Another attempt at using the lsp API for some progress reporting (#4218)

* Another attempt at using the lsp API for some progress reporting

* Fixing tests

* Remove trace

* Make splice plugin tests not depend on progress

* More test fixing

* Switch to hackage

* stack

* warnings

* more

* Put tests back


Co-authored-by: Patrick <>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Peyton Jones 2024-05-19 16:06:38 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent b43dcbb8cf
commit 0651c5c904
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
19 changed files with 120 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ packages:
index-state: 2024-04-30T10:44:19Z
index-state: 2024-05-10T00:00:00Z
tests: True
test-show-details: direct

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ library
, implicit-hie >= && < 0.1.5
, lens
, list-t
, lsp ^>=
, lsp ^>=
, lsp-types ^>=
, mtl
, opentelemetry >=0.6.1

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.ProgressReporting
( ProgressEvent(..)
, ProgressReporting(..)
, noProgressReporting
, delayedProgressReporting
, progressReporting
-- utilities, reexported for use in Core.Shake
, mRunLspT
, mRunLspTCallback
@ -12,31 +12,28 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.ProgressReporting
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (TVar, atomicallyNamed,
modifyTVar', newTVarIO,
import Control.Concurrent.Strict
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (TVar, atomically,
atomicallyNamed, modifyTVar',
newTVarIO, readTVar, retry)
import Control.Concurrent.Strict (modifyVar_, newVar,
import Control.Monad.Extra hiding (loop)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (toJSON))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Unique
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans ()
import Development.IDE.Graph hiding (ShakeValue)
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import qualified Focus
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types as LSP
import Language.LSP.Server (ProgressAmount (..),
ProgressCancellable (..),
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STM
import System.Time.Extra
import UnliftIO.Exception (bracket_)
import UnliftIO (Async, async, cancel)
data ProgressEvent
= KickStarted
@ -64,14 +61,14 @@ data State
-- | State transitions used in 'delayedProgressReporting'
data Transition = Event ProgressEvent | StopProgress
updateState :: IO (Async ()) -> Transition -> State -> IO State
updateState _ _ Stopped = pure Stopped
updateState start (Event KickStarted) NotStarted = Running <$> start
updateState start (Event KickStarted) (Running a) = cancel a >> Running <$> start
updateState _ (Event KickCompleted) (Running a) = cancel a $> NotStarted
updateState _ (Event KickCompleted) st = pure st
updateState _ StopProgress (Running a) = cancel a $> Stopped
updateState _ StopProgress st = pure st
updateState :: IO () -> Transition -> State -> IO State
updateState _ _ Stopped = pure Stopped
updateState start (Event KickStarted) NotStarted = Running <$> async start
updateState start (Event KickStarted) (Running job) = cancel job >> Running <$> async start
updateState _ (Event KickCompleted) (Running job) = cancel job $> NotStarted
updateState _ (Event KickCompleted) st = pure st
updateState _ StopProgress (Running job) = cancel job $> Stopped
updateState _ StopProgress st = pure st
-- | Data structure to track progress across the project
data InProgressState = InProgressState
@ -93,7 +90,7 @@ recordProgress InProgressState{..} file shift = do
(Just 0, 0) -> pure ()
(Just 0, _) -> modifyTVar' doneVar pred
(Just _, 0) -> modifyTVar' doneVar (+1)
(Just _, _) -> pure()
(Just _, _) -> pure ()
alterPrevAndNew = do
prev <- Focus.lookup
@ -102,91 +99,38 @@ recordProgress InProgressState{..} file shift = do
return (prev, new)
alter x = let x' = maybe (shift 0) shift x in Just x'
-- | A 'ProgressReporting' that enqueues Begin and End notifications in a new
-- thread, with a grace period (nothing will be sent if 'KickCompleted' arrives
-- before the end of the grace period).
:: Seconds -- ^ Grace period before starting
-> Seconds -- ^ sampling delay
-> Maybe (LSP.LanguageContextEnv c)
:: Maybe (LSP.LanguageContextEnv c)
-> ProgressReportingStyle
-> IO ProgressReporting
delayedProgressReporting _before _after Nothing _optProgressStyle = noProgressReporting
delayedProgressReporting before after (Just lspEnv) optProgressStyle = do
progressReporting Nothing _optProgressStyle = noProgressReporting
progressReporting (Just lspEnv) optProgressStyle = do
inProgressState <- newInProgress
progressState <- newVar NotStarted
let progressUpdate event = updateStateVar $ Event event
progressStop = updateStateVar StopProgress
updateStateVar = modifyVar_ progressState . updateState (lspShakeProgress inProgressState)
progressStop = updateStateVar StopProgress
updateStateVar = modifyVar_ progressState . updateState (lspShakeProgressNew inProgressState)
inProgress = updateStateForFile inProgressState
return ProgressReporting{..}
lspShakeProgress InProgressState{..} = do
-- first sleep a bit, so we only show progress messages if it's going to take
-- a "noticable amount of time" (we often expect a thread kill to arrive before the sleep finishes)
liftIO $ sleep before
u <- ProgressToken . InR . T.pack . show . hashUnique <$> liftIO newUnique
b <- liftIO newBarrier
void $ LSP.runLspT lspEnv $ LSP.sendRequest SMethod_WindowWorkDoneProgressCreate
LSP.WorkDoneProgressCreateParams { _token = u } $ liftIO . signalBarrier b
liftIO $ async $ do
ready <- waitBarrier b
LSP.runLspT lspEnv $ for_ ready $ const $ bracket_ (start u) (stop u) (loop u 0)
lspShakeProgressNew :: InProgressState -> IO ()
lspShakeProgressNew InProgressState{..} =
LSP.runLspT lspEnv $ withProgress "Processing" Nothing NotCancellable $ \update -> loop update 0
start token = LSP.sendNotification SMethod_Progress $
{ _token = token
, _value = toJSON $ WorkDoneProgressBegin
{ _kind = AString @"begin"
, _title = "Processing"
, _cancellable = Nothing
, _message = Nothing
, _percentage = Nothing
stop token = LSP.sendNotification SMethod_Progress
{ _token = token
, _value = toJSON $ WorkDoneProgressEnd
{ _kind = AString @"end"
, _message = Nothing
loop _ _ | optProgressStyle == NoProgress =
forever $ liftIO $ threadDelay maxBound
loop token prevPct = do
done <- liftIO $ readTVarIO doneVar
todo <- liftIO $ readTVarIO todoVar
liftIO $ sleep after
if todo == 0 then loop token 0 else do
nextFrac :: Double
nextFrac = fromIntegral done / fromIntegral todo
loop _ _ | optProgressStyle == NoProgress = forever $ liftIO $ threadDelay maxBound
loop update prevPct = do
(todo, done, nextPct) <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
todo <- readTVar todoVar
done <- readTVar doneVar
let nextFrac :: Double
nextFrac = if todo == 0 then 0 else fromIntegral done / fromIntegral todo
nextPct :: UInt
nextPct = floor $ 100 * nextFrac
when (nextPct /= prevPct) $
LSP.sendNotification SMethod_Progress $
{ _token = token
, _value = case optProgressStyle of
Explicit -> toJSON $ WorkDoneProgressReport
{ _kind = AString @"report"
, _cancellable = Nothing
, _message = Just $ T.pack $ show done <> "/" <> show todo
, _percentage = Nothing
Percentage -> toJSON $ WorkDoneProgressReport
{ _kind = AString @"report"
, _cancellable = Nothing
, _message = Nothing
, _percentage = Just nextPct
NoProgress -> error "unreachable"
loop token nextPct
when (nextPct == prevPct) retry
pure (todo, done, nextPct)
update (ProgressAmount (Just nextPct) (Just $ T.pack $ show done <> "/" <> show todo))
loop update nextPct
updateStateForFile inProgress file = actionBracket (f succ) (const $ f pred) . const
-- This functions are deliberately eta-expanded to avoid space leaks.
-- Do not remove the eta-expansion without profiling a session with at

View File

@ -660,10 +660,9 @@ shakeOpen recorder lspEnv defaultConfig idePlugins debouncer
atomically $ modifyTVar' exportsMap (<> em)
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCreateHieDbExportsMapFinish (ExportsMap.size em)
progress <- do
let (before, after) = if testing then (0,0.1) else (0.1,0.1)
progress <-
if reportProgress
then delayedProgressReporting before after lspEnv optProgressStyle
then progressReporting lspEnv optProgressStyle
else noProgressReporting
actionQueue <- newQueue

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
-- WARNING: A copy of DA.Daml.LanguageServer, try to keep them in sync
-- This version removes the daml: handling
module Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer

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@ -238,7 +238,15 @@ defaultArguments recorder plugins = Arguments
{ optCheckProject = pure $ checkProject config
, optCheckParents = pure $ checkParents config
, argsLspOptions = def {LSP.optCompletionTriggerCharacters = Just "."}
, argsLspOptions = def
{ LSP.optCompletionTriggerCharacters = Just "."
-- Generally people start to notice that something is taking a while at about 1s, so
-- that's when we start reporting progress
, LSP.optProgressStartDelay = 1_00_000
-- Once progress is being reported, it's nice to see that it's moving reasonably quickly,
-- but not so fast that it's ugly. This number is a bit made up
, LSP.optProgressUpdateDelay = 1_00_000
, argsDefaultHlsConfig = def
, argsGetHieDbLoc = getHieDbLoc
, argsDebouncer = newAsyncDebouncer
@ -266,7 +274,7 @@ defaultArguments recorder plugins = Arguments
testing :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> IdePlugins IdeState -> Arguments
testing recorder plugins =
arguments@Arguments{ argsHlsPlugins, argsIdeOptions } =
arguments@Arguments{ argsHlsPlugins, argsIdeOptions, argsLspOptions } =
defaultArguments recorder plugins
hlsPlugins = pluginDescToIdePlugins $
idePluginsToPluginDesc argsHlsPlugins
@ -276,10 +284,12 @@ testing recorder plugins =
defOptions = argsIdeOptions config sessionLoader
defOptions{ optTesting = IdeTesting True }
lspOptions = argsLspOptions { LSP.optProgressStartDelay = 0, LSP.optProgressUpdateDelay = 0 }
{ argsHlsPlugins = hlsPlugins
, argsIdeOptions = ideOptions
, argsLspOptions = lspOptions
defaultMain :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Arguments -> IO ()

View File

@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ thLinkingTest unboxed = testCase name $ runWithExtraFiles dir $ \dir -> do
-- modify b too
let bSource' = T.unlines $ init (T.lines bSource) ++ ["$th"]
changeDoc bdoc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent . InR $ TextDocumentContentChangeWholeDocument bSource']
expectCurrentDiagnostics bdoc [(DiagnosticSeverity_Warning, (4,1), "Top-level binding")]

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@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ library hls-cabal-plugin
, hls-plugin-api ==
, hls-graph ==
, lens
, lsp ^>=2.5
, lsp ^>=2.6
, lsp-types ^>=2.2
, regex-tdfa ^>=1.3.1
, text
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ library hls-call-hierarchy-plugin
, hiedb ^>=
, hls-plugin-api ==
, lens
, lsp >=2.5
, lsp >=2.6
, sqlite-simple
, text
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ library hls-alternate-number-format-plugin
, hls-graph
, hls-plugin-api ==
, lens
, lsp ^>=2.5
, lsp ^>=2.6
, mtl
, regex-tdfa
, syb
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ library hls-gadt-plugin
, hls-plugin-api ==
, haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin
, lens
, lsp >=2.5
, lsp >=2.6
, mtl
, text
, transformers
@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ library hls-explicit-fixity-plugin
, ghcide ==
, hashable
, hls-plugin-api ==
, lsp >=2.5
, lsp >=2.6
, text
default-extensions: DataKinds
@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@ library hls-semantic-tokens-plugin
, ghcide ==
, hls-plugin-api ==
, lens
, lsp >=2.5
, lsp >=2.6
, text
, transformers
, bytestring
@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ library hls-notes-plugin
, hls-graph ==
, hls-plugin-api ==
, lens
, lsp >=2.5
, lsp >=2.6
, mtl >= 2.2
, regex-tdfa >= 1.3.1
, text

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ library
, hls-graph ==
, lens
, lens-aeson
, lsp ^>=2.5
, lsp ^>=2.6
, megaparsec >=9.0
, mtl
, opentelemetry >=0.4

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@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ import Test.Hls (CodeAction (..), Command,
openDoc, runSessionWithServer,
testCase, testGroup, toEither,
type (|?),
type (|?), waitForBuildQueue,
waitForDiagnostics, (@?=))
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ goldenChangeSignature fp = goldenWithHaskellDoc def changeTypeSignaturePlugin (f
codeActionTest :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TestTree
codeActionTest fp line col = goldenChangeSignature fp $ \doc -> do
void waitForDiagnostics -- code actions are triggered from Diagnostics
void waitForAllProgressDone -- apparently some tests need this to get the CodeAction to show up
void waitForBuildQueue -- apparently some tests need this to get the CodeAction to show up
actions <- getCodeActions doc (pointRange line col)
foundActions <- findChangeTypeActions actions
liftIO $ length foundActions @?= 1

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-- IO expressions are supported, stdout/stderr output is ignored
module TIO where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
Does not capture stdout, returns value.
Has a delay in order to show progress reporting.
>>> print "ABC" >> return "XYZ"
>>> threadDelay 2000000 >> print "ABC" >> return "XYZ"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-- IO expressions are supported, stdout/stderr output is ignored
module TIO where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
Does not capture stdout, returns value.
Has a delay in order to show progress reporting.
>>> print "ABC" >> return "XYZ"
>>> threadDelay 2000000 >> print "ABC" >> return "XYZ"

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@ -236,14 +236,11 @@ suggestionsTests =
, testCase "[#1279] hlint should not activate extensions like PatternSynonyms" $ runHlintSession "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "PatternKeyword.hs" "haskell"
-- hlint will report a parse error if PatternSynonyms is enabled
expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint"
, testCase "hlint should not warn about redundant irrefutable pattern with LANGUAGE Strict" $ runHlintSession "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "StrictData.hs" "haskell"
expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint"

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module Main (main) where
import Development.IDE.Test
import Ide.Plugin.Notes (Log, descriptor)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hls hiding (waitForBuildQueue)
import Ide.Plugin.Notes (Log, descriptor)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hls
plugin :: PluginTestDescriptor Log
plugin = mkPluginTestDescriptor descriptor "notes"
@ -19,16 +18,14 @@ gotoNoteTests :: TestTree
gotoNoteTests = testGroup "Goto Note Definition"
[ testCase "single_file" $ runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do
doc <- openDoc "NoteDef.hs" "haskell"
defs <- getDefinitions doc (Position 3 41)
liftIO $ do
fp <- canonicalizePath "NoteDef.hs"
defs @?= InL (Definition (InR [Location (filePathToUri fp) (Range (Position 8 9) (Position 8 9))]))
, testCase "liberal_format" $ runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do
doc <- openDoc "NoteDef.hs" "haskell"
defs <- getDefinitions doc (Position 5 64)
liftIO $ do
fp <- canonicalizePath "NoteDef.hs"
@ -36,24 +33,20 @@ gotoNoteTests = testGroup "Goto Note Definition"
, testCase "invalid_note" $ runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do
doc <- openDoc "NoteDef.hs" "haskell"
defs <- getDefinitions doc (Position 6 54)
liftIO $ do
defs @?= InL (Definition (InR []))
, testCase "no_note" $ runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do
doc <- openDoc "NoteDef.hs" "haskell"
defs <- getDefinitions doc (Position 1 0)
liftIO $ defs @?= InL (Definition (InR []))
, testCase "unopened_file" $ runSessionWithServer def plugin testDataDir $ do
doc <- openDoc "Other.hs" "haskell"
waitForCustomMessage "ghcide/cradle/loaded" (const $ Just ())
defs <- getDefinitions doc (Position 5 20)
liftIO $ do
fp <- canonicalizePath "NoteDef.hs"

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@ -87,8 +87,9 @@ goldenTestWithEdit fp expect tc line col =
{ _start = Position 0 0
, _end = Position (fromIntegral $ length lns + 1) 1
waitForAllProgressDone -- cradle
void waitForDiagnostics
void waitForBuildQueue
alt <- liftIO $ T.readFile (fp <.> "error.hs")
void $ applyEdit doc $ TextEdit theRange alt
changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent $ InL

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ extra-deps:
- monad-dijkstra-
- retrie-1.2.2
- stylish-haskell-
- lsp-
- lsp-test-
- lsp-
- lsp-test-
- lsp-types-
# stan dependencies not found in the stackage snapshot

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ extra-deps:
- hiedb-
- hie-bios-0.14.0
- implicit-hie-
- lsp-
- lsp-test-
- lsp-
- lsp-test-
- lsp-types-
- monad-dijkstra-

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@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ tests =
runSession hlsLspCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/diagnostics" $ do
let path = "Foo.hs"
_ <- openDoc path "haskell"
expectProgressMessages [pack ("Setting up diagnostics (for " ++ path ++ ")"), "Processing", "Indexing"] []
expectProgressMessages [pack ("Setting up diagnostics (for " ++ path ++ ")"), "Processing", "Indexing"] [] []
, requiresEvalPlugin $ testCase "eval plugin sends progress reports" $
runSession hlsLspCommand progressCaps "plugins/hls-eval-plugin/test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "T1.hs" "haskell"
doc <- openDoc "TIO.hs" "haskell"
lspId <- sendRequest SMethod_TextDocumentCodeLens (CodeLensParams Nothing Nothing doc)
(codeLensResponse, activeProgressTokens) <- expectProgressMessagesTill
(codeLensResponse, createdProgressTokens, activeProgressTokens) <- expectProgressMessagesTill
(responseForId SMethod_TextDocumentCodeLens lspId)
["Setting up testdata (for T1.hs)", "Processing"]
["Setting up testdata (for TIO.hs)", "Processing"]
-- this is a test so exceptions result in fails
@ -52,24 +53,24 @@ tests =
(command ^. L.command)
(decode $ encode $ fromJust $ command ^. L.arguments)
expectProgressMessages ["Evaluating"] activeProgressTokens
expectProgressMessages ["Evaluating"] createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens
_ -> error $ "Unexpected response result: " ++ show response
, requiresOrmoluPlugin $ testCase "ormolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do
runSessionWithConfig (def { ignoreConfigurationRequests = False }) hlsLspCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/format" $ do
void configurationRequest
setHlsConfig (formatLspConfig "ormolu")
doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell"
expectProgressMessages ["Setting up format (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] []
expectProgressMessages ["Setting up format (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] [] []
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_TextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams Nothing doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing)
expectProgressMessages ["Formatting Format.hs"] []
expectProgressMessages ["Formatting Format.hs"] [] []
, requiresFourmoluPlugin $ testCase "fourmolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do
runSessionWithConfig (def { ignoreConfigurationRequests = False }) hlsLspCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/format" $ do
void configurationRequest
setHlsConfig (formatLspConfig "fourmolu")
doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell"
expectProgressMessages ["Setting up format (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] []
expectProgressMessages ["Setting up format (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] [] []
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_TextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams Nothing doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing)
expectProgressMessages ["Formatting Format.hs"] []
expectProgressMessages ["Formatting Format.hs"] [] []
formatLspConfig :: Text -> Config
@ -113,50 +114,52 @@ interestingMessage :: Session a -> Session (InterestingMessage a)
interestingMessage theMessage =
fmap InterestingMessage theMessage <|> fmap ProgressMessage progressMessage
expectProgressMessagesTill :: Session a -> [Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session (a, [ProgressToken])
expectProgressMessagesTill stopMessage expectedTitles activeProgressTokens = do
expectProgressMessagesTill :: Session a -> [Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session (a, [ProgressToken], [ProgressToken])
expectProgressMessagesTill stopMessage expectedTitles createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens = do
message <- skipManyTill anyMessage (interestingMessage stopMessage)
case message of
InterestingMessage a -> do
liftIO $ null expectedTitles @? "Expected titles not empty " <> show expectedTitles
pure (a, activeProgressTokens)
pure (a, createdProgressTokens, activeProgressTokens)
ProgressMessage progressMessage ->
(expectProgressMessagesTill stopMessage)
{- | Test that the server is correctly producing a sequence of progress related
messages. Each create must be pair with a corresponding begin and end,
messages. Creates can be dangling, but should be paired with a corresponding begin and end,
optionally with some progress in between. Tokens must match. The begin
messages have titles describing the work that is in-progress, we check that
the titles we see are those we expect.
expectProgressMessages :: [Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session ()
expectProgressMessages [] [] = pure ()
expectProgressMessages expectedTitles activeProgressTokens = do
expectProgressMessages :: [Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session ()
expectProgressMessages [] _ [] = pure ()
expectProgressMessages expectedTitles createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens = do
message <- skipManyTill anyMessage progressMessage
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith expectProgressMessages message expectedTitles activeProgressTokens
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith expectProgressMessages message expectedTitles createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith :: ([Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session a)
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith :: ([Text] -> [ProgressToken] -> [ProgressToken] -> Session a)
-> ProgressMessage
-> [Text]
-> [ProgressToken]
-> [ProgressToken]
-> Session a
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith f progressMessage expectedTitles activeProgressTokens = do
updateExpectProgressStateAndRecurseWith f progressMessage expectedTitles createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens = do
case progressMessage of
ProgressCreate params -> do
f expectedTitles ((params ^. L.token): activeProgressTokens)
f expectedTitles ((params ^. L.token): createdProgressTokens) activeProgressTokens
ProgressBegin token params -> do
liftIO $ token `expectedIn` activeProgressTokens
f (delete (params ^. L.title) expectedTitles) activeProgressTokens
liftIO $ token `expectedIn` createdProgressTokens
f (delete (params ^. L.title) expectedTitles) (delete token createdProgressTokens) (token:activeProgressTokens)
ProgressReport token _ -> do
liftIO $ token `expectedIn` activeProgressTokens
f expectedTitles activeProgressTokens
f expectedTitles createdProgressTokens activeProgressTokens
ProgressEnd token _ -> do
liftIO $ token `expectedIn` activeProgressTokens
f expectedTitles (delete token activeProgressTokens)
f expectedTitles createdProgressTokens (delete token activeProgressTokens)
expectedIn :: (Foldable t, Eq a, Show a) => a -> t a -> Assertion

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@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ hlsExeCommand = unsafePerformIO $ do
pure testExe
hlsLspCommand :: String
hlsLspCommand = hlsExeCommand ++ " --lsp -d -j4"
hlsLspCommand = hlsExeCommand ++ " --lsp --test -d -j4"
hlsWrapperLspCommand :: String
hlsWrapperLspCommand = hlsWrapperExeCommand ++ " --lsp -d -j4"
hlsWrapperLspCommand = hlsWrapperExeCommand ++ " --lsp --test -d -j4"
hlsWrapperExeCommand :: String
{-# NOINLINE hlsWrapperExeCommand #-}