcVersion hieFile)
else return $ Left (hieVersion, ghcVersion)
-- | Read a `HieFile` from a `FilePath`. Can use
-- an existing `NameCache`.
readHieFile :: NameCacheUpdater -> FilePath -> IO HieFileResult
readHieFile ncu file = do
bh0 <- readBinMem file
(readHieVersion, ghcVersion) <- readHieFileHeader file bh0
-- Check if the versions match
when (readHieVersion /= hieVersion) $
panic $ unwords ["readHieFile: hie file versions don't match for file:"
, file
, "Expected"
, show hieVersion
, "but got", show readHieVersion
hieFile <- readHieFileContents bh0 ncu
return $ HieFileResult hieVersion ghcVersion hieFile
readBinLine :: BinHandle -> IO ByteString
readBinLine bh = BS.pack . reverse <$> loop []
loop acc = do
char <- get bh :: IO Word8
if char == 10 -- ASCII newline '\n'
then return acc
else loop (char : acc)
readHieFileHeader :: FilePath -> BinHandle -> IO HieHeader
readHieFileHeader file bh0 = do
-- Read the header
magic <- replicateM hieMagicLen (get bh0)
version <- BSC.unpack <$> readBinLine bh0
case maybeRead version of
Nothing ->
panic $ unwords ["readHieFileHeader: hieVersion isn't an Integer:"
, show version
Just readHieVersion -> do
ghcVersion <- readBinLine bh0
-- Check if the header is valid
when (magic /= hieMagic) $
panic $ unwords ["readHieFileHeader: headers don't match for file:"
, file
, "Expected"
, show hieMagic
, "but got", show magic
return (readHieVersion, ghcVersion)
readHieFileContents :: BinHandle -> NameCacheUpdater -> IO HieFile
readHieFileContents bh0 ncu = do
dict <- get_dictionary bh0
-- read the symbol table so we are capable of reading the actual data
bh1 <- do
let bh1 = setUserData bh0 $ newReadState (error "getSymtabName")
(getDictFastString dict)
symtab <- get_symbol_table bh1
let bh1' = setUserData bh1
$ newReadState (getSymTabName symtab)
(getDictFastString dict)
return bh1'
-- load the actual data
hiefile <- get bh1
return hiefile
get_dictionary bin_handle = do
dict_p <- get bin_handle
data_p <- tellBin bin_handle
seekBin bin_handle dict_p
dict <- getDictionary bin_handle
seekBin bin_handle data_p
return dict
get_symbol_table bh1 = do
symtab_p <- get bh1
data_p' <- tellBin bh1
seekBin bh1 symtab_p
symtab <- getSymbolTable bh1 ncu
seekBin bh1 data_p'
return symtab
putFastString :: HieDictionary -> BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
putFastString HieDictionary { hie_dict_next = j_r,
hie_dict_map = out_r} bh f
= do
out <- readIORef out_r
let unique = getUnique f
case lookupUFM out unique of
Just (j, _) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
Nothing -> do
j <- readFastMutInt j_r
put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
writeFastMutInt j_r (j + 1)
writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM out unique (j, f)
putSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM (Int,HieName) -> IO ()
putSymbolTable bh next_off symtab = do
put_ bh next_off
let names = A.elems (A.array (0,next_off-1) (nonDetEltsUFM symtab))
mapM_ (putHieName bh) names
getSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> NameCacheUpdater -> IO SymbolTable
getSymbolTable bh ncu = do
sz <- get bh
od_names <- replicateM sz (getHieName bh)
updateNameCache ncu $ \nc ->
let arr = A.listArray (0,sz-1) names
(nc', names) = mapAccumR fromHieName nc od_names
in (nc',arr)
getSymTabName :: SymbolTable -> BinHandle -> IO Name
getSymTabName st bh = do
i :: Word32 <- get bh
return $ st A.! (fromIntegral i)
putName :: HieSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
putName (HieSymbolTable next ref) bh name = do
symmap <- readIORef ref
case lookupUFM symmap name of
Just (off, ExternalName mod occ (UnhelpfulSpan _))
| isGoodSrcSpan (nameSrcSpan name) -> do
let hieName = ExternalName mod occ (nameSrcSpan name)
writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, hieName)
put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
Just (off, LocalName _occ span)
| notLocal (toHieName name) || nameSrcSpan name /= span -> do
writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, toHieName name)
put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
Just (off, _) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
Nothing -> do
off <- readFastMutInt next
writeFastMutInt next (off+1)
writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, toHieName name)
put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
notLocal :: HieName -> Bool
notLocal LocalName{} = False
notLocal _ = True
-- ** Converting to and from `HieName`'s
toHieName :: Name -> HieName
toHieName name
| isKnownKeyName name = KnownKeyName (nameUnique name)
| isExternalName name = ExternalName (nameModule name)
(nameOccName name)
(nameSrcSpan name)
| otherwise = LocalName (nameOccName name) (nameSrcSpan name)
fromHieName :: NameCache -> HieName -> (NameCache, Name)
fromHieName nc (ExternalName mod occ span) =
let cache = nsNames nc
in case lookupOrigNameCache cache mod occ of
Just name
| nameSrcSpan name == span -> (nc, name)
| otherwise ->
let name' = setNameLoc name span
new_cache = extendNameCache cache mod occ name'
in ( nc{ nsNames = new_cache }, name' )
Nothing ->
let (uniq, us) = takeUniqFromSupply (nsUniqs nc)
name = mkExternalName uniq mod occ span
new_cache = extendNameCache cache mod occ name
in ( nc{ nsUniqs = us, nsNames = new_cache }, name )
fromHieName nc (LocalName occ span) =
let (uniq, us) = takeUniqFromSupply (nsUniqs nc)
name = mkInternalName uniq occ span
in ( nc{ nsUniqs = us }, name )
fromHieName nc (KnownKeyName u) = case lookupKnownKeyName u of
Nothing -> pprPanic "fromHieName:unknown known-key unique"
(ppr (unpkUnique u))
Just n -> (nc, n)
-- ** Reading and writing `HieName`'s
putHieName :: BinHandle -> HieName -> IO ()
putHieName bh (ExternalName mod occ span) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh (mod, occ, span)
putHieName bh (LocalName occName span) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh (occName, span)
putHieName bh (KnownKeyName uniq) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh $ unpkUnique uniq
getHieName :: BinHandle -> IO HieName
getHieName bh = do
t <- getByte bh
case t of
0 -> do
(modu, occ, span) <- get bh
return $ ExternalName modu occ span
1 -> do
(occ, span) <- get bh
return $ LocalName occ span
2 -> do
(c,i) <- get bh
return $ KnownKeyName $ mkUnique c i
_ -> panic "HieBin.getHieName: invalid tag"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Functions to validate and check .hie file ASTs generated by GHC.
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieDebug where
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import SrcLoc
import Module
import FastString
import Outputable
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieBin
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieUtils
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List ( sortOn )
import Data.Foldable ( toList )
ppHies :: Outputable a => (HieASTs a) -> SDoc
ppHies (HieASTs asts) = M.foldrWithKey go "" asts
go k a rest = vcat $
[ "File: " <> ppr k
, ppHie a
, rest
ppHie :: Outputable a => HieAST a -> SDoc
ppHie = go 0
go n (Node inf sp children) = hang header n rest
rest = vcat $ map (go (n+2)) children
header = hsep
[ "Node"
, ppr sp
, ppInfo inf
ppInfo :: Outputable a => NodeInfo a -> SDoc
ppInfo ni = hsep
[ ppr $ toList $ nodeAnnotations ni
, ppr $ nodeType ni
, ppr $ M.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni
type Diff a = a -> a -> [SDoc]
diffFile :: Diff HieFile
diffFile = diffAsts eqDiff `on` (getAsts . hie_asts)
diffAsts :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (M.Map FastString (HieAST a))
diffAsts f = diffList (diffAst f) `on` M.elems
diffAst :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (HieAST a)
diffAst diffType (Node info1 span1 xs1) (Node info2 span2 xs2) =
infoDiff ++ spanDiff ++ diffList (diffAst diffType) xs1 xs2
| span1 /= span2 = [hsep ["Spans", ppr span1, "and", ppr span2, "differ"]]
| otherwise = []
= (diffList eqDiff `on` (S.toAscList . nodeAnnotations)) info1 info2
++ (diffList diffType `on` nodeType) info1 info2
++ (diffIdents `on` nodeIdentifiers) info1 info2
diffIdents a b = (diffList diffIdent `on` normalizeIdents) a b
diffIdent (a,b) (c,d) = diffName a c
++ eqDiff b d
diffName (Right a) (Right b) = case (a,b) of
(ExternalName m o _, ExternalName m' o' _) -> eqDiff (m,o) (m',o')
(LocalName o _, ExternalName _ o' _) -> eqDiff o o'
_ -> eqDiff a b
diffName a b = eqDiff a b
type DiffIdent = Either ModuleName HieName
normalizeIdents :: NodeIdentifiers a -> [(DiffIdent,IdentifierDetails a)]
normalizeIdents = sortOn fst . map (first toHieName) . M.toList
first f (a,b) = (fmap f a, b)
diffList :: Diff a -> Diff [a]
diffList f xs ys
| length xs == length ys = concat $ zipWith f xs ys
| otherwise = ["length of lists doesn't match"]
eqDiff :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a
eqDiff a b
| a == b = []
| otherwise = [hsep [ppr a, "and", ppr b, "do not match"]]
validAst :: HieAST a -> Either SDoc ()
validAst (Node _ span children) = do
checkContainment children
checkSorted children
mapM_ validAst children
checkSorted [] = return ()
checkSorted [_] = return ()
checkSorted (x:y:xs)
| nodeSpan x `leftOf` nodeSpan y = checkSorted (y:xs)
| otherwise = Left $ hsep
[ ppr $ nodeSpan x
, "is not to the left of"
, ppr $ nodeSpan y
checkContainment [] = return ()
checkContainment (x:xs)
| span `containsSpan` (nodeSpan x) = checkContainment xs
| otherwise = Left $ hsep
[ ppr $ span
, "does not contain"
, ppr $ nodeSpan x
-- | Look for any identifiers which occur outside of their supposed scopes.
-- Returns a list of error messages.
validateScopes :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> [SDoc]
validateScopes asts = M.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> valid k a ++ b) [] refMap
refMap = generateReferencesMap asts
valid (Left _) _ = []
valid (Right n) refs = concatMap inScope refs
mapRef = foldMap getScopeFromContext . identInfo . snd
scopes = case foldMap mapRef refs of
Just xs -> xs
Nothing -> []
inScope (sp, dets)
| definedInAsts asts n
&& any isOccurrence (identInfo dets)
= case scopes of
[] -> []
_ -> if any (`scopeContainsSpan` sp) scopes
then []
else return $ hsep $
[ "Name", ppr n, "at position", ppr sp
, "doesn't occur in calculated scope", ppr scopes]
| otherwise = []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
Types for the .hie file format are defined here.
For more information see
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes where
import Config
import Binary
import FastString ( FastString )
import IfaceType
import Module ( ModuleName, Module )
import Name ( Name )
import Outputable hiding ( (<>) )
import SrcLoc
import Avail
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.Data ( Typeable, Data )
import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
import Data.Word ( Word8 )
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
type Span = RealSrcSpan
instance Binary RealSrcSpan where
put_ bh ss = do
put_ bh (srcSpanFile ss)
put_ bh (srcSpanStartLine ss)
put_ bh (srcSpanStartCol ss)
put_ bh (srcSpanEndLine ss)
put_ bh (srcSpanEndCol ss)
get bh = do
f <- get bh
sl <- get bh
sc <- get bh
el <- get bh
ec <- get bh
return (mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc f sl sc)
(mkRealSrcLoc f el ec))
instance (A.Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (A.Array a b) where
put_ bh arr = do
put_ bh $ A.bounds arr
put_ bh $ A.elems arr
get bh = do
bounds <- get bh
xs <- get bh
return $ A.listArray bounds xs
-- | Current version of @.hie@ files
hieVersion :: Integer
hieVersion = read (cProjectVersionInt ++ cProjectPatchLevel) :: Integer
{- |
GHC builds up a wealth of information about Haskell source as it compiles it.
@.hie@ files are a way of persisting some of this information to disk so that
external tools that need to work with haskell source don't need to parse,
typecheck, and rename all over again. These files contain:
* a simplified AST
* nodes are annotated with source positions and types
* identifiers are annotated with scope information
* the raw bytes of the initial Haskell source
Besides saving compilation cycles, @.hie@ files also offer a more stable
interface than the GHC API.
data HieFile = HieFile
{ hie_hs_file :: FilePath
-- ^ Initial Haskell source file path
, hie_module :: Module
-- ^ The module this HIE file is for
, hie_types :: A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat
-- ^ Types referenced in the 'hie_asts'.
-- See Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
, hie_asts :: HieASTs TypeIndex
-- ^ Type-annotated abstract syntax trees
, hie_exports :: [AvailInfo]
-- ^ The names that this module exports
, hie_hs_src :: ByteString
-- ^ Raw bytes of the initial Haskell source
instance Binary HieFile where
put_ bh hf = do
put_ bh $ hie_hs_file hf
put_ bh $ hie_module hf
put_ bh $ hie_types hf
put_ bh $ hie_asts hf
put_ bh $ hie_exports hf
put_ bh $ hie_hs_src hf
get bh = HieFile
<$> get bh
<*> get bh
<*> get bh
<*> get bh
<*> get bh
<*> get bh
Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
The type information in .hie files is highly repetitive and redundant. For
example, consider the expression
const True 'a'
There is a lot of shared structure between the types of subterms:
* const True 'a' :: Bool
* const True :: Char -> Bool
* const :: Bool -> Char -> Bool
Since all 3 of these types need to be stored in the .hie file, it is worth
making an effort to deduplicate this shared structure. The trick is to define
a new data type that is a flattened version of 'Type':
data HieType a = HAppTy a a -- data Type = AppTy Type Type
| HFunTy a a -- | FunTy Type Type
| ...
type TypeIndex = Int
Types in the final AST are stored in an 'A.Array TypeIndex (HieType TypeIndex)',
where the 'TypeIndex's in the 'HieType' are references to other elements of the
array. Types recovered from GHC are deduplicated and stored in this compressed
form with sharing of subtrees.
type TypeIndex = Int
-- | A flattened version of 'Type'.
-- See Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
data HieType a
= HTyVarTy Name
| HAppTy a a
| HTyConApp IfaceTyCon (HieArgs a)
| HForAllTy ((Name, a),ArgFlag) a
| HFunTy a a
| HQualTy a a -- ^ type with constraint: @t1 => t2@ (see 'IfaceDFunTy')
| HLitTy IfaceTyLit
| HCastTy a
| HCoercionTy
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
type HieTypeFlat = HieType TypeIndex
-- | Roughly isomorphic to the original core 'Type'.
newtype HieTypeFix = Roll (HieType (HieTypeFix))
instance Binary (HieType TypeIndex) where
put_ bh (HTyVarTy n) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh n
put_ bh (HAppTy a b) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (HTyConApp n xs) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh n
put_ bh xs
put_ bh (HForAllTy bndr a) = do
putByte bh 3
put_ bh bndr
put_ bh a
put_ bh (HFunTy a b) = do
putByte bh 4
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (HQualTy a b) = do
putByte bh 5
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (HLitTy l) = do
putByte bh 6
put_ bh l
put_ bh (HCastTy a) = do
putByte bh 7
put_ bh a
put_ bh (HCoercionTy) = putByte bh 8
get bh = do
(t :: Word8) <- get bh
case t of
0 -> HTyVarTy <$> get bh
1 -> HAppTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
2 -> HTyConApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
3 -> HForAllTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
4 -> HFunTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
5 -> HQualTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
6 -> HLitTy <$> get bh
7 -> HCastTy <$> get bh
8 -> return HCoercionTy
_ -> panic "Binary (HieArgs Int): invalid tag"
-- | A list of type arguments along with their respective visibilities (ie. is
-- this an argument that would return 'True' for 'isVisibleArgFlag'?).
newtype HieArgs a = HieArgs [(Bool,a)]
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
instance Binary (HieArgs TypeIndex) where
put_ bh (HieArgs xs) = put_ bh xs
get bh = HieArgs <$> get bh
-- | Mapping from filepaths (represented using 'FastString') to the
-- corresponding AST
newtype HieASTs a = HieASTs { getAsts :: (M.Map FastString (HieAST a)) }
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Binary (HieASTs TypeIndex) where
put_ bh asts = put_ bh $ M.toAscList $ getAsts asts
get bh = HieASTs <$> fmap M.fromDistinctAscList (get bh)
data HieAST a =
{ nodeInfo :: NodeInfo a
, nodeSpan :: Span
, nodeChildren :: [HieAST a]
} deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Binary (HieAST TypeIndex) where
put_ bh ast = do
put_ bh $ nodeInfo ast
put_ bh $ nodeSpan ast
put_ bh $ nodeChildren ast
get bh = Node
<$> get bh
<*> get bh
<*> get bh
-- | The information stored in one AST node.
-- The type parameter exists to provide flexibility in representation of types
-- (see Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]).
data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo
{ nodeAnnotations :: S.Set (FastString,FastString)
-- ^ (name of the AST node constructor, name of the AST node Type)
, nodeType :: [a]
-- ^ The Haskell types of this node, if any.
, nodeIdentifiers :: NodeIdentifiers a
-- ^ All the identifiers and their details
} deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Binary (NodeInfo TypeIndex) where
put_ bh ni = do
put_ bh $ S.toAscList $ nodeAnnotations ni
put_ bh $ nodeType ni
put_ bh $ M.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni
get bh = NodeInfo
<$> fmap (S.fromDistinctAscList) (get bh)
<*> get bh
<*> fmap (M.fromList) (get bh)
type Identifier = Either ModuleName Name
type NodeIdentifiers a = M.Map Identifier (IdentifierDetails a)
-- | Information associated with every identifier
-- We need to include types with identifiers because sometimes multiple
-- identifiers occur in the same span(Overloaded Record Fields and so on)
data IdentifierDetails a = IdentifierDetails
{ identType :: Maybe a
, identInfo :: S.Set ContextInfo
} deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Outputable a => Outputable (IdentifierDetails a) where
ppr x = text "IdentifierDetails" <+> ppr (identType x) <+> ppr (identInfo x)
instance Semigroup (IdentifierDetails a) where
d1 <> d2 = IdentifierDetails (identType d1 <|> identType d2)
(S.union (identInfo d1) (identInfo d2))
instance Monoid (IdentifierDetails a) where
mempty = IdentifierDetails Nothing S.empty
instance Binary (IdentifierDetails TypeIndex) where
put_ bh dets = do
put_ bh $ identType dets
put_ bh $ S.toAscList $ identInfo dets
get bh = IdentifierDetails
<$> get bh
<*> fmap (S.fromDistinctAscList) (get bh)
-- | Different contexts under which identifiers exist
data ContextInfo
= Use -- ^ regular variable
| MatchBind
| IEThing IEType -- ^ import/export
| TyDecl
-- | Value binding
| ValBind
BindType -- ^ whether or not the binding is in an instance
Scope -- ^ scope over which the value is bound
(Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
-- | Pattern binding
-- This case is tricky because the bound identifier can be used in two
-- distinct scopes. Consider the following example (with @-XViewPatterns@)
-- @
-- do (b, a, (a -> True)) <- bar
-- foo a
-- @
-- The identifier @a@ has two scopes: in the view pattern @(a -> True)@ and
-- in the rest of the @do@-block in @foo a@.
| PatternBind
Scope -- ^ scope /in the pattern/ (the variable bound can be used
-- further in the pattern)
Scope -- ^ rest of the scope outside the pattern
(Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
| ClassTyDecl (Maybe Span)
-- | Declaration
| Decl
DeclType -- ^ type of declaration
(Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
-- | Type variable
| TyVarBind Scope TyVarScope
-- | Record field
| RecField RecFieldContext (Maybe Span)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Outputable ContextInfo where
ppr = text . show
instance Binary ContextInfo where
put_ bh Use = putByte bh 0
put_ bh (IEThing t) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh t
put_ bh TyDecl = putByte bh 2
put_ bh (ValBind bt sc msp) = do
putByte bh 3
put_ bh bt
put_ bh sc
put_ bh msp
put_ bh (PatternBind a b c) = do
putByte bh 4
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh (ClassTyDecl sp) = do
putByte bh 5
put_ bh sp
put_ bh (Decl a b) = do
putByte bh 6
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (TyVarBind a b) = do
putByte bh 7
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (RecField a b) = do
putByte bh 8
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh MatchBind = putByte bh 9
get bh = do
(t :: Word8) <- get bh
case t of
0 -> return Use
1 -> IEThing <$> get bh
2 -> return TyDecl
3 -> ValBind <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
4 -> PatternBind <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
5 -> ClassTyDecl <$> get bh
6 -> Decl <$> get bh <*> get bh
7 -> TyVarBind <$> get bh <*> get bh
8 -> RecField <$> get bh <*> get bh
9 -> return MatchBind
_ -> panic "Binary ContextInfo: invalid tag"
-- | Types of imports and exports
data IEType
= Import
| ImportAs
| ImportHiding
| Export
deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)
instance Binary IEType where
put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
data RecFieldContext
= RecFieldDecl
| RecFieldAssign
| RecFieldMatch
| RecFieldOcc
deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)
instance Binary RecFieldContext where
put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
data BindType
= RegularBind
| InstanceBind
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
instance Binary BindType where
put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
data DeclType
= FamDec -- ^ type or data family
| SynDec -- ^ type synonym
| DataDec -- ^ data declaration
| ConDec -- ^ constructor declaration
| PatSynDec -- ^ pattern synonym
| ClassDec -- ^ class declaration
| InstDec -- ^ instance declaration
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
instance Binary DeclType where
put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
data Scope
= NoScope
| LocalScope Span
| ModuleScope
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
instance Outputable Scope where
ppr NoScope = text "NoScope"
ppr (LocalScope sp) = text "LocalScope" <+> ppr sp
ppr ModuleScope = text "ModuleScope"
instance Binary Scope where
put_ bh NoScope = putByte bh 0
put_ bh (LocalScope span) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh span
put_ bh ModuleScope = putByte bh 2
get bh = do
(t :: Word8) <- get bh
case t of
0 -> return NoScope
1 -> LocalScope <$> get bh
2 -> return ModuleScope
_ -> panic "Binary Scope: invalid tag"
-- | Scope of a type variable.
-- This warrants a data type apart from 'Scope' because of complexities
-- introduced by features like @-XScopedTypeVariables@ and @-XInstanceSigs@. For
-- example, consider:
-- @
-- foo, bar, baz :: forall a. a -> a
-- @
-- Here @a@ is in scope in all the definitions of @foo@, @bar@, and @baz@, so we
-- need a list of scopes to keep track of this. Furthermore, this list cannot be
-- computed until we resolve the binding sites of @foo@, @bar@, and @baz@.
-- Consequently, @a@ starts with an @'UnresolvedScope' [foo, bar, baz] Nothing@
-- which later gets resolved into a 'ResolvedScopes'.
data TyVarScope
= ResolvedScopes [Scope]
-- | Unresolved scopes should never show up in the final @.hie@ file
| UnresolvedScope
[Name] -- ^ names of the definitions over which the scope spans
(Maybe Span) -- ^ the location of the instance/class declaration for
-- the case where the type variable is declared in a
-- method type signature
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show TyVarScope where
show (ResolvedScopes sc) = show sc
show _ = error "UnresolvedScope"
instance Binary TyVarScope where
put_ bh (ResolvedScopes xs) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh xs
put_ bh (UnresolvedScope ns span) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh ns
put_ bh span
get bh = do
(t :: Word8) <- get bh
case t of
0 -> ResolvedScopes <$> get bh
1 -> UnresolvedScope <$> get bh <*> get bh
_ -> panic "Binary TyVarScope: invalid tag"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieUtils where
import CoreMap
import DynFlags ( DynFlags )
import FastString ( FastString, mkFastString )
import IfaceType
import Name hiding (varName)
import Outputable ( renderWithStyle, ppr, defaultUserStyle )
import SrcLoc
import ToIface
import TyCon
import TyCoRep
import Type
import Var
import VarEnv
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.Data ( typeOf, typeRepTyCon, Data(toConstr) )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable ( for )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict hiding (get)
:: Foldable f
=> f (HieAST a)
-> M.Map Identifier [(Span, IdentifierDetails a)]
generateReferencesMap = foldr (\ast m -> M.unionWith (++) (go ast) m) M.empty
go ast = M.unionsWith (++) (this : map go (nodeChildren ast))
this = fmap (pure . (nodeSpan ast,)) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo ast
renderHieType :: DynFlags -> HieTypeFix -> String
renderHieType df ht = renderWithStyle df (ppr $ hieTypeToIface ht) sty
where sty = defaultUserStyle df
resolveVisibility :: Type -> [Type] -> [(Bool,Type)]
resolveVisibility kind ty_args
= go (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) kind ty_args
in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes ty_args)
go _ _ [] = []
go env ty ts
| Just ty' <- coreView ty
= go env ty' ts
go env (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv vis) res) (t:ts)
| isVisibleArgFlag vis = (True , t) : ts'
| otherwise = (False, t) : ts'
ts' = go (extendTvSubst env tv t) res ts
go env (FunTy _ res) (t:ts) -- No type-class args in tycon apps
= (True,t) : (go env res ts)
go env (TyVarTy tv) ts
| Just ki <- lookupTyVar env tv = go env ki ts
go env kind (t:ts) = (True, t) : (go env kind ts) -- Ill-kinded
foldType :: (HieType a -> a) -> HieTypeFix -> a
foldType f (Roll t) = f $ fmap (foldType f) t
hieTypeToIface :: HieTypeFix -> IfaceType
hieTypeToIface = foldType go
go (HTyVarTy n) = IfaceTyVar $ occNameFS $ getOccName n
go (HAppTy a b) = IfaceAppTy a b
go (HLitTy l) = IfaceLitTy l
go (HForAllTy ((n,k),af) t) = let b = (occNameFS $ getOccName n, k)
in IfaceForAllTy (TvBndr b af) t
go (HFunTy a b) = IfaceFunTy a b
go (HQualTy pred b) = IfaceDFunTy pred b
go (HCastTy a) = a
go HCoercionTy = IfaceTyVar "<coercion type>"
go (HTyConApp a xs) = IfaceTyConApp a (hieToIfaceArgs xs)
-- This isn't fully faithful - we can't produce the 'Inferred' case
hieToIfaceArgs :: HieArgs IfaceType -> IfaceTcArgs
hieToIfaceArgs (HieArgs xs) = go' xs
go' [] = ITC_Nil
go' ((True ,x):xs) = ITC_Vis x $ go' xs
go' ((False,x):xs) = ITC_Invis x $ go' xs
data HieTypeState
{ tyMap :: !(TypeMap TypeIndex)
, htyTable :: !(IM.IntMap HieTypeFlat)
, freshIndex :: !TypeIndex
initialHTS :: HieTypeState
initialHTS = HTS emptyTypeMap IM.empty 0
freshTypeIndex :: State HieTypeState TypeIndex
freshTypeIndex = do
index <- gets freshIndex
modify' $ \hts -> hts { freshIndex = index+1 }
return index
:: HieASTs Type
-> (HieASTs TypeIndex, A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat)
compressTypes asts = (a, arr)
(a, (HTS _ m i)) = flip runState initialHTS $
for asts $ \typ -> do
i <- getTypeIndex typ
return i
arr = A.array (0,i-1) (IM.toList m)
recoverFullType :: TypeIndex -> A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat -> HieTypeFix
recoverFullType i m = go i
go i = Roll $ fmap go (m A.! i)
getTypeIndex :: Type -> State HieTypeState TypeIndex
getTypeIndex t
| otherwise = do
tm <- gets tyMap
case lookupTypeMap tm t of
Just i -> return i
Nothing -> do
ht <- go t
extendHTS t ht
extendHTS t ht = do
i <- freshTypeIndex
modify' $ \(HTS tm tt fi) ->
HTS (extendTypeMap tm t i) (IM.insert i ht tt) fi
return i
go (TyVarTy v) = return $ HTyVarTy $ varName v
go (AppTy a b) = do
ai <- getTypeIndex a
bi <- getTypeIndex b
return $ HAppTy ai bi
go (TyConApp f xs) = do
let visArgs = HieArgs $ resolveVisibility (tyConKind f) xs
is <- mapM getTypeIndex visArgs
return $ HTyConApp (toIfaceTyCon f) is
go (ForAllTy (TvBndr v a) t) = do
k <- getTypeIndex (varType v)
i <- getTypeIndex t
return $ HForAllTy ((varName v,k),a) i
go (FunTy a b) = do
ai <- getTypeIndex a
bi <- getTypeIndex b
return $ if isPredTy a
then HQualTy ai bi
else HFunTy ai bi
go (LitTy a) = return $ HLitTy $ toIfaceTyLit a
go (CastTy t _) = do
i <- getTypeIndex t
return $ HCastTy i
go (CoercionTy _) = return HCoercionTy
resolveTyVarScopes :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
resolveTyVarScopes asts = go asts
go ast = resolveTyVarScopeLocal ast asts
resolveTyVarScopeLocal :: HieAST a -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> HieAST a
resolveTyVarScopeLocal ast asts = go ast
resolveNameScope dets = dets{identInfo = resolveScope (identInfo dets)}
resolveScope (TyVarBind sc (UnresolvedScope names Nothing)) =
TyVarBind sc $ ResolvedScopes
[ LocalScope binding
| name <- names
, Just binding <- [getNameBinding name asts]
resolveScope (TyVarBind sc (UnresolvedScope names (Just sp))) =
TyVarBind sc $ ResolvedScopes
[ LocalScope binding
| name <- names
, Just binding <- [getNameBindingInClass name sp asts]
resolveScope scope = scope
go (Node info span children) = Node info' span $ map go children
info' = info { nodeIdentifiers = idents }
idents = resolveNameScope $ nodeIdentifiers info
getNameBinding :: Name -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Maybe Span
getNameBinding n asts = do
(_,msp) <- getNameScopeAndBinding n asts
getNameScope :: Name -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Maybe [Scope]
getNameScope n asts = do
(scopes,_) <- getNameScopeAndBinding n asts
return scopes
:: Name
-> Span
-> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
-> Maybe Span
getNameBindingInClass n sp asts = do
ast <- M.lookup (srcSpanFile sp) asts
getFirst $ foldMap First $ do
child <- flattenAst ast
dets <- maybeToList
$ M.lookup (Right n) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo child
let binding = foldMap (First . getBindSiteFromContext) (identInfo dets)
return (getFirst binding)
:: Name
-> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
-> Maybe ([Scope], Maybe Span)
getNameScopeAndBinding n asts = case nameSrcSpan n of
RealSrcSpan sp -> do -- @Maybe
ast <- M.lookup (srcSpanFile sp) asts
defNode <- selectLargestContainedBy sp ast
getFirst $ foldMap First $ do -- @[]
node <- flattenAst defNode
dets <- maybeToList
$ M.lookup (Right n) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo node
scopes <- maybeToList $ foldMap getScopeFromContext (identInfo dets)
let binding = foldMap (First . getBindSiteFromContext) (identInfo dets)
return $ Just (scopes, getFirst binding)
_ -> Nothing
getScopeFromContext :: ContextInfo -> Maybe [Scope]
getScopeFromContext (ValBind _ sc _) = Just [sc]
getScopeFromContext (PatternBind a b _) = Just [a, b]
getScopeFromContext (ClassTyDecl _) = Just [ModuleScope]
getScopeFromContext (Decl _ _) = Just [ModuleScope]
getScopeFromContext (TyVarBind a (ResolvedScopes xs)) = Just $ a:xs
getScopeFromContext (TyVarBind a _) = Just [a]
getScopeFromContext _ = Nothing
getBindSiteFromContext :: ContextInfo -> Maybe Span
getBindSiteFromContext (ValBind _ _ sp) = sp
getBindSiteFromContext (PatternBind _ _ sp) = sp
getBindSiteFromContext _ = Nothing
flattenAst :: HieAST a -> [HieAST a]
flattenAst n =
n : concatMap flattenAst (nodeChildren n)
:: Span
-> (HieAST a -> Bool)
-> HieAST a
-> Maybe (HieAST a)
smallestContainingSatisfying sp cond node
| nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp = getFirst $ mconcat
[ foldMap (First . smallestContainingSatisfying sp cond) $
nodeChildren node
, First $ if cond node then Just node else Nothing
| sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
selectLargestContainedBy :: Span -> HieAST a -> Maybe (HieAST a)
selectLargestContainedBy sp node
| sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Just node
| nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp =
getFirst $ foldMap (First . selectLargestContainedBy sp) $
nodeChildren node
| otherwise = Nothing
selectSmallestContaining :: Span -> HieAST a -> Maybe (HieAST a)
selectSmallestContaining sp node
| nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp = getFirst $ mconcat
[ foldMap (First . selectSmallestContaining sp) $ nodeChildren node
, First (Just node)
| sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
definedInAsts :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Name -> Bool
definedInAsts asts n = case nameSrcSpan n of
RealSrcSpan sp -> srcSpanFile sp `elem` M.keys asts
_ -> False
isOccurrence :: ContextInfo -> Bool
isOccurrence Use = True
isOccurrence _ = False
scopeContainsSpan :: Scope -> Span -> Bool
scopeContainsSpan NoScope _ = False
scopeContainsSpan ModuleScope _ = True
scopeContainsSpan (LocalScope a) b = a `containsSpan` b
-- | One must contain the other. Leaf nodes cannot contain anything
combineAst :: HieAST Type -> HieAST Type -> HieAST Type
combineAst a@(Node aInf aSpn xs) b@(Node bInf bSpn ys)
| aSpn == bSpn = Node (aInf `combineNodeInfo` bInf) aSpn (mergeAsts xs ys)
| aSpn `containsSpan` bSpn = combineAst b a
combineAst a (Node xs span children) = Node xs span (insertAst a children)
-- | Insert an AST in a sorted list of disjoint Asts
insertAst :: HieAST Type -> [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
insertAst x = mergeAsts [x]
-- | Merge two nodes together.
-- Precondition and postcondition: elements in 'nodeType' are ordered.
combineNodeInfo :: NodeInfo Type -> NodeInfo Type -> NodeInfo Type
(NodeInfo as ai ad) `combineNodeInfo` (NodeInfo bs bi bd) =
NodeInfo (S.union as bs) (mergeSorted ai bi) (M.unionWith (<>) ad bd)
mergeSorted :: [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
mergeSorted la@(a:as) lb@(b:bs) = case nonDetCmpType a b of
LT -> a : mergeSorted as lb
EQ -> a : mergeSorted as bs
GT -> b : mergeSorted la bs
mergeSorted as [] = as
mergeSorted [] bs = bs
{- | Merge two sorted, disjoint lists of ASTs, combining when necessary.
In the absence of position-altering pragmas (ex: @# line "file.hs" 3@),
different nodes in an AST tree should either have disjoint spans (in
which case you can say for sure which one comes first) or one span
should be completely contained in the other (in which case the contained
span corresponds to some child node).
However, since Haskell does have position-altering pragmas it /is/
possible for spans to be overlapping. Here is an example of a source file
in which @foozball@ and @quuuuuux@ have overlapping spans:
module Baz where
# line 3 "Baz.hs"
foozball :: Int
foozball = 0
# line 3 "Baz.hs"
bar, quuuuuux :: Int
bar = 1
quuuuuux = 2
In these cases, we just do our best to produce sensible `HieAST`'s. The blame
should be laid at the feet of whoever wrote the line pragmas in the first place
(usually the C preprocessor...).
mergeAsts :: [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
mergeAsts xs [] = xs
mergeAsts [] ys = ys
mergeAsts xs@(a:as) ys@(b:bs)
| span_a `containsSpan` span_b = mergeAsts (combineAst a b : as) bs
| span_b `containsSpan` span_a = mergeAsts as (combineAst a b : bs)
| span_a `rightOf` span_b = b : mergeAsts xs bs
| span_a `leftOf` span_b = a : mergeAsts as ys
-- These cases are to work around ASTs that are not fully disjoint
| span_a `startsRightOf` span_b = b : mergeAsts as ys
| otherwise = a : mergeAsts as ys
span_a = nodeSpan a
span_b = nodeSpan b
rightOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
rightOf s1 s2
= (srcSpanStartLine s1, srcSpanStartCol s1)
>= (srcSpanEndLine s2, srcSpanEndCol s2)
&& (srcSpanFile s1 == srcSpanFile s2)
leftOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
leftOf s1 s2
= (srcSpanEndLine s1, srcSpanEndCol s1)
<= (srcSpanStartLine s2, srcSpanStartCol s2)
&& (srcSpanFile s1 == srcSpanFile s2)
startsRightOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
startsRightOf s1 s2
= (srcSpanStartLine s1, srcSpanStartCol s1)
>= (srcSpanStartLine s2, srcSpanStartCol s2)
-- | combines and sorts ASTs using a merge sort
mergeSortAsts :: [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
mergeSortAsts = go . map pure
go [] = []
go [xs] = xs
go xss = go (mergePairs xss)
mergePairs [] = []
mergePairs [xs] = [xs]
mergePairs (xs:ys:xss) = mergeAsts xs ys : mergePairs xss
simpleNodeInfo :: FastString -> FastString -> NodeInfo a
simpleNodeInfo cons typ = NodeInfo (S.singleton (cons, typ)) [] M.empty
locOnly :: SrcSpan -> [HieAST a]
locOnly (RealSrcSpan span) =
[Node e span []]
where e = NodeInfo S.empty [] M.empty
locOnly _ = []
mkScope :: SrcSpan -> Scope
mkScope (RealSrcSpan sp) = LocalScope sp
mkScope _ = NoScope
mkLScope :: Located a -> Scope
mkLScope = mkScope . getLoc
combineScopes :: Scope -> Scope -> Scope
combineScopes ModuleScope _ = ModuleScope
combineScopes _ ModuleScope = ModuleScope
combineScopes NoScope x = x
combineScopes x NoScope = x
combineScopes (LocalScope a) (LocalScope b) =
mkScope $ combineSrcSpans (RealSrcSpan a) (RealSrcSpan b)
{-# INLINEABLE makeNode #-}
:: (Applicative m, Data a)
=> a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
-> SrcSpan -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
-> m [HieAST b]
makeNode x spn = pure $ case spn of
RealSrcSpan span -> [Node (simpleNodeInfo cons typ) span []]
_ -> []
cons = mkFastString . show . toConstr $ x
typ = mkFastString . show . typeRepTyCon . typeOf $ x
{-# INLINEABLE makeTypeNode #-}
:: (Applicative m, Data a)
=> a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
-> SrcSpan -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
-> Type -- ^ type to associate with the node
-> m [HieAST Type]
makeTypeNode x spn etyp = pure $ case spn of
RealSrcSpan span ->
[Node (NodeInfo (S.singleton (cons,typ)) [etyp] M.empty) span []]
_ -> []
cons = mkFastString . show . toConstr $ x
typ = mkFastString . show . typeRepTyCon . typeOf $ x

View File

@ -52,9 +52,16 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.Compat(
module GHC,
module HieTypes,
module HieUtils,
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes,
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieUtils,
) where
@ -94,35 +101,38 @@ import Avail
import ErrUtils (ErrorMessages)
import FastString (FastString)
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieAst (mkHieFile)
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieBin
import HieUtils
import HieTypes
supportsHieFiles :: Bool
supportsHieFiles = True
hieExportNames :: HieFile -> [(SrcSpan, Name)]
hieExportNames = nameListFromAvails . hie_exports
import IfaceEnv
import BinIface
import System.IO.Error
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieUtils
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes
import System.FilePath ((-<.>))
import GhcPlugins (srcErrorMessages)
import System.IO.Error
import IfaceEnv
import Binary
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import GhcPlugins (Hsc, srcErrorMessages)
import TcRnTypes
import MkIface
import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.IO
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import MkIface
hPutStringBuffer :: Handle -> StringBuffer -> IO ()
@ -132,6 +142,20 @@ hPutStringBuffer hdl (StringBuffer buf len cur)
supportsHieFiles :: Bool
supportsHieFiles = True
hieExportNames :: HieFile -> [(SrcSpan, Name)]
hieExportNames = nameListFromAvails . hie_exports
ml_hie_file :: GHC.ModLocation -> FilePath
ml_hie_file ml = ml_hi_file ml -<.> ".hie"
upNameCache :: IORef NameCache -> (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -> IO c
upNameCache ref upd_fn
@ -271,7 +295,7 @@ nameListFromAvails :: [AvailInfo] -> [(SrcSpan, Name)]
nameListFromAvails as =
map (\n -> (nameSrcSpan n, n)) (concatMap availNames as)
-- Reimplementations of functions for HIE files for GHC 8.6
mkHieFile :: ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> RenamedSource -> ByteString -> Hsc HieFile
@ -303,21 +327,7 @@ writeHieFile :: FilePath -> HieFile -> IO ()
readHieFile :: NameCacheUpdater -> FilePath -> IO HieFileResult
supportsHieFiles :: Bool
writeHieFile fp hie = do
bh <- openBinMem (1024 * 1024)
putWithUserData (const $ return ()) bh hie
writeBinMem bh fp
readHieFile nc fp = do
bh <- readBinMem fp
hie_file <- getWithUserData nc bh
return (HieFileResult hie_file)
supportsHieFiles = True
supportsHieFiles = False