Feat: basic record dot completions (#3080)

* baseline for record completions

* address feedback

* gate ghc version

* add test

* refactor

* fix rope import

* fix plugins from rebase

* gate test by ghc version

* comments, fixes

* fix ghc90 test
This commit is contained in:
Colten Webb 2022-09-26 11:30:29 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent e09c00588b
commit cdbef3e5cb
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 195 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.VFS as VFS
import Numeric.Natural
import Text.Fuzzy.Parallel (Scored (..))
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Language.LSP.Types
data Log = LogShake Shake.Log deriving Show
instance Pretty Log where
@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ getCompletionsLSP ide plId
fmap Right $ case (contents, uriToFilePath' uri) of
(Just cnts, Just path) -> do
let npath = toNormalizedFilePath' path
(ideOpts, compls, moduleExports) <- liftIO $ runIdeAction "Completion" (shakeExtras ide) $ do
(ideOpts, compls, moduleExports, astres) <- liftIO $ runIdeAction "Completion" (shakeExtras ide) $ do
opts <- liftIO $ getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras ide
localCompls <- useWithStaleFast LocalCompletions npath
nonLocalCompls <- useWithStaleFast NonLocalCompletions npath
@ -140,18 +143,31 @@ getCompletionsLSP ide plId
exportsCompls = mempty{anyQualCompls = exportsCompItems}
let compls = (fst <$> localCompls) <> (fst <$> nonLocalCompls) <> Just exportsCompls <> Just lModules
pure (opts, fmap (,pm,binds) compls, moduleExports)
-- get HieAst if OverloadedRecordDot is enabled
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
let uses_overloaded_record_dot (ms_hspp_opts . msrModSummary -> dflags) = xopt LangExt.OverloadedRecordDot dflags
let uses_overloaded_record_dot _ = False
ms <- fmap fst <$> useWithStaleFast GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps npath
astres <- case ms of
Just ms' | uses_overloaded_record_dot ms'
-> useWithStaleFast GetHieAst npath
_ -> return Nothing
pure (opts, fmap (,pm,binds) compls, moduleExports, astres)
case compls of
Just (cci', parsedMod, bindMap) -> do
pfix <- VFS.getCompletionPrefix position cnts
let pfix = getCompletionPrefix position cnts
case (pfix, completionContext) of
(Just (VFS.PosPrefixInfo _ "" _ _), Just CompletionContext { _triggerCharacter = Just "."})
((PosPrefixInfo _ "" _ _), Just CompletionContext { _triggerCharacter = Just "."})
-> return (InL $ List [])
(Just pfix', _) -> do
(_, _) -> do
let clientCaps = clientCapabilities $ shakeExtras ide
plugins = idePlugins $ shakeExtras ide
config <- getCompletionsConfig plId
allCompletions <- liftIO $ getCompletions plugins ideOpts cci' parsedMod bindMap pfix' clientCaps config moduleExports
allCompletions <- liftIO $ getCompletions plugins ideOpts cci' parsedMod astres bindMap pfix clientCaps config moduleExports
pure $ InL (List $ orderedCompletions allCompletions)
_ -> return (InL $ List [])
_ -> return (InL $ List [])

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@ -10,16 +10,18 @@ module Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Logic (
, localCompletionsForParsedModule
, getCompletions
, fromIdentInfo
, getCompletionPrefix
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isUpper)
import Data.Generics
import Data.List.Extra as List hiding
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust,
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe,
isJust, listToMaybe,
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Fuzzy.Parallel as Fuzzy
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Data.Ord (Down (Down))
@ -67,6 +70,11 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.VFS as VFS
import Text.Fuzzy.Parallel (Scored (score),
import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Rope as Rope
import Development.IDE
import Development.IDE.Spans.AtPoint (pointCommand)
-- Chunk size used for parallelizing fuzzy matching
chunkSize :: Int
chunkSize = 1000
@ -564,20 +572,21 @@ getCompletions
-> IdeOptions
-> CachedCompletions
-> Maybe (ParsedModule, PositionMapping)
-> Maybe (HieAstResult, PositionMapping)
-> (Bindings, PositionMapping)
-> VFS.PosPrefixInfo
-> PosPrefixInfo
-> ClientCapabilities
-> CompletionsConfig
-> HM.HashMap T.Text (HashSet.HashSet IdentInfo)
-> IO [Scored CompletionItem]
getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls, qualCompls, importableModules}
maybe_parsed (localBindings, bmapping) prefixInfo caps config moduleExportsMap = do
let VFS.PosPrefixInfo { fullLine, prefixModule, prefixText } = prefixInfo
enteredQual = if T.null prefixModule then "" else prefixModule <> "."
maybe_parsed maybe_ast_res (localBindings, bmapping) prefixInfo caps config moduleExportsMap = do
let PosPrefixInfo { fullLine, prefixScope, prefixText } = prefixInfo
enteredQual = if T.null prefixScope then "" else prefixScope <> "."
fullPrefix = enteredQual <> prefixText
-- Boolean labels to tag suggestions as qualified (or not)
qual = not(T.null prefixModule)
qual = not(T.null prefixScope)
notQual = False
{- correct the position by moving 'foo :: Int -> String -> '
@ -585,7 +594,7 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
to 'foo :: Int -> String -> '
pos = VFS.cursorPos prefixInfo
pos = cursorPos prefixInfo
maxC = maxCompletions config
@ -608,6 +617,42 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
hpos = upperRange position'
in getCContext lpos pm <|> getCContext hpos pm
-- We need the hieast to be "fresh". We can't get types from "stale" hie files, so hasfield won't work,
-- since it gets the record fields from the types.
-- Perhaps this could be fixed with a refactor to GHC's IfaceTyCon, to have it also contain record fields.
-- Requiring fresh hieast is fine for normal workflows, because it is generated while the user edits.
recordDotSyntaxCompls :: [(Bool, CompItem)]
recordDotSyntaxCompls = case maybe_ast_res of
Just (HAR {hieAst = hieast, hieKind = HieFresh},_) -> concat $ pointCommand hieast (completionPrefixPos prefixInfo) nodeCompletions
_ -> []
nodeCompletions :: HieAST Type -> [(Bool, CompItem)]
nodeCompletions node = concatMap g (nodeType $ nodeInfo node)
g :: Type -> [(Bool, CompItem)]
g (TyConApp theTyCon _) = map (dotFieldSelectorToCompl (printOutputable $ GHC.tyConName theTyCon)) $ getSels theTyCon
g _ = []
getSels :: GHC.TyCon -> [T.Text]
getSels tycon = let f fieldLabel = printOutputable fieldLabel
in map f $ tyConFieldLabels tycon
-- Completions can return more information that just the completion itself, but it will
-- require more than what GHC currently gives us in the HieAST, since it only gives the Type
-- of the fields, not where they are defined, etc. So for now the extra fields remain empty.
-- Also: additionalTextEdits is a todo, since we may want to import the record. It requires a way
-- to get the record's module, which isn't included in the type information used to get the fields.
dotFieldSelectorToCompl :: T.Text -> T.Text -> (Bool, CompItem)
dotFieldSelectorToCompl recname label = (True, CI
{ compKind = CiField
, insertText = label
, provenance = DefinedIn recname
, typeText = Nothing
, label = label
, isInfix = Nothing
, docs = emptySpanDoc
, isTypeCompl = False
, additionalTextEdits = Nothing
-- completions specific to the current context
ctxCompls' = case mcc of
Nothing -> compls
@ -618,10 +663,10 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
ctxCompls = (fmap.fmap) (\comp -> toggleAutoExtend config $ comp { isInfix = infixCompls }) ctxCompls'
infixCompls :: Maybe Backtick
infixCompls = isUsedAsInfix fullLine prefixModule prefixText pos
infixCompls = isUsedAsInfix fullLine prefixScope prefixText pos
PositionMapping bDelta = bmapping
oldPos = fromDelta bDelta $ VFS.cursorPos prefixInfo
oldPos = fromDelta bDelta $ cursorPos prefixInfo
startLoc = lowerRange oldPos
endLoc = upperRange oldPos
localCompls = map (uncurry localBindsToCompItem) $ getFuzzyScope localBindings startLoc endLoc
@ -634,10 +679,14 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
ty = showForSnippet <$> typ
thisModName = Local $ nameSrcSpan name
compls = if T.null prefixModule
then map (notQual,) localCompls ++ map (qual,) unqualCompls ++ ((notQual,) . ($Nothing) <$> anyQualCompls)
else ((qual,) <$> Map.findWithDefault [] prefixModule (getQualCompls qualCompls))
++ ((notQual,) . ($ Just prefixModule) <$> anyQualCompls)
-- When record-dot-syntax completions are available, we return them exclusively.
-- They are only available when we write i.e. `myrecord.` with OverloadedRecordDot enabled.
-- Anything that isn't a field is invalid, so those completion don't make sense.
| T.null prefixScope = map (notQual,) localCompls ++ map (qual,) unqualCompls ++ map (\compl -> (notQual, compl Nothing)) anyQualCompls
| not $ null recordDotSyntaxCompls = recordDotSyntaxCompls
| otherwise = ((qual,) <$> Map.findWithDefault [] prefixScope (getQualCompls qualCompls))
++ map (\compl -> (notQual, compl (Just prefixScope))) anyQualCompls
filtListWith f list =
[ fmap f label
@ -648,7 +697,7 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
filtImportCompls = filtListWith (mkImportCompl enteredQual) importableModules
filterModuleExports moduleName = filtListWith $ mkModuleFunctionImport moduleName
| T.null prefixModule = filtListWith mkExtCompl (optKeywords ideOpts)
| T.null prefixScope = filtListWith mkExtCompl (optKeywords ideOpts)
| otherwise = []
@ -696,6 +745,7 @@ getCompletions plugins ideOpts CC {allModNamesAsNS, anyQualCompls, unqualCompls,
uniqueCompl :: CompItem -> CompItem -> Ordering
uniqueCompl candidate unique =
case compare (label candidate, compKind candidate)
@ -892,3 +942,32 @@ mergeListsBy cmp all_lists = merge_lists all_lists
[] -> []
[xs] -> xs
lists' -> merge_lists lists'
-- |From the given cursor position, gets the prefix module or record for autocompletion
getCompletionPrefix :: Position -> VFS.VirtualFile -> PosPrefixInfo
getCompletionPrefix pos@(Position l c) (VFS.VirtualFile _ _ ropetext) =
fromMaybe (PosPrefixInfo "" "" "" pos) $ do -- Maybe monad
let headMaybe = listToMaybe
lastMaybe = headMaybe . reverse
-- grab the entire line the cursor is at
curLine <- headMaybe $ T.lines $ Rope.toText
$ fst $ Rope.splitAtLine 1 $ snd $ Rope.splitAtLine (fromIntegral l) ropetext
let beforePos = T.take (fromIntegral c) curLine
-- the word getting typed, after previous space and before cursor
curWord <-
if | T.null beforePos -> Just ""
| T.last beforePos == ' ' -> Just "" -- don't count abc as the curword in 'abc '
| otherwise -> lastMaybe (T.words beforePos)
let parts = T.split (=='.')
$ T.takeWhileEnd (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x `elem` ("._'"::String)) curWord
case reverse parts of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> do
let modParts = reverse $ filter (not .T.null) xs
modName = T.intercalate "." modParts
return $ PosPrefixInfo { fullLine = curLine, prefixScope = modName, prefixText = x, cursorPos = pos }
completionPrefixPos :: PosPrefixInfo -> Position
completionPrefixPos PosPrefixInfo { cursorPos = Position ln co, prefixText = str} = Position ln (co - (fromInteger . toInteger . T.length $ str) - 1)

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Ide.PluginUtils (getClientConfig, usePropertyLsp)
import Ide.Types (PluginId)
import Language.LSP.Server (MonadLsp)
import Language.LSP.Types (CompletionItemKind (..), Uri)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as J
-- | Produce completions info for a file
type instance RuleResult LocalCompletions = CachedCompletions
@ -136,3 +137,24 @@ instance Monoid CachedCompletions where
instance Semigroup CachedCompletions where
CC a b c d e <> CC a' b' c' d' e' =
CC (a<>a') (b<>b') (c<>c') (d<>d') (e<>e')
-- | Describes the line at the current cursor position
data PosPrefixInfo = PosPrefixInfo
{ fullLine :: !T.Text
-- ^ The full contents of the line the cursor is at
, prefixScope :: !T.Text
-- ^ If any, the module name that was typed right before the cursor position.
-- For example, if the user has typed "Data.Maybe.from", then this property
-- will be "Data.Maybe"
-- If OverloadedRecordDot is enabled, "Shape.rect.width" will be
-- "Shape.rect"
, prefixText :: !T.Text
-- ^ The word right before the cursor position, after removing the module part.
-- For example if the user has typed "Data.Maybe.from",
-- then this property will be "from"
, cursorPos :: !J.Position
-- ^ The cursor position
} deriving (Show,Eq)

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@ -84,6 +84,32 @@ tests = testGroup "completions" [
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 5 7)
liftIO $ assertBool "Expected completions" $ not $ null compls
, expectFailIfBeforeGhc92 "record dot syntax is introduced in GHC 9.2"
$ testGroup "recorddotsyntax"
[ testCase "shows field selectors" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/completion" $ do
doc <- openDoc "RecordDotSyntax.hs" "haskell"
let te = TextEdit (Range (Position 25 0) (Position 25 5)) "z = x.a"
_ <- applyEdit doc te
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 25 6)
item <- getCompletionByLabel "a" compls
liftIO $ do
item ^. label @?= "a"
, testCase "shows field selectors for nested field" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/completion" $ do
doc <- openDoc "RecordDotSyntax.hs" "haskell"
let te = TextEdit (Range (Position 27 0) (Position 27 8)) "z2 = x.c.z"
_ <- applyEdit doc te
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 27 9)
item <- getCompletionByLabel "z" compls
liftIO $ do
item ^. label @?= "z"
-- See https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine/issues/903
, testCase "strips compiler generated stuff from completions" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/completion" $ do
doc <- openDoc "DupRecFields.hs" "haskell"
@ -348,3 +374,6 @@ shouldNotContainCompl :: [CompletionItem] -> T.Text -> Assertion
compls `shouldNotContainCompl` lbl =
all ((/= lbl) . (^. label)) compls
@? "Should not contain completion: " ++ show lbl
expectFailIfBeforeGhc92 :: String -> TestTree -> TestTree
expectFailIfBeforeGhc92 = knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC810, GHC88, GHC86, GHC90]

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}
module Test where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
data MyRecord = MyRecord1
{ a :: String
, b :: Integer
, c :: MyChild
| MyRecord2 { a2 :: String
, b2 :: Integer
, c2 :: MyChild
} deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype MyChild = MyChild
{ z :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
x = MyRecord1 { a = "Hello", b = 12, c = MyChild { z = "there" } }
y = x.a ++ show x.b
y2 = x.c.z