Log plugin name and attribute errors to plugins (#3194)

* Log plugin name

* redundant import

* Attribute response error logs to plugins

* remove redundant plugin names from error messages

* improve pretty printing

* Avoid show

* simplify test messages

* Fix
This commit is contained in:
Pepe Iborra 2022-09-21 19:36:19 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent b547d4e9ac
commit dca5cc36c7
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 88 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffe
import System.Random (newStdGen)
import System.Time.Extra (Seconds, offsetTime,
import Text.Printf (printf)
data Log
= LogHeapStats !HeapStats.Log

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@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty, toList)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Some
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ import Language.LSP.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Language.LSP.VFS
import Prettyprinter.Render.String (renderString)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO)
import UnliftIO.Async (forConcurrently)
@ -46,12 +50,18 @@ import UnliftIO.Exception (catchAny)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data Log = LogPluginError ResponseError
deriving Show
data Log
= LogPluginError PluginId ResponseError
| LogNoPluginForMethod (Some SMethod)
| LogInvalidCommandIdentifier
instance Pretty Log where
pretty = \case
LogPluginError err -> prettyResponseError err
LogPluginError (PluginId pId) err -> pretty pId <> ":" <+> prettyResponseError err
LogNoPluginForMethod (Some method) ->
"No plugin enabled for " <> pretty (show method)
LogInvalidCommandIdentifier-> "Invalid command identifier"
instance Show Log where show = renderString . layoutCompact . pretty
-- various error message specific builders
prettyResponseError :: ResponseError -> Doc a
@ -77,10 +87,10 @@ failedToParseArgs :: CommandId -- ^ command that failed to parse
failedToParseArgs (CommandId com) (PluginId pid) err arg = "Error while parsing args for " <> com <> " in plugin " <> pid <> ": " <> T.pack err <> "\narg = " <> T.pack (show arg)
-- | Build a ResponseError and log it before returning to the caller
logAndReturnError :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> ErrorCode -> Text -> LSP.LspT Config IO (Either ResponseError a)
logAndReturnError recorder errCode msg = do
logAndReturnError :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> ErrorCode -> Text -> LSP.LspT Config IO (Either ResponseError a)
logAndReturnError recorder p errCode msg = do
let err = ResponseError errCode msg Nothing
logWith recorder Warning $ LogPluginError err
logWith recorder Warning $ LogPluginError p err
pure $ Left err
-- | Map a set of plugins to the underlying ghcide engine.
@ -164,15 +174,17 @@ executeCommandHandlers recorder ecs = requestHandler SWorkspaceExecuteCommand ex
Just (plugin, cmd) -> runPluginCommand ide plugin cmd cmdParams
-- Couldn't parse the command identifier
_ -> logAndReturnError recorder InvalidParams "Invalid command Identifier"
_ -> do
logWith recorder Warning LogInvalidCommandIdentifier
return $ Left $ ResponseError InvalidParams "Invalid command identifier" Nothing
runPluginCommand ide p com arg =
case Map.lookup p pluginMap of
Nothing -> logAndReturnError recorder InvalidRequest (pluginDoesntExist p)
Nothing -> logAndReturnError recorder p InvalidRequest (pluginDoesntExist p)
Just xs -> case List.find ((com ==) . commandId) xs of
Nothing -> logAndReturnError recorder InvalidRequest (commandDoesntExist com p xs)
Nothing -> logAndReturnError recorder p InvalidRequest (commandDoesntExist com p xs)
Just (PluginCommand _ _ f) -> case J.fromJSON arg of
J.Error err -> logAndReturnError recorder InvalidParams (failedToParseArgs com p err arg)
J.Error err -> logAndReturnError recorder p InvalidParams (failedToParseArgs com p err arg)
J.Success a -> f ide a
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -195,15 +207,21 @@ extensiblePlugins recorder xs = mempty { P.pluginHandlers = handlers }
let fs = filter (\(_, desc, _) -> pluginEnabled m params desc config) fs'
-- Clients generally don't display ResponseErrors so instead we log any that we come across
case nonEmpty fs of
Nothing -> logAndReturnError recorder InvalidRequest (pluginNotEnabled m fs')
Nothing -> do
logWith recorder Warning (LogNoPluginForMethod $ Some m)
let err = ResponseError InvalidRequest msg Nothing
msg = pluginNotEnabled m fs'
return $ Left err
Just fs -> do
let msg e pid = "Exception in plugin " <> T.pack (show pid) <> " while processing " <> T.pack (show m) <> ": " <> T.pack (show e)
handlers = fmap (\(plid,_,handler) -> (plid,handler)) fs
es <- runConcurrently msg (show m) handlers ide params
let (errs,succs) = partitionEithers $ toList es
unless (null errs) $ forM_ errs $ \err -> logWith recorder Warning $ LogPluginError err
let (errs,succs) = partitionEithers $ toList $ join $ NE.zipWith (\(pId,_) -> fmap (first (pId,))) handlers es
unless (null errs) $ forM_ errs $ \(pId, err) ->
logWith recorder Warning $ LogPluginError pId err
case nonEmpty succs of
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ combineErrors errs
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ combineErrors $ map snd errs
Just xs -> do
caps <- LSP.getClientCapabilities
pure $ Right $ combineResponses m config caps params xs
@ -226,7 +244,8 @@ extensibleNotificationPlugins recorder xs = mempty { P.pluginHandlers = handlers
-- Only run plugins that are allowed to run on this request
let fs = filter (\(_, desc, _) -> pluginEnabled m params desc config) fs'
case nonEmpty fs of
Nothing -> void $ logAndReturnError recorder InvalidRequest (pluginNotEnabled m fs')
Nothing -> do
logWith recorder Warning (LogNoPluginForMethod $ Some m)
Just fs -> do
-- We run the notifications in order, so the core ghcide provider
-- (which restarts the shake process) hopefully comes last
@ -242,8 +261,8 @@ runConcurrently
-- ^ Enabled plugin actions that we are allowed to run
-> a
-> b
-> m (NonEmpty (Either ResponseError d))
runConcurrently msg method fs a b = fmap join $ forConcurrently fs $ \(pid,f) -> otTracedProvider pid (fromString method) $ do
-> m (NonEmpty(NonEmpty (Either ResponseError d)))
runConcurrently msg method fs a b = forConcurrently fs $ \(pid,f) -> otTracedProvider pid (fromString method) $ do
f a b
`catchAny` (\e -> pure $ pure $ Left $ ResponseError InternalError (msg e pid) Nothing)

View File

@ -523,6 +523,7 @@ test-suite func-test
, lens
, lens-aeson
, ghcide
, ghcide-test-utils
, hls-test-utils ^>=1.4
, lsp-types
, aeson

View File

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ module Ide.Plugin.AlternateNumberFormat (descriptor, Log(..)) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadIO, liftIO)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE (GetParsedModule (GetParsedModule),
GhcSession (GhcSession),
@ -43,11 +42,8 @@ instance Pretty Log where
pretty = \case
LogShake log -> pretty log
alternateNumberFormatId :: IsString a => a
alternateNumberFormatId = "alternateNumberFormat"
descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder = (defaultPluginDescriptor alternateNumberFormatId)
descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder pId = (defaultPluginDescriptor pId)
{ pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler STextDocumentCodeAction codeActionHandler
, pluginRules = collectLiteralsRule recorder
@ -87,10 +83,10 @@ collectLiteralsRule recorder = define (cmapWithPrio LogShake recorder) $ \Collec
getExtensions = map GhcExtension . toList . extensionFlags . ms_hspp_opts . pm_mod_summary
codeActionHandler :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'TextDocumentCodeAction
codeActionHandler state _ (CodeActionParams _ _ docId currRange _) = pluginResponse $ do
codeActionHandler state pId (CodeActionParams _ _ docId currRange _) = pluginResponse $ do
nfp <- getNormalizedFilePath (docId ^. L.uri)
CLR{..} <- requestLiterals state nfp
pragma <- getFirstPragma state nfp
CLR{..} <- requestLiterals pId state nfp
pragma <- getFirstPragma pId state nfp
-- remove any invalid literals (see validTarget comment)
let litsInRange = filter inCurrentRange literals
-- generate alternateFormats and zip with the literal that generated the alternates
@ -145,16 +141,16 @@ contains Range {_start, _end} x = isInsideRealSrcSpan _start x || isInsideRealSr
isInsideRealSrcSpan :: Position -> RealSrcSpan -> Bool
p `isInsideRealSrcSpan` r = let (Range sp ep) = realSrcSpanToRange r in sp <= p && p <= ep
getFirstPragma :: MonadIO m => IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m NextPragmaInfo
getFirstPragma state nfp = handleMaybeM "Error: Could not get NextPragmaInfo" $ do
ghcSession <- liftIO $ runAction (alternateNumberFormatId <> ".GhcSession") state $ useWithStale GhcSession nfp
(_, fileContents) <- liftIO $ runAction (alternateNumberFormatId <> ".GetFileContents") state $ getFileContents nfp
getFirstPragma :: MonadIO m => PluginId -> IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m NextPragmaInfo
getFirstPragma (PluginId pId) state nfp = handleMaybeM "Could not get NextPragmaInfo" $ do
ghcSession <- liftIO $ runAction (unpack pId <> ".GhcSession") state $ useWithStale GhcSession nfp
(_, fileContents) <- liftIO $ runAction (unpack pId <> ".GetFileContents") state $ getFileContents nfp
case ghcSession of
Just (hscEnv -> hsc_dflags -> sessionDynFlags, _) -> pure $ Just $ getNextPragmaInfo sessionDynFlags fileContents
Nothing -> pure Nothing
requestLiterals :: MonadIO m => IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m CollectLiteralsResult
requestLiterals state = handleMaybeM "Error: Could not Collect Literals"
requestLiterals :: MonadIO m => PluginId -> IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m CollectLiteralsResult
requestLiterals (PluginId pId) state = handleMaybeM "Could not Collect Literals"
. liftIO
. runAction (alternateNumberFormatId <> ".CollectLiterals") state
. runAction (unpack pId <> ".CollectLiterals") state
. use CollectLiterals

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = defaultTestRunner test
alternateNumberFormatPlugin :: PluginDescriptor IdeState
alternateNumberFormatPlugin = AlternateNumberFormat.descriptor mempty
alternateNumberFormatPlugin = AlternateNumberFormat.descriptor mempty "alternateNumberFormat"
-- NOTE: For whatever reason, this plugin does not play nice with creating Code Actions on time.
-- As a result tests will mostly pass if `import Prelude` is added at the top. We (mostly fendor) surmise this has something

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ codeActionHandler ideState _ CodeActionParams {_textDocument = TextDocumentIdent
pure $ List actions
getDecls :: MonadIO m => IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> ExceptT String m [LHsDecl GhcPs]
getDecls state = handleMaybeM "Error: Could not get Parsed Module"
getDecls state = handleMaybeM "Could not get Parsed Module"
. liftIO
. fmap (fmap (hsmodDecls . unLoc . pm_parsed_source))
. runAction (changeTypeSignatureId <> ".GetParsedModule") state

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ codeAction recorder state plId (CodeActionParams _ _ docId _ context) = pluginRe
. liftIO
. runAction "classplugin.findClassFromIdentifier.TypeCheck" state
$ useWithStale TypeCheck docPath
handleMaybeM "Error in TcEnv"
handleMaybeM "TcEnv"
. liftIO
. fmap snd
. initTcWithGbl hscenv thisMod ghostSpan $ do

View File

@ -36,11 +36,8 @@ import Ide.PluginUtils (getNormalizedFilePath,
import Ide.Types hiding (pluginId)
import Language.LSP.Types
pluginId :: PluginId
pluginId = "explicitFixity"
descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder = (defaultPluginDescriptor pluginId)
descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder pluginId = (defaultPluginDescriptor pluginId)
{ pluginRules = fixityRule recorder
, pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler STextDocumentHover hover
-- Make this plugin has a lower priority than ghcide's plugin to ensure
@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ descriptor recorder = (defaultPluginDescriptor pluginId)
hover :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState TextDocumentHover
hover state _ (HoverParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos _) = pluginResponse $ do
nfp <- getNormalizedFilePath uri
fixityTrees <- handleMaybeM "ExplicitFixity: Unable to get fixity"
fixityTrees <- handleMaybeM "Unable to get fixity"
$ liftIO
$ runAction "ExplicitFixity.GetFixity" state
$ use GetFixity nfp

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import System.FilePath
import Test.Hls
plugin :: PluginDescriptor IdeState
plugin = descriptor mempty
plugin = descriptor mempty "explicit-fixity"
main :: IO ()
main = defaultTestRunner tests

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE (GetParsedModule (GetParsedModule),
GhcSession (GhcSession),
IdeState, Pretty,
Priority (Debug, Info), Recorder,
Priority (Debug), Recorder,
WithPriority, colon, evalGhcEnv,
hscEnvWithImportPaths, logWith,
realSrcSpanToRange, runAction,
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ action recorder state uri =
correctNames <- liftIO $ pathModuleNames recorder state nfp fp
logWith recorder Debug (CorrectNames correctNames)
bestName <- minimumBy (comparing T.length) <$> (MaybeT . pure $ NE.nonEmpty correctNames)
logWith recorder Info (BestName bestName)
logWith recorder Debug (BestName bestName)
statedNameMaybe <- liftIO $ codeModuleName state nfp
logWith recorder Debug (ModuleName $ snd <$> statedNameMaybe)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ module HlsPlugins where
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger (Pretty (pretty), Recorder,
WithPriority, cmapWithPrio)
import Ide.PluginUtils (pluginDescToIdePlugins)
import Ide.Types (IdePlugins)
import Ide.Types (IdePlugins,
PluginId (PluginId))
-- fixed plugins
import Development.IDE (IdeState)
@ -119,10 +120,10 @@ import qualified Ide.Plugin.Brittany as Brittany
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction as Refactor
data Log = forall a. (Pretty a) => Log a
data Log = forall a. (Pretty a) => Log PluginId a
instance Pretty Log where
pretty (Log a) = pretty a
pretty (Log (PluginId pId) a) = pretty pId <> ": " <> pretty a
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -134,8 +135,8 @@ instance Pretty Log where
idePlugins :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> IdePlugins IdeState
idePlugins recorder = pluginDescToIdePlugins allPlugins
pluginRecorder :: forall log. (Pretty log) => Recorder (WithPriority log)
pluginRecorder = cmapWithPrio Log recorder
pluginRecorder :: forall log. (Pretty log) => PluginId -> Recorder (WithPriority log)
pluginRecorder pluginId = cmapWithPrio (Log pluginId) recorder
allPlugins =
#if hls_pragmas
Pragmas.descriptor "pragmas" :
@ -144,10 +145,10 @@ idePlugins recorder = pluginDescToIdePlugins allPlugins
Floskell.descriptor "floskell" :
#if hls_fourmolu
Fourmolu.descriptor pluginRecorder "fourmolu" :
let pId = "fourmolu" in Fourmolu.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_tactic
Tactic.descriptor pluginRecorder "tactics" :
let pId = "tactics" in Tactic.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_ormolu
Ormolu.descriptor "ormolu" :
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ idePlugins recorder = pluginDescToIdePlugins allPlugins
StylishHaskell.descriptor "stylish-haskell" :
#if hls_rename
Rename.descriptor pluginRecorder "rename" :
let pId = "rename" in Rename.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_retrie
Retrie.descriptor "retrie" :
@ -168,40 +169,40 @@ idePlugins recorder = pluginDescToIdePlugins allPlugins
CallHierarchy.descriptor :
#if hls_class
Class.descriptor pluginRecorder "class" :
let pId = "class" in Class.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_haddockComments
HaddockComments.descriptor pluginRecorder "haddockComments" :
let pId = "haddockComments" in HaddockComments.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_eval
Eval.descriptor pluginRecorder "eval" :
let pId = "eval" in Eval.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_importLens
ExplicitImports.descriptor pluginRecorder "importLens" :
let pId = "importLens" in ExplicitImports.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_qualifyImportedNames
QualifyImportedNames.descriptor "qualifyImportedNames" :
#if hls_refineImports
RefineImports.descriptor pluginRecorder "refineImports" :
let pId = "refineImports" in RefineImports.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_moduleName
ModuleName.descriptor pluginRecorder "moduleName" :
let pId = "moduleName" in ModuleName.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_hlint
Hlint.descriptor pluginRecorder "hlint" :
let pId = "hlint" in Hlint.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_stan
Stan.descriptor pluginRecorder "stan" :
let pId = "stan" in Stan.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
#if hls_splice
Splice.descriptor "splice" :
#if hls_alternateNumberFormat
AlternateNumberFormat.descriptor pluginRecorder :
let pId = "alternateNumberFormat" in AlternateNumberFormat.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
#if hls_codeRange
CodeRange.descriptor pluginRecorder "codeRange" :
let pId = "codeRange" in CodeRange.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId:
#if hls_changeTypeSignature
ChangeTypeSignature.descriptor :
@ -210,14 +211,14 @@ idePlugins recorder = pluginDescToIdePlugins allPlugins
GADT.descriptor "gadt" :
#if hls_refactor
Refactor.iePluginDescriptor pluginRecorder "ghcide-code-actions-imports-exports" :
Refactor.typeSigsPluginDescriptor pluginRecorder "ghcide-code-actions-type-signatures" :
Refactor.bindingsPluginDescriptor pluginRecorder "ghcide-code-actions-bindings" :
Refactor.fillHolePluginDescriptor pluginRecorder "ghcide-code-actions-fill-holes" :
Refactor.extendImportPluginDescriptor pluginRecorder "ghcide-extend-import-action" :
let pId = "ghcide-code-actions-imports-exports" in Refactor.iePluginDescriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
let pId = "ghcide-code-actions-type-signatures" in Refactor.typeSigsPluginDescriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
let pId = "ghcide-code-actions-bindings" in Refactor.bindingsPluginDescriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
let pId = "ghcide-code-actions-fill-holes" in Refactor.fillHolePluginDescriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
let pId = "ghcide-extend-import-action" in Refactor.extendImportPluginDescriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId :
GhcIde.descriptors pluginRecorder
GhcIde.descriptors (pluginRecorder "ghcide")
#if explicitFixity
++ [ExplicitFixity.descriptor pluginRecorder]
++ [let pId = "explicit-fixity" in ExplicitFixity.descriptor (pluginRecorder pId) pId]

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as L
import Test.Hls
import Test.Hspec.Expectations
import Development.IDE.Test (configureCheckProject)
import Test.Hls.Command
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication"::String) #-}
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ renameTests = testGroup "rename suggestions" [
, testCase "doesn't give both documentChanges and changes"
$ runSession hlsCommand noLiteralCaps "test/testdata" $ do
configureCheckProject False
doc <- openDoc "CodeActionRename.hs" "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck"