ghc initialization error handling (#609)

There are a couple of cases to handle as seen below.
Thanks @jneira for help discovering them all.
There used to be linking errors but I no longer see those after the multi-cradle patch

Non Nix

The table below shows a couple of combinations of cradles and ghcide versions in a
non-Nix environment. All the version mismatches are now handled as follows:

- "Cannot satisfy package" -  `-package-id` flags referencing
  package versions not available (generally base)
- "bad interface" - tried to load an interface file created by a different version of ghc

cradle/ghcide | 8.6 | 8.8 | 8.10
Cabal 8.6   | success | cannot satisfy package | cannot satisfy package
Cabal 8.8   | cannot satisfy package | success | cannot satisfy package
Cabal 8.10  | cannot satisfy package | cannot satisfy package | success
Stack 8.6   | success | bad-interface | bad-interfac-
Stack 8.8   | bad-interface | success | bad-interface
Stack 8.10  | bad-interface | bad-interface | success


Because Nix redefines the libdir to point at the run-time ghc installation,
it's actually much easier to detect a version mismatch:
just compare the compile-time and run-time libdirs
This commit is contained in:
Pepe Iborra 2020-06-10 13:26:35 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent e380aade3d
commit a538f0644b
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 241 additions and 197 deletions

View File

@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ import Module
import Arguments
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Default
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Function
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ import DynFlags (gopt_set, gopt_unset, updOptLevel, PackageFlag(..), PackageArg(
import GhcMonad
import HscTypes (HscEnv(..), ic_dflags)
import GHC hiding (def)
import GHC.Check ( VersionCheck(..), makeGhcVersionChecker )
import GHC.Check
import Data.Either.Extra
import HIE.Bios.Cradle
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ main = do
putStrLn "\nStep 3/4: Initializing the IDE"
vfs <- makeVFSHandle
debouncer <- newAsyncDebouncer
ide <- initialise def mainRule (pure $ IdInt 0) (showEvent lock) (logger Info) debouncer (defaultIdeOptions $ loadSessionShake dir) vfs
ide <- initialise def mainRule (pure $ IdInt 0) (showEvent lock) (logger minBound) debouncer (defaultIdeOptions $ loadSessionShake dir) vfs
putStrLn "\nStep 4/4: Type checking the files"
setFilesOfInterest ide $ HashSet.fromList $ map toNormalizedFilePath' files
@ -238,165 +239,178 @@ loadSession optTesting ShakeExtras{logger, eventer, restartShakeSession} dir = d
-- Mapping from a Filepath to HscEnv
fileToFlags <- newVar Map.empty :: IO (Var FlagsMap)
-- This caches the mapping from Mod.hs -> hie.yaml
cradleLoc <- memoIO $ \v -> do
res <- findCradle v
-- Sometimes we get C:, sometimes we get c:, and sometimes we get a relative path
-- try and normalise that
-- e.g. see
res' <- traverse IO.makeAbsolute res
return $ normalise <$> res'
libdir <- getLibdir
installationCheck <- ghcVersionChecker libdir
-- Create a new HscEnv from a hieYaml root and a set of options
-- If the hieYaml file already has an HscEnv, the new component is
-- combined with the components in the old HscEnv into a new HscEnv
-- which contains the union.
let packageSetup :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions)
-> IO (HscEnv, ComponentInfo, [ComponentInfo])
packageSetup (hieYaml, cfp, opts) = do
-- Parse DynFlags for the newly discovered component
hscEnv <- emptyHscEnv
(df, targets) <- evalGhcEnv hscEnv $
setOptions opts (hsc_dflags hscEnv)
dep_info <- getDependencyInfo (componentDependencies opts ++ maybeToList hieYaml)
-- Now lookup to see whether we are combining with an existing HscEnv
-- or making a new one. The lookup returns the HscEnv and a list of
-- information about other components loaded into the HscEnv
-- (unitId, DynFlag, Targets)
modifyVar hscEnvs $ \m -> do
-- Just deps if there's already an HscEnv
-- Nothing is it's the first time we are making an HscEnv
let oldDeps = Map.lookup hieYaml m
let -- Add the raw information about this component to the list
-- We will modify the unitId and DynFlags used for
-- compilation but these are the true source of
-- information.
new_deps = RawComponentInfo (thisInstalledUnitId df) df targets cfp opts dep_info
: maybe [] snd oldDeps
-- Get all the unit-ids for things in this component
inplace = map rawComponentUnitId new_deps
case installationCheck of
InstallationNotFound{..} ->
error $ "GHC installation not found in libdir: " <> libdir
InstallationMismatch{..} ->
return $ \fp -> return ([renderPackageSetupException compileTime fp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing)
InstallationChecked compileTime ghcLibCheck -> do
-- This caches the mapping from Mod.hs -> hie.yaml
cradleLoc <- memoIO $ \v -> do
res <- findCradle v
-- Sometimes we get C:, sometimes we get c:, and sometimes we get a relative path
-- try and normalise that
-- e.g. see
res' <- traverse IO.makeAbsolute res
return $ normalise <$> res'
new_deps' <- forM new_deps $ \RawComponentInfo{..} -> do
-- Remove all inplace dependencies from package flags for
-- components in this HscEnv
let (df2, uids) = removeInplacePackages inplace rawComponentDynFlags
let prefix = show rawComponentUnitId
-- See Note [Avoiding bad interface files]
processed_df <- setCacheDir logger prefix (sort $ map show uids) opts df2
-- The final component information, mostly the same but the DynFlags don't
-- contain any packages which are also loaded
-- into the same component.
pure $ ComponentInfo rawComponentUnitId
-- Make a new HscEnv, we have to recompile everything from
-- scratch again (for now)
-- It's important to keep the same NameCache though for reasons
-- that I do not fully understand
logInfo logger (T.pack ("Making new HscEnv" ++ show inplace))
hscEnv <- case oldDeps of
Nothing -> emptyHscEnv
Just (old_hsc, _) -> setNameCache (hsc_NC old_hsc) <$> emptyHscEnv
newHscEnv <-
-- Add the options for the current component to the HscEnv
evalGhcEnv hscEnv $ do
_ <- setSessionDynFlags df
-- Modify the map so the hieYaml now maps to the newly created
-- HscEnv
-- Returns
-- . the new HscEnv so it can be used to modify the
-- FilePath -> HscEnv map (fileToFlags)
-- . The information for the new component which caused this cache miss
-- . The modified information (without -inplace flags) for
-- existing packages
pure (Map.insert hieYaml (newHscEnv, new_deps) m, (newHscEnv, head new_deps', tail new_deps'))
-- Create a new HscEnv from a hieYaml root and a set of options
-- If the hieYaml file already has an HscEnv, the new component is
-- combined with the components in the old HscEnv into a new HscEnv
-- which contains the union.
let packageSetup :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions)
-> IO (HscEnv, ComponentInfo, [ComponentInfo])
packageSetup (hieYaml, cfp, opts) = do
-- Parse DynFlags for the newly discovered component
hscEnv <- emptyHscEnv
(df, targets) <- evalGhcEnv hscEnv $
setOptions opts (hsc_dflags hscEnv)
dep_info <- getDependencyInfo (componentDependencies opts ++ maybeToList hieYaml)
-- Now lookup to see whether we are combining with an existing HscEnv
-- or making a new one. The lookup returns the HscEnv and a list of
-- information about other components loaded into the HscEnv
-- (unitId, DynFlag, Targets)
modifyVar hscEnvs $ \m -> do
-- Just deps if there's already an HscEnv
-- Nothing is it's the first time we are making an HscEnv
let oldDeps = Map.lookup hieYaml m
let -- Add the raw information about this component to the list
-- We will modify the unitId and DynFlags used for
-- compilation but these are the true source of
-- information.
new_deps = RawComponentInfo (thisInstalledUnitId df) df targets cfp opts dep_info
: maybe [] snd oldDeps
-- Get all the unit-ids for things in this component
inplace = map rawComponentUnitId new_deps
let session :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
session (hieYaml, cfp, opts) = do
(hscEnv, new, old_deps) <- packageSetup (hieYaml, cfp, opts)
-- Make a map from unit-id to DynFlags, this is used when trying to
-- resolve imports. (especially PackageImports)
let uids = map (\ci -> (componentUnitId ci, componentDynFlags ci)) (new : old_deps)
new_deps' <- forM new_deps $ \RawComponentInfo{..} -> do
-- Remove all inplace dependencies from package flags for
-- components in this HscEnv
let (df2, uids) = removeInplacePackages inplace rawComponentDynFlags
let prefix = show rawComponentUnitId
-- See Note [Avoiding bad interface files]
processed_df <- setCacheDir logger prefix (sort $ map show uids) opts df2
-- The final component information, mostly the same but the DynFlags don't
-- contain any packages which are also loaded
-- into the same component.
pure $ ComponentInfo rawComponentUnitId
-- Make a new HscEnv, we have to recompile everything from
-- scratch again (for now)
-- It's important to keep the same NameCache though for reasons
-- that I do not fully understand
logInfo logger (T.pack ("Making new HscEnv" ++ show inplace))
hscEnv <- case oldDeps of
Nothing -> emptyHscEnv
Just (old_hsc, _) -> setNameCache (hsc_NC old_hsc) <$> emptyHscEnv
newHscEnv <-
-- Add the options for the current component to the HscEnv
evalGhcEnv hscEnv $ do
_ <- setSessionDynFlags df
checkSession logger ghcLibCheck
-- For each component, now make a new HscEnvEq which contains the
-- HscEnv for the hie.yaml file but the DynFlags for that component
-- Modify the map so the hieYaml now maps to the newly created
-- HscEnv
-- Returns
-- . the new HscEnv so it can be used to modify the
-- FilePath -> HscEnv map (fileToFlags)
-- . The information for the new component which caused this cache miss
-- . The modified information (without -inplace flags) for
-- existing packages
pure (Map.insert hieYaml (newHscEnv, new_deps) m, (newHscEnv, head new_deps', tail new_deps'))
-- New HscEnv for the component in question, returns the new HscEnvEq and
-- a mapping from FilePath to the newly created HscEnvEq.
let new_cache = newComponentCache logger hscEnv uids
(cs, res) <- new_cache new
-- Modified cache targets for everything else in the hie.yaml file
-- which now uses the same EPS and so on
cached_targets <- concatMapM (fmap fst . new_cache) old_deps
modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do
pure $ Map.insert hieYaml (HM.fromList (cs ++ cached_targets)) var
let session :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
session (hieYaml, cfp, opts) = do
(hscEnv, new, old_deps) <- packageSetup (hieYaml, cfp, opts)
-- Make a map from unit-id to DynFlags, this is used when trying to
-- resolve imports. (especially PackageImports)
let uids = map (\ci -> (componentUnitId ci, componentDynFlags ci)) (new : old_deps)
-- Invalidate all the existing GhcSession build nodes by restarting the Shake session
restartShakeSession [kick]
-- For each component, now make a new HscEnvEq which contains the
-- HscEnv for the hie.yaml file but the DynFlags for that component
return (fst res)
-- New HscEnv for the component in question, returns the new HscEnvEq and
-- a mapping from FilePath to the newly created HscEnvEq.
let new_cache = newComponentCache logger hscEnv uids
(cs, res) <- new_cache new
-- Modified cache targets for everything else in the hie.yaml file
-- which now uses the same EPS and so on
cached_targets <- concatMapM (fmap fst . new_cache) old_deps
modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do
pure $ Map.insert hieYaml (HM.fromList (cs ++ cached_targets)) var
let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
consultCradle hieYaml cfp = do
when optTesting $ eventer $ notifyCradleLoaded cfp
logInfo logger $ T.pack ("Consulting the cradle for " <> show cfp)
cradle <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle hieYaml
eopts <- cradleToSessionOpts cradle cfp
logDebug logger $ T.pack ("Session loading result: " <> show eopts)
case eopts of
-- The cradle gave us some options so get to work turning them
-- into and HscEnv.
Right opts -> do
session (hieYaml, toNormalizedFilePath' cfp, opts)
-- Failure case, either a cradle error or the none cradle
Left err -> do
dep_info <- getDependencyInfo (maybeToList hieYaml)
let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp
let res = (map (renderCradleError ncfp) err, Nothing)
modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do
pure $ Map.insertWith HM.union hieYaml (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)) var
return res
-- Invalidate all the existing GhcSession build nodes by restarting the Shake session
restartShakeSession [kick]
-- This caches the mapping from hie.yaml + Mod.hs -> [String]
let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) = do
v <- fromMaybe HM.empty . Map.lookup hieYaml <$> readVar fileToFlags
cfp <- canonicalizePath file
case HM.lookup (toNormalizedFilePath' cfp) v of
Just (opts, old_di) -> do
deps_ok <- checkDependencyInfo old_di
if not deps_ok
then do
-- If the dependencies are out of date then clear both caches and start
-- again.
modifyVar_ fileToFlags (const (return Map.empty))
-- Keep the same name cache
modifyVar_ hscEnvs (return . Map.adjust (\(h, _) -> (h, [])) hieYaml )
consultCradle hieYaml cfp
else return opts
Nothing -> consultCradle hieYaml cfp
return (fst res)
dummyAs <- async $ return (error "Uninitialised")
runningCradle <- newVar dummyAs :: IO (Var (Async (IdeResult HscEnvEq)))
-- The main function which gets options for a file. We only want one of these running
-- at a time. Therefore the IORef contains the currently running cradle, if we try
-- to get some more options then we wait for the currently running action to finish
-- before attempting to do so.
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
getOptions file = do
hieYaml <- cradleLoc file
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file)
return $ \file -> do
join $ mask_ $ modifyVar runningCradle $ \as -> do
-- If the cradle is not finished, then wait for it to finish.
void $ wait as
as <- async $ getOptions file
return (as, wait as)
let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
consultCradle hieYaml cfp = do
when optTesting $ eventer $ notifyCradleLoaded cfp
logInfo logger $ T.pack ("Consulting the cradle for " <> show cfp)
cradle <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle hieYaml
eopts <- cradleToSessionOpts cradle cfp
logDebug logger $ T.pack ("Session loading result: " <> show eopts)
case eopts of
-- The cradle gave us some options so get to work turning them
-- into and HscEnv.
Right opts -> do
session (hieYaml, toNormalizedFilePath' cfp, opts)
-- Failure case, either a cradle error or the none cradle
Left err -> do
dep_info <- getDependencyInfo (maybeToList hieYaml)
let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp
let res = (map (renderCradleError ncfp) err, Nothing)
modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do
pure $ Map.insertWith HM.union hieYaml (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)) var
return res
-- This caches the mapping from hie.yaml + Mod.hs -> [String]
let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) = do
v <- fromMaybe HM.empty . Map.lookup hieYaml <$> readVar fileToFlags
cfp <- canonicalizePath file
case HM.lookup (toNormalizedFilePath' cfp) v of
Just (opts, old_di) -> do
deps_ok <- checkDependencyInfo old_di
if not deps_ok
then do
-- If the dependencies are out of date then clear both caches and start
-- again.
modifyVar_ fileToFlags (const (return Map.empty))
-- Keep the same name cache
modifyVar_ hscEnvs (return . Map.adjust (\(h, _) -> (h, [])) hieYaml )
consultCradle hieYaml cfp
else return opts
Nothing -> consultCradle hieYaml cfp
dummyAs <- async $ return (error "Uninitialised")
runningCradle <- newVar dummyAs :: IO (Var (Async (IdeResult HscEnvEq)))
-- The main function which gets options for a file. We only want one of these running
-- at a time. Therefore the IORef contains the currently running cradle, if we try
-- to get some more options then we wait for the currently running action to finish
-- before attempting to do so.
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq)
getOptions file = do
hieYaml <- cradleLoc file
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) `catch` \e ->
return ([renderPackageSetupException compileTime file e], Nothing)
return $ \file -> do
join $ mask_ $ modifyVar runningCradle $ \as -> do
-- If the cradle is not finished, then wait for it to finish.
void $ wait as
as <- async $ getOptions file
return (as, wait as)
@ -412,10 +426,7 @@ newComponentCache logger hsc_env uids ci = do
let hscEnv' = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = df
, hsc_IC = (hsc_IC hsc_env) { ic_dflags = df } }
versionMismatch <- checkGhcVersion
henv <- case versionMismatch of
Just mismatch -> return mismatch
Nothing -> newHscEnvEq hscEnv' uids
henv <- newHscEnvEq hscEnv' uids
let res = (([], Just henv), componentDependencyInfo ci)
logDebug logger ("New Component Cache HscEnvEq: " <> T.pack (show res))
@ -496,7 +507,7 @@ setCacheDir logger prefix hscComponents comps dflags = do
renderCradleError :: NormalizedFilePath -> CradleError -> FileDiagnostic
renderCradleError nfp (CradleError _ec t) =
ideErrorText nfp (T.unlines (map T.pack t))
ideErrorWithSource (Just "cradle") (Just DsError) nfp (T.unlines (map T.pack t))
-- See Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info]
type DependencyInfo = Map.Map FilePath (Maybe UTCTime)
@ -603,6 +614,7 @@ memoIO op = do
return (Map.insert k res mp, res)
Just res -> return (mp, res)
-- | Throws if package flags are unsatisfiable
setOptions :: GhcMonad m => ComponentOptions -> DynFlags -> m (DynFlags, [Target])
setOptions (ComponentOptions theOpts compRoot _) dflags = do
(dflags', targets) <- addCmdOpts theOpts dflags
@ -618,7 +630,8 @@ setOptions (ComponentOptions theOpts compRoot _) dflags = do
makeDynFlagsAbsolute compRoot dflags'
-- initPackages parses the -package flags and
-- sets up the visibility for each component.
(final_df, _) <- liftIO $ initPackages dflags''
-- Throws if a -package flag cannot be satisfied.
(final_df, _) <- liftIO $ wrapPackageSetupException $ initPackages dflags''
return (final_df, targets)
@ -664,17 +677,64 @@ notifyCradleLoaded fp =
cradleLoadedMethod :: T.Text
cradleLoadedMethod = "ghcide/cradle/loaded"
ghcVersionChecker :: IO VersionCheck
ghcVersionChecker = $$(makeGhcVersionChecker (pure <$> getLibdir))
checkGhcVersion :: IO (Maybe HscEnvEq)
checkGhcVersion = do
res <- ghcVersionChecker
case res of
Failure err -> do
putStrLn $ "Error while checking GHC version: " ++ show err
return Nothing
Mismatch {..} ->
return $ Just GhcVersionMismatch {..}
_ ->
return Nothing
ghcVersionChecker :: GhcVersionChecker
ghcVersionChecker = $$(makeGhcVersionChecker getLibdir)
-- | Throws a 'PackageSetupException' if the 'Session' cannot be used by ghcide
checkSession :: Logger -> Ghc PackageCheckResult -> Ghc ()
checkSession logger ghcLibCheck =
ghcLibCheck >>= \res -> case guessCompatibility res of
ProbablyCompatible mbWarning ->
for_ mbWarning $ liftIO . logInfo logger . T.pack
NotCompatible err ->
liftIO $ throwIO $ PackageCheckFailed err
data PackageSetupException
= PackageSetupException
{ message :: !String
| GhcVersionMismatch
{ compileTime :: !Version
, runTime :: !Version
| PackageCheckFailed !NotCompatibleReason
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
instance Exception PackageSetupException
-- | Wrap any exception as a 'PackageSetupException'
wrapPackageSetupException :: IO a -> IO a
wrapPackageSetupException = handleAny $ \case
e | Just (pkgE :: PackageSetupException) <- fromException e -> throwIO pkgE
e -> (throwIO . PackageSetupException . show) e
showPackageSetupException :: Version -> PackageSetupException -> String
showPackageSetupException _ GhcVersionMismatch{..} = unwords
["ghcide compiled against GHC"
,showVersion compileTime
,"but currently using"
,showVersion runTime
,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC version as the project."
showPackageSetupException compileTime PackageSetupException{..} = unwords
[ "ghcide compiled by GHC", showVersion compileTime
, "failed to load packages:", message <> "."
, "\nPlease ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project."]
showPackageSetupException _ (PackageCheckFailed PackageVersionMismatch{..}) = unwords
["ghcide compiled with package "
, packageName <> "-" <> showVersion compileTime
,"but project uses package"
, packageName <> "-" <> showVersion runTime
,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC installation as the project."
showPackageSetupException _ (PackageCheckFailed BasePackageAbiMismatch{..}) = unwords
["ghcide compiled with base-" <> showVersion compileTime <> "-" <> compileTimeAbi
,"but project uses base-" <> showVersion compileTime <> "-" <> runTimeAbi
,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC installation as the project."
renderPackageSetupException :: Version -> FilePath -> PackageSetupException -> (NormalizedFilePath, ShowDiagnostic, Diagnostic)
renderPackageSetupException compileTime fp e =
ideErrorWithSource (Just "cradle") (Just DsError) (toNormalizedFilePath' fp) (T.pack $ showPackageSetupException compileTime e)

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ executable ghcide
ghc-check >= && < 0.4,
ghc-check >= && < 0.6,
@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ executable ghcide
hie-bios >= 0.5.0 && < 0.6,

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
-- | General utility functions, mostly focused around GHC operations.
module Development.IDE.GHC.Util(
-- * HcsEnv and environment
HscEnvEq(GhcVersionMismatch, compileTime, runTime), hscEnv, newHscEnvEq,
hscEnv, newHscEnvEq,
@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ import Fingerprint
import GhcMonad
import Control.Exception
import Data.IORef
import Data.Version (showVersion, Version)
import FileCleanup
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ data HscEnvEq
[(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)] -- In memory components for this HscEnv
-- This is only used at the moment for the import dirs in
-- the DynFlags
| GhcVersionMismatch { compileTime :: !Version
, runTime :: !Version
-- | Unwrap an 'HsEnvEq'.
hscEnv :: HscEnvEq -> HscEnv
@ -180,18 +177,8 @@ hscEnv = either error id . hscEnv'
hscEnv' :: HscEnvEq -> Either String HscEnv
hscEnv' (HscEnvEq _ x _) = Right x
hscEnv' GhcVersionMismatch{..} = Left $
["ghcide compiled against GHC"
,showVersion compileTime
,"but currently using"
,showVersion runTime
,". This is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC version as the project."
deps :: HscEnvEq -> [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)]
deps (HscEnvEq _ _ u) = u
deps GhcVersionMismatch{} = []
-- | Wrap an 'HscEnv' into an 'HscEnvEq'.
newHscEnvEq :: HscEnv -> [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)] -> IO HscEnvEq
@ -199,20 +186,15 @@ newHscEnvEq e uids = do u <- newUnique; return $ HscEnvEq u e uids
instance Show HscEnvEq where
show (HscEnvEq a _ _) = "HscEnvEq " ++ show (hashUnique a)
show GhcVersionMismatch{..} = "GhcVersionMismatch " <> show (compileTime, runTime)
instance Eq HscEnvEq where
HscEnvEq a _ _ == HscEnvEq b _ _ = a == b
GhcVersionMismatch a b == GhcVersionMismatch c d = a == c && b == d
_ == _ = False
instance NFData HscEnvEq where
rnf (HscEnvEq a b c) = rnf (hashUnique a) `seq` b `seq` c `seq` ()
rnf GhcVersionMismatch{} = rnf runTime
instance Hashable HscEnvEq where
hashWithSalt s (HscEnvEq a _b _c) = hashWithSalt s a
hashWithSalt salt GhcVersionMismatch{..} = hashWithSalt salt (compileTime, runTime)
-- Fake instance needed to persuade Shake to accept this type as a key.
-- No harm done as ghcide never persists these keys currently

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ extra-deps:
- regex-base-
- regex-tdfa-
- haddock-library-1.8.0
- ghc-check-
- ghc-check-
packages: [zlib]

View File

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ extra-deps:
- parser-combinators-1.2.1
- haddock-library-1.8.0
- tasty-rerun-1.1.17
- ghc-check-
- ghc-check-
packages: [zlib]

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ extra-deps:
- haskell-lsp-
- haskell-lsp-types-
- lsp-test-
- ghc-check-
- ghc-check-
- hie-bios-0.5.0
# for ghc-8.10

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ extra-deps:
- unordered-containers-
- file-embed-
- heaps-
- ghc-check-
- ghc-check-
# For tasty-retun
- ansi-terminal-0.10.3
- ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ extra-deps:
- haskell-lsp-
- haskell-lsp-types-
- lsp-test-
- ghc-check-
- ghc-check-
- hie-bios-0.5.0
packages: [zlib]