Turn HLS-wrapper into an LSP Server (#2960)

* Make wrapper a LSP on failure

* Fix incorrect imports

* revert import block for smaller diff

* add missing imports

* Fix: callProcess on win32 machines not called

* import container only on win32

* add missing liftIO

Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <pepeiborra@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Matting 2022-06-26 13:39:07 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent efcb8e2589
commit cdc8f78a98
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 380 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | This module is based on the hie-wrapper.sh script in
-- https://github.com/alanz/vscode-hie-server
module Main where
@ -28,6 +34,28 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import System.Process
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwE)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.LSP.Server (LspM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Development.IDE.Main as Main
import Ide.Plugin.Config (Config)
import Language.LSP.Types (RequestMessage, ResponseError, MessageActionItem (MessageActionItem), Method(Initialize), MessageType (MtError), SMethod (SWindowShowMessageRequest, SExit), ShowMessageRequestParams (ShowMessageRequestParams))
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger ( makeDefaultStderrRecorder,
Priority(Error, Debug, Info, Warning),
WithPriority(WithPriority) )
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Stack.Types (emptyCallStack)
import Control.Concurrent (tryPutMVar)
import Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer (runLanguageServer)
import HIE.Bios.Internal.Log
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -57,9 +85,15 @@ main = do
cradle <- findProjectCradle' False
(CradleSuccess libdir) <- HieBios.getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle
putStr libdir
_ -> launchHaskellLanguageServer args
_ -> launchHaskellLanguageServer args >>= \case
Right () -> pure ()
Left err -> do
T.hPutStrLn stderr (prettyError err NoShorten)
case args of
Ghcide _ -> launchErrorLSP (prettyError err Shorten)
_ -> pure ()
launchHaskellLanguageServer :: Arguments -> IO ()
launchHaskellLanguageServer :: Arguments -> IO (Either WrapperSetupError ())
launchHaskellLanguageServer parsedArgs = do
case parsedArgs of
Ghcide GhcideArguments{..} -> whenJust argsCwd setCurrentDirectory
@ -75,7 +109,10 @@ launchHaskellLanguageServer parsedArgs = do
case parsedArgs of
Ghcide GhcideArguments{..} ->
when argsProjectGhcVersion $ getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle >>= putStrLn >> exitSuccess
when argsProjectGhcVersion $ do
runExceptT (getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle) >>= \case
Right ghcVersion -> putStrLn ghcVersion >> exitSuccess
Left err -> T.putStrLn (prettyError err NoShorten) >> exitFailure
_ -> pure ()
progName <- getProgName
@ -94,64 +131,74 @@ launchHaskellLanguageServer parsedArgs = do
hPutStrLn stderr ""
-- Get the ghc version -- this might fail!
hPutStrLn stderr "Consulting the cradle to get project GHC version..."
ghcVersion <- getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Project GHC version: " ++ ghcVersion
hlsBin = "haskell-language-server-" ++ ghcVersion
candidates' = [hlsBin, "haskell-language-server"]
candidates = map (++ exeExtension) candidates'
runExceptT $ do
ghcVersion <- getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Project GHC version: " ++ ghcVersion
hPutStrLn stderr $ "haskell-language-server exe candidates: " ++ show candidates
hlsBin = "haskell-language-server-" ++ ghcVersion
candidates' = [hlsBin, "haskell-language-server"]
candidates = map (++ exeExtension) candidates'
mexes <- traverse findExecutable candidates
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "haskell-language-server exe candidates: " ++ show candidates
mexes <- liftIO $ traverse findExecutable candidates
case asum mexes of
Nothing -> throwE (NoLanguageServer ghcVersion candidates)
Just e -> do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Launching haskell-language-server exe at:" ++ e
case asum mexes of
Nothing -> die $ "Cannot find any haskell-language-server exe, looked for: " ++ intercalate ", " candidates
Just e -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Launching haskell-language-server exe at:" ++ e
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
callProcess e args
liftIO $ callProcess e args
let Cradle { cradleOptsProg = CradleAction { runGhcCmd } } = cradle
-- we need to be compatible with NoImplicitPrelude
ghcBinary <- (fmap trim <$> runGhcCmd ["-v0", "-package-env=-", "-ignore-dot-ghci", "-e", "Control.Monad.join (Control.Monad.fmap System.IO.putStr System.Environment.getExecutablePath)"])
>>= cradleResult "Failed to get project GHC executable path"
libdir <- HieBios.getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle
>>= cradleResult "Failed to get project GHC libdir path"
env <- Map.fromList <$> getEnvironment
let newEnv = Map.insert "GHC_BIN" ghcBinary $ Map.insert "GHC_LIBDIR" libdir env
executeFile e True args (Just (Map.toList newEnv))
let Cradle { cradleOptsProg = CradleAction { runGhcCmd } } = cradle
let cradleName = actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle)
-- we need to be compatible with NoImplicitPrelude
ghcBinary <- liftIO (fmap trim <$> runGhcCmd ["-v0", "-package-env=-", "-ignore-dot-ghci", "-e", "Control.Monad.join (Control.Monad.fmap System.IO.putStr System.Environment.getExecutablePath)"])
>>= cradleResult cradleName
libdir <- liftIO (HieBios.getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle)
>>= cradleResult cradleName
env <- Map.fromList <$> liftIO getEnvironment
let newEnv = Map.insert "GHC_BIN" ghcBinary $ Map.insert "GHC_LIBDIR" libdir env
liftIO $ executeFile e True args (Just (Map.toList newEnv))
cradleResult :: String -> CradleLoadResult a -> IO a
cradleResult _ (CradleSuccess a) = pure a
cradleResult str (CradleFail e) = die $ str ++ ": " ++ show e
cradleResult str CradleNone = die $ str ++ ": no cradle"
cradleResult :: ActionName Void -> CradleLoadResult a -> ExceptT WrapperSetupError IO a
cradleResult _ (CradleSuccess ver) = pure ver
cradleResult cradleName (CradleFail error) = throwE $ FailedToObtainGhcVersion cradleName error
cradleResult cradleName CradleNone = throwE $ NoneCradleGhcVersion cradleName
-- | Version of 'getRuntimeGhcVersion' that dies if we can't get it, and also
-- checks to see if the tool is missing if it is one of
getRuntimeGhcVersion' :: Show a => Cradle a -> IO String
getRuntimeGhcVersion' :: Cradle Void -> ExceptT WrapperSetupError IO String
getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle = do
let cradleName = actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle)
-- See if the tool is installed
case actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle) of
case cradleName of
Stack -> checkToolExists "stack"
Cabal -> checkToolExists "cabal"
Default -> checkToolExists "ghc"
Direct -> checkToolExists "ghc"
_ -> pure ()
HieBios.getRuntimeGhcVersion cradle >>= cradleResult "Failed to get project GHC version"
ghcVersionRes <- liftIO $ HieBios.getRuntimeGhcVersion cradle
cradleResult cradleName ghcVersionRes
checkToolExists exe = do
exists <- findExecutable exe
exists <- liftIO $ findExecutable exe
case exists of
Just _ -> pure ()
Nothing ->
die $ "Cradle requires " ++ exe ++ " but couldn't find it" ++ "\n"
++ show cradle
Nothing -> throwE $ ToolRequirementMissing exe (actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle))
findProjectCradle :: IO (Cradle Void)
findProjectCradle = findProjectCradle' True
@ -175,3 +222,93 @@ trim :: String -> String
trim s = case lines s of
[] -> s
ls -> dropWhileEnd isSpace $ last ls
data WrapperSetupError
= FailedToObtainGhcVersion (ActionName Void) CradleError
| NoneCradleGhcVersion (ActionName Void)
| NoLanguageServer String [FilePath]
| ToolRequirementMissing String (ActionName Void)
deriving (Show)
data Shorten = Shorten | NoShorten
-- | Pretty error message displayable to the future.
-- Extra argument 'Shorten' can be used to shorten error message.
-- Reduces usefulness, but allows us to show the error message via LSP
-- as LSP doesn't allow any newlines and makes it really hard to read
-- the message otherwise.
prettyError :: WrapperSetupError -> Shorten -> T.Text
prettyError (FailedToObtainGhcVersion name crdlError) shorten =
"Failed to find the GHC version of this " <> T.pack (show name) <> " project." <>
case shorten of
Shorten ->
"\n" <> T.pack (fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe $ cradleErrorStderr crdlError)
NoShorten ->
"\n" <> T.pack (intercalate "\n" (cradleErrorStderr crdlError))
prettyError (NoneCradleGhcVersion name) _ =
"Failed to get the GHC version of this " <> T.pack (show name) <>
" project because a none cradle is configured"
prettyError (NoLanguageServer ghcVersion candidates) _ =
"Failed to find a HLS version for GHC " <> T.pack ghcVersion <>
"\nExecutable names we failed to find: " <> T.pack (intercalate "," candidates)
prettyError (ToolRequirementMissing toolExe name) _ =
"Failed to find executable \"" <> T.pack toolExe <> "\" in $PATH for this " <> T.pack (show name) <> " project."
newtype ErrorLSPM c a = ErrorLSPM { unErrorLSPM :: (LspM c) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadUnliftIO, LSP.MonadLsp c)
-- | Launches a LSP that displays an error and presents the user with a request
-- to shut down the LSP.
launchErrorLSP :: T.Text -> IO ()
launchErrorLSP errorMsg = do
recorder <- makeDefaultStderrRecorder Nothing Info
let logger = Logger $ \p m -> logger_ recorder (WithPriority p emptyCallStack (pretty m))
let defaultArguments = Main.defaultArguments (cmapWithPrio pretty recorder) logger
inH <- Main.argsHandleIn defaultArguments
outH <- Main.argsHandleOut defaultArguments
let onConfigurationChange cfg _ = Right cfg
let setup clientMsgVar = do
-- Forcefully exit
let exit = void $ tryPutMVar clientMsgVar ()
let doInitialize :: LSP.LanguageContextEnv Config -> RequestMessage Initialize -> IO (Either ResponseError (LSP.LanguageContextEnv Config, ()))
doInitialize env _ = do
let restartTitle = "Try to restart"
void $ LSP.runLspT env $ LSP.sendRequest SWindowShowMessageRequest (ShowMessageRequestParams MtError errorMsg (Just [MessageActionItem restartTitle])) $ \case
Right (Just (MessageActionItem title))
| title == restartTitle -> liftIO exit
_ -> pure ()
pure (Right (env, ()))
let asyncHandlers = mconcat
[ exitHandler exit ]
let interpretHandler (env, _st) = LSP.Iso (LSP.runLspT env . unErrorLSPM) liftIO
pure (doInitialize, asyncHandlers, interpretHandler)
(Main.argsLspOptions defaultArguments)
(Main.argsDefaultHlsConfig defaultArguments)
exitHandler :: IO () -> LSP.Handlers (ErrorLSPM c)
exitHandler exit = LSP.notificationHandler SExit $ const $ liftIO exit
hlsWrapperLogger :: Logger
hlsWrapperLogger = Logger $ \pri txt ->
case pri of
Debug -> debugm (T.unpack txt)
Info -> logm (T.unpack txt)
Warning -> warningm (T.unpack txt)
Error -> errorm (T.unpack txt)

View File

@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StarIsType #-}
-- WARNING: A copy of DA.Daml.LanguageServer, try to keep them in sync
-- This version removes the daml: handling
module Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer
( runLanguageServer
, setupLSP
, Log(..)
) where
@ -38,9 +40,12 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Tracing
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Development.IDE.Session as Session
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (WithHieDb)
import Language.LSP.Server (LanguageContextEnv,
type (<~>))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
data Log
@ -74,71 +79,30 @@ instance Pretty Log where
newtype WithHieDbShield = WithHieDbShield WithHieDb
:: forall config. (Show config)
=> Recorder (WithPriority Log)
-> LSP.Options
:: forall config a m. (Show config)
=> LSP.Options
-> Handle -- input
-> Handle -- output
-> (FilePath -> IO FilePath) -- ^ Map root paths to the location of the hiedb for the project
-> config
-> (config -> Value -> Either T.Text config)
-> LSP.Handlers (ServerM config)
-> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState)
-> (MVar ()
-> IO (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> RequestMessage Initialize -> IO (Either ResponseError (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, a)),
LSP.Handlers (m config),
(LanguageContextEnv config, a) -> m config <~> IO))
-> IO ()
runLanguageServer recorder options inH outH getHieDbLoc defaultConfig onConfigurationChange userHandlers getIdeState = do
runLanguageServer options inH outH defaultConfig onConfigurationChange setup = do
-- This MVar becomes full when the server thread exits or we receive exit message from client.
-- LSP server will be canceled when it's full.
clientMsgVar <- newEmptyMVar
-- Forcefully exit
let exit = void $ tryPutMVar clientMsgVar ()
-- An MVar to control the lifetime of the reactor loop.
-- The loop will be stopped and resources freed when it's full
reactorLifetime <- newEmptyMVar
let stopReactorLoop = void $ tryPutMVar reactorLifetime ()
-- The set of requests ids that we have received but not finished processing
pendingRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
-- The set of requests that have been cancelled and are also in pendingRequests
cancelledRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
let cancelRequest reqId = atomically $ do
queued <- readTVar pendingRequests
-- We want to avoid that the list of cancelled requests
-- keeps growing if we receive cancellations for requests
-- that do not exist or have already been processed.
when (reqId `elem` queued) $
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.insert reqId)
let clearReqId reqId = atomically $ do
modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.delete reqId)
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.delete reqId)
-- We implement request cancellation by racing waitForCancel against
-- the actual request handler.
let waitForCancel reqId = atomically $ do
cancelled <- readTVar cancelledRequests
unless (reqId `Set.member` cancelled) retry
-- Send everything over a channel, since you need to wait until after initialise before
-- LspFuncs is available
clientMsgChan :: Chan ReactorMessage <- newChan
let asyncHandlers = mconcat
[ userHandlers
, cancelHandler cancelRequest
, exitHandler exit
, shutdownHandler stopReactorLoop
-- Cancel requests are special since they need to be handled
-- out of order to be useful. Existing handlers are run afterwards.
(doInitialize, staticHandlers, interpretHandler) <- setup clientMsgVar
let serverDefinition = LSP.ServerDefinition
{ LSP.onConfigurationChange = onConfigurationChange
, LSP.defaultConfig = defaultConfig
, LSP.doInitialize = handleInit reactorLifetime exit clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan
, LSP.staticHandlers = asyncHandlers
, LSP.interpretHandler = \(env, st) -> LSP.Iso (LSP.runLspT env . flip runReaderT (clientMsgChan,st)) liftIO
, LSP.doInitialize = doInitialize
, LSP.staticHandlers = staticHandlers
, LSP.interpretHandler = interpretHandler
, LSP.options = modifyOptions options
@ -148,67 +112,134 @@ runLanguageServer recorder options inH outH getHieDbLoc defaultConfig onConfigur
setupLSP ::
forall config err.
Recorder (WithPriority Log)
-> (FilePath -> IO FilePath) -- ^ Map root paths to the location of the hiedb for the project
-> LSP.Handlers (ServerM config)
-> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState)
-> MVar ()
-> IO (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> RequestMessage Initialize -> IO (Either err (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState)),
LSP.Handlers (ServerM config),
(LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState) -> ServerM config <~> IO)
setupLSP recorder getHieDbLoc userHandlers getIdeState clientMsgVar = do
-- Send everything over a channel, since you need to wait until after initialise before
-- LspFuncs is available
clientMsgChan :: Chan ReactorMessage <- newChan
-- An MVar to control the lifetime of the reactor loop.
-- The loop will be stopped and resources freed when it's full
reactorLifetime <- newEmptyMVar
let stopReactorLoop = void $ tryPutMVar reactorLifetime ()
-- Forcefully exit
let exit = void $ tryPutMVar clientMsgVar ()
-- The set of requests ids that we have received but not finished processing
pendingRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
-- The set of requests that have been cancelled and are also in pendingRequests
cancelledRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty
let cancelRequest reqId = atomically $ do
queued <- readTVar pendingRequests
-- We want to avoid that the list of cancelled requests
-- keeps growing if we receive cancellations for requests
-- that do not exist or have already been processed.
when (reqId `elem` queued) $
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.insert reqId)
let clearReqId reqId = atomically $ do
modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.delete reqId)
modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.delete reqId)
-- We implement request cancellation by racing waitForCancel against
-- the actual request handler.
let waitForCancel reqId = atomically $ do
cancelled <- readTVar cancelledRequests
unless (reqId `Set.member` cancelled) retry
let asyncHandlers = mconcat
[ userHandlers
, cancelHandler cancelRequest
, exitHandler exit
, shutdownHandler stopReactorLoop
-- Cancel requests are special since they need to be handled
-- out of order to be useful. Existing handlers are run afterwards.
let doInitialize = handleInit recorder getHieDbLoc getIdeState reactorLifetime exit clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan
let interpretHandler (env, st) = LSP.Iso (LSP.runLspT env . flip (runReaderT . unServerM) (clientMsgChan,st)) liftIO
pure (doInitialize, asyncHandlers, interpretHandler)
:: Recorder (WithPriority Log)
-> (FilePath -> IO FilePath)
-> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState)
-> MVar ()
-> IO ()
-> (SomeLspId -> IO ())
-> (SomeLspId -> IO ())
-> Chan ReactorMessage
-> LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> RequestMessage Initialize -> IO (Either err (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState))
handleInit recorder getHieDbLoc getIdeState lifetime exitClientMsg clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan env (RequestMessage _ _ m params) = otTracedHandler "Initialize" (show m) $ \sp -> do
traceWithSpan sp params
let root = LSP.resRootPath env
dir <- maybe getCurrentDirectory return root
dbLoc <- getHieDbLoc dir
-- The database needs to be open for the duration of the reactor thread, but we need to pass in a reference
-- to 'getIdeState', so we use this dirty trick
dbMVar <- newEmptyMVar
~(WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan) <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ takeMVar dbMVar
ide <- getIdeState env root withHieDb hieChan
let initConfig = parseConfiguration params
log Info $ LogRegisteringIdeConfig initConfig
registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) initConfig
let handleServerException (Left e) = do
log Error $ LogReactorThreadException e
handleServerException (Right _) = pure ()
exceptionInHandler e = do
log Error $ LogReactorMessageActionException e
checkCancelled _id act k =
flip finally (clearReqId _id) $
catch (do
-- We could optimize this by first checking if the id
-- is in the cancelled set. However, this is unlikely to be a
-- bottleneck and the additional check might hide
-- issues with async exceptions that need to be fixed.
cancelOrRes <- race (waitForCancel _id) act
case cancelOrRes of
Left () -> do
log Debug $ LogCancelledRequest _id
k $ ResponseError RequestCancelled "" Nothing
Right res -> pure res
) $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
exceptionInHandler e
k $ ResponseError InternalError (T.pack $ show e) Nothing
_ <- flip forkFinally handleServerException $ do
untilMVar lifetime $ runWithDb (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) dbLoc $ \withHieDb hieChan -> do
putMVar dbMVar (WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan)
forever $ do
msg <- readChan clientMsgChan
-- We dispatch notifications synchronously and requests asynchronously
-- This is to ensure that all file edits and config changes are applied before a request is handled
case msg of
ReactorNotification act -> handle exceptionInHandler act
ReactorRequest _id act k -> void $ async $ checkCancelled _id act k
log Info LogReactorThreadStopped
pure $ Right (env,ide)
log :: Logger.Priority -> Log -> IO ()
log = logWith recorder
:: MVar () -> IO () -> (SomeLspId -> IO ()) -> (SomeLspId -> IO ()) -> Chan ReactorMessage
-> LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> RequestMessage Initialize -> IO (Either err (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState))
handleInit lifetime exitClientMsg clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan env (RequestMessage _ _ m params) = otTracedHandler "Initialize" (show m) $ \sp -> do
traceWithSpan sp params
let root = LSP.resRootPath env
dir <- maybe getCurrentDirectory return root
dbLoc <- getHieDbLoc dir
-- The database needs to be open for the duration of the reactor thread, but we need to pass in a reference
-- to 'getIdeState', so we use this dirty trick
dbMVar <- newEmptyMVar
~(WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan) <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ takeMVar dbMVar
ide <- getIdeState env root withHieDb hieChan
let initConfig = parseConfiguration params
log Info $ LogRegisteringIdeConfig initConfig
registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) initConfig
let handleServerException (Left e) = do
log Error $ LogReactorThreadException e
handleServerException (Right _) = pure ()
exceptionInHandler e = do
log Error $ LogReactorMessageActionException e
checkCancelled _id act k =
flip finally (clearReqId _id) $
catch (do
-- We could optimize this by first checking if the id
-- is in the cancelled set. However, this is unlikely to be a
-- bottleneck and the additional check might hide
-- issues with async exceptions that need to be fixed.
cancelOrRes <- race (waitForCancel _id) act
case cancelOrRes of
Left () -> do
log Debug $ LogCancelledRequest _id
k $ ResponseError RequestCancelled "" Nothing
Right res -> pure res
) $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
exceptionInHandler e
k $ ResponseError InternalError (T.pack $ show e) Nothing
_ <- flip forkFinally handleServerException $ do
untilMVar lifetime $ runWithDb (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) dbLoc $ \withHieDb hieChan -> do
putMVar dbMVar (WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan)
forever $ do
msg <- readChan clientMsgChan
-- We dispatch notifications synchronously and requests asynchronously
-- This is to ensure that all file edits and config changes are applied before a request is handled
case msg of
ReactorNotification act -> handle exceptionInHandler act
ReactorRequest _id act k -> void $ async $ checkCancelled _id act k
log Info LogReactorThreadStopped
pure $ Right (env,ide)
log :: Logger.Priority -> Log -> IO ()
log = logWith recorder
-- | Runs the action until it ends or until the given MVar is put.

View File

@ -10,11 +10,12 @@
module Development.IDE.LSP.Server
( ReactorMessage(..)
, ReactorChan
, ServerM
, ServerM(..)
, requestHandler
, notificationHandler
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Core.Tracing
@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ data ReactorMessage
| ReactorRequest SomeLspId (IO ()) (ResponseError -> IO ())
type ReactorChan = Chan ReactorMessage
type ServerM c = ReaderT (ReactorChan, IdeState) (LspM c)
newtype ServerM c a = ServerM { unServerM :: ReaderT (ReactorChan, IdeState) (LspM c) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (ReactorChan, IdeState), MonadIO, MonadUnliftIO, LSP.MonadLsp c)
:: forall (m :: Method FromClient Request) c. (HasTracing (MessageParams m)) =>
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ requestHandler
requestHandler m k = LSP.requestHandler m $ \RequestMessage{_method,_id,_params} resp -> do
st@(chan,ide) <- ask
env <- LSP.getLspEnv
let resp' = flip runReaderT st . resp
let resp' = flip (runReaderT . unServerM) st . resp
trace x = otTracedHandler "Request" (show _method) $ \sp -> do
traceWithSpan sp _params

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Development.IDE.Main
@ -57,13 +58,15 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Service (initialise,
import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Service as Service
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (IdeState (shakeExtras),
ShakeExtras (state),
import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake
import Development.IDE.Core.Tracing (measureMemory)
import Development.IDE.Graph (action)
import Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer (runLanguageServer)
import Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer (runLanguageServer,
import qualified Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer as LanguageServer
import Development.IDE.Main.HeapStats (withHeapStats)
import qualified Development.IDE.Main.HeapStats as HeapStats
@ -98,7 +101,8 @@ import Development.IDE.Types.Options (IdeGhcSession,
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (fromKeyType)
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (WithHieDb,
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors)
import GHC.IO.Encoding (setLocaleEncoding)
import GHC.IO.Handle (hDuplicate)
@ -300,7 +304,6 @@ testing recorder logger =
, argsIdeOptions = ideOptions
defaultMain :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Arguments -> IO ()
defaultMain recorder Arguments{..} = withHeapStats (cmapWithPrio LogHeapStats recorder) fun
@ -335,49 +338,54 @@ defaultMain recorder Arguments{..} = withHeapStats (cmapWithPrio LogHeapStats re
t <- offsetTime
log Info LogLspStart
runLanguageServer (cmapWithPrio LogLanguageServer recorder) options inH outH argsGetHieDbLoc argsDefaultHlsConfig argsOnConfigChange (pluginHandlers plugins) $ \env rootPath withHieDb hieChan -> do
traverse_ IO.setCurrentDirectory rootPath
t <- t
log Info $ LogLspStartDuration t
let getIdeState :: LSP.LanguageContextEnv Config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState
getIdeState env rootPath withHieDb hieChan = do
traverse_ IO.setCurrentDirectory rootPath
t <- t
log Info $ LogLspStartDuration t
dir <- maybe IO.getCurrentDirectory return rootPath
dir <- maybe IO.getCurrentDirectory return rootPath
-- We want to set the global DynFlags right now, so that we can use
-- `unsafeGlobalDynFlags` even before the project is configured
_mlibdir <-
setInitialDynFlags (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) dir argsSessionLoadingOptions
-- TODO: should probably catch/log/rethrow at top level instead
`catchAny` (\e -> log Error (LogSetInitialDynFlagsException e) >> pure Nothing)
-- We want to set the global DynFlags right now, so that we can use
-- `unsafeGlobalDynFlags` even before the project is configured
_mlibdir <-
setInitialDynFlags (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) dir argsSessionLoadingOptions
-- TODO: should probably catch/log/rethrow at top level instead
`catchAny` (\e -> log Error (LogSetInitialDynFlagsException e) >> pure Nothing)
sessionLoader <- loadSessionWithOptions (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) argsSessionLoadingOptions dir
config <- LSP.runLspT env LSP.getConfig
let def_options = argsIdeOptions config sessionLoader
sessionLoader <- loadSessionWithOptions (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) argsSessionLoadingOptions dir
config <- LSP.runLspT env LSP.getConfig
let def_options = argsIdeOptions config sessionLoader
-- disable runSubset if the client doesn't support watched files
runSubset <- (optRunSubset def_options &&) <$> LSP.runLspT env isWatchSupported
log Debug $ LogShouldRunSubset runSubset
-- disable runSubset if the client doesn't support watched files
runSubset <- (optRunSubset def_options &&) <$> LSP.runLspT env isWatchSupported
log Debug $ LogShouldRunSubset runSubset
let options = def_options
{ optReportProgress = clientSupportsProgress caps
, optModifyDynFlags = optModifyDynFlags def_options <> pluginModifyDynflags plugins
, optRunSubset = runSubset
caps = LSP.resClientCapabilities env
-- FIXME: Remove this after GHC 9.2 gets fully supported
when (ghcVersion == GHC92) $
log Warning LogOnlyPartialGhc92Support
monitoring <- argsMonitoring
(cmapWithPrio LogService recorder)
(Just env)
let options = def_options
{ optReportProgress = clientSupportsProgress caps
, optModifyDynFlags = optModifyDynFlags def_options <> pluginModifyDynflags plugins
, optRunSubset = runSubset
caps = LSP.resClientCapabilities env
-- FIXME: Remove this after GHC 9.2 gets fully supported
when (ghcVersion == GHC92) $
log Warning LogOnlyPartialGhc92Support
monitoring <- argsMonitoring
(cmapWithPrio LogService recorder)
(Just env)
let setup = setupLSP (cmapWithPrio LogLanguageServer recorder) argsGetHieDbLoc (pluginHandlers plugins) getIdeState
runLanguageServer options inH outH argsDefaultHlsConfig argsOnConfigChange setup
Check argFiles -> do
dir <- maybe IO.getCurrentDirectory return argsProjectRoot

View File

@ -460,10 +460,17 @@ executable haskell-language-server-wrapper
, ghcide
, gitrev
, haskell-language-server
, hslogger
, hie-bios
, hls-plugin-api
, lsp
, lsp-types
, mtl
, optparse-applicative
, optparse-simple
, process
, transformers
, unliftio-core
if !os(windows)