Store the lsp client settings in shakeExtras and create a Rule to get them (#731)

* Store client settings in ide state

* Log ide config registered in initHandler

* Use a Maybe aware updater function

* Create a Rule to get client settings

* Create a specific getter for client settings

* Trim trailing whitespace

* Use modifyVar to avoid race conditions

* Add comment to GetClientSettings

* Use defineEarlyCutOffNoFile for GetClientSettings

* Restart shake on config changed

* Use Hashed for clientSettings

* Send log notifications to client about session

* Show test output directly

* Add tests over client settings

* Apply hlint hints

* Simplify iface test to make it more robust

Following @pepeiborra advise

* Send session notifications only in test mode

* Retry bench execution
This commit is contained in:
Javier Neira 2020-09-23 21:54:27 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d868e06d28
commit c361a26195
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 111 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ jobs:
displayName: 'stack build --bench --only-dependencies'
- bash: |
export PATH=/opt/cabal/bin:$PATH
stack bench --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$STACK_YAML
# Retry to avoid fpcomplete servers timeouts
stack bench --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$STACK_YAML || stack bench --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$STACK_YAML || stack bench --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$STACK_YAML
displayName: 'stack bench --ghc-options=-Werror'
- bash: |
cat bench-hist/results.csv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
packages: .
package ghcide
test-show-details: direct

View File

@ -2,17 +2,22 @@
module Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
( IdeConfiguration(..)
, registerIdeConfiguration
, getIdeConfiguration
, parseConfiguration
, parseWorkspaceFolder
, isWorkspaceFile
, modifyWorkspaceFolders
, modifyClientSettings
, getClientSettings
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Data.Hashable (Hashed, hashed, unhashed)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet, singleton)
import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value)
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.Shake
@ -22,6 +27,7 @@ import System.FilePath (isRelative)
-- | Lsp client relevant configuration details
data IdeConfiguration = IdeConfiguration
{ workspaceFolders :: HashSet NormalizedUri
, clientSettings :: Hashed (Maybe Value)
deriving (Show)
@ -39,13 +45,14 @@ getIdeConfiguration =
parseConfiguration :: InitializeParams -> IdeConfiguration
parseConfiguration InitializeParams {..} =
IdeConfiguration { .. }
IdeConfiguration {..}
workspaceFolders =
foldMap (singleton . toNormalizedUri) _rootUri
<> (foldMap . foldMap)
(singleton . parseWorkspaceFolder)
clientSettings = hashed _initializationOptions
parseWorkspaceFolder :: WorkspaceFolder -> NormalizedUri
parseWorkspaceFolder =
@ -53,10 +60,20 @@ parseWorkspaceFolder =
:: IdeState -> (HashSet NormalizedUri -> HashSet NormalizedUri) -> IO ()
modifyWorkspaceFolders ide f = do
modifyWorkspaceFolders ide f = modifyIdeConfiguration ide f'
where f' (IdeConfiguration ws initOpts) = IdeConfiguration (f ws) initOpts
:: IdeState -> (Maybe Value -> Maybe Value) -> IO ()
modifyClientSettings ide f = modifyIdeConfiguration ide f'
where f' (IdeConfiguration ws clientSettings) =
IdeConfiguration ws (hashed . f . unhashed $ clientSettings)
:: IdeState -> (IdeConfiguration -> IdeConfiguration) -> IO ()
modifyIdeConfiguration ide f = do
IdeConfigurationVar var <- getIdeGlobalState ide
IdeConfiguration ws <- readVar var
writeVar var (IdeConfiguration (f ws))
modifyVar_ var (pure . f)
isWorkspaceFile :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action Bool
isWorkspaceFile file =
@ -69,3 +86,6 @@ isWorkspaceFile file =
(\root -> toText root `isPrefixOf` toText (filePathToUri' file))
getClientSettings :: Action (Maybe Value)
getClientSettings = unhashed . clientSettings <$> getIdeConfiguration

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes(
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value)
import Data.Binary
import Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
@ -253,3 +254,12 @@ data GetModSummary = GetModSummary
instance Hashable GetModSummary
instance NFData GetModSummary
instance Binary GetModSummary
-- | Get the vscode client settings stored in the ide state
data GetClientSettings = GetClientSettings
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetClientSettings
instance NFData GetClientSettings
instance Binary GetClientSettings
type instance RuleResult GetClientSettings = Hashed (Maybe Value)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
module Development.IDE.Core.Rules(
IdeState, GetDependencies(..), GetParsedModule(..), TransitiveDependencies(..),
Priority(..), GhcSessionIO(..),
Priority(..), GhcSessionIO(..), GetClientSettings(..),
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import DynFlags (gopt_set, xopt)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import qualified Development.IDE.Spans.AtPoint as AtPoint
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes hiding (get, put)
@ -833,6 +834,12 @@ extractHiFileResult (Just tmr) =
-- Bang patterns are important to force the inner fields
Just $! tmr_hiFileResult tmr
getClientSettingsRule :: Rules ()
getClientSettingsRule = defineEarlyCutOffNoFile $ \GetClientSettings -> do
settings <- clientSettings <$> getIdeConfiguration
return (BS.pack . show . hash $ settings, settings)
-- | A rule that wires per-file rules together
mainRule :: Rules ()
mainRule = do
@ -852,6 +859,7 @@ mainRule = do
-- | Given the path to a module src file, this rule returns True if the
-- corresponding `.hi` file is stable, that is, if it is newer

View File

@ -567,9 +567,10 @@ shakeRestart IdeState{..} acts =
let profile = case res of
Just fp -> ", profile saved at " <> fp
_ -> ""
logDebug (logger shakeExtras) $ T.pack $
"Restarting build session (aborting the previous one took " ++
showDuration stopTime ++ profile ++ ")"
let msg = T.pack $ "Restarting build session (aborting the previous one took "
++ showDuration stopTime ++ profile ++ ")"
logDebug (logger shakeExtras) msg
notifyTestingLogMessage shakeExtras msg
-- It is crucial to be masked here, otherwise we can get killed
-- between spawning the new thread and updating shakeSession.
@ -577,6 +578,14 @@ shakeRestart IdeState{..} acts =
(\() -> do
(,()) <$> newSession shakeExtras shakeDb acts)
notifyTestingLogMessage :: ShakeExtras -> T.Text -> IO ()
notifyTestingLogMessage extras msg = do
(IdeTesting isTestMode) <- optTesting <$> getIdeOptionsIO extras
let notif = LSP.NotLogMessage $ LSP.NotificationMessage "2.0" LSP.WindowLogMessage
$ LSP.LogMessageParams LSP.MtLog msg
when isTestMode $ eventer extras notif
-- | Enqueue an action in the existing 'ShakeSession'.
-- Returns a computation to block until the action is run, propagating exceptions.
-- Assumes a 'ShakeSession' is available.
@ -602,7 +611,7 @@ shakeEnqueue ShakeExtras{actionQueue, logger} act = do
-- | Set up a new 'ShakeSession' with a set of initial actions
-- Will crash if there is an existing 'ShakeSession' running.
newSession :: ShakeExtras -> ShakeDatabase -> [DelayedActionInternal] -> IO ShakeSession
newSession ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts = do
newSession extras@ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts = do
reenqueued <- atomically $ peekInProgress actionQueue
-- A daemon-like action used to inject additional work
@ -616,8 +625,11 @@ newSession ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts = do
getAction d
liftIO $ atomically $ doneQueue d actionQueue
runTime <- liftIO start
liftIO $ logPriority logger (actionPriority d) $ T.pack $
"finish: " ++ actionName d ++ " (took " ++ showDuration runTime ++ ")"
let msg = T.pack $ "finish: " ++ actionName d
++ " (took " ++ showDuration runTime ++ ")"
liftIO $ do
logPriority logger (actionPriority d) msg
notifyTestingLogMessage extras msg
workRun restore = do
let acts' = pumpActionThread : map run (reenqueued ++ acts)
@ -625,9 +637,10 @@ newSession ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts = do
let res' = case res of
Left e -> "exception: " <> displayException e
Right _ -> "completed"
let wrapUp = logDebug logger $ T.pack $ "Finishing build session(" ++ res' ++ ")"
return wrapUp
let msg = T.pack $ "Finishing build session(" ++ res' ++ ")"
return $ do
logDebug logger msg
notifyTestingLogMessage extras msg
-- Do the work in a background thread
workThread <- asyncWithUnmask workRun

View File

@ -204,7 +204,10 @@ initHandler
-> IdeState
-> InitializeParams
-> IO ()
initHandler _ ide params = registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) (parseConfiguration params)
initHandler _ ide params = do
let initConfig = parseConfiguration params
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ T.pack $ "Registering ide configuration: " <> show initConfig
registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) initConfig
-- | Things that get sent to us, but we don't deal with.
-- Set them to avoid a warning in VS Code output.

View File

@ -91,4 +91,11 @@ setHandlersNotifications = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage{..} x -> return x
modifyWorkspaceFolders ide
$ add (foldMap (S.singleton . parseWorkspaceFolder) (_added events))
. substract (foldMap (S.singleton . parseWorkspaceFolder) (_removed events))
,LSP.didChangeConfigurationParamsHandler = withNotification (LSP.didChangeConfigurationParamsHandler x) $
\_ ide (DidChangeConfigurationParams cfg) -> do
let msg = Text.pack $ show cfg
logInfo (ideLogger ide) $ "Configuration changed: " <> msg
modifyClientSettings ide (const $ Just cfg)
setSomethingModified ide

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Control.Exception (bracket, catch)
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Value)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Value, toJSON)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List.Extra
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ main = do
, bootTests
, rootUriTests
, asyncTests
, clientSettingsTest
initializeResponseTests :: TestTree
@ -2252,7 +2253,7 @@ checkFileCompiles fp =
expectNoMoreDiagnostics 0.5
pluginSimpleTests :: TestTree
pluginSimpleTests =
pluginSimpleTests =
testSessionWait "simple plugin" $ do
let content =
@ -2274,11 +2275,11 @@ pluginSimpleTests =
pluginParsedResultTests :: TestTree
pluginParsedResultTests =
(`xfail84` "record-dot-preprocessor unsupported on 8.4") $ testSessionWait "parsedResultAction plugin" $ do
let content =
pluginParsedResultTests :: TestTree
pluginParsedResultTests =
(`xfail84` "record-dot-preprocessor unsupported on 8.4") $ testSessionWait "parsedResultAction plugin" $ do
let content =
[ "{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, TypeApplications, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}"
, "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=RecordDotPreprocessor #-}"
, "module Testing (Company(..), display) where"
@ -2286,7 +2287,7 @@ pluginParsedResultTests =
, "display :: Company -> String"
, "display c ="
_ <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
expectNoMoreDiagnostics 1
cppTests :: TestTree
@ -3083,9 +3084,7 @@ ifaceErrorTest = testCase "iface-error-test-1" $ withoutStackEnv $ runWithExtraF
-- Check that we wrote the interfaces for B when we saved
lid <- sendRequest (CustomClientMethod "hidir") $ GetInterfaceFilesDir bPath
res <- skipManyTill (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest) $
skipManyTill (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification) $
responseForId lid
res <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ responseForId lid
liftIO $ case res of
ResponseMessage{_result=Right hidir} -> do
hi_exists <- doesFileExist $ hidir </> "B.hi"
@ -3277,6 +3276,26 @@ asyncTests = testGroup "async"
liftIO $ [ _title | CACodeAction CodeAction{_title} <- actions] @=? ["add signature: foo :: a -> a"]
clientSettingsTest :: TestTree
clientSettingsTest = testGroup "client settings handling"
testSession "ghcide does not support update config" $ do
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON ("" :: String)))
logNot <- skipManyTill anyMessage loggingNotification
isMessagePresent "Updating Not supported" [getLogMessage logNot]
, testSession "ghcide restarts shake session on config changes" $ do
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON ("" :: String)))
nots <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ count 3 loggingNotification
isMessagePresent "Restarting build session" (map getLogMessage nots)
where getLogMessage (NotLogMessage (NotificationMessage _ _ (LogMessageParams _ msg))) = msg
getLogMessage _ = ""
isMessagePresent expectedMsg actualMsgs = liftIO $
assertBool ("\"" ++ expectedMsg ++ "\" is not present in: " ++ show actualMsgs)
(any ((expectedMsg `isSubsequenceOf`) . show) actualMsgs)
-- Utils