Pepe Iborra 5dd52ec0ff
Handle multiple user actions concurrently (#727)
* tighten some return types

* Extract ShakeQueue from shakeSession

Instead of creating a new TQueue on every restart, we reuse the same TQueue
over and over.

The trickiest bit is to ensure that enqueued actions are always retried when
a Shake session is cancelled. The ActionQueue datatype is intended to manage
this complexity.

* Handle multiple user actions concurrently

* Fixes for .ghci

Unfortunately these are dependent on the ghc version

* redundant parens

* Formatting

* Attempt fix for completion tests

These tests are failing because ghcide is sending diagnostics interleaved with
completions now (which is good) and the tests cannot handle it

* remove debugging printout

* simplify

* Fix a test

* Fix flaky tests
2020-09-05 13:52:17 +01:00

30 lines
652 B

:set -Wunused-binds -Wunused-imports -Worphans -Wunused-matches -Wincomplete-patterns
:set -XBangPatterns
:set -XDeriveFunctor
:set -XDeriveGeneric
:set -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
:set -XLambdaCase
:set -XNamedFieldPuns
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XRecordWildCards
:set -XScopedTypeVariables
:set -XStandaloneDeriving
:set -XTupleSections
:set -XTypeApplications
:set -XViewPatterns
:set -package=ghc
:set -ignore-package=ghc-lib-parser
:set -Iinclude
:set -idist/build/autogen
:set -isrc
:set -isession-loader
:set -iexe
:set -isrc-ghc88
:set -idist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.8.3/ghcide-0.2.0/build/autogen
:load Main