Generate bytecode/object code on demand

Adds a new rule `GetLinkable` which is called on demand by
hscCompileCoreExprHook whenever a linkable is required for a splice.

Adds a MonadUnliftIO instance for Action to faciliate the above

We write Core Files whenever a linkable could potentially be required for a file
(i.e it is in the transitive closure of a module that uses TH/compile time code

However, we only generate byte/object code when such a linkable is
really required by a splice (i.e. the module is in the transitive closure
of any symbol called from a splice).

No linkables are stored in `HiFileResult`. If a linkable is required, then
it must be obtained via a call to `GetLinkable`.

Also use hashes to do fine grained recompilation checking for TH instead of
mod times. This simplifies recompilation checking quite a bit.
This commit is contained in:
Zubin Duggal 2022-03-17 17:42:01 +05:30 committed by wz1000
parent ae3d178fc3
commit c047b052b1
8 changed files with 367 additions and 289 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Compile
, getDocsBatch
, lookupName
, mergeEnvs
, ml_core_file
, coreFileToLinkable
, TypecheckHelpers(..)
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
@ -45,9 +48,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Coerce
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import Data.Functor
@ -60,9 +61,7 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (UTCTime (..),
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Data.Time (UTCTime (..))
import Data.Tuple.Extra (dupe)
import Data.Unique as Unique
import Debug.Trace
@ -81,14 +80,12 @@ import Development.IDE.GHC.Error
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans ()
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.GHC.Warnings
import Development.IDE.Spans.Common
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.IDE.GHC.CoreFile
import GHC (ForeignHValue,
GetDocsFailure (..),
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import GHC.Serialized
@ -121,8 +118,6 @@ import TcSplice
import HscTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util (emptyUDFM, fsLit,
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
import GHC (Anchor (anchor),
EpaComment (EpaComment),
@ -133,6 +128,7 @@ import qualified GHC as G
import GHC.Hs (LEpaComment)
import qualified GHC.Types.Error as Error
import GHC (ModuleGraph, mgLookupModule, mgModSummaries)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
import Data.Generics.Schemes
import Data.Generics.Aliases
@ -162,12 +158,18 @@ computePackageDeps env pkg = do
T.pack $ "unknown package: " ++ show pkg]
Just pkgInfo -> return $ Right $ unitDepends pkgInfo
data TypecheckHelpers
= TypecheckHelpers
{ getLinkablesToKeep :: !(IO (ModuleEnv UTCTime))
, getLinkables :: !([NormalizedFilePath] -> IO [LinkableResult])
typecheckModule :: IdeDefer
-> HscEnv
-> ModuleEnv UTCTime -- ^ linkables not to unload
-> TypecheckHelpers
-> ParsedModule
-> IO (IdeResult TcModuleResult)
typecheckModule (IdeDefer defer) hsc keep_lbls pm = do
typecheckModule (IdeDefer defer) hsc tc_helpers pm = do
let modSummary = pm_mod_summary pm
dflags = ms_hspp_opts modSummary
mmodSummary' <- catchSrcErrors (hsc_dflags hsc) "typecheck (initialize plugins)"
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ typecheckModule (IdeDefer defer) hsc keep_lbls pm = do
mod_summary'' = modSummary' { ms_hspp_opts = hsc_dflags session}
catchSrcErrors (hsc_dflags hsc) "typecheck" $ do
tcRnModule session keep_lbls $ demoteIfDefer pm{pm_mod_summary = mod_summary''}
tcRnModule session tc_helpers $ demoteIfDefer pm{pm_mod_summary = mod_summary''}
let errorPipeline = unDefer . hideDiag dflags . tagDiag
diags = map errorPipeline warnings
deferedError = any fst diags
@ -193,16 +195,16 @@ typecheckModule (IdeDefer defer) hsc keep_lbls pm = do
demoteIfDefer = if defer then demoteTypeErrorsToWarnings else id
-- | Install hooks to capture the splices as well as the runtime module dependencies
captureSplicesAndDeps :: HscEnv -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO (a, Splices, UniqSet ModuleName)
captureSplicesAndDeps env k = do
captureSplicesAndDeps :: TypecheckHelpers -> HscEnv -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO (a, Splices, ModuleEnv BS.ByteString)
captureSplicesAndDeps TypecheckHelpers{..} env k = do
splice_ref <- newIORef mempty
dep_ref <- newIORef emptyUniqSet
dep_ref <- newIORef emptyModuleEnv
res <- k (hscSetHooks (addSpliceHook splice_ref . addLinkableDepHook dep_ref $ hsc_hooks env) env)
splices <- readIORef splice_ref
needed_mods <- readIORef dep_ref
return (res, splices, needed_mods)
addLinkableDepHook :: IORef (UniqSet ModuleName) -> Hooks -> Hooks
addLinkableDepHook :: IORef (ModuleEnv BS.ByteString) -> Hooks -> Hooks
addLinkableDepHook var h = h { hscCompileCoreExprHook = Just (compile_bco_hook var) }
-- We want to record exactly which linkables/modules the typechecker needed at runtime
@ -215,12 +217,7 @@ captureSplicesAndDeps env k = do
-- names in the compiled bytecode, recording the modules that those names
-- come from in the IORef,, as these are the modules on whose implementation
-- we depend.
-- Only compute direct dependencies instead of transitive dependencies.
-- It is much cheaper to store the direct dependencies, we can compute
-- the transitive ones when required.
-- Also only record dependencies from the home package
compile_bco_hook :: IORef (UniqSet ModuleName) -> HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue
compile_bco_hook :: IORef (ModuleEnv BS.ByteString) -> HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue
compile_bco_hook var hsc_env srcspan ds_expr
= do { let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@ -257,41 +254,76 @@ captureSplicesAndDeps env k = do
(icInteractiveModule ictxt)
[] Nothing
; let needed_mods = mkUniqSet [ moduleName mod | n <- concatMap (uniqDSetToList . bcoFreeNames) $ bc_bcos bcos
, Just mod <- [nameModule_maybe n] -- Names from other modules
, not (isWiredInName n) -- Exclude wired-in names
, moduleUnitId mod == homeUnitId_ dflags -- Only care about stuff from the home package
-- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
-- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
-- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
-- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.
{- load it -}
; fv_hvs <- loadDecls (hscInterp hsc_env) hsc_env srcspan bcos
; let hval = (expectJust "hscCompileCoreExpr'" $ lookup (idName binding_id) fv_hvs)
{- Convert to BCOs -}
; bcos <- coreExprToBCOs hsc_env
(icInteractiveModule (hsc_IC hsc_env)) prepd_expr
; let needed_mods = mkUniqSet [ moduleName mod | n <- uniqDSetToList (bcoFreeNames bcos)
, Just mod <- [nameModule_maybe n] -- Names from other modules
, not (isWiredInName n) -- Exclude wired-in names
, moduleUnitId mod == homeUnitId_ dflags -- Only care about stuff from the home package
-- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
-- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
-- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
-- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.
-- Find the linkables for the modules we need
; let needed_mods = mkUniqSet [ moduleName mod
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
| n <- concatMap (uniqDSetToList . bcoFreeNames) $ bc_bcos bcos
| n <- uniqDSetToList (bcoFreeNames bcos)
, Just mod <- [nameModule_maybe n] -- Names from other modules
, not (isWiredInName n) -- Exclude wired-in names
, moduleUnitId mod == uid -- Only care about stuff from the home package
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
uid = homeUnitId_ dflags
mods_transitive = getTransitiveMods hpt needed_mods
-- Non det OK as we will put it into maps later anyway
mods_transitive_list = nonDetEltsUniqSet mods_transitive
; lbs <- getLinkables [toNormalizedFilePath' file | mod <- mkHomeModule
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
(hscHomeUnit hsc_env)
<$> mods_transitive_list
, let ms = fromJust $ mgLookupModule (hsc_mod_graph hsc_env) mod
, let file = fromJust $ ml_hs_file $ ms_location ms
; let hsc_env' = hsc_env { hsc_HPT = addListToHpt hpt [(moduleName $ mi_module $ hm_iface hm, hm) | lb <- lbs, let hm = linkableHomeMod lb] }
-- Essential to do this here after we load the linkables
; keep_lbls <- getLinkablesToKeep
; unload hsc_env' $ map (\(mod, time) -> LM time mod []) $ moduleEnvToList keep_lbls
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
{- load it -}
; fv_hvs <- loadDecls (hscInterp hsc_env') hsc_env' srcspan bcos
; let hval = (expectJust "hscCompileCoreExpr'" $ lookup (idName binding_id) fv_hvs)
{- link it -}
; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env srcspan bcos
; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env' srcspan bcos
; modifyIORef' var (unionUniqSets needed_mods)
; modifyIORef' var (flip extendModuleEnvList [(mi_module $ hm_iface hm, linkableHash lb) | lb <- lbs, let hm = linkableHomeMod lb])
; return hval }
-- Compute the transitive set of linkables required
getTransitiveMods hpt needed_mods = go emptyUniqSet needed_mods
go seen new
| isEmptyUniqSet new = seen
| otherwise = go seen' new'
seen' = seen `unionUniqSets` new
new' = new_deps `minusUniqSet` seen'
new_deps = unionManyUniqSets [ mkUniqSet $ getDependentMods $ hm_iface mod_info
| mod_info <- eltsUDFM $ udfmIntersectUFM hpt (getUniqSet new)]
-- | Add a Hook to the DynFlags which captures and returns the
-- typechecked splices before they are run. This information
@ -325,18 +357,15 @@ captureSplicesAndDeps env k = do
:: HscEnv
-> ModuleEnv UTCTime -- ^ Program linkables not to unload
-> TypecheckHelpers -- ^ Program linkables not to unload
-> ParsedModule
-> IO TcModuleResult
tcRnModule hsc_env keep_lbls pmod = do
tcRnModule hsc_env tc_helpers pmod = do
let ms = pm_mod_summary pmod
hsc_env_tmp = hscSetFlags (ms_hspp_opts ms) hsc_env
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
unload hsc_env_tmp $ map (\(mod, time) -> LM time mod []) $ moduleEnvToList keep_lbls
((tc_gbl_env', mrn_info), splices, mods)
<- captureSplicesAndDeps hsc_env_tmp $ \hsc_env_tmp ->
((tc_gbl_env', mrn_info), splices, mod_env)
<- captureSplicesAndDeps tc_helpers hsc_env_tmp $ \hsc_env_tmp ->
do hscTypecheckRename hsc_env_tmp ms $
HsParsedModule { hpm_module = parsedSource pmod,
hpm_src_files = pm_extra_src_files pmod,
@ -345,25 +374,8 @@ tcRnModule hsc_env keep_lbls pmod = do
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "no renamed info tcRnModule"
-- Compute the transitive set of linkables required
mods_transitive = go emptyUniqSet mods
go seen new
| isEmptyUniqSet new = seen
| otherwise = go seen' new'
seen' = seen `unionUniqSets` new
new' = new_deps `minusUniqSet` seen'
new_deps = unionManyUniqSets [ mkUniqSet $ getDependentMods $ hm_iface mod_info
| mod_info <- eltsUDFM $ udfmIntersectUFM hpt (getUniqSet new)]
-- The linkables we depend on at runtime are the transitive closure of 'mods'
-- restricted to the home package
-- See Note [Recompilation avoidance in the presence of TH]
mod_env = filterModuleEnv (\m _ -> elementOfUniqSet (moduleName m) mods_transitive) keep_lbls -- Could use restrictKeys if the constructors were exported
-- Serialize mod_env so we can read it from the interface
mod_env_anns = map (\(mod, time) -> Annotation (ModuleTarget mod) $ toSerialized serializeModDepTime (ModDepTime time))
mod_env_anns = map (\(mod, hash) -> Annotation (ModuleTarget mod) $ toSerialized BS.unpack hash)
(moduleEnvToList mod_env)
tc_gbl_env = tc_gbl_env' { tcg_ann_env = extendAnnEnvList (tcg_ann_env tc_gbl_env') mod_env_anns }
pure (TcModuleResult pmod rn_info tc_gbl_env splices False mod_env)
@ -380,36 +392,30 @@ mkHiFileResultNoCompile session tcm = do
(iface, _) <- mkIfaceTc hsc_env_tmp Nothing sf details tcGblEnv
let mod_info = HomeModInfo iface details Nothing
pure $! mkHiFileResult ms mod_info (tmrRuntimeModules tcm)
pure $! mkHiFileResult ms iface details (tmrRuntimeModules tcm) Nothing
:: ShakeExtras
-> HscEnv
-> TcModuleResult
-> ModGuts
-> LinkableType -- ^ use object code or byte code?
-> IO (IdeResult HiFileResult)
mkHiFileResultCompile se session' tcm simplified_guts ltype = catchErrs $ do
mkHiFileResultCompile se session' tcm simplified_guts = catchErrs $ do
let session = hscSetFlags (ms_hspp_opts ms) session'
ms = pm_mod_summary $ tmrParsed tcm
tcGblEnv = tmrTypechecked tcm
let genLinkable = case ltype of
ObjectLinkable -> generateObjectCode
BCOLinkable -> generateByteCode se WriteCoreFile
(linkable, details, mguts, diags) <-
(details, mguts) <-
if mg_hsc_src simplified_guts == HsBootFile
then do
-- give variables unique OccNames
details <- mkBootModDetailsTc session tcGblEnv
pure (Nothing, details, Nothing, [])
pure (details, Nothing)
else do
-- write core file
-- give variables unique OccNames
(guts, details) <- tidyProgram session simplified_guts
(diags, linkable) <- genLinkable session ms guts
pure (linkable, details, Just guts, diags)
pure (details, Just guts)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,1)
let !partial_iface = force (mkPartialIface session details simplified_guts)
final_iface <- mkFullIface session partial_iface Nothing
@ -419,53 +425,73 @@ mkHiFileResultCompile se session' tcm simplified_guts ltype = catchErrs $ do
(final_iface,_) <- mkIface session Nothing details simplified_guts
let mod_info = HomeModInfo final_iface details linkable
-- Write the core file now
core_file <- case mguts of
Nothing -> pure Nothing -- no guts, likely boot file
Just guts -> do
let core_fp = ml_core_file $ ms_location ms
core_file = codeGutsToCoreFile iface_hash guts
iface_hash = getModuleHash final_iface
core_hash1 <- atomicFileWrite se core_fp $ \fp ->
writeBinCoreFile fp core_file
-- We want to drop references to guts and read in a serialized, compact version
-- of the core file from disk (as it is deserialised lazily)
-- This is because we don't want to keep the guts in memeory for every file in
-- the project as it becomes prohibitively expensive
-- The serialized file however is much more compact and only requires a few
-- hundred megabytes of memory total even in a large project with 1000s of
-- modules
(core_file, !core_hash2) <- readBinCoreFile (mkUpdater $ hsc_NC session) core_fp
pure $ assert (core_hash1 == core_hash2)
$ Just (core_file, fingerprintToBS core_hash2)
-- Verify core file by rountrip testing and comparison
IdeOptions{optVerifyCoreFile} <- getIdeOptionsIO se
when (maybe False (not . isObjectLinkable) linkable && optVerifyCoreFile) $ do
let core_fp = ml_core_file $ ms_location ms
traceIO $ "Verifying " ++ core_fp
core <- readBinCoreFile (mkUpdater $ hsc_NC session) core_fp
let CgGuts{cg_binds = unprep_binds, cg_tycons = tycons } = case mguts of
Nothing -> error "invariant optVerifyCoreFile: guts must exist if linkable exists)"
Just g -> g
mod = ms_mod ms
data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
CgGuts{cg_binds = unprep_binds'} <- coreFileToCgGuts session final_iface details core
case core_file of
Just (core, _) | optVerifyCoreFile -> do
let core_fp = ml_core_file $ ms_location ms
traceIO $ "Verifying " ++ core_fp
let CgGuts{cg_binds = unprep_binds, cg_tycons = tycons } = case mguts of
Nothing -> error "invariant optVerifyCoreFile: guts must exist if linkable exists"
Just g -> g
mod = ms_mod ms
data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
CgGuts{cg_binds = unprep_binds'} <- coreFileToCgGuts session final_iface details core
-- Run corePrep first as we want to test the final version of the program that will
-- get translated to STG/Bytecode
(prepd_binds , _) <- corePrepPgm session mod (ms_location ms) unprep_binds data_tycons
(prepd_binds', _) <- corePrepPgm session mod (ms_location ms) unprep_binds' data_tycons
let binds = noUnfoldings $ (map flattenBinds . (:[])) $ prepd_binds
binds' = noUnfoldings $ (map flattenBinds . (:[])) $ prepd_binds'
-- Run corePrep first as we want to test the final version of the program that will
-- get translated to STG/Bytecode
(prepd_binds , _) <- corePrepPgm session mod (ms_location ms) unprep_binds data_tycons
(prepd_binds', _) <- corePrepPgm session mod (ms_location ms) unprep_binds' data_tycons
let binds = noUnfoldings $ (map flattenBinds . (:[])) $ prepd_binds
binds' = noUnfoldings $ (map flattenBinds . (:[])) $ prepd_binds'
-- diffBinds is unreliable, sometimes it goes down the wrong track.
-- This fixes the order of the bindings so that it is less likely to do so.
diffs2 = concat $ flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ zipWithM go binds binds'
-- diffs1 = concat $ flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ zipWithM go (map (:[]) $ concat binds) (map (:[]) $ concat binds')
-- diffs3 = flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ go (concat binds) (concat binds')
-- diffBinds is unreliable, sometimes it goes down the wrong track.
-- This fixes the order of the bindings so that it is less likely to do so.
diffs2 = concat $ flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ zipWithM go binds binds'
-- diffs1 = concat $ flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ zipWithM go (map (:[]) $ concat binds) (map (:[]) $ concat binds')
-- diffs3 = flip S.evalState (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) $ go (concat binds) (concat binds')
diffs = diffs2
go x y = S.state $ \s -> diffBinds True s x y
diffs = diffs2
go x y = S.state $ \s -> diffBinds True s x y
-- The roundtrip doesn't preserver OtherUnfolding or occInfo, but neither are of these
-- are used for generate core or bytecode, so we can safely ignore them
-- SYB is slow but fine given that this is only used for testing
noUnfoldings = everywhere $ mkT $ \v -> if isId v
let v' = if isOtherUnfolding (realIdUnfolding v) then (setIdUnfolding v noUnfolding) else v
in setIdOccInfo v' noOccInfo
else v
isOtherUnfolding (OtherCon _) = True
isOtherUnfolding _ = False
-- The roundtrip doesn't preserver OtherUnfolding or occInfo, but neither are of these
-- are used for generate core or bytecode, so we can safely ignore them
-- SYB is slow but fine given that this is only used for testing
noUnfoldings = everywhere $ mkT $ \v -> if isId v
let v' = if isOtherUnfolding (realIdUnfolding v) then (setIdUnfolding v noUnfolding) else v
in setIdOccInfo v' noOccInfo
else v
isOtherUnfolding (OtherCon _) = True
isOtherUnfolding _ = False
when (not $ null diffs) $
panicDoc "verify core failed!" (vcat $ punctuate (text "\n\n") (diffs )) -- ++ [ppr binds , ppr binds']))
when (not $ null diffs) $
panicDoc "verify core failed!" (vcat $ punctuate (text "\n\n") (diffs )) -- ++ [ppr binds , ppr binds']))
_ -> pure ()
pure (diags, Just $! mkHiFileResult ms mod_info (tmrRuntimeModules tcm))
pure ([], Just $! mkHiFileResult ms final_iface details (tmrRuntimeModules tcm) core_file)
dflags = hsc_dflags session'
@ -544,10 +570,10 @@ generateObjectCode session summary guts = do
pure (map snd warnings, linkable)
data WriteCoreFile = WriteCoreFile | CoreFileExists !UTCTime
newtype CoreFileTime = CoreFileTime UTCTime
generateByteCode :: ShakeExtras -> WriteCoreFile -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> CgGuts -> IO (IdeResult Linkable)
generateByteCode se write_core hscEnv summary guts = do
generateByteCode :: CoreFileTime -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> CgGuts -> IO (IdeResult Linkable)
generateByteCode (CoreFileTime time) hscEnv summary guts = do
fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) $
catchSrcErrors (hsc_dflags hscEnv) "bytecode" $ do
(warnings, (_, bytecode, sptEntries)) <-
@ -562,16 +588,7 @@ generateByteCode se write_core hscEnv summary guts = do
let unlinked = BCOs bytecode sptEntries
time <- case write_core of
CoreFileExists time -> pure time
WriteCoreFile -> liftIO $ do
let core_fp = ml_core_file $ ms_location summary
core_file = codeGutsToCoreFile guts
atomicFileWrite se core_fp $ \fp ->
writeBinCoreFile fp core_file
getModificationTime core_fp
let linkable = LM time (ms_mod summary) [unlinked]
pure (map snd warnings, linkable)
demoteTypeErrorsToWarnings :: ParsedModule -> ParsedModule
@ -653,12 +670,12 @@ addRelativeImport fp modu dflags = dflags
{importPaths = nubOrd $ maybeToList (moduleImportPath fp modu) ++ importPaths dflags}
-- | Also resets the interface store
atomicFileWrite :: ShakeExtras -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO ()
atomicFileWrite :: ShakeExtras -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
atomicFileWrite se targetPath write = do
let dir = takeDirectory targetPath
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
(tempFilePath, cleanUp) <- newTempFileWithin dir
(write tempFilePath >> renameFile tempFilePath targetPath >> atomically (resetInterfaceStore se (toNormalizedFilePath' targetPath)))
(write tempFilePath >>= \x -> renameFile tempFilePath targetPath >> atomically (resetInterfaceStore se (toNormalizedFilePath' targetPath)) >> pure x)
`onException` cleanUp
generateHieAsts :: HscEnv -> TcModuleResult -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe (HieASTs Type))
@ -681,12 +698,14 @@ generateHieAsts hscEnv tcm =
dflags = hsc_dflags hscEnv
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
run ts =
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
fmap (join . snd) . liftIO . initDs hscEnv ts
spliceExpresions :: Splices -> [LHsExpr GhcTc]
spliceExpresions Splices{..} =
@ -851,7 +870,7 @@ writeHiFile se hscEnv tc =
atomicFileWrite se targetPath $ \fp ->
writeIfaceFile hscEnv fp modIface
modIface = hm_iface $ hirHomeMod tc
modIface = hirModIface tc
targetPath = ml_hi_file $ ms_location $ hirModSummary tc
dflags = hsc_dflags hscEnv
@ -1193,6 +1212,7 @@ data RecompilationInfo m
{ source_version :: FileVersion
, old_value :: Maybe (HiFileResult, FileVersion)
, get_file_version :: NormalizedFilePath -> m (Maybe FileVersion)
, get_linkable_hashes :: [NormalizedFilePath] -> m [BS.ByteString]
, regenerate :: Maybe LinkableType -> m ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe HiFileResult) -- ^ Action to regenerate an interface
@ -1213,18 +1233,16 @@ ml_core_file ml = ml_hi_file ml <.> "core"
-- See Note [Recompilation avoidance in the presence of TH]
:: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
=> ShakeExtras
-> HscEnv
=> HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> Maybe LinkableType
-> RecompilationInfo m
-> m ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe HiFileResult)
loadInterface se session ms linkableNeeded RecompilationInfo{..} = do
loadInterface session ms linkableNeeded RecompilationInfo{..} = do
let sessionWithMsDynFlags = hscSetFlags (ms_hspp_opts ms) session
mb_old_iface = hm_iface . hirHomeMod . fst <$> old_value
mb_old_iface = hirModIface . fst <$> old_value
mb_old_version = snd <$> old_value
obj_file = ml_obj_file (ms_location ms)
core_file = ml_core_file (ms_location ms)
iface_file = ml_hi_file (ms_location ms)
@ -1232,14 +1250,10 @@ loadInterface se session ms linkableNeeded RecompilationInfo{..} = do
mb_dest_version <- case mb_old_version of
Just ver -> pure $ Just ver
Nothing -> do
let file = case linkableNeeded of
Just ObjectLinkable -> obj_file
Just BCOLinkable -> core_file
Nothing -> iface_file
get_file_version (toNormalizedFilePath' file)
Nothing -> get_file_version (toNormalizedFilePath' iface_file)
-- The source is modified if it is newer than the destination
-- The source is modified if it is newer than the destination (iface file)
-- A more precise check for the core file is performed later
let sourceMod = case mb_dest_version of
Nothing -> SourceModified -- desitination file doesn't exist, assume modified source
Just dest_version
@ -1247,135 +1261,89 @@ loadInterface se session ms linkableNeeded RecompilationInfo{..} = do
| otherwise -> SourceModified
-- If mb_old_iface is nothing then checkOldIface will load it for us
-- given that the source is unmodified
(recomp_iface_reqd, mb_checked_iface)
<- liftIO $ checkOldIface sessionWithMsDynFlags ms sourceMod mb_old_iface
(recomp_obj_reqd, mb_linkable) <- case linkableNeeded of
Nothing -> pure (UpToDate, Nothing)
Just linkableType -> case old_value of
-- We don't have an old result
Nothing -> recompMaybeBecause "missing"
-- We have an old result
Just (old_hir, old_file_version) ->
case hm_linkable $ hirHomeMod old_hir of
Nothing -> recompMaybeBecause "missing [not needed before]"
Just old_lb
| Just True <- mi_used_th <$> mb_checked_iface -- No need to recompile if TH wasn't used
, old_file_version /= source_version -> recompMaybeBecause "out of date"
-- Check if it is the correct type
-- Ideally we could use object-code in case we already have
-- it when we are generating bytecode, but this is difficult because something
-- below us may be bytecode, and object code can't depend on bytecode
| ObjectLinkable <- linkableType, isObjectLinkable old_lb
-> pure (UpToDate, Just $ GhcLinkable old_lb)
| BCOLinkable <- linkableType , not (isObjectLinkable old_lb)
-> pure (UpToDate, Just $ GhcLinkable old_lb)
| otherwise -> recompMaybeBecause "missing [wrong type]"
recompMaybeBecause msg =
case mb_dest_version of -- The destination file should be the object code or the core file
Nothing -> pure (RecompBecause msg', Nothing)
Just disk_obj_version@(ModificationTime t) ->
if (disk_obj_version >= source_version)
then case linkableType of
ObjectLinkable -> pure (UpToDate, Just $ GhcLinkable $ LM (posixSecondsToUTCTime t) mod [DotO obj_file])
BCOLinkable -> liftIO $ do
core <- readBinCoreFile (mkUpdater $ hsc_NC session) core_file
pure (UpToDate, Just $ CoreLinkable (posixSecondsToUTCTime t) core)
else pure (RecompBecause msg', Nothing)
Just (VFSVersion _) -> pure (RecompBecause msg', Nothing)
msg' = case linkableType of
BCOLinkable -> "bytecode " ++ msg
ObjectLinkable -> "Object code " ++ msg
let do_regenerate _reason = withTrace "regenerate interface" $ \setTag -> do
setTag "Module" $ moduleNameString $ moduleName mod
setTag "Reason" $ showReason _reason
liftIO $ traceMarkerIO $ "regenerate interface " ++ show (moduleNameString $ moduleName mod, showReason _reason)
regenerate linkableNeeded
case (mb_checked_iface, recomp_iface_reqd <> recomp_obj_reqd) of
case (mb_checked_iface, recomp_iface_reqd) of
(Just iface, UpToDate) -> do
-- Force it because we don't want to retain old modsummaries or linkables
lb <- liftIO $ evaluate $ force mb_linkable
-- If we have an old value, just return it
case old_value of
Just (old_hir, _)
| Just msg <- checkLinkableDependencies (hsc_HPT sessionWithMsDynFlags) (hirRuntimeModules old_hir)
-> do_regenerate msg
| otherwise -> return ([], Just old_hir)
Nothing -> do
(warns, hmi) <- liftIO $ mkDetailsFromIface se sessionWithMsDynFlags ms iface lb
| if isJust linkableNeeded then isJust (hirCoreFp old_hir) else True
-> do
-- Peform the fine grained recompilation check for TH
maybe_recomp <- checkLinkableDependencies get_linkable_hashes (hsc_mod_graph sessionWithMsDynFlags) (hirRuntimeModules old_hir)
case maybe_recomp of
Just msg -> do_regenerate msg
Nothing -> return ([], Just old_hir)
-- Otherwise use the value from disk, provided the core file is up to date if required
_ -> do
details <- liftIO $ mkDetailsFromIface sessionWithMsDynFlags iface
-- parse the runtime dependencies from the annotations
let runtime_deps
| not (mi_used_th iface) = emptyModuleEnv
| otherwise = parseRuntimeDeps (md_anns (hm_details hmi))
return (warns, Just $ mkHiFileResult ms hmi runtime_deps)
| otherwise = parseRuntimeDeps (md_anns details)
-- Peform the fine grained recompilation check for TH
maybe_recomp <- checkLinkableDependencies get_linkable_hashes (hsc_mod_graph sessionWithMsDynFlags) runtime_deps
case maybe_recomp of
Just msg -> do_regenerate msg
| isJust linkableNeeded -> do
(core_file@CoreFile{cf_iface_hash}, core_hash) <- liftIO $ readBinCoreFile (mkUpdater $ hsc_NC session) core_file
if cf_iface_hash == getModuleHash iface
then return ([], Just $ mkHiFileResult ms iface details runtime_deps (Just (core_file, fingerprintToBS core_hash)))
else do_regenerate (RecompBecause "Core file out of date (doesn't match iface hash)")
| otherwise -> return ([], Just $ mkHiFileResult ms iface details runtime_deps Nothing)
(_, _reason) -> do_regenerate _reason
-- | ModDepTime is stored as an annotation in the iface to
-- keep track of runtime dependencies
newtype ModDepTime = ModDepTime UTCTime
deserializeModDepTime :: [Word8] -> ModDepTime
deserializeModDepTime xs = ModDepTime $ case decode (LBS.pack xs) of
(a,b) -> UTCTime (toEnum a) (toEnum b)
serializeModDepTime :: ModDepTime -> [Word8]
serializeModDepTime (ModDepTime l) = LBS.unpack $
B.encode (fromEnum $ utctDay l, fromEnum $ utctDayTime l)
-- | Find the runtime dependencies by looking at the annotations
-- serialized in the iface
parseRuntimeDeps :: [ModIfaceAnnotation] -> ModuleEnv UTCTime
parseRuntimeDeps :: [ModIfaceAnnotation] -> ModuleEnv BS.ByteString
parseRuntimeDeps anns = mkModuleEnv $ mapMaybe go anns
go (Annotation (ModuleTarget mod) payload)
| Just (ModDepTime t) <- fromSerialized deserializeModDepTime payload
= Just (mod, t)
| Just bs <- fromSerialized BS.pack payload
= Just (mod, bs)
go _ = Nothing
-- | checkLinkableDependencies compares the linkables in the home package to
-- | checkLinkableDependencies compares the core files in the shake store to
-- the runtime dependencies of the module, to check if any of them are out of date
-- Hopefully 'runtime_deps' will be empty if the module didn't actually use TH
-- See Note [Recompilation avoidance in the presence of TH]
checkLinkableDependencies :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleEnv UTCTime -> Maybe RecompileRequired
checkLinkableDependencies hpt runtime_deps
| isEmptyModuleEnv out_of_date = Nothing -- Nothing out of date, so don't recompile
| otherwise = Just $
RecompBecause $ "out of date runtime dependencies: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show (moduleEnvKeys out_of_date))
out_of_date = filterModuleEnv (\mod time -> case lookupHpt hpt (moduleName mod) of
Nothing -> False
Just hm -> case hm_linkable hm of
Nothing -> False
Just lm -> linkableTime lm /= time)
checkLinkableDependencies :: MonadIO m => ([NormalizedFilePath] -> m [BS.ByteString]) -> ModuleGraph -> ModuleEnv BS.ByteString -> m (Maybe RecompileRequired)
checkLinkableDependencies get_linkable_hashes graph runtime_deps = do
let hs_files = mapM go (moduleEnvToList runtime_deps)
go (mod, hash) = do
ms <- mgLookupModule graph mod
let hs = fromJust $ ml_hs_file $ ms_location ms
pure (toNormalizedFilePath' hs, hash)
case hs_files of
Nothing -> error "invalid module graph"
Just fs -> do
store_hashes <- get_linkable_hashes (map fst fs)
let out_of_date = [core_file | ((core_file, expected_hash), actual_hash) <- zip fs store_hashes, expected_hash /= actual_hash]
case out_of_date of
[] -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure $ Just $
RecompBecause $ "out of date runtime dependencies: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show out_of_date)
showReason :: RecompileRequired -> String
showReason UpToDate = "UpToDate"
showReason MustCompile = "MustCompile"
showReason (RecompBecause s) = s
mkDetailsFromIface :: ShakeExtras -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModIface -> Maybe IdeLinkable -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], HomeModInfo)
mkDetailsFromIface se session ms iface ide_linkable = do
details <- liftIO $ fixIO $ \details -> do
mkDetailsFromIface :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IO ModDetails
mkDetailsFromIface session iface = do
fixIO $ \details -> do
let hsc' = session { hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT session) (moduleName $ mi_module iface) (HomeModInfo iface details Nothing) }
initIfaceLoad hsc' (typecheckIface iface)
(warns, linkable) <- liftIO $ case ide_linkable of
Nothing -> pure ([], Nothing)
Just (GhcLinkable lb) -> pure ([], Just lb)
Just (CoreLinkable t core_file) -> do
cgi_guts <- coreFileToCgGuts session iface details core_file
generateByteCode se (CoreFileExists t) session ms cgi_guts
return (warns, HomeModInfo iface details linkable)
coreFileToCgGuts :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> ModDetails -> CoreFile -> IO CgGuts
coreFileToCgGuts session iface details core_file = do
@ -1392,6 +1360,24 @@ coreFileToCgGuts session iface details core_file = do
tyCons = typeEnvTyCons (md_types details)
pure $ CgGuts this_mod tyCons (implicit_binds ++ core_binds) NoStubs [] [] (emptyHpcInfo False) Nothing []
coreFileToLinkable :: LinkableType -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModIface -> ModDetails -> CoreFile -> UTCTime -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe HomeModInfo)
coreFileToLinkable linkableType session ms iface details core_file t = do
let act hpt = addToHpt hpt (moduleName this_mod)
(HomeModInfo iface details Nothing)
this_mod = mi_module iface
types_var <- newIORef (md_types details)
let kv = Just (this_mod, types_var)
hsc_env' = session { hsc_HPT = act (hsc_HPT session)
, hsc_type_env_var = kv }
core_binds <- initIfaceCheck (text "l") hsc_env' $ typecheckCoreFile this_mod types_var core_file
let implicit_binds = concatMap getImplicitBinds tyCons
tyCons = typeEnvTyCons (md_types details)
let cgi_guts = CgGuts this_mod tyCons (implicit_binds ++ core_binds) NoStubs [] [] (emptyHpcInfo False) Nothing []
(warns, lb) <- case linkableType of
BCOLinkable -> generateByteCode (CoreFileTime t) session ms cgi_guts
ObjectLinkable -> generateObjectCode session ms cgi_guts
pure (warns, HomeModInfo iface details . Just <$> lb)
-- | Non-interactive, batch version of 'InteractiveEval.getDocs'.
-- The interactive paths create problems in ghc-lib builds
--- and leads to fun errors like "Cannot continue after interface file error".

View File

@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import Development.IDE.Import.FindImports (ArtifactsLocation)
import Development.IDE.Spans.Common
import Development.IDE.Spans.LocalBindings
@ -45,6 +43,8 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import GHC.Serialized (Serialized)
import Language.LSP.Types (Int32,
import Development.IDE.GHC.CoreFile
import Control.Exception (assert)
data LinkableType = ObjectLinkable | BCOLinkable
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show, Generic)
@ -91,6 +91,26 @@ data GenerateCore = GenerateCore
instance Hashable GenerateCore
instance NFData GenerateCore
type instance RuleResult GetLinkable = LinkableResult
data LinkableResult
= LinkableResult
{ linkableHomeMod :: !HomeModInfo
, linkableHash :: !ByteString
-- ^ The hash of the core file
instance Show LinkableResult where
show = show . mi_module . hm_iface . linkableHomeMod
instance NFData LinkableResult where
rnf = rwhnf
data GetLinkable = GetLinkable
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetLinkable
instance NFData GetLinkable
data GetImportMap = GetImportMap
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetImportMap
@ -138,9 +158,10 @@ data TcModuleResult = TcModuleResult
-- ^ Typechecked splice information
, tmrDeferedError :: !Bool
-- ^ Did we defer any type errors for this module?
, tmrRuntimeModules :: !(ModuleEnv UTCTime)
, tmrRuntimeModules :: !(ModuleEnv ByteString)
-- ^ Which modules did we need at runtime while compiling this file?
-- Used for recompilation checking in the presence of TH
-- Stores the hash of their core file
instance Show TcModuleResult where
show = show . pm_mod_summary . tmrParsed
@ -155,30 +176,29 @@ data HiFileResult = HiFileResult
{ hirModSummary :: !ModSummary
-- Bang patterns here are important to stop the result retaining
-- a reference to a typechecked module
, hirHomeMod :: !HomeModInfo
-- ^ Includes the Linkable iff we need object files
, hirIfaceFp :: ByteString
, hirModIface :: !ModIface
, hirModDetails :: ModDetails
-- ^ Populated lazily
, hirIfaceFp :: !ByteString
-- ^ Fingerprint for the ModIface
, hirLinkableFp :: ByteString
-- ^ Fingerprint for the Linkable
, hirRuntimeModules :: !(ModuleEnv UTCTime)
, hirRuntimeModules :: !(ModuleEnv ByteString)
-- ^ same as tmrRuntimeModules
, hirCoreFp :: !(Maybe (CoreFile, ByteString))
-- ^ If we wrote a core file for this module, then its contents (lazily deserialised)
-- along with its hash
hiFileFingerPrint :: HiFileResult -> ByteString
hiFileFingerPrint HiFileResult{..} = hirIfaceFp <> hirLinkableFp
hiFileFingerPrint HiFileResult{..} = hirIfaceFp <> maybe "" snd hirCoreFp
mkHiFileResult :: ModSummary -> HomeModInfo -> ModuleEnv UTCTime -> HiFileResult
mkHiFileResult hirModSummary hirHomeMod hirRuntimeModules = HiFileResult{..}
mkHiFileResult :: ModSummary -> ModIface -> ModDetails -> ModuleEnv ByteString -> Maybe (CoreFile, ByteString) -> HiFileResult
mkHiFileResult hirModSummary hirModIface hirModDetails hirRuntimeModules hirCoreFp =
assert (case hirCoreFp of Just (CoreFile{cf_iface_hash}, _)
-> getModuleHash hirModIface == cf_iface_hash
_ -> True)
hirIfaceFp = fingerprintToBS . getModuleHash . hm_iface $ hirHomeMod -- will always be two bytes
hirLinkableFp = case hm_linkable hirHomeMod of
Nothing -> ""
Just (linkableTime -> l) -> LBS.toStrict $
B.encode (fromEnum $ utctDay l, fromEnum $ utctDayTime l)
hirModIface :: HiFileResult -> ModIface
hirModIface = hm_iface . hirHomeMod
hirIfaceFp = fingerprintToBS . getModuleHash $ hirModIface -- will always be two bytes
instance NFData HiFileResult where
rnf = rwhnf

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Development.IDE.Core.Compile
import Development.IDE.Core.FileExists hiding (LogShake, Log)
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore (getFileContents,
import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest hiding (LogShake, Log)
import Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ import Ide.Plugin.Config
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import Language.LSP.Types (SMethod (SCustomMethod, SWindowShowMessage), ShowMessageParams (ShowMessageParams), MessageType (MtInfo))
import Language.LSP.VFS
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute, doesFileExist)
import Data.Default (def, Default)
import Ide.Plugin.Properties (HasProperty,
@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint hiding (LogShake)
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Shake as Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.CoreFile
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
data Log
= LogShake Shake.Log
@ -673,9 +676,13 @@ typeCheckRuleDefinition hsc pm = do
setPriority priorityTypeCheck
IdeOptions { optDefer = defer } <- getIdeOptions
linkables_to_keep <- currentLinkables
unlift <- askUnliftIO
let dets = TypecheckHelpers
{ getLinkablesToKeep = unliftIO unlift $ currentLinkables
, getLinkables = unliftIO unlift . uses_ GetLinkable
addUsageDependencies $ liftIO $
typecheckModule defer hsc linkables_to_keep pm
typecheckModule defer hsc dets pm
addUsageDependencies :: Action (a, Maybe TcModuleResult) -> Action (a, Maybe TcModuleResult)
addUsageDependencies a = do
@ -752,7 +759,7 @@ ghcSessionDepsDefinition fullModSummary GhcSessionDepsConfig{..} env file = do
depSessions <- map hscEnv <$> uses_ (GhcSessionDeps_ fullModSummary) deps
ifaces <- uses_ GetModIface deps
let inLoadOrder = map hirHomeMod ifaces
let inLoadOrder = map (\HiFileResult{..} -> HomeModInfo hirModIface hirModDetails Nothing) ifaces
session' <- liftIO $ mergeEnvs hsc mss inLoadOrder depSessions
Just <$> liftIO (newHscEnvEqWithImportPaths (envImportPaths env) session' [])
@ -768,7 +775,7 @@ getModIfaceFromDiskRule recorder = defineEarlyCutoff (cmapWithPrio LogShake reco
Just session -> do
linkableType <- getLinkableType f
ver <- use_ GetModificationTime f
se@ShakeExtras{ideNc} <- getShakeExtras
ShakeExtras{ideNc} <- getShakeExtras
let m_old = case old of
Shake.Succeeded (Just old_version) v -> Just (v, old_version)
Shake.Stale _ (Just old_version) v -> Just (v, old_version)
@ -777,9 +784,10 @@ getModIfaceFromDiskRule recorder = defineEarlyCutoff (cmapWithPrio LogShake reco
{ source_version = ver
, old_value = m_old
, get_file_version = use GetModificationTime_{missingFileDiagnostics = False}
, get_linkable_hashes = \fs -> map linkableHash <$> uses_ GetLinkable fs
, regenerate = regenerateHiFile session f ms
r <- loadInterface se (hscEnv session) ms linkableType recompInfo
r <- loadInterface (hscEnv session) ms linkableType recompInfo
case r of
(diags, Nothing) -> return (Nothing, (diags, Nothing))
(diags, Just x) -> do
@ -899,7 +907,7 @@ getModIfaceRule recorder = defineEarlyCutoff (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $
hsc <- hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSessionDeps f
let compile = fmap ([],) $ use GenerateCore f
se <- getShakeExtras
(diags, !hiFile) <- compileToObjCodeIfNeeded se hsc linkableType compile tmr
(diags, !hiFile) <- writeCoreFileIfNeeded se hsc linkableType compile tmr
let fp = hiFileFingerPrint <$> hiFile
hiDiags <- case hiFile of
Just hiFile
@ -912,10 +920,6 @@ getModIfaceRule recorder = defineEarlyCutoff (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $
let fp = hiFileFingerPrint <$> hiFile
return (fp, ([], hiFile))
-- Record the linkable so we know not to unload it
whenJust (hm_linkable . hirHomeMod =<< mhmi) $ \(LM time mod _) -> do
compiledLinkables <- getCompiledLinkables <$> getIdeGlobalAction
liftIO $ void $ modifyVar' compiledLinkables $ \old -> extendModuleEnv old mod time
pure res
-- | Count of total times we asked GHC to recompile
@ -960,13 +964,12 @@ regenerateHiFile sess f ms compNeeded = do
Nothing -> pure (diags', Nothing)
Just tmr -> do
-- compile writes .o file
let compile = liftIO $ compileModule (RunSimplifier True) hsc (pm_mod_summary pm) $ tmrTypechecked tmr
se <- getShakeExtras
-- Bang pattern is important to avoid leaking 'tmr'
(diags'', !res) <- compileToObjCodeIfNeeded se hsc compNeeded compile tmr
(diags'', !res) <- writeCoreFileIfNeeded se hsc compNeeded compile tmr
-- Write hi file
hiDiags <- case res of
@ -994,18 +997,20 @@ regenerateHiFile sess f ms compNeeded = do
-- | HscEnv should have deps included already
compileToObjCodeIfNeeded :: ShakeExtras -> HscEnv -> Maybe LinkableType -> Action (IdeResult ModGuts) -> TcModuleResult -> Action (IdeResult HiFileResult)
compileToObjCodeIfNeeded _ hsc Nothing _ tmr = do
-- This writes the core file if a linkable is required
-- The actual linkable will be generated on demand when required by `GetLinkable`
writeCoreFileIfNeeded :: ShakeExtras -> HscEnv -> Maybe LinkableType -> Action (IdeResult ModGuts) -> TcModuleResult -> Action (IdeResult HiFileResult)
writeCoreFileIfNeeded _ hsc Nothing _ tmr = do
res <- liftIO $ mkHiFileResultNoCompile hsc tmr
pure ([], Just $! res)
compileToObjCodeIfNeeded se hsc (Just linkableType) getGuts tmr = do
writeCoreFileIfNeeded se hsc (Just _) getGuts tmr = do
(diags, mguts) <- getGuts
case mguts of
Nothing -> pure (diags, Nothing)
Just guts -> do
(diags', !res) <- liftIO $ mkHiFileResultCompile se hsc tmr guts linkableType
(diags', !res) <- liftIO $ mkHiFileResultCompile se hsc tmr guts
pure (diags++diags', res)
getClientSettingsRule :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Rules ()
@ -1037,6 +1042,48 @@ usePropertyAction kn plId p = do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
getLinkableRule :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Rules ()
getLinkableRule recorder =
defineEarlyCutoff (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ Rule $ \GetLinkable f -> do
ModSummaryResult{msrModSummary = ms} <- use_ GetModSummary f
HiFileResult{hirModIface, hirModDetails, hirCoreFp} <- use_ GetModIface f
let obj_file = ml_obj_file (ms_location ms)
core_file = ml_core_file (ms_location ms)
-- Can't use `GetModificationTime` rule because the core file was possibly written in this
-- very session, so the results aren't reliable
core_t <- liftIO $ getModTime core_file
case hirCoreFp of
Nothing -> error "called GetLinkable for a file without a linkable"
Just (bin_core, hash) -> do
session <- use_ GhcSessionDeps f
ShakeExtras{ideNc} <- getShakeExtras
let namecache_updater = mkUpdater ideNc
linkableType <- getLinkableType f >>= \case
Nothing -> error "called GetLinkable for a file which doesn't need compilation"
Just t -> pure t
(warns, hmi) <- case linkableType of
-- Bytecode needs to be regenerated from the core file
BCOLinkable -> liftIO $ coreFileToLinkable linkableType (hscEnv session) ms hirModIface hirModDetails bin_core (posixSecondsToUTCTime core_t)
-- Object code can be read from the disk
ObjectLinkable -> do
-- object file is up to date if it is newer than the core file
-- Can't use a rule like 'GetModificationTime' or 'GetFileExists' because 'coreFileToLinkable' will write the object file, and
-- thus bump its modification time, forcing this rule to be rerun every time.
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist obj_file
mobj_time <- liftIO $
if exists
then Just <$> getModTime obj_file
else pure Nothing
case mobj_time of
Just obj_t
| obj_t >= core_t -> pure ([], Just $ HomeModInfo hirModIface hirModDetails (Just $ LM (posixSecondsToUTCTime obj_t) (ms_mod ms) [DotO obj_file]))
_ -> liftIO $ coreFileToLinkable linkableType (hscEnv session) ms hirModIface hirModDetails bin_core (error "object doesn't have time")
-- Record the linkable so we know not to unload it
whenJust (hm_linkable =<< hmi) $ \(LM time mod _) -> do
compiledLinkables <- getCompiledLinkables <$> getIdeGlobalAction
liftIO $ void $ modifyVar' compiledLinkables $ \old -> extendModuleEnv old mod time
return (hash <$ hmi, (warns, LinkableResult <$> hmi <*> pure hash))
-- | For now we always use bytecode unless something uses unboxed sums and tuples along with TH
getLinkableType :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe LinkableType)
getLinkableType f = use_ NeedsCompilation f
@ -1069,7 +1116,6 @@ needsCompilationRule file = do
(,) (map (fmap (msrModSummary . fst)) <$> usesWithStale GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps revdeps)
(uses NeedsCompilation revdeps)
pure $ computeLinkableType ms modsums (map join needsComps)
pure (Just $ encodeLinkableType res, Just res)
computeLinkableType :: ModSummary -> [Maybe ModSummary] -> [Maybe LinkableType] -> Maybe LinkableType
@ -1170,3 +1216,4 @@ mainRule recorder RulesConfig{..} = do
persistentHieFileRule recorder
getLinkableRule recorder

View File

@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
-- | CoreFiles let us serialize Core to a file in order to later recover it
-- without reparsing or retypechecking
module Development.IDE.GHC.CoreFile
( CoreFile
( CoreFile(..)
, codeGutsToCoreFile
, typecheckCoreFile
, readBinCoreFile
, writeBinCoreFile
, getImplicitBinds) where
import GHC.Fingerprint
import Data.IORef
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ import GHC.IfaceToCore
import GHC.Iface.Env
import GHC.Iface.Binary
import GHC.Types.Id.Make
import GHC.Iface.Recomp.Binary ( fingerprintBinMem )
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
import GHC.Types.TypeEnv
@ -48,13 +50,21 @@ import IdInfo
import Var
import Unique
import MkId
import BinFingerprint ( fingerprintBinMem )
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util as Util
-- | Initial ram buffer to allocate for writing interface files
initBinMemSize :: Int
initBinMemSize = 1024 * 1024
newtype CoreFile = CoreFile { cf_bindings :: [TopIfaceBinding IfaceId] }
data CoreFile
= CoreFile
{ cf_bindings :: [TopIfaceBinding IfaceId]
-- ^ The actual core file bindings, deserialized lazily
, cf_iface_hash :: !Fingerprint
-- | Like IfaceBinding, but lets us serialize internal names as well
data TopIfaceBinding v
@ -84,19 +94,21 @@ instance Binary (TopIfaceBinding IfaceId) where
_ -> error "Binary TopIfaceBinding"
instance Binary CoreFile where
put_ bh (CoreFile a) = put_ bh a
get bh = CoreFile <$> get bh
put_ bh (CoreFile core fp) = lazyPut bh core >> put_ bh fp
get bh = CoreFile <$> lazyGet bh <*> get bh
:: NameCacheUpdater
-> FilePath
-> IO CoreFile
-> IO (CoreFile, Fingerprint)
readBinCoreFile name_cache fat_hi_path = do
bh <- readBinMem fat_hi_path
getWithUserData name_cache bh
file <- getWithUserData name_cache bh
!fp <- Util.getFileHash fat_hi_path
return (file, fp)
-- | Write a core file
writeBinCoreFile :: FilePath -> CoreFile -> IO ()
writeBinCoreFile :: FilePath -> CoreFile -> IO Fingerprint
writeBinCoreFile core_path fat_iface = do
bh <- openBinMem initBinMemSize
@ -112,11 +124,17 @@ writeBinCoreFile core_path fat_iface = do
-- And send the result to the file
writeBinMem bh core_path
!fp <- fingerprintBinMem bh
pure fp
-- Implicit binds aren't tidied, so we can't serialise them.
-- This isn't a problem however since we can regenerate them from the
-- original ModIface
codeGutsToCoreFile :: CgGuts -> CoreFile
codeGutsToCoreFile CgGuts{..} = CoreFile (map (toIfaceTopBind cg_module) $ filter isNotImplictBind cg_binds)
:: Fingerprint -- ^ Hash of the interface this was generated from
-> CgGuts
-> CoreFile
codeGutsToCoreFile hash CgGuts{..} = CoreFile (map (toIfaceTopBind cg_module) $ filter isNotImplictBind cg_binds) hash
-- | Implicit binds can be generated from the interface and are not tidied,
-- so we must filter them out
@ -157,7 +175,7 @@ toIfaceTopBind mod (NonRec b r) = TopIfaceNonRec (toIfaceTopBndr mod b) (toIface
toIfaceTopBind mod (Rec prs) = TopIfaceRec [(toIfaceTopBndr mod b, toIfaceExpr r) | (b,r) <- prs]
typecheckCoreFile :: Module -> IORef TypeEnv -> CoreFile -> IfG CoreProgram
typecheckCoreFile this_mod type_var (CoreFile prepd_binding) =
typecheckCoreFile this_mod type_var (CoreFile prepd_binding _) =
initIfaceLcl this_mod (text "typecheckCoreFile") NotBoot $ do
tcTopIfaceBindings type_var prepd_binding

View File

@ -210,3 +210,8 @@ instance (NFData (HsModule a)) where
instance Show OccName where show = unpack . printOutputable
instance Hashable OccName where hashWithSalt s n = hashWithSalt s (getKey $ getUnique n)
instance Show HomeModInfo where show = show . mi_module . hm_iface
instance NFData HomeModInfo where
rnf (HomeModInfo iface dets link) = rwhnf iface `seq` rnf dets `seq` rnf link

View File

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ library
, stm-containers
, time
, transformers
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
if flag(embed-files)

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import qualified StmContainers.Map as SMap
import System.Time.Extra (Seconds)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (intercalate)
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO)
unwrapDynamic :: forall a . Typeable a => Dynamic -> a
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ data SRules = SRules {
newtype Action a = Action {fromAction :: ReaderT SAction IO a}
deriving newtype (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadIO, MonadFail, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
deriving newtype (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadIO, MonadFail, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadUnliftIO)
data SAction = SAction {
actionDatabase :: !Database,

View File

@ -458,9 +458,9 @@ callRetrie state session rewrites origin restrictToOriginatingFile = do
let fs = occNameFS n
fixFixities f pm = do
HiFileResult {hirHomeMod} <-
HiFileResult {hirModIface} <-
useOrFail "GetModIface" NoTypeCheck GetModIface f
let fixities = fixityEnvFromModIface $ hm_iface hirHomeMod
let fixities = fixityEnvFromModIface hirModIface
res <- transformA pm (fix fixities)
return (fixities, res)
fixAnns ParsedModule {..} =