Add codeactions for cabal field names (#3273)

Add code action for incorrect field names in cabal files

The codeactions will suggest possible corrections for unknown field names in a cabal file.

Co-authored-by: Fendor <>
Co-authored-by: Jana Chadt <>
This commit is contained in:
Paweł Dybiec 2024-07-11 15:56:07 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent d331019b37
commit ce486f7ef4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
7 changed files with 295 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ library hls-cabal-plugin
@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ test-suite hls-cabal-plugin-tests
, base
, bytestring
, Cabal-syntax >= 3.7
, extra
, filepath
, ghcide
, haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-plugin

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding
import Data.Typeable
import Development.IDE as D
@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (restartShakeSessio
import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake
import Development.IDE.Graph (Key, alwaysRerun)
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Logic as Ghcide
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types as Ghcide
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (toKey)
import qualified Distribution.Fields as Syntax
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Position as Syntax
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types (ParseCabalCommonSe
ParseCabalFile (..))
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types as Types
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diagnostics as Diagnostics
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.FieldSuggest as FieldSuggest
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.LicenseSuggest as LicenseSuggest
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Orphans ()
import qualified Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse as Parse
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ descriptor recorder plId =
[ mkPluginHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction licenseSuggestCodeAction
, mkPluginHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentCompletion $ completion recorder
, mkPluginHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction $ fieldSuggestCodeAction recorder
, pluginNotificationHandlers =
@ -238,6 +240,41 @@ licenseSuggestCodeAction ideState _ (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifie
maxCompls <- fmap maxCompletions . liftIO $ runAction "cabal-plugin.suggestLicense" ideState getClientConfigAction
pure $ InL $ diags >>= (fmap InR . LicenseSuggest.licenseErrorAction maxCompls uri)
-- | CodeActions for correcting field names with typos in them.
-- Provides CodeActions that fix typos in both stanzas and top-level field names.
-- The suggestions are computed based on the completion context, where we "move" a fake cursor
-- to the end of the field name and trigger cabal file completions. The completions are then
-- suggested to the user.
-- TODO: Relying on completions here often does not produce the desired results, we should
-- use some sort of fuzzy matching in the future, see issue #4357.
fieldSuggestCodeAction :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'LSP.Method_TextDocumentCodeAction
fieldSuggestCodeAction recorder ide _ (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _ CodeActionContext{_diagnostics=diags}) = do
vfileM <- lift (pluginGetVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri)
case (,) <$> vfileM <*> uriToFilePath' uri of
Nothing -> pure $ InL []
Just (vfile, path) -> do
-- We decide on `useWithStale` here, since `useWithStaleFast` often leads to the wrong completions being suggested.
-- In case it fails, we still will get some completion results instead of an error.
mFields <- liftIO $ runAction "cabal-plugin.fields" ide $ useWithStale ParseCabalFields $ toNormalizedFilePath path
case mFields of
Nothing ->
pure $ InL []
Just (cabalFields, _) -> do
let fields = Maybe.mapMaybe FieldSuggest.fieldErrorName diags
results <- forM fields (getSuggestion vfile path cabalFields)
pure $ InL $ map InR $ concat results
getSuggestion vfile fp cabalFields (fieldName,Diagnostic{ _range=_range@(Range (Position lineNr col) _) }) = do
let -- Compute where we would anticipate the cursor to be.
fakeLspCursorPosition = Position lineNr (col + fromIntegral (T.length fieldName))
lspPrefixInfo = Ghcide.getCompletionPrefix fakeLspCursorPosition vfile
cabalPrefixInfo = Completions.getCabalPrefixInfo fp lspPrefixInfo
completions <- liftIO $ computeCompletionsAt recorder ide cabalPrefixInfo fp cabalFields
let completionTexts = fmap (^. JL.label) completions
pure $ FieldSuggest.fieldErrorAction uri fieldName completionTexts _range
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cabal file of Interest rules and global variable
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -319,7 +356,7 @@ deleteFileOfInterest recorder state f = do
completion :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'LSP.Method_TextDocumentCompletion
completion recorder ide _ complParams = do
let (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) = complParams ^. JL.textDocument
let TextDocumentIdentifier uri = complParams ^. JL.textDocument
position = complParams ^. JL.position
mVf <- lift $ pluginGetVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri
case (,) <$> mVf <*> uriToFilePath' uri of
@ -331,39 +368,36 @@ completion recorder ide _ complParams = do
Nothing ->
pure . InR $ InR Null
Just (fields, _) -> do
let pref = Ghcide.getCompletionPrefix position cnts
let res = produceCompletions pref path fields
let lspPrefInfo = Ghcide.getCompletionPrefix position cnts
cabalPrefInfo = Completions.getCabalPrefixInfo path lspPrefInfo
let res = computeCompletionsAt recorder ide cabalPrefInfo path fields
liftIO $ fmap InL res
Nothing -> pure . InR $ InR Null
completerRecorder = cmapWithPrio LogCompletions recorder
produceCompletions :: Ghcide.PosPrefixInfo -> FilePath -> [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] -> IO [CompletionItem]
produceCompletions prefix fp fields = do
runMaybeT (context fields) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just ctx -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCompletionContext ctx pos
let completer = Completions.contextToCompleter ctx
let completerData = CompleterTypes.CompleterData
{ getLatestGPD = do
-- We decide on useWithStaleFast here, since we mostly care about the file's meta information,
-- thus, a quick response gives us the desired result most of the time.
-- The `withStale` option is very important here, since we often call this rule with invalid cabal files.
mGPD <- runIdeAction "cabal-plugin.modulesCompleter.gpd" (shakeExtras ide) $ useWithStaleFast ParseCabalFile $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
pure $ fmap fst mGPD
, getCabalCommonSections = do
mSections <- runIdeAction "cabal-plugin.modulesCompleter.commonsections" (shakeExtras ide) $ useWithStaleFast ParseCabalCommonSections $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
pure $ fmap fst mSections
, cabalPrefixInfo = prefInfo
, stanzaName =
case fst ctx of
Types.Stanza _ name -> name
_ -> Nothing
completions <- completer completerRecorder completerData
pure completions
pos = Ghcide.cursorPos prefix
computeCompletionsAt :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> IdeState -> Types.CabalPrefixInfo -> FilePath -> [Syntax.Field Syntax.Position] -> IO [CompletionItem]
computeCompletionsAt recorder ide prefInfo fp fields = do
runMaybeT (context fields) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just ctx -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCompletionContext ctx pos
let completer = Completions.contextToCompleter ctx
let completerData = CompleterTypes.CompleterData
{ getLatestGPD = do
-- We decide on useWithStaleFast here, since we mostly care about the file's meta information,
-- thus, a quick response gives us the desired result most of the time.
-- The `withStale` option is very important here, since we often call this rule with invalid cabal files.
mGPD <- runAction "cabal-plugin.modulesCompleter.gpd" ide $ useWithStale ParseCabalFile $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
pure $ fmap fst mGPD
, getCabalCommonSections = runAction "cabal-plugin.commonSections" ide $ use ParseCabalCommonSections $ toNormalizedFilePath fp
, cabalPrefixInfo = prefInfo
, stanzaName =
case fst ctx of
Types.Stanza _ name -> name
_ -> Nothing
completions <- completer completerRecorder completerData
pure completions
pos = Types.completionCursorPosition prefInfo
context fields = Completions.getContext completerRecorder prefInfo fields
prefInfo = Completions.getCabalPrefixInfo fp prefix
completerRecorder = cmapWithPrio LogCompletions recorder

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.FieldSuggest
( fieldErrorName,
-- * Re-exports
Diagnostic (..),
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (CodeAction (..),
CodeActionKind (..),
Diagnostic (..), Position (..),
Range (..), TextEdit (..), Uri,
WorkspaceEdit (..))
import Text.Regex.TDFA
-- | Generate all code actions for given file, erroneous/unknown field and suggestions
:: Uri
-- ^ File for which the diagnostic was generated
-> T.Text
-- ^ Original (unknown) field
-> [T.Text]
-- ^ Suggestions for the given file
-> Range
-- ^ Location of diagnostic
-> [CodeAction]
fieldErrorAction uri original suggestions range =
fmap mkCodeAction suggestions
mkCodeAction suggestion =
-- Range returned by cabal here represents fragment from start of offending identifier
-- to end of line, we modify this range to be to the end of the identifier
adjustRange (Range rangeFrom@(Position lineNr col) _) =
Range rangeFrom (Position lineNr (col + fromIntegral (T.length original)))
title = "Replace with " <> suggestion'
tedit = [TextEdit (adjustRange range ) suggestion']
edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri tedit) Nothing Nothing
in CodeAction title (Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix) (Just []) Nothing Nothing (Just edit) Nothing Nothing
-- dropping colon from the end of suggestion
suggestion' = T.dropEnd 1 suggestion
-- | Given a diagnostic returned by 'Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diag.errorDiagnostic',
-- if it represents an "Unknown field"-error with incorrect identifier
-- then return the incorrect identifier together with original diagnostics.
fieldErrorName ::
Diagnostic ->
-- ^ Output of 'Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diag.errorDiagnostic'
Maybe (T.Text, Diagnostic)
-- ^ Original (incorrect) field name with the suggested replacement
fieldErrorName diag =
mSuggestion (_message diag) >>= \case
[original] -> Just (original, diag)
_ -> Nothing
regex :: T.Text
regex = "Unknown field: \"(.*)\""
mSuggestion msg = getMatch <$> (msg :: T.Text) =~~ regex
getMatch :: (T.Text, T.Text, T.Text, [T.Text]) -> [T.Text]
getMatch (_, _, _, results) = results

View File

@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ module Main (
import Completer (completerTests)
import Context (contextTests)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Lens.Fold ((^?))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn)
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Ide.Plugin.Cabal.LicenseSuggest (licenseErrorSuggestion)
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ main = do
, pluginTests
, completerTests
, contextTests
, codeActionTests
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -137,57 +141,83 @@ pluginTests =
unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0)
unknownLicenseDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
, testGroup
"Code Actions"
[ runCabalTestCaseSession "BSD-3" "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction.cabal" "cabal"
diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal"
reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3'"]
liftIO $ do
length diags @?= 1
reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0)
reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
[codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "BSD-3-Clause" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0))
executeCodeAction codeAction
contents <- documentContents doc
liftIO $
@?= Text.unlines
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: licenseCodeAction"
, "version:"
, "license: BSD-3-Clause"
, ""
, "library"
, " build-depends: base"
, " default-language: Haskell2010"
, runCabalTestCaseSession "Apache-2.0" "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction2.cabal" "cabal"
diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal"
-- test if it supports typos in license name, here 'apahe'
reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'APAHE'"]
liftIO $ do
length diags @?= 1
reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 25) (Position 4 0)
reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
[codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "Apache-2.0" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0))
executeCodeAction codeAction
contents <- documentContents doc
liftIO $
@?= Text.unlines
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: licenseCodeAction2"
, "version:"
, "license: Apache-2.0"
, ""
, "library"
, " build-depends: base"
, " default-language: Haskell2010"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Code Action Tests
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionTests :: TestTree
codeActionTests = testGroup "Code Actions"
[ runCabalTestCaseSession "BSD-3" "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction.cabal" "cabal"
diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal"
reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3'"]
liftIO $ do
length diags @?= 1
reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0)
reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
[codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "BSD-3-Clause" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0))
executeCodeAction codeAction
contents <- documentContents doc
liftIO $
@?= Text.unlines
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: licenseCodeAction"
, "version:"
, "license: BSD-3-Clause"
, ""
, "library"
, " build-depends: base"
, " default-language: Haskell2010"
, runCabalTestCaseSession "Apache-2.0" "" $ do
doc <- openDoc "licenseCodeAction2.cabal" "cabal"
diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "cabal"
-- test if it supports typos in license name, here 'apahe'
reduceDiag <- liftIO $ inspectDiagnostic diags ["Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'APAHE'"]
liftIO $ do
length diags @?= 1
reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 3 25) (Position 4 0)
reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
[codeAction] <- getLicenseAction "Apache-2.0" <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 24) (Position 4 0))
executeCodeAction codeAction
contents <- documentContents doc
liftIO $
@?= Text.unlines
[ "cabal-version: 3.0"
, "name: licenseCodeAction2"
, "version:"
, "license: Apache-2.0"
, ""
, "library"
, " build-depends: base"
, " default-language: Haskell2010"
, runCabalGoldenSession "Code Actions - Can fix field names" "code-actions" "FieldSuggestions" $ \doc -> do
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc
cas <- Maybe.mapMaybe (^? _R) <$> getAllCodeActions doc
-- Filter out the code actions we want to invoke.
-- We only want to invoke Code Actions with certain titles, and
-- we want to invoke them only once, not once for each cursor request.
-- 'getAllCodeActions' iterates over each cursor position and requests code actions.
let selectedCas = nubOrdOn (^. L.title) $ filter
(\ca -> (ca ^. L.title) `elem`
[ "Replace with license"
, "Replace with build-type"
, "Replace with extra-doc-files"
, "Replace with ghc-options"
, "Replace with location"
, "Replace with default-language"
, "Replace with import"
, "Replace with build-depends"
, "Replace with main-is"
, "Replace with hs-source-dirs"
]) cas
mapM_ executeCodeAction selectedCas
pure ()
getLicenseAction :: T.Text -> [Command |? CodeAction] -> [CodeAction]
getLicenseAction license codeActions = do

View File

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ runCabalSession :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a
runCabalSession subdir =
failIfSessionTimeout . runSessionWithServer def cabalPlugin (testDataDir </> subdir)
runCabalGoldenSession :: TestName -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session ()) -> TestTree
runCabalGoldenSession title subdir fp act = goldenWithCabalDoc def cabalPlugin title testDataDir (subdir </> fp) "golden" "cabal" act
testDataDir :: FilePath
testDataDir = "plugins" </> "hls-cabal-plugin" </> "test" </> "testdata"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: FieldSuggestions
version: 0.1.0
licens: BSD-3-Clause
buil-type: Simple
-- Default warnings in HLS
common warnings
ghc-option: -Wall
source-repository head
type: git
loc: fake
default-lang: Haskell2010
-- Import isn't supported right now.
impor: warnings
build-dep: base
executable my-exe
mains: Main.hs
test-suite Test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Test.hs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: FieldSuggestions
version: 0.1.0
license: BSD-3-Clause
build-type: Simple
-- Default warnings in HLS
common warnings
ghc-options: -Wall
source-repository head
type: git
location: fake
default-language: Haskell2010
-- Import isn't supported right now.
import: warnings
build-depends: base
executable my-exe
main-is: Main.hs
test-suite Test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Test.hs