# `ghcide` - A library for building Haskell IDE tooling Note: `ghcide` was previously called `hie-core`. Our vision is that you should build an IDE by combining: * [`hie-bios`](https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios) for determining where your files are, what are their dependencies, what extensions are enabled and so on; * `ghcide` (i.e. this library) for defining how to type check, when to type check, and producing diagnostic messages; * A bunch of plugins that haven't yet been written, e.g. [`hie-hlint`](https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint) and [`hie-ormolu`](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu), to choose which features you want; * [`haskell-lsp`](https://github.com/alanz/haskell-lsp) for sending those messages to a [Language Server Protocol (LSP)](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) server; * An extension for your editor. We provide a [VS Code extension](https://code.visualstudio.com/api) as `extension` in this directory, although the components work in other LSP editors too (see below for instructions using Emacs). There are more details about our approach [in this blog post](https://4ta.uk/p/shaking-up-the-ide). ## Using it ### Install `ghcide` #### With Nix [See hie-core-nix repository](https://github.com/hercules-ci/hie-core-nix) #### With Cabal or Stack First install the `ghcide` binary using `stack` or `cabal`, e.g. 1. `git clone https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide.git` 2. `cd ghcide` 3. `cabal install` or `stack install` (and make sure `~/.local/bin` is on your `$PATH`) It's important that `ghcide` is compiled with the same compiler you use to build your projects. ### Test `ghcide` Next, check that `ghcide` is capable of loading your code. Change to the project directory and run `ghcide`, which will try and load everything using the same code as the IDE, but in a way that's much easier to understand. For example, taking the example of [`shake`](https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake), running `ghcide` gives some error messages and warnings before reporting at the end: ``` Files that worked: 152 Files that failed: 6 * .\model\Main.hs * .\model\Model.hs * .\model\Test.hs * .\model\Util.hs * .\output\docs\Main.hs * .\output\docs\Part_Architecture_md.hs Done ``` Of the 158 files in Shake, as of this moment, 152 can be loaded by the IDE, but 6 can't (error messages for the reasons they can't be loaded are given earlier). The failing files are all prototype work or test output, meaning I can confidently use Shake. The `ghcide` executable mostly relies on [`hie-bios`](https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios) to do the difficult work of setting up your GHC environment. If it doesn't work, see [the `hie-bios` manual](https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios#readme) to get it working. My default fallback is to figure it out by hand and create a `direct` style [`hie.yaml`](https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/blob/master/hie.yaml) listing the command line arguments to load the project. Once you have got `ghcide` working outside the editor, the next step is to pick which editor to integrate with. ### Using with VS Code Install the VS code extension (see https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac for details on adding `code` to your `$PATH`): 1. `cd extension/` 2. `npm ci` 3. `npm install vsce --global` (may require `sudo`) 4. `vsce package` 5. `code --install-extension ghcide-0.0.1.vsix` Now openning a `.hs` file should work with `ghcide`. ### Using with Emacs If you don't already have [MELPA](https://melpa.org/#/) package installation configured, visit MELPA [getting started](https://melpa.org/#/getting-started) page to get set up. Then, install [`use-package`](https://melpa.org/#/use-package). Finally, add the following lines to your `.emacs`. ```elisp ;; LSP (use-package flycheck :ensure t :init (global-flycheck-mode t)) (use-package yasnippet :ensure t) (use-package lsp-mode :ensure t :hook (haskell-mode . lsp) :commands lsp) (use-package lsp-ui :ensure t :commands lsp-ui-mode) (use-package lsp-haskell :ensure t :config (setq lsp-haskell-process-path-hie "ghcide") (setq lsp-haskell-process-args-hie '()) ;; Comment/uncomment this line to see interactions between lsp client/server. ;;(setq lsp-log-io t) ) ``` ### Using with Vim/Neovim #### LanguageClient-neovim Install [LanguageClient-neovim](https://github.com/autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim) Add this to your vim config: ```vim let g:LanguageClient_rootMarkers = ['*.cabal', 'stack.yaml'] let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = { \ 'rust': ['rls'], \ 'haskell': ['ghcide', '--lsp'], \ } ``` Refer to `:he LanguageClient` for more details on usage and configuration. #### vim-lsp Install [vim-lsp](https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp). Add this to your vim config: ```vim au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({ \ 'name': 'ghcide', \ 'cmd': {server_info->['/your/path/to/ghcide', '--lsp']}, \ 'whitelist': ['haskell'], \ }) ``` To verify it works move your cursor over a symbol and run `:LspHover`.