# HLint configuration file # https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint ########################## # To run HLint do: # $ hlint --git -j4 # Warnings currently triggered by our code - ignore: {name: "Use <$>"} - ignore: {name: "Use :"} - ignore: {name: "Redundant do"} - ignore: {name: "Avoid lambda"} - ignore: {name: "Use newtype instead of data"} - ignore: {name: "Use unless"} - ignore: {name: "Move brackets to avoid $"} - ignore: {name: "Eta reduce"} - ignore: {name: "Parse error"} - ignore: {name: "Reduce duplication"} - ignore: {name: "Use ++"} - ignore: {name: "Use $>"} - ignore: {name: "Use section"} - ignore: {name: "Use record patterns"} - ignore: {name: "Use camelCase"} - ignore: {name: "Use uncurry"} - ignore: {name: "Avoid lambda using `infix`"} # Gives at least one suggestion we don't like. - ignore: {name: "Use <=<"} - ignore: {name: "Use zipFrom"} - ignore: {name: "Use zipWithFrom"} # We are using the "redundant" return/pure to assign a name. We do not want to # delete it. In particular, this is not an improvement: # Found: # do options <- somethingComplicated # pure options # Perhaps: # do somethingComplicated - ignore: {name: "Redundant return"} - ignore: {name: "Redundant pure"} # Off by default hints we like - warn: {name: Use module export list} # Condemn nub and friends - warn: {lhs: nub (sort x), rhs: Data.List.Extra.nubSort x} - warn: {lhs: nub, rhs: Data.List.Extra.nubOrd} - warn: {lhs: nubBy, rhs: Data.List.Extra.nubOrdBy} - warn: {lhs: Data.List.Extra.nubOn, rhs: Data.List.Extra.nubOrdOn} - functions: # Things that are unsafe in Haskell base library - name: unsafePerformIO within: - Development.IDE.Core.Shake - Development.IDE.GHC.Util - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Util - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Paths - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Profile - Ide.Types - Test.Hls - Test.Hls.Command - Wingman.Debug - Wingman.Types - AutoTupleSpec - name: unsafeInterleaveIO within: - Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer - {name: unsafeDupablePerformIO, within: []} - name: unsafeCoerce within: - Ide.Plugin.Eval.Code - Development.IDE.Core.Compile - Development.IDE.Types.Shake - Wingman.Judgements.SYB - Ide.Plugin.Properties # Things that are a bit dangerous in the GHC API - name: nameModule within: - Development.IDE.GHC.CoreFile - Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy.Internal - Ide.Plugin.Rename - Compat.HieBin # Partial functions # We need to check fucntions which # are typically exported multiple ways under both names, # see https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/issues/1389 - name: [Prelude.head, Data.List.head] within: - Main - Experiments - Development.Benchmark.Rules - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint - Development.IDE.Spans.Documentation - Development.IDE.Session - Ide.Plugin.CallHierarchy.Internal - Ide.Plugin.Eval.Code - Ide.Plugin.Eval.Util - Ide.Plugin.Floskell - Ide.Plugin.ModuleName - Ide.Plugin.Rename - Ide.Plugin.Class.ExactPrint - TExpectedActual - TRigidType - TRigidType2 - RightToLeftFixities - Typeclass - Wingman.Judgements - Wingman.Machinery - Wingman.Tactics - name: [Prelude.tail, Data.List.tail] within: - Main - Development.Benchmark.Rules - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint - Development.IDE.Session - UnificationSpec - name: [Prelude.last, Data.List.last] within: - Main - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint - Development.IDE.Spans.Common - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types - Ide.PluginUtils - Ide.Plugin.Eval.Parse.Comments - Ide.Plugin.Eval.CodeLens - name: [Prelude.init, Data.List.init] within: - Main - Development.IDE.Spans.Common - Ide.PluginUtils - Wingman.Metaprogramming.Parser - Development.Benchmark.Rules - ErrorGivenPartialSignature - name: Data.List.foldl1' within: [] - name: Data.List.foldr1' within: [] - name: ["Prelude.!!", "Data.List.!!"] within: - Main - Experiments - FunctionalCodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Logic - Development.IDE.Spans.Documentation - TErrorGivenPartialSignature - Wingman.CaseSplit - Wingman.Simplify - name: Data.Text.head within: - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Logic - name: Data.Foldable.foldl1 within: [] - name: Data.Foldable.foldr1 within: - Wingman.Tactics - name: Data.Maybe.fromJust within: - Experiments - Main - MultipleImports - Progress - Utils - Development.IDE.Core.Compile - Development.IDE.Core.Rules - Development.IDE.Core.Shake - Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction - Development.IDE.Test - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Profile - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Rules - Ide.Plugin.Class - name: "Data.Map.!" within: - Wingman.LanguageServer - name: "Data.IntMap.!" within: [] - name: "Data.Vector.!" within: [] - name: "GHC.Arr.!" within: [] # Tracing functions # We ban an explicit list rather than the # Debug.Trace, because that module also # includes the eventlog tracing functions, # which are legitimate to use. - name: - Debug.Trace.trace - Debug.Trace.traceId - Debug.Trace.traceShow - Debug.Trace.traceShowId - Debug.Trace.traceStack - Debug.Trace.traceIO - Debug.Trace.traceM - Debug.Trace.traceShowM - Debug.Trace.putTraceMsg within: - Development.IDE.Core.Compile - Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database - Development.IDE.GHC.Util - Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Util - Wingman.Debug # We really do not want novel usages of restricted functions, and mere # Warning is not enough to prevent those consistently; you need a build failure. - error: {name: Avoid restricted function}