2019-04-16 17:47:30 +02:00

574 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--package shake
--package directory
--package extra
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Command
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Extra ( unlessM
, mapMaybeM
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import System.Directory ( findExecutable )
import System.Environment ( getProgName
, unsetEnv
import System.Info ( os
, arch
import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
import Data.List ( dropWhileEnd
, intersperse
, intercalate
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.Version ( parseVersion
, makeVersion
, showVersion
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP ( readP_to_S )
type VersionNumber = String
type GhcPath = String
-- | Defines all different hie versions that are buildable.
-- If they are edited, make sure to maintain the order of the versions.
hieVersions :: [VersionNumber]
hieVersions =
[ "8.2.1"
, "8.2.2"
, "8.4.2"
, "8.4.3"
, "8.4.4"
, "8.6.1"
, "8.6.2"
, "8.6.3"
, "8.6.4"
-- | Most recent version of hie.
-- Shown in the more concise help message.
mostRecentHieVersion :: VersionNumber
mostRecentHieVersion = last hieVersions
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH for cabal
ghcPaths <- findInstalledGhcs
let ghcVersions = map fst ghcPaths
shakeArgs shakeOptions { shakeFiles = "_build" } $ do
want ["short-help"]
-- general purpose targets
phony "submodules" updateSubmodules
phony "cabal" installCabal
phony "short-help" shortHelpMessage
phony "all" shortHelpMessage
phony "help" helpMessage
phony "check-stack" checkStack
phony "cabal-ghcs" $ do
msg =
"Found the following GHC paths: \n"
++ unlines
(map (\(version, path) -> "ghc-" ++ version ++ ": " ++ path)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ embedInStars msg
-- stack specific targets
phony "build" (need (reverse $ map ("hie-" ++) hieVersions))
phony "build-all" (need ["build-doc", "build"])
phony "test" $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["check-stack"]
need ["cabal"]
forM_ hieVersions stackTest
phony "build-copy-compiler-tool" $ forM_ hieVersions buildCopyCompilerTool
phony "build-doc" $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["check-stack"]
-- main targets for building hie with `stack`
(\version -> phony ("hie-" ++ version) $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["check-stack"]
need ["cabal"]
stackBuildHie version
stackInstallHie version
-- cabal specific targets
phony "cabal-build" (need (map ("cabal-hie-" ++) ghcVersions))
phony "cabal-build-all" (need ["cabal-build-doc", "cabal-build"])
phony "cabal-build-doc" $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["cabal"]
phony "cabal-test" $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["cabal"]
forM_ ghcVersions cabalTest
(\version -> phony ("cabal-hie-" ++ version) $ do
need ["submodules"]
need ["cabal"]
cabalBuildHie version
cabalInstallHie version
-- macos specific targets
phony "icu-macos-fix"
(need ["icu-macos-fix-install"] >> need ["icu-macos-fix-build"])
phony "icu-macos-fix-install" (command_ [] "brew" ["install", "icu4c"])
phony "icu-macos-fix-build" $ mapM_ buildIcuMacosFix hieVersions
buildIcuMacosFix :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildIcuMacosFix version = execStackWithGhc_
[ "build"
, "text-icu"
, "--extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib"
, "--extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include"
-- | update the submodules that the project is in the state as required by the `stack.yaml` files
updateSubmodules :: Action ()
updateSubmodules = do
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"]
command_ [] "git" ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"]
-- TODO: this restriction will be gone in the next release of cabal
validateCabalNewInstallIsSupported :: Action ()
validateCabalNewInstallIsSupported = when isWindowsSystem $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ embedInStars cabalInstallNotSuportedFailMsg
error cabalInstallNotSuportedFailMsg
configureCabal :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
configureCabal versionNumber = do
ghcPath <- getGhcPath versionNumber >>= \case
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ embedInStars (ghcVersionNotFoundFailMsg versionNumber)
error (ghcVersionNotFoundFailMsg versionNumber)
Just p -> return p
["new-configure", "-w", ghcPath, "--write-ghc-environment-files=never"]
findInstalledGhcs :: IO [(VersionNumber, GhcPath)]
findInstalledGhcs = mapMaybeM
(\version -> getGhcPath version >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just p -> return $ Just (version, p)
(reverse hieVersions)
cabalBuildHie :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
cabalBuildHie versionNumber = do
configureCabal versionNumber
execCabal_ ["new-build", "--write-ghc-environment-files=never"]
cabalInstallHie :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
cabalInstallHie versionNumber = do
localBin <- getLocalBin
[ "new-install"
, "--write-ghc-environment-files=never"
, "--symlink-bindir=" ++ localBin
, "exe:hie"
, "--overwrite-policy=always"
copyFile' (localBin </> "hie" <.> exe)
(localBin </> "hie-" ++ versionNumber <.> exe)
copyFile' (localBin </> "hie" <.> exe)
(localBin </> "hie-" ++ dropExtension versionNumber <.> exe)
cabalBuildDoc :: Action ()
cabalBuildDoc = do
execCabal_ ["new-build", "hoogle", "generate"]
execCabal_ ["new-exec", "hoogle", "generate"]
cabalTest :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
cabalTest versionNumber = do
configureCabal versionNumber
execCabal_ ["new-test"]
installCabal :: Action ()
installCabal = do
-- try to find existing `cabal` executable with appropriate version
cabalExe <- liftIO (findExecutable "cabal") >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just cabalExe -> do
Stdout cabalVersion <- execCabal ["--numeric-version"]
let (parsedVersion, "") : _ =
cabalVersion & trim & readP_to_S parseVersion & filter
(("" ==) . snd)
return $ if parsedVersion >= makeVersion [2, 4, 1, 0]
then Just cabalExe
else Nothing
-- install `cabal-install` if not already installed
when (isNothing cabalExe) $
execStackShake_ ["install", "cabal-install"]
execCabal_ ["update"]
ghc <- getStackGhcPathShake
execCabal_ ["install", "Cabal-", "--with-compiler=" ++ ghc]
checkStack :: Action ()
checkStack = do
Stdout stackVersion <- execStackShake ["--numeric-version"]
let (parsedVersion, "") : _ =
stackVersion & trim & readP_to_S parseVersion & filter
(("" ==) . snd)
unless (parsedVersion >= makeVersion requiredStackVersion) $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ embedInStars $ stackExeIsOldFailMsg $ trim stackVersion
error $ stackExeIsOldFailMsg $ trim stackVersion
stackBuildHie :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
stackBuildHie versionNumber =
execStackWithGhc_ versionNumber ["build"]
`actionOnException` liftIO (putStrLn stackBuildFailMsg)
-- | copy the built binaries into the localBinDir
stackInstallHie :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
stackInstallHie versionNumber = do
execStackWithGhc_ versionNumber ["install"]
localBinDir <- getLocalBin
localInstallRoot <- getLocalInstallRoot versionNumber
let hie = "hie" <.> exe
copyFile' (localInstallRoot </> "bin" </> hie)
(localBinDir </> "hie-" ++ versionNumber <.> exe)
copyFile' (localInstallRoot </> "bin" </> hie)
(localBinDir </> "hie-" ++ dropExtension versionNumber <.> exe)
buildCopyCompilerTool :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
buildCopyCompilerTool versionNumber =
execStackWithGhc_ versionNumber ["build", "--copy-compiler-tool"]
stackTest :: VersionNumber -> Action ()
stackTest versionNumber = execStackWithGhc_ versionNumber ["test"]
stackBuildDoc :: Action ()
stackBuildDoc = do
execStackShake_ ["build", "hoogle"]
execStackShake_ ["exec", "hoogle", "generate"]
-- | short help message is printed by default
shortHelpMessage :: Action ()
shortHelpMessage = do
let out = liftIO . putStrLn
scriptName <- liftIO getProgName
out ""
out "Usage:"
out' ("stack " <> scriptName <> " <target>")
out ""
out "Targets:"
mapM_ (out' . showTarget spaces) targets
out ""
out = liftIO . putStrLn
out' = out . (" " ++)
spaces = space targets
targets =
[ ("help", "Show help message including all targets")
, emptyTarget
, ( "build"
, "Builds hie for all supported GHC versions ("
++ allVersionMessage hieVersions
++ ")"
, stackBuildAllTarget
, stackHieTarget mostRecentHieVersion
, stackBuildDocTarget
, stackHieTarget "8.4.4"
, emptyTarget
, ( "cabal-ghcs"
, "Show all GHC versions that can be installed via `cabal-build` and `cabal-build-all`."
, cabalBuildTarget
, cabalBuildAllTarget
, cabalHieTarget mostRecentHieVersion
, cabalBuildDocTarget
, cabalHieTarget "8.4.4"
helpMessage :: Action ()
helpMessage = do
scriptName <- liftIO getProgName
out ""
out "Usage:"
out' ("stack " <> scriptName <> " <target>")
out ""
out "Targets:"
mapM_ (out' . showTarget spaces) targets
out ""
out = liftIO . putStrLn
out' = out . (" " ++)
spaces = space targets
-- All targets the shake file supports
targets :: [(String, String)]
targets = intercalate
[generalTargets, stackTargets, cabalTargets, macosTargets]
-- All targets with their respective help message.
generalTargets =
[ ("help", "Show help message including all targets")
, ( "cabal"
, "Makes sure that Cabal the lib is available for cabal-helper-wapper, to speed up project start"
macosTargets = [("icu-macos-fix", "Fixes icu related problems in MacOS")]
stackTargets =
[ ( "build"
, "Builds hie for all supported GHC versions ("
++ allVersionMessage hieVersions
++ ")"
, stackBuildAllTarget
, stackBuildDocTarget
, ("test", "Runs hie tests with stack")
++ map stackHieTarget hieVersions
cabalTargets =
[ ( "cabal-ghcs"
, "Show all GHC versions that can be installed via `cabal-build` and `cabal-build-all`."
, cabalBuildTarget
, cabalBuildAllTarget
, cabalBuildDocTarget
, ("cabal-test", "Runs hie tests with cabal")
++ map cabalHieTarget hieVersions
-- | Empty target. Purpose is to introduce a newline between the targets
emptyTarget :: (String, String)
emptyTarget = ("", "")
-- | Number of spaces the target name including whitespace should have.
-- At least twenty, maybe more if target names are long. At most the length of the longest target plus five.
space :: [(String, String)] -> Int
space phonyTargets = maximum (20 : map ((+ 5) . length . fst) phonyTargets)
-- | Show a target.
-- Concatenates the target with its help message and inserts whitespace between them.
showTarget :: Int -> (String, String) -> String
showTarget spaces (target, msg) =
target ++ replicate (spaces - length target) ' ' ++ msg
-- | Target for a specific ghc version
stackHieTarget :: String -> (String, String)
stackHieTarget version =
( "hie-" ++ version
, "Builds hie for GHC version " ++ version ++ " only with stack"
-- | Target for a specific ghc version
cabalHieTarget :: String -> (String, String)
cabalHieTarget version =
( "cabal-hie-" ++ version
, "Builds hie for GHC version " ++ version ++ " only with cabal new-build"
stackBuildDocTarget :: (String, String)
stackBuildDocTarget = ("build-doc", "Builds the Hoogle database")
stackBuildAllTarget :: (String, String)
stackBuildAllTarget =
( "build-all"
, "Builds hie for all supported GHC versions and the hoogle database"
cabalBuildTarget :: (String, String)
cabalBuildTarget =
("cabal-build", "Builds hie with cabal with all installed GHCs.")
cabalBuildDocTarget :: (String, String)
cabalBuildDocTarget =
("cabal-build-doc", "Builds the Hoogle database with cabal")
cabalBuildAllTarget :: (String, String)
cabalBuildAllTarget =
( "cabal-build-all"
, "Builds hie for all installed GHC versions and the hoogle database with cabal"
-- | Creates a message of the form "a, b, c and d", where a,b,c,d are GHC versions.
-- If there is no GHC in the list of `hieVersions`
allVersionMessage :: [String] -> String
allVersionMessage wordList = case wordList of
[] -> ""
[a] -> show a
(a : as) ->
let msg = intersperse ", " wordList
lastVersion = last msg
in concat $ (init $ init msg) ++ [" and ", lastVersion]
-- | Execute a stack command for a specified ghc, discarding the output
execStackWithGhc_ :: VersionNumber -> [String] -> Action ()
execStackWithGhc_ versionNumber args = do
let stackFile = "stack-" ++ versionNumber ++ ".yaml"
command_ [] "stack" (("--stack-yaml=" ++ stackFile) : args)
-- | Execute a stack command for a specified ghc
execStackWithGhc :: CmdResult r => VersionNumber -> [String] -> Action r
execStackWithGhc versionNumber args = do
let stackFile = "stack-" ++ versionNumber ++ ".yaml"
command [] "stack" (("--stack-yaml=" ++ stackFile) : args)
-- | Execute a stack command with the same resolver as the build script
execStackShake :: CmdResult r => [String] -> Action r
execStackShake args =
command [] "stack" ("--stack-yaml=shake.yaml" : args)
-- | Execute a stack command with the same resolver as the build script, discarding the output
execStackShake_ :: [String] -> Action ()
execStackShake_ args =
command_ [] "stack" ("--stack-yaml=shake.yaml" : args)
execCabal :: CmdResult r => [String] -> Action r
execCabal =
command [] "cabal"
execCabal_ :: [String] -> Action ()
execCabal_ = command_ [] "cabal"
existsExecutable :: MonadIO m => String -> m Bool
existsExecutable executable = liftIO $ isJust <$> findExecutable executable
-- |Check if the current system is windows
isWindowsSystem :: Bool
isWindowsSystem = os `elem` ["mingw32", "win32"]
-- | Get the path to the GHC compiler executable linked to the local `stack-$GHCVER.yaml`.
-- Equal to the command `stack path --stack-yaml $stack-yaml --compiler-exe`.
-- This might install a GHC if it is not already installed, thus, might fail if stack fails to install the GHC.
getStackGhcPath :: VersionNumber -> Action GhcPath
getStackGhcPath ghcVersion = do
Stdout ghc <- execStackWithGhc ghcVersion ["path", "--compiler-exe"]
return $ trim ghc
getStackGhcPathShake :: Action GhcPath
getStackGhcPathShake = do
Stdout ghc <- execStackShake ["path", "--compiler-exe"]
return $ trim ghc
-- | Get the path to a GHC that has the version specified by `VersionNumber`
-- If no such GHC can be found, Nothing is returned.
-- First, it is checked whether there is a GHC with the name `ghc-$VersionNumber`.
-- If this yields no result, it is checked, whether the numeric-version of the `ghc`
-- command fits to the desired version.
getGhcPath :: MonadIO m => VersionNumber -> m (Maybe GhcPath)
getGhcPath ghcVersion = liftIO $
findExecutable ("ghc-" ++ ghcVersion) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
findExecutable "ghc" >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just p -> do
Stdout version <- cmd p ["--numeric-version"] :: IO (Stdout String)
if ghcVersion == trim version then return $ Just p else return Nothing
p -> return p
-- | Read the local install root of the stack project specified by the VersionNumber
-- Returns the filepath of the local install root.
-- Equal to the command `stack path --local-install-root`
getLocalInstallRoot :: VersionNumber -> Action FilePath
getLocalInstallRoot hieVersion = do
Stdout localInstallRoot' <- execStackWithGhc
["path", "--local-install-root"]
return $ trim localInstallRoot'
-- | Get the local binary path of stack.
-- Equal to the command `stack path --local-bin`
getLocalBin :: Action FilePath
getLocalBin = do
Stdout stackLocalDir' <- execStackShake
["path", "--local-bin"]
return $ trim stackLocalDir'
-- | Trim the end of a string
trim :: String -> String
trim = dropWhileEnd isSpace
-- | Embed a string within two lines of stars to improve perceivability and, thus, readability.
embedInStars :: String -> String
embedInStars str =
let starsLine
= "\n******************************************************************\n"
in starsLine <> str <> starsLine
-- |Stack build fails message
stackBuildFailMsg :: String
stackBuildFailMsg =
$ "Building failed, "
++ "Try running `stack clean` and restart the build\n"
++ "If this does not work, open an issue at \n"
++ "\thttps://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine"
-- | No suitable ghc version has been found. Show a message.
ghcVersionNotFoundFailMsg :: VersionNumber -> String
ghcVersionNotFoundFailMsg versionNumber =
"No GHC with version "
<> versionNumber
<> " has been found.\n"
<> "Either install a fitting GHC, use the stack targets or modify the PATH variable accordingly."
-- | Error message when a windows system tries to install HIE via `cabal new-install`
cabalInstallNotSuportedFailMsg :: String
cabalInstallNotSuportedFailMsg =
"This system has been identified as a windows system.\n"
++ "Unfortunately, `cabal new-install` is currently not supported on windows.\n"
++ "Please use one of the stack-based targets.\n\n"
++ "If this system has been falsely identified, please open an issue at:\n\thttps://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine\n"
-- | Error message when the `stack` binary is an older version
stackExeIsOldFailMsg :: String -> String
stackExeIsOldFailMsg stackVersion =
"The `stack` executable is outdated.\n"
++ "found version is `" ++ stackVersion ++ "`.\n"
++ "required version is `" ++ showVersion (makeVersion requiredStackVersion) ++ "`.\n"
++ "Please run `stack upgrade` to upgrade your stack installation"
requiredStackVersion :: [Int]
requiredStackVersion = [1, 9, 3]