Introduce KeyMap and KeySet

This commit is contained in:
Zubin Duggal 2022-09-28 16:43:00 +05:30 committed by wz1000
parent ada1b3dc13
commit 3b64a3b1c5
12 changed files with 189 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
- Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database
- Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Paths
- Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Profile
- Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types
- Ide.Types
- Test.Hls
- Test.Hls.Command

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@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as L
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration (isWorkspaceFile)
@ -256,7 +255,7 @@ setSomethingModified vfs state keys reason = do
atomically $ do
writeTQueue (indexQueue $ hiedbWriter $ shakeExtras state) (\withHieDb -> withHieDb deleteMissingRealFiles)
modifyTVar' (dirtyKeys $ shakeExtras state) $ \x ->
foldl' (flip HSet.insert) x keys
foldl' (flip insertKeySet) x keys
void $ restartShakeSession (shakeExtras state) vfs reason []
registerFileWatches :: [String] -> LSP.LspT Config IO Bool

View File

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ import System.Time.Extra
data Log
= LogCreateHieDbExportsMapStart
| LogCreateHieDbExportsMapFinish !Int
| LogBuildSessionRestart !String ![DelayedActionInternal] !(HashSet Key) !Seconds !(Maybe FilePath)
| LogBuildSessionRestart !String ![DelayedActionInternal] !(KeySet) !Seconds !(Maybe FilePath)
| LogBuildSessionRestartTakingTooLong !Seconds
| LogDelayedAction !(DelayedAction ()) !Seconds
| LogBuildSessionFinish !(Maybe SomeException)
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ instance Pretty Log where
[ "Restarting build session due to" <+> pretty reason
, "Action Queue:" <+> pretty (map actionName actionQueue)
, "Keys:" <+> pretty (map show $ HSet.toList keyBackLog)
, "Keys:" <+> pretty (map show $ toListKeySet keyBackLog)
, "Aborting previous build session took" <+> pretty (showDuration abortDuration) <+> pretty shakeProfilePath ]
LogBuildSessionRestartTakingTooLong seconds ->
"Build restart is taking too long (" <> pretty seconds <> " seconds)"
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ data ShakeExtras = ShakeExtras
,clientCapabilities :: ClientCapabilities
, withHieDb :: WithHieDb -- ^ Use only to read.
, hiedbWriter :: HieDbWriter -- ^ use to write
, persistentKeys :: TVar (HMap.HashMap Key GetStalePersistent)
, persistentKeys :: TVar (KeyMap GetStalePersistent)
-- ^ Registery for functions that compute/get "stale" results for the rule
-- (possibly from disk)
, vfsVar :: TVar VFS
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ data ShakeExtras = ShakeExtras
-- We don't need a STM.Map because we never update individual keys ourselves.
, defaultConfig :: Config
-- ^ Default HLS config, only relevant if the client does not provide any Config
, dirtyKeys :: TVar (HashSet Key)
, dirtyKeys :: TVar KeySet
-- ^ Set of dirty rule keys since the last Shake run
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ getPluginConfig plugin = do
addPersistentRule :: IdeRule k v => k -> (NormalizedFilePath -> IdeAction (Maybe (v,PositionDelta,TextDocumentVersion))) -> Rules ()
addPersistentRule k getVal = do
ShakeExtras{persistentKeys} <- getShakeExtrasRules
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' persistentKeys $ HMap.insert (newKey k) (fmap (fmap (first3 toDyn)) . getVal)
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' persistentKeys $ insertKeyMap (newKey k) (fmap (fmap (first3 toDyn)) . getVal)
class Typeable a => IsIdeGlobal a where
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ lastValueIO s@ShakeExtras{positionMapping,persistentKeys,state} k file = do
pmap <- readTVarIO persistentKeys
mv <- runMaybeT $ do
liftIO $ Logger.logDebug (logger s) $ T.pack $ "LOOKUP PERSISTENT FOR: " ++ show k
f <- MaybeT $ pure $ HMap.lookup (newKey k) pmap
f <- MaybeT $ pure $ lookupKeyMap (newKey k) pmap
(dv,del,ver) <- MaybeT $ runIdeAction "lastValueIO" s $ f file
MaybeT $ pure $ (,del,ver) <$> fromDynamic dv
case mv of
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ deleteValue
-> STM ()
deleteValue ShakeExtras{dirtyKeys, state} key file = do
STM.delete (toKey key file) state
modifyTVar' dirtyKeys $ HSet.insert (toKey key file)
modifyTVar' dirtyKeys $ insertKeySet (toKey key file)
:: Shake.ShakeValue k
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ recordDirtyKeys
-> [NormalizedFilePath]
-> STM (IO ())
recordDirtyKeys ShakeExtras{dirtyKeys} key file = do
modifyTVar' dirtyKeys $ \x -> foldl' (flip HSet.insert) x (toKey key <$> file)
modifyTVar' dirtyKeys $ \x -> foldl' (flip insertKeySet) x (toKey key <$> file)
return $ withEventTrace "recordDirtyKeys" $ \addEvent -> do
addEvent (fromString $ unlines $ "dirty " <> show key : map fromNormalizedFilePath file)
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ shakeOpen recorder lspEnv defaultConfig idePlugins logger debouncer
positionMapping <- STM.newIO
knownTargetsVar <- newTVarIO $ hashed HMap.empty
let restartShakeSession = shakeRestart recorder ideState
persistentKeys <- newTVarIO HMap.empty
persistentKeys <- newTVarIO mempty
indexPending <- newTVarIO HMap.empty
indexCompleted <- newTVarIO 0
indexProgressToken <- newVar Nothing
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ shakeOpen recorder lspEnv defaultConfig idePlugins logger debouncer
-- monitoring
let readValuesCounter = fromIntegral . countRelevantKeys checkParents <$> getStateKeys shakeExtras
readDirtyKeys = fromIntegral . countRelevantKeys checkParents . HSet.toList <$> readTVarIO(dirtyKeys shakeExtras)
readDirtyKeys = fromIntegral . countRelevantKeys checkParents . toListKeySet <$> readTVarIO(dirtyKeys shakeExtras)
readIndexPending = fromIntegral . HMap.size <$> readTVarIO (indexPending $ hiedbWriter shakeExtras)
readExportsMap = fromIntegral . HMap.size . getExportsMap <$> readTVarIO (exportsMap shakeExtras)
readDatabaseCount = fromIntegral . countRelevantKeys checkParents . map fst <$> shakeGetDatabaseKeys shakeDb
@ -797,10 +797,10 @@ newSession recorder extras@ShakeExtras{..} vfsMod shakeDb acts reason = do
workRun restore = withSpan "Shake session" $ \otSpan -> do
setTag otSpan "reason" (fromString reason)
setTag otSpan "queue" (fromString $ unlines $ map actionName reenqueued)
whenJust allPendingKeys $ \kk -> setTag otSpan "keys" (BS8.pack $ unlines $ map show $ toList kk)
whenJust allPendingKeys $ \kk -> setTag otSpan "keys" (BS8.pack $ unlines $ map show $ toListKeySet kk)
let keysActs = pumpActionThread otSpan : map (run otSpan) (reenqueued ++ acts)
res <- try @SomeException $
restore $ shakeRunDatabaseForKeys (HSet.toList <$> allPendingKeys) shakeDb keysActs
restore $ shakeRunDatabaseForKeys (toListKeySet <$> allPendingKeys) shakeDb keysActs
return $ do
let exception =
case res of
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ garbageCollectKeys label maxAge checkParents agedKeys = do
= atomicallyNamed "GC" $ do
gotIt <- STM.focus (Focus.member <* Focus.delete) k values
when gotIt $
modifyTVar' dk (HSet.insert k)
modifyTVar' dk (insertKeySet k)
return $ if gotIt then (counter+1, k:keys) else st
| otherwise = pure st
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
(if eq then ChangedRecomputeSame else ChangedRecomputeDiff)
(encodeShakeValue bs) $
A res
liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define - dirtyKeys" $ modifyTVar' dirtyKeys (HSet.delete $ toKey key file)
liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define - dirtyKeys" $ modifyTVar' dirtyKeys (deleteKeySet $ toKey key file)
return res
-- Highly unsafe helper to compute the version of a file

View File

@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ library

View File

@ -20,9 +20,13 @@ module Development.IDE.Graph(
-- * Actions for inspecting the keys in the database
module Development.IDE.Graph.KeyMap,
module Development.IDE.Graph.KeySet,
) where
import Development.IDE.Graph.Database
import Development.IDE.Graph.KeyMap
import Development.IDE.Graph.KeySet
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Action
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Options
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Rules

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ shakeGetBuildEdges :: ShakeDatabase -> IO Int
shakeGetBuildEdges (ShakeDatabase _ _ db) = do
keys <- getDatabaseValues db
let ress = mapMaybe (getResult . snd) keys
return $ sum $ map (length . getResultDepsDefault mempty . resultDeps) ress
return $ sum $ map (lengthKeySet . getResultDepsDefault mempty . resultDeps) ress
-- | Returns an approximation of the database keys,
-- annotated with how long ago (in # builds) they were visited

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@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import Data.IORef
import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ apply ks = do
stack <- Action $ asks actionStack
(is, vs) <- liftIO $ build db stack ks
ref <- Action $ asks actionDeps
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (ResultDeps (HSet.fromList $ toList is) <>)
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (ResultDeps (fromListKeySet $ toList is) <>)
pure vs
-- | Evaluate a list of keys without recording any dependencies.

View File

@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Data.List.NonEmpty (unzip)
import Data.Maybe
@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ incDatabase :: Database -> Maybe [Key] -> IO ()
incDatabase db (Just kk) = do
atomicallyNamed "incDatabase" $ modifyTVar' (databaseStep db) $ \(Step i) -> Step $ i + 1
transitiveDirtyKeys <- transitiveDirtySet db kk
for_ transitiveDirtyKeys $ \k ->
for_ (toListKeySet transitiveDirtyKeys) $ \k ->
-- Updating all the keys atomically is not necessary
-- since we assume that no build is mutating the db.
-- Therefore run one transaction per key to minimise contention.
@ -146,7 +144,7 @@ refresh :: Database -> Stack -> Key -> Maybe Result -> AIO (IO Result)
-- refresh _ st k _ | traceShow ("refresh", st, k) False = undefined
refresh db stack key result = case (addStack key stack, result) of
(Left e, _) -> throw e
(Right stack, Just me@Result{resultDeps = ResultDeps (HSet.toList -> deps)}) -> do
(Right stack, Just me@Result{resultDeps = ResultDeps (toListKeySet -> deps)}) -> do
res <- builder db stack deps
let isDirty = any (\(_,dep) -> resultBuilt me < resultChanged dep)
case res of
@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ compute db@Database{..} stack key mode result = do
previousDeps= maybe UnknownDeps resultDeps result
let res = Result runValue built' changed built actualDeps execution runStore
case getResultDepsDefault mempty actualDeps of
deps | not(null deps)
deps | not(nullKeySet deps)
&& runChanged /= ChangedNothing
-> do
-- IMPORTANT: record the reverse deps **before** marking the key Clean.
@ -236,15 +234,15 @@ splitIO act = do
:: Key -- ^ Id
-> Database
-> HashSet Key -- ^ Previous direct dependencies of Id
-> HashSet Key -- ^ Current direct dependencies of Id
-> KeySet -- ^ Previous direct dependencies of Id
-> KeySet -- ^ Current direct dependencies of Id
-> IO ()
-- mask to ensure that all the reverse dependencies are updated
updateReverseDeps myId db prev new = do
forM_ (HSet.toList $ prev `HSet.difference` new) $ \d ->
doOne (HSet.delete myId) d
forM_ (HSet.toList new) $
doOne (HSet.insert myId)
forM_ (toListKeySet $ prev `differenceKeySet` new) $ \d ->
doOne (deleteKeySet myId) d
forM_ (toListKeySet new) $
doOne (insertKeySet myId)
alterRDeps f =
Focus.adjust (onKeyReverseDeps f)
@ -254,18 +252,18 @@ updateReverseDeps myId db prev new = do
doOne f id = atomicallyNamed "updateReverseDeps" $
SMap.focus (alterRDeps f) id (databaseValues db)
getReverseDependencies :: Database -> Key -> STM (Maybe (HashSet Key))
getReverseDependencies :: Database -> Key -> STM (Maybe KeySet)
getReverseDependencies db = (fmap.fmap) keyReverseDeps . flip SMap.lookup (databaseValues db)
transitiveDirtySet :: Foldable t => Database -> t Key -> IO (HashSet Key)
transitiveDirtySet database = flip State.execStateT HSet.empty . traverse_ loop
transitiveDirtySet :: Foldable t => Database -> t Key -> IO KeySet
transitiveDirtySet database = flip State.execStateT mempty . traverse_ loop
loop x = do
seen <- State.get
if x `HSet.member` seen then pure () else do
State.put (HSet.insert x seen)
if x `memberKeySet` seen then pure () else do
State.put (insertKeySet x seen)
next <- lift $ atomically $ getReverseDependencies database x
traverse_ loop (maybe mempty HSet.toList next)
traverse_ loop (maybe mempty toListKeySet next)
-- Asynchronous computations with cancellation

View File

@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Char
import Data.Dynamic (toDyn)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, foldl',
partition, sort,
@ -47,8 +45,8 @@ writeProfile :: FilePath -> Database -> IO ()
writeProfile out db = do
(report, mapping) <- toReport db
dirtyKeysMapped <- do
dirtyIds <- Set.fromList . fmap fst <$> getDirtySet db
let dirtyKeysMapped = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` mapping) . Set.toList $ dirtyIds
dirtyIds <- fromListKeySet . fmap fst <$> getDirtySet db
let dirtyKeysMapped = mapMaybe (`lookupKeyMap` mapping) . toListKeySet $ dirtyIds
return $ Just $ sort dirtyKeysMapped
rpt <- generateHTML dirtyKeysMapped report
LBS.writeFile out rpt
@ -58,17 +56,17 @@ data ProfileEntry = ProfileEntry
-- | Eliminate all errors from the database, pretending they don't exist
-- resultsOnly :: Map.HashMap Id (Key, Status) -> Map.HashMap Id (Key, Result (Either BS.ByteString Value))
resultsOnly :: [(Key, Status)] -> Map.HashMap Key Result
resultsOnly mp = (\r ->
r{resultDeps = mapResultDeps (Set.filter (isJust . flip Map.lookup keep)) $ resultDeps r}
resultsOnly :: [(Key, Status)] -> KeyMap Result
resultsOnly mp = mapKeyMap (\r ->
r{resultDeps = mapResultDeps (filterKeySet (isJust . flip lookupKeyMap keep)) $ resultDeps r}
) keep
keep = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe (traverse getResult) mp
keep = fromListKeyMap $ mapMaybe (traverse getResult) mp
-- | Given a map of representing a dependency order (with a show for error messages), find an ordering for the items such
-- that no item points to an item before itself.
-- Raise an error if you end up with a cycle.
dependencyOrder :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> String) -> [(a,[a])] -> [a]
-- dependencyOrder :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> String) -> [(a,[a])] -> [a]
-- Algorithm:
-- Divide everyone up into those who have no dependencies [Id]
-- And those who depend on a particular Id, Dep :-> Maybe [(Key,[Dep])]
@ -78,8 +76,8 @@ dependencyOrder :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> String) -> [(a,[a])] -> [a]
-- k :-> Nothing means the key has already been freed
dependencyOrder shw status =
f (map fst noDeps) $ Just $
Map.fromListWith (++)
mapKeyMap Just $
fromListWithKeyMap (++)
[(d, [(k,ds)]) | (k,d:ds) <- hasDeps]
(noDeps, hasDeps) = partition (null . snd) status
@ -89,33 +87,33 @@ dependencyOrder shw status =
"Internal invariant broken, database seems to be cyclic" :
map (" " ++) bad ++
["... plus " ++ show (length badOverflow) ++ " more ..." | not $ null badOverflow]
where (bad,badOverflow) = splitAt 10 [shw i | (i, Just _) <- Map.toList mp]
where (bad,badOverflow) = splitAt 10 [shw i | (i, Just _) <- toListKeyMap mp]
f (x:xs) mp = x : f (now++xs) later
where Just free = Map.lookupDefault (Just []) x mp
(now,later) = foldl' g ([], Map.insert x Nothing mp) free
where Just free = lookupDefaultKeyMap (Just []) x mp
(now,later) = foldl' g ([], insertKeyMap x Nothing mp) free
g (free, mp) (k, []) = (k:free, mp)
g (free, mp) (k, d:ds) = case Map.lookupDefault (Just []) d mp of
g (free, mp) (k, d:ds) = case lookupDefaultKeyMap (Just []) d mp of
Nothing -> g (free, mp) (k, ds)
Just todo -> (free, Map.insert d (Just $ (k,ds) : todo) mp)
Just todo -> (free, insertKeyMap d (Just $ (k,ds) : todo) mp)
prepareForDependencyOrder :: Database -> IO (HashMap Key Result)
prepareForDependencyOrder :: Database -> IO (KeyMap Result)
prepareForDependencyOrder db = do
current <- readTVarIO $ databaseStep db
Map.insert (newKey "alwaysRerun") (alwaysRerunResult current) . resultsOnly
insertKeyMap (newKey "alwaysRerun") (alwaysRerunResult current) . resultsOnly
<$> getDatabaseValues db
-- | Returns a list of profile entries, and a mapping linking a non-error Id to its profile entry
toReport :: Database -> IO ([ProfileEntry], HashMap Key Int)
toReport :: Database -> IO ([ProfileEntry], KeyMap Int)
toReport db = do
status <- prepareForDependencyOrder db
let order = dependencyOrder show
$ map (second (Set.toList . getResultDepsDefault (Set.singleton $ newKey "alwaysRerun") . resultDeps))
$ Map.toList status
ids = Map.fromList $ zip order [0..]
$ map (second (toListKeySet . getResultDepsDefault (singletonKeySet $ newKey "alwaysRerun") . resultDeps))
$ toListKeyMap status
ids = fromListKeyMap $ zip order [0..]
steps = let xs = nubOrd $ concat [[resultChanged, resultBuilt, resultVisited] | Result{..} <- Map.elems status]
steps = let xs = nubOrd $ concat [[resultChanged, resultBuilt, resultVisited] | Result{..} <- elemsKeyMap status]
in Map.fromList $ zip (sortBy (flip compare) xs) [0..]
@ -124,11 +122,11 @@ toReport db = do
,prfBuilt = fromStep resultBuilt
,prfVisited = fromStep resultVisited
,prfChanged = fromStep resultChanged
,prfDepends = map pure $ Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWith const ids $ Set.toMap $ getResultDepsDefault (Set.singleton $ newKey "alwaysRerun") resultDeps
,prfDepends = map pure $ elemsKeyMap $ restrictKeysKeyMap ids $ getResultDepsDefault (singletonKeySet $ newKey "alwaysRerun") resultDeps
,prfExecution = resultExecution
where fromStep i = fromJust $ Map.lookup i steps
pure ([maybe (error "toReport") (f i) $ Map.lookup i status | i <- order], ids)
pure ([maybe (error "toReport") (f i) $ lookupKeyMap i status | i <- order], ids)
alwaysRerunResult :: Step -> Result
alwaysRerunResult current = Result (Value $ toDyn "<alwaysRerun>") (Step 0) (Step 0) current (ResultDeps mempty) 0 mempty

View File

@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.HashSet (HashSet, member)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.IORef
@ -88,34 +90,34 @@ newtype Step = Step Int
-- Keys
data KeyValue = forall a . (Typeable a, Hashable a, Show a) => KeyValue a Text
data KeyValue = forall a . (Eq a, Typeable a, Hashable a, Show a) => KeyValue a Text
newtype Key = UnsafeMkKey Int
pattern Key a <- (lookupKeyValue -> KeyValue a _)
data KeyMap = KeyMap !(Map.HashMap KeyValue Key) !(IM.IntMap KeyValue) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
data GlobalKeyValueMap = GlobalKeyValueMap !(Map.HashMap KeyValue Key) !(IntMap KeyValue) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
keyMap :: IORef KeyMap
keyMap = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef (KeyMap Map.empty IM.empty 0)
keyMap :: IORef GlobalKeyValueMap
keyMap = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef (GlobalKeyValueMap Map.empty IM.empty 0)
{-# NOINLINE keyMap #-}
newKey :: (Typeable a, Hashable a, Show a) => a -> Key
newKey :: (Eq a, Typeable a, Hashable a, Show a) => a -> Key
newKey k = unsafePerformIO $ do
let !newKey = KeyValue k (T.pack (show k))
atomicModifyIORef' keyMap $ \km@(KeyMap hm im n) ->
atomicModifyIORef' keyMap $ \km@(GlobalKeyValueMap hm im n) ->
let new_key = Map.lookup newKey hm
in case new_key of
Just v -> (km, v)
Nothing ->
let !new_index = UnsafeMkKey n
in (KeyMap (Map.insert newKey new_index hm) (IM.insert n newKey im) (n+1), new_index)
in (GlobalKeyValueMap (Map.insert newKey new_index hm) (IM.insert n newKey im) (n+1), new_index)
{-# NOINLINE newKey #-}
lookupKeyValue :: Key -> KeyValue
lookupKeyValue (UnsafeMkKey x) = unsafePerformIO $ do
KeyMap _ im _ <- readIORef keyMap
GlobalKeyValueMap _ im _ <- readIORef keyMap
pure $! im IM.! x
{-# NOINLINE lookupKeyValue #-}
@ -137,14 +139,88 @@ instance Show KeyValue where
renderKey :: Key -> Text
renderKey (lookupKeyValue -> KeyValue _ t) = t
newtype KeySet = KeySet IntSet
deriving (Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show KeySet where
showsPrec p (KeySet is)= showParen (p > 10) $
showString "fromList " . shows ks
where ks = coerce (IS.toList is) :: [Key]
insertKeySet :: Key -> KeySet -> KeySet
insertKeySet = coerce IS.insert
memberKeySet :: Key -> KeySet -> Bool
memberKeySet = coerce IS.member
toListKeySet :: KeySet -> [Key]
toListKeySet = coerce IS.toList
nullKeySet :: KeySet -> Bool
nullKeySet = coerce IS.null
differenceKeySet :: KeySet -> KeySet -> KeySet
differenceKeySet = coerce IS.difference
deleteKeySet :: Key -> KeySet -> KeySet
deleteKeySet = coerce IS.delete
fromListKeySet :: [Key] -> KeySet
fromListKeySet = coerce IS.fromList
singletonKeySet :: Key -> KeySet
singletonKeySet = coerce IS.singleton
filterKeySet :: (Key -> Bool) -> KeySet -> KeySet
filterKeySet = coerce IS.filter
lengthKeySet :: KeySet -> Int
lengthKeySet = coerce IS.size
newtype KeyMap a = KeyMap (IntMap a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show a => Show (KeyMap a) where
showsPrec p (KeyMap im)= showParen (p > 10) $
showString "fromList " . shows ks
where ks = coerce (IM.toList im) :: [(Key,a)]
mapKeyMap :: (a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b
mapKeyMap f (KeyMap m) = KeyMap ( f m)
insertKeyMap :: Key -> a -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap a
insertKeyMap (UnsafeMkKey k) v (KeyMap m) = KeyMap (IM.insert k v m)
lookupKeyMap :: Key -> KeyMap a -> Maybe a
lookupKeyMap (UnsafeMkKey k) (KeyMap m) = IM.lookup k m
lookupDefaultKeyMap :: a -> Key -> KeyMap a -> a
lookupDefaultKeyMap a (UnsafeMkKey k) (KeyMap m) = IM.findWithDefault a k m
fromListKeyMap :: [(Key,a)] -> KeyMap a
fromListKeyMap xs = KeyMap (IM.fromList (coerce xs))
fromListWithKeyMap :: (a -> a -> a) -> [(Key,a)] -> KeyMap a
fromListWithKeyMap f xs = KeyMap (IM.fromListWith f (coerce xs))
toListKeyMap :: KeyMap a -> [(Key,a)]
toListKeyMap (KeyMap m) = coerce (IM.toList m)
elemsKeyMap :: KeyMap a -> [a]
elemsKeyMap (KeyMap m) = IM.elems m
restrictKeysKeyMap :: KeyMap a -> KeySet -> KeyMap a
restrictKeysKeyMap (KeyMap m) (KeySet s) = KeyMap (IM.restrictKeys m s)
newtype Value = Value Dynamic
data KeyDetails = KeyDetails {
keyStatus :: !Status,
keyReverseDeps :: !(HashSet Key)
keyReverseDeps :: !KeySet
onKeyReverseDeps :: (HashSet Key -> HashSet Key) -> KeyDetails -> KeyDetails
onKeyReverseDeps :: (KeySet -> KeySet) -> KeyDetails -> KeyDetails
onKeyReverseDeps f it@KeyDetails{..} =
it{keyReverseDeps = f keyReverseDeps}
@ -191,15 +267,15 @@ data Result = Result {
resultData :: !BS.ByteString
data ResultDeps = UnknownDeps | AlwaysRerunDeps !(HashSet Key) | ResultDeps !(HashSet Key)
data ResultDeps = UnknownDeps | AlwaysRerunDeps !KeySet | ResultDeps !KeySet
deriving (Eq, Show)
getResultDepsDefault :: (HashSet Key) -> ResultDeps -> (HashSet Key)
getResultDepsDefault :: KeySet -> ResultDeps -> KeySet
getResultDepsDefault _ (ResultDeps ids) = ids
getResultDepsDefault _ (AlwaysRerunDeps ids) = ids
getResultDepsDefault def UnknownDeps = def
mapResultDeps :: (HashSet Key -> HashSet Key) -> ResultDeps -> ResultDeps
mapResultDeps :: (KeySet -> KeySet) -> ResultDeps -> ResultDeps
mapResultDeps f (ResultDeps ids) = ResultDeps $ f ids
mapResultDeps f (AlwaysRerunDeps ids) = AlwaysRerunDeps $ f ids
mapResultDeps _ UnknownDeps = UnknownDeps
@ -273,7 +349,7 @@ fromGraphException x = do
data Stack = Stack [Key] !(HashSet Key)
data Stack = Stack [Key] !KeySet
instance Show Stack where
show (Stack kk _) = "Stack: " <> intercalate " -> " (map show kk)
@ -288,12 +364,12 @@ instance Exception StackException where
addStack :: Key -> Stack -> Either StackException Stack
addStack k (Stack ks is)
| k `member` is = Left $ StackException stack2
| k `memberKeySet` is = Left $ StackException stack2
| otherwise = Right stack2
where stack2 = Stack (k:ks) (Set.insert k is)
where stack2 = Stack (k:ks) (insertKeySet k is)
memberStack :: Key -> Stack -> Bool
memberStack k (Stack _ ks) = k `member` ks
memberStack k (Stack _ ks) = k `memberKeySet` ks
emptyStack :: Stack
emptyStack = Stack [] mempty

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Development.IDE.Graph.KeyMap(
) where
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Development.IDE.Graph.KeySet(
) where
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types