cabal-version: 3.4 category: Development name: haskell-language-server version: synopsis: LSP server for GHC description: Please see the README on GitHub at homepage: bug-reports: author: The Haskell IDE Team maintainer: copyright: The Haskell IDE Team license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC ==9.10.1 || ==9.8.2 || ==9.6.5 || ==9.4.8 extra-source-files: test/testdata/**/*.project test/testdata/**/*.cabal test/testdata/**/*.yaml test/testdata/**/*.hs test/testdata/**/*.json -- These globs should only match test/testdata plugins/**/*.project plugins/**/*.expected plugins/**/*.cabal plugins/**/*.yaml plugins/**/*.txt plugins/**/*.hs bindist/ source-repository head type: git location: common defaults default-language: GHC2021 -- Should have been in GHC2021, an oversight default-extensions: ExplicitNamespaces common test-defaults ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N if impl(ghc >= 9.8) -- We allow using partial functions in tests ghc-options: -Wno-x-partial -- Default warnings in HLS common warnings ghc-options: -Wall -Wredundant-constraints -Wunused-packages -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors flag pedantic description: Enable -Werror default: False manual: True -- Allow compiling in pedantic mode common pedantic if flag(pedantic) ghc-options: -Werror -- Note [unused-packages] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Some packages need CPP conditioned on MIN_VERSION_ghc(x,y,z). -- MIN_VERSION_ is CPP macro that cabal defines only when is declared as a dependency. -- But -Wunused-packages still reports it as unused dependency if it's not imported. -- For packages with such "unused" dependencies we demote -Wunused-packages error -- (enabled by --flag=pedantic) to warning via -Wwarn=unused-packages. -Wwarn=unused-packages -- Plugin flags are designed for 'cabal install haskell-language-server': -- - Bulk flags should be default:False -- - Individual flags should be default:True -- The intent of this flag is being able to keep the ghc condition for hackage -- but skip it via flags in cabal.project as plugins for new ghcs usually -- are buildable using cabal.project tweaks flag ignore-plugins-ghc-bounds description: Force the inclusion of plugins even if they are not buildable by default with a specific ghc version default: False manual: True flag dynamic description: Build with the dyn rts default: True manual: True ---------------------------- ---------------------------- -- PLUGINS ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------- -- cabal-fmt plugin ----------------------------- flag cabalfmt description: Enable cabal-fmt plugin default: True manual: True common cabalfmt if flag(cabalfmt) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-fmt-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_cabalfmt flag isolateCabalfmtTests description: Should tests search for 'cabal-fmt' on the $PATH or shall we install it via build-tool-depends? -- By default, search on the PATH default: False manual: True library hls-cabal-fmt-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(cabalfmt) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.CabalFmt hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-fmt-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , directory , filepath , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp-types , mtl , process-extras , text -- The `hls-cabal-plugin` is needed for tests, as we need to install notification handlers test-suite hls-cabal-fmt-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(cabalfmt) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-fmt-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , directory , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-plugin , haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-fmt-plugin , hls-plugin-api == , hls-test-utils == if flag(isolateCabalfmtTests) build-tool-depends: cabal-fmt:cabal-fmt ^>=0.1.12 cpp-options: -Dhls_isolate_cabalfmt_tests ----------------------------- -- cabal-gild plugin ----------------------------- flag cabalgild description: Enable cabal-gild plugin default: True manual: True common cabalgild if flag(cabalgild) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-gild-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_cabalgild flag isolateCabalGildTests description: Should tests search for 'cabal-gild' on the $PATH or shall we install it via build-tool-depends? -- By default, search on the PATH default: False manual: True library hls-cabal-gild-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(cabalgild) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.CabalGild hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-gild-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , directory , filepath , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp-types , text , mtl , process-extras -- The `hls-cabal-plugin` is needed for tests, as we need to install notification handlers test-suite hls-cabal-gild-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(cabalgild) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-gild-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , directory , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-plugin , haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-gild-plugin , hls-plugin-api == , hls-test-utils == if flag(isolateCabalGildTests) -- build-tool-depends: cabal-gild:cabal-gild >= 1.3 && < 1.3.2 cpp-options: -Dhls_isolate_cabalgild_tests ----------------------------- -- cabal plugin ----------------------------- flag cabal description: Enable cabal plugin default: True manual: True common cabal if flag(cabal) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_cabal library hls-cabal-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(cabal) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Cabal Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Diagnostics Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.CabalFields Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.FilePath Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Module Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Paths Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Simple Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Snippet Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completer.Types Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Completions Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Data Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Completion.Types Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Definition Ide.Plugin.Cabal.FieldSuggest Ide.Plugin.Cabal.LicenseSuggest Ide.Plugin.Cabal.CabalAdd Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Orphans Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Outline Ide.Plugin.Cabal.Parse build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring , Cabal-syntax >= 3.7 , containers , deepseq , directory , filepath , extra >=1.7.4 , ghcide == , hashable , hls-plugin-api == , hls-graph == , lens , lsp ^>=2.7 , lsp-types ^>=2.3 , regex-tdfa ^>=1.3.1 , text , text-rope , transformers , unordered-containers >= , containers , cabal-add , process , aeson , Cabal , pretty hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-plugin/src test-suite hls-cabal-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(cabal) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-cabal-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs other-modules: CabalAdd Completer Context Definition Outline Utils build-depends: , base , bytestring , Cabal-syntax >= 3.7 , extra , filepath , ghcide , haskell-language-server:hls-cabal-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text , hls-plugin-api ----------------------------- -- class plugin ----------------------------- flag class description: Enable class plugin default: True manual: True common class if flag(class) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-class-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_class library hls-class-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(class) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Class other-modules: Ide.Plugin.Class.CodeAction , Ide.Plugin.Class.CodeLens , Ide.Plugin.Class.ExactPrint , Ide.Plugin.Class.Types , Ide.Plugin.Class.Utils hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-class-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , deepseq , extra , ghc , ghc-exactprint >= 1.5 && < , ghcide == , hls-graph , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , mtl , text , transformers default-extensions: DataKinds OverloadedStrings test-suite hls-class-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(class) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-class-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-class-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- call-hierarchy plugin ----------------------------- flag callHierarchy description: Enable call hierarchy plugin default: True manual: True common callHierarchy if flag(callHierarchy) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-call-hierarchy-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_callHierarchy library hls-call-hierarchy-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(callHierarchy) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy other-modules: Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy.Internal Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy.Query Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy.Types hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-call-hierarchy-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , extra , ghcide == , hiedb ^>= , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp >=2.7 , sqlite-simple , text default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-call-hierarchy-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(callHierarchy) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-call-hierarchy-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , aeson , base , containers , extra , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-call-hierarchy-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp , lsp-test , text ----------------------------- -- eval plugin ----------------------------- flag eval description: Enable eval plugin default: True manual: True common eval if flag(eval) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-eval-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_eval library hls-eval-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(eval) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Eval Ide.Plugin.Eval.Types hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-eval-plugin/src other-modules: Ide.Plugin.Eval.Code Ide.Plugin.Eval.CodeLens Ide.Plugin.Eval.Config Ide.Plugin.Eval.GHC Ide.Plugin.Eval.Parse.Comments Ide.Plugin.Eval.Parse.Option Ide.Plugin.Eval.Rules Ide.Plugin.Eval.Util build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring , containers , deepseq , Diff ^>=0.5 , dlist , extra , filepath , ghc , ghc-boot-th , ghcide == , hls-graph , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , lsp-types , megaparsec >=9.0 , mtl , parser-combinators >=1.2 , text , text-rope , transformers , unliftio , unordered-containers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-eval-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(eval) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-eval-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs ghc-options: -fno-ignore-asserts build-depends: , aeson , base , containers , extra , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-eval-plugin , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- import lens plugin ----------------------------- common importLens if flag(importLens) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-imports-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_importLens flag importLens description: Enable importLens plugin default: True manual: True library hls-explicit-imports-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(importlens) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.ExplicitImports hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-imports-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , deepseq , ghc , ghcide == , hls-graph , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , mtl , text , transformers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-explicit-imports-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(importlens) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-imports-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , extra , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-imports-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- rename plugin ----------------------------- flag rename description: Enable rename plugin default: True manual: True common rename if flag(rename) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-rename-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_rename library hls-rename-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(rename) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Rename hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-rename-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , ghcide == , hashable , hiedb ^>= , hie-compat , hls-plugin-api == , haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin , lens , lsp-types , mtl , mod , syb , text , transformers , unordered-containers test-suite hls-rename-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(rename) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-rename-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , aeson , base , containers , filepath , hls-plugin-api , haskell-language-server:hls-rename-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- retrie plugin ----------------------------- flag retrie description: Enable retrie plugin default: True manual: True common retrie if flag(retrie) && impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-retrie-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_retrie library hls-retrie-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !(flag(retrie) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Retrie hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-retrie-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring , containers , extra , ghc , ghcide == , hashable , hls-plugin-api == , haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin , lens , lsp , lsp-types , mtl , retrie >= , safe-exceptions , stm , text , text-rope , transformers , unordered-containers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-retrie-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !(flag(retrie) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-retrie-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , containers , filepath , hls-plugin-api , haskell-language-server:{hls-refactor-plugin, hls-retrie-plugin} , hls-test-utils == , text ----------------------------- -- hlint plugin ----------------------------- flag ghc-lib description: Use ghc-lib-parser rather than the ghc library (requires hlint and ghc-lib-parser-ex to also be built with it) default: True manual: True flag hlint description: Enable hlint plugin default: True manual: True common hlint if flag(hlint) && impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-hlint-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_hlint library hls-hlint-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings -- if !(flag(hlint) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Hlint hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-hlint-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , bytestring , containers , deepseq , filepath , ghcide == , hashable , hlint >= 3.5 && < 3.9 , hls-plugin-api == , lens , mtl , refact , regex-tdfa , stm , temporary , text , text-rope , transformers , unordered-containers , ghc-lib-parser-ex , apply-refact -- , lsp-types if flag(ghc-lib) cpp-options: -DGHC_LIB build-depends: ghc-lib-parser else build-depends: ghc , ghc-boot default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-hlint-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !(flag(hlint) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-hlint-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: aeson , base , containers , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-hlint-plugin , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- stan plugin ----------------------------- flag stan description: Enable stan plugin default: True manual: True common stan if flag(stan) && impl(ghc < 9.10.0) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-stan-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_stan library hls-stan-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if flag(stan) && impl(ghc < 9.10.0) buildable: True else buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Stan hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-stan-plugin/src build-depends: base , deepseq , hashable , hie-compat , hls-plugin-api , ghcide , lsp-types , text , unordered-containers , stan >= , trial , directory default-extensions: LambdaCase TypeFamilies DuplicateRecordFields OverloadedStrings test-suite hls-stan-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if flag(stan) && impl(ghc < 9.10.0) buildable: True else buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-stan-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-stan-plugin , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text default-extensions: OverloadedStrings ----------------------------- -- module name plugin ----------------------------- flag moduleName description: Enable moduleName plugin default: True manual: True common moduleName if flag(moduleName) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-module-name-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_moduleName library hls-module-name-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(modulename) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.ModuleName hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-module-name-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , filepath , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp , text , text-rope , transformers test-suite hls-module-name-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(modulename) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-module-name-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-module-name-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- pragmas plugin ----------------------------- flag pragmas description: Enable pragmas plugin default: True manual: True common pragmas if flag(pragmas) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-pragmas-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_pragmas library hls-pragmas-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(pragmas) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Pragmas hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-pragmas-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , extra , fuzzy , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , text , transformers , containers test-suite hls-pragmas-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(pragmas) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-pragmas-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , aeson , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-pragmas-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-types , text ----------------------------- -- splice plugin ----------------------------- flag splice description: Enable splice plugin default: True manual: True common splice if flag(splice) && impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-splice-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_splice library hls-splice-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !(flag(splice) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Splice Ide.Plugin.Splice.Types hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-splice-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , extra , foldl , ghc , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin , lens , lsp , mtl , syb , text , transformers , unliftio-core default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-splice-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !(flag(splice) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-splice-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-splice-plugin , hls-test-utils == , text ----------------------------- -- alternate number format plugin ----------------------------- flag alternateNumberFormat description: Enable Alternate Number Format plugin default: True manual: True common alternateNumberFormat if flag(alternateNumberFormat) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-alternate-number-format-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_alternateNumberFormat library hls-alternate-number-format-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(alternateNumberFormat) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.AlternateNumberFormat, Ide.Plugin.Conversion other-modules: Ide.Plugin.Literals hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-alternate-number-format-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && < 5 , containers , extra , ghcide == , ghc-boot-th , hls-graph , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp ^>=2.7 , mtl , regex-tdfa , syb , text default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards test-suite hls-alternate-number-format-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(alternateNumberFormat) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-alternate-number-format-plugin/test other-modules: Properties.Conversion main-is: Main.hs ghc-options: -fno-ignore-asserts build-depends: , base >=4.12 && < 5 , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-alternate-number-format-plugin , hls-test-utils == , regex-tdfa , tasty-quickcheck , text default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards ----------------------------- -- qualify imported names plugin ----------------------------- flag qualifyImportedNames description: Enable qualifyImportedNames plugin default: True manual: True common qualifyImportedNames if flag(qualifyImportedNames) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_qualifyImportedNames library hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(qualifyImportedNames) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.QualifyImportedNames hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , text , text-rope , dlist , transformers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(qualifyImportedNames) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , text , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- code range plugin ----------------------------- flag codeRange description: Enable Code Range plugin default: True manual: True common codeRange if flag(codeRange) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-code-range-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_codeRange library hls-code-range-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(codeRange) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.CodeRange Ide.Plugin.CodeRange.Rules other-modules: Ide.Plugin.CodeRange.ASTPreProcess hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-code-range-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , deepseq , extra , ghcide == , hashable , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , mtl , semigroupoids , transformers , vector test-suite hls-code-range-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(codeRange) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-code-range-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Ide.Plugin.CodeRangeTest Ide.Plugin.CodeRange.RulesTest build-depends: , base , bytestring , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-code-range-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp , lsp-test , transformers , vector ----------------------------- -- change type signature plugin ----------------------------- flag changeTypeSignature description: Enable changeTypeSignature plugin default: True manual: True common changeTypeSignature if flag(changeTypeSignature) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-change-type-signature-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_changeTypeSignature library hls-change-type-signature-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(changeTypeSignature) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.ChangeTypeSignature hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-change-type-signature-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && < 5 , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp-types , regex-tdfa , syb , text , transformers , containers default-extensions: DataKinds ExplicitNamespaces OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards test-suite hls-change-type-signature-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(changeTypeSignature) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-change-type-signature-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base >=4.12 && < 5 , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-change-type-signature-plugin , hls-test-utils == , regex-tdfa , text default-extensions: OverloadedStrings ViewPatterns ----------------------------- -- gadt plugin ----------------------------- flag gadt description: Enable gadt plugin default: True manual: True common gadt if flag(gadt) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-gadt-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_gadt library hls-gadt-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(gadt) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.GADT other-modules: Ide.Plugin.GHC hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-gadt-plugin/src build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , extra , ghc , ghcide == , ghc-exactprint , hls-plugin-api == , haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin , lens , lsp >=2.7 , mtl , text , transformers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-gadt-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(gadt) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-gadt-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-gadt-plugin , hls-test-utils == , text ----------------------------- -- explicit fixity plugin ----------------------------- flag explicitFixity description: Enable explicitFixity plugin default: True manual: True common explicitFixity if flag(explicitFixity) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-fixity-plugin cpp-options: -DexplicitFixity library hls-explicit-fixity-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(explicitFixity) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.ExplicitFixity hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-fixity-plugin/src build-depends: base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , deepseq , extra , ghcide == , hashable , hls-plugin-api == , lsp >=2.7 , text default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-explicit-fixity-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(explicitFixity) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-fixity-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-fixity-plugin , hls-test-utils == , text ----------------------------- -- explicit fields plugin ----------------------------- flag explicitFields description: Enable explicitFields plugin default: True manual: True common explicitFields if flag(explicitFields) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin cpp-options: -DexplicitFields library hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(explicitFields) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.ExplicitFields build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp , lens , hls-graph , text , syb , transformers , containers , aeson hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin/src if flag(pedantic) ghc-options: -Wwarn=incomplete-record-updates test-suite hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(explicitFields) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , text , ghcide , haskell-language-server:hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- overloaded record dot plugin ----------------------------- flag overloadedRecordDot description: Enable overloadedRecordDot plugin default: True manual: True common overloadedRecordDot if flag(overloadedRecordDot) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_overloaded_record_dot library hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(overloadedRecordDot) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.OverloadedRecordDot build-depends: , base >=4.16 && <5 , aeson , ghcide , hls-plugin-api , lsp , lens , hls-graph , text , syb , transformers , containers , deepseq hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin/src test-suite hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(overloadedRecordDot) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , text , haskell-language-server:hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- floskell plugin ----------------------------- flag floskell description: Enable floskell plugin default: True manual: True common floskell if flag(floskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-floskell-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_floskell library hls-floskell-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings -- if !(flag(floskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Floskell hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-floskell-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , floskell ^>=0.11.0 , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp-types ^>=2.3 , mtl , text test-suite hls-floskell-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !(flag(floskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-floskell-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-floskell-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- fourmolu plugin ----------------------------- flag fourmolu description: Enable fourmolu plugin default: True manual: True common fourmolu if flag(fourmolu) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-fourmolu-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_fourmolu library hls-fourmolu-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(fourmolu) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Fourmolu hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-fourmolu-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , filepath , fourmolu ^>= 0.14 || ^>= 0.15 || ^>= 0.16 , ghc-boot-th , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp , mtl , process-extras >= 0.7.1 , text , transformers , yaml test-suite hls-fourmolu-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(fourmolu) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-fourmolu-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs -- Work around if os(darwin) ghc-options: -optl-Wl,-ld_classic build-tool-depends: fourmolu:fourmolu build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , aeson , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-fourmolu-plugin , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lsp-test ----------------------------- -- ormolu plugin ----------------------------- flag ormolu description: Enable ormolu plugin default: True manual: True common ormolu if flag(ormolu) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-ormolu-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_ormolu library hls-ormolu-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(ormolu) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Ormolu hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-ormolu-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , extra , filepath , ghc-boot-th , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp , mtl , process-extras >= 0.7.1 , ormolu ^>=0.1.2 || ^>= 0.2 || ^>= 0.3 || ^>= 0.5 || ^>= 0.6 || ^>= 0.7 , text , transformers test-suite hls-ormolu-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(ormolu) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-ormolu-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs -- Work around if os(darwin) ghc-options: -optl-Wl,-ld_classic build-tool-depends: ormolu:ormolu build-depends: , base , aeson , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-ormolu-plugin , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lsp-types , ormolu ----------------------------- -- stylish-haskell plugin ----------------------------- flag stylishHaskell description: Enable stylishHaskell plugin default: True manual: True common stylishHaskell if flag(stylishHaskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-stylish-haskell-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_stylishHaskell library hls-stylish-haskell-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings -- if !(flag(stylishHaskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.StylishHaskell hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-stylish-haskell-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , directory , filepath , ghc-boot-th , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp-types , mtl , stylish-haskell ^>=0.12 || ^>=0.13 || ^>=0.14 , text test-suite hls-stylish-haskell-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !(flag(stylishHaskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10)) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-stylish-haskell-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-stylish-haskell-plugin , hls-test-utils == ----------------------------- -- refactor plugin ----------------------------- flag refactor description: Enable refactor plugin default: True manual: True common refactor if flag(refactor) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_refactor library hls-refactor-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(refactor) buildable: False exposed-modules: Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.ExactPrint Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Util Development.IDE.GHC.Dump other-modules: Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Args Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.AddArgument Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.Diagnostic Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.FillHole Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.FillTypeWildcard Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.ImportUtils default-extensions: CPP DataKinds DerivingStrategies DerivingVia DuplicateRecordFields ExplicitNamespaces FunctionalDependencies LambdaCase OverloadedStrings PatternSynonyms RecordWildCards ViewPatterns hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-refactor-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , ghc , bytestring , ghc-boot , regex-tdfa , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lsp , text , text-rope , transformers , unordered-containers , containers , ghc-exactprint < 1 || >= 1.4 , extra , syb , hls-graph , dlist , deepseq , mtl , lens , time -- FIXME: Only needed to workaround for qualified imports in GHC 9.4 , regex-applicative , parser-combinators if impl(ghc < 9.10) build-depends: data-default test-suite hls-refactor-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(refactor) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-refactor-plugin/test main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Test.AddArgument ghc-options: -O0 build-depends: , base , data-default , directory , extra , filepath , ghcide:ghcide , haskell-language-server:hls-refactor-plugin , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-test , lsp-types , parser-combinators , regex-tdfa , shake , tasty , tasty-expected-failure , tasty-hunit , text ----------------------------- -- semantic tokens plugin ----------------------------- flag semanticTokens description: Enable semantic tokens plugin default: True manual: True common semanticTokens if flag(semanticTokens) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-semantic-tokens-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_semanticTokens library hls-semantic-tokens-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(semanticTokens) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Types Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Mappings other-modules: Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Query Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.SemanticConfig Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Utils Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Tokenize Ide.Plugin.SemanticTokens.Internal hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-semantic-tokens-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , containers , extra , text-rope , mtl >= 2.2 , ghcide == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp >=2.6 , text , transformers , bytestring , syb , array , deepseq , dlist , hls-graph == , template-haskell , data-default , stm , stm-containers default-extensions: DataKinds test-suite hls-semantic-tokens-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(semanticTokens) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-semantic-tokens-plugin/test main-is: SemanticTokensTest.hs build-depends: , aeson , base , containers , data-default , filepath , ghcide == , haskell-language-server:hls-semantic-tokens-plugin , hls-plugin-api == , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp , lsp-test , text , text-rope ----------------------------- -- notes plugin ----------------------------- flag notes description: Enable notes plugin default: True manual: True common notes if flag(notes) build-depends: haskell-language-server:hls-notes-plugin cpp-options: -Dhls_notes library hls-notes-plugin import: defaults, pedantic, warnings if !flag(notes) buildable: False exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.Notes hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-notes-plugin/src build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , array , ghcide == , hls-graph == , hls-plugin-api == , lens , lsp >=2.7 , mtl >= 2.2 , regex-tdfa >= 1.3.1 , text , text-rope , unordered-containers default-extensions: DataKinds , DeriveAnyClass , DerivingStrategies , OverloadedStrings , LambdaCase , TypeFamilies test-suite hls-notes-plugin-tests import: defaults, pedantic, test-defaults, warnings if !flag(notes) buildable: False type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: plugins/hls-notes-plugin/test main-is: NotesTest.hs build-depends: , base , filepath , haskell-language-server:hls-notes-plugin , hls-test-utils == default-extensions: OverloadedStrings ---------------------------- ---------------------------- -- HLS ---------------------------- ---------------------------- library import: defaults , warnings , pedantic -- plugins , cabal , callHierarchy , cabalfmt , cabalgild , changeTypeSignature , class , eval , importLens , rename , retrie , hlint , stan , moduleName , pragmas , splice , alternateNumberFormat , qualifyImportedNames , codeRange , gadt , explicitFixity , explicitFields , floskell , fourmolu , ormolu , stylishHaskell , refactor , overloadedRecordDot , semanticTokens , notes exposed-modules: Ide.Arguments Ide.Main Ide.Version HlsPlugins other-modules: Paths_haskell_language_server autogen-modules: Paths_haskell_language_server hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: , aeson-pretty , base >=4.16 && <5 , data-default , directory , extra , filepath , ghc , ghcide == , githash >= , hie-bios , hls-plugin-api == , optparse-applicative , optparse-simple , prettyprinter >= 1.7 , process , text default-extensions: DataKinds executable haskell-language-server import: defaults , warnings , pedantic main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: exe ghc-options: -threaded -- allow user RTS overrides -rtsopts -- disable idle GC -- increase nursery size -- Enable collection of heap statistics "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -A128M -T" if flag(pedantic) ghc-options: -Werror if !os(windows) && flag(dynamic) -- We want to link against the dyn rts just like official GHC binaries do; -- the linked rts determines how external libs are loaded dynamically by TH. -- The standard way of doing this is via the --enable-dynamic-executables Cabal option -- Unfortunately it doesnt' work, see -- One can use --ghc-options=-dynamic but this gets applied to the dependencies as well, -- which results in massive rebuilds and incompatibilities with profiling. -- So instead we set the -dynamic flag diretly here. ghc-options: -dynamic build-depends: , base >=4.16 && <5 , haskell-language-server , hls-plugin-api , lsp , prettyprinter >= 1.7 , text default-extensions: DataKinds executable haskell-language-server-wrapper import: defaults , warnings , pedantic main-is: Wrapper.hs hs-source-dirs: exe other-modules: Paths_haskell_language_server autogen-modules: Paths_haskell_language_server ghc-options: -threaded -- allow user RTS overrides -rtsopts -- disable idle GC -- increase nursery size "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -A128M" build-depends: , base >=4.16 && <5 , data-default , directory , extra , filepath , ghcide , haskell-language-server , hie-bios , hls-plugin-api , lsp , lsp-types , text , transformers , unliftio-core if !os(windows) build-depends: , unix , containers else build-depends: , process test-suite func-test import: defaults , test-defaults , warnings , pedantic , refactor type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-tool-depends: haskell-language-server:haskell-language-server, ghcide:ghcide-test-preprocessor build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.16 && <5 , bytestring , containers , deepseq , extra , filepath , ghcide:ghcide , hashable , hls-plugin-api , hls-test-utils == , lens , lsp-test , lsp-types , text , unordered-containers hs-source-dirs: test/functional test/utils main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Config ConfigSchema Format FunctionalBadProject HieBios Progress Test.Hls.Command Test.Hls.Flags default-extensions: OverloadedStrings -- Duplicating inclusion plugin conditions until tests are moved to their own packages if flag(eval) cpp-options: -Dhls_eval -- formatters if flag(floskell) && impl(ghc < 9.10) cpp-options: -Dhls_floskell if flag(fourmolu) cpp-options: -Dhls_fourmolu if flag(ormolu) cpp-options: -Dhls_ormolu test-suite wrapper-test import: defaults , warnings , pedantic type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-tool-depends: haskell-language-server:haskell-language-server-wrapper, haskell-language-server:haskell-language-server build-depends: , base >=4.16 && <5 , extra , hls-test-utils == , process hs-source-dirs: test/wrapper main-is: Main.hs benchmark benchmark import: defaults, warnings -- Depends on shake-bench which is unbuildable after this point type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 ghc-options: -threaded main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: bench build-tool-depends: haskell-language-server:ghcide-bench, hp2pretty:hp2pretty, default-extensions: LambdaCase RecordWildCards ViewPatterns build-depends: , aeson , base >=4.16 && <5 , containers , data-default , directory , extra , filepath , haskell-language-server:ghcide-bench-lib , haskell-language-server , hls-plugin-api , lens , lens-aeson , shake , shake-bench == 0.2.* , text , yaml test-suite ghcide-tests import: warnings type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: GHC2021 build-tool-depends: , ghcide:ghcide , ghcide:ghcide-test-preprocessor , implicit-hie:gen-hie build-depends: , aeson , base , containers , data-default , directory , enummapset , extra , filepath , fuzzy , ghcide , hls-plugin-api , lens , list-t , lsp , lsp-test ^>=0.17.1 , lsp-types , monoid-subclasses , mtl , network-uri , QuickCheck , random , regex-tdfa ^>=1.3.1 , shake , sqlite-simple , stm , stm-containers , tasty , tasty-expected-failure , tasty-hunit >=0.10 , tasty-quickcheck , tasty-rerun , text , text-rope , unordered-containers , hls-test-utils == if impl(ghc <9.3) build-depends: ghc-typelits-knownnat hs-source-dirs: ghcide/test/exe ghc-options: -threaded -O0 main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Config AsyncTests BootTests ClientSettingsTests CodeLensTests CompletionTests CPPTests CradleTests DependentFileTest DiagnosticTests ExceptionTests FindDefinitionAndHoverTests FuzzySearch GarbageCollectionTests HaddockTests HieDbRetry HighlightTests IfaceTests InitializeResponseTests LogType NonLspCommandLine OpenCloseTest OutlineTests PluginSimpleTests PositionMappingTests PreprocessorTests Progress ReferenceTests RootUriTests SafeTests SymlinkTests THTests UnitTests WatchedFileTests -- Tests that have been pulled out of the main file default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards ViewPatterns executable ghcide-bench default-language: GHC2021 build-depends: aeson, base, bytestring, containers, data-default, extra, filepath, hls-plugin-api, hls-test-utils, lens, lsp-test, lsp-types, optparse-applicative, process, safe-exceptions, hls-graph, shake, tasty-hunit >= 0.10, text, haskell-language-server:ghcide-bench-lib, hs-source-dirs: ghcide-bench/exe ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -rtsopts main-is: Main.hs default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards ViewPatterns library ghcide-bench-lib default-language: GHC2021 hs-source-dirs: ghcide-bench/src ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing exposed-modules: Experiments.Types Experiments build-depends: aeson, async, base == 4.*, binary, bytestring, deepseq, directory, extra, filepath, ghcide:{ghcide}, hashable, lens, lsp-test, lsp-types, optparse-applicative, parser-combinators, process, safe-exceptions, shake, text, hls-test-utils, row-types default-extensions: LambdaCase RecordWildCards ViewPatterns test-suite ghcide-bench-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: GHC2021 build-tool-depends: ghcide:ghcide, main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: ghcide-bench/test ghc-options: -Wunused-packages ghc-options: -threaded -Wall build-depends: base, extra, haskell-language-server:ghcide-bench-lib, lsp-test ^>= 0.17, tasty, tasty-hunit >= 0.10, tasty-rerun default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards ViewPatterns