Refactor context search to use readFields

Instead of custom parsing of the cabal file, we use `readFields` to parse
the cabal file, as accurately as cabal supports. This allows us to
additionally benefit from future improvements to the cabal lexer.

Then, we traverse the fields and find the most likely location of the
cursor in the cabal file.
Based on these results, we can then establish the context accurately.

Further, we extend the known rules for the cabal plugin, to avoid
expensive reparsing using `readFields`.

Co-authored-by: VeryMilkyJoe <>
This commit is contained in:
Fendor 2024-05-27 21:42:30 +02:00 committed by fendor
parent ce2435d620
commit 013fefe578
9 changed files with 421 additions and 222 deletions

View File

@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ library hls-cabal-plugin

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Hashable
@ -27,12 +27,17 @@ import Development.IDE.Graph (Key, alwaysRerun)
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Logic as Ghcide
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types as Ghcide
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (toKey)
import qualified Distribution.Fields as Syntax
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Position as Syntax
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Types as CompleterTypes
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completions as Completions
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types (ParseCabalFields (..),
ParseCabalFile (..))
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types as Types
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diagnostics as Diagnostics
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.LicenseSuggest as LicenseSuggest
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Orphans ()
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Parse
import Ide.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as JL
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ instance Pretty Log where
"Set files of interest to:" <+> viaShow files
LogCompletionContext context position ->
"Determined completion context:"
<+> viaShow context
<+> pretty context
<+> "for cursor position:"
<+> pretty position
LogCompletions logs -> pretty logs
@ -145,30 +150,55 @@ cabalRules recorder plId = do
-- Make sure we initialise the cabal files-of-interest.
ofInterestRules recorder
-- Rule to produce diagnostics for cabal files.
define (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \Types.GetCabalDiagnostics file -> do
define (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \ParseCabalFields file -> do
config <- getPluginConfigAction plId
if not (plcGlobalOn config && plcDiagnosticsOn config)
then pure ([], Nothing)
else do
-- whenever this key is marked as dirty (e.g., when a user writes stuff to it),
-- we rerun this rule because this rule *depends* on GetModificationTime.
(t, mCabalSource) <- use_ GetFileContents file
log' Debug $ LogModificationTime file t
contents <- case mCabalSource of
Just sources ->
pure $ Encoding.encodeUtf8 sources
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ BS.readFile $ fromNormalizedFilePath file
then pure ([], Nothing)
else do
-- whenever this key is marked as dirty (e.g., when a user writes stuff to it),
-- we rerun this rule because this rule *depends* on GetModificationTime.
(t, mCabalSource) <- use_ GetFileContents file
log' Debug $ LogModificationTime file t
contents <- case mCabalSource of
Just sources ->
pure $ Encoding.encodeUtf8 sources
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ BS.readFile $ fromNormalizedFilePath file
(pWarnings, pm) <- liftIO $ Parse.parseCabalFileContents contents
let warningDiags = fmap (Diagnostics.warningDiagnostic file) pWarnings
case pm of
Left (_cabalVersion, pErrorNE) -> do
let errorDiags = NE.toList $ (Diagnostics.errorDiagnostic file) pErrorNE
allDiags = errorDiags <> warningDiags
pure (allDiags, Nothing)
Right gpd -> do
pure (warningDiags, Just gpd)
case Parse.readCabalFields file contents of
Left _ ->
pure ([], Nothing)
Right fields ->
pure ([], Just fields)
define (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \ParseCabalFile file -> do
config <- getPluginConfigAction plId
if not (plcGlobalOn config && plcDiagnosticsOn config)
then pure ([], Nothing)
else do
-- whenever this key is marked as dirty (e.g., when a user writes stuff to it),
-- we rerun this rule because this rule *depends* on GetModificationTime.
(t, mCabalSource) <- use_ GetFileContents file
log' Debug $ LogModificationTime file t
contents <- case mCabalSource of
Just sources ->
pure $ Encoding.encodeUtf8 sources
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ BS.readFile $ fromNormalizedFilePath file
-- Instead of fully reparsing the sources to get a 'GenericPackageDescription',
-- we would much rather re-use the already parsed results of 'ParseCabalFields'.
-- Unfortunately, Cabal-syntax doesn't expose the function 'parseGenericPackageDescription''
-- which allows us to resume the parsing pipeline with '[Field Position]'.
(pWarnings, pm) <- liftIO $ Parse.parseCabalFileContents contents
let warningDiags = fmap (Diagnostics.warningDiagnostic file) pWarnings
case pm of
Left (_cabalVersion, pErrorNE) -> do
let errorDiags = NE.toList $ (Diagnostics.errorDiagnostic file) pErrorNE
allDiags = errorDiags <> warningDiags
pure (allDiags, Nothing)
Right gpd -> do
pure (warningDiags, Just gpd)
action $ do
-- Run the cabal kick. This code always runs when 'shakeRestart' is run.
@ -188,7 +218,7 @@ function invocation.
kick :: Action ()
kick = do
files <- HashMap.keys <$> getCabalFilesOfInterestUntracked
void $ uses Types.GetCabalDiagnostics files
void $ uses Types.ParseCabalFile files
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Code Actions
@ -281,24 +311,31 @@ completion :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'LSP.M
completion recorder ide _ complParams = do
let (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) = complParams ^. JL.textDocument
position = complParams ^. JL.position
contents <- lift $ getVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri
case (contents, uriToFilePath' uri) of
(Just cnts, Just path) -> do
let pref = Ghcide.getCompletionPrefix position cnts
let res = result pref path cnts
liftIO $ fmap InL res
_ -> pure . InR $ InR Null
mVf <- lift $ getVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri
case (,) <$> mVf <*> uriToFilePath' uri of
Just (cnts, path) -> do
mFields <- liftIO $ runIdeAction "cabal-plugin.fields" (shakeExtras ide) $ useWithStaleFast ParseCabalFields $ toNormalizedFilePath path
case mFields of
Nothing ->
pure . InR $ InR Null
Just (fields, _) -> do
let pref = Ghcide.getCompletionPrefix position cnts
let res = produceCompletions pref path fields
liftIO $ fmap InL res
Nothing -> pure . InR $ InR Null
result :: Ghcide.PosPrefixInfo -> FilePath -> VFS.VirtualFile -> IO [CompletionItem]
result prefix fp cnts = do
runMaybeT context >>= \case
completerRecorder = cmapWithPrio LogCompletions recorder
produceCompletions :: Ghcide.PosPrefixInfo -> FilePath -> [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] -> IO [CompletionItem]
produceCompletions prefix fp fields = do
runMaybeT (context fields) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just ctx -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCompletionContext ctx pos
let completer = Completions.contextToCompleter ctx
let completerData = CompleterTypes.CompleterData
{ getLatestGPD = do
mGPD <- runIdeAction "cabal-plugin.modulesCompleter.gpd" (shakeExtras ide) $ useWithStaleFast Types.GetCabalDiagnostics $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
mGPD <- runIdeAction "cabal-plugin.modulesCompleter.gpd" (shakeExtras ide) $ useWithStaleFast ParseCabalFile $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
pure $ fmap fst mGPD
, cabalPrefixInfo = prefInfo
, stanzaName =
@ -309,7 +346,6 @@ completion recorder ide _ complParams = do
completions <- completer completerRecorder completerData
pure completions
completerRecorder = cmapWithPrio LogCompletions recorder
pos = Ghcide.cursorPos prefix
context = Completions.getContext completerRecorder prefInfo (cnts ^. VFS.file_text)
context fields = Completions.getContext completerRecorder prefInfo fields
prefInfo = Completions.getCabalPrefixInfo fp prefix

View File

@ -4,17 +4,15 @@ module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completions (contextToCompleter, getContext,
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Lines as Rope (Position (..))
import Data.Text.Utf16.Rope.Mixed (Rope)
import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Rope.Mixed as Rope
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Development.IDE as D
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types as Ghcide
import qualified Distribution.Fields as Syntax
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Position as Syntax
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Simple
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Snippet
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Types (Completer)
@ -64,32 +62,13 @@ contextToCompleter (Stanza s _, KeyWord kw) =
-- Can return Nothing if an error occurs.
-- TODO: first line can only have cabal-version: keyword
getContext :: (MonadIO m) => Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> CabalPrefixInfo -> Rope -> MaybeT m Context
getContext recorder prefInfo ls =
case prevLinesM of
Just prevLines -> do
let lvlContext =
if completionIndentation prefInfo == 0
then TopLevel
else currentLevel prevLines
case lvlContext of
TopLevel -> do
kwContext <- MaybeT . pure $ getKeyWordContext prefInfo prevLines (cabalVersionKeyword <> cabalKeywords)
pure (TopLevel, kwContext)
Stanza s n ->
case Map.lookup s stanzaKeywordMap of
Nothing -> do
pure (Stanza s n, None)
Just m -> do
kwContext <- MaybeT . pure $ getKeyWordContext prefInfo prevLines m
pure (Stanza s n, kwContext)
Nothing -> do
logWith recorder Warning $ LogFileSplitError pos
-- basically returns nothing
fail "Abort computation"
getContext :: (MonadIO m) => Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> CabalPrefixInfo -> [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] -> m Context
getContext recorder prefInfo fields = do
let ctx = findCursorContext cursor (NE.singleton (0, TopLevel)) (completionPrefix prefInfo) fields
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCompletionContext ctx
pure ctx
pos = completionCursorPosition prefInfo
prevLinesM = splitAtPosition pos ls
cursor = lspPositionToCabalPosition (completionCursorPosition prefInfo)
-- | Takes information about the current file's file path,
-- and the cursor position in the file; and builds a CabalPrefixInfo
@ -144,84 +123,111 @@ getCabalPrefixInfo fp prefixInfo =
-- Implementation Details
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Takes prefix info about the previously written text,
-- a list of lines (representing a file) and a map of
-- keywords and returns a keyword context if the
-- previously written keyword matches one in the map.
findCursorContext ::
Syntax.Position ->
-- ^ The cursor position we look for in the fields
NonEmpty (Int, StanzaContext) ->
-- ^ A stack of current stanza contexts and their starting line numbers
T.Text ->
-- ^ The cursor's prefix text
[Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] ->
-- ^ The fields to traverse
findCursorContext cursor parentHistory prefixText fields =
case findFieldSection cursor fields of
Nothing -> (snd $ NE.head parentHistory, None)
-- We found the most likely section. Now, are we starting a new section or are we completing an existing one?
Just field@(Syntax.Field _ _) -> classifyFieldContext parentHistory cursor field
Just section@(Syntax.Section _ args sectionFields)
| inSameLineAsSectionName section -> (stanzaCtx, None) -- TODO: test whether keyword in same line is parsed correctly
| otherwise ->
findCursorContext cursor
(NE.cons (Syntax.positionCol (getAnnotation section) + 1, Stanza (getFieldName section) (getOptionalSectionName args)) parentHistory)
prefixText sectionFields
inSameLineAsSectionName section = Syntax.positionRow (getAnnotation section) == Syntax.positionRow cursor
stanzaCtx = snd $ NE.head parentHistory
-- | Finds the cursor's context, where the cursor is already found to be in a specific field
-- From a cursor position, we traverse the cabal file upwards to
-- find the latest written keyword if there is any.
-- Values may be written on subsequent lines,
-- in order to allow for this we take the indentation of the current
-- word to be completed into account to find the correct keyword context.
getKeyWordContext :: CabalPrefixInfo -> [T.Text] -> Map KeyWordName a -> Maybe FieldContext
getKeyWordContext prefInfo ls keywords = do
case lastNonEmptyLineM of
Nothing -> Just None
Just lastLine' -> do
let (whiteSpaces, lastLine) = T.span (== ' ') lastLine'
let keywordIndentation = T.length whiteSpaces
let cursorIndentation = completionIndentation prefInfo
-- in order to be in a keyword context the cursor needs
-- to be indented more than the keyword
if cursorIndentation > keywordIndentation
then -- if the last thing written was a keyword without a value
case List.find (`T.isPrefixOf` lastLine) (Map.keys keywords) of
Nothing -> Just None
Just kw -> Just $ KeyWord kw
else Just None
-- Due to the way the field context is recognised for incomplete cabal files,
-- an incomplete keyword is also recognised as a field, therefore we need to determine
-- the specific context as we could still be in a stanza context in this case.
classifyFieldContext :: NonEmpty (Int, StanzaContext) -> Syntax.Position -> Syntax.Field Syntax.Position -> Context
classifyFieldContext ctx cursor field
-- the cursor is not indented enough to be within the field
-- but still indented enough to be within the stanza
| cursorColumn <= fieldColumn && minIndent <= cursorColumn = (stanzaCtx, None)
-- the cursor is not in the current stanza's context as it is not indented enough
| cursorColumn < minIndent = findStanzaForColumn cursorColumn ctx
| cursorIsInFieldName = (stanzaCtx, None)
| cursorIsBeforeFieldName = (stanzaCtx, None)
| otherwise = (stanzaCtx, KeyWord (getFieldName field <> ":"))
lastNonEmptyLineM :: Maybe T.Text
lastNonEmptyLineM = do
(curLine, rest) <- List.uncons ls
-- represents the current line while disregarding the
-- currently written text we want to complete
let cur = stripPartiallyWritten curLine
List.find (not . T.null . T.stripEnd) $
cur : rest
(minIndent, stanzaCtx) = NE.head ctx
-- | Traverse the given lines (starting before current cursor position
-- up to the start of the file) to find the nearest stanza declaration,
-- if none is found we are in the top level context.
cursorIsInFieldName = inSameLineAsFieldName &&
fieldColumn <= cursorColumn &&
cursorColumn <= fieldColumn + T.length (getFieldName field)
cursorIsBeforeFieldName = inSameLineAsFieldName &&
cursorColumn < fieldColumn
inSameLineAsFieldName = Syntax.positionRow (getAnnotation field) == Syntax.positionRow cursor
cursorColumn = Syntax.positionCol cursor
fieldColumn = Syntax.positionCol (getAnnotation field)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cabal-syntax utilities I don't really want to write myself
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Determine the context of a cursor position within a stack of stanza contexts
-- TODO: this could be merged with getKeyWordContext in order to increase
-- performance by reducing the number of times we have to traverse the cabal file.
currentLevel :: [T.Text] -> StanzaContext
currentLevel [] = TopLevel
currentLevel (cur : xs)
| Just (s, n) <- stanza = Stanza s n
| otherwise = currentLevel xs
stanza = asum $ map checkStanza (Map.keys stanzaKeywordMap)
checkStanza :: StanzaType -> Maybe (StanzaType, Maybe StanzaName)
checkStanza t =
case T.stripPrefix t (T.strip cur) of
Just n
| T.null n -> Just (t, Nothing)
| otherwise -> Just (t, Just $ T.strip n)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- If the cursor is indented more than one of the stanzas in the stack
-- the respective stanza is returned if this is never the case, the toplevel stanza
-- in the stack is returned.
findStanzaForColumn :: Int -> NonEmpty (Int, StanzaContext) -> (StanzaContext, FieldContext)
findStanzaForColumn col ctx = case NE.uncons ctx of
((_, stanza), Nothing) -> (stanza, None)
((indentation, stanza), Just res)
| col < indentation -> findStanzaForColumn col res
| otherwise -> (stanza, None)
-- | Get all lines before the given cursor position in the given file
-- and reverse their order to traverse backwards starting from the given position.
splitAtPosition :: Position -> Rope -> Maybe [T.Text]
splitAtPosition pos ls = do
split <- splitFile
pure $ reverse $ Rope.lines $ fst split
splitFile = Rope.utf16SplitAtPosition ropePos ls
ropePos =
{ Rope.posLine = fromIntegral $ pos ^. JL.line,
Rope.posColumn = fromIntegral $ pos ^. JL.character
-- | Determine the field the cursor is currently a part of.
-- The result is said field and its starting position
-- or Nothing if the passed list of fields is empty.
-- | Takes a line of text and removes the last partially
-- written word to be completed.
stripPartiallyWritten :: T.Text -> T.Text
stripPartiallyWritten = T.dropWhileEnd (\y -> (y /= ' ') && (y /= ':'))
-- | Calculates how many spaces the currently completed item is indented.
completionIndentation :: CabalPrefixInfo -> Int
completionIndentation prefInfo = fromIntegral (pos ^. JL.character) - (T.length $ completionPrefix prefInfo)
-- This only looks at the row of the cursor and not at the cursor's
-- position within the row.
-- TODO: we do not handle braces correctly. Add more tests!
findFieldSection :: Syntax.Position -> [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] -> Maybe (Syntax.Field Syntax.Position)
findFieldSection _cursor [] = Nothing
findFieldSection _cursor [x] =
-- Last field. We decide later, whether we are starting
-- a new section.
Just x
findFieldSection cursor (x:y:ys)
| Syntax.positionRow (getAnnotation x) <= cursorLine && cursorLine < Syntax.positionRow (getAnnotation y)
= Just x
| otherwise = findFieldSection cursor (y:ys)
pos = completionCursorPosition prefInfo
cursorLine = Syntax.positionRow cursor
type FieldName = T.Text
getAnnotation :: Syntax.Field ann -> ann
getAnnotation (Syntax.Field (Syntax.Name ann _) _) = ann
getAnnotation (Syntax.Section (Syntax.Name ann _) _ _) = ann
getFieldName :: Syntax.Field ann -> FieldName
getFieldName (Syntax.Field (Syntax.Name _ fn) _) = T.decodeUtf8 fn
getFieldName (Syntax.Section (Syntax.Name _ fn) _ _) = T.decodeUtf8 fn
getOptionalSectionName :: [Syntax.SectionArg ann] -> Maybe T.Text
getOptionalSectionName [] = Nothing
getOptionalSectionName (x:xs) = case x of
Syntax.SecArgName _ name -> Just (T.decodeUtf8 name)
_ -> getOptionalSectionName xs

View File

@ -4,13 +4,17 @@
module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import Development.IDE as D
import Development.IDE as D
import qualified Distribution.Fields as Syntax
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Position as Syntax
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Parse
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as JL
data Log
= LogFileSplitError Position
@ -21,6 +25,7 @@ data Log
| LogFilePathCompleterIOError FilePath IOError
| LogUseWithStaleFastNoResult
| LogMapLookUpOfKnownKeyFailed T.Text
| LogCompletionContext Context
deriving (Show)
instance Pretty Log where
@ -34,15 +39,25 @@ instance Pretty Log where
"When trying to complete the file path:" <+> pretty fp <+> "the following unexpected IO error occurred" <+> viaShow ioErr
LogUseWithStaleFastNoResult -> "Package description couldn't be read"
LogMapLookUpOfKnownKeyFailed key -> "Lookup of key in map failed even though it should exist" <+> pretty key
LogCompletionContext ctx -> "Completion context is:" <+> pretty ctx
type instance RuleResult GetCabalDiagnostics = Parse.GenericPackageDescription
type instance RuleResult ParseCabalFile = PD.GenericPackageDescription
data GetCabalDiagnostics = GetCabalDiagnostics
data ParseCabalFile = ParseCabalFile
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetCabalDiagnostics
instance Hashable ParseCabalFile
instance NFData GetCabalDiagnostics
instance NFData ParseCabalFile
type instance RuleResult ParseCabalFields = [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position]
data ParseCabalFields = ParseCabalFields
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable ParseCabalFields
instance NFData ParseCabalFields
-- | The context a cursor can be in within a cabal file.
@ -61,9 +76,13 @@ data StanzaContext
-- Stanzas have their own fields which differ from top-level fields.
-- Each stanza must be named, such as 'executable exe',
-- except for the main library.
Stanza StanzaType (Maybe StanzaName)
Stanza !StanzaType !(Maybe StanzaName)
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance Pretty StanzaContext where
pretty TopLevel = "TopLevel"
pretty (Stanza t ms) = "Stanza" <+> pretty t <+> (maybe mempty pretty ms)
-- | Keyword context in a cabal file.
-- Used to decide whether to suggest values or keywords.
@ -71,12 +90,16 @@ data FieldContext
= -- | Key word context, where a keyword
-- occurs right before the current word
-- to be completed
KeyWord KeyWordName
KeyWord !KeyWordName
| -- | Keyword context where no keyword occurs
-- right before the current word to be completed
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance Pretty FieldContext where
pretty (KeyWord kw) = "KeyWord" <+> pretty kw
pretty None = "No Keyword"
type KeyWordName = T.Text
type StanzaName = T.Text
@ -139,3 +162,12 @@ applyStringNotation (Just LeftSide) compl = compl <> "\""
applyStringNotation Nothing compl
| Just _ <- T.find (== ' ') compl = "\"" <> compl <> "\""
| otherwise = compl
-- | Convert an LSP 'Position' to a 'Syntax.Position'.
-- Cabal Positions start their indexing at 1 while LSP starts at 0.
-- This helper makes sure, the translation is done properly.
lspPositionToCabalPosition :: Position -> Syntax.Position
lspPositionToCabalPosition pos = Syntax.Position
(fromIntegral (pos ^. JL.line) + 1)
(fromIntegral (pos ^. JL.character) + 1)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diagnostics
( errorDiagnostic
, warningDiagnostic
, positionFromCabalPosition
, fatalParseErrorDiagnostic
-- * Re-exports
, FileDiagnostic
, Diagnostic(..)
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE (FileDiagnostic,
ShowDiagnostic (ShowDiag))
import Distribution.Fields (showPError, showPWarning)
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Lib
import qualified Distribution.Parsec as Syntax
import Ide.PluginUtils (extendNextLine)
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (Diagnostic (..),
DiagnosticSeverity (..),
@ -23,16 +24,21 @@ import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (Diagnostic (..),
Range (Range),
-- | Produce a diagnostic for a fatal Cabal parser error.
fatalParseErrorDiagnostic :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
fatalParseErrorDiagnostic fp msg =
mkDiag fp "cabal" DiagnosticSeverity_Error (toBeginningOfNextLine Syntax.zeroPos) msg
-- | Produce a diagnostic from a Cabal parser error
errorDiagnostic :: NormalizedFilePath -> Lib.PError -> FileDiagnostic
errorDiagnostic fp err@(Lib.PError pos _) =
errorDiagnostic :: NormalizedFilePath -> Syntax.PError -> FileDiagnostic
errorDiagnostic fp err@(Syntax.PError pos _) =
mkDiag fp "cabal" DiagnosticSeverity_Error (toBeginningOfNextLine pos) msg
msg = T.pack $ showPError (fromNormalizedFilePath fp) err
-- | Produce a diagnostic from a Cabal parser warning
warningDiagnostic :: NormalizedFilePath -> Lib.PWarning -> FileDiagnostic
warningDiagnostic fp warning@(Lib.PWarning _ pos _) =
warningDiagnostic :: NormalizedFilePath -> Syntax.PWarning -> FileDiagnostic
warningDiagnostic fp warning@(Syntax.PWarning _ pos _) =
mkDiag fp "cabal" DiagnosticSeverity_Warning (toBeginningOfNextLine pos) msg
msg = T.pack $ showPWarning (fromNormalizedFilePath fp) warning
@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ warningDiagnostic fp warning@(Lib.PWarning _ pos _) =
-- only a single source code 'Lib.Position'.
-- We define the range to be _from_ this position
-- _to_ the first column of the next line.
toBeginningOfNextLine :: Lib.Position -> Range
toBeginningOfNextLine :: Syntax.Position -> Range
toBeginningOfNextLine cabalPos = extendNextLine $ Range pos pos
pos = positionFromCabalPosition cabalPos
@ -53,8 +59,8 @@ toBeginningOfNextLine cabalPos = extendNextLine $ Range pos pos
-- >>> positionFromCabalPosition $ Lib.Position 1 1
-- Position 0 0
positionFromCabalPosition :: Lib.Position -> Position
positionFromCabalPosition (Lib.Position line column) = Position (fromIntegral line') (fromIntegral col')
positionFromCabalPosition :: Syntax.Position -> Position
positionFromCabalPosition (Syntax.Position line column) = Position (fromIntegral line') (fromIntegral col')
-- LSP is zero-based, Cabal is one-based
line' = line-1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Orphans where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Distribution.Fields.Field
import Distribution.Parsec.Position
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cabal-syntax orphan instances we need sometimes
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
instance NFData (Field Position) where
rnf (Field name fieldLines) = rnf name `seq` rnf fieldLines
rnf (Section name sectionArgs fields) = rnf name `seq` rnf sectionArgs `seq` rnf fields
instance NFData (Name Position) where
rnf (Name ann fName) = rnf ann `seq` rnf fName
instance NFData (FieldLine Position) where
rnf (FieldLine ann bs) = rnf ann `seq` rnf bs
instance NFData (SectionArg Position) where
rnf (SecArgName ann bs) = rnf ann `seq` rnf bs
rnf (SecArgStr ann bs) = rnf ann `seq` rnf bs
rnf (SecArgOther ann bs) = rnf ann `seq` rnf bs

View File

@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse
( parseCabalFileContents
-- * Re-exports
, FilePath
, NonEmpty(..)
, PWarning(..)
, Version
, PError(..)
, Position(..)
, GenericPackageDescription(..)
, readCabalFields
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -16,12 +10,31 @@ import Distribution.Fields (PError (..),
PWarning (..))
import Distribution.Fields.ParseResult (runParseResult)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (parseGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Parsec.Position (Position (..))
import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription (..))
import Distribution.Types.Version (Version)
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diagnostics as Diagnostics
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE
import qualified Distribution.Fields.Parser as Syntax
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Position as Syntax
:: BS.ByteString -- ^ UTF-8 encoded bytestring
-> IO ([PWarning], Either (Maybe Version, NonEmpty PError) GenericPackageDescription)
parseCabalFileContents bs =
pure $ runParseResult (parseGenericPackageDescription bs)
readCabalFields ::
NormalizedFilePath ->
BS.ByteString ->
Either FileDiagnostic [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position]
readCabalFields file contents = do
case Syntax.readFields' contents of
Left parseError ->
Left $ Diagnostics.fatalParseErrorDiagnostic file
$ "Failed to parse cabal file: " <> T.pack (show parseError)
Right (fields, _warnings) -> do
-- we don't want to double report diagnostics, all diagnostics are produced by 'ParseCabalFile'.
Right fields

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types as Ghcide
import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe)
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.FilePath
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Module
@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Types (CompleterData (
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completions
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types (CabalPrefixInfo (..),
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse (GenericPackageDescription)
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hls

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Context where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Rope.Mixed as Rope
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types (PosPrefixInfo (..))
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Paths
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completions
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types (Context,
FieldContext (KeyWord, None),
StanzaContext (Stanza, TopLevel))
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Parse
import Test.Hls
import Utils as T
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ cabalPlugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor descriptor "cabal context"
contextTests :: TestTree
contextTests =
"Context Tests "
"Context Tests"
[ pathCompletionInfoFromCompletionContextTests
, getContextTests
@ -58,39 +60,39 @@ pathCompletionInfoFromCompletionContextTests =
getContextTests :: TestTree
getContextTests =
"Context Tests"
"Context Tests Real"
[ testCase "Empty File - Start" $ do
-- for a completely empty file, the context needs to
-- be top level without a specified keyword
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 0) "" [""]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 0) "" ""
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - no value, no space after :" $ do
-- on a file, where the keyword is already written
-- the context should still be toplevel but the keyword should be recognized
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 14) "" ["cabal-version:"]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 14) "" "cabal-version:\n"
ctx @?= (TopLevel, KeyWord "cabal-version:")
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - cursor in keyword" $ do
-- on a file, where the keyword is already written
-- but the cursor is in the middle of the keyword,
-- we are not in a keyword context
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 5) "cabal" ["cabal-version:"]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 5) "cabal" "cabal-version:\n"
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - no value, many spaces" $ do
-- on a file, where the "cabal-version:" keyword is already written
-- the context should still be top level but the keyword should be recognized
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 45) "" ["cabal-version:" <> T.replicate 50 " "]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 45) "" ("cabal-version:" <> T.replicate 50 " " <> "\n")
ctx @?= (TopLevel, KeyWord "cabal-version:")
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - keyword partly written" $ do
-- in the first line of the file, if the keyword
-- has not been written completely, the keyword context
-- should still be None
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 5) "cabal" ["cabal"]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 5) "cabal" "cabal"
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - value partly written" $ do
-- in the first line of the file, if the keyword
-- has not been written completely, the keyword context
-- should still be None
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 17) "1." ["cabal-version: 1."]
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 0 17) "1." "cabal-version: 1."
ctx @?= (TopLevel, KeyWord "cabal-version:")
, testCase "Inside Stanza - no keyword" $ do
-- on a file, where the library stanza has been defined
@ -102,14 +104,15 @@ getContextTests =
-- has been defined, the keyword and stanza should be recognized
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 4 21) "" libraryStanzaData
ctx @?= (Stanza "library" Nothing, KeyWord "build-depends:")
, expectFailBecause "While not valid, it is not that important to make the code more complicated for this" $
testCase "Cabal version keyword - no value, next line" $ do
-- if the cabal version keyword has been written but without a value,
-- in the next line we still should be in top level context with no keyword
-- since the cabal version keyword and value pair need to be in the same line
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 1 2) "" ["cabal-version:", ""]
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Non-cabal-version keyword - no value, next line indentented position" $ do
, testCase "Cabal version keyword - no value, next line" $ do
-- if the cabal version keyword has been written but without a value,
-- in the next line we still should be in top level context with no keyword
-- since the cabal version keyword and value pair need to be in the same line.
-- However, that's too much work to implement for virtually no benefit, so we
-- test here the status-quo is satisfied.
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 1 2) "" "cabal-version:\n\n"
ctx @?= (TopLevel, KeyWord "cabal-version:")
, testCase "Non-cabal-version keyword - no value, next line indented position" $ do
-- if a keyword, other than the cabal version keyword has been written
-- with no value, in the next line we still should be in top level keyword context
-- of the keyword with no value, since its value may be written in the next line
@ -153,46 +156,124 @@ getContextTests =
ctx @?= (TopLevel, KeyWord "name:")
, testCase "Named Stanza" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 2 18) "" executableStanzaData
ctx @?= (Stanza "executable" (Just "exeName"), None)
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Multi line, finds context in same line" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 5 18) "" multiLineOptsData
ctx @?= (Stanza "library" Nothing, KeyWord "build-depends:")
, testCase "Multi line, in the middle of option" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 6 11) "" multiLineOptsData
ctx @?= (Stanza "library" Nothing, KeyWord "build-depends:")
, testCase "Multi line, finds context in between lines" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 7 8) "" multiLineOptsData
ctx @?= (Stanza "library" Nothing, KeyWord "build-depends:")
, testCase "Multi line, finds context in between lines, start if line" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 7 0) "" multiLineOptsData
ctx @?= (TopLevel, None)
, testCase "Multi line, end of option" $ do
ctx <- callGetContext (Position 8 14) "" multiLineOptsData
ctx @?= (Stanza "library" Nothing, KeyWord "build-depends:")
, parameterisedCursorTest "Contexts in large testfile" multiPositionTestData
[ (TopLevel, None)
, (TopLevel, KeyWord "cabal-version:")
, (TopLevel, None)
, (TopLevel, KeyWord "description:")
, (TopLevel, KeyWord "extra-source-files:")
, (TopLevel, None)
-- this might not be what we want, maybe add another Context
, (TopLevel, None)
-- this might not be what we want, maybe add another Context
, (TopLevel, None)
, (Stanza "source-repository" (Just "head"), None)
, (Stanza "source-repository" (Just "head"), KeyWord "type:")
, (Stanza "source-repository" (Just "head"), KeyWord "type:")
, (Stanza "source-repository" (Just "head"), KeyWord "type:")
, (Stanza "source-repository" (Just "head"), None)
$ \fileContent posPrefInfo ->
callGetContext (cursorPos posPrefInfo) (prefixText posPrefInfo) fileContent
callGetContext :: Position -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> IO Context
callGetContext :: Position -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO Context
callGetContext pos pref ls = do
runMaybeT (getContext mempty (simpleCabalPrefixInfoFromPos pos pref) (Rope.fromText $ T.unlines ls))
>>= \case
Nothing -> assertFailure "Context must be found"
Just ctx -> pure ctx
case Parse.readCabalFields "not-real" (Text.encodeUtf8 ls) of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right fields -> do
getContext mempty (simpleCabalPrefixInfoFromPos pos pref) fields
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test Data
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
libraryStanzaData :: [T.Text]
libraryStanzaData =
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: simple-cabal"
, "library "
, " default-language: Haskell98"
, " build-depends: "
, " "
, "ma "
libraryStanzaData :: T.Text
libraryStanzaData = [trimming|
cabal-version: 3.0
name: simple-cabal
default-language: Haskell98
executableStanzaData :: [T.Text]
executableStanzaData =
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: simple-cabal"
, "executable exeName"
, " default-language: Haskell2010"
, " hs-source-dirs: test/preprocessor"
topLevelData :: [T.Text]
topLevelData =
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name:"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, " eee"
executableStanzaData :: T.Text
executableStanzaData = [trimming|
cabal-version: 3.0
name: simple-cabal
executable exeName
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: test/preprocessor
topLevelData :: T.Text
topLevelData = [trimming|
cabal-version: 3.0
multiLineOptsData :: T.Text
multiLineOptsData = [trimming|
cabal-version: 3.0
text ,
multiPositionTestData :: T.Text
multiPositionTestData = [trimming|
cabal-version: 3.4
^ ^
category: Development
name: haskell-language-server
Please see the README on GitHub at <>
-- These globs should only match test/testdata
source-repository head
^ ^ ^
type: git
^ ^ ^ ^