Sandy Maguire 9a55a8d0ae
Fix a bug in tactics preventing split of split (#520)
The `auto` tactic attempts to prune unhelpful branches in order to avoid an exponential blowup of search space. On one these optimizations is to not build a data constructor if it doesn't result in new types to solve. For example, we're trying to avoid the following pathological example:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)

-- given the following hole:
pureTree :: a -> Tree a
pureTree a = _

-- we DO NOT want to fill it with
pureTree a = Branch _ _

The reasoning here is that both goals in `Branch _ _` have type `Tree a`, which is already the type we're trying to solve, so introducing `Branch` doesn't make any progress.

This check is performed in the `splitAuto` tactic, but I got it backwards and it wasn't explicitly tested for. The only code which hit it was `pure @[]` --- but because `[]` doesn't have any subgoals, this hit a vacuous case and flipped the result of the bad logic. Two wrongs made a hard to find bug.

This PR:

1. Fixes the reversed logic in `splitAuto`
2. Has a special case for nullary data constructors, fixing the bug cause by vacuousness.
3. Adds property tests ensuring we can `auto` our way through any permutation of a tuple (which is where we originally noticed the bug)
4. Prevents `unsafeRender` from crashing when `unsafeGlobalDynFlags` is unset, such as during testing.
5. Moves tactic solution tracing into the plugin, so it won't run during tests.
2020-10-20 23:40:58 -07:00
config.yml Fix a bug in tactics preventing split of split (#520) 2020-10-20 23:40:58 -07:00