image: file: .gitpod.Dockerfile # List the start up tasks. Learn more tasks: - name: Setup before: | # Make sure some folders not in /workspace persist between worksapce restarts. # You may add additional directories to this list. declare -a CACHE_DIRS=( $HOME/.local $HOME/.cabal $HOME/.stack $HOME/.cache/ghcide $HOME/.cache/hie-bios /nix ) for DIR in "${CACHE_DIRS[@]}"; do mkdir -p $(dirname /workspace/cache$DIR) mkdir -p $DIR # in case $DIR doesn't already exist # On a fresh start with no prebuilds, we move existing directory # to /workspace. 'sudo mv' fails with 'no permission', I don't know why if [ ! -d /workspace/cache$DIR ]; then sudo cp -rp $DIR /workspace/cache$DIR sudo rm -rf $DIR/* fi mkdir -p /workspace/cache$DIR # make sure it exists even if cp fails # Now /workspace/cache$DIR exists. # Use bind mount to make $DIR backed by /workspace/cache$DIR sudo mount --bind /workspace/cache$DIR $DIR done # Install pre-commit hook pre-commit install # Configure VSCode to use the locally built version of HLS mkdir -p .vscode if [ ! -f .vscode/settings.json ]; then # Only write to .vscode/settings.json if it doesn't exist. echo '{' > .vscode/settings.json echo ' "haskell.serverExecutablePath": "/home/gitpod/.cabal/bin/haskell-language-server",' >> .vscode/settings.json echo ' "haskell.formattingProvider": "stylish-haskell"' >> .vscode/settings.json echo '}' >> .vscode/settings.json fi pip install -r docs/requirements.txt init: | cabal update cabal configure --enable-executable-dynamic cabal build --enable-tests all cabal install exe:haskell-language-server # List the ports to expose. Learn more ports: [] github: prebuilds: # enable for the master/default branch (defaults to true) master: true # enable for all branches in this repo (defaults to false) branches: false # enable for pull requests coming from this repo (defaults to true) pullRequests: true # enable for pull requests coming from forks (defaults to false) pullRequestsFromForks: true # add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests (defaults to true) addComment: false # add a "Review in Gitpod" button to pull requests (defaults to false) addBadge: true # add a label once the prebuild is ready to pull requests (defaults to false) addLabel: false vscode: extensions: - "haskell.haskell" - "justusadam.language-haskell" - "EditorConfig.EditorConfig"