2019-12-23 01:58:38 +00:00

674 lines
23 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | IdeGhcM and associated types
module Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginsIdeMonads
-- * LSP Commands
, mkLspCommand
, allLspCmdIds
, mkLspCmdId
-- * Plugins
, PluginId(..)
, CommandId(..)
, PluginDescriptor(..)
, pluginDescToIdePlugins
, PluginCommand(..)
, runPluginCommand
, DynamicJSON
, dynToJSON
, fromDynJSON
, toDynJSON
, CodeActionProvider
, DiagnosticProvider(..)
, DiagnosticProviderFunc(..)
, DiagnosticProviderFuncSync
, DiagnosticProviderFuncAsync
, DiagnosticTrigger(..)
, HoverProvider
, SymbolProvider
, FormattingType(..)
, FormattingProvider
, IdePlugins(..)
, getDiagnosticProvidersConfig
-- * IDE monads
, IdeState(..)
, IdeGhcM
, runIdeGhcM
, IdeM
, runIdeM
, IdeDeferM
-- ** MonadIde and functions
, MonadIde
, getRootPath
, getVirtualFile
, getConfig
, getClientCapabilities
, getPlugins
, withProgress
, withIndefiniteProgress
, persistVirtualFile'
, getPersistedFile
, reverseFileMap
, withMappedFile
, Core.Progress(..)
, Core.ProgressCancellable(..)
-- ** Lifting
, iterT
, LiftsToGhc(..)
-- * IdeResult
, IdeResult(..)
, IdeResultT(..)
, Defer(..)
, IdeError(..)
, IdeErrorCode(..)
-- * LSP types
, Uri(..)
, uriToFilePath
, filePathToUri
, Position(..)
, Range(..)
, Location(..)
, TextDocumentIdentifier(..)
, TextDocumentPositionParams(..)
, TextEdit(..)
, WorkspaceEdit(..)
, Diagnostic(..)
, DiagnosticSeverity(..)
, PublishDiagnosticsParams(..)
, List(..)
, FormattingOptions(..)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Base
import UnliftIO
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson hiding (defaultOptions)
import qualified Data.ConstrainedDynamic as CD
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Dynamic ( Dynamic )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable ( TypeRep
, Typeable
import System.Directory
import GhcMonad
import qualified HIE.Bios.Ghc.Api as BIOS
import GHC.Generics
import GHC ( HscEnv )
import Exception
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Compat
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.Config
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.GhcModuleCache
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MultiThreadState
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as Core
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types ( Command(..)
, CodeAction(..)
, CodeActionContext(..)
, Diagnostic(..)
, DiagnosticSeverity(..)
, DocumentSymbol(..)
, List(..)
, FormattingOptions(..)
, Hover(..)
, Location(..)
, Position(..)
, PublishDiagnosticsParams(..)
, Range(..)
, TextDocumentIdentifier(..)
, TextDocumentPositionParams(..)
, TextEdit(..)
, Uri(..)
, VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(..)
, WorkspaceEdit(..)
, filePathToUri
, uriToFilePath
, toNormalizedUri
import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS ( VirtualFile(..) )
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- LSP Commands
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A monad that provides access to the current process ID.
-- Used when generating LSP command IDs
class Monad m => HasPidCache m where
getPidCache :: m Int
instance HasPidCache IdeM where
getPidCache = asks ideEnvPidCache
instance HasPidCache IO where
getPidCache = getProcessID
instance HasPidCache m => HasPidCache (IdeResultT m) where
getPidCache = lift getPidCache
mkLspCommand :: HasPidCache m => PluginId -> CommandId -> T.Text -> Maybe [Value] -> m Command
mkLspCommand plid cn title args' = do
cmdId <- mkLspCmdId plid cn
let args = List <$> args'
return $ Command title cmdId args
allLspCmdIds :: HasPidCache m => IdePlugins -> m [T.Text]
allLspCmdIds (IdePlugins m) = concat <$> mapM go (Map.toList (pluginCommands <$> m))
go (plid, cmds) = mapM (mkLspCmdId plid . commandId) cmds
mkLspCmdId :: HasPidCache m => PluginId -> CommandId -> m T.Text
mkLspCmdId (PluginId plid) (CommandId cid) = do
pid <- T.pack . show <$> getPidCache
return $ pid <> ":" <> plid <> ":" <> cid
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Plugins
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type CodeActionProvider = PluginId
-> VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
-> Range
-> CodeActionContext
-> IdeM (IdeResult [CodeAction])
type DiagnosticProviderFuncSync
= DiagnosticTrigger -> Uri
-> IdeDeferM (IdeResult (Map.Map Uri (S.Set Diagnostic)))
type DiagnosticProviderFuncAsync
= DiagnosticTrigger -> Uri
-> (Map.Map Uri (S.Set Diagnostic) -> IO ())
-> IdeDeferM (IdeResult ())
data DiagnosticProviderFunc
= DiagnosticProviderSync DiagnosticProviderFuncSync
| DiagnosticProviderAsync DiagnosticProviderFuncAsync
data DiagnosticProvider = DiagnosticProvider
{ dpTrigger :: S.Set DiagnosticTrigger -- AZ:should this be a NonEmptyList?
, dpFunc :: DiagnosticProviderFunc
data DiagnosticTrigger = DiagnosticOnOpen
| DiagnosticOnChange
| DiagnosticOnSave
deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
type HoverProvider = Uri -> Position -> IdeM (IdeResult [Hover])
type SymbolProvider = Uri -> IdeDeferM (IdeResult [DocumentSymbol])
-- | Format the given Text as a whole or only a @Range@ of it.
-- Range must be relative to the text to format.
-- To format the whole document, read the Text from the file and use 'FormatText'
-- as the FormattingType.
data FormattingType = FormatText
| FormatRange Range
-- | Formats the given Text associated with the given Uri.
-- Should, but might not, honour the provided formatting options (e.g. Floskell does not).
-- A formatting type can be given to either format the whole text or only a Range.
-- Text to format, may or may not, originate from the associated Uri.
-- E.g. it is ok, to modify the text and then reformat it through this API.
-- The Uri is mainly used to discover formatting configurations in the file's path.
-- Fails if the formatter can not parse the source.
-- Failing means here that a IdeResultFail is returned.
-- This can be used to display errors to the user, unless the error is an Internal one.
-- The record 'IdeError' and 'IdeErrorCode' can be used to determine the type of error.
-- To format a whole document, the 'FormatText' @FormattingType@ can be used.
-- It is required to pass in the whole Document Text for that to happen, an empty text
-- and file uri, does not suffice.
type FormattingProvider = T.Text -- ^ Text to format
-> Uri -- ^ Uri of the file being formatted
-> FormattingType -- ^ How much to format
-> FormattingOptions -- ^ Options for the formatter
-> IdeM (IdeResult [TextEdit]) -- ^ Result of the formatting or the unchanged text.
newtype PluginId = PluginId T.Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
instance IsString PluginId where
fromString = PluginId . T.pack
data PluginDescriptor =
PluginDescriptor { pluginId :: PluginId
, pluginCommands :: [PluginCommand]
, pluginCodeActionProvider :: Maybe CodeActionProvider
, pluginDiagnosticProvider :: Maybe DiagnosticProvider
, pluginHoverProvider :: Maybe HoverProvider
, pluginSymbolProvider :: Maybe SymbolProvider
, pluginFormattingProvider :: Maybe FormattingProvider
} deriving (Generic)
instance Show PluginCommand where
show (PluginCommand i _) = "PluginCommand { name = " ++ show i ++ " }"
newtype CommandId = CommandId T.Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
instance IsString CommandId where
fromString = CommandId . T.pack
data PluginCommand = forall a b. (FromJSON a, ToJSON b, Typeable b) =>
PluginCommand { commandId :: CommandId
, commandFunc :: a -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult b)
pluginDescToIdePlugins :: [PluginDescriptor] -> IdePlugins
pluginDescToIdePlugins plugins = IdePlugins $ Map.fromList $ map (\p -> (pluginId p, p)) plugins
type DynamicJSON = CD.ConstrainedDynamic ToJSON
dynToJSON :: DynamicJSON -> Value
dynToJSON x = CD.applyClassFn x toJSON
fromDynJSON :: (Typeable a, ToJSON a) => DynamicJSON -> Maybe a
fromDynJSON = CD.fromDynamic
toDynJSON :: (Typeable a, ToJSON a) => a -> DynamicJSON
toDynJSON = CD.toDyn
-- | Runs a plugin command given a PluginId, CommandId and
-- arguments in the form of a JSON object.
runPluginCommand :: PluginId -> CommandId -> Value
-> IdeGhcM (IdeResult DynamicJSON)
runPluginCommand p com arg = do
let PluginId p' = p
CommandId com' = com
IdePlugins m <- getPlugins
case Map.lookup p m of
Nothing -> return $
IdeResultFail $ IdeError UnknownPlugin ("Plugin " <> p' <> " doesn't exist") Null
Just PluginDescriptor { pluginCommands = xs } -> case List.find ((com ==) . commandId) xs of
Nothing -> return $ IdeResultFail $
IdeError UnknownCommand ("Command " <> com' <> " isn't defined for plugin " <> p' <> ". Legal commands are: " <> T.pack(show $ map commandId xs)) Null
Just (PluginCommand _ f) -> case fromJSON arg of
Error err -> return $ IdeResultFail $
IdeError ParameterError ("error while parsing args for " <> com' <> " in plugin " <> p' <> ": " <> T.pack err) Null
Success a -> do
res <- f a
return $ fmap toDynJSON res
-- | a Description of the available commands stored in IdeGhcM
newtype IdePlugins = IdePlugins
{ ipMap :: Map.Map PluginId PluginDescriptor
} deriving (Generic)
-- | For the diagnostic providers in the config, return a map of
-- current enabled state, indexed by the plugin id.
getDiagnosticProvidersConfig :: Config -> Map.Map PluginId Bool
getDiagnosticProvidersConfig c = Map.fromList [("applyrefact",hlintOn c)
,("liquid", liquidOn c)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Monads
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | IdeM that allows for interaction with the Ghc session
type IdeGhcM = GhcT IdeM
-- | Run an IdeGhcM with Cradle found from the current directory
runIdeGhcM :: IdePlugins -> Maybe (Core.LspFuncs Config) -> TVar IdeState -> IdeGhcM a -> IO a
runIdeGhcM plugins mlf stateVar f = do
env <- IdeEnv <$> pure mlf <*> getProcessID <*> pure plugins
flip runReaderT stateVar $ flip runReaderT env $ BIOS.withGhcT f
-- | A computation that is deferred until the module is cached.
-- Note that the module may not typecheck, in which case 'UriCacheFailed' is passed
data Defer a = Defer FilePath (UriCacheResult -> a) deriving Functor
type IdeDeferM = FreeT Defer IdeM
type IdeM = ReaderT IdeEnv (MultiThreadState IdeState)
-- | Run an IdeM
runIdeM :: IdePlugins -> Maybe (Core.LspFuncs Config) -> TVar IdeState -> IdeM a -> IO a
runIdeM plugins mlf stateVar f = do
env <- IdeEnv <$> pure mlf <*> getProcessID <*> pure plugins
-- TODO: AZ run a single ReaderT, with a composite R.
flip runReaderT stateVar $ runReaderT f env
data IdeEnv = IdeEnv
{ ideEnvLspFuncs :: Maybe (Core.LspFuncs Config)
-- | The pid of this instance of hie
, ideEnvPidCache :: Int
, idePlugins :: IdePlugins
-- | The class of monads that support common IDE functions, namely IdeM/IdeGhcM/IdeDeferM
class Monad m => MonadIde m where
getIdeEnv :: m IdeEnv
instance MonadIde IdeM where
getIdeEnv = ask
instance MonadIde IdeDeferM where
getIdeEnv = lift ask
instance MonadIde IdeGhcM where
getIdeEnv = lift ask
getRootPath :: MonadIde m => m (Maybe FilePath)
getRootPath = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> return (Core.rootPath lf)
Nothing -> return Nothing
getVirtualFile :: (MonadIde m, MonadIO m) => Uri -> m (Maybe VirtualFile)
getVirtualFile uri = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> liftIO $ Core.getVirtualFileFunc lf (toNormalizedUri uri)
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- | Worker function for persistVirtualFile without monad constraints.
-- Persist a virtual file as a temporary file in the filesystem.
-- If the virtual file associated to the given uri does not exist, Nothing
-- is returned.
persistVirtualFile' :: Core.LspFuncs Config -> Uri -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
persistVirtualFile' lf uri = Core.persistVirtualFileFunc lf (toNormalizedUri uri)
reverseFileMap :: (MonadIde m, MonadIO m) => m (FilePath -> FilePath)
reverseFileMap = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> liftIO $ Core.reverseFileMapFunc lf
Nothing -> return id
-- | Get the location of the virtual file persisted to the file system associated
-- to the given Uri.
getPersistedFile :: (MonadIde m, MonadIO m) => Uri -> m (Maybe FilePath)
getPersistedFile uri = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> liftIO $ persistVirtualFile' lf uri
Nothing -> return $ uriToFilePath uri
-- | Execute an action on the temporary file associated to the given FilePath.
-- If the file is not in the current Virtual File System, the given action is not executed
-- and instead returns the default value.
withMappedFile :: (MonadIde m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m a -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
withMappedFile fp m k = do
canon <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath fp
getPersistedFile (filePathToUri canon) >>= \case
Just fp' -> k fp'
Nothing -> m
getConfig :: (MonadIde m, MonadIO m) => m Config
getConfig = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> fromMaybe def <$> liftIO (Core.config lf)
Nothing -> return def
getClientCapabilities :: MonadIde m => m ClientCapabilities
getClientCapabilities = do
mlf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
case mlf of
Just lf -> return (Core.clientCapabilities lf)
Nothing -> return def
getPlugins :: MonadIde m => m IdePlugins
getPlugins = idePlugins <$> getIdeEnv
-- | 'withProgress' @title cancellable f@ wraps a progress reporting session for long running tasks.
-- f is passed a reporting function that can be used to give updates on the progress
-- of the task.
withProgress :: (MonadIde m , MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> T.Text -> Core.ProgressCancellable
-> ((Core.Progress -> IO ()) -> m a) -> m a
withProgress t c f = do
lf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
let mWp = Core.withProgress <$> lf
case mWp of
Nothing -> f (const $ return ())
Just wp -> control $ \run -> wp t c $ \update -> run (f update)
-- | 'withIndefiniteProgress' @title cancellable f@ is the same as the 'withProgress' but for tasks
-- which do not continuously report their progress.
withIndefiniteProgress :: (MonadIde m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> T.Text -> Core.ProgressCancellable -> m a -> m a
withIndefiniteProgress t c f = do
lf <- ideEnvLspFuncs <$> getIdeEnv
let mWp = Core.withIndefiniteProgress <$> lf
case mWp of
Nothing -> f
Just wp -> control $ \run -> wp t c (run f)
data IdeState = IdeState
{ moduleCache :: !GhcModuleCache
-- | A queue of requests to be performed once a module is loaded
, requestQueue :: !(Map.Map FilePath [UriCacheResult -> IdeM ()])
, extensibleState :: !(Map.Map TypeRep Dynamic)
, ghcSession :: !(Maybe (IORef HscEnv))
instance MonadMTState IdeState IdeGhcM where
readMTS = lift $ lift readMTS
modifyMTS = lift . lift . modifyMTS
instance MonadMTState IdeState IdeDeferM where
readMTS = lift readMTS
modifyMTS = lift . modifyMTS
instance MonadMTState IdeState IdeM where
readMTS = lift readMTS
modifyMTS = lift . modifyMTS
class (Monad m) => LiftsToGhc m where
liftToGhc :: m a -> IdeGhcM a
instance LiftsToGhc IdeM where
liftToGhc = lift
instance LiftsToGhc IdeGhcM where
liftToGhc = id
instance HasGhcModuleCache IdeGhcM where
getModuleCache = lift getModuleCache
modifyModuleCache = lift . modifyModuleCache
instance HasGhcModuleCache IdeDeferM where
getModuleCache = lift getModuleCache
modifyModuleCache = lift . modifyModuleCache
instance HasGhcModuleCache IdeM where
getModuleCache = do
tvar <- lift ask
state <- readTVarIO tvar
return (moduleCache state)
modifyModuleCache f = do
tvar <- lift ask
atomically $ modifyTVar' tvar (\st -> st { moduleCache = f (moduleCache st) })
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Results
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The result of a plugin action, containing the result and an error if
-- it failed. IdeGhcM usually skips IdeResponse and jumps straight to this.
data IdeResult a = IdeResultOk a
| IdeResultFail IdeError
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance Functor IdeResult where
fmap f (IdeResultOk x) = IdeResultOk (f x)
fmap _ (IdeResultFail err) = IdeResultFail err
instance Applicative IdeResult where
pure = return
(IdeResultFail err) <*> _ = IdeResultFail err
_ <*> (IdeResultFail err) = IdeResultFail err
(IdeResultOk f) <*> (IdeResultOk x) = IdeResultOk (f x)
instance Monad IdeResult where
return = IdeResultOk
IdeResultOk x >>= f = f x
IdeResultFail err >>= _ = IdeResultFail err
newtype IdeResultT m a = IdeResultT { runIdeResultT :: m (IdeResult a) }
instance Monad m => Functor (IdeResultT m) where
fmap = liftM
instance Monad m => Applicative (IdeResultT m) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance (Monad m) => Monad (IdeResultT m) where
return = IdeResultT . return . IdeResultOk
m >>= f = IdeResultT $ do
v <- runIdeResultT m
case v of
IdeResultOk x -> runIdeResultT (f x)
IdeResultFail err -> return $ IdeResultFail err
instance MonadTrans IdeResultT where
lift m = IdeResultT (fmap IdeResultOk m)
-- | Error codes. Add as required
data IdeErrorCode
= ParameterError -- ^ Wrong parameter type
| PluginError -- ^ An error returned by a plugin
| InternalError -- ^ Code error (case not handled or deemed
-- impossible)
| UnknownPlugin -- ^ Plugin is not registered
| UnknownCommand -- ^ Command is not registered
| InvalidContext -- ^ Context invalid for command
| OtherError -- ^ An error for which there's no better code
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Generic)
instance ToJSON IdeErrorCode
instance FromJSON IdeErrorCode
-- | A more structured error than just a string
data IdeError = IdeError
{ ideCode :: IdeErrorCode -- ^ The error code
, ideMessage :: T.Text -- ^ A human readable message
, ideInfo :: Value -- ^ Additional information
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Generic)
instance ToJSON IdeError
instance FromJSON IdeError
instance ExceptionMonad m => ExceptionMonad (ReaderT e m) where
gcatch (ReaderT m) c = ReaderT $ \r -> m r `gcatch` \e -> runReaderT (c e) r
gmask a = ReaderT $ \e -> gmask $ \u -> runReaderT (a $ q u) e
where q :: (m a -> m a) -> ReaderT e m a -> ReaderT e m a
q u (ReaderT b) = ReaderT (u . b)
instance MonadTrans GhcT where
lift = liftGhcT
instance MonadUnliftIO Ghc where
{-# INLINE askUnliftIO #-}
askUnliftIO = Ghc $ \s ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip unGhc s))
{-# INLINE withRunInIO #-}
withRunInIO inner =
Ghc $ \s ->
withRunInIO $ \run ->
inner (run . flip unGhc s)
instance MonadUnliftIO (GhcT IdeM) where
{-# INLINE askUnliftIO #-}
askUnliftIO = GhcT $ \s ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip unGhcT s))
{-# INLINE withRunInIO #-}
withRunInIO inner =
GhcT $ \s ->
withRunInIO $ \run ->
inner (run . flip unGhcT s)
instance MonadTransControl GhcT where
type StT GhcT a = a
{-# INLINABLE liftWith #-}
liftWith f = GhcT $ \s -> f $ \t -> unGhcT t s
{-# INLINABLE restoreT #-}
restoreT = GhcT . const
instance MonadBaseControl IO (GhcT IdeM) where
type StM (GhcT IdeM) a = ComposeSt GhcT IdeM a;
{-# INLINABLE liftBaseWith #-}
liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
{-# INLINABLE restoreM #-}
restoreM = defaultRestoreM
instance MonadBase IO (GhcT IdeM) where
{-# INLINABLE liftBase #-}
liftBase = liftBaseDefault
instance MonadPlus (GhcT IdeM) where
{-# INLINE mzero #-}
mzero = lift mzero
{-# INLINE mplus #-}
m `mplus` n = GhcT $ \s -> unGhcT m s `mplus` unGhcT n s
instance Alternative (GhcT IdeM) where
{-# INLINE empty #-}
empty = lift empty
{-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
m <|> n = GhcT $ \s -> unGhcT m s <|> unGhcT n s
-- ghc-8.6 required
-- {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IO) instance MonadUnliftIO Ghc
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IdeM) instance MonadUnliftIO (GhcT IdeM)
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IdeM) instance MonadBaseControl IO (GhcT IdeM)
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IdeM) instance MonadBase IO (GhcT IdeM)
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IdeM) instance MonadPlus (GhcT IdeM)
-- deriving via (ReaderT Session IdeM) instance Alternative (GhcT IdeM)