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module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Context where
import Data.Generics
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import qualified GHC
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.GhcCompat (GhcPs) -- for GHC 8.2.2
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
-- | A context of a declaration in the program
-- e.g. is the declaration a type declaration or a value declaration
-- Used for determining which code completions to show
-- TODO: expand this with more contexts like classes or instances for
-- smarter code completion
data Context = TypeContext
| ValueContext
| ModuleContext String -- ^ module context with module name
| ImportContext String -- ^ import context with module name
| ImportListContext String -- ^ import list context with module name
| ImportHidingContext String -- ^ import hiding context with module name
| ExportContext -- ^ List of exported identifiers from the current module
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Generates a map of where the context is a type and where the context is a value
-- i.e. where are the value decls and the type decls
getContext :: Position -> GHC.ParsedModule -> Maybe Context
getContext pos pm
| Just (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) modName) <- moduleHeader
, pos `isInsideRange` r
= Just (ModuleContext (GHC.moduleNameString modName))
| Just (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) _) <- exportList
, pos `isInsideRange` r
= Just ExportContext
| Just ctx <- something (Nothing `mkQ` go `extQ` goInline) decl
= Just ctx
| Just ctx <- something (Nothing `mkQ` importGo) imports
= Just ctx
| otherwise
= Nothing
where decl = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm
moduleHeader = GHC.hsmodName $ GHC.unLoc $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm
exportList = GHC.hsmodExports $ GHC.unLoc $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm
imports = GHC.hsmodImports $ GHC.unLoc $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm
go :: GHC.LHsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe Context
go (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) GHC.SigD {})
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just TypeContext
| otherwise = Nothing
go (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) GHC.ValD {})
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just ValueContext
| otherwise = Nothing
go _ = Nothing
goInline :: GHC.LHsType GhcPs -> Maybe Context
goInline (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) _)
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just TypeContext
| otherwise = Nothing
goInline _ = Nothing
p `isInsideRange` r = sp <= p && p <= ep
where (sp, ep) = unpackRealSrcSpan r
importGo :: GHC.LImportDecl GhcPs -> Maybe Context
importGo (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) impDecl)
| pos `isInsideRange` r
= importInline importModuleName (GHC.ideclHiding impDecl)
<|> Just (ImportContext importModuleName)
| otherwise = Nothing
where importModuleName = GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.unLoc $ GHC.ideclName impDecl
importGo _ = Nothing
importInline :: String -> Maybe (Bool, GHC.Located [GHC.LIE GhcPs]) -> Maybe Context
importInline modName (Just (True, GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) _))
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just $ ImportHidingContext modName
| otherwise = Nothing
importInline modName (Just (False, GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan r) _))
| pos `isInsideRange` r = Just $ ImportListContext modName
| otherwise = Nothing
importInline _ _ = Nothing