refactor crade error to use Path

This commit is contained in:
komikat 2024-08-02 13:17:15 +05:30
parent cd89602f63
commit 5c592f55a3
6 changed files with 40 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Path
import GHC.Generics
import qualified HIE.Bios.Cradle as HieBios
import HIE.Bios.Types hiding (Log)
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ data CradleErrorDetails =
the cradle error occurred (of the file we attempted to load).
Depicts the cradle error in a user-friendly way.
renderCradleError :: CradleError -> Cradle a -> NormalizedFilePath -> FileDiagnostic
renderCradleError :: CradleError -> Cradle a -> Path Abs NormalizedFilePath -> FileDiagnostic
renderCradleError (CradleError deps _ec ms) cradle nfp
| HieBios.isCabalCradle cradle =
let (fp, showDiag, diag) = ideErrorWithSource (Just "cradle") (Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error) nfp $ T.unlines $ map T.pack userFriendlyMessage in
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ renderCradleError (CradleError deps _ec ms) cradle nfp
mkUnknownModuleMessage :: Maybe [String]
| any (isInfixOf "Failed extracting script block:") ms =
Just $ unknownModuleMessage (fromNormalizedFilePath nfp)
Just $ unknownModuleMessage (fromNormalizedFilePath $ normalizeAbs nfp)
| otherwise = Nothing
fileMissingMessage :: Maybe [String]

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Path
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import qualified GHC.Runtime.Loader as Loader
import GHC.Utils.Logger (LogFlags (..))
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ data CPPDiag
diagsFromCPPLogs :: FilePath -> [CPPLog] -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagsFromCPPLogs filename logs =
map (\d -> (toNormalizedFilePath' filename, ShowDiag, cppDiagToDiagnostic d)) $
map (\d -> (mkAbsPath $ toNormalizedFilePath' filename, ShowDiag, cppDiagToDiagnostic d)) $
go [] logs
-- On errors, CPP calls logAction with a real span for the initial log and

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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.KnownTargets
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Monitoring (Monitoring (..))
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.IDE.Types.Path
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake
import qualified Focus
import GHC.Fingerprint
@ -1204,7 +1205,7 @@ defineEarlyCutOffNoFile recorder f = defineEarlyCutoff recorder $ RuleNoDiagnost
fail $ "Rule " ++ show k ++ " should always be called with the empty string for a file"
:: forall k v. IdeRule k v
:: forall k v. (IdeRule k v, NFData v)
=> (Maybe Int32 -> [FileDiagnostic] -> Action ()) -- ^ update diagnostics
-- | compare current and previous for freshness
-> (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Bool)
@ -1245,7 +1246,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file mbOld mode action = do
(mbBs, (diags, mbRes)) <- actionCatch
(do v <- action staleV; liftIO $ evaluate $ force v) $
\(e :: SomeException) -> do
pure (Nothing, ([ideErrorText file $ T.pack $ show e | not $ isBadDependency e],Nothing))
pure (Nothing, ([ideErrorText (mkAbsPath file) $ T.pack $ show e | not $ isBadDependency e],Nothing))
ver <- estimateFileVersionUnsafely key mbRes file
(bs, res) <- case mbRes of
@ -1354,7 +1355,7 @@ updateFileDiagnostics recorder fp ver k ShakeExtras{diagnostics, hiddenDiagnosti
lastPublish <- atomicallyNamed "diagnostics - publish" $ STM.focus (Focus.lookupWithDefault [] <* Focus.insert newDiags) uri' publishedDiagnostics
let action = when (lastPublish /= newDiags) $ case lspEnv of
Nothing -> -- Print an LSP event.
logWith recorder Info $ LogDiagsDiffButNoLspEnv (map (fp, ShowDiag,) newDiags)
logWith recorder Info $ LogDiagsDiffButNoLspEnv (map (mkAbsPath fp, ShowDiag,) newDiags)
Just env -> LSP.runLspT env $ do
liftIO $ tag "count" (show $ Prelude.length newDiags)
liftIO $ tag "key" (show k)
@ -1422,7 +1423,7 @@ getAllDiagnostics ::
STMDiagnosticStore ->
STM [FileDiagnostic]
getAllDiagnostics =
fmap (concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (fromUri k,ShowDiag,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v)) . ListT.toList . STM.listT
fmap (concatMap (\(k,v) -> map (mkAbsPath $ fromUri k,ShowDiag,) $ getDiagnosticsFromStore v)) . ListT.toList . STM.listT
updatePositionMapping :: IdeState -> VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -> [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent] -> STM ()
updatePositionMapping IdeState{shakeExtras = ShakeExtras{positionMapping}} VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{..} changes =

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util as Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans ()
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as D
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Path
import GHC
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (isSubrangeOf)
import Language.LSP.VFS (CodePointPosition (CodePointPosition),
@ -52,18 +53,21 @@ import Language.LSP.VFS (CodePointPosition (CodePoint
diagFromText :: T.Text -> D.DiagnosticSeverity -> SrcSpan -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
diagFromText diagSource sev loc msg = (toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe noFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename loc,ShowDiag,)
{ _range = fromMaybe noRange $ srcSpanToRange loc
, _severity = Just sev
, _source = Just diagSource -- not shown in the IDE, but useful for ghcide developers
, _message = msg
, _code = Nothing
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
, _tags = Nothing
, _codeDescription = Nothing
, _data_ = Nothing
diagFromText diagSource sev loc msg = (filePath, ShowDiag,)
{ _range = fromMaybe noRange $ srcSpanToRange loc
, _severity = Just sev
, _source = Just diagSource -- not shown in the IDE, but useful for ghcide developers
, _message = msg
, _code = Nothing
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
, _tags = Nothing
, _codeDescription = Nothing
, _data_ = Nothing
normPath = toNormalizedFilePath' $ fromMaybe noFilePath $ srcSpanToFilename loc
filePath = mkAbsPath normPath
-- | Produce a GHC-style error from a source span and a message.
diagFromErrMsg :: T.Text -> DynFlags -> MsgEnvelope DecoratedSDoc -> [FileDiagnostic]

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Path
import Language.LSP.Diagnostics
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types as LSP (Diagnostic (..),
DiagnosticSeverity (..))
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ type IdeResult v = ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe v)
-- | an IdeResult with a fingerprint
type IdeResultNoDiagnosticsEarlyCutoff v = (Maybe ByteString, Maybe v)
ideErrorText :: NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText :: Path Abs NormalizedFilePath -> T.Text -> FileDiagnostic
ideErrorText = ideErrorWithSource (Just "compiler") (Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error)
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ instance NFData ShowDiagnostic where
-- along with the related source location so that we can display the error
-- on either the console or in the IDE at the right source location.
type FileDiagnostic = (NormalizedFilePath, ShowDiagnostic, Diagnostic)
type FileDiagnostic = (Path Abs NormalizedFilePath, ShowDiagnostic, Diagnostic)
prettyRange :: Range -> Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle
prettyRange Range{..} = f _start <> "-" <> f _end
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ prettyDiagnostics = vcat . map prettyDiagnostic
prettyDiagnostic :: FileDiagnostic -> Doc Terminal.AnsiStyle
prettyDiagnostic (fp, sh, LSP.Diagnostic{..}) =
[ slabel_ "File: " $ pretty (fromNormalizedFilePath fp)
[ slabel_ "File: " $ pretty (fromNormalizedFilePath $ normalizeAbs fp)
, slabel_ "Hidden: " $ if sh == ShowDiag then "no" else "yes"
, slabel_ "Range: " $ prettyRange _range
, slabel_ "Source: " $ pretty _source

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@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
module Development.IDE.Types.Path
(Abs, Rel, normalizeAbs, mkAbsPath, Path)
import Development.IDE (NormalizedFilePath)
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
data Abs
data Rel
newtype Path a = Path { getRawPath :: NormalizedFilePath}
newtype Path a b = MkPath { getRawPath :: b } deriving (Eq, Show)
normalizeAbs :: Path Abs NormalizedFilePath -> NormalizedFilePath
normalizeAbs = getRawPath
-- | TODO: guarantee that path is absolute
mkAbsPath :: NormalizedFilePath -> Path Abs NormalizedFilePath
mkAbsPath path = MkPath path