Pepe Iborra 1d1f2db3bd
Enhance benchmarks & bug fixes (#823)
* parse allocations

* WaitForShakeQueue

* Measure user time and shake time in experiments

* clean ups

* Prevent a potential crash of the shake enqueue thread

* Fix a bug that was preventing reenqueud actions from getting flushed

* Avoid running the check-project action per file

What we really want is to check the project once per cradle

* Backwards compat.

* Review feedback

* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Neil Mitchell <>

Co-authored-by: Neil Mitchell <>
2020-09-20 11:03:51 +01:00

457 lines
15 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
module Experiments
( Bench(..)
, BenchRun(..)
, Config(..)
, Verbosity(..)
, CabalStack(..)
, experiments
, configP
, defConfig
, output
, setup
, runBench
, runBenchmarks
) where
import Control.Applicative.Combinators (skipManyTill)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Version
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import Numeric.Natural
import Options.Applicative
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Process
import System.Time.Extra
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
import System.Environment.Blank (getEnv)
import Development.IDE.Plugin.Test
import Data.Aeson (Value(Null))
-- Points to a string in the target file,
-- convenient for hygienic edits
hygienicP :: Position
hygienicP = Position 854 23
hygienicEdit :: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
hygienicEdit =
{ _range = Just (Range hygienicP hygienicP),
_rangeLength = Nothing,
_text = " "
breakingEdit :: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
breakingEdit =
{ _range = Just (Range identifierP identifierP),
_rangeLength = Nothing,
_text = "a"
-- Points to the middle of an identifier,
-- convenient for requesting goto-def, hover and completions
identifierP :: Position
identifierP = Position 853 12
experiments :: [Bench]
experiments =
[ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bench "hover" 10 $ \doc ->
isJust <$> getHover doc identifierP,
bench "edit" 10 $ \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
return True,
bench "hover after edit" 10 $ \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
isJust <$> getHover doc identifierP,
bench "getDefinition" 10 $ \doc ->
not . null <$> getDefinitions doc identifierP,
bench "documentSymbols" 100 $
fmap (either (not . null) (not . null)) . getDocumentSymbols,
bench "documentSymbols after edit" 100 $ \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
either (not . null) (not . null) <$> getDocumentSymbols doc,
bench "completions after edit" 10 $ \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
not . null <$> getCompletions doc identifierP,
"code actions"
( \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [breakingEdit]
return identifierP
( \p doc -> do
not . null <$> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)
"code actions after edit"
( \doc -> do
changeDoc doc [breakingEdit]
return identifierP
( \p doc -> do
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
whileM (null <$> waitForDiagnostics)
not . null <$> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)
examplePackageName :: HasConfig => String
examplePackageName = name
(name, _, _) = examplePackageUsed ?config
examplePackage :: HasConfig => String
examplePackage = name <> "-" <> showVersion version
(name, version, _) = examplePackageUsed ?config
exampleModulePath :: HasConfig => FilePath
exampleModulePath = path
(_,_, path) = examplePackageUsed ?config
examplesPath :: FilePath
examplesPath = "bench/example"
data Verbosity = Quiet | Normal | All
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Config = Config
{ verbosity :: !Verbosity,
-- For some reason, the Shake profile files are truncated and won't load
shakeProfiling :: !(Maybe FilePath),
outputCSV :: !FilePath,
buildTool :: !CabalStack,
ghcideOptions :: ![String],
matches :: ![String],
repetitions :: Maybe Natural,
ghcide :: FilePath,
timeoutLsp :: Int,
examplePackageUsed :: (String, Version, String)
deriving (Eq, Show)
defConfig :: Config
Success defConfig = execParserPure defaultPrefs (info configP fullDesc) []
quiet, verbose :: Config -> Bool
verbose = (== All) . verbosity
quiet = (== Quiet) . verbosity
data CabalStack = Cabal | Stack
deriving (Eq, Show)
type HasConfig = (?config :: Config)
configP :: Parser Config
configP =
<$> (flag' All (short 'v' <> long "verbose")
<|> flag' Quiet (short 'q' <> long "quiet")
<|> pure Normal
<*> optional (strOption (long "shake-profiling" <> metavar "PATH"))
<*> strOption (long "csv" <> metavar "PATH" <> value "results.csv" <> showDefault)
<*> flag Cabal Stack (long "stack" <> help "Use stack (by default cabal is used)")
<*> many (strOption (long "ghcide-options" <> help "additional options for ghcide"))
<*> many (strOption (short 's' <> long "select" <> help "select which benchmarks to run"))
<*> optional (option auto (long "samples" <> metavar "NAT" <> help "override sampling count"))
<*> strOption (long "ghcide" <> metavar "PATH" <> help "path to ghcide" <> value "ghcide")
<*> option auto (long "timeout" <> value 60 <> help "timeout for waiting for a ghcide response")
<*> ( (,,) <$> strOption (long "example-package-name" <> value "Cabal")
<*> option versionP (long "example-package-version" <> value (makeVersion [3,2,0,0]))
<*> strOption (long "example-package-module" <> metavar "PATH" <> value "Distribution/Simple.hs"))
versionP :: ReadM Version
versionP = maybeReader $ extract . readP_to_S parseVersion
extract parses = listToMaybe [ res | (res,"") <- parses]
output :: (MonadIO m, HasConfig) => String -> m ()
output = if quiet?config then (\_ -> pure ()) else liftIO . putStrLn
type Experiment = TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session Bool
data Bench = forall setup.
{ name :: !String,
enabled :: !Bool,
samples :: !Natural,
benchSetup :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session setup,
experiment :: setup -> Experiment
select :: HasConfig => Bench -> Bool
select Bench {name, enabled} =
enabled && (null mm || name `elem` mm)
mm = matches ?config
benchWithSetup ::
String ->
Natural ->
(TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session p) ->
(p -> Experiment) ->
benchWithSetup name samples benchSetup experiment = Bench {..}
enabled = True
bench :: String -> Natural -> Experiment -> Bench
bench name defSamples userExperiment =
benchWithSetup name defSamples (const $ pure ()) experiment
experiment () = userExperiment
runBenchmarks :: HasConfig => [Bench] -> IO ()
runBenchmarks allBenchmarks = do
let benchmarks = [ b{samples = fromMaybe (samples b) (repetitions ?config) }
| b <- allBenchmarks
, select b ]
results <- forM benchmarks $ \b@Bench{name} ->
let run dir = runSessionWithConfig conf (cmd name dir) lspTestCaps dir
in (b,) <$> runBench run b
-- output raw data as CSV
let headers =
[ "name"
, "success"
, "samples"
, "startup"
, "setup"
, "userTime"
, "delayedTime"
, "totalTime"
, "maxResidency"
, "allocatedBytes"]
rows =
[ [ name,
show success,
show samples,
show startup,
show runSetup',
show userWaits,
show delayedWork,
show runExperiment,
show maxResidency,
show allocations
| (Bench {name, samples}, BenchRun {..}) <- results,
let runSetup' = if runSetup < 0.01 then 0 else runSetup
csv = unlines $ map (intercalate ", ") (headers : rows)
writeFile (outputCSV ?config) csv
-- print a nice table
let pads = map (maximum . map length) (transpose (headers : rowsHuman))
paddedHeaders = zipWith pad pads headers
outputRow = putStrLn . intercalate " | "
rowsHuman =
[ [ name,
show success,
show samples,
showDuration startup,
showDuration runSetup',
showDuration userWaits,
showDuration delayedWork,
showDuration runExperiment,
showMB maxResidency,
showMB allocations
| (Bench {name, samples}, BenchRun {..}) <- results,
let runSetup' = if runSetup < 0.01 then 0 else runSetup
outputRow paddedHeaders
outputRow $ (map . map) (const '-') paddedHeaders
forM_ rowsHuman $ \row -> outputRow $ zipWith pad pads row
gcStats name = escapeSpaces (name <> ".benchmark-gcStats")
cmd name dir =
unwords $
[ ghcide ?config,
"-S" <> gcStats name,
++ ghcideOptions ?config
++ concat
[ ["--shake-profiling", path] | Just path <- [shakeProfiling ?config]
++ ["--verbose" | verbose ?config]
lspTestCaps =
fullCaps {_window = Just $ WindowClientCapabilities $ Just True}
conf =
{ logStdErr = verbose ?config,
logMessages = verbose ?config,
logColor = False,
messageTimeout = timeoutLsp ?config
data BenchRun = BenchRun
{ startup :: !Seconds,
runSetup :: !Seconds,
runExperiment :: !Seconds,
userWaits :: !Seconds,
delayedWork :: !Seconds,
success :: !Bool,
maxResidency :: !Int,
allocations :: !Int
badRun :: BenchRun
badRun = BenchRun 0 0 0 0 0 False 0 0
waitForProgressDone :: Session ()
waitForProgressDone =
void(skipManyTill anyMessage message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification)
runBench :: (?config::Config) => (String -> Session BenchRun -> IO BenchRun) -> Bench -> IO BenchRun
runBench runSess Bench {..} = handleAny (\e -> print e >> return badRun)
$ runSess dir
$ do
doc <- openDoc exampleModulePath "haskell"
(startup, _) <- duration $ do
-- wait again, as the progress is restarted once while loading the cradle
-- make an edit, to ensure this doesn't block
changeDoc doc [hygienicEdit]
liftIO $ output $ "Running " <> name <> " benchmark"
(runSetup, userState) <- duration $ benchSetup doc
let loop !userWaits !delayedWork 0 = return $ Just (userWaits, delayedWork)
loop !userWaits !delayedWork n = do
(t, res) <- duration $ experiment userState doc
if not res
then return Nothing
else do
output (showDuration t)
-- Wait for the delayed actions to finish
waitId <- sendRequest (CustomClientMethod "test") WaitForShakeQueue
(td, resp) <- duration $ skipManyTill anyMessage $ responseForId waitId
case resp of
ResponseMessage{_result=Right Null} -> do
loop (userWaits+t) (delayedWork+td) (n -1)
_ ->
-- Assume a ghcide build lacking the WaitForShakeQueue command
loop (userWaits+t) delayedWork (n -1)
(runExperiment, result) <- duration $ loop 0 0 samples
let success = isJust result
(userWaits, delayedWork) = fromMaybe (0,0) result
-- sleep to give ghcide a chance to GC
liftIO $ threadDelay 1100000
(maxResidency, allocations) <- liftIO $
ifM (doesFileExist gcStats)
(parseMaxResidencyAndAllocations <$> readFile gcStats)
(pure (0,0))
return BenchRun {..}
dir = "bench/example/" <> examplePackage
gcStats = escapeSpaces (name <> ".benchmark-gcStats")
setup :: HasConfig => IO (IO ())
setup = do
alreadyExists <- doesDirectoryExist examplesPath
when alreadyExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive examplesPath
let path = examplesPath </> examplePackage
case buildTool ?config of
Cabal -> do
callCommand $ "cabal get -v0 " <> examplePackage <> " -d " <> examplesPath
(path </> "hie.yaml")
("cradle: {cabal: {component: " <> show examplePackageName <> "}}")
-- Need this in case there is a parent cabal.project somewhere
(path </> "cabal.project")
"packages: ."
(path </> "cabal.project.local")
Stack -> do
callCommand $ "stack --silent unpack " <> examplePackage <> " --to " <> examplesPath
-- Generate the stack descriptor to match the one used to build ghcide
stack_yaml <- fromMaybe "stack.yaml" <$> getEnv "STACK_YAML"
stack_yaml_lines <- lines <$> readFile stack_yaml
writeFile (path </> stack_yaml)
(unlines $
"packages: [.]" :
[ l
| l <- stack_yaml_lines
, any (`isPrefixOf` l)
(path </> "hie.yaml")
("cradle: {stack: {component: " <> show (examplePackageName <> ":lib") <> "}}")
whenJust (shakeProfiling ?config) $ createDirectoryIfMissing True
return $ removeDirectoryRecursive examplesPath
-- Parse the max residency and allocations in RTS -s output
parseMaxResidencyAndAllocations :: String -> (Int, Int)
parseMaxResidencyAndAllocations input =
(f "maximum residency", f "bytes allocated in the heap")
inps = reverse $ lines input
f label = case find (label `isInfixOf`) inps of
Just l -> read $ filter isDigit $ head $ words l
Nothing -> -1
escapeSpaces :: String -> String
escapeSpaces = map f
f ' ' = '_'
f x = x
pad :: Int -> String -> String
pad n [] = replicate n ' '
pad 0 _ = error "pad"
pad n (x:xx) = x : pad (n-1) xx
showMB :: Int -> String
showMB x = show (x `div` 2^(20::Int)) <> "MB"