Demote HsImport func-tests to unit-test

Previously, we had long running func-tests for HsImport.
However, after the first code-action tests, we actually are
testing the same functionality over and over again.
Moreover, we dont have to test that HsImport works as intended
since they have a huge set of tests, anyways.

Now, we only test that our implementation of the plugin
truly maps correctly to HsImport, accelerating execution time
of func-tests as a side-effect. Hooray!
This commit is contained in:
fendor 2020-01-22 18:39:39 +01:00 committed by fendor
parent 2dc8b65362
commit 88cc608522
4 changed files with 218 additions and 370 deletions

View File

@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ test-suite unit-test
-- HaRePluginSpec
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ test-suite unit-test
build-tool-depends: cabal-helper:cabal-helper-main, hspec-discover:hspec-discover
build-depends: QuickCheck
, aeson
, cabal-helper
, cabal-helper
, ghc
, base
, bytestring

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
@ -132,139 +131,39 @@ spec = describe "code actions" $ do
_:x:_ <- T.lines <$> documentContents doc
liftIO $ x `shouldBe` "foo = putStrLn \"world\""
describe "import suggestions" $ do
describe "import suggestions" $
it "works with 3.8 code action kinds" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImport.hs" "haskell"
-- No Formatting:
let config = def { formattingProvider = "none" }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
-- ignore the first empty hlint diagnostic publish
[_,diag:_] <- count 2 waitForDiagnostics
liftIO $ diag ^. L.message `shouldBe` "Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()"
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let actns = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
liftIO $ do
head actns ^. L.title `shouldBe` "Import module Control.Monad"
head (tail actns) ^. L.title `shouldBe` "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
forM_ actns $ \a -> do
a ^. L.kind `shouldBe` Just CodeActionQuickFix
a ^. L.command `shouldSatisfy` isJust
a ^. L.edit `shouldBe` Nothing
let hasOneDiag (Just (List [_])) = True
hasOneDiag _ = False
a ^. L.diagnostics `shouldSatisfy` hasOneDiag
length actns `shouldBe` 10
executeCodeAction (head actns)
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ contents `shouldBe` "import Control.Monad\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
-- ---------------------------------
describe "formats with brittany" $ hsImportSpec "brittany"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "import Control.Monad"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Use an import list and format the output.
[ "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "import Control.Monad ( when )"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Multiple import lists, should not introduce multiple newlines.
[ "import System.IO ( stdout"
, " , hPutStrLn"
, " )"
, "import Control.Monad ( when )"
, "import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stdout"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
, -- Complex imports for Constructos and functions
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
, "import System.IO ( IO"
, " , hPutStrLn"
, " , stderr"
, " )"
, "import Prelude ( Bool(..) )"
, "import Control.Monad ( when )"
, "import Data.Function ( ($) )"
, "import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe"
, " , Maybe(Just)"
, " )"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stderr"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
describe "formats with floskell" $ hsImportSpec "floskell"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "import Control.Monad"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Use an import list and format the output.
[ "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Multiple import lists, should not introduce multiple newlines.
[ "import System.IO (stdout, hPutStrLn)"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stdout"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
, -- Complex imports for Constructos and functions
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
, "import System.IO (IO, hPutStrLn, stderr)"
, "import Prelude (Bool(..))"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Function (($))"
, "import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, Maybe(Just))"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stderr"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
describe "formats with ormolu" $
case ghcVersion of
GHC86 -> hsImportSpec "ormolu"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ "import Control.Monad"
, "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Use an import list and format the output.
[ "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import qualified Data.Maybe"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
, -- Multiple import lists, should not introduce multiple newlines.
[ "import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stdout)"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stdout"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
, -- Complex imports for Constructos and functions
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
, "import System.IO (IO, hPutStrLn, stderr)"
, "import Prelude (Bool (..))"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Function (($))"
, "import Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just), fromMaybe)"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stderr"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
_ -> it "is NOP formatter" $
pendingWith "Ormolu only supported by GHC >= 8.6. Need to restore this."
describe "add package suggestions" $ do
it "adds to .cabal files" $ do
@ -573,241 +472,6 @@ spec = describe "code actions" $ do
kinds `shouldNotSatisfy` any (Just CodeActionRefactorInline /=)
kinds `shouldSatisfy` all (Just CodeActionRefactorInline ==)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parameterized HsImport Spec.
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hsImportSpec :: T.Text -> [[T.Text]]-> Spec
hsImportSpec formatterName [e1, e2, e3, e4] =
describe ("Execute HsImport with formatter " <> T.unpack formatterName) $ do
it "works with 3.8 code action kinds" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImport.hs" "haskell"
-- No Formatting:
let config = def { formattingProvider = "none" }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
-- ignore the first empty hlint diagnostic publish
[_,diag:_] <- count 2 waitForDiagnostics
liftIO $ diag ^. L.message `shouldBe` "Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()"
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let actns = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
liftIO $ do
head actns ^. L.title `shouldBe` "Import module Control.Monad"
head (tail actns) ^. L.title `shouldBe` "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
forM_ actns $ \a -> do
a ^. L.kind `shouldBe` Just CodeActionQuickFix
a ^. L.command `shouldSatisfy` isJust
a ^. L.edit `shouldBe` Nothing
let hasOneDiag (Just (List [_])) = True
hasOneDiag _ = False
a ^. L.diagnostics `shouldSatisfy` hasOneDiag
length actns `shouldBe` 10
executeCodeAction (head actns)
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ contents `shouldBe` "import Control.Monad\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
it "formats" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportBrittany.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let action:_ = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction action
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ T.lines contents `shouldMatchList` e1
it "import-list formats" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportBrittany.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let _:action:_ = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction action
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ T.lines contents `shouldMatchList` e2
-- ---------------------------------
it "multiple import-list formats" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportList.hs" "haskell"
let config = def { formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
let wantedCodeActionTitles = [ "Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)"
, "Import module System.IO (stdout)"
, "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
contents <- executeAllCodeActions doc wantedCodeActionTitles
liftIO $ Set.fromList (T.lines contents) `shouldBe` Set.fromList e3
-- ---------------------------------
it "respects format config, multiple import-list" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportList.hs" "haskell"
let config = def { formatOnImportOn = False, formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
let wantedCodeActionTitles = [ "Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)"
, "Import module System.IO (stdout)"
, "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
contents <- executeAllCodeActions doc wantedCodeActionTitles
liftIO $ Set.fromList (T.lines contents) `shouldBe`
[ "import System.IO (stdout, hPutStrLn)"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stdout"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
it "respects format config" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportBrittany.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formatOnImportOn = False, formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let action:_ = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction action
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ do
let [l1, l2, l3, l4] = T.lines contents
l1 `shouldBe` "import qualified Data.Maybe"
l2 `shouldBe` "import Control.Monad"
l3 `shouldBe` "main :: IO ()"
l4 `shouldBe` "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
it "import-list respects format config" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportBrittany.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formatOnImportOn = False, formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let _:action:_ = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction action
contents <- getDocumentEdit doc
liftIO $ do
let [l1, l2, l3, l4] = T.lines contents
l1 `shouldBe` "import qualified Data.Maybe"
l2 `shouldBe` "import Control.Monad (when)"
l3 `shouldBe` "main :: IO ()"
l4 `shouldBe` "main = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\""
it "complex import-list" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportListElaborate.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formatOnImportOn = True, formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
let wantedCodeActionTitles = [ "Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)"
, "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
, "Import module Data.Function (($))"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))"
, "Import module Prelude (Bool (..))"
, "Import module System.IO (stderr)"
contents <- executeAllCodeActions doc wantedCodeActionTitles
liftIO $
T.lines contents `shouldBe` e4
it "complex import-list respects format config" $ runSession hieCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImportListElaborate.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
let config = def { formatOnImportOn = False, formattingProvider = formatterName }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
let wantedCodeActionTitles = [ "Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)"
, "Import module Control.Monad (when)"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)"
, "Import module Data.Function (($))"
, "Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))"
, "Import module Prelude (Bool (..))"
, "Import module System.IO (stderr)"
contents <- executeAllCodeActions doc wantedCodeActionTitles
liftIO $
T.lines contents `shouldBe`
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
, "import System.IO (IO, hPutStrLn, stderr)"
, "import Prelude (Bool(..))"
, "import Control.Monad (when)"
, "import Data.Function (($))"
, "import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, Maybe(Just))"
, "-- | Main entry point to the program"
, "main :: IO ()"
, "main ="
, " when True"
, " $ hPutStrLn stderr"
, " $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"
executeAllCodeActions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> [T.Text] -> Session T.Text
executeAllCodeActions doc names =
foldM (\_ _ -> do
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
executeCodeActionByName doc names
content <- skipManyTill publishDiagnosticsNotification $ getDocumentEdit doc
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "bios"
return content
(T.pack "")
[ 1 .. length names ]
executeCodeActionByName :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> [T.Text] -> Session ()
executeCodeActionByName doc names = do
actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc
let allActions = map fromAction actionsOrCommands
let actions = filter (\actn -> actn ^. L.title `elem` names) allActions
case actions of
(action:_) -> executeCodeAction action
[] ->
$ "No action found to be executed!"
++ "\n Actual actions titles: " ++ show (map (^. L.title) allActions)
++ "\n Expected actions titles: " ++ show names
-- Silence warnings
hsImportSpec formatter args =
error $ "Not the right amount of arguments for \"hsImportSpec ("
++ T.unpack formatter
++ ")\", expected 4, got "
++ show (length args)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
fromAction :: CAResult -> CodeAction

test/unit/HsImportSpec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HsImportSpec where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.HsImport
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Config as Config
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Brittany as Brittany
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Ormolu as Ormolu
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.Floskell as Floskell
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "hsimport plugin" hsImportSpec
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
testPlugins :: IdePlugins
testPlugins = pluginDescToIdePlugins
[ Brittany.brittanyDescriptor "brittany"
, Floskell.floskellDescriptor "floskell"
, Ormolu.ormoluDescriptor "ormolu"
brittanyFilePath :: FilePath
brittanyFilePath = "test" </> "testdata" </> "CodeActionImportList.hs"
dispatchRequestP :: IdeGhcM a -> IO a
dispatchRequestP act = do
cwd <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
runIGM testPlugins (cwd </> "test" </> "testdata" </> "File.hs") act
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hsImportSpec :: Spec
hsImportSpec = do
describe "formats with brittany" $ hsImportSpecRunner "brittany"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad ( when )\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe ( Maybe )\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(..) )\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Nothing) )\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Function ( ($) )\n"
describe "formats with floskell" $ hsImportSpecRunner "floskell"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad (when)\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe)\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing))\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Function (($))\n"
describe "formats with ormolu" $ case ghcVersion of
GHC86 -> hsImportSpecRunner "ormolu"
[ -- Expected output for simple format.
[ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Control.Monad (when)\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe)\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Maybe (Maybe (Nothing))\n"
, [ TextEdit (Range (toPos (2, 1)) (toPos (2, 1))) "import Data.Function (($))\n"
_ -> it "is NOP formatter" $
pendingWith "Ormolu only supported by GHC >= 8.6. Need to restore this."
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parameterized HsImport Spec.
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hsImportSpecRunner :: T.Text -> [[TextEdit]] -> Spec
hsImportSpecRunner formatterName [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6] = do
it "formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri Simple "Control.Monad")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e1
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
it "import-list formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri (Complex (Import $ Only "when")) "Control.Monad")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e2
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
it "import-list type formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri (Complex (Import $ Only "Maybe")) "Data.Maybe")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e3
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
it "import-list constructor formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri (Complex (Import $ AllOf "Maybe")) "Data.Maybe")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e4
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
it "import-list constructor formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri (Complex (Import $ OneOf "Maybe" "Nothing")) "Data.Maybe")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e5
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
it "import-list infix function formats" $ do
fp <- makeAbsolute brittanyFilePath
let uri = filePathToUri fp
let act = importModule (ImportParams uri (Complex (Import $ Only "$")) "Data.Function")
IdeResultOk (WorkspaceEdit (Just changes) _) <- runSingle' (setFormatter formatterName) testPlugins fp act
case Map.lookup uri changes of
Just (List val) -> val `shouldBe` e6
Nothing -> fail "No Change found"
-- Silence warnings
hsImportSpecRunner formatter args =
error $ "Not the right amount of arguments for \"hsImportSpec ("
++ T.unpack formatter
++ ")\", got "
++ show (length args)
setFormatter :: T.Text -> Config.Config -> Config.Config
setFormatter formatterName cfg = cfg { Config.formattingProvider = formatterName }

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ module TestUtils
, setupBuildToolFiles
, testCommand
, runSingle
, runSingle'
, runSingleReq
, makeRequest
, runIGM
, runIGM'
, ghcVersion, GhcVersion(..)
, logFilePath
, readResolver
@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Core
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (LspId(IdInt), fromNormalizedUri)
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes hiding (withProgress, withIndefiniteProgress)
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Cradle as Bios
import qualified Haskell.Ide.Engine.Config as Config
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
@ -65,7 +68,10 @@ testCommand testPlugins fp act plugin cmd arg res = do
fmap fromDynJSON oldApiRes `shouldBe` fmap Just res
runSingle :: IdePlugins -> FilePath -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult b) -> IO (IdeResult b)
runSingle testPlugins fp act = runIGM testPlugins fp act
runSingle = runSingle' id
runSingle' :: (Config.Config -> Config.Config) -> IdePlugins -> FilePath -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult b) -> IO (IdeResult b)
runSingle' modifyConfig testPlugins fp act = runIGM' modifyConfig testPlugins fp act
runSingleReq :: ToJSON a
=> IdePlugins -> FilePath -> PluginId -> CommandId -> a -> IO (IdeResult DynamicJSON)
@ -75,11 +81,18 @@ makeRequest :: ToJSON a => PluginId -> CommandId -> a -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult Dyna
makeRequest plugin com arg = runPluginCommand plugin com (toJSON arg)
runIGM :: IdePlugins -> FilePath -> IdeGhcM a -> IO a
runIGM testPlugins fp f = do
runIGM = runIGM' id
runIGM' :: (Config.Config -> Config.Config) -> IdePlugins -> FilePath -> IdeGhcM a -> IO a
runIGM' modifyConfig testPlugins fp f = do
stateVar <- newTVarIO $ IdeState emptyModuleCache Map.empty Map.empty Nothing
crdl <- Bios.findLocalCradle fp
mlibdir <- Bios.getProjectGhcLibDir crdl
runIdeGhcM mlibdir testPlugins dummyLspFuncs stateVar f
let tmpFuncs :: LspFuncs Config.Config
tmpFuncs = dummyLspFuncs
lspFuncs :: LspFuncs Config.Config
lspFuncs = tmpFuncs { config = (fmap . fmap) modifyConfig (config tmpFuncs)}
runIdeGhcM mlibdir testPlugins lspFuncs stateVar f
withFileLogging :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
withFileLogging logFile f = do