Update the diagnostic publishing function

This commit is contained in:
fendor 2020-01-04 14:46:47 +01:00
parent cb51e9ef83
commit f3cfe9d198
4 changed files with 14 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ modifyCache f = modifyModuleCache f
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type PublishDiagnostics = Int -> J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> J.DiagnosticsBySource -> IO ()
type PublishDiagnostics = J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> J.DiagnosticsBySource -> IO ()
-- | Run the given action in context and initialise a session with hie-bios.
-- If a context is given, the context is used to initialise a session for GHC.
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ loadCradle publishDiagnostics iniDynFlags (NewCradle fp) def action = do
source = Just "bios"
diag = Diagnostic range sev Nothing source (Text.unlines msgTxt) Nothing
liftIO $ publishDiagnostics maxBound normalizedUri Nothing
liftIO $ publishDiagnostics normalizedUri Nothing
(Map.singleton source (SL.singleton diag))
return $ IdeResultFail $ IdeError

View File

@ -359,16 +359,17 @@ updatePositionMap uri changes = pluginGetFile "updatePositionMap: " uri $ \file
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
publishDiagnostics :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader REnv m)
=> Int -> J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m ()
publishDiagnostics maxToSend uri' mv diags = do
=> J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m ()
publishDiagnostics uri' mv diags = do
lf <- asks lspFuncs
publishDiagnostics' lf maxToSend uri' mv diags
publishDiagnostics' lf uri' mv diags
publishDiagnostics' :: MonadIO m
=> Core.LspFuncs c -> Int -> J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m ()
publishDiagnostics' lf maxToSend uri' mv diags =
liftIO $ Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc lf maxToSend uri' mv diags
=> Core.LspFuncs Config -> J.NormalizedUri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m ()
publishDiagnostics' lf uri' mv diags = do
config <- liftIO $ fromMaybe Data.Default.def <$> Core.config lf
liftIO $ Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc lf (maxNumberOfProblems config) uri' mv diags
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -943,18 +944,17 @@ requestDiagnosticsNormal tn file mVer = do
sendOneGhc :: J.DiagnosticSource -> (J.NormalizedUri, [Diagnostic]) -> R ()
sendOneGhc pid (fileUri,ds) = do
if any (hasSeverity J.DsError) ds
then publishDiagnostics maxToSend fileUri Nothing
then publishDiagnostics fileUri Nothing
(Map.fromList [(Just "hlint",SL.toSortedList []),(Just pid,SL.toSortedList ds)])
else sendOne pid (fileUri,ds)
sendOne pid (fileUri,ds) = do
publishDiagnostics maxToSend fileUri Nothing (Map.fromList [(Just pid,SL.toSortedList ds)])
publishDiagnostics fileUri Nothing (Map.fromList [(Just pid,SL.toSortedList ds)])
hasSeverity :: J.DiagnosticSeverity -> J.Diagnostic -> Bool
hasSeverity sev (J.Diagnostic _ (Just s) _ _ _ _) = s == sev
hasSeverity _ _ = False
sendEmpty = publishDiagnostics maxToSend (J.toNormalizedUri file) Nothing (Map.fromList [(Just "bios",SL.toSortedList [])])
maxToSend = maxNumberOfProblems clientConfig
sendEmpty = publishDiagnostics (J.toNormalizedUri file) Nothing (Map.fromList [(Just "bios",SL.toSortedList [])])
let sendHlint = hlintOn clientConfig
when sendHlint $ do

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@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ startServer = do
(\lid errCode e -> logToChan logChan ("received an error", Left (lid, errCode, e)))
(\g x -> g x)
(\_ _ _ -> return ())
(Just crdl)
return (scheduler, logChan, dispatcher)

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ newPluginSpec = do
(\_ _ _ -> return ())
(\f x -> f x)
(\_ _ _ -> return ())
(Just crdl)
updateDocument scheduler (filePathToUri "test") 3