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synced 2024-12-02 08:53:07 +03:00
Add code action for remove all redundant imports (#867)
* Add code action for remove all redundant imports * Call suggestRemoveRedundantImport only once * Adjust tests for code action removing all redundant imports * Update src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <pepeiborra@me.com> * Refactor removeAll * Update the test of remove all redundant imports Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <pepeiborra@me.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ codeAction lsp state (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _range CodeActionContext{_diag
contents <- LSP.getVirtualFileFunc lsp $ toNormalizedUri uri
let text = Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope) <$> contents
mbFile = toNormalizedFilePath' <$> uriToFilePath uri
(ideOptions, parsedModule, join -> env) <- runAction "CodeAction" state $
diag <- fmap (\(_, _, d) -> d) . filter (\(p, _, _) -> mbFile == Just p) <$> getDiagnostics state
(ideOptions, join -> parsedModule, join -> env) <- runAction "CodeAction" state $
(,,) <$> getIdeOptions
<*> getParsedModule `traverse` mbFile
<*> use GhcSession `traverse` mbFile
@ -99,11 +100,11 @@ codeAction lsp state (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _range CodeActionContext{_diag
localExports <- readVar (exportsMap $ shakeExtras state)
let exportsMap = localExports <> fromMaybe mempty pkgExports
let dflags = hsc_dflags . hscEnv <$> env
pure $ Right
pure . Right $
[ CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List [x]) (Just edit) Nothing
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction dflags exportsMap ideOptions ( join parsedModule ) text x
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction dflags exportsMap ideOptions parsedModule text x
, let edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing
] <> caRemoveRedundantImports parsedModule text diag xs uri
-- | Generate code lenses.
@ -173,7 +174,6 @@ suggestAction dflags packageExports ideOptions parsedModule text diag = concat
] ++ concat
[ suggestConstraint pm text diag
++ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
++ suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm text diag
++ suggestNewImport packageExports pm diag
++ suggestDeleteUnusedBinding pm text diag
++ suggestExportUnusedTopBinding text pm diag
@ -201,6 +201,35 @@ suggestRemoveRedundantImport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmod
= [("Remove import", [TextEdit (extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents _range) ""])]
| otherwise = []
caRemoveRedundantImports :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> [Diagnostic] -> Uri -> [CAResult]
caRemoveRedundantImports m contents digs ctxDigs uri
| Just pm <- m,
r <- join $ map (\d -> repeat d `zip` suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm contents d) digs,
not $ null r,
allEdits <- [ e | (_, (_, edits)) <- r, e <- edits],
caRemoveAll <- removeAll allEdits,
ctxEdits <- [ x | x@(d, _) <- r, d `elem` ctxDigs],
caRemoveCtx <- join $ map (\(d, (title, tedit)) -> removeSingle title tedit d) ctxEdits
= caRemoveCtx ++ caRemoveAll
| otherwise = []
removeSingle title tedit diagnostic = [CACodeAction CodeAction{..}] where
_changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
_title = title
_kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
_diagnostics = Just $ List [diagnostic]
_documentChanges = Nothing
_edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
_command = Nothing
removeAll tedit = [CACodeAction CodeAction {..}] where
_changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
_title = "Remove all redundant imports"
_kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
_diagnostics = Nothing
_documentChanges = Nothing
_edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
_command = Nothing
suggestDeleteUnusedBinding :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}}
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove stuffA, stuffC from import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove !!, <?> from import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove A from import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove A, E, F from import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
@ -929,6 +929,38 @@ removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
, "module ModuleB where"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "remove all" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleA where"
, "import Data.Function (fix, (&))"
, "import qualified Data.Functor.Const"
, "import Data.Functor.Identity"
, "import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (InL, InR))"
, "import qualified Data.Kind as K (Constraint, Type)"
, "x = InL (Identity 123)"
, "y = fix id"
, "type T = K.Type"
doc <- createDoc "ModuleC.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[_, _, _, _, CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove all redundant imports" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleA where"
, "import Data.Function (fix)"
, "import Data.Functor.Identity"
, "import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (InL))"
, "import qualified Data.Kind as K (Type)"
, "x = InL (Identity 123)"
, "y = fix id"
, "type T = K.Type"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
extendImportTests :: TestTree
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