Improve quality and information density of error message

This commit is contained in:
fendor 2019-12-29 21:52:48 +01:00
parent b7ce8b8f2f
commit d4fbbf1502
3 changed files with 71 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import Distribution.Helper (Package, projectPackages, pUnits,
unChModuleName, Ex(..), ProjLoc(..),
QueryEnv, mkQueryEnv, runQuery,
Unit, unitInfo, uiComponents,
ChEntrypoint(..), uComponentName)
import Distribution.Helper.Discover (findProjects, getDefaultDistDir)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, sortOn, find)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, sortOn, find, intercalate)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -45,10 +45,13 @@ import System.Process (readCreateProcessWithExitCode, shell)
findLocalCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
findLocalCradle fp = do
cradleConf <- BIOS.findCradle fp
case cradleConf of
Just yaml -> BIOS.loadCradle yaml
crdl <- case cradleConf of
Just yaml -> do
debugm $ "Found \"" ++ yaml ++ "\" for \"" ++ fp ++ "\""
BIOS.loadCradle yaml
Nothing -> cabalHelperCradle fp
logm $ "Module \"" ++ fp ++ "\" is loaded by Cradle: " ++ show crdl
return crdl
-- | Check if the given cradle is a stack cradle.
-- This might be used to determine the GHC version to use on the project.
-- If it is a stack-cradle, we have to use `stack path --compiler-exe`
@ -512,7 +515,7 @@ cabalHelperCradle file = do
debugm $ "Relative Module FilePath: " ++ relativeFp
getComponent env (toList units) relativeFp
>>= \case
Just comp -> do
Right comp -> do
let fs' = getFlags comp
let fs = map (fixImportDirs root) fs'
let targets = getTargets comp relativeFp
@ -524,11 +527,11 @@ cabalHelperCradle file = do
ComponentOptions { componentOptions = ghcOptions
, componentDependencies = []
Nothing -> return
Left err -> return
$ CradleFail
$ CradleError
(ExitFailure 2)
["Could not obtain flags for " ++ fp]
-- | Get the component the given FilePath most likely belongs to.
-- Lazily ask units whether the given FilePath is part of one of their
@ -538,25 +541,59 @@ cabalHelperCradle file = do
-- The given FilePath must be relative to the Root of the project
-- the given units belong to.
:: QueryEnv pt -> [Unit pt] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe ChComponentInfo)
getComponent _env [] _fp = return Nothing
getComponent env (unit : units) fp =
try (runQuery (unitInfo unit) env) >>= \case
Left (e :: IOException) -> do
warningm $ "Catching and swallowing an IOException: " ++ show e
$ "The Exception was thrown in the context of finding"
++ " a component for \""
++ fp
++ "\" in the unit: "
++ show unit
getComponent env units fp
Right ui -> do
let components = M.elems (uiComponents ui)
debugm $ "Unit Info: " ++ show ui
case find (fp `partOfComponent`) components of
Nothing -> getComponent env units fp
comp -> return comp
:: forall pt. QueryEnv pt -> [Unit pt] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String ChComponentInfo)
getComponent env unitCandidates fp = getComponent' [] [] unitCandidates >>=
(tried, failed, Nothing) -> return (Left $ buildErrorMsg tried failed)
(_, _, Just comp) -> return (Right comp)
getComponent' :: [Unit pt] -> [Unit pt] -> [Unit pt] -> IO ([Unit pt], [Unit pt], Maybe ChComponentInfo)
getComponent' triedUnits failedUnits [] = return (triedUnits, failedUnits, Nothing)
getComponent' triedUnits failedUnits (unit : units) =
try (runQuery (unitInfo unit) env) >>= \case
Left (e :: IOException) -> do
warningm $ "Catching and swallowing an IOException: " ++ show e
$ "The Exception was thrown in the context of finding"
++ " a component for \""
++ fp
++ "\" in the unit: "
++ show unit
getComponent' triedUnits (unit:failedUnits) units
Right ui -> do
let components = M.elems (uiComponents ui)
debugm $ "Unit Info: " ++ show ui
case find (fp `partOfComponent`) components of
Nothing -> getComponent' (unit:triedUnits) failedUnits units
comp -> return (triedUnits, failedUnits, comp)
buildErrorMsg :: [Unit pt] -> [Unit pt] -> String
buildErrorMsg triedUnits failedUnits = unlines $
[ "Could not obtain flags for: \"" ++ fp ++ "\"."]
[ unlines
[ "The given File was not part of any component."
, "No component exposes this module, we tried the following:"
, intercalate "," (map showUnitInfo triedUnits)
, "If you dont know how to expose a module take a look at: "
, ""
| not( null triedUnits)
[ unlines
[ "We could not build all components."
, "If one of these components exposes the module, make sure these compile."
, "The following components failed to compile:"
, intercalate "," (map showUnitInfo failedUnits)
| not (null failedUnits)
-- TODO: this is terrible
showUnitInfo :: Unit pt -> String
showUnitInfo unit = maybe (show unit) show (uComponentName unit)
-- | Check whether the given FilePath is part of the Component.
-- A FilePath is part of the Component if and only if:

View File

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ loadCradle iniDynFlags (NewCradle fp) def action = do
-- just pretend the file doesn't exist.
return $ IdeResultOk def
BIOS.CradleFail err -> do
logm $ "GhcException on cradle initialisation: " ++ show err
logm $ "Fail on cradle initialisation: " ++ show err
return $ IdeResultFail $ IdeError
{ ideCode = OtherError
, ideMessage = Text.pack $ show err

View File

@ -182,7 +182,12 @@ run scheduler _origDir plugins captureFp = flip E.catches handlers $ do
Left (e :: Yaml.ParseException) -> do
logm $ "Failed to parse `hie.yaml`: " ++ show e
sf $ NotShowMessage $ fmServerShowMessageNotification J.MtError ("Couldn't parse hie.yaml: \n" <> T.pack (show e))
sf $ NotShowMessage
$ fmServerShowMessageNotification
( "Couldn't parse hie.yaml: \n"
<> T.pack (Yaml.prettyPrintParseException e)
let mcradle = case cradleRes of
Left _ -> Nothing