Redesign option parsing for executables. Fix #1578

This commit is contained in:
gdziadkiewicz 2020-02-14 13:54:23 +01:00 committed by fendor
parent f340cf1a5e
commit 0fc1c7280d
4 changed files with 120 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ main = do
let plugins' = plugins (optExamplePlugin opts)
if optLsp opts
then do
case optMode opts of
LspMode -> do
-- Start up in LSP mode
logm $ "Run entered for HIE(" ++ progName ++ ") " ++ hieVersion
logm $ "Operating as a LSP server on stdio"
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ main = do
-- launch the dispatcher.
scheduler <- newScheduler plugins' initOpts
server scheduler origDir plugins' (optCaptureFile opts)
else do
ProjectLoadingMode projectLoadingOpts -> do
-- Provide debug info
cliOut $ "Running HIE(" ++ progName ++ ")"
cliOut $ " " ++ hieVersion
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ main = do
cliOut $ "Project Ghc version: " ++ projGhc
cliOut $ "Libdir: " ++ show mlibdir
cliOut "Searching for Haskell source files..."
targets <- case optFiles opts of
targets <- case optFiles projectLoadingOpts of
[] -> findAllSourceFiles origDir
xs -> concat <$> mapM findAllSourceFiles xs
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ main = do
mapM_ cliOut targets
cliOut ""
unless (optDryRun opts) $ do
unless (optDryRun projectLoadingOpts) $ do
cliOut "\nLoad them all now. This may take a very long time.\n"
loadDiagnostics <- runServer mlibdir plugins' targets

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@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ test-suite unit-test
-- Technically cabal-helper should be a 'run-tool-depends', but that doesn't exist yet
@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ test-suite unit-test
, hie-plugin-api
, hoogle > 5.0.11
, hspec
, optparse-applicative
, process
, quickcheck-instances
, text

View File

@ -14,40 +14,66 @@ import System.IO
import qualified System.Log.Logger as L
import Data.Foldable
data ProjectLoadingOpts = ProjectLoadingOpts
{ optDryRun :: Bool
, optFiles :: [FilePath]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data RunMode = LspMode | ProjectLoadingMode ProjectLoadingOpts
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GlobalOpts = GlobalOpts
{ optDebugOn :: Bool
, optLogFile :: Maybe String
, optLsp :: Bool
, projectRoot :: Maybe String
, optBiosVerbose :: Bool
, optCaptureFile :: Maybe FilePath
, optExamplePlugin :: Bool
, optDryRun :: Bool
, optFiles :: [FilePath]
} deriving (Show)
, optMode :: RunMode
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Introduced as the common prefix of app/HieWrapper.hs/main and app/MainHie.hs/main
initApp :: String -> IO GlobalOpts
initApp namedesc = do
hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
let numericVersion :: Parser (a -> a)
numericVersion = infoOption (showVersion Meta.version)
(long "numeric-version" <> help "Show only version number")
compiler :: Parser (a -> a)
compiler = infoOption hieGhcDisplayVersion
(long "compiler" <> help "Show only compiler and version supported")
-- Parse the options and run
(opts, ()) <- simpleOptions
(numericVersion <*> compiler <*> globalOptsParser)
Core.setupLogger (optLogFile opts) ["hie", "hie-bios"]
$ if optDebugOn opts then L.DEBUG else L.INFO
traverse_ setCurrentDirectory $ projectRoot opts
return opts
optionParser :: Parser GlobalOpts
optionParser = numericVersion <*> compiler <*> globalOptsParser
numericVersion :: Parser (a -> a)
numericVersion = infoOption (showVersion Meta.version)
(long "numeric-version" <> help "Show only version number")
compiler :: Parser (a -> a)
compiler = infoOption hieGhcDisplayVersion
(long "compiler" <> help "Show only compiler and version supported")
projectLoadingModeParser :: Parser RunMode
projectLoadingModeParser =
<$> (ProjectLoadingOpts
<$> flag False True
( long "dry-run"
<> help "Perform a dry-run of loading files. Only searches for Haskell source files to load. Does nothing if run as LSP server."
<*> many
( argument str
( metavar "FILES..."
<> help "Directories and Filepaths to load. Does nothing if run as LSP server.")
globalOptsParser :: Parser GlobalOpts
globalOptsParser = GlobalOpts
<$> switch
@ -61,9 +87,6 @@ globalOptsParser = GlobalOpts
<> metavar "LOGFILE"
<> help "File to log to, defaults to stdout"
<*> flag False True
( long "lsp"
<> help "Start HIE as an LSP server. Otherwise it dumps debug info to stdout")
<*> optional (strOption
( long "project-root"
<> short 'r'
@ -88,13 +111,9 @@ globalOptsParser = GlobalOpts
<*> switch
( long "example"
<> help "Enable Example2 plugin. Useful for developers only")
<*> flag False True
( long "dry-run"
<> help "Perform a dry-run of loading files. Only searches for Haskell source files to load. Does nothing if run as LSP server."
<*> many
( argument str
( metavar "FILES..."
<> help "Directories and Filepaths to load. Does nothing if run as LSP server.")
<*> (flag' LspMode
( long "lsp"
<> help "Start HIE as an LSP server. Otherwise it dumps debug info to stdout")

test/unit/OptionsSpec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module OptionsSpec where
import Prelude hiding (unzip)
import Data.List.NonEmpty(unzip)
import Test.Hspec
import Options.Applicative
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Options(GlobalOpts(..), RunMode(..), ProjectLoadingOpts(..), optionParser)
import System.Exit(ExitCode(..))
import Data.List(isPrefixOf)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
let defaultGlobalOptions = GlobalOpts False Nothing Nothing False Nothing False (ProjectLoadingMode $ ProjectLoadingOpts False [])
let getParseFailure (Failure x) = Just (renderFailure x "hie")
getParseFailure _ = Nothing
let sut = optionParser
let parserInfo = info sut mempty
let parserPrefs = prefs mempty
let runSut :: [String] -> ParserResult GlobalOpts
runSut = execParserPure parserPrefs parserInfo
describe "cmd option parsing" $ do
describe "compiler flag" $ do
let input = ["--compiler"]
let result = runSut input
let (maybeMessage, maybeStatusCode) = unzip $ getParseFailure result
it "should return ghc version" $
maybeMessage `shouldSatisfy` any ("ghc" `isPrefixOf`)
it "should return exit code 0" $
maybeStatusCode `shouldBe` Just ExitSuccess
describe "numeric version flag" $ do
let input = ["--numeric-version"]
let result = runSut input
let (maybeMessage, maybeStatusCode) = unzip $ getParseFailure result
it "should return version" $
maybeMessage `shouldBe` Just "1.1"
it "shoud return exit code 0" $
maybeStatusCode `shouldBe` Just ExitSuccess
describe "not providing arguments" $ do
let input = []
let result = runSut input
let maybeGlobalOptions = getParseResult result
it "should result in default options" $
maybeGlobalOptions `shouldBe` Just defaultGlobalOptions
describe "lsp flag" $ do
let input = ["--lsp"]
let result = runSut input
let maybeGlobalOptions = getParseResult result
it "should result in default lsp options" $
maybeGlobalOptions `shouldBe` Just (GlobalOpts False Nothing Nothing False Nothing False LspMode)
describe "providing two unmatching arguments" $ do
let input = ["--lsp", "--dry-run"]
let result = runSut input
let (maybeMessage, maybeStatusCode) = unzip $ getParseFailure result
it "should return expected error message" $
maybeMessage `shouldSatisfy` any ("Invalid option `--dry-run'" `isPrefixOf`)
it "should return error exit code 1" $
maybeStatusCode `shouldBe` Just (ExitFailure 1)