# This shell.nix file is designed for use with cabal build # It does **not** aim to replace Cabal # Maintaining this file: # # - Bump the nixpkgs version using `niv update nixpkgs` { compiler ? "default", withHoogle ? false, nixpkgs ? import ./nix {} }: with nixpkgs; let defaultCompiler = "ghc" + lib.replaceStrings ["."] [""] haskellPackages.ghc.version; haskellPackagesForProject = if compiler == "default" then ourHaskell.packages.${defaultCompiler} else ourHaskell.packages.${compiler}; ghcide = p: haskell.lib.doCheck (p.callCabal2nixWithOptions "ghcide" (nixpkgs.gitignoreSource ./.) "--benchmark" {}); isSupported = compiler == "default" || compiler == defaultCompiler; in haskellPackagesForProject.shellFor { inherit withHoogle; doBenchmark = true; packages = p: [ (if isSupported then ghcide p else p.ghc-paths) ]; buildInputs = [ gmp zlib ncurses capstone tracy haskellPackages.cabal-install haskellPackages.hlint haskellPackages.ormolu haskellPackages.stylish-haskell haskellPackages.opentelemetry-extra ]; src = null; shellHook = '' export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${gmp}/lib:${zlib}/lib:${ncurses}/lib:${capstone}/lib export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${gmp}/lib:${zlib}/lib:${ncurses}/lib:${capstone}/lib export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin ''; }