Fix resultBuilt(dirty mechanism) in hls-graph (#4238)

* clarify dirty in hls-graph

* fix comment

* hls-graph add `compute` test

* move test to better place

* add detailed test

* fix comment


Co-authored-by: Michael Peyton Jones <>
This commit is contained in:
soulomoon 2024-06-03 23:37:53 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent d839b78551
commit 322ac3505c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
5 changed files with 117 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (newDatabase, incDatabase, build, getDirtySet, getKeysAndVisitAge) where
module Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (compute, newDatabase, incDatabase, build, getDirtySet, getKeysAndVisitAge) where
import Prelude hiding (unzip)
@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ builder db@Database{..} stack keys = withRunInIO $ \(RunInIO run) -> do
pure results
-- | isDirty
-- only dirty when it's build time is older than the changed time of one of its dependencies
isDirty :: Foldable t => Result -> t (a, Result) -> Bool
isDirty me = any (\(_,dep) -> resultBuilt me < resultChanged dep)
@ -179,14 +182,22 @@ compute db@Database{..} stack key mode result = do
deps <- newIORef UnknownDeps
(execution, RunResult{..}) <-
duration $ runReaderT (fromAction act) $ SAction db deps stack
built <- readTVarIO databaseStep
curStep <- readTVarIO databaseStep
deps <- readIORef deps
let changed = if runChanged == ChangedRecomputeDiff then built else maybe built resultChanged result
built' = if runChanged /= ChangedNothing then built else changed
-- only update the deps when the rule ran with changes
let lastChanged = maybe curStep resultChanged result
let lastBuild = maybe curStep resultBuilt result
-- changed time is always older than or equal to build time
let (changed, built) = case runChanged of
-- some thing changed
ChangedRecomputeDiff -> (curStep, curStep)
-- recomputed is the same
ChangedRecomputeSame -> (lastChanged, curStep)
-- nothing changed
ChangedNothing -> (lastChanged, lastBuild)
let -- only update the deps when the rule ran with changes
actualDeps = if runChanged /= ChangedNothing then deps else previousDeps
previousDeps= maybe UnknownDeps resultDeps result
let res = Result runValue built' changed built actualDeps execution runStore
let res = Result runValue built changed curStep actualDeps execution runStore
case getResultDepsDefault mempty actualDeps of
deps | not (nullKeySet deps)
&& runChanged /= ChangedNothing

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ getDatabase = Action $ asks actionDatabase
data ShakeDatabase = ShakeDatabase !Int [Action ()] Database
newtype Step = Step Int
deriving newtype (Eq,Ord,Hashable)
deriving newtype (Eq,Ord,Hashable,Show)
-- Keys
@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ instance NFData RunMode where rnf x = x `seq` ()
-- | How the output of a rule has changed.
data RunChanged
= ChangedNothing -- ^ Nothing has changed.
| ChangedStore -- ^ The stored value has changed, but in a way that should be considered identical (used rarely).
| ChangedRecomputeSame -- ^ I recomputed the value and it was the same.
| ChangedRecomputeDiff -- ^ I recomputed the value and it was different.
deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)

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@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
module ActionSpec where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, readMVar)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as C
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Development.IDE.Graph (shakeOptions)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Database (shakeNewDatabase,
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (build, incDatabase)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Key
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types
@ -16,15 +19,50 @@ import Example
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STM
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "apply1" $ it "Test build update, Buggy dirty mechanism in hls-graph #4237" $ do
let ruleStep1 :: MVar Int -> Rules ()
ruleStep1 m = addRule $ \CountRule _old mode -> do
-- depends on ruleSubBranch, it always changed if dirty
_ :: Int <- apply1 SubBranchRule
let r = 1
case mode of
-- it update the built step
RunDependenciesChanged -> do
_ <- liftIO $ C.modifyMVar m $ \x -> return (x+1, x)
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeSame "" r (return ())
-- this won't update the built step
RunDependenciesSame ->
return $ RunResult ChangedNothing "" r (return ())
count <- C.newMVar 0
count1 <- C.newMVar 0
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
ruleSubBranch count
ruleStep1 count1
-- bootstrapping the database
_ <- shakeRunDatabase db $ pure $ apply1 CountRule -- count = 1
let child = newKey SubBranchRule
let parent = newKey CountRule
-- instruct to RunDependenciesChanged then CountRule should be recomputed
-- result should be changed 0, build 1
_res1 <- shakeRunDatabaseForKeys (Just [child]) db [apply1 CountRule] -- count = 2
-- since child changed = parent build
-- instruct to RunDependenciesSame then CountRule should not be recomputed
-- result should be changed 0, build 1
_res3 <- shakeRunDatabaseForKeys (Just [parent]) db [apply1 CountRule] -- count = 2
-- invariant child changed = parent build should remains after RunDependenciesSame
-- this used to be a bug, with additional computation, see
_res3 <- shakeRunDatabaseForKeys (Just [parent]) db [apply1 CountRule] -- count = 2
c1 <- readMVar count1
c1 `shouldBe` 2
describe "apply1" $ do
it "computes a rule with no dependencies" $ do
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions ruleUnit
res <- shakeRunDatabase db $
pure $ do
apply1 (Rule @())
pure $ apply1 (Rule @())
res `shouldBe` [()]
it "computes a rule with one dependency" $ do
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
@ -38,8 +76,7 @@ spec = do
let theKey = Rule @Bool
res <- shakeRunDatabase db $
pure $ do
apply1 theKey
pure $ apply1 theKey
res `shouldBe` [True]
Just (Clean res) <- lookup (newKey theKey) <$> getDatabaseValues theDb
resultDeps res `shouldBe` ResultDeps [singletonKeySet $ newKey (Rule @())]
@ -49,14 +86,12 @@ spec = do
let theKey = Rule @Bool
res <- shakeRunDatabase db $
pure $ do
apply1 theKey
pure $ apply1 theKey
res `shouldBe` [True]
Just KeyDetails {..} <- atomically $ STM.lookup (newKey (Rule @())) databaseValues
keyReverseDeps `shouldBe` (singletonKeySet $ newKey theKey)
keyReverseDeps `shouldBe` singletonKeySet (newKey theKey)
it "rethrows exceptions" $ do
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
addRule $ \(Rule :: Rule ()) _old _mode -> error "boom"
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ addRule $ \(Rule :: Rule ()) _old _mode -> error "boom"
let res = shakeRunDatabase db $ pure $ apply1 (Rule @())
res `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
it "computes a rule with branching dependencies does not invoke phantom dependencies #3423" $ do
@ -81,18 +116,16 @@ spec = do
countRes <- build theDb emptyStack [SubBranchRule]
snd countRes `shouldBe` [1 :: Int]
describe "applyWithoutDependency" $ do
it "does not track dependencies" $ do
db@(ShakeDatabase _ _ theDb) <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
addRule $ \Rule _old _mode -> do
[()] <- applyWithoutDependency [Rule]
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff "" True $ return ()
describe "applyWithoutDependency" $ it "does not track dependencies" $ do
db@(ShakeDatabase _ _ theDb) <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
addRule $ \Rule _old _mode -> do
[()] <- applyWithoutDependency [Rule]
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff "" True $ return ()
let theKey = Rule @Bool
res <- shakeRunDatabase db $
pure $ do
applyWithoutDependency [theKey]
res `shouldBe` [[True]]
Just (Clean res) <- lookup (newKey theKey) <$> getDatabaseValues theDb
resultDeps res `shouldBe` UnknownDeps
let theKey = Rule @Bool
res <- shakeRunDatabase db $
pure $ applyWithoutDependency [theKey]
res `shouldBe` [[True]]
Just (Clean res) <- lookup (newKey theKey) <$> getDatabaseValues theDb
resultDeps res `shouldBe` UnknownDeps

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@ -2,16 +2,18 @@
module DatabaseSpec where
import Development.IDE.Graph (shakeOptions)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Database (shakeNewDatabase,
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Action (apply1)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Rules (addRule)
import Development.IDE.Graph (newKey, shakeOptions)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Database (shakeNewDatabase,
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Action (apply1)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (compute, incDatabase)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Rules (addRule)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types
import Example
import System.Time.Extra (timeout)
import System.Time.Extra (timeout)
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Evaluation" $ do
@ -23,3 +25,25 @@ spec = do
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff "" () (return ())
let res = shakeRunDatabase db $ pure $ apply1 (Rule @())
timeout 1 res `shouldThrow` \StackException{} -> True
describe "compute" $ do
it "build step and changed step updated correctly" $ do
(ShakeDatabase _ _ theDb) <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
let k = newKey $ Rule @()
-- ChangedRecomputeSame
r1@Result{resultChanged=rc1, resultBuilt=rb1} <- compute theDb emptyStack k RunDependenciesChanged Nothing
incDatabase theDb Nothing
-- ChangedRecomputeSame
r2@Result{resultChanged=rc2, resultBuilt=rb2} <- compute theDb emptyStack k RunDependenciesChanged (Just r1)
incDatabase theDb Nothing
-- changed Nothing
Result{resultChanged=rc3, resultBuilt=rb3} <- compute theDb emptyStack k RunDependenciesSame (Just r2)
rc1 `shouldBe` Step 0
rc2 `shouldBe` Step 0
rc3 `shouldBe` Step 0
rb1 `shouldBe` Step 0
rb2 `shouldBe` Step 1
rb3 `shouldBe` Step 1

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@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ instance Typeable a => Show (Rule a) where
type instance RuleResult (Rule a) = a
ruleStep :: Rules ()
ruleStep = addRule $ \(Rule :: Rule ()) _old mode -> do
case mode of
RunDependenciesChanged -> return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeSame "" () (return ())
RunDependenciesSame -> return $ RunResult ChangedNothing "" () (return ())
ruleUnit :: Rules ()
ruleUnit = addRule $ \(Rule :: Rule ()) _old _mode -> do
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff "" () (return ())
@ -62,3 +68,7 @@ ruleSubBranch :: C.MVar Int -> Rules ()
ruleSubBranch mv = addRule $ \SubBranchRule _old _mode -> do
r <- liftIO $ C.modifyMVar mv $ \x -> return (x+1, x)
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff "" r (return ())
data CountRule = CountRule
deriving (Eq, Generic, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
type instance RuleResult CountRule = Int