mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 13:13:22 +03:00
* Try adding a dependency on TypeCheck * Show warning regardless of the status of -Wall * Try diagnostics after type checking, again * Use `useE` instead of `use_` to not get a `BadDependency` error * Degrade information about signatures if not present in user options * Fix tests * Better suggested signatures for polymorphic bindings * Remove old comment
946 lines
39 KiB
946 lines
39 KiB
-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
#include "ghc-api-version.h"
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Foldable
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Test
import Development.IDE.Test.Runfiles
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import System.Environment.Blank (setEnv)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Directory
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure
import Data.Maybe
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "HIE"
[ testSession "open close" $ do
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" ""
void (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest)
void (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification)
closeDoc doc
void (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification)
, initializeResponseTests
, diagnosticTests
, codeActionTests
, findDefinitionAndHoverTests
, pluginTests
, thTests
initializeResponseTests :: TestTree
initializeResponseTests = withResource acquire release tests where
-- these tests document and monitor the evolution of the
-- capabilities announced by the server in the initialize
-- response. Currently the server advertises almost no capabilities
-- at all, in some cases failing to announce capabilities that it
-- actually does provide! Hopefully this will change ...
tests :: IO InitializeResponse -> TestTree
tests getInitializeResponse =
testGroup "initialize response capabilities"
[ chk " text doc sync" _textDocumentSync tds
, chk " hover" _hoverProvider (Just True)
, chk "NO completion" _completionProvider Nothing
, chk "NO signature help" _signatureHelpProvider Nothing
, chk " goto definition" _definitionProvider (Just True)
, chk "NO goto type definition" _typeDefinitionProvider (Just $ GotoOptionsStatic False)
, chk "NO goto implementation" _implementationProvider (Just $ GotoOptionsStatic False)
, chk "NO find references" _referencesProvider Nothing
, chk "NO doc highlight" _documentHighlightProvider Nothing
, chk "NO doc symbol" _documentSymbolProvider Nothing
, chk "NO workspace symbol" _workspaceSymbolProvider Nothing
, chk " code action" _codeActionProvider $ Just $ CodeActionOptionsStatic True
, chk " code lens" _codeLensProvider $ Just $ CodeLensOptions Nothing
, chk "NO doc formatting" _documentFormattingProvider Nothing
, chk "NO doc range formatting"
_documentRangeFormattingProvider Nothing
, chk "NO doc formatting on typing"
_documentOnTypeFormattingProvider Nothing
, chk "NO renaming" _renameProvider (Just $ RenameOptionsStatic False)
, chk "NO doc link" _documentLinkProvider Nothing
, chk "NO color" _colorProvider (Just $ ColorOptionsStatic False)
, chk "NO folding range" _foldingRangeProvider (Just $ FoldingRangeOptionsStatic False)
, chk " execute command" _executeCommandProvider (Just $ ExecuteCommandOptions $ List ["typesignature.add"])
, chk "NO workspace" _workspace nothingWorkspace
, chk "NO experimental" _experimental Nothing
] where
tds = Just (TDSOptions (TextDocumentSyncOptions
{ _openClose = Just True
, _change = Just TdSyncIncremental
, _willSave = Nothing
, _willSaveWaitUntil = Nothing
, _save = Just (SaveOptions {_includeText = Nothing})}))
nothingWorkspace = Just (WorkspaceOptions {_workspaceFolders = Nothing})
chk :: (Eq a, Show a) => TestName -> (InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner -> a) -> a -> TestTree
chk title getActual expected =
testCase title $ getInitializeResponse >>= \ir -> expected @=? (getActual . innerCaps) ir
innerCaps :: InitializeResponse -> InitializeResponseCapabilitiesInner
innerCaps (ResponseMessage _ _ (Just (InitializeResponseCapabilities c)) _) = c
innerCaps _ = error "this test only expects inner capabilities"
acquire :: IO InitializeResponse
acquire = run initializeResponse
release :: InitializeResponse -> IO ()
release = const $ pure ()
diagnosticTests :: TestTree
diagnosticTests = testGroup "diagnostics"
[ testSessionWait "fix syntax error" $ do
let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing wher" ]
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
expectDiagnostics [("Testing.hs", [(DsError, (0, 15), "parse error")])]
let change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
{ _range = Just (Range (Position 0 15) (Position 0 19))
, _rangeLength = Nothing
, _text = "where"
changeDoc doc [change]
expectDiagnostics [("Testing.hs", [])]
, testSessionWait "introduce syntax error" $ do
let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" ]
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
void (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest)
void (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification)
let change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
{ _range = Just (Range (Position 0 15) (Position 0 18))
, _rangeLength = Nothing
, _text = "wher"
changeDoc doc [change]
expectDiagnostics [("Testing.hs", [(DsError, (0, 15), "parse error")])]
, testSessionWait "variable not in scope" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Int -> Int -> Int"
, "foo a b = a + ab"
, "bar :: Int -> Int -> Int"
, "bar a b = cd + b"
_ <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
[ ( "Testing.hs"
, [ (DsError, (2, 14), "Variable not in scope: ab")
, (DsError, (4, 10), "Variable not in scope: cd")
, testSessionWait "type error" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Int -> String -> Int"
, "foo a b = a + b"
_ <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
[ ( "Testing.hs"
, [(DsError, (2, 14), "Couldn't match type '[Char]' with 'Int'")]
, testSessionWait "typed hole" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Int -> String"
, "foo a = _ a"
_ <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
[ ( "Testing.hs"
, [(DsError, (2, 8), "Found hole: _ :: Int -> String")]
, testGroup "deferral" $
let sourceA a = T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "a :: Int"
, "a = " <> a]
sourceB = T.unlines
[ "module B where"
, "import A"
, "b :: Float"
, "b = True"]
bMessage = "Couldn't match expected type 'Float' with actual type 'Bool'"
expectedDs aMessage =
[ ("A.hs", [(DsError, (2,4), aMessage)])
, ("B.hs", [(DsError, (3,4), bMessage)])]
deferralTest title binding msg = testSessionWait title $ do
_ <- openDoc' "A.hs" "haskell" $ sourceA binding
_ <- openDoc' "B.hs" "haskell" sourceB
expectDiagnostics $ expectedDs msg
[ deferralTest "type error" "True" "Couldn't match expected type"
, deferralTest "typed hole" "_" "Found hole"
, deferralTest "out of scope var" "unbound" "Variable not in scope"
, deferralTest "message shows error" "True" "A.hs:3:5: error:"
, testSessionWait "remove required module" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" ]
docA <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
let change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
{ _range = Just (Range (Position 0 0) (Position 0 20))
, _rangeLength = Nothing
, _text = ""
changeDoc docA [change]
expectDiagnostics [("ModuleB.hs", [(DsError, (1, 0), "Could not find module")])]
, testSessionWait "add missing module" $ do
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
expectDiagnostics [("ModuleB.hs", [(DsError, (1, 7), "Could not find module")])]
let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" ]
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
expectDiagnostics [("ModuleB.hs", [])]
, testSessionWait "cyclic module dependency" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
, "import ModuleB"
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
[ ( "ModuleA.hs"
, [(DsError, (1, 7), "Cyclic module dependency between ModuleA, ModuleB")]
, ( "ModuleB.hs"
, [(DsError, (1, 7), "Cyclic module dependency between ModuleA, ModuleB")]
, testSessionWait "cyclic module dependency with hs-boot" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
, "import {-# SOURCE #-} ModuleB"
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
let contentBboot = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs-boot" "haskell" contentBboot
expectDiagnostics []
, testSessionWait "correct reference used with hs-boot" $ do
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleB where"
, "import {-# SOURCE #-} ModuleA"
let contentA = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
, "import ModuleB"
, "x = 5"
let contentAboot = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
let contentC = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleC where"
, "import ModuleA"
-- this reference will fail if it gets incorrectly
-- resolved to the hs-boot file
, "y = x"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs-boot" "haskell" contentAboot
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleC.hs" "haskell" contentC
expectDiagnostics []
, testSessionWait "redundant import" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines ["module ModuleA where"]
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
_ <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
[ ( "ModuleB.hs"
, [(DsWarning, (2, 0), "The import of 'ModuleA' is redundant")]
, testSessionWait "package imports" $ do
let thisDataListContent = T.unlines
[ "module Data.List where"
, "x :: Integer"
, "x = 123"
let mainContent = T.unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}"
, "module Main where"
, "import qualified \"this\" Data.List as ThisList"
, "import qualified \"base\" Data.List as BaseList"
, "useThis = ThisList.x"
, "useBase = BaseList.map"
, "wrong1 = ThisList.map"
, "wrong2 = BaseList.x"
_ <- openDoc' "Data/List.hs" "haskell" thisDataListContent
_ <- openDoc' "Main.hs" "haskell" mainContent
[ ( "Main.hs"
, [(DsError, (6, 9), "Not in scope: \8216ThisList.map\8217")
,(DsError, (7, 9), "Not in scope: \8216BaseList.x\8217")
, testSessionWait "unqualified warnings" $ do
let fooContent = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-}"
, "module Foo where"
, "foo :: Ord a => a -> Int"
, "foo a = 1"
_ <- openDoc' "Foo.hs" "haskell" fooContent
[ ( "Foo.hs"
-- The test is to make sure that warnings contain unqualified names
-- where appropriate. The warning should use an unqualified name 'Ord', not
-- sometihng like 'GHC.Classes.Ord'. The choice of redundant-constraints to
-- test this is fairly arbitrary.
, [(DsWarning, (2, 0), "Redundant constraint: Ord a")
, testSessionWait "lower-case drive" $ do
let aContent = T.unlines
[ "module A.A where"
, "import A.B ()"
bContent = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}"
, "module A.B where"
, "import Data.List"
uriB <- getDocUri "A/B.hs"
Just pathB <- pure $ uriToFilePath uriB
uriB <- pure $
let (drive, suffix) = splitDrive pathB
in filePathToUri (joinDrive (map toLower drive ) suffix)
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory pathB)
liftIO $ writeFileUTF8 pathB $ T.unpack bContent
uriA <- getDocUri "A/A.hs"
Just pathA <- pure $ uriToFilePath uriA
uriA <- pure $
let (drive, suffix) = splitDrive pathA
in filePathToUri (joinDrive (map toLower drive ) suffix)
let itemA = TextDocumentItem uriA "haskell" 0 aContent
let a = TextDocumentIdentifier uriA
sendNotification TextDocumentDidOpen (DidOpenTextDocumentParams itemA)
diagsNot <- skipManyTill anyMessage message :: Session PublishDiagnosticsNotification
let PublishDiagnosticsParams fileUri diags = _params (diagsNot :: PublishDiagnosticsNotification)
-- Check that if we put a lower-case drive in for A.A
-- the diagnostics for A.B will also be lower-case.
liftIO $ fileUri @?= uriB
let msg = _message (head (toList diags) :: Diagnostic)
liftIO $ unless ("redundant" `T.isInfixOf` msg) $
assertFailure ("Expected redundant import but got " <> T.unpack msg)
closeDoc a
codeActionTests :: TestTree
codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions"
[ renameActionTests
, typeWildCardActionTests
, removeImportTests
, importRenameActionTests
, fillTypedHoleTests
, addSigActionTests
renameActionTests :: TestTree
renameActionTests = testGroup "rename actions"
[ testSession "change to local variable name" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Int -> Int"
, "foo argName = argNme"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 14) (Position 2 20))
liftIO $ "Replace with ‘argName’" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Int -> Int"
, "foo argName = argName"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "change to name of imported function" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)"
, "foo :: Maybe a -> [a]"
, "foo = maybToList"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 6) (Position 3 16))
liftIO $ "Replace with ‘maybeToList’" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)"
, "foo :: Maybe a -> [a]"
, "foo = maybeToList"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "suggest multiple local variable names" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "foo :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char"
, "foo argument1 argument2 argument3 = argumentX"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 36) (Position 2 45))
let actionTitles = [ actionTitle | CACodeAction CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands ]
expectedActionTitles = ["Replace with ‘argument1’", "Replace with ‘argument2’", "Replace with ‘argument3’"]
liftIO $ expectedActionTitles @=? actionTitles
, testSession "change infix function" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "monus :: Int -> Int"
, "monus x y = max 0 (x - y)"
, "foo x y = x `monnus` y"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 12) (Position 3 20))
[fixTypo] <- pure [action | CACodeAction action@CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands, "monus" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle ]
executeCodeAction fixTypo
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "monus :: Int -> Int"
, "monus x y = max 0 (x - y)"
, "foo x y = x `monus` y"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
typeWildCardActionTests :: TestTree
typeWildCardActionTests = testGroup "type wildcard actions"
[ testSession "global signature" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: _"
, "func x = x"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 1) (Position 2 10))
let [addSignature] = [action | CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands
, "Use type signature" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle
executeCodeAction addSignature
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: (p -> p)"
, "func x = x"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "multi-line message" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: _"
, "func x y = x + y"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 1) (Position 2 10))
let [addSignature] = [action | CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands
, "Use type signature" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle
executeCodeAction addSignature
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)"
, "func x y = x + y"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "local signature" $ do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: Int -> Int"
, "func x ="
, " let y :: _"
, " y = x * 2"
, " in y"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 4 1) (Position 4 10))
let [addSignature] = [action | CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands
, "Use type signature" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle
executeCodeAction addSignature
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "func :: Int -> Int"
, "func x ="
, " let y :: (Int)"
, " y = x * 2"
, " in y"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
removeImportTests :: TestTree
removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions"
[ testSession "redundant" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
_docA <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleB where"
, "import ModuleA"
, "stuffB :: Integer"
, "stuffB = 123"
docB <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleB where"
, "stuffB :: Integer"
, "stuffB = 123"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
, testSession "qualified redundant" $ do
let contentA = T.unlines
[ "module ModuleA where"
_docA <- openDoc' "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA
let contentB = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleB where"
, "import qualified ModuleA"
, "stuffB :: Integer"
, "stuffB = 123"
docB <- openDoc' "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
[CACodeAction action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }]
<- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5))
liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle
executeCodeAction action
contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}"
, "module ModuleB where"
, "stuffB :: Integer"
, "stuffB = 123"
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
importRenameActionTests :: TestTree
importRenameActionTests = testGroup "import rename actions"
[ testSession "Data.Mape -> Data.Map" $ check "Map"
, testSession "Data.Mape -> Data.Maybe" $ check "Maybe" ] where
check modname = do
let content = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "import Data.Mape"
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 8) (Position 2 16))
let [changeToMap] = [action | CACodeAction action@CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands, ("Data." <> modname) `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle ]
executeCodeAction changeToMap
contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc
let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, "import Data." <> modname
liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction
fillTypedHoleTests :: TestTree
fillTypedHoleTests = let
sourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
sourceCode a b c = T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "globalConvert :: Int -> String"
, "globalConvert = undefined"
, ""
, "globalInt :: Int"
, "globalInt = 3"
, ""
, "bar :: Int -> Int -> String"
, "bar n parameterInt = " <> a <> " (n + " <> b <> " + " <> c <> ") where"
, " localConvert = (flip replicate) 'x'"
check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree
check actionTitle
oldA oldB oldC
newA newB newC = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do
let originalCode = sourceCode oldA oldB oldC
let expectedCode = sourceCode newA newB newC
doc <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 9 0) (Position 9 maxBound))
let chosenAction = pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction chosenAction
modifiedCode <- documentContents doc
liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode
testGroup "fill typed holes"
[ check "replace hole `_` with show"
"_" "n" "n"
"show" "n" "n"
, check "replace hole `_` with globalConvert"
"_" "n" "n"
"globalConvert" "n" "n"
, check "replace hole `_convertme` with localConvert"
"_convertme" "n" "n"
"localConvert" "n" "n"
, check "replace hole `_b` with globalInt"
"_a" "_b" "_c"
"_a" "globalInt" "_c"
, check "replace hole `_c` with globalInt"
"_a" "_b" "_c"
"_a" "_b" "globalInt"
, check "replace hole `_c` with parameterInt"
"_a" "_b" "_c"
"_a" "_b" "parameterInt"
addSigActionTests :: TestTree
addSigActionTests = let
header = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-signatures #-}"
, "module Sigs where"]
before def = T.unlines [header, def]
after' def sig = T.unlines [header, sig, def]
def >:: sig = testSession (T.unpack def) $ do
let originalCode = before def
let expectedCode = after' def sig
doc <- openDoc' "Sigs.hs" "haskell" originalCode
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 1) (Position 3 maxBound))
let chosenAction = pickActionWithTitle ("add signature: " <> sig) actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction chosenAction
modifiedCode <- documentContents doc
liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode
testGroup "add signature"
[ "abc = True" >:: "abc :: Bool"
, "foo a b = a + b" >:: "foo :: Num a => a -> a -> a"
, "bar a b = show $ a + b" >:: "bar :: (Show a, Num a) => a -> a -> String"
, "(!!!) a b = a > b" >:: "(!!!) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool"
, "a >>>> b = a + b" >:: "(>>>>) :: Num a => a -> a -> a"
, "a `haha` b = a b" >:: "haha :: (t1 -> t2) -> t1 -> t2"
findDefinitionAndHoverTests :: TestTree
findDefinitionAndHoverTests = let
tst (get, check) pos targetRange title = testSession title $ do
doc <- openTestDataDoc sourceFilePath
found <- get doc pos
check found targetRange
checkDefs :: [Location] -> [Expect] -> Session ()
checkDefs defs expectations = traverse_ check expectations where
check (ExpectRange expectedRange) = do
assertNDefinitionsFound 1 defs
assertRangeCorrect (head defs) expectedRange
check ExpectExternFail = liftIO $ assertFailure "Expecting to fail to find in external file"
check _ = pure () -- all other expectations not relevant to getDefinition
assertNDefinitionsFound :: Int -> [a] -> Session ()
assertNDefinitionsFound n defs = liftIO $ assertEqual "number of definitions" n (length defs)
assertRangeCorrect Location{_range = foundRange} expectedRange =
liftIO $ expectedRange @=? foundRange
checkHover :: Maybe Hover -> [Expect] -> Session ()
checkHover hover expectations = traverse_ check expectations where
check expected =
case hover of
Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "no hover found"
Just Hover{_contents = (HoverContents MarkupContent{_value = msg})
,_range = rangeInHover } ->
case expected of
ExpectRange expectedRange -> checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg
ExpectHoverRange expectedRange -> checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg
ExpectHoverText snippets -> liftIO $ traverse_ (`assertFoundIn` msg) snippets
_ -> pure () -- all other expectations not relevant to hover
_ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "test not expecting this kind of hover info" <> show hover
extractLineColFromHoverMsg :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
extractLineColFromHoverMsg = T.splitOn ":" . head . T.splitOn "**" . last . T.splitOn (sourceFileName <> ":")
checkHoverRange :: Range -> Maybe Range -> T.Text -> Session ()
checkHoverRange expectedRange rangeInHover msg =
lineCol = extractLineColFromHoverMsg msg
-- looks like hovers use 1-based numbering while definitions use 0-based
-- turns out that they are stored 1-based in RealSrcLoc by GHC itself.
adjust Position{_line = l, _character = c} =
Position{_line = l + 1, _character = c + 1}
case map (read . T.unpack) lineCol of
[l,c] -> liftIO $ (adjust $ _start expectedRange) @=? Position l c
_ -> liftIO $ assertFailure $
"expected: " <> show ("[...]" <> sourceFileName <> ":<LINE>:<COL>**[...]", Just expectedRange) <>
"\n but got: " <> show (msg, rangeInHover)
assertFoundIn :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Assertion
assertFoundIn part whole = assertBool
(T.unpack $ "failed to find: `" <> part <> "` in hover message:\n" <> whole)
(part `T.isInfixOf` whole)
sourceFilePath = T.unpack sourceFileName
sourceFileName = "GotoHover.hs"
mkFindTests tests = testGroup "get"
[ testGroup "definition" $ mapMaybe fst tests
, testGroup "hover" $ mapMaybe snd tests ]
test runDef runHover look expect title =
( runDef $ tst def look expect title
, runHover $ tst hover look expect title ) where
def = (getDefinitions, checkDefs)
hover = (getHover , checkHover)
--type_ = (getTypeDefinitions, checkTDefs) -- getTypeDefinitions always times out
-- search locations expectations on results
fffL4 = _start fffR ; fffR = mkRange 4 4 4 7 ; fff = [ExpectRange fffR]
fffL8 = Position 8 4 ;
fffL14 = Position 14 7 ;
aaaL14 = Position 14 20 ; aaa = [mkR 7 0 7 3]
dcL7 = Position 7 11 ; tcDC = [mkR 3 23 5 16]
dcL12 = Position 12 11 ;
xtcL5 = Position 5 11 ; xtc = [ExpectExternFail]
tcL6 = Position 6 11 ; tcData = [mkR 3 0 5 16]
vvL16 = Position 16 12 ; vv = [mkR 16 4 16 6]
opL16 = Position 16 15 ; op = [mkR 17 2 17 4]
opL18 = Position 18 22 ; opp = [mkR 18 13 18 17]
aL18 = Position 18 20 ; apmp = [mkR 18 10 18 11]
b'L19 = Position 19 13 ; bp = [mkR 19 6 19 7]
xvL20 = Position 20 8 ; xvMsg = [ExpectHoverText ["Data.Text.pack", ":: String -> Text"], ExpectExternFail]
clL23 = Position 23 11 ; cls = [mkR 21 0 22 20]
clL25 = Position 25 9
eclL15 = Position 15 8 ; ecls = [ExpectHoverText ["Num"], ExpectExternFail]
dnbL29 = Position 29 18 ; dnb = [ExpectHoverText [":: ()"], mkR 29 12 29 21]
dnbL30 = Position 30 23
lcbL33 = Position 33 26 ; lcb = [ExpectHoverText [":: Char"], mkR 33 26 33 27]
lclL33 = Position 33 22
mclL36 = Position 36 1 ; mcl = [mkR 36 0 36 14]
mclL37 = Position 37 1
-- def hover look expect
[ test yes yes fffL4 fff "field in record definition"
, test broken broken fffL8 fff "field in record construction #71"
, test yes yes fffL14 fff "field name used as accessor" -- 120 in Calculate.hs
, test yes yes aaaL14 aaa "top-level name" -- 120
, test broken broken dcL7 tcDC "data constructor record #247"
, test yes yes dcL12 tcDC "data constructor plain" -- 121
, test yes broken tcL6 tcData "type constructor #249" -- 147
, test broken broken xtcL5 xtc "type constructor external #249"
, test broken yes xvL20 xvMsg "value external package #249" -- 120
, test yes yes vvL16 vv "plain parameter" -- 120
, test yes yes aL18 apmp "pattern match name" -- 120
, test yes yes opL16 op "top-level operator" -- 120, 123
, test yes yes opL18 opp "parameter operator" -- 120
, test yes yes b'L19 bp "name in backticks" -- 120
, test yes broken clL23 cls "class in instance declaration #250"
, test yes broken clL25 cls "class in signature #250" -- 147
, test broken broken eclL15 ecls "external class in signature #249,250"
, test yes yes dnbL29 dnb "do-notation bind" -- 137
, test yes yes dnbL30 dnb "do-notation lookup"
, test yes yes lcbL33 lcb "listcomp bind" -- 137
, test yes yes lclL33 lcb "listcomp lookup"
, test yes yes mclL36 mcl "top-level fn 1st clause"
, test yes yes mclL37 mcl "top-level fn 2nd clause #246"
where yes, broken :: (TestTree -> Maybe TestTree)
yes = Just -- test should run and pass
broken = Just . (`xfail` "known broken")
-- no = const Nothing -- don't run this test at all
pluginTests :: TestTree
pluginTests = testSessionWait "plugins" $ do
let content =
[ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}"
, "{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}"
, "module Testing where"
, "import Data.Proxy"
, "import GHC.TypeLits"
-- This function fails without plugins being initialized.
, "f :: forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Integer"
, "f _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) + natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n+2))"
, "foo :: Int -> Int -> Int"
, "foo a b = a + c"
_ <- openDoc' "Testing.hs" "haskell" content
[ ( "Testing.hs",
[(DsError, (8, 14), "Variable not in scope: c")]
thTests :: TestTree
thTests =
[ -- Test for https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide/pull/212
testSessionWait "load" $ do
let sourceA =
[ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}",
"{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}",
"module A where",
"import \"template-haskell\" Language.Haskell.TH",
"a :: Integer",
"a = $(litE $ IntegerL 3)"
sourceB =
[ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}",
"{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}",
"module B where",
"import A",
"import \"template-haskell\" Language.Haskell.TH",
"b :: Integer",
"b = $(litE $ IntegerL $ a) + n"
_ <- openDoc' "A.hs" "haskell" sourceA
_ <- openDoc' "B.hs" "haskell" sourceB
expectDiagnostics [ ( "B.hs", [(DsError, (6, 29), "Variable not in scope: n")] ) ]
xfail :: TestTree -> String -> TestTree
xfail = flip expectFailBecause
data Expect
= ExpectRange Range -- Both gotoDef and hover should report this range
-- | ExpectDefRange Range -- Only gotoDef should report this range
| ExpectHoverRange Range -- Only hover should report this range
| ExpectHoverText [T.Text] -- the hover message must contain these snippets
| ExpectExternFail -- definition lookup in other file expected to fail
-- | ExpectExtern -- TODO: as above, but expected to succeed: need some more info in here, once we have some working examples
mkR :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Expect
mkR startLine startColumn endLine endColumn = ExpectRange $ mkRange startLine startColumn endLine endColumn
-- Utils
testSession :: String -> Session () -> TestTree
testSession name = testCase name . run
testSessionWait :: String -> Session () -> TestTree
testSessionWait name = testSession name .
-- Check that any diagnostics produced were already consumed by the test case.
-- If in future we add test cases where we don't care about checking the diagnostics,
-- this could move elsewhere.
-- Experimentally, 0.5s seems to be long enough to wait for any final diagnostics to appear.
( >> expectNoMoreDiagnostics 0.5)
pickActionWithTitle :: T.Text -> [CAResult] -> CodeAction
pickActionWithTitle title actions = head
[ action
| CACodeAction action@CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actions
, title == actionTitle ]
mkRange :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Range
mkRange a b c d = Range (Position a b) (Position c d)
run :: Session a -> IO a
run s = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
ghcideExe <- locateGhcideExecutable
-- Temporarily hack around https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios/pull/56
-- since the package import test creates "Data/List.hs", which otherwise has no physical home
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dir ++ "/Data"
let cmd = unwords [ghcideExe, "--lsp", "--cwd", dir]
-- HIE calls getXgdDirectory which assumes that HOME is set.
-- Only sets HOME if it wasn't already set.
setEnv "HOME" "/homeless-shelter" False
runSessionWithConfig conf cmd fullCaps { _window = Just $ WindowClientCapabilities $ Just True } dir s
conf = defaultConfig
-- If you uncomment this you can see all messages
-- which can be quite useful for debugging.
-- { logMessages = True, logColor = False, logStdErr = True }
openTestDataDoc :: FilePath -> Session TextDocumentIdentifier
openTestDataDoc path = do
source <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 $ "test/data" </> path
openDoc' path "haskell" source