packages: ./ ./hie-compat ./shake-bench ./hls-graph ./ghcide ./hls-plugin-api ./hls-test-utils index-state: 2024-06-13T17:12:34Z tests: True test-show-details: direct write-ghc-environment-files: never -- Many of our tests only work single-threaded, and the only way to -- ensure tasty runs everything purely single-threaded is to pass -- this at the top-level test-options: -j1 -- Make sure dependencies are build with haddock so we get -- haddock shown on hover package * ghc-options: -haddock constraints: -- C++ is hard to distribute, especially on older GHCs -- See text -simdutf, ghc-check -ghc-check-use-package-abis, ghc-lib-parser-ex -auto, -- This is only present in some versions, and it's on by default since --, but there are some versions we allow that need this -- setting stylish-haskell +ghc-lib, -- Centos 7 comes with an old gcc version that doesn't know about -- the flag '-fopen-simd', which blocked the release -- We want to be able to benefit from the performance optimisations -- in the future, thus: TODO: remove this flag. bitvec -simd, if impl(ghc >= 9.9) allow-newer: haddock-library:base, haddock-library:containers, benchmarks: False else benchmarks: True