Pepe Iborra d0e3e0fe3f
HLS benchmarks (#3117)
* extract ghcide:experiments-types

* extract haskell-language-server:plugins and let go of examples

The main goal here is to move the Plugins module into an internal
library so that it can be reused from the benchmark suite.

In order to
make that easier, and since they hardly serve a purpose in a repository
with 25 plugins, I delete the Example and Example2 plugin descriptors
and their dependencies.

* HLS benchmark suite

Port the ghcide benchmark suite to HLS and benchmark plugin
"configurations" independently.

This includes the following changes to the ghcide benchmark suite and
- Support for "configurations" which are defined as sets of plugin ids.
  The benchmark will be run with only these plugins enabled and all
  others disabled
- Support for configurable concurrency. This relies on RTS -ol and -po
  flags to place the RTS traces in the target location rather than in
  the cwd

This change requires two commits, the next one places
ghcide/bench/hist/Main.hs into its final location to help 'git'
recognize the change as a file move

* ghcide/bench/hist/Main.hs -> bench/Main.hs

* CI - fix artifact names for uniqueness

* disable shorten HLS step

* Do not store eventlogs to avoid out of disk space

* render durations up to milliseconds

* shorten titles

Goal is to display the formatted CSV (via column) one row per line

* exclude formatting plugin configurations

* Extract ghcide-bench to a standalone package

* ghcide-bench: fix stderr capturing

* Fix mem stats

We parse maxResidency and allocatedBytes from the RTS -S output, but runSessionWithHandles kills the server without waiting for it to exit and these stats don't get logged.

The solution is to use runSessionWithHandles', but unfortunately it is internal and not exposed. I have raised a PR to expose it and in the meantime we need a source repo package.

* feedbacks

* delete Example plugins
2022-08-25 15:08:57 +01:00

109 lines
5.2 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main(main) where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Development.IDE.Main as GhcideMain
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger (Doc,
Priority (Debug, Error, Info),
WithPriority (WithPriority, priority),
cfilter, cmapWithPrio,
payload, renderStrict,
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import qualified HlsPlugins as Plugins
import Ide.Arguments (Arguments (..),
GhcideArguments (..),
import Ide.Main (defaultMain)
import qualified Ide.Main as IdeMain
import Ide.PluginUtils (pluginDescToIdePlugins)
import Ide.Types (PluginDescriptor (pluginNotificationHandlers),
import Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import Language.LSP.Types as LSP
#if MIN_VERSION_prettyprinter(1,7,0)
import Prettyprinter (Pretty (pretty), vsep)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Pretty (pretty), vsep)
data Log
= LogIdeMain IdeMain.Log
| LogPlugins Plugins.Log
instance Pretty Log where
pretty log = case log of
LogIdeMain ideMainLog -> pretty ideMainLog
LogPlugins pluginsLog -> pretty pluginsLog
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- plugin cli commands use stderr logger for now unless we change the args
-- parser to get logging arguments first or do more complicated things
pluginCliRecorder <- cmapWithPrio pretty <$> makeDefaultStderrRecorder Nothing Info
args <- getArguments "haskell-language-server" (Plugins.idePlugins (cmapWithPrio LogPlugins pluginCliRecorder))
(lspLogRecorder, cb1) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientLogRecorder
(lspMessageRecorder, cb2) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientMessageRecorder
-- This plugin just installs a handler for the `initialized` notification, which then
-- picks up the LSP environment and feeds it to our recorders
let lspRecorderPlugin = (defaultPluginDescriptor "LSPRecorderCallback")
{ pluginNotificationHandlers = mkPluginNotificationHandler LSP.SInitialized $ \_ _ _ _ -> do
env <- LSP.getLspEnv
liftIO $ (cb1 <> cb2) env
let (argsTesting, minPriority, logFilePath) =
case args of
Ghcide GhcideArguments{ argsTesting, argsDebugOn, argsLogFile} ->
let minPriority = if argsDebugOn || argsTesting then Debug else Info
in (argsTesting, minPriority, argsLogFile)
_ -> (False, Info, Nothing)
withDefaultRecorder logFilePath Nothing minPriority $ \textWithPriorityRecorder -> do
recorder = cmapWithPrio (pretty &&& id) $ mconcat
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)
& cmapWithPrio fst
, lspMessageRecorder
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= Error)
& cmapWithPrio (renderDoc . fst)
, lspLogRecorder
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)
& cmapWithPrio (renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . fst)
-- do not log heap stats to the LSP log as they interfere with the
-- ability of lsp-test to detect a stuck server in tests and benchmarks
& if argsTesting then cfilter (not . heapStats . snd . payload) else id
plugins = (Plugins.idePlugins (cmapWithPrio LogPlugins recorder))
(cmapWithPrio LogIdeMain recorder)
(plugins <> pluginDescToIdePlugins [lspRecorderPlugin])
renderDoc :: Doc a -> Text
renderDoc d = renderStrict $ layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ vsep
["Error condition, please check your setup and/or the [issue tracker](" <> issueTrackerUrl <> "): "
issueTrackerUrl :: Doc a
issueTrackerUrl = "https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues"
heapStats :: Log -> Bool
heapStats (LogIdeMain (IdeMain.LogIDEMain (GhcideMain.LogHeapStats _))) = True
heapStats _ = False