Clean up the logging in hie-core (#1839)

* Move prettyPosition over to a more sensible place

* Avoid some pretty printing

* Remove duplicate methods and switch to having a function to get the logger handle

* Remove unncessary bits of the logger

* Remove reportSeriousErrorDie - was unused

* Rename the Logger methods to Logger rather than Handle

* Delete the unique supply

* Decrease the use of getServiceEnv

* Move getIdeOptions inside Service

* Add getFilesOfInterest rule

* Hide the existence of Env

* Inline some redundant forwarding methods

* Add a FIXME for a dodgy function

* Delete some redundant imports

* Rename Map to HMap, since I need to use Data.Map too

* Make the Shake-specific Diagnostics functions into that module

* Delete errorDiag which was unused

* Inline the diagnostic function, since it had one user

* Add ofInterest rule as a separate module

* Sort the exposed modules

* Fix up the demo

* Make sure you add the OfInterestVar global

* HLint

* Get rid of some of interest stuff in other places

* Remove the OfInterest stuff from Service
This commit is contained in:
Neil Mitchell 2019-06-24 12:46:51 +01:00 committed by Gary Verhaegen
parent bf2cbd259c
commit f746db9dc4
15 changed files with 250 additions and 275 deletions

View File

@ -76,33 +76,34 @@ library
executable hie-core
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | A Shake implementation of the compiler service, built
-- using the "Shaker" abstraction layer for in-memory use.
module Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest(
getFilesOfInterest, setFilesOfInterest, modifyFilesOfInterest,
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Hashable
import Control.DeepSeq
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import Control.Exception
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Development.Shake hiding (Diagnostic, Env, newCache)
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
newtype OfInterestVar = OfInterestVar (Var (Set NormalizedFilePath))
instance IsIdeGlobal OfInterestVar
type instance RuleResult GetFilesOfInterest = Set NormalizedFilePath
data GetFilesOfInterest = GetFilesOfInterest
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetFilesOfInterest
instance NFData GetFilesOfInterest
ofInterestRules :: Rules ()
ofInterestRules = do
addIdeGlobal . OfInterestVar =<< liftIO (newVar Set.empty)
defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetFilesOfInterest _file -> assert (null $ fromNormalizedFilePath _file) $ do
filesOfInterest <- getFilesOfInterestUntracked
pure (Just $ BS.fromString $ show filesOfInterest, ([], Just filesOfInterest))
getFilesOfInterest :: Action (Set NormalizedFilePath)
getFilesOfInterest = use_ GetFilesOfInterest ""
-- Exposed API
-- | Set the files-of-interest which will be built and kept-up-to-date.
setFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> Set NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
setFilesOfInterest state files = modifyFilesOfInterest state (const files)
getFilesOfInterestUntracked :: Action (Set NormalizedFilePath)
getFilesOfInterestUntracked = do
OfInterestVar var <- getIdeGlobalAction
liftIO $ readVar var
modifyFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> (Set NormalizedFilePath -> Set NormalizedFilePath) -> IO ()
modifyFilesOfInterest state f = do
OfInterestVar var <- getIdeGlobalState state
files <- modifyVar var $ pure . dupe . f
logDebug (ideLogger state) $ "Set files of interest to: " <> T.pack (show $ Set.toList files)
void $ shakeRun state [] (const $ pure ())

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Import.FindImports (Import(..))
import Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Typeable
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Data.Set(Set)
import Development.Shake hiding (Env, newCache)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@ -69,14 +67,6 @@ type instance RuleResult ReportImportCycles = ()
type instance RuleResult GetHieFile = HieFile
type instance RuleResult GetFilesOfInterest = Set NormalizedFilePath
data GetFilesOfInterest = GetFilesOfInterest
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetFilesOfInterest
instance NFData GetFilesOfInterest
data GetParsedModule = GetParsedModule
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetParsedModule

View File

@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Import.FindImports
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as Base
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Maybe
@ -78,14 +75,6 @@ defineNoFile f = define $ \k file -> do
-- Exposed API
getFilesOfInterestRule :: Rules ()
getFilesOfInterestRule = do
defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetFilesOfInterest _file -> assert (null $ fromNormalizedFilePath _file) $ do
Env{..} <- getServiceEnv
filesOfInterest <- liftIO $ readVar envOfInterestVar
pure (Just $ BS.fromString $ show filesOfInterest, ([], Just filesOfInterest))
-- | Generate the GHC Core for the supplied file and its dependencies.
getGhcCore :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe [CoreModule])
@ -104,7 +93,7 @@ getDependencies file = fmap transitiveModuleDeps <$> use GetDependencies file
-- | Try to get hover text for the name under point.
getAtPoint :: NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe (Maybe Range, [T.Text]))
getAtPoint file pos = fmap join $ runMaybeT $ do
opts <- lift getOpts
opts <- lift getIdeOptions
files <- transitiveModuleDeps <$> useE GetDependencies file
tms <- usesE TypeCheck (file : files)
spans <- useE GetSpanInfo file
@ -115,7 +104,7 @@ getDefinition :: NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> Action (Maybe Location)
getDefinition file pos = fmap join $ runMaybeT $ do
spans <- useE GetSpanInfo file
pkgState <- useE GhcSession ""
opts <- lift getOpts
opts <- lift getIdeOptions
let getHieFile x = use (GetHieFile x) ""
lift $ AtPoint.gotoDefinition getHieFile opts pkgState spans pos
@ -123,8 +112,6 @@ getDefinition file pos = fmap join $ runMaybeT $ do
getParsedModule :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe ParsedModule)
getParsedModule file = use GetParsedModule file
getOpts :: Action Compile.IdeOptions
getOpts = envOptions <$> getServiceEnv
-- Rules
@ -144,7 +131,7 @@ getParsedModuleRule =
define $ \GetParsedModule file -> do
(_, contents) <- getFileContents file
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
opt <- getIdeOptions
liftIO $ Compile.parseModule opt packageState (fromNormalizedFilePath file) contents
getLocatedImportsRule :: Rules ()
@ -155,7 +142,7 @@ getLocatedImportsRule =
let imports = ms_textual_imps ms
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
dflags <- liftIO $ Compile.getGhcDynFlags pm packageState
opt <- getOpts
opt <- getIdeOptions
xs <- forM imports $ \(mbPkgName, modName) ->
(modName, ) <$> locateModule dflags (Compile.optExtensions opt) getFileExists modName mbPkgName
return (concat $ lefts $ map snd xs, Just $ map (second eitherToMaybe) xs)
@ -255,7 +242,7 @@ typeCheckRule =
tms <- uses_ TypeCheck (transitiveModuleDeps deps)
setPriority PriorityTypeCheck
packageState <- use_ GhcSession ""
opt <- getOpts
opt <- getIdeOptions
liftIO $ Compile.typecheckModule opt packageState tms pm
@ -272,7 +259,7 @@ generateCoreRule =
loadGhcSession :: Rules ()
loadGhcSession =
defineNoFile $ \GhcSession -> do
opts <- envOptions <$> getServiceEnv
opts <- getIdeOptions
Compile.optGhcSession opts
@ -296,7 +283,6 @@ mainRule = do

View File

@ -9,64 +9,31 @@
-- using the "Shaker" abstraction layer for in-memory use.
module Development.IDE.Core.Service(
IdeState, initialise, shutdown,
runAction, runActions,
runActionSync, runActionsSync,
setFilesOfInterest, modifyFilesOfInterest,
getFilesOfInterest, setFilesOfInterest, modifyFilesOfInterest,
getDiagnostics, unsafeClearDiagnostics,
logDebug, logSeriousError
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Monad.Except
import Development.IDE.Types.Options (IdeOptions(..))
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics(FileDiagnostic)
import Development.IDE.Types.Location (NormalizedFilePath)
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.Shake hiding (Diagnostic, Env, newCache)
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import UniqSupply
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
-- | Environment threaded through the Shake actions.
data Env = Env
{ envOptions :: IdeOptions
-- ^ Compiler options.
, envOfInterestVar :: Var (Set NormalizedFilePath)
-- ^ The files of interest.
, envUniqSupplyVar :: Var UniqSupply
-- ^ The unique supply of names used by the compiler.
instance IsIdeGlobal Env
mkEnv :: IdeOptions -> IO Env
mkEnv options = do
ofInterestVar <- newVar Set.empty
uniqSupplyVar <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'a' >>= newVar
return Env
{ envOptions = options
, envOfInterestVar = ofInterestVar
, envUniqSupplyVar = uniqSupplyVar
getDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO [FileDiagnostic]
getDiagnostics = getAllDiagnostics
unsafeClearDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO ()
unsafeClearDiagnostics = unsafeClearAllDiagnostics
newtype GlobalIdeOptions = GlobalIdeOptions IdeOptions
instance IsIdeGlobal GlobalIdeOptions
-- Exposed API
@ -74,7 +41,7 @@ unsafeClearDiagnostics = unsafeClearAllDiagnostics
-- | Initialise the Compiler Service.
initialise :: Rules ()
-> (LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ())
-> Logger.Handle
-> Logger
-> IdeOptions
-> VFSHandle
-> IO IdeState
@ -86,8 +53,9 @@ initialise mainRule toDiags logger options vfs =
shakeOptions { shakeThreads = optThreads options
, shakeFiles = "/dev/null"
}) $ do
addIdeGlobal =<< liftIO (mkEnv options)
addIdeGlobal $ GlobalIdeOptions options
fileStoreRules vfs
writeProfile :: IdeState -> FilePath -> IO ()
@ -128,16 +96,7 @@ runActionSync s a = head <$> runActionsSync s [a]
runActionsSync :: IdeState -> [Action a] -> IO [a]
runActionsSync s acts = join $ shakeRun s acts (const $ pure ())
-- | Set the files-of-interest which will be built and kept-up-to-date.
setFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> Set NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
setFilesOfInterest state files = modifyFilesOfInterest state (const files)
modifyFilesOfInterest :: IdeState -> (Set NormalizedFilePath -> Set NormalizedFilePath) -> IO ()
modifyFilesOfInterest state f = do
Env{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
files <- modifyVar envOfInterestVar $ pure . dupe . f
logDebug state $ "Set files of interest to: " <> T.pack (show $ Set.toList files)
void $ shakeRun state [] (const $ pure ())
getServiceEnv :: Action Env
getServiceEnv = getIdeGlobalAction
getIdeOptions :: Action IdeOptions
getIdeOptions = do
GlobalIdeOptions x <- getIdeGlobalAction
return x

View File

@ -31,14 +31,13 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Shake(
use, uses,
use_, uses_,
define, defineEarlyCutoff,
getAllDiagnostics, unsafeClearAllDiagnostics,
reportSeriousError, reportSeriousErrorDie,
getDiagnostics, unsafeClearDiagnostics,
IsIdeGlobal, addIdeGlobal, getIdeGlobalState, getIdeGlobalAction,
) where
@ -47,16 +46,18 @@ import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Database
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.Rule
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics hiding (getAllDiagnostics)
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as D
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import qualified Data.SortedList as SL
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Exception
@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ import Numeric.Extra
-- information we stash inside the shakeExtra field
data ShakeExtras = ShakeExtras
{eventer :: LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()
,logger :: Logger.Handle
,globals :: Var (Map.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic)
,logger :: Logger
,globals :: Var (HMap.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic)
,state :: Var Values
,diagnostics :: Var DiagnosticStore
@ -101,14 +102,14 @@ class Typeable a => IsIdeGlobal a where
addIdeGlobal :: IsIdeGlobal a => a -> Rules ()
addIdeGlobal x@(typeOf -> ty) = do
ShakeExtras{globals} <- getShakeExtrasRules
liftIO $ modifyVar_ globals $ \mp -> case Map.lookup ty mp of
liftIO $ modifyVar_ globals $ \mp -> case HMap.lookup ty mp of
Just _ -> error $ "Can't addIdeGlobal twice on the same type, got " ++ show ty
Nothing -> return $! Map.insert ty (toDyn x) mp
Nothing -> return $! HMap.insert ty (toDyn x) mp
getIdeGlobalExtras :: forall a . IsIdeGlobal a => ShakeExtras -> IO a
getIdeGlobalExtras ShakeExtras{globals} = do
Just x <- Map.lookup (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) <$> readVar globals
Just x <- HMap.lookup (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) <$> readVar globals
return $ fromDyn x $ error "Serious error, corrupt globals"
getIdeGlobalAction :: forall a . IsIdeGlobal a => Action a
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ getIdeGlobalState = getIdeGlobalExtras . shakeExtras
-- | The state of the all values - nested so you can easily find all errors at a given file.
type Values = Map.HashMap (NormalizedFilePath, Key) (Maybe Dynamic)
type Values = HMap.HashMap (NormalizedFilePath, Key) (Maybe Dynamic)
-- | Key type
data Key = forall k . (Typeable k, Hashable k, Eq k, Show k) => Key k
@ -168,7 +169,6 @@ data IdeState = IdeState
,shakeExtras :: ShakeExtras
profileDir :: Maybe FilePath
profileDir = Nothing -- set to Just the directory you want profile reports to appear in
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ setValues :: IdeRule k v
-> Maybe v
-> IO ()
setValues state key file val = modifyVar_ state $
pure . Map.insert (file, Key key) (fmap toDyn val)
pure . HMap.insert (file, Key key) (fmap toDyn val)
-- | The outer Maybe is Nothing if this function hasn't been computed before
-- the inner Maybe is Nothing if the result of the previous computation failed to produce
@ -208,19 +208,19 @@ getValues :: forall k v. IdeRule k v => Var Values -> k -> NormalizedFilePath ->
getValues state key file = do
vs <- readVar state
return $ do
v <- Map.lookup (file, Key key) vs
v <- HMap.lookup (file, Key key) vs
pure $ fmap (fromJust . fromDynamic @v) v
-- | Open a 'IdeState', should be shut using 'shakeShut'.
shakeOpen :: (LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -- ^ diagnostic handler
-> Logger.Handle
-> Logger
-> ShakeOptions
-> Rules ()
-> IO IdeState
shakeOpen eventer logger opts rules = do
shakeExtras <- do
globals <- newVar Map.empty
state <- newVar Map.empty
globals <- newVar HMap.empty
state <- newVar HMap.empty
diagnostics <- newVar mempty
pure ShakeExtras{..}
(shakeDb, shakeClose) <- shakeOpenDatabase opts{shakeExtra = addShakeExtra shakeExtras $ shakeExtra opts} rules
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ shakeRun :: IdeState -> [Action a] -> ([a] -> IO ()) -> IO (IO [a])
-- not even start, which would make issues with async exceptions less problematic.
shakeRun IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{..}, ..} acts callback = modifyVar shakeAbort $ \stop -> do
(stopTime,_) <- duration stop
Logger.logDebug logger $ T.pack $ "Starting shakeRun (aborting the previous one took " ++ showDuration stopTime ++ ")"
logDebug logger $ T.pack $ "Starting shakeRun (aborting the previous one took " ++ showDuration stopTime ++ ")"
bar <- newBarrier
start <- offsetTime
let act = do
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ shakeRun IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{..}, ..} acts callback = modifyVar sha
thread <- forkFinally (shakeRunDatabaseProfile shakeDb [act]) $ \res -> do
signalBarrier bar (mapRight head res)
runTime <- start
Logger.logDebug logger $ T.pack $
logDebug logger $ T.pack $
"Finishing shakeRun (took " ++ showDuration runTime ++ ", " ++ (if isLeft res then "exception" else "completed") ++ ")"
-- important: we send an async exception to the thread, then wait for it to die, before continuing
return (do killThread thread; void $ waitBarrier bar, either throwIO return =<< waitBarrier bar)
@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ useStale IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{state}} k fp =
join <$> getValues state k fp
getAllDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO [FileDiagnostic]
getAllDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} = do
getDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO [FileDiagnostic]
getDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} = do
val <- readVar diagnostics
return $ D.getAllDiagnostics val
return $ getAllDiagnostics val
-- | FIXME: This function is temporary! Only required because the files of interest doesn't work
unsafeClearAllDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO ()
unsafeClearAllDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} =
unsafeClearDiagnostics :: IdeState -> IO ()
unsafeClearDiagnostics IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{diagnostics}} =
writeVar diagnostics mempty
-- | Clear the results for all files that do not match the given predicate.
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ garbageCollect :: (NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) -> Action ()
garbageCollect keep = do
ShakeExtras{state, diagnostics} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $
do modifyVar_ state $ return . Map.filterWithKey (\(file, _) _ -> keep file)
do modifyVar_ state $ return . HMap.filterWithKey (\(file, _) _ -> keep file)
modifyVar_ diagnostics $ return . filterDiagnostics keep
@ -311,13 +311,7 @@ uses_ key files = do
reportSeriousError :: String -> Action ()
reportSeriousError t = do
ShakeExtras{logger} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $ Logger.logSeriousError logger $ T.pack t
reportSeriousErrorDie :: String -> Action a
reportSeriousErrorDie t = do
ShakeExtras{logger} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $ Logger.logSeriousError logger $ T.pack t
fail t
liftIO $ logSeriousError logger $ T.pack t
-- | When we depend on something that reported an error, and we fail as a direct result, throw BadDependency
@ -424,14 +418,9 @@ sendEvent e = do
ShakeExtras{eventer} <- getShakeExtras
liftIO $ eventer e
-- | bit of an odd signature because we're trying to remove priority
sl :: (Handle -> T.Text -> IO ()) -> IdeState -> T.Text -> IO ()
sl f IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{logger}} p = f logger p
ideLogger :: IdeState -> Logger
ideLogger IdeState{shakeExtras=ShakeExtras{logger}} = logger
logDebug, logSeriousError
:: IdeState -> T.Text -> IO ()
logDebug = sl Logger.logDebug
logSeriousError = sl Logger.logSeriousError
data GetModificationTime = GetModificationTime
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
@ -449,3 +438,46 @@ instance NFData FileVersion
vfsVersion :: FileVersion -> Maybe Int
vfsVersion (VFSVersion i) = Just i
vfsVersion (ModificationTime _) = Nothing
getDiagnosticsFromStore :: StoreItem -> [Diagnostic]
getDiagnosticsFromStore (StoreItem _ diags) = concatMap SL.fromSortedList $ Map.elems diags
-- | Sets the diagnostics for a file and compilation step
-- if you want to clear the diagnostics call this with an empty list
setStageDiagnostics ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
Maybe Int ->
-- ^ the time that the file these diagnostics originate from was last edited
T.Text ->
[LSP.Diagnostic] ->
DiagnosticStore ->
setStageDiagnostics fp timeM stage diags ds =
updateDiagnostics ds uri timeM diagsBySource
diagsBySource = Map.singleton (Just stage) (SL.toSortedList diags)
uri = filePathToUri' fp
getAllDiagnostics ::
DiagnosticStore ->
getAllDiagnostics =
concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (fromUri k,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v) . Map.toList
getFileDiagnostics ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
DiagnosticStore ->
getFileDiagnostics fp ds =
maybe [] getDiagnosticsFromStore $
Map.lookup (filePathToUri' fp) ds
filterDiagnostics ::
(NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) ->
DiagnosticStore ->
filterDiagnostics keep =
Map.filterWithKey (\uri _ -> maybe True (keep . toNormalizedFilePath) $ uriToFilePath' $ fromNormalizedUri uri)

View File

@ -11,27 +11,25 @@ module Development.IDE.LSP.Definition
import Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
-- | Go to the definition of a variable.
:: Logger.Handle
:: Logger
-> IdeState
-> TextDocumentPositionParams
-> IO LocationResponseParams
handle loggerH compilerH (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = do
handle logger compilerH (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = do
mbResult <- case uriToFilePath' uri of
Just (toNormalizedFilePath -> filePath) -> do
Logger.logInfo loggerH $
logInfo logger $
"Definition request at position " <>
renderStrict (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ prettyPosition pos) <>
T.pack (showPosition pos) <>
" in file: " <> T.pack (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
runAction compilerH (getDefinition filePath pos)
Nothing -> pure Nothing

View File

@ -12,26 +12,24 @@ import Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol hiding (Hover)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (Hover(..))
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
-- | Display information on hover.
:: Logger.Handle
:: Logger
-> IdeState
-> TextDocumentPositionParams
-> IO (Maybe Hover)
handle loggerH compilerH (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = do
mbResult <- case uriToFilePath' uri of
Just (toNormalizedFilePath -> filePath) -> do
Logger.logInfo loggerH $
logInfo loggerH $
"Hover request at position " <>
renderStrict (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ prettyPosition pos) <>
T.pack (showPosition pos) <>
" in file: " <> T.pack (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
runAction compilerH $ getAtPoint filePath pos
Nothing -> pure Nothing

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Development.IDE.LSP.Definition as LS.Definition
import qualified Development.IDE.LSP.Hover as LS.Hover
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Development.IDE.Core.Service
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
@ -44,30 +44,30 @@ textShow = T.pack . show
:: Logger.Handle
:: Logger
-> IdeState
-> (forall resp. resp -> ResponseMessage resp)
-> (ErrorCode -> ResponseMessage ())
-> ServerRequest
-> IO FromServerMessage
handleRequest loggerH compilerH makeResponse makeErrorResponse = \case
handleRequest logger compilerH makeResponse makeErrorResponse = \case
Shutdown -> do
Logger.logInfo loggerH "Shutdown request received, terminating."
logInfo logger "Shutdown request received, terminating."
KeepAlive -> pure $ RspCustomServer $ makeResponse Aeson.Null
Definition params -> RspDefinition . makeResponse <$> LS.Definition.handle loggerH compilerH params
Hover params -> RspHover . makeResponse <$> LS.Hover.handle loggerH compilerH params
Definition params -> RspDefinition . makeResponse <$> LS.Definition.handle logger compilerH params
Hover params -> RspHover . makeResponse <$> LS.Hover.handle logger compilerH params
CodeLens _params -> pure $ RspCodeLens $ makeResponse mempty
req -> do
Logger.logWarning loggerH ("Method not found" <> T.pack (show req))
logWarning logger ("Method not found" <> T.pack (show req))
pure $ RspError $ makeErrorResponse MethodNotFound
handleNotification :: LspFuncs () -> Logger.Handle -> IdeState -> ServerNotification -> IO ()
handleNotification lspFuncs loggerH compilerH = \case
handleNotification :: LspFuncs () -> Logger -> IdeState -> ServerNotification -> IO ()
handleNotification lspFuncs logger compilerH = \case
DidOpenTextDocument (DidOpenTextDocumentParams item) -> do
case URI.parseURI $ T.unpack $ getUri $ _uri (item :: TextDocumentItem) of
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ handleNotification lspFuncs loggerH compilerH = \case
-> handleDidOpenFile item
| otherwise
-> Logger.logWarning loggerH $ "Unknown scheme in URI: "
-> logWarning logger $ "Unknown scheme in URI: "
<> textShow uri
_ -> Logger.logSeriousError loggerH $ "Invalid URI in DidOpenTextDocument: "
_ -> logSeriousError logger $ "Invalid URI in DidOpenTextDocument: "
<> textShow (_uri (item :: TextDocumentItem))
DidChangeTextDocument (DidChangeTextDocumentParams docId _) -> do
@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ handleNotification lspFuncs loggerH compilerH = \case
mbVirtual <- getVirtualFileFunc lspFuncs $ toNormalizedUri uri
let contents = maybe "" (Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope)) mbVirtual
onFileModified compilerH filePath (Just contents)
Logger.logInfo loggerH
logInfo logger
$ "Updated text document: " <> textShow (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
Nothing ->
Logger.logSeriousError loggerH
logSeriousError logger
$ "Invalid file path: " <> textShow (_uri (docId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier))
DidCloseTextDocument (DidCloseTextDocumentParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri)) ->
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ handleNotification lspFuncs loggerH compilerH = \case
| URI.uriScheme uri' == "file:" -> do
Just fp <- pure $ toNormalizedFilePath <$> uriToFilePath' uri
handleDidCloseFile fp
| otherwise -> Logger.logWarning loggerH $ "Unknown scheme in URI: " <> textShow uri
| otherwise -> logWarning logger $ "Unknown scheme in URI: " <> textShow uri
_ -> Logger.logSeriousError loggerH
_ -> logSeriousError logger
$ "Invalid URI in DidCloseTextDocument: "
<> textShow uri
@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ handleNotification lspFuncs loggerH compilerH = \case
Just filePath <- pure $ toNormalizedFilePath <$> uriToFilePath' uri
onFileModified compilerH filePath (Just contents)
modifyFilesOfInterest compilerH (S.insert filePath)
Logger.logInfo loggerH $ "Opened text document: " <> textShow filePath
logInfo logger $ "Opened text document: " <> textShow filePath
handleDidCloseFile filePath = do
Logger.logInfo loggerH $ "Closed text document: " <> textShow (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
logInfo logger $ "Closed text document: " <> textShow (fromNormalizedFilePath filePath)
onFileModified compilerH filePath Nothing
modifyFilesOfInterest compilerH (S.delete filePath)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ onFileModified
-> Maybe T.Text
-> IO ()
onFileModified service fp mbContents = do
logDebug service $ "File modified " <> T.pack (show fp)
logDebug (ideLogger service) $ "File modified " <> T.pack (show fp)
setBufferModified service fp mbContents
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ onFileModified service fp mbContents = do
:: Logger.Handle
:: Logger
-> ((FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -> VFSHandle -> IO IdeState)
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer loggerH getIdeState = do

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol
( module Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
, ServerRequest(..)
, ServerNotification(..)
, prettyPosition
, pattern EventFileDiagnostics
) where
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types hiding
( CodeLens
@ -54,9 +53,6 @@ data ServerNotification
-- Pretty printing
prettyPosition :: Position -> Doc a
prettyPosition Position{..} = pretty (_line + 1) <> colon <> pretty (_character + 1)
-- | Pattern synonym to make it a bit more convenient to match on diagnostics
-- in things like damlc test.
pattern EventFileDiagnostics :: FilePath -> [Diagnostic] -> FromServerMessage

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Default
import Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as Aeson
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data Handlers = Handlers
:: Logger.Handle
:: Logger
-> (LSP.LspFuncs () -> IO Handlers)
-- ^ Notification handler for language server notifications
-> IO ()
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ runServer loggerH getHandlers = do
_ <- flip forkFinally (const exitClientMsg) $ forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan clientMsgChan
case convClientMsg msg of
Nothing -> Logger.logSeriousError loggerH $ "Unknown client msg: " <> T.pack (show msg)
Nothing -> logSeriousError loggerH $ "Unknown client msg: " <> T.pack (show msg)
Just (Left notif) -> notificationHandler notif
Just (Right req) -> sendFunc =<< requestHandler' req
pure Nothing

View File

@ -8,34 +8,22 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics (
) where
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Data.SortedList as SL
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJClass as Pretty
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP (
, Diagnostic(..)
, List(..)
, DiagnosticRelatedInformation(..)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
@ -46,31 +34,18 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.Location
ideErrorText :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText fp = errorDiag fp "Ide Error"
ideErrorText fp msg = (fp, LSP.Diagnostic {
_range = noRange,
_severity = Just LSP.DsError,
_code = Nothing,
_source = Just "compiler",
_message = msg,
_relatedInformation = Nothing
ideErrorPretty :: Pretty.Pretty e => NormalizedFilePath -> e -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorPretty fp = ideErrorText fp . T.pack . Pretty.prettyShow
errorDiag :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
errorDiag fp src msg =
(fp, diagnostic noRange LSP.DsError src msg)
-- | This is for compatibility with our old diagnostic type
diagnostic :: Range
-> LSP.DiagnosticSeverity
-> T.Text -- ^ source
-> T.Text -- ^ message
-> LSP.Diagnostic
diagnostic rng sev src msg
= LSP.Diagnostic {
_range = rng,
_severity = Just sev,
_code = Nothing,
_source = Just src,
_message = msg,
_relatedInformation = Nothing
-- | Human readable diagnostics for a specific file.
@ -116,49 +91,6 @@ prettyDiagnostic (fp, LSP.Diagnostic{..}) =
sev = fromMaybe LSP.DsError _severity
getDiagnosticsFromStore :: StoreItem -> [Diagnostic]
getDiagnosticsFromStore (StoreItem _ diags) =
toList =<< Map.elems diags
-- | Sets the diagnostics for a file and compilation step
-- if you want to clear the diagnostics call this with an empty list
setStageDiagnostics ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
Maybe Int ->
-- ^ the time that the file these diagnostics originate from was last edited
T.Text ->
[LSP.Diagnostic] ->
DiagnosticStore ->
setStageDiagnostics fp timeM stage diags ds =
updateDiagnostics ds uri timeM diagsBySource
diagsBySource = Map.singleton (Just stage) (SL.toSortedList diags)
uri = filePathToUri' fp
getAllDiagnostics ::
DiagnosticStore ->
getAllDiagnostics =
concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (fromUri k,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v) . Map.toList
getFileDiagnostics ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
DiagnosticStore ->
getFileDiagnostics fp ds =
maybe [] getDiagnosticsFromStore $
Map.lookup (filePathToUri' fp) ds
filterDiagnostics ::
(NormalizedFilePath -> Bool) ->
DiagnosticStore ->
filterDiagnostics keep =
Map.filterWithKey (\uri _ -> maybe True (keep . toNormalizedFilePath) $ uriToFilePath' $ fromNormalizedUri uri)
-- | Label a document.
slabel_ :: String -> Doc a -> Doc a

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Location
, noFilePath
, noRange
, Position(..)
, showPosition
, Range(..)
, Uri(..)
, NormalizedUri
@ -24,8 +25,6 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Location
) where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (Location(..), Range(..), Position(..))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Hashable
@ -84,3 +83,7 @@ noFilePath = "<unknown>"
-- A dummy range to use when range is unknown
noRange :: Range
noRange = Range (Position 0 0) (Position 100000 0)
showPosition :: Position -> String
showPosition Position{..} = show (_line + 1) ++ ":" ++ show (_character + 1)

View File

@ -6,23 +6,23 @@
-- concrete choice of logging framework so users can plug in whatever
-- framework they want to.
module Development.IDE.Types.Logger
( Handle(..)
, makeOneHandle
, makeNopHandle
( Logger(..)
, makeOneLogger
, makeNopLogger
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Stack
data Handle = Handle {
data Logger = Logger {
logSeriousError :: HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()
, logInfo :: HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()
, logDebug :: HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()
, logWarning :: HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()
makeNopHandle :: Handle
makeNopHandle = makeOneHandle $ const $ pure ()
makeNopLogger :: Logger
makeNopLogger = makeOneLogger $ const $ pure ()
makeOneHandle :: (HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()) -> Handle
makeOneHandle x = Handle x x x x
makeOneLogger :: (HasCallStack => T.Text -> IO ()) -> Logger
makeOneLogger x = Logger x x x x

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.LSP.Protocol
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Data.String
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ main = do
args <- getArgs
-- lock to avoid overlapping output on stdout
lock <- newLock
let logger = makeOneHandle $ withLock lock . T.putStrLn
let logger = makeOneLogger $ withLock lock . T.putStrLn
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
hPutStrLn stderr dir
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ main = do
kick :: Action ()
kick = do
files <- use_ GetFilesOfInterest $ fromString ""
files <- getFilesOfInterest
void $ uses TypeCheck $ Set.toList files
-- | Print an LSP event.