mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 05:23:25 +03:00
Fix two regressions since 0.1.0 (#471)
* Fix isWorkspaceFile for relative paths This fixes a performance regression on GetFileExists * Avoid interrupting hie-bios when it's doing its thing I noticed that the GHC hie-bios direct cradle, which uses Hadrian, a Shake build system, was failing to start due to the following problem: 1. ghcide starts evaluating the LoadCradle node 2. The evaluation gets cancelled 3. Immediately after, ghcide starts evaluating LoadCradle again 4. Hadrian fails, since there is still another Hadrian process alive taking its Shake lock * Improve watched files test suite
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ import Data.ByteString.Base16 (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules (defineNoFile)
import Development.IDE.Core.Service (getIdeOptions)
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (sendEvent, define, useNoFile_)
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (actionLogger, sendEvent, define, useNoFile_)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.Types.Location (fromNormalizedFilePath)
import Development.IDE.Types.Options (IdeOptions(IdeOptions, optTesting))
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import System.FilePath.Posix (addTrailingPathSeparator,
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(toJSON))
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger (logDebug)
-- Prefix for the cache path
cacheDir :: String
@ -60,18 +61,23 @@ loadGhcSession =
cradleToSession :: Rules ()
cradleToSession = define $ \LoadCradle nfp -> do
let f = fromNormalizedFilePath nfp
IdeOptions{optTesting} <- getIdeOptions
logger <- actionLogger
liftIO $ logDebug logger $ "Running cradle " <> pack (fromNormalizedFilePath nfp)
-- If the path points to a directory, load the implicit cradle
mbYaml <- doesDirectoryExist f <&> \isDir -> if isDir then Nothing else Just f
cradle <- liftIO $ maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator f) loadCradle mbYaml
cradle <- liftIO $ maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator f) loadCradle mbYaml
when optTesting $
sendEvent $ notifyCradleLoaded f
cmpOpts <- liftIO $ getComponentOptions cradle
-- Avoid interrupting `getComponentOptions` since it calls external processes
cmpOpts <- liftIO $ mask $ \_ -> getComponentOptions cradle
let opts = componentOptions cmpOpts
deps = componentDependencies cmpOpts
deps' = case mbYaml of
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes
import GHC.Generics
@ -90,12 +91,15 @@ getFileExists fp = use_ GetFileExists fp
-- Provides a fast implementation if client supports dynamic watched files.
-- Creates a global state as a side effect in that case.
fileExistsRules :: IO LspId -> ClientCapabilities -> VFSHandle -> Rules ()
fileExistsRules getLspId ClientCapabilities{_workspace}
fileExistsRules getLspId ClientCapabilities{_workspace} vfs
| Just WorkspaceClientCapabilities{_didChangeWatchedFiles} <- _workspace
, Just DidChangeWatchedFilesClientCapabilities{_dynamicRegistration} <- _didChangeWatchedFiles
, Just True <- _dynamicRegistration
= fileExistsRulesFast getLspId
| otherwise = fileExistsRulesSlow
= fileExistsRulesFast getLspId vfs
| otherwise = do
logger <- logger <$> getShakeExtrasRules
liftIO $ logDebug logger "Warning: Client does not support watched files. Falling back to OS polling"
fileExistsRulesSlow vfs
-- Requires an lsp client that provides WatchedFiles notifications.
fileExistsRulesFast :: IO LspId -> VFSHandle -> Rules ()
@ -103,7 +107,9 @@ fileExistsRulesFast getLspId vfs = do
addIdeGlobal . FileExistsMapVar =<< liftIO (newVar [])
defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetFileExists file -> do
isWf <- isWorkspaceFile file
if isWf then fileExistsFast getLspId vfs file else fileExistsSlow vfs file
if isWf
then fileExistsFast getLspId vfs file
else fileExistsSlow vfs file
fileExistsFast :: IO LspId -> VFSHandle -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, ([a], Maybe Bool))
fileExistsFast getLspId vfs file = do
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.Shake
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import System.FilePath (isRelative)
-- | Lsp client relevant configuration details
data IdeConfiguration = IdeConfiguration
@ -58,9 +59,13 @@ modifyWorkspaceFolders ide f = do
writeVar var (IdeConfiguration (f ws))
isWorkspaceFile :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action Bool
isWorkspaceFile file = do
IdeConfiguration {..} <- getIdeConfiguration
let toText = getUri . fromNormalizedUri
return $ any
(\root -> toText root `isPrefixOf` toText (filePathToUri' file))
isWorkspaceFile file =
if isRelative (fromNormalizedFilePath file)
then return True
else do
IdeConfiguration {..} <- getIdeConfiguration
let toText = getUri . fromNormalizedUri
return $
(\root -> toText root `isPrefixOf` toText (filePathToUri' file))
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-- between runs. To deserialise a Shake value, we just consult Values.
module Development.IDE.Core.Shake(
IdeState, shakeExtras,
ShakeExtras(..), getShakeExtras,
ShakeExtras(..), getShakeExtras, getShakeExtrasRules,
IdeRule, IdeResult, GetModificationTime(..),
shakeOpen, shakeShut,
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
@ -429,21 +430,28 @@ codeLensesTests = testGroup "code lenses"
watchedFilesTests :: TestTree
watchedFilesTests = testGroup "watched files"
[ testSession "workspace file" $ do
_ <- openDoc' "A.hs" "haskell" "module A where"
RequestMessage{_params = RegistrationParams (List regs)} <- skipManyTill anyMessage (message @RegisterCapabilityRequest)
let watchedFileRegs =
[ args | Registration _id WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles args <- regs ]
liftIO $ assertBool "watches workspace files" $ not $ null watchedFileRegs
, testSession "non workspace file" $ do
_ <- openDoc' "/tmp/A.hs" "haskell" "module A where"
msgs <- manyTill (Just <$> message @RegisterCapabilityRequest <|> Nothing <$ anyMessage) (message @WorkDoneProgressEndNotification)
let watchedFileRegs =
[ args
| Just (RequestMessage{_params = RegistrationParams (List regs)}) <- msgs
, Registration _id WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles args <- regs
liftIO $ watchedFileRegs @?= []
[ testSession' "workspace files" $ \sessionDir -> do
liftIO $ writeFile (sessionDir </> "hie.yaml") $ "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-isrc\"]}}"
_ <- openDoc' "A.hs" "haskell" "{-#LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}\nmodule A where\nimport B"
watchedFileRegs <- getWatchedFilesSubscriptionsUntilProgressEnd
-- Expect 6 subscriptions (A does not get any because it's VFS):
-- - /path-to-workspace/B.hs
-- - /path-to-workspace/B.lhs
-- - B.hs
-- - B.lhs
-- - src/B.hs
-- - src/B.lhs
liftIO $ length watchedFileRegs @?= 6
, testSession' "non workspace file" $ \sessionDir -> do
liftIO $ writeFile (sessionDir </> "hie.yaml") $ "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [\"-i/tmp\"]}}"
_ <- openDoc' "A.hs" "haskell" "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude#-}\nmodule A where\nimport B"
watchedFileRegs <- getWatchedFilesSubscriptionsUntilProgressEnd
-- Expect 4 subscriptions:
liftIO $ length watchedFileRegs @?= 4
-- TODO add a test for didChangeWorkspaceFolder
@ -2229,3 +2237,12 @@ nthLine i r
| i == 0 && Rope.rows r == 0 = r
| i >= Rope.rows r = error $ "Row number out of bounds: " <> show i <> "/" <> show (Rope.rows r)
| otherwise = Rope.takeWhile (/= '\n') $ fst $ Rope.splitAtLine 1 $ snd $ Rope.splitAtLine (i - 1) r
getWatchedFilesSubscriptionsUntilProgressEnd :: Session [Maybe Value]
getWatchedFilesSubscriptionsUntilProgressEnd = do
msgs <- manyTill (Just <$> message @RegisterCapabilityRequest <|> Nothing <$ anyMessage) (message @WorkDoneProgressEndNotification)
[ args
| Just (RequestMessage{_params = RegistrationParams (List regs)}) <- msgs
, Registration _id WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles args <- regs
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