Merge remote-tracking branch 'haskell/master' into json-metadata

This commit is contained in:
jpmoresmau 2015-11-29 14:59:34 +00:00
commit b4f169c3ba
8 changed files with 33 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
example2Descriptor :: PluginDescriptor
example2Descriptor = PluginDescriptor
pdCommands =
pdUIShortName = "Hello World"
, pdUIOverview = "An example of writing an HIE plugin"
, pdCommands =
buildCommand sayHelloCmd "sayHello" "say hello" [] [CtxNone] []
, buildCommand sayHelloToCmd "sayHelloTo"

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@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ import System.Directory
ghcmodDescriptor :: PluginDescriptor
ghcmodDescriptor = PluginDescriptor
pdCommands =
pdUIShortName = "ghc-mod"
, pdUIOverview = "ghc-mod is a backend program to enrich Haskell programming \
\in editors. It strives to offer most of the features one has come to expect \
\from modern IDEs in any editor."
, pdCommands =
buildCommand checkCmd "check" "check a file for GHC warnings and errors"
[".hs",".lhs"] [CtxFile] []

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@ -17,7 +17,12 @@ import System.Directory
hareDescriptor :: PluginDescriptor
hareDescriptor = PluginDescriptor
pdCommands =
pdUIShortName = "HaRe"
, pdUIOverview = "A Haskell 2010 refactoring tool. HaRe supports the full \
\Haskell 2010 standard, through making use of the GHC API. HaRe attempts to \
\operate in a safe way, by first writing new files with proposed changes, and \
\only swapping these with the originals when the change is accepted. "
, pdCommands =
buildCommand demoteCmd "demote" "Move a definition one level down"
[".hs"] [CtxPoint] []

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@ -46,14 +46,18 @@ import GHC.Generics
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data PluginDescriptor = PluginDescriptor
{ pdCommands :: [Command]
{ pdUIShortName :: !T.Text
, pdUIOverview :: !T.Text
, pdCommands :: [Command]
, pdExposedServices :: [Service]
, pdUsedServices :: [Service]
instance Show PluginDescriptor where
showsPrec p (PluginDescriptor cmds svcs used) = showParen (p > 10) $
showsPrec p (PluginDescriptor name oview cmds svcs used) = showParen (p > 10) $
showString "PluginDescriptor " .
showString (T.unpack name) .
showString (T.unpack oview) .
showList cmds .
showString " " .
showList svcs .

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@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (log)
baseDescriptor :: PluginDescriptor
baseDescriptor = PluginDescriptor
pdCommands =
pdUIShortName = "HIE Base"
, pdUIOverview = "Commands for HIE itself, "
, pdCommands =
buildCommand versionCmd "version" "return HIE version"
[] [CtxNone] []

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ pluginCache :: Plugins -> Map.Map (T.Text,T.Text) Command
pluginCache plugins = Map.fromList r
doOne :: T.Text -> PluginDescriptor -> [((T.Text,T.Text),Command)]
doOne pn (PluginDescriptor cmds _ _) =
doOne pn (PluginDescriptor _ _ cmds _ _) =
map (\cmd -> ((pn,cmdName (cmdDesc cmd)),cmd)) cmds
r = concatMap (\(pn,pd) -> doOne pn pd) $ Map.toList plugins

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@ -251,7 +251,9 @@ testPlugins chSync = Map.fromList [("test",testDescriptor chSync)]
testDescriptor :: TChan () -> PluginDescriptor
testDescriptor chSync = PluginDescriptor
pdCommands =
pdUIShortName = "testDescriptor"
, pdUIOverview = "PluginDescriptor for testing Dispatcher"
, pdCommands =
mkCmdWithContext "cmd1" [CtxNone] []
, mkCmdWithContext "cmd2" [CtxFile] []

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@ -95,7 +95,12 @@ instance Arbitrary Service where
arbitrary = Service <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary PluginDescriptor where
arbitrary = PluginDescriptor <$> smallList arbitrary <*> smallList arbitrary <*> smallList arbitrary
arbitrary = PluginDescriptor <$>
arbitrary <*>
arbitrary <*>
smallList arbitrary <*>
smallList arbitrary <*>
smallList arbitrary
-- | make lists of maximum length 3 for test performance
smallList :: Gen a -> Gen [a]