Code cleanup, including reformatting

This commit is contained in:
fendor 2018-12-11 16:29:37 +01:00
parent acfa2ca822
commit 80f2614646

View File

@ -12,143 +12,131 @@ import System.Environment
type VersionNumber = String
type GhcPath = String
hies :: [FilePath]
hies = [ "hie-8.2.1"
, "hie-8.2.2"
, "hie-8.4.2"
, "hie-8.4.3"
, "hie-8.4.4"
, "hie-8.6.1"
, "hie-8.6.2"
hieVersions :: [FilePath]
hieVersions = ["8.2.1", "8.2.2", "8.4.2", "8.4.3", "8.4.4", "8.6.1", "8.6.2"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH for cabal
shakeArgs shakeOptions { shakeFiles = "_build" } $ do
phony "ghc" $ do
ghc <- readGhcPath
command_ [] ghc ["--version"]
putNormal "GHC"
shakeArgs shakeOptions { shakeFiles = "_build" } $ do
phony "ghc" $ do
ghc <- readGhcPath
command_ [] ghc ["--version"]
putNormal "GHC"
phony "submodules" buildSubmodules
phony "cabal" $ readGhcPath >>= installCabal
phony "submodules" buildSubmodules
phony "cabal" $ readGhcPath >>= installCabal
phony "all" helpMessage
phony "help" helpMessage
phony "all" helpMessage
phony "help" helpMessage
phony "build" (need hies)
phony "build" (need (map ("hie-" ++) hieVersions))
phony "build-all" (need ["build", "build-docs"])
phony "build-all" (need ["build"] >> need ["build-docs"])
(\hie -> phony hie $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["cabal"]
stackLocalDir <- getLocalBin
let versionNumber = drop 4 hie
buildHie stackLocalDir versionNumber
(\version -> phony ("hie-" ++ version) $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["cabal"]
stackLocalDir <- getLocalBin
buildHie stackLocalDir version
phony "build-docs" $ forM_ hies $ \hie -> do
let versionNumber = drop 4 hie
buildDoc versionNumber
phony "build-docs" $ forM_ hieVersions buildDoc
phony "build-copy-compiler-tool" $ forM_ hies $ \hie -> do
let versionNumber = drop 4 hie
buildCopyCompilerTool versionNumber
phony "build-copy-compiler-tool" $ forM_ hieVersions buildCopyCompilerTool
phony "test" $ forM_ hies $ \hie -> do
let versionNumber = drop 4 hie
test versionNumber
phony "test" $ forM_ hieVersions test
readGhcPath :: Action GhcPath
readGhcPath = do
Stdout ghc' <- execStack ["path", "--compiler-exe"]
return (init ghc')
Stdout ghc' <- execStack ["path", "--compiler-exe"]
return (init ghc')
getLocalBin :: Action FilePath
getLocalBin = do
Stdout stackLocalDir' <- execStack ["path", "--local-bin"]
return (init stackLocalDir')
Stdout stackLocalDir' <- execStack ["path", "--local-bin"]
return (init stackLocalDir')
buildSubmodules :: Action ()
buildSubmodules = do
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "sync"]
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "update", "--init"]
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "sync"]
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "update", "--init"]
installCabal :: GhcPath -> Action ()
installCabal ghc = do
execStack_ ["install", "cabal-install"]
execCabal_ ["v1-update"]
execCabal_ ["v1-install", "Cabal-", "--with-compiler=" ++ ghc]
execStack_ ["install", "cabal-install"]
execCabal_ ["v1-update"]
execCabal_ ["v1-install", "Cabal-", "--with-compiler=" ++ ghc]
installHappy :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
installHappy versionNumber = execStackWithYaml versionNumber [ "install", "happy"]
installHappy versionNumber =
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install", "happy"]
buildHie :: FilePath -> VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildHie localBinDir versionNumber = do
when (versionNumber `elem` ["hie-8.2.2", "hie-8.2.1"]) $
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install", "happy"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber [ "build"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber [ "install"]
[ localBinDir </> "hie" <.> exe]
[ localBinDir </> "hie-" ++ versionNumber <.> exe
when (versionNumber `elem` ["hie-8.2.2", "hie-8.2.1"])
$ execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install", "happy"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["build"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install"]
cmd_ "cp"
[localBinDir </> "hie" <.> exe]
[localBinDir </> "hie-" ++ versionNumber <.> exe]
buildCopyCompilerTool :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildCopyCompilerTool versionNumber = do
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["build", "--copy-compiler-tool"]
buildCopyCompilerTool :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildCopyCompilerTool versionNumber =
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["build", "--copy-compiler-tool"]
test :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
test :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
test versionNumber = execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["test"]
buildDoc :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildDoc versionNumber = do
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install", "hoogle"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["exec", "hoogle", "generate"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["install", "hoogle"]
execStackWithYaml versionNumber ["exec", "hoogle", "generate"]
helpMessage :: Action ()
helpMessage = do
putNormal ""
putNormal "Usage:"
putNormal " make <target>"
putNormal ""
putNormal "Targets:"
putNormal " build Builds hie for all supported GHC versions (8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3, 8.4.4)"
putNormal " build-all Builds hie and hoogle databases for all supported GHC versions"
putNormal " hie-8.2.1 Builds hie for GHC version 8.2.1 only"
putNormal " hie-8.2.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.2.2 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.2 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.3 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.3 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.4 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.4 only"
putNormal " hie-8.6.1 Builds hie for GHC version 8.6.1 only"
putNormal " hie-8.6.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.6.2 only"
putNormal " submodules Updates local git submodules"
putNormal " cabal NOTE 3: This is needed for stack only projects too"
putNormal " build-docs Builds the Hoogle database for all supported GHC versions"
putNormal " test Runs hie tests"
putNormal " icu-macos-fix Fixes icu related problems in MacOS"
putNormal " dist Creates a tarball containing all the hie binaries"
putNormal " help Show help"
putNormal ""
helpMessage = do
putNormal ""
putNormal "Usage:"
putNormal " make <target>"
putNormal ""
putNormal "Targets:"
" build Builds hie for all supported GHC versions (8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3, 8.4.4)"
" build-all Builds hie and hoogle databases for all supported GHC versions"
putNormal " hie-8.2.1 Builds hie for GHC version 8.2.1 only"
putNormal " hie-8.2.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.2.2 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.2 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.3 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.3 only"
putNormal " hie-8.4.4 Builds hie for GHC version 8.4.4 only"
putNormal " hie-8.6.1 Builds hie for GHC version 8.6.1 only"
putNormal " hie-8.6.2 Builds hie for GHC version 8.6.2 only"
putNormal " submodules Updates local git submodules"
" cabal NOTE 3: This is needed for stack only projects too"
" build-docs Builds the Hoogle database for all supported GHC versions"
putNormal " test Runs hie tests"
putNormal " icu-macos-fix Fixes icu related problems in MacOS"
" dist Creates a tarball containing all the hie binaries"
putNormal " help Show help"
putNormal ""
execStackWithYaml :: VersionNumber -> [String] -> Action ()
execStackWithYaml versionNumber args = do
let stackFile = "stack-" ++ versionNumber ++ ".yaml"
command_ []
(["--stack-yaml=" ++ stackFile] ++ args)
execStackWithYaml versionNumber args = do
let stackFile = "stack-" ++ versionNumber ++ ".yaml"
command_ [] "stack" (("--stack-yaml=" ++ stackFile) : args)
execStack :: CmdResult r => [String] -> Action r
execStack = command [] "stack"
execStack = command [] "stack"
execStack_ :: [String] -> Action ()
execStack_ = command_ [] "stack"
execStack_ = command_ [] "stack"
execCabal_ :: [String] -> Action ()
execCabal_ = command_ [] "cabal"