Typecheck entire project on Initial Load and typecheck reverse dependencies of a file on saving (#688)

* Add new command to GetModuleGraph for a session and propate changes to

Only propagate changes to parent modules when saving

Typecheck files when they are opened, don't TC FOI

Add known files rule

Don't save ifaces for files with defered errors

Co-authored-by: Zubin Duggal <zubin@cmi.ac.in>

* Add configuration for parent typechecking

* hlint ignore

* Use targets to filter located imports (#10)

* Use targets to filter located imports

* Remove import paths from the GHC session

Otherwise GHC will prioritize source files found in the import path

* Update session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <pepeiborra@me.com>

* Add session-loader to hie.yaml (#714)

* move known files rule to RuleTypes

* Disable checkParents on open and close document (#12)

* Really disable expensive checkParents

* Add an option to check parents on close

Co-authored-by: Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <pepeiborra@me.com>
Co-authored-by: Luke Lau <luke_lau@icloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
wz1000 2020-09-02 22:36:04 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent 6128c74ba2
commit b4589aebe6
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 280 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -95,6 +95,24 @@ If you can't get `ghcide` working outside the editor, see [this setup troublesho
`ghcide` has been designed to handle projects with hundreds or thousands of modules. If `ghci` can handle it, then `ghcide` should be able to handle it. The only caveat is that this currently requires GHC >= 8.6, and that the first time a module is loaded in the editor will trigger generation of support files in the background if those do not already exist.
### Configuration
`ghcide` accepts the following lsp configuration options:
// When to check the dependents of a module
// AlwaysCheck means retypechecking them on every change
// CheckOnSave means dependent/parent modules will only be checked when you save
// "CheckOnSaveAndClose" by default
checkParents : "NeverCheck" | "CheckOnClose" | "CheckOnSaveAndClose" | "AlwaysCheck" | ,
// Whether to check the entire project on initial load
// true by default
checkProject : boolean
### Using with VS Code
You can install the VSCode extension from the [VSCode

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Main(main) where
import Arguments
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Lens ( (^.) )
import Data.Default
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Session
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens (params, initializationOptions)
import Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer
import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
import System.Environment
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ import System.Time.Extra
import Paths_ghcide
import Development.GitRev
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import HIE.Bios.Cradle
@ -78,8 +81,13 @@ main = do
command <- makeLspCommandId "typesignature.add"
let plugins = Completions.plugin <> CodeAction.plugin
onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
onInitialConfiguration :: InitializeRequest -> Either T.Text LspConfig
onInitialConfiguration x = case x ^. params . initializationOptions of
Nothing -> Right defaultLspConfig
Just v -> case J.fromJSON v of
J.Error err -> Left $ T.pack err
J.Success a -> Right a
onConfigurationChange = const $ Left "Updating Not supported"
options = def { LSP.executeCommandCommands = Just [command]
, LSP.completionTriggerCharacters = Just "."
@ -88,15 +96,18 @@ main = do
t <- offsetTime
hPutStrLn stderr "Starting LSP server..."
hPutStrLn stderr "If you are seeing this in a terminal, you probably should have run ghcide WITHOUT the --lsp option!"
runLanguageServer options (pluginHandler plugins) onInitialConfiguration onConfigurationChange $ \getLspId event vfs caps wProg wIndefProg -> do
runLanguageServer options (pluginHandler plugins) onInitialConfiguration onConfigurationChange $ \getLspId event vfs caps wProg wIndefProg getConfig -> do
t <- t
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Started LSP server in " ++ showDuration t
sessionLoader <- loadSession dir
config <- fromMaybe defaultLspConfig <$> getConfig
let options = (defaultIdeOptions sessionLoader)
{ optReportProgress = clientSupportsProgress caps
, optShakeProfiling = argsShakeProfiling
, optTesting = IdeTesting argsTesting
, optThreads = argsThreads
, optCheckParents = checkParents config
, optCheckProject = checkProject config
logLevel = if argsVerbose then minBound else Info
debouncer <- newAsyncDebouncer

View File

@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ executable ghcide
"-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg -A128M"
main-is: Main.hs
base == 4.*,
@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ executable ghcide
hie-bios >= 0.6.0 && < 0.7,

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Version
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.Session.VersionCheck
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
@ -47,6 +50,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Core
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import System.Directory
import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
import System.FilePath
import System.Info
import System.IO
@ -96,8 +100,10 @@ loadSession dir = do
runningCradle <- newVar dummyAs :: IO (Var (Async (IdeResult HscEnvEq,[FilePath])))
return $ do
ShakeExtras{logger, eventer, restartShakeSession, withIndefiniteProgress, ideNc} <- getShakeExtras
IdeOptions{optTesting = IdeTesting optTesting} <- getIdeOptions
ShakeExtras{logger, eventer, restartShakeSession, withIndefiniteProgress
,ideNc, knownFilesVar, session=ideSession} <- getShakeExtras
IdeOptions{optTesting = IdeTesting optTesting, optCheckProject = CheckProject checkProject } <- getIdeOptions
-- Create a new HscEnv from a hieYaml root and a set of options
-- If the hieYaml file already has an HscEnv, the new component is
@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ loadSession dir = do
let session :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions, FilePath)
-> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq,[FilePath])
-> IO ([NormalizedFilePath],(IdeResult HscEnvEq,[FilePath]))
session args@(hieYaml, _cfp, _opts, _libDir) = do
(hscEnv, new, old_deps) <- packageSetup args
-- Make a map from unit-id to DynFlags, this is used when trying to
@ -194,9 +200,9 @@ loadSession dir = do
restartShakeSession [kick]
return (second Map.keys res)
return (map fst cs ++ map fst cached_targets, second Map.keys res)
let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath])
let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ([NormalizedFilePath], (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]))
consultCradle hieYaml cfp = do
when optTesting $ eventer $ notifyCradleLoaded cfp
logInfo logger $ T.pack ("Consulting the cradle for " <> show cfp)
@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ loadSession dir = do
InstallationNotFound{..} ->
error $ "GHC installation not found in libdir: " <> libdir
InstallationMismatch{..} ->
return (([renderPackageSetupException cfp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing),[])
return ([],(([renderPackageSetupException cfp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing),[]))
InstallationChecked _compileTime _ghcLibCheck ->
session (hieYaml, toNormalizedFilePath' cfp, opts, libDir)
-- Failure case, either a cradle error or the none cradle
@ -229,11 +235,12 @@ loadSession dir = do
let res = (map (renderCradleError ncfp) err, Nothing)
modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do
pure $ Map.insertWith HM.union hieYaml (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)) var
return (res,[])
return ([ncfp],(res,[]))
-- This caches the mapping from hie.yaml + Mod.hs -> [String]
-- Returns the Ghc session and the cradle dependencies
let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath])
let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath)
-> IO ([NormalizedFilePath], (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]))
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) = do
v <- fromMaybe HM.empty . Map.lookup hieYaml <$> readVar fileToFlags
cfp <- canonicalizePath file
@ -248,25 +255,38 @@ loadSession dir = do
-- Keep the same name cache
modifyVar_ hscEnvs (return . Map.adjust (\(h, _) -> (h, [])) hieYaml )
consultCradle hieYaml cfp
else return (opts, Map.keys old_di)
else return (HM.keys v, (opts, Map.keys old_di))
Nothing -> consultCradle hieYaml cfp
-- The main function which gets options for a file. We only want one of these running
-- at a time. Therefore the IORef contains the currently running cradle, if we try
-- to get some more options then we wait for the currently running action to finish
-- before attempting to do so.
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath])
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO ([NormalizedFilePath],(IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]))
getOptions file = do
hieYaml <- cradleLoc file
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) `catch` \e ->
return (([renderPackageSetupException file e], Nothing),[])
return ([],(([renderPackageSetupException file e], Nothing),[]))
returnWithVersion $ \file -> do
liftIO $ join $ mask_ $ modifyVar runningCradle $ \as -> do
(cs, opts) <- liftIO $ join $ mask_ $ modifyVar runningCradle $ \as -> do
-- If the cradle is not finished, then wait for it to finish.
void $ wait as
as <- async $ getOptions file
return (as, wait as)
return (fmap snd as, wait as)
unless (null cs) $
-- Typecheck all files in the project on startup
void $ shakeEnqueueSession ideSession $ mkDelayedAction "InitialLoad" Debug $ void $ do
cfps' <- liftIO $ filterM (IO.doesFileExist . fromNormalizedFilePath) cs
-- populate the knownFilesVar with all the
-- files in the project so that `knownFiles` can learn about them and
-- we can generate a complete module graph
liftIO $ modifyVar_ knownFilesVar $ traverseHashed $ pure . HashSet.union (HashSet.fromList cfps')
mmt <- uses GetModificationTime cfps'
let cs_exist = catMaybes (zipWith (<$) cfps' mmt)
when checkProject $
void $ uses GetModIface cs_exist
pure opts
-- | Run the specific cradle on a specific FilePath via hie-bios.
-- This then builds dependencies or whatever based on the cradle, gets the

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Compile
, mkTcModuleResult
, generateByteCode
, generateAndWriteHieFile
, generateAndWriteHiFile
, writeHiFile
, getModSummaryFromImports
, loadHieFile
, loadInterface
@ -133,9 +133,10 @@ typecheckModule (IdeDefer defer) hsc pm = do
(warnings, tcm) <- withWarnings "typecheck" $ \tweak ->
GHC.typecheckModule $ enableTopLevelWarnings
$ demoteIfDefer pm{pm_mod_summary = tweak modSummary'}
tcm2 <- mkTcModuleResult tcm
let errorPipeline = unDefer . hideDiag dflags
return (map errorPipeline warnings, tcm2)
diags = map errorPipeline warnings
tcm2 <- mkTcModuleResult tcm (any fst diags)
return (map snd diags, tcm2)
demoteIfDefer = if defer then demoteTypeErrorsToWarnings else id
@ -233,11 +234,11 @@ update_pm_mod_summary :: (ModSummary -> ModSummary) -> ParsedModule -> ParsedMod
update_pm_mod_summary up pm =
pm{pm_mod_summary = up $ pm_mod_summary pm}
unDefer :: (WarnReason, FileDiagnostic) -> FileDiagnostic
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors , fd) = upgradeWarningToError fd
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnTypedHoles , fd) = upgradeWarningToError fd
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables, fd) = upgradeWarningToError fd
unDefer ( _ , fd) = fd
unDefer :: (WarnReason, FileDiagnostic) -> (Bool, FileDiagnostic)
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors , fd) = (True, upgradeWarningToError fd)
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnTypedHoles , fd) = (True, upgradeWarningToError fd)
unDefer (Reason Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables, fd) = (True, upgradeWarningToError fd)
unDefer ( _ , fd) = (False, fd)
upgradeWarningToError :: FileDiagnostic -> FileDiagnostic
upgradeWarningToError (nfp, sh, fd) =
@ -257,8 +258,9 @@ addRelativeImport fp modu dflags = dflags
:: GhcMonad m
=> TypecheckedModule
-> Bool
-> m TcModuleResult
mkTcModuleResult tcm = do
mkTcModuleResult tcm upgradedError = do
session <- getSession
let sf = modInfoSafe (tm_checked_module_info tcm)
@ -267,7 +269,7 @@ mkTcModuleResult tcm = do
(iface, _) <- liftIO $ mkIfaceTc session Nothing sf details tcGblEnv
let mod_info = HomeModInfo iface details Nothing
return $ TcModuleResult tcm mod_info
return $ TcModuleResult tcm mod_info upgradedError
(tcGblEnv, details) = tm_internals_ tcm
@ -294,8 +296,8 @@ generateAndWriteHieFile hscEnv tcm =
mod_location = ms_location mod_summary
targetPath = Compat.ml_hie_file mod_location
generateAndWriteHiFile :: HscEnv -> TcModuleResult -> IO [FileDiagnostic]
generateAndWriteHiFile hscEnv tc =
writeHiFile :: HscEnv -> TcModuleResult -> IO [FileDiagnostic]
writeHiFile hscEnv tc =
handleGenerationErrors dflags "interface generation" $ do
atomicFileWrite targetPath $ \fp ->
writeIfaceFile dflags fp modIface

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.FileStore(
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest (kick)
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import qualified Data.Rope.UTF16 as Rope
import Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
@ -202,8 +204,14 @@ setBufferModified state absFile contents = do
-- | Note that some buffer for a specific file has been modified but not
-- with what changes.
setFileModified :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
setFileModified state nfp = do
setFileModified :: IdeState
-> Bool -- ^ True indicates that we should also attempt to recompile
-- modules which depended on this file. Currently
-- it is true when saving but not on normal
-- document modification events
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> IO ()
setFileModified state prop nfp = do
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
when (isJust setVirtualFileContents) $
fail "setSomethingModified can't be called on this type of VFSHandle"
@ -213,6 +221,22 @@ setFileModified state nfp = do
void $ use GetSpanInfo nfp
liftIO $ progressUpdate KickCompleted
shakeRestart state [da]
when prop $
typecheckParents state nfp
typecheckParents :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
typecheckParents state nfp = void $ shakeEnqueue state parents
where parents = mkDelayedAction "ParentTC" L.Debug (typecheckParentsAction nfp)
typecheckParentsAction :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action ()
typecheckParentsAction nfp = do
revs <- reverseDependencies nfp <$> useNoFile_ GetModuleGraph
logger <- logger <$> getShakeExtras
let log = L.logInfo logger . T.pack
liftIO $ do
(log $ "Typechecking reverse dependencies for" ++ show nfp ++ ": " ++ show revs)
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> log (show e)
() <$ uses GetModIface revs
-- | Note that some buffer somewhere has been modified, but don't say what.
-- Only valid if the virtual file system was initialised by LSP, as that

View File

@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ modifyFilesOfInterest state f = do
OfInterestVar var <- getIdeGlobalState state
files <- modifyVar var $ pure . dupe . f
logDebug (ideLogger state) $ "Set files of interest to: " <> T.pack (show $ HashSet.toList files)
let das = map (\nfp -> mkDelayedAction "OfInterest" Debug (use GetSpanInfo nfp)) (HashSet.toList files)
shakeRestart state das
-- | Typecheck all the files of interest.
-- Could be improved

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Development.Shake
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import HscTypes (hm_iface, CgGuts, Linkable, HomeModInfo, ModDetails)
import Development.IDE.Spans.Type
import Development.IDE.Import.FindImports (ArtifactsLocation)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (NormalizedFilePath)
@ -46,11 +48,21 @@ type instance RuleResult GetDependencyInformation = DependencyInformation
-- This rule is also responsible for calling ReportImportCycles for each file in the transitive closure.
type instance RuleResult GetDependencies = TransitiveDependencies
type instance RuleResult GetModuleGraph = DependencyInformation
data GetKnownFiles = GetKnownFiles
deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord)
instance Hashable GetKnownFiles
instance NFData GetKnownFiles
instance Binary GetKnownFiles
type instance RuleResult GetKnownFiles = HS.HashSet NormalizedFilePath
-- | Contains the typechecked module and the OrigNameCache entry for
-- that module.
data TcModuleResult = TcModuleResult
{ tmrModule :: TypecheckedModule
, tmrModInfo :: HomeModInfo
, tmrDeferedError :: !Bool -- ^ Did we defer any type errors for this module?
instance Show TcModuleResult where
show = show . pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module . tmrModule
@ -145,6 +157,12 @@ instance Hashable GetDependencyInformation
instance NFData GetDependencyInformation
instance Binary GetDependencyInformation
data GetModuleGraph = GetModuleGraph
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetModuleGraph
instance NFData GetModuleGraph
instance Binary GetModuleGraph
data ReportImportCycles = ReportImportCycles
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable ReportImportCycles

View File

@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import FastString (FastString(uniq))
import qualified HeaderInfo as Hdr
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..))
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
-- | This is useful for rules to convert rules that can only produce errors or
-- a result into the more general IdeResult type that supports producing
@ -297,14 +299,18 @@ getLocatedImportsRule :: Rules ()
getLocatedImportsRule =
define $ \GetLocatedImports file -> do
ms <- use_ GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps file
targets <- useNoFile_ GetKnownFiles
let imports = [(False, imp) | imp <- ms_textual_imps ms] ++ [(True, imp) | imp <- ms_srcimps ms]
env_eq <- use_ GhcSession file
let env = hscEnv env_eq
let env = hscEnvWithImportPaths env_eq
let import_dirs = deps env_eq
let dflags = addRelativeImport file (moduleName $ ms_mod ms) $ hsc_dflags env
opt <- getIdeOptions
let getTargetExists nfp
| HashSet.null targets || nfp `HashSet.member` targets = getFileExists nfp
| otherwise = return False
(diags, imports') <- fmap unzip $ forM imports $ \(isSource, (mbPkgName, modName)) -> do
diagOrImp <- locateModule dflags import_dirs (optExtensions opt) getFileExists modName mbPkgName isSource
diagOrImp <- locateModule dflags import_dirs (optExtensions opt) getTargetExists modName mbPkgName isSource
case diagOrImp of
Left diags -> pure (diags, Left (modName, Nothing))
Right (FileImport path) -> pure ([], Left (modName, Just path))
@ -500,6 +506,18 @@ typeCheckRule = define $ \TypeCheck file -> do
-- for files of interest on every keystroke
typeCheckRuleDefinition hsc pm SkipGenerationOfInterfaceFiles
knownFilesRule :: Rules ()
knownFilesRule = defineEarlyCutOffNoFile $ \GetKnownFiles -> do
fs <- knownFiles
pure (BS.pack (show $ hash fs), unhashed fs)
getModuleGraphRule :: Rules ()
getModuleGraphRule = defineNoFile $ \GetModuleGraph -> do
fs <- useNoFile_ GetKnownFiles
rawDepInfo <- rawDependencyInformation (HashSet.toList fs)
pure $ processDependencyInformation rawDepInfo
data GenerateInterfaceFiles
= DoGenerateInterfaceFiles
| SkipGenerationOfInterfaceFiles
@ -521,9 +539,14 @@ typeCheckRuleDefinition hsc pm generateArtifacts = do
addUsageDependencies $ liftIO $ do
res <- typecheckModule defer hsc pm
case res of
(diags, Just (hsc,tcm)) | DoGenerateInterfaceFiles <- generateArtifacts -> do
(diags, Just (hsc,tcm))
| DoGenerateInterfaceFiles <- generateArtifacts
-- Don't save interface files for modules that compiled due to defering
-- type errors, as we won't get proper diagnostics if we load these from
-- disk
, not $ tmrDeferedError tcm -> do
diagsHie <- generateAndWriteHieFile hsc (tmrModule tcm)
diagsHi <- generateAndWriteHiFile hsc tcm
diagsHi <- writeHiFile hsc tcm
return (diags <> diagsHi <> diagsHie, Just tcm)
(diags, res) ->
return (diags, snd <$> res)
@ -802,6 +825,8 @@ mainRule = do
-- | Given the path to a module src file, this rule returns True if the
-- corresponding `.hi` file is stable, that is, if it is newer

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Shake(
GetModificationTime(GetModificationTime, GetModificationTime_, missingFileDiagnostics),
shakeOpen, shakeShut,
shakeEnqueue, shakeEnqueueSession,
use, useNoFile, uses, useWithStaleFast, useWithStaleFast', delayedAction,
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Shake(
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ import Development.Shake.Database
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.Rule
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Dynamic
@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Hashable
import Data.IORef
import NameCache
@ -148,7 +151,8 @@ data ShakeExtras = ShakeExtras
,withIndefiniteProgress :: WithIndefiniteProgressFunc
-- ^ Same as 'withProgress', but for processes that do not report the percentage complete
,restartShakeSession :: [DelayedAction ()] -> IO ()
, ideNc :: IORef NameCache
,ideNc :: IORef NameCache
,knownFilesVar :: Var (Hashed (HSet.HashSet NormalizedFilePath))
type WithProgressFunc = forall a.
@ -358,6 +362,12 @@ getValues state key file = do
-- (which would be an internal error).
evaluate (r `seqValue` Just r)
-- | Get all the files in the project
knownFiles :: Action (Hashed (HSet.HashSet NormalizedFilePath))
knownFiles = do
ShakeExtras{knownFilesVar} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $ readVar knownFilesVar
-- | Seq the result stored in the Shake value. This only
-- evaluates the value to WHNF not NF. We take care of the latter
-- elsewhere and doing it twice is expensive.
@ -393,6 +403,7 @@ shakeOpen getLspId eventer withProgress withIndefiniteProgress logger debouncer
hiddenDiagnostics <- newVar mempty
publishedDiagnostics <- newVar mempty
positionMapping <- newVar HMap.empty
knownFilesVar <- newVar $ hashed HSet.empty
let restartShakeSession = shakeRestart ideState
let session = shakeSession
mostRecentProgressEvent <- newTVarIO KickCompleted

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.Util(
-- * HcsEnv and environment
hscEnv, newHscEnvEq,
@ -169,36 +170,46 @@ moduleImportPath (takeDirectory . fromNormalizedFilePath -> pathDir) mn
-- | An 'HscEnv' with equality. Two values are considered equal
-- if they are created with the same call to 'newHscEnvEq'.
data HscEnvEq
= HscEnvEq !Unique !HscEnv
[(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)] -- In memory components for this HscEnv
data HscEnvEq = HscEnvEq
{ envUnique :: !Unique
, hscEnv :: !HscEnv
, deps :: [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)]
-- ^ In memory components for this HscEnv
-- This is only used at the moment for the import dirs in
-- the DynFlags
-- | Unwrap an 'HsEnvEq'.
hscEnv :: HscEnvEq -> HscEnv
hscEnv = either error id . hscEnv'
hscEnv' :: HscEnvEq -> Either String HscEnv
hscEnv' (HscEnvEq _ x _) = Right x
deps :: HscEnvEq -> [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)]
deps (HscEnvEq _ _ u) = u
, envImportPaths :: [String]
-- ^ Import dirs originally configured in this env
-- We remove them to prevent GHC from loading modules on its own
-- | Wrap an 'HscEnv' into an 'HscEnvEq'.
newHscEnvEq :: HscEnv -> [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)] -> IO HscEnvEq
newHscEnvEq e uids = do u <- newUnique; return $ HscEnvEq u e uids
newHscEnvEq hscEnv0 deps = do
envUnique <- newUnique
let envImportPaths = importPaths $ hsc_dflags hscEnv0
hscEnv = removeImportPaths hscEnv0
return HscEnvEq{..}
-- | Unwrap the 'HscEnv' with the original import paths.
-- Used only for locating imports
hscEnvWithImportPaths :: HscEnvEq -> HscEnv
hscEnvWithImportPaths HscEnvEq{..} =
hscEnv{hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hscEnv){importPaths = envImportPaths}}
removeImportPaths :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
removeImportPaths hsc = hsc{hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hsc){importPaths = []}}
instance Show HscEnvEq where
show (HscEnvEq a _ _) = "HscEnvEq " ++ show (hashUnique a)
show HscEnvEq{envUnique} = "HscEnvEq " ++ show (hashUnique envUnique)
instance Eq HscEnvEq where
HscEnvEq a _ _ == HscEnvEq b _ _ = a == b
a == b = envUnique a == envUnique b
instance NFData HscEnvEq where
rnf (HscEnvEq a b c) = rnf (hashUnique a) `seq` b `seq` c `seq` ()
rnf (HscEnvEq a b c d) = rnf (hashUnique a) `seq` b `seq` c `seq` rnf d
instance Hashable HscEnvEq where
hashWithSalt s (HscEnvEq a _b _c) = hashWithSalt s a
hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . envUnique
-- Fake instance needed to persuade Shake to accept this type as a key.
-- No harm done as ghcide never persists these keys currently

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
, reachableModules
, processDependencyInformation
, transitiveDeps
, reverseDependencies
, BootIdMap
, insertBootId
@ -142,6 +143,8 @@ data DependencyInformation =
, depModuleDeps :: !(FilePathIdMap FilePathIdSet)
-- ^ For a non-error node, this contains the set of module immediate dependencies
-- in the same package.
, depReverseModuleDeps :: !(IntMap IntSet)
-- ^ Contains a reverse mapping from a module to all those that immediately depend on it.
, depPkgDeps :: !(FilePathIdMap (Set InstalledUnitId))
-- ^ For a non-error node, this contains the set of immediate pkg deps.
, depPathIdMap :: !PathIdMap
@ -222,6 +225,7 @@ processDependencyInformation rawDepInfo@RawDependencyInformation{..} =
{ depErrorNodes = IntMap.fromList errorNodes
, depModuleDeps = moduleDeps
, depReverseModuleDeps = reverseModuleDeps
, depModuleNames = IntMap.fromList $ coerce moduleNames
, depPkgDeps = pkgDependencies rawDepInfo
, depPathIdMap = rawPathIdMap
@ -232,15 +236,20 @@ processDependencyInformation rawDepInfo@RawDependencyInformation{..} =
moduleNames :: [(FilePathId, ModuleName)]
moduleNames =
[ (fId, modName) | (_, imports) <- successNodes, (L _ modName, fId) <- imports]
successEdges :: [(FilePathId, FilePathId, [FilePathId])]
successEdges :: [(FilePathId, [FilePathId])]
successEdges =
(\(file, imports) -> (FilePathId file, FilePathId file, map snd imports))
(bimap FilePathId (map snd))
moduleDeps =
IntMap.fromList $
map (\(_, FilePathId v, vs) -> (v, IntSet.fromList $ coerce vs))
map (\(FilePathId v, vs) -> (v, IntSet.fromList $ coerce vs))
reverseModuleDeps =
foldr (\(p, cs) res ->
let new = IntMap.fromList (map (, IntSet.singleton (coerce p)) (coerce cs))
in IntMap.unionWith IntSet.union new res ) IntMap.empty successEdges
-- | Given a dependency graph, buildResultGraph detects and propagates errors in that graph as follows:
-- 1. Mark each node that is part of an import cycle as an error node.
@ -306,6 +315,18 @@ partitionSCC (CyclicSCC xs:rest) = second (xs:) $ partitionSCC rest
partitionSCC (AcyclicSCC x:rest) = first (x:) $ partitionSCC rest
partitionSCC [] = ([], [])
-- | Transitive reverse dependencies of a file
reverseDependencies :: NormalizedFilePath -> DependencyInformation -> [NormalizedFilePath]
reverseDependencies file DependencyInformation{..} =
let FilePathId cur_id = pathToId depPathIdMap file
in map (idToPath depPathIdMap . FilePathId) (IntSet.toList (go cur_id IntSet.empty))
go :: Int -> IntSet -> IntSet
go k i =
let outwards = fromMaybe IntSet.empty (IntMap.lookup k depReverseModuleDeps )
res = IntSet.union i outwards
new = IntSet.difference i outwards
in IntSet.foldr go res new
transitiveDeps :: DependencyInformation -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe TransitiveDependencies
transitiveDeps DependencyInformation{..} file = do

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ runLanguageServer
-> (InitializeRequest -> Either T.Text config)
-> (DidChangeConfigurationNotification -> Either T.Text config)
-> (IO LspId -> (FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -> VFSHandle -> ClientCapabilities
-> WithProgressFunc -> WithIndefiniteProgressFunc -> IO IdeState)
-> WithProgressFunc -> WithIndefiniteProgressFunc -> IO (Maybe config) -> IO IdeState)
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer options userHandlers onInitialConfig onConfigChange getIdeState = do
-- Move stdout to another file descriptor and duplicate stderr
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ runLanguageServer options userHandlers onInitialConfig onConfigChange getIdeStat
handleInit exitClientMsg clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan lspFuncs@LSP.LspFuncs{..} = do
ide <- getIdeState getNextReqId sendFunc (makeLSPVFSHandle lspFuncs) clientCapabilities
withProgress withIndefiniteProgress
withProgress withIndefiniteProgress config
_ <- flip forkFinally (const exitClientMsg) $ forever $ do
msg <- readChan clientMsgChan

View File

@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Foldable as F
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore (setSomethingModified, setFileModified)
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore (setSomethingModified, setFileModified, typecheckParents)
import Development.IDE.Core.FileExists (modifyFileExists)
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
@ -37,26 +39,35 @@ setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
{LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidOpenTextDocumentParams TextDocumentItem{_uri,_version}) -> do
updatePositionMapping ide (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier _uri (Just _version)) (List [])
IdeOptions{optCheckParents} <- getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras ide
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> do
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.insert file)
setFileModified ide file
let checkParents = optCheckParents == AlwaysCheck
setFileModified ide checkParents file
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Opened text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidChangeTextDocumentParams identifier@VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} changes) -> do
updatePositionMapping ide identifier changes
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> setFileModified ide file
IdeOptions{optCheckParents} <- getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras ide
let checkParents = optCheckParents == AlwaysCheck
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> setFileModified ide checkParents file
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Modified text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidSaveTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> setFileModified ide file
IdeOptions{optCheckParents} <- getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras ide
let checkParents = optCheckParents >= CheckOnSaveAndClose
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> setFileModified ide checkParents file
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Saved text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidCloseTextDocumentParams TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri}) -> do
whenUriFile _uri $ \file -> do
modifyFilesOfInterest ide (S.delete file)
-- Refresh all the files that depended on this
IdeOptions{optCheckParents} <- getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras ide
when (optCheckParents >= CheckOnClose) $ typecheckParents ide file
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Closed text document: " <> getUri _uri
,LSP.didChangeWatchedFilesNotificationHandler = withNotification (LSP.didChangeWatchedFilesNotificationHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidChangeWatchedFilesParams fileEvents) -> do

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{- HLINT ignore "Avoid restricted extensions" -}
-- | Options
module Development.IDE.Types.Options
@ -15,6 +20,10 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Options
, defaultIdeOptions
, IdeResult
, IdeGhcSession(..)
, LspConfig(..)
, defaultLspConfig
, CheckProject(..)
, CheckParents(..)
) where
import Development.Shake
@ -25,6 +34,8 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities as LSP
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
data IdeGhcSession = IdeGhcSession
{ loadSessionFun :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath])
@ -73,8 +84,35 @@ data IdeOptions = IdeOptions
-- features such as diagnostics and go-to-definition, in
-- situations in which they would become unavailable because of
-- the presence of type errors, holes or unbound variables.
, optCheckProject :: CheckProject
-- ^ Whether to typecheck the entire project on load
, optCheckParents :: CheckParents
-- ^ When to typecheck reverse dependencies of a file
newtype CheckProject = CheckProject { shouldCheckProject :: Bool }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (FromJSON,ToJSON)
data CheckParents
-- Note that ordering of constructors is meaningful and must be monotonically
-- increasing in the scenarios where parents are checked
= NeverCheck
| CheckOnClose
| CheckOnSaveAndClose
| AlwaysCheck
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
data LspConfig
= LspConfig
{ checkParents :: CheckParents
, checkProject :: CheckProject
} deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
defaultLspConfig :: LspConfig
defaultLspConfig = LspConfig CheckOnSaveAndClose (CheckProject True)
data IdePreprocessedSource = IdePreprocessedSource
{ preprocWarnings :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, String)]
-- ^ Warnings emitted by the preprocessor.
@ -107,6 +145,8 @@ defaultIdeOptions session = IdeOptions
,optKeywords = haskellKeywords
,optDefer = IdeDefer True
,optTesting = IdeTesting False
,optCheckProject = checkProject defaultLspConfig
,optCheckParents = checkParents defaultLspConfig

View File

@ -2821,28 +2821,26 @@ ifaceTHTest = testCase "iface-th-test" $ withoutStackEnv $ runWithExtraFiles "TH
ifaceErrorTest :: TestTree
ifaceErrorTest = testCase "iface-error-test-1" $ withoutStackEnv $ runWithExtraFiles "recomp" $ \dir -> do
let aPath = dir </> "A.hs"
bPath = dir </> "B.hs"
let bPath = dir </> "B.hs"
pPath = dir </> "P.hs"
aSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 aPath -- x = y :: Int
bSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 bPath -- y :: Int
pSource <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 pPath -- bar = x :: Int
bdoc <- createDoc bPath "haskell" bSource
pdoc <- createDoc pPath "haskell" pSource
expectDiagnostics [("P.hs", [(DsWarning,(4,0), "Top-level binding")]) -- So what we know P has been loaded
-- Change y from Int to B
changeDoc bdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Nothing Nothing $ T.unlines ["module B where", "y :: Bool", "y = undefined"]]
-- save so that we can that the error propogates to A
sendNotification TextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams bdoc)
-- Check that the error propogates to A
adoc <- createDoc aPath "haskell" aSource
[("A.hs", [(DsError, (5, 4), "Couldn't match expected type 'Int' with actual type 'Bool'")])]
closeDoc adoc -- Close A
pdoc <- createDoc pPath "haskell" pSource
changeDoc pdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Nothing Nothing $ pSource <> "\nfoo = y :: Bool" ]
-- Now in P we have
-- bar = x :: Int