implement find

This commit is contained in:
jpmoresmau 2015-12-15 16:50:30 +00:00
parent 5f6f792f93
commit b23caf52b7
4 changed files with 39 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ contextMapping CtxFile = [fileParam]
contextMapping CtxPoint = [fileParam,startPosParam]
contextMapping CtxRegion = [fileParam,startPosParam,endPosParam]
contextMapping CtxCabalTarget = [cabalParam]
contextMapping CtxProject = []
contextMapping CtxProject = [fileParam]
fileParam :: ParamDescription
fileParam = RP "file" "a file name" PtFile
@ -119,5 +119,3 @@ endPosParam = RP "end_pos" "end line and col" PtPos
cabalParam :: ParamDescription
cabalParam = RP "cabal" "cabal target" PtText

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Control.Exception
import Data.Either
import Data.Vinyl
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginDescriptor
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import Haskell.Ide.Engine.SemanticTypes
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod as GM
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad as GM
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types as GM
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils as GM
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import qualified Exception as G
@ -83,20 +85,26 @@ checkCmd = CmdSync $ \_ctxs req -> do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: Must define a directory to base the search from, to be able to resolve
-- the project root.
findCmd :: CommandFunc T.Text
findCmd :: CommandFunc ModuleList
findCmd = CmdSync $ \_ctxs req -> do
case getParams (IdText "symbol" :& RNil) req of
case getParams (IdFile "dir" :& IdText "symbol" :& RNil) req of
Left err -> return err
Right (ParamText _symbol :& RNil) -> do
-- liftIO $ runGhcModCommand (GM.findSymbol (T.unpack symbol))
-- dir <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
-- return (IdeResponseOk (String $ T.pack dir))
-- return (IdeResponseOk (String $ _symbol))
return (IdeResponseOk "Placholder:Need to debug this in ghc-mod, returns 'does not exist (No such file or directory)'")
Right (ParamFile dirName :& ParamText symbol :& RNil) -> do
runGhcModCommand (T.pack (T.unpack dirName </> "dummy")) (\_->
tmpdir <- GM.cradleTempDir <$> GM.cradle
sf <- takeWhile (`notElem` ['\r','\n']) <$> GM.dumpSymbol tmpdir
db <- M.fromAscList . map conv . lines <$> liftIO (readFile sf)
let f = M.findWithDefault ([]::[GM.ModuleString]) symbol db
return $ ModuleList $ map (T.pack . GM.getModuleString) f
-- return (IdeResponseOk "Placholder:Need to debug this in ghc-mod, returns 'does not exist (No such file or directory)'")
Right _ -> return $ IdeResponseError (IdeError InternalError
"GhcModPlugin.findCmd: ghcs exhaustiveness checker is broken" Nothing)
conv :: String -> (T.Text, [GM.ModuleString])
conv = read
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -164,7 +172,8 @@ runGhcModCommand fp cmd = do
-- ghc-mod returns a new line at the end...
root <- takeWhile (`notElem` ['\r','\n']) <$> GM.runGmOutT opts GM.rootInfo
liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory root
let setRoot e = e{GM.gmCradle = (GM.gmCradle e){GM.cradleRootDir=root}}
tmp <- liftIO $ GM.newTempDir root
let setRoot e = e{GM.gmCradle = (GM.gmCradle e){GM.cradleRootDir=root,GM.cradleTempDir=tmp}}
(IdeResponseOk <$> GM.gmeLocal setRoot (cmd f)) `G.gcatch` \(e :: GM.GhcModError) ->
return $ IdeResponseFail $ IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "hie-ghc-mod: " ++ show e) Nothing

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@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ type Plugins = Map.Map PluginId PluginDescriptor
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |For a given 'AcceptedContext', define the parameters that are required in
-- | For a given 'AcceptedContext', define the parameters that are required in
-- the corresponding 'IdeRequest'
contextMapping :: AcceptedContext -> [ParamDescription]
contextMapping CtxNone = []
@ -234,11 +234,14 @@ contextMapping CtxFile = [fileParam]
contextMapping CtxPoint = [fileParam,startPosParam]
contextMapping CtxRegion = [fileParam,startPosParam,endPosParam]
contextMapping CtxCabalTarget = [cabalParam]
contextMapping CtxProject = []
contextMapping CtxProject = [dirParam]
fileParam :: ParamDescription
fileParam = RP "file" "a file name" PtFile
dirParam :: ParamDescription
dirParam = RP "dir" "a directory name" PtFile
startPosParam :: ParamDescription
startPosParam = RP "start_pos" "start line and col" PtPos

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@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ data HieDiff = HieDiff
, dDiff :: ![Diff (Int,T.Text)]
} deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A list of modules
data ModuleList = ModuleList {
mModules :: [T.Text]
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- JSON instances
@ -99,3 +106,9 @@ instance FromJSON (Diff (Int,T.Text)) where
Just d -> return d
_ -> empty
parseJSON _ = empty
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance ValidResponse ModuleList where
jsWrite (ModuleList ms) = H.fromList ["modules" .= ms]
jsRead v = ModuleList <$> v .: "modules"