Pass network explicitly and migrate tests to hspec

* No more setNetwork
* Test suite now migrated completely to hspec
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Pierre Rupp 2018-08-27 23:07:11 +01:00
parent 57b1b20733
commit 0f1280abd7
67 changed files with 2122 additions and 2447 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Support for LTS Haskell 12.5.
- New tests for various networks and new features.
- Added `` file.
- Support for SegWit addresses.
- Support for CashAddr addresses.
### Changed
- Use of hpack `package.yaml` file to auto-generate Cabal file.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: 5ddb6bb753c470590debd2bd92138a01e493116359bbed51050cb4fc9de70921
-- hash: c15f226b69c129df8ee665fec2652722d4a7d6b2e9d249a8c6b49e0b82c5ee0e
name: haskoin-core
version: 1.0.0
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 2.0
source-repository head
type: git
@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ library
, secp256k1
, split
, string-conversions
, test-framework
, test-framework-hunit
, test-framework-quickcheck2
, time
, unordered-containers
, vector
@ -114,132 +111,11 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite haskoin-core-bch-test
test-suite haskoin-core-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, QuickCheck
, aeson
, array
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base16-bytestring
, bytestring
, cereal
, conduit
, containers
, cryptonite
, deepseq
, entropy
, hashable
, haskoin-core
, hspec
, memory
, mtl
, murmur3
, network
, safe
, scientific
, secp256k1
, split
, string-conversions
, test-framework
, test-framework-hunit
, test-framework-quickcheck2
, time
, unordered-containers
, vector
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite haskoin-core-btc-regtest
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, QuickCheck
, aeson
, array
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base16-bytestring
, bytestring
, cereal
, conduit
, containers
, cryptonite
, deepseq
, entropy
, hashable
, haskoin-core
, hspec
, memory
, mtl
, murmur3
, network
, safe
, scientific
, secp256k1
, split
, string-conversions
, test-framework
, test-framework-hunit
, test-framework-quickcheck2
, time
, unordered-containers
, vector
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite haskoin-core-btc-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, QuickCheck
, aeson
, array
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base16-bytestring
, bytestring
, cereal
, conduit
, containers
, cryptonite
, deepseq
, entropy
, hashable
, haskoin-core
, hspec
, memory
, mtl
, murmur3
, network
, safe
, scientific
, secp256k1
, split
, string-conversions
, test-framework
, test-framework-hunit
, test-framework-quickcheck2
, time
, unordered-containers
, vector
main-is: Spec.hs
@ -256,11 +132,43 @@ test-suite haskoin-core-btc-test
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, QuickCheck
, aeson
, array
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base16-bytestring
, bytestring
, cereal
, conduit
, containers
, cryptonite
, deepseq
, entropy
, hashable
, haskoin-core
, hspec
, memory
, mtl
, murmur3
, network
, safe
, scientific
, secp256k1
, split
, string-conversions
, time
, unordered-containers
, vector
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ homepage:
git: git://
- test/data/*.json
- data/*.json
@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ dependencies:
- secp256k1
- split
- string-conversions
- test-framework
- test-framework-quickcheck2
- test-framework-hunit
- time
- unordered-containers
- vector
@ -61,31 +58,9 @@ library:
- Network.Haskoin.Constants
- Network.Haskoin.Test
main: Main.hs
- test/btc
- test/common
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- haskoin-core
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: test/btc-regtest
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- haskoin-core
main: Main.hs
- test/bch
- test/common
main: Spec.hs
source-dirs: test
- -threaded
- -rtsopts

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ import Network.Haskoin.Block.Types
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Genesis
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
genesisBlock :: Block
genesisBlock = Block genesisHeader [genesisTx]
genesisBlock :: Network -> Block
genesisBlock net = Block (getGenesisHeader net) [genesisTx]

View File

@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.List (sort, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Serialize (decode, encode)
import Data.Serialize as Serialize (Serialize (..))
import Data.Serialize.Get (getWord32le)
import Data.Serialize.Put (putWord32le)
import Data.Serialize as Serialize (Serialize (..),
decode, encode, get,
import Data.Serialize.Get (Get, getWord32le, runGet)
import Data.Serialize.Put (Put, Putter, putWord32le, runPut)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Types
@ -49,22 +50,24 @@ data BlockNode
deriving (Show)
instance Serialize BlockNode where
get = do
nodeHeader <- Serialize.get
nodeHeight <- getWord32le
nodeWork <- Serialize.get
if nodeHeader == genesisHeader
then return GenesisNode{..}
else do nodeSkip <- Serialize.get
return BlockNode{..}
put bn = do
put $ nodeHeader bn
putWord32le $ nodeHeight bn
put $ nodeWork bn
case bn of
GenesisNode{} -> return ()
BlockNode{} -> put $ nodeSkip bn
getBlockNode :: Network -> Get BlockNode
getBlockNode net = do
nodeHeader <- Serialize.get
nodeHeight <- getWord32le
nodeWork <- Serialize.get
if nodeHeader == getGenesisHeader net
then return GenesisNode{..}
else do nodeSkip <- Serialize.get
return BlockNode{..}
putBlockNode :: Putter BlockNode
putBlockNode bn = do
put $ nodeHeader bn
putWord32le $ nodeHeight bn
put $ nodeWork bn
case bn of
GenesisNode{} -> return ()
BlockNode{} -> put $ nodeSkip bn
instance NFData BlockNode where
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ instance NFData HeaderMemory where
class Monad m => BlockHeaders m where
addBlockHeader :: BlockNode -> m ()
getBlockHeader :: BlockHash -> m (Maybe BlockNode)
getBlockHeader :: Network -> BlockHash -> m (Maybe BlockNode)
getBestBlockHeader :: m BlockNode
setBestBlockHeader :: BlockNode -> m ()
addBlockHeaders :: [BlockNode] -> m ()
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ class Monad m => BlockHeaders m where
instance Monad m => BlockHeaders (StateT HeaderMemory m) where
addBlockHeader = modify . addBlockHeaderMemory
getBlockHeader bh = getBlockHeaderMemory bh <$> State.get
getBlockHeader net bh = getBlockHeaderMemory net bh <$> State.get
getBestBlockHeader = gets memoryBestHeader
setBestBlockHeader bn = modify $ \s -> s { memoryBestHeader = bn }
@ -107,10 +110,10 @@ addBlockHeaderMemory bn s@HeaderMemory{..} =
let bm' = addBlockToMap bn memoryHeaderMap
in s { memoryHeaderMap = bm' }
getBlockHeaderMemory :: BlockHash -> HeaderMemory -> Maybe BlockNode
getBlockHeaderMemory bh HeaderMemory{..} = do
getBlockHeaderMemory :: Network -> BlockHash -> HeaderMemory -> Maybe BlockNode
getBlockHeaderMemory net bh HeaderMemory{..} = do
bs <- shortBlockHash bh `HashMap.lookup` memoryHeaderMap
eitherToMaybe . decode $ fromShort bs
eitherToMaybe . runGet (getBlockNode net) $ fromShort bs
shortBlockHash :: BlockHash -> ShortBlockHash
shortBlockHash = either error id . decode . BS.take 8 . encode
@ -119,13 +122,14 @@ addBlockToMap :: BlockNode -> BlockMap -> BlockMap
addBlockToMap node =
(shortBlockHash $ headerHash $ nodeHeader node)
(toShort $ encode node)
(toShort $ runPut $ putBlockNode node)
getAncestor :: BlockHeaders m
=> BlockHeight
=> Network
-> BlockHeight
-> BlockNode
-> m (Maybe BlockNode)
getAncestor height node
getAncestor net height node
| height > nodeHeight node = return Nothing
| otherwise = go node
@ -144,10 +148,10 @@ getAncestor height node
then do walk' <- fromMaybe e1 <$>
getBlockHeader (nodeSkip walk)
getBlockHeader net (nodeSkip walk)
go walk'
else do walk' <- fromMaybe e2 <$>
getBlockHeader (prevBlock (nodeHeader walk))
getBlockHeader net (prevBlock (nodeHeader walk))
go walk'
| otherwise = return $ Just walk
@ -155,34 +159,37 @@ isGenesis :: BlockNode -> Bool
isGenesis GenesisNode{} = True
isGenesis BlockNode{} = False
initialChain :: HeaderMemory
initialChain = HeaderMemory
{ memoryHeaderMap = genesisMap
, memoryBestHeader = genesisNode
initialChain :: Network -> HeaderMemory
initialChain net = HeaderMemory
{ memoryHeaderMap = genesisMap net
, memoryBestHeader = genesisNode net
genesisMap :: BlockMap
genesisMap =
genesisMap :: Network -> BlockMap
genesisMap net =
(shortBlockHash $ headerHash genesisHeader)
(toShort $ encode genesisNode)
(shortBlockHash (headerHash (getGenesisHeader net)))
(toShort (runPut (putBlockNode (genesisNode net))))
genesisNode :: BlockNode
genesisNode = GenesisNode { nodeHeader = genesisHeader
, nodeHeight = 0
, nodeWork = headerWork genesisHeader
genesisNode :: Network -> BlockNode
genesisNode net =
{ nodeHeader = getGenesisHeader net
, nodeHeight = 0
, nodeWork = headerWork (getGenesisHeader net)
connectBlocks :: BlockHeaders m
=> Timestamp -- ^ current time
=> Network
-> Timestamp -- ^ current time
-> [BlockHeader]
-> m (Either String [BlockNode])
connectBlocks _ [] = return $ Right []
connectBlocks t bhs@(bh : _) = runExceptT $ do
connectBlocks _ _ [] = return $ Right []
connectBlocks net t bhs@(bh : _) = runExceptT $ do
unless (chained bhs) $
throwError "Blocks to connect do not form a chain"
par <- ExceptT $ parentBlock bh
pars <- lift $ getParents 10 par
par <- ExceptT $ parentBlock net bh
pars <- lift $ getParents net 10 par
bb <- lift getBestBlockHeader
bns@(bn : _) <- go par [] bb par pars bhs
lift $ addBlockHeaders bns
@ -195,7 +202,7 @@ connectBlocks t bhs@(bh : _) = runExceptT $ do
skip lbh ls par
| sh == nodeHeight lbh = return lbh
| sh < nodeHeight lbh = do
skM <- lift $ getAncestor sh lbh
skM <- lift $ getAncestor net sh lbh
case skM of
Just sk -> return sk
Nothing -> throwError $ "BUG: Could not get skip for block "
@ -210,64 +217,68 @@ connectBlocks t bhs@(bh : _) = runExceptT $ do
go _ acc _ _ _ [] = return acc
go lbh acc bb par pars (h : hs) = do
sk <- skip lbh acc par
bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock t bb par pars h sk
bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock net t bb par pars h sk
go lbh (bn : acc) (chooseBest bn bb) bn (take 10 $ par : pars) hs
parentBlock :: BlockHeaders m
=> BlockHeader
=> Network
-> BlockHeader
-> m (Either String BlockNode)
parentBlock bh = runExceptT $ do
parM <- lift $ getBlockHeader $ prevBlock bh
parentBlock net bh = runExceptT $ do
parM <- lift $ getBlockHeader net $ prevBlock bh
case parM of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Parent block not found for " ++ show (prevBlock bh)
Just par -> return par
connectBlock :: BlockHeaders m
=> Timestamp -- ^ current time
-> BlockHeader
-> m (Either String BlockNode)
connectBlock t bh = runExceptT $ do
par <- ExceptT $ parentBlock bh
pars <- lift $ getParents 10 par
skM <- lift $ getAncestor (skipHeight (nodeHeight par + 1)) par
connectBlock ::
BlockHeaders m
=> Network
-> Timestamp -- ^ current time
-> BlockHeader
-> m (Either String BlockNode)
connectBlock net t bh = runExceptT $ do
par <- ExceptT $ parentBlock net bh
pars <- lift $ getParents net 10 par
skM <- lift $ getAncestor net (skipHeight (nodeHeight par + 1)) par
sk <- case skM of
Just sk -> return sk
Nothing -> throwError $ "BUG: Could not get skip for block "
++ show (headerHash $ nodeHeader par)
bb <- lift getBestBlockHeader
bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock t bb par pars bh sk
bn <- ExceptT . return $ validBlock net t bb par pars bh sk
let bb' = chooseBest bb bn
lift $ addBlockHeader bn
when (bb /= bb') . lift $ setBestBlockHeader bb'
return bn
validBlock :: Timestamp -- ^ current time
validBlock :: Network
-> Timestamp -- ^ current time
-> BlockNode -- ^ best block
-> BlockNode -- ^ immediate parent
-> [BlockNode] -- ^ 10 parents above
-> BlockHeader -- ^ header to validate
-> BlockNode -- ^ skip
-> Either String BlockNode
validBlock t bb par pars bh sk = do
validBlock net t bb par pars bh sk = do
let mt = medianTime . map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) $ par : pars
nt = blockTimestamp bh
hh = headerHash bh
nv = blockVersion bh
ng = nodeHeight par + 1
aw = nodeWork par + headerWork bh
unless (isValidPOW bh) $
unless (isValidPOW net bh) $
Left $ "Proof of work failed: " ++ show (headerHash bh)
unless (nt <= t + 2 * 60 * 60) $
Left $ "Invalid header timestamp: " ++ show nt
unless (nt >= mt) $
Left $ "Block timestamp too early: " ++ show nt
unless (afterLastCP (nodeHeight bb) ng) $
unless (afterLastCP net (nodeHeight bb) ng) $
Left $ "Rewriting pre-checkpoint chain: " ++ show ng
unless (validCP ng hh) $
unless (validCP net ng hh) $
Left $ "Rejected checkpoint: " ++ show ng
unless (bip34 ng hh) $
unless (bip34 net ng hh) $
Left $ "Rejected BIP-34 block: " ++ show hh
unless (validVersion ng nv) $
unless (validVersion net ng nv) $
Left $ "Invalid block version: " ++ show nv
return BlockNode { nodeHeader = bh
, nodeHeight = ng
@ -290,104 +301,116 @@ invertLowestOne :: BlockHeight -> BlockHeight
invertLowestOne height = height .&. (height - 1)
getParents :: BlockHeaders m
=> Int
=> Network
-> Int
-> BlockNode
-> m [BlockNode] -- ^ starting from closest parent
getParents = getpars []
getParents net = getpars []
getpars acc 0 _ = return $ reverse acc
getpars acc _ GenesisNode{} = return $ reverse acc
getpars acc n BlockNode{..} = do
parM <- getBlockHeader $ prevBlock nodeHeader
parM <- getBlockHeader net $ prevBlock nodeHeader
case parM of
Just bn -> getpars (bn : acc) (n - 1) bn
Nothing -> error "BUG: All non-genesis blocks should have a parent"
-- | Verify that checkpoint location is valid.
validCP :: BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
validCP :: Network
-> BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
-> BlockHash -- ^ new child hash
-> Bool
validCP height newChildHash =
case lookup height checkpoints of
validCP net height newChildHash =
case lookup height (getCheckpoints net) of
Just cpHash -> cpHash == newChildHash
Nothing -> True
afterLastCP :: BlockHeight -- ^ best height
afterLastCP :: Network
-> BlockHeight -- ^ best height
-> BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
-> Bool
afterLastCP bestHeight newChildHeight =
afterLastCP net bestHeight newChildHeight =
case lM of
Just l -> l < newChildHeight
Nothing -> True
lM = listToMaybe . reverse $
[ fst c | c <- checkpoints, fst c <= bestHeight ]
lM =
listToMaybe . reverse $
[fst c | c <- getCheckpoints net, fst c <= bestHeight]
bip34 :: BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
bip34 :: Network
-> BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
-> BlockHash -- ^ new child hash
-> Bool
bip34 height hash
| fst bip34Block == 0 = True
| fst bip34Block == height = snd bip34Block == hash
bip34 net height hash
| fst (getBip34Block net) == 0 = True
| fst (getBip34Block net) == height = snd (getBip34Block net) == hash
| otherwise = True
validVersion :: BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
validVersion :: Network
-> BlockHeight -- ^ new child height
-> Word32 -- ^ new child version
-> Bool
validVersion height version
| version < 2 = height < fst bip34Block
| version < 3 = height < bip66Height
| version < 4 = height < bip65Height
validVersion net height version
| version < 2 = height < fst (getBip34Block net)
| version < 3 = height < getBip66Height net
| version < 4 = height < getBip65Height net
| otherwise = True
-- | Find last block with normal, as opposed to minimum difficulty (for test
-- networks).
lastNoMinDiff :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m BlockNode
lastNoMinDiff bn@BlockNode{..} = do
let i = nodeHeight `mod` diffInterval /= 0
c = encodeCompact powLimit
lastNoMinDiff :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode
lastNoMinDiff net bn@BlockNode {..} = do
let i = nodeHeight `mod` diffInterval net /= 0
c = encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)
l = blockBits nodeHeader == c
e1 = error $ "Could not get block header for parent of " ++
show (headerHash nodeHeader)
e1 =
error $
"Could not get block header for parent of " ++
show (headerHash nodeHeader)
if i && l
then do bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getBlockHeader (prevBlock nodeHeader)
lastNoMinDiff bn'
then do
bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getBlockHeader net (prevBlock nodeHeader)
lastNoMinDiff net bn'
else return bn
lastNoMinDiff bn@GenesisNode{} = return bn
lastNoMinDiff _ bn@GenesisNode{} = return bn
-- | Returns the work required on a block header given the previous block. This
-- coresponds to bitcoind function GetNextWorkRequired in main.cpp.
nextWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m
=> BlockNode
=> Network
-> BlockNode
-> BlockHeader
-> m Word32
nextWorkRequired par bh = do
nextWorkRequired net par bh = do
let mf = daa <|> eda <|> pow
case mf of
Just f -> f par bh
Just f -> f net par bh
Nothing ->
"Could not get an appropriate difficulty calculation algorithm"
daa = daaBlockHeight >>= \daaHeight -> do
daa = getDaaBlockHeight net >>= \daaHeight -> do
guard (nodeHeight par + 1 >= daaHeight)
return nextDAAWorkRequired
eda = edaBlockHeight >>= \edaHeight -> do
return nextDaaWorkRequired
eda = getEdaBlockHeight net >>= \edaHeight -> do
guard (nodeHeight par + 1 >= edaHeight)
return nextEDAWorkRequired
return nextEdaWorkRequired
pow = return nextPOWWorkRequired
nextEDAWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32
nextEDAWorkRequired par bh
| nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval == 0 = nextWorkRequired par bh
| minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact powLimit)
| blockBits (nodeHeader par) == encodeCompact powLimit =
return (encodeCompact powLimit)
nextEdaWorkRequired ::
BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32
nextEdaWorkRequired net par bh
| nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval net == 0 =
nextWorkRequired net par bh
| minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net))
| blockBits (nodeHeader par) == encodeCompact (getPowLimit net) =
return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net))
| otherwise = do
par6 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor (nodeHeight par - 6) par
pars <- getParents 10 par
pars6 <- getParents 10 par6
par6 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor net (nodeHeight par - 6) par
pars <- getParents net 10 par
pars6 <- getParents net 10 par6
let par6med =
medianTime $ map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) (par6 : pars6)
parmed = medianTime $ map (blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) (par : pars)
@ -397,99 +420,103 @@ nextEDAWorkRequired par bh
else return $
let (diff, _) = decodeCompact (blockBits (nodeHeader par))
ndiff = diff + (diff `shiftR` 2)
in if powLimit > ndiff
then encodeCompact powLimit
else encodeCompact ndiff
in if getPowLimit net > ndiff
then encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)
else encodeCompact ndiff
minDifficulty =
blockTimestamp bh > blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + targetSpacing * 2
blockTimestamp bh >
blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + getTargetSpacing net * 2
e1 = error "Could not get seventh ancestor of block"
nextDAAWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32
nextDAAWorkRequired par bh
| minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact powLimit)
nextDaaWorkRequired ::
BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32
nextDaaWorkRequired net par bh
| minDifficulty = return (encodeCompact (getPowLimit net))
| otherwise = do
let height = nodeHeight par
unless (height >= diffInterval) $
unless (height >= diffInterval net) $
error "Block height below difficulty interval"
l <- getSuitableBlock par
par144 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor (height - 144) par
f <- getSuitableBlock par144
let nextTarget = computeTarget f l
if nextTarget > powLimit
then return $ encodeCompact powLimit
l <- getSuitableBlock net par
par144 <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor net (height - 144) par
f <- getSuitableBlock net par144
let nextTarget = computeTarget net f l
if nextTarget > getPowLimit net
then return $ encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)
else return $ encodeCompact nextTarget
e1 = error "Cannot get ancestor at parent - 144 height"
minDifficulty =
blockTimestamp bh > blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + targetSpacing * 2
blockTimestamp bh >
blockTimestamp (nodeHeader par) + getTargetSpacing net * 2
computeTarget :: BlockNode -> BlockNode -> Integer
computeTarget f l =
let work = (nodeWork l - nodeWork f) * fromIntegral targetSpacing
computeTarget :: Network -> BlockNode -> BlockNode -> Integer
computeTarget net f l =
let work = (nodeWork l - nodeWork f) * fromIntegral (getTargetSpacing net)
actualTimespan =
blockTimestamp (nodeHeader l) - blockTimestamp (nodeHeader f)
| actualTimespan > 288 * targetSpacing = 288 * targetSpacing
| actualTimespan < 72 * targetSpacing = 72 * targetSpacing
| actualTimespan > 288 * getTargetSpacing net =
288 * getTargetSpacing net
| actualTimespan < 72 * getTargetSpacing net =
72 * getTargetSpacing net
| otherwise = actualTimespan
work' = work `div` fromIntegral actualTimespan'
in 2 ^ (256 :: Integer) `div` work'
in 2 ^ (256 :: Integer) `div` work'
getSuitableBlock :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m BlockNode
getSuitableBlock par = do
getSuitableBlock :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode
getSuitableBlock net par = do
unless (nodeHeight par >= 3) $ error "Block height is less than three"
blocks <- (par :) <$> getParents 2 par
blocks <- (par :) <$> getParents net 2 par
return $ sortBy (compare `on` blockTimestamp . nodeHeader) blocks !! 1
-- | Returns the work required on a block header given the previous block. This
-- coresponds to bitcoind function GetNextWorkRequired in main.cpp.
nextPOWWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m
=> BlockNode
-> BlockHeader
-> m Word32
nextPOWWorkRequired par bh
| nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval /= 0 =
if allowMinDifficultyBlocks
then if ht > pt + delta
then return $ encodeCompact powLimit
else do d <- lastNoMinDiff par
return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader d
else return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader par
nextPOWWorkRequired :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockHeader -> m Word32
nextPOWWorkRequired net par bh
| nodeHeight par + 1 `mod` diffInterval net /= 0 =
if getAllowMinDifficultyBlocks net
then if ht > pt + delta
then return $ encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)
else do
d <- lastNoMinDiff net par
return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader d
else return $ blockBits $ nodeHeader par
| otherwise = do
let rh = nodeHeight par - (diffInterval - 1)
a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor rh par
let t = blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader a
return $ calcNextWork (nodeHeader par) t
let rh = nodeHeight par - (diffInterval net - 1)
a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor net rh par
let t = blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader a
return $ calcNextWork net (nodeHeader par) t
e1 = error "Could not get ancestor for block header"
pt = blockTimestamp $ nodeHeader par
ht = blockTimestamp bh
delta = targetSpacing * 2
delta = getTargetSpacing net * 2
-- | Computes the work required for the first block in a new retarget period.
calcNextWork :: BlockHeader -- ^ last block in previous retarget (parent)
calcNextWork :: Network
-> BlockHeader -- ^ last block in previous retarget (parent)
-> Timestamp -- ^ timestamp of first block in previous retarget
-> Word32
calcNextWork header time
| powNoRetargetting = blockBits header
| new > powLimit = encodeCompact powLimit
calcNextWork net header time
| getPowNoRetargetting net = blockBits header
| new > getPowLimit net = encodeCompact (getPowLimit net)
| otherwise = encodeCompact new
s = blockTimestamp header - time
n | s < targetTimespan `div` 4 = targetTimespan `div` 4
| s > targetTimespan * 4 = targetTimespan * 4
n | s < getTargetTimespan net `div` 4 = getTargetTimespan net `div` 4
| s > getTargetTimespan net * 4 = getTargetTimespan net * 4
| otherwise = s
l = fst $ decodeCompact $ blockBits header
new = l * fromIntegral n `div` fromIntegral targetTimespan
new = l * fromIntegral n `div` fromIntegral (getTargetTimespan net)
-- | Returns True if the difficulty target (bits) of the header is valid and the
-- proof of work of the header matches the advertised difficulty target. This
-- function corresponds to the function CheckProofOfWork from bitcoind in
-- main.cpp.
isValidPOW :: BlockHeader -> Bool
isValidPOW h
| target <= 0 || over || target > powLimit = False
isValidPOW :: Network -> BlockHeader -> Bool
isValidPOW net h
| target <= 0 || over || target > getPowLimit net = False
| otherwise = blockPOW (headerHash h) <= fromIntegral target
(target, over) = decodeCompact $ blockBits h
@ -508,8 +535,8 @@ headerWork bh = largestHash `div` (target + 1)
largestHash = 1 `shiftL` 256
-- | Number of blocks on average between difficulty cycles (2016 blocks).
diffInterval :: Word32
diffInterval = targetTimespan `div` targetSpacing
diffInterval :: Network -> Word32
diffInterval net = getTargetTimespan net `div` getTargetSpacing net
-- | Compare two blocks to get the best.
chooseBest :: BlockNode -> BlockNode -> BlockNode
@ -521,8 +548,8 @@ chooseBest b1 b2 | nodeWork b1 == nodeWork b2 =
| otherwise = b2
-- | Get list of blocks for a block locator.
blockLocatorNodes :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m [BlockNode]
blockLocatorNodes best =
blockLocatorNodes :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> m [BlockNode]
blockLocatorNodes net best =
reverse <$> go [] best 1
e1 = error "Could not get ancestor"
@ -532,44 +559,48 @@ blockLocatorNodes best =
then n * 2
else 1
in if nodeHeight bn < n'
then do a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor 0 bn
then do a <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor net 0 bn
return $ a : loc'
else do let h = nodeHeight bn - n'
bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor h bn
bn' <- fromMaybe e1 <$> getAncestor net h bn
go loc' bn' n'
blockLocator :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> m BlockLocator
blockLocator bn =
map (headerHash . nodeHeader) <$> blockLocatorNodes bn
blockLocator :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> m BlockLocator
blockLocator net bn =
map (headerHash . nodeHeader) <$> blockLocatorNodes net bn
-- | Become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
mineBlock :: Word32 -> BlockHeader -> BlockHeader
mineBlock seed h =
head [ j | i <- (+seed) <$> [0..maxBound],
let j = h{ bhNonce = i },
isValidPOW j ]
mineBlock :: Network -> Word32 -> BlockHeader -> BlockHeader
mineBlock net seed h =
[ j
| i <- (+ seed) <$> [0 .. maxBound]
, let j = h {bhNonce = i}
, isValidPOW net j
-- | Generate and append new blocks (mining). Only practical in regtest network.
:: Word32 -- ^ random seed
appendBlocks ::
-> Word32 -- ^ random seed
-> BlockHeader
-> Int
-> [BlockHeader]
appendBlocks _ _ 0 = []
appendBlocks seed bh i =
bh' : appendBlocks seed bh' (i - 1)
appendBlocks _ _ _ 0 = []
appendBlocks net seed bh i =
bh' : appendBlocks net seed bh' (i - 1)
bh' = mineBlock seed bh
bh' = mineBlock net seed bh
{ prevBlock = headerHash bh
-- Just to make it different in every header
, merkleRoot = sha256 $ encode seed
splitPoint :: BlockHeaders m => BlockNode -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode
splitPoint l r = do
splitPoint :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockNode -> BlockNode -> m BlockNode
splitPoint net l r = do
let h = min (nodeHeight l) (nodeHeight r)
ll <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h l
lr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h r
ll <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor net h l
lr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor net h r
f ll lr
e = error "BUG: Could not get ancestor at lowest height"
@ -578,6 +609,6 @@ splitPoint l r = do
then return lr
else do
let h = nodeHeight ll - 1
pl <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h ll
pr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor h lr
pl <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor net h ll
pr <- fromMaybe e <$> getAncestor net h lr
f pl pr

View File

@ -159,15 +159,16 @@ traverseAndExtract height pos ntx flags hashes
-- | Extracts the matching hashes from a partial merkle tree. This will return
-- the list of transaction hashes that have been included (set to True) in
-- a call to 'buildPartialMerkle'.
extractMatches :: FlagBits -- ^ Flag bits (produced by buildPartialMerkle).
extractMatches :: Network
-> FlagBits -- ^ Flag bits (produced by buildPartialMerkle).
-> PartialMerkleTree -- ^ Partial merkle tree.
-> Int -- ^ Number of transaction at height 0 (leaf nodes).
-> Either String (MerkleRoot, [TxHash])
-- ^ Merkle root and the list of matching transaction hashes.
extractMatches flags hashes ntx
extractMatches net flags hashes ntx
| ntx == 0 = Left
"extractMatches: number of transactions can not be 0"
| ntx > maxBlockSize `div` 60 = Left
| ntx > getMaxBlockSize net `div` 60 = Left
"extractMatches: number of transactions excessively high"
| length hashes > ntx = Left
"extractMatches: More hashes provided than the number of transactions"
@ -193,15 +194,15 @@ boolsToWord8 :: [Bool] -> Word8
boolsToWord8 [] = 0
boolsToWord8 xs = foldl setBit 0 (map snd $ filter fst $ zip xs [0..7])
merkleBlockTxs :: MerkleBlock -> Either String [TxHash]
merkleBlockTxs b =
merkleBlockTxs :: Network -> MerkleBlock -> Either String [TxHash]
merkleBlockTxs net b =
let flags = mFlags b
hs = mHashes b
n = fromIntegral $ merkleTotalTxns b
merkle = merkleRoot $ merkleHeader b
in do (root, ths) <- extractMatches flags hs n
in do (root, ths) <- extractMatches net flags hs n
when (root /= merkle) $ Left "merkleBlockTxs: Merkle root incorrect"
return ths
testMerkleRoot :: MerkleBlock -> Bool
testMerkleRoot = isRight . merkleBlockTxs
testMerkleRoot :: Network -> MerkleBlock -> Bool
testMerkleRoot net = isRight . merkleBlockTxs net

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse -fno-full-laziness #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Network specific constants
@ -12,63 +12,31 @@ module Network.Haskoin.Constants
, bch
, bchTest
, bchRegTest
-- ** Functions
, setBTC
, setBTCtest
, setBTCregTest
, setBCH
, setBCHtest
, setBCHregTest
, setNetwork
, getNetwork
-- ** Network parameters
, networkName
, addrPrefix
, scriptPrefix
, secretPrefix
, extPubKeyPrefix
, extSecretPrefix
, networkMagic
, genesisHeader
, maxBlockSize
, maxSatoshi
, haskoinUserAgent
, defaultPort
, allowMinDifficultyBlocks
, powNoRetargetting
, powLimit
, bip34Block
, bip65Height
, bip66Height
, targetTimespan
, targetSpacing
, checkpoints
, bip44Coin
, seeds
, sigHashForkId
, edaBlockHeight
, daaBlockHeight
, segWit
, cashAddrPrefix
, bech32Prefix
, allNets
, netByName
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Version
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64, Word8)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Types
import Paths_haskoin_core
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Read
versionString :: IsString a => a
versionString = fromString (showVersion version)
data Network = Network
{ getNetworkName :: !String
, getNetworkIdent :: !String
, getAddrPrefix :: !Word8
, getScriptPrefix :: !Word8
, getSecretPrefix :: !Word8
@ -92,150 +60,34 @@ data Network = Network
, getBip44Coin :: !Word32
, getSeeds :: ![String]
, getSigHashForkId :: !(Maybe Word32)
, getEDABlockHeight :: !(Maybe Word32)
, getDAABlockHeight :: !(Maybe Word32)
, getEdaBlockHeight :: !(Maybe Word32)
, getDaaBlockHeight :: !(Maybe Word32)
, getSegWit :: !Bool
, getCashAddrPrefix :: !(Maybe ByteString)
, getBech32Prefix :: !(Maybe ByteString)
} deriving (Eq)
} deriving (Eq, Generic)
setBTC :: IO ()
setBTC = setNetwork btc
instance NFData Network
setBTCtest :: IO ()
setBTCtest = setNetwork btcTest
instance Show Network where
show = getNetworkIdent
setBTCregTest :: IO ()
setBTCregTest = setNetwork btcRegTest
instance Read Network where
readPrec = do
Ident str <- lexP
maybe pfail return (netByIdent str)
setBCH :: IO ()
setBCH = setNetwork bch
netByName :: String -> Maybe Network
netByName str = find ((== str) . getNetworkName) allNets
setBCHtest :: IO ()
setBCHtest = setNetwork bchTest
setBCHregTest :: IO ()
setBCHregTest = setNetwork bchRegTest
setNetwork :: Network -> IO ()
setNetwork net = do
success <- tryPutMVar networkMVar net
unless success $ error "The network has already been set"
{-# NOINLINE networkMVar #-}
networkMVar :: MVar Network
networkMVar = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
{-# NOINLINE getNetwork #-}
getNetwork :: Network
getNetwork =
fromMaybe err $ unsafePerformIO $ tryTakeMVar networkMVar
err = error "Use Network.Haskoin.Constants.setNetwork"
networkName :: String
networkName = getNetworkName getNetwork
addrPrefix :: Word8
addrPrefix = getAddrPrefix getNetwork
scriptPrefix :: Word8
scriptPrefix = getScriptPrefix getNetwork
secretPrefix :: Word8
secretPrefix = getSecretPrefix getNetwork
extPubKeyPrefix :: Word32
extPubKeyPrefix = getExtPubKeyPrefix getNetwork
extSecretPrefix :: Word32
extSecretPrefix = getExtSecretPrefix getNetwork
networkMagic :: Word32
networkMagic = getNetworkMagic getNetwork
genesisHeader :: BlockHeader
genesisHeader = getGenesisHeader getNetwork
maxBlockSize :: Int
maxBlockSize = getMaxBlockSize getNetwork
maxSatoshi :: Word64
maxSatoshi = getMaxSatoshi getNetwork
haskoinUserAgent :: ByteString
haskoinUserAgent = getHaskoinUserAgent getNetwork
defaultPort :: Int
defaultPort = getDefaultPort getNetwork
allowMinDifficultyBlocks :: Bool
allowMinDifficultyBlocks = getAllowMinDifficultyBlocks getNetwork
powNoRetargetting :: Bool
powNoRetargetting = getPowNoRetargetting getNetwork
powLimit :: Integer
powLimit = getPowLimit getNetwork
-- | Version 2 blocks start here.
bip34Block :: (BlockHeight, BlockHash)
bip34Block = getBip34Block getNetwork
-- | Version 3 blocks start here.
bip65Height :: BlockHeight
bip65Height = getBip65Height getNetwork
-- | Version 4 blocks start here.
bip66Height :: BlockHeight
bip66Height = getBip66Height getNetwork
-- | Time between difficulty cycles (2 weeks on average).
targetTimespan :: Word32
targetTimespan = getTargetTimespan getNetwork
-- | Time between blocks (10 minutes per block).
targetSpacing :: Word32
targetSpacing = getTargetSpacing getNetwork
-- | Checkpoints to enfore.
checkpoints :: [(Word32, BlockHash)]
checkpoints = getCheckpoints getNetwork
-- | Bip44 coin derivation (m/44'/coin'/account'/internal/address/)
bip44Coin :: Word32
bip44Coin = getBip44Coin getNetwork
-- | DNS seeds.
seeds :: [String]
seeds = getSeeds getNetwork
-- | The Fork ID used for producing signatures on different networks.
sigHashForkId :: Maybe Word32
sigHashForkId = getSigHashForkId getNetwork
-- | EDA Block height. Used by Bitcoin Cash network.
edaBlockHeight :: Maybe Word32
edaBlockHeight = getEDABlockHeight getNetwork
-- | DAA Block height. Used by Bitcoin Cash network.
daaBlockHeight :: Maybe Word32
daaBlockHeight = getDAABlockHeight getNetwork
-- | Only connect to nodes advertising SegWit support.
segWit :: Bool
segWit = getSegWit getNetwork
cashAddrPrefix :: Maybe ByteString
cashAddrPrefix = getCashAddrPrefix getNetwork
bech32Prefix :: Maybe ByteString
bech32Prefix = getBech32Prefix getNetwork
netByIdent :: String -> Maybe Network
netByIdent str = find ((== str) . getNetworkIdent) allNets
btc :: Network
btc =
{ getNetworkName = "btc"
, getNetworkIdent = "btc"
, getAddrPrefix = 0
, getScriptPrefix = 5
, getSecretPrefix = 128
@ -306,8 +158,8 @@ btc =
, getBip44Coin = 0
, getSigHashForkId = Nothing
, getEDABlockHeight = Nothing
, getDAABlockHeight = Nothing
, getEdaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getDaaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getSegWit = True
, getCashAddrPrefix = Nothing
, getBech32Prefix = Just "bc"
@ -317,6 +169,7 @@ btcTest :: Network
btcTest =
{ getNetworkName = "btc-test"
, getNetworkIdent = "btcTest"
, getAddrPrefix = 111
, getScriptPrefix = 196
, getSecretPrefix = 239
@ -359,8 +212,8 @@ btcTest =
, getBip44Coin = 1
, getSigHashForkId = Nothing
, getEDABlockHeight = Nothing
, getDAABlockHeight = Nothing
, getEdaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getDaaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getSegWit = True
, getCashAddrPrefix = Nothing
, getBech32Prefix = Just "tb"
@ -370,6 +223,7 @@ btcRegTest :: Network
btcRegTest =
{ getNetworkName = "btc-regtest"
, getNetworkIdent = "btcRegTest"
, getAddrPrefix = 111
, getScriptPrefix = 196
, getSecretPrefix = 239
@ -404,8 +258,8 @@ btcRegTest =
, getSeeds = ["localhost"]
, getBip44Coin = 1
, getSigHashForkId = Nothing
, getEDABlockHeight = Nothing
, getDAABlockHeight = Nothing
, getEdaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getDaaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getSegWit = True
, getCashAddrPrefix = Nothing
, getBech32Prefix = Just "bcrt"
@ -415,6 +269,7 @@ bch :: Network
bch =
{ getNetworkName = "bch"
, getNetworkIdent = "bch"
, getAddrPrefix = 0
, getScriptPrefix = 5
, getSecretPrefix = 128
@ -489,8 +344,8 @@ bch =
, getBip44Coin = 145
, getSigHashForkId = Just 0
, getEDABlockHeight = Just 478559
, getDAABlockHeight = Just 404031
, getEdaBlockHeight = Just 478559
, getDaaBlockHeight = Just 404031
, getSegWit = False
, getCashAddrPrefix = Just "bitcoincash"
, getBech32Prefix = Nothing
@ -500,6 +355,7 @@ bchTest :: Network
bchTest =
{ getNetworkName = "bch-test"
, getNetworkIdent = "bchTest"
, getAddrPrefix = 111
, getScriptPrefix = 196
, getSecretPrefix = 239
@ -549,8 +405,8 @@ bchTest =
, getBip44Coin = 1
, getSigHashForkId = Just 0
, getEDABlockHeight = Just 1155876
, getDAABlockHeight = Just 1188697
, getEdaBlockHeight = Just 1155876
, getDaaBlockHeight = Just 1188697
, getSegWit = False
, getCashAddrPrefix = Just "bchtest"
, getBech32Prefix = Nothing
@ -560,6 +416,7 @@ bchRegTest :: Network
bchRegTest =
{ getNetworkName = "bch-regtest"
, getNetworkIdent = "bchRegTest"
, getAddrPrefix = 111
, getScriptPrefix = 196
, getSecretPrefix = 239
@ -597,9 +454,12 @@ bchRegTest =
, getSeeds = ["localhost"]
, getBip44Coin = 1
, getSigHashForkId = Just 0
, getEDABlockHeight = Nothing
, getDAABlockHeight = Just 0
, getEdaBlockHeight = Nothing
, getDaaBlockHeight = Just 0
, getSegWit = False
, getCashAddrPrefix = Just "bchreg"
, getBech32Prefix = Nothing
allNets :: [Network]
allNets = [btc, bch, btcTest, bchTest, btcRegTest, bchRegTest]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Address where
@ -5,6 +6,7 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.Array as Arr
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Serialize as S
import Data.String
import Data.String.Conversions
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Bech32
@ -28,110 +31,98 @@ import Text.Read as R
-- | Data type representing a Bitcoin address
data Address
-- | Public Key Hash Address
= PubKeyAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160 }
= PubKeyAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160
, getAddrNet :: !Network }
-- | Script Hash Address
| ScriptAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160 }
| ScriptAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160
, getAddrNet :: !Network }
-- | SegWit Public Key Hash Address
| WitnessPubKeyAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160 }
| WitnessPubKeyAddress { getAddrHash :: !Hash160
, getAddrNet :: !Network }
-- | SegWit Script Hash Address
| WitnessScriptAddress { getScriptHash :: !Hash256 }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
| WitnessScriptAddress { getScriptHash :: !Hash256
, getAddrNet :: !Network }
deriving (Eq, Generic)
base58get :: Get Address
base58get = do
pfx <- getWord8
addr <- S.get
f pfx addr
f x a | x == addrPrefix = return (PubKeyAddress a)
| x == scriptPrefix = return (ScriptAddress a)
| otherwise = fail "Does not recognize address prefix"
instance NFData Address
base58get :: Network -> Get Address
base58get net = do
pfx <- getWord8
addr <- S.get
f pfx addr
f x a
| x == getAddrPrefix net = return (PubKeyAddress a net)
| x == getScriptPrefix net = return (ScriptAddress a net)
| otherwise = fail "Does not recognize address prefix"
base58put :: Putter Address
base58put (PubKeyAddress h) = do
putWord8 addrPrefix
base58put (PubKeyAddress h net) = do
putWord8 (getAddrPrefix net)
put h
base58put (ScriptAddress h) = do
putWord8 scriptPrefix
base58put (ScriptAddress h net) = do
putWord8 (getScriptPrefix net)
put h
instance Show Address where
showsPrec d a =
case addrToString a of
Just s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "Address " . shows s
Just s -> shows s
Nothing -> showString "InvalidAddress"
instance Read Address where
readPrec = j <|> n
j =
parens $ do
R.Ident "Address" <- lexP
R.String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ stringToAddr $ cs str
n =
parens $ do
R.Ident "InvalidAddress" <- lexP
instance IsString Address where
fromString =
fromMaybe e . stringToAddr . cs
e = error "Could not decode bitcoin address"
instance NFData Address where
rnf (PubKeyAddress h) = rnf h
rnf (ScriptAddress h) = rnf h
instance FromJSON Address where
parseJSON = withText "address" $ maybe mzero return . stringToAddr . cs
instance ToJSON Address where
toJSON =
A.String .
cs . fromMaybe (error "Could not encode address") . addrToString
addrFromJSON :: Network -> Value -> Parser Address
addrFromJSON net =
withText "address" $ \t ->
case stringToAddr net (cs t) of
Nothing -> fail "could not decode address"
Just x -> return x
-- | Transforms an Address into an encoded String
addrToString :: Address -> Maybe ByteString
addrToString a@PubKeyAddress {getAddrHash = h}
| isNothing cashAddrPrefix =
addrToString a@PubKeyAddress {getAddrHash = h, getAddrNet = net}
| isNothing (getCashAddrPrefix net) =
return $ encodeBase58Check $ runPut $ base58put a
| otherwise = cashAddrEncode 0 (S.encode h)
addrToString a@ScriptAddress {getAddrHash = h}
| isNothing cashAddrPrefix =
| otherwise = cashAddrEncode net 0 (S.encode h)
addrToString a@ScriptAddress {getAddrHash = h, getAddrNet = net}
| isNothing (getCashAddrPrefix net) =
return $ encodeBase58Check $ runPut $ base58put a
| otherwise = cashAddrEncode 1 (S.encode h)
addrToString WitnessPubKeyAddress {getAddrHash = h} = do
hrp <- bech32Prefix
| otherwise = cashAddrEncode net 1 (S.encode h)
addrToString WitnessPubKeyAddress {getAddrHash = h, getAddrNet = net} = do
hrp <- (getBech32Prefix net)
segwitEncode hrp 0 (B.unpack (S.encode h))
addrToString WitnessScriptAddress {getScriptHash = h} = do
hrp <- bech32Prefix
addrToString WitnessScriptAddress {getScriptHash = h, getAddrNet = net} = do
hrp <- (getBech32Prefix net)
segwitEncode hrp 0 (B.unpack (S.encode h))
-- | Decodes an Address from an encoded String. This function can fail
-- if the String is not properly encoded or its checksum fails.
stringToAddr :: ByteString -> Maybe Address
stringToAddr bs = b58 <|> cash <|> segwit
stringToAddr :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe Address
stringToAddr net bs = cash <|> segwit <|> b58
b58 = eitherToMaybe . runGet base58get =<< decodeBase58Check bs
cash = cashAddrDecode bs >>= \(ver, bs') -> case ver of
b58 = eitherToMaybe . runGet (base58get net) =<< decodeBase58Check bs
cash = cashAddrDecode net bs >>= \(ver, bs') -> case ver of
0 -> do
h <- eitherToMaybe (S.decode bs')
return $ PubKeyAddress h
return $ PubKeyAddress h net
1 -> do
h <- eitherToMaybe (S.decode bs')
return $ ScriptAddress h
return $ ScriptAddress h net
segwit = do
hrp <- bech32Prefix
hrp <- getBech32Prefix net
(ver, bs') <- segwitDecode hrp bs
guard (ver == 0)
let bs'' = B.pack bs'
case B.length bs'' of
20 -> do
h <- eitherToMaybe (S.decode bs'')
return $ WitnessPubKeyAddress h
return $ WitnessPubKeyAddress h net
32 -> do
h <- eitherToMaybe (S.decode bs'')
return $ WitnessScriptAddress h
return $ WitnessScriptAddress h net
_ -> Nothing

View File

@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
{- Copied from reference implementation contributed by Marko Bencun -}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Bech32
( bech32Encode
, bech32Decode
, toBase32
, toBase256
, segwitEncode
( segwitEncode
, segwitDecode
, Word5()
, word5
, fromWord5
) where
import Control.Monad (guard)

View File

@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ charset = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"
base32char :: Char -> Maybe Word8
base32char = fmap fromIntegral . (`elemIndex` charset)
cashAddrDecode :: CashAddr -> Maybe (CashVersion, ByteString)
cashAddrDecode ca' = do
epfx <- cashAddrPrefix
cashAddrDecode :: Network -> CashAddr -> Maybe (CashVersion, ByteString)
cashAddrDecode net ca' = do
epfx <- getCashAddrPrefix net
guard (B.length ca <= 90)
guard ( toUpper ca' == ca' || ca == ca')
let (cpfx', cdat) = C.breakEnd (== ':') ca
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ cashAddrDecode ca' = do
ca = toLower ca'
cashAddrEncode :: CashVersion -> ByteString -> Maybe CashAddr
cashAddrEncode cv bs = do
pfx <- cashAddrPrefix
cashAddrEncode :: Network -> CashVersion -> ByteString -> Maybe CashAddr
cashAddrEncode net cv bs = do
pfx <- getCashAddrPrefix net
ver <- encodeCashVersion cv
len <- encodeCashLength (B.length bs)
let vb = ver .|. len

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | ECDSA Signatures
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA
( SecretT
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ withSource :: Monad m => (Int -> m ByteString) -> SecretT m a -> m a
withSource f m = do
seed <- f 32 -- Read 256 bits from the random source
nonce <- f 16 -- Read 128 bits from the random source
let ws = hmacDRBGNew seed nonce haskoinUserAgent
let ws = hmacDRBGNew seed nonce "haskoin"
S.evalStateT m (ws,f)
-- | Generate a new random 'EC.SecKey' value from the 'SecretT' monad. This
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ withSource f m = do
nextSecret :: Monad m => SecretT m EC.SecKey
nextSecret = do
(ws, f) <- S.get
let (ws', randM) = hmacDRBGGen ws 32 haskoinUserAgent
let (ws', randM) = hmacDRBGGen ws 32 "haskoin"
case randM of
(Just rand) -> do
S.put (ws', f)
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ nextSecret = do
Nothing -> nextSecret
Nothing -> do
seed <- lift $ f 32 -- Read 256 bits to re-seed the PRNG
let ws0 = hmacDRBGRsd ws' seed haskoinUserAgent
let ws0 = hmacDRBGRsd ws' seed "haskoin"
S.put (ws0, f)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys
, xPubImport
, xPrvImport
, xPrvWif
, putXPrvKey
, putXPubKey
, getXPrvKey
, getXPubKey
, xPubFromJSON
, xPrvFromJSON
-- Helpers
, prvSubKeys
@ -79,6 +85,7 @@ import Data.Aeson as A (FromJSON, ToJSON,
Value (String),
parseJSON, toJSON,
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Bits (clearBit, setBit, testBit)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -89,9 +96,10 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Serialize as S (Serialize, decode,
encode, get, put)
import Data.Serialize.Get (Get, getWord32be, getWord8)
import Data.Serialize.Put (Put, putWord32be, putWord8,
import Data.Serialize.Get (Get, getWord32be, getWord8,
import Data.Serialize.Put (Put, Putter, putWord32be,
putWord8, runPut)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
@ -122,50 +130,36 @@ type KeyIndex = Word32
-- is a node in a tree of key derivations. It has a depth in the tree, a
-- parent node and an index to differentiate it from other siblings.
data XPrvKey = XPrvKey
{ xPrvDepth :: !Word8 -- ^ Depth in the tree of key derivations.
, xPrvParent :: !Word32 -- ^ Fingerprint of the parent key.
, xPrvIndex :: !KeyIndex -- ^ Key derivation index.
{ xPrvDepth :: !Word8 -- ^ Depth in the tree of key derivations.
, xPrvParent :: !Word32 -- ^ Fingerprint of the parent key.
, xPrvIndex :: !KeyIndex -- ^ Key derivation index.
, xPrvChain :: !ChainCode -- ^ Chain code.
, xPrvKey :: !PrvKeyC -- ^ The private key of this extended key node.
, xPrvKey :: !PrvKeyC -- ^ The private key of this extended key node.
, xPrvNet :: !Network
} deriving (Eq)
instance Ord XPrvKey where
compare k1 k2 = xPrvExport k1 `compare` xPrvExport k2
instance Show XPrvKey where
showsPrec d k = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "XPrvKey " . shows (xPrvExport k)
instance Read XPrvKey where
readPrec =
parens $ do
R.Ident "XPrvKey" <- lexP
R.String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ xPrvImport $ cs str
instance IsString XPrvKey where
fromString =
fromMaybe e . xPrvImport . cs
e = error "Could not decode extended private key"
showsPrec d k = shows (xPrvExport k)
instance NFData XPrvKey where
rnf (XPrvKey d p i c k) =
rnf d `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf k
rnf (XPrvKey d p i c k n) =
rnf d `seq`
rnf p `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf k `seq` rnf n `seq` ()
instance ToJSON XPrvKey where
toJSON = A.String . cs . xPrvExport
instance FromJSON XPrvKey where
parseJSON = withText "xprvkey" $ maybe mzero return . xPrvImport . cs
-- | Data type representing an extended BIP32 public key.
data XPubKey = XPubKey
{ xPubDepth :: !Word8 -- ^ Depth in the tree of key derivations.
, xPubParent :: !Word32 -- ^ Fingerprint of the parent key.
, xPubIndex :: !KeyIndex -- ^ Key derivation index.
{ xPubDepth :: !Word8 -- ^ Depth in the tree of key derivations.
, xPubParent :: !Word32 -- ^ Fingerprint of the parent key.
, xPubIndex :: !KeyIndex -- ^ Key derivation index.
, xPubChain :: !ChainCode -- ^ Chain code.
, xPubKey :: !PubKeyC -- ^ The public key of this extended key node.
, xPubKey :: !PubKeyC -- ^ The public key of this extended key node.
, xPubNet :: !Network
} deriving (Eq)
instance Ord XPubKey where
@ -175,33 +169,33 @@ instance Show XPubKey where
showsPrec d k = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "XPubKey " . shows (xPubExport k)
instance Read XPubKey where
readPrec = parens $ do
R.Ident "XPubKey" <- lexP
R.String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ xPubImport $ cs str
instance IsString XPubKey where
fromString =
fromMaybe e . xPubImport . cs
e = error "Could not import extended public key"
instance NFData XPubKey where
rnf (XPubKey d p i c k) =
rnf d `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf k
rnf (XPubKey d p i c k n) =
rnf d `seq`
rnf p `seq` rnf i `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf k `seq` rnf n `seq` ()
instance ToJSON XPubKey where
toJSON = A.String . cs . xPubExport
instance FromJSON XPubKey where
parseJSON = withText "xpubkey" $ maybe mzero return . xPubImport . cs
xPubFromJSON :: Network -> Value -> Parser XPubKey
xPubFromJSON net =
withText "xpub" $ \t ->
case xPubImport net (cs t) of
Nothing -> fail "could not read xpub"
Just x -> return x
xPrvFromJSON :: Network -> Value -> Parser XPrvKey
xPrvFromJSON net =
withText "xprv" $ \t ->
case xPrvImport net (cs t) of
Nothing -> fail "could not read xprv"
Just x -> return x
-- | Build a BIP32 compatible extended private key from a bytestring. This will
-- produce a root node (depth=0 and parent=0).
makeXPrvKey :: ByteString -> XPrvKey
makeXPrvKey bs =
XPrvKey 0 0 0 c k
makeXPrvKey :: Network -> ByteString -> XPrvKey
makeXPrvKey net bs =
XPrvKey 0 0 0 c k net
(p, c) = split512 $ hmac512 "Bitcoin seed" bs
k = maybe err makePrvKeyC (EC.secKey (encode p))
@ -211,7 +205,7 @@ makeXPrvKey bs =
-- will preserve the depth, parent, index and chaincode fields of the extended
-- private keys.
deriveXPubKey :: XPrvKey -> XPubKey
deriveXPubKey (XPrvKey d p i c k) = XPubKey d p i c (derivePubKey k)
deriveXPubKey (XPrvKey d p i c k n) = XPubKey d p i c (derivePubKey k) n
-- | Compute a private, soft child key derivation. A private soft derivation
-- will allow the equivalent extended public key to derive the public key for
@ -227,14 +221,14 @@ prvSubKey :: XPrvKey -- ^ Extended parent private key
-> XPrvKey -- ^ Extended child private key
prvSubKey xkey child
| child >= 0 && child < 0x80000000 =
XPrvKey (xPrvDepth xkey + 1) (xPrvFP xkey) child c k
XPrvKey (xPrvDepth xkey + 1) (xPrvFP xkey) child c k (xPrvNet xkey)
| otherwise = error "Invalid child derivation index"
pK = xPubKey $ deriveXPubKey xkey
msg = BS.append (encode pK) (encode child)
pK = xPubKey $ deriveXPubKey xkey
msg = BS.append (encode pK) (encode child)
(a, c) = split512 $ hmac512 (encode $ xPrvChain xkey) msg
k = fromMaybe err $ tweakPrvKeyC (xPrvKey xkey) a
err = throw $ DerivationException "Invalid prvSubKey derivation"
k = fromMaybe err $ tweakPrvKeyC (xPrvKey xkey) a
err = throw $ DerivationException "Invalid prvSubKey derivation"
-- | Compute a public, soft child key derivation. Given a parent key /M/
-- and a derivation index /i/, this function will compute M\/i\/.
@ -243,7 +237,7 @@ pubSubKey :: XPubKey -- ^ Extended Parent public key
-> XPubKey -- ^ Extended child public key
pubSubKey xKey child
| child >= 0 && child < 0x80000000 =
XPubKey (xPubDepth xKey + 1) (xPubFP xKey) child c pK
XPubKey (xPubDepth xKey + 1) (xPubFP xKey) child c pK (xPubNet xKey)
| otherwise = error "Invalid child derivation index"
msg = BS.append (encode $ xPubKey xKey) (encode child)
@ -262,7 +256,7 @@ hardSubKey :: XPrvKey -- ^ Extended Parent private key
-> XPrvKey -- ^ Extended child private key
hardSubKey xkey child
| child >= 0 && child < 0x80000000 =
XPrvKey (xPrvDepth xkey + 1) (xPrvFP xkey) i c k
XPrvKey (xPrvDepth xkey + 1) (xPrvFP xkey) i c k (xPrvNet xkey)
| otherwise = error "Invalid child derivation index"
i = setBit child 31
@ -315,69 +309,71 @@ xPubFP =
-- | Computer the 'Address' of an extended public key.
xPubAddr :: XPubKey -> Address
xPubAddr = pubKeyAddr . xPubKey
xPubAddr xkey = pubKeyAddr (xPubNet xkey) (xPubKey xkey)
-- | Exports an extended private key to the BIP32 key export format (base 58).
xPrvExport :: XPrvKey -> ByteString
xPrvExport = encodeBase58Check . encode
xPrvExport = encodeBase58Check . runPut . putXPrvKey
-- | Exports an extended public key to the BIP32 key export format (base 58).
xPubExport :: XPubKey -> ByteString
xPubExport = encodeBase58Check . encode
xPubExport = encodeBase58Check . runPut . putXPubKey
-- | Decodes a BIP32 encoded extended private key. This function will fail if
-- invalid base 58 characters are detected or if the checksum fails.
xPrvImport :: ByteString -> Maybe XPrvKey
xPrvImport = eitherToMaybe . decode <=< decodeBase58Check
xPrvImport :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe XPrvKey
xPrvImport net = eitherToMaybe . runGet (getXPrvKey net) <=< decodeBase58Check
-- | Decodes a BIP32 encoded extended public key. This function will fail if
-- invalid base 58 characters are detected or if the checksum fails.
xPubImport :: ByteString -> Maybe XPubKey
xPubImport = eitherToMaybe . decode <=< decodeBase58Check
xPubImport :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe XPubKey
xPubImport net = eitherToMaybe . runGet (getXPubKey net) <=< decodeBase58Check
-- | Export an extended private key to WIF (Wallet Import Format).
xPrvWif :: XPrvKey -> ByteString
xPrvWif = toWif . xPrvKey
xPrvWif xkey = toWif (xPrvNet xkey) (xPrvKey xkey)
instance Serialize XPrvKey where
get = do
getXPrvKey :: Network -> Get XPrvKey
getXPrvKey net = do
ver <- getWord32be
unless (ver == extSecretPrefix) $ fail
unless (ver == getExtSecretPrefix net) $ fail
"Get: Invalid version for extended private key"
XPrvKey <$> getWord8
<*> getWord32be
<*> getWord32be
<*> S.get
<*> getPadPrvKey
<*> pure net
put k = do
putWord32be extSecretPrefix
putXPrvKey :: Putter XPrvKey
putXPrvKey k = do
putWord32be $ getExtSecretPrefix (xPrvNet k)
putWord8 $ xPrvDepth k
putWord32be $ xPrvParent k
putWord32be $ xPrvIndex k
put $ xPrvChain k
putPadPrvKey $ xPrvKey k
instance Serialize XPubKey where
get = do
getXPubKey :: Network -> Get XPubKey
getXPubKey net = do
ver <- getWord32be
unless (ver == extPubKeyPrefix) $ fail
unless (ver == getExtPubKeyPrefix net) $ fail
"Get: Invalid version for extended public key"
XPubKey <$> getWord8
<*> getWord32be
<*> getWord32be
<*> S.get
<*> S.get
<*> pure net
put k = do
putWord32be extPubKeyPrefix
putXPubKey :: Putter XPubKey
putXPubKey k = do
putWord32be $ getExtPubKeyPrefix (xPubNet k)
putWord8 $ xPubDepth k
putWord32be $ xPubParent k
putWord32be $ xPubIndex k
put $ xPubChain k
put $ xPubKey k
put $ xPubKey k
{- Derivation helpers -}
@ -415,22 +411,24 @@ deriveAddrs k =
-- | Derive a multisig address from a list of public keys, the number of
-- required signatures (m) and a derivation index. The derivation type is a
-- public, soft derivation.
deriveMSAddr :: [XPubKey] -> Int -> KeyIndex -> (Address, RedeemScript)
deriveMSAddr keys m i =
(p2shAddr rdm, rdm)
deriveMSAddr :: Network -> [XPubKey] -> Int -> KeyIndex -> (Address, RedeemScript)
deriveMSAddr net keys m i
| all ((== net) . xPubNet) keys = (p2shAddr net rdm, rdm)
| otherwise = error "Some extended public keys on the wrong network"
rdm = sortMulSig $ PayMulSig k m
k = map (toPubKeyG . xPubKey . flip pubSubKey i) keys
k = map (toPubKeyG . xPubKey . flip pubSubKey i) keys
-- | Cyclic list of all multisig addresses derived from a list of public keys,
-- a number of required signatures (m) and starting from an offset index. The
-- derivation type is a public, soft derivation.
deriveMSAddrs :: [XPubKey] -> Int -> KeyIndex
deriveMSAddrs :: Network -> [XPubKey] -> Int -> KeyIndex
-> [(Address, RedeemScript, KeyIndex)]
deriveMSAddrs keys m =
map f . cycleIndex
deriveMSAddrs net keys m = map f . cycleIndex
f i = let (a, rdm) = deriveMSAddr keys m i in (a, rdm, i)
f i =
let (a, rdm) = deriveMSAddr net keys m i
in (a, rdm, i)
cycleIndex :: KeyIndex -> [KeyIndex]
cycleIndex i
@ -656,8 +654,8 @@ instance Show ParsedPath where
f =
case p of
ParsedPrv d' -> "m" <> pathToStr d'
ParsedPub d' -> "M" <> pathToStr d'
ParsedPrv d' -> "m" <> pathToStr d'
ParsedPub d' -> "M" <> pathToStr d'
ParsedEmpty d' -> pathToStr d'
instance Read ParsedPath where
@ -729,8 +727,11 @@ parseHard = toHard . getParsedPath <=< parsePath
parseSoft :: String -> Maybe SoftPath
parseSoft = toSoft . getParsedPath <=< parsePath
data XKey = XPrv { getXPrvKey :: !XPrvKey }
| XPub { getXPubKey :: !XPubKey }
data XKey
= XPrv { getXKeyPrv :: !XPrvKey
, getXKeyNet :: !Network }
| XPub { getXKeyPub :: !XPubKey
, getXKeyNet :: !Network }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Apply a parsed path to an extended key to derive the new key defined in the
@ -739,27 +740,30 @@ data XKey = XPrv { getXPrvKey :: !XPrvKey }
-- public key, and public derivations with a hard segment, return an error
-- value.
applyPath :: ParsedPath -> XKey -> Either String XKey
applyPath path key = case (path, key) of
(ParsedPrv _, XPrv k) -> return $ XPrv $ derivPrvF k
(ParsedPrv _, XPub _) -> Left "applyPath: Invalid public key"
(ParsedPub _, XPrv k) -> return $ XPub $ deriveXPubKey $ derivPrvF k
(ParsedPub _, XPub k) -> derivPubFE >>= \f -> return $ XPub $ f k
applyPath path key =
case (path, key) of
(ParsedPrv _, XPrv k n) -> return $ XPrv (derivPrvF k) n
(ParsedPrv _, XPub {}) -> Left "applyPath: Invalid public key"
(ParsedPub _, XPrv k n) -> return $ XPub (deriveXPubKey (derivPrvF k)) n
(ParsedPub _, XPub k n) -> derivPubFE >>= \f -> return $ XPub (f k) n
-- For empty parsed paths, we take a hint from the provided key
(ParsedEmpty _, XPrv k) -> return $ XPrv $ derivPrvF k
(ParsedEmpty _, XPub k) -> derivPubFE >>= \f -> return $ XPub $ f k
(ParsedEmpty _, XPrv k n) -> return $ XPrv (derivPrvF k) n
(ParsedEmpty _, XPub k n) -> derivPubFE >>= \f -> return $ XPub (f k) n
derivPrvF = goPrv id $ getParsedPath path
derivPrvF = goPrv id $ getParsedPath path
derivPubFE = goPubE id $ getParsedPath path
-- Build the full private derivation function starting from the end
goPrv f p = case p of
next :| i -> goPrv (f . flip hardSubKey i) next
next :/ i -> goPrv (f . flip prvSubKey i) next
Deriv -> f
goPrv f p =
case p of
next :| i -> goPrv (f . flip hardSubKey i) next
next :/ i -> goPrv (f . flip prvSubKey i) next
Deriv -> f
-- Build the full public derivation function starting from the end
goPubE f p = case p of
next :/ i -> goPubE (f . flip pubSubKey i) next
Deriv -> Right f
_ -> Left "applyPath: Invalid hard derivation"
goPubE f p =
case p of
next :/ i -> goPubE (f . flip pubSubKey i) next
Deriv -> Right f
_ -> Left "applyPath: Invalid hard derivation"
{- Helpers for derivation paths and addresses -}
@ -769,22 +773,34 @@ derivePathAddr key path = deriveAddr (derivePubPath path key)
-- | Cyclic list of all addresses derived from a given parent path and starting
-- from the given offset index.
derivePathAddrs :: XPubKey -> SoftPath -> KeyIndex
-> [(Address, PubKeyC, KeyIndex)]
derivePathAddrs ::
XPubKey -> SoftPath -> KeyIndex -> [(Address, PubKeyC, KeyIndex)]
derivePathAddrs key path = deriveAddrs (derivePubPath path key)
-- | Derive a multisig address from a given parent path. The number of required
-- signatures (m in m of n) is also needed.
derivePathMSAddr :: [XPubKey] -> SoftPath -> Int -> KeyIndex
-> (Address, RedeemScript)
derivePathMSAddr keys path = deriveMSAddr $ map (derivePubPath path) keys
derivePathMSAddr ::
-> [XPubKey]
-> SoftPath
-> Int
-> KeyIndex
-> (Address, RedeemScript)
derivePathMSAddr net keys path =
deriveMSAddr net $ map (derivePubPath path) keys
-- | Cyclic list of all multisig addresses derived from a given parent path and
-- starting from the given offset index. The number of required signatures
-- (m in m of n) is also needed.
derivePathMSAddrs :: [XPubKey] -> SoftPath -> Int -> KeyIndex
-> [(Address, RedeemScript, KeyIndex)]
derivePathMSAddrs keys path = deriveMSAddrs $ map (derivePubPath path) keys
derivePathMSAddrs ::
-> [XPubKey]
-> SoftPath
-> Int
-> KeyIndex
-> [(Address, RedeemScript, KeyIndex)]
derivePathMSAddrs net keys path =
deriveMSAddrs net $ map (derivePubPath path) keys
{- Utilities for extended keys -}

View File

@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ instance Serialize PubKeyU where
put pk = putByteString $ EC.exportPubKey False $ pubKeyPoint pk
-- | Computes an 'Address' from a public key
pubKeyAddr :: Serialize (PubKeyI c) => PubKeyI c -> Address
pubKeyAddr = PubKeyAddress . addressHash . encode
pubKeyAddr :: Serialize (PubKeyI c) => Network -> PubKeyI c -> Address
pubKeyAddr net k = PubKeyAddress (addressHash (encode k)) net
-- | Tweak a compressed public key
tweakPubKeyC :: PubKeyC -> Hash256 -> Maybe PubKeyC
@ -243,70 +243,10 @@ tweakPubKeyC pub h =
data PrvKeyI c = PrvKeyI
{ prvKeySecKey :: !EC.SecKey
, prvKeyCompressed :: !Bool
} deriving (Eq)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance NFData (PrvKeyI c) where
rnf (PrvKeyI s b) = s `seq` b `seq` ()
instance Show PrvKey where
showsPrec d k = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "PrvKey " . shows (toWif k)
instance Show PrvKeyC where
showsPrec d k = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "PrvKeyC " . shows (toWif k)
instance Show PrvKeyU where
showsPrec d k = showParen (d > 10) $
showString "PrvKeyU " . shows (toWif k)
instance Read PrvKey where
readPrec = parens $ do
Read.Ident "PrvKey" <- lexP
Read.String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ fromWif $ cs str
instance Read PrvKeyC where
readPrec = parens $ do
Read.Ident "PrvKeyC" <- lexP
Read.String str <- lexP
key <- maybe pfail return $ fromWif $ cs str
case eitherPrvKey key of
Left _ -> pfail
Right k -> return k
instance Read PrvKeyU where
readPrec = parens $ do
Read.Ident "PrvKeyU" <- lexP
Read.String str <- lexP
key <- maybe pfail return $ fromWif $ cs str
case eitherPrvKey key of
Left k -> return k
Right _ -> pfail
instance IsString PrvKey where
fromString str =
fromMaybe e $ fromWif $ cs str
e = error "Could not decode WIF"
instance IsString PrvKeyC where
fromString str =
case eitherPrvKey key of
Left _ -> undefined
Right k -> k
key = fromMaybe e $ fromWif $ cs str
e = error "Could not decode WIF"
instance IsString PrvKeyU where
fromString str =
case eitherPrvKey key of
Left k -> k
Right _ -> undefined
key = fromMaybe e $ fromWif $ cs str
e = error "Could not decode WIF"
rnf (PrvKeyI k c) = k `seq` c `seq` ()
type PrvKey = PrvKeyI Generic
type PrvKeyC = PrvKeyI Compressed
@ -367,11 +307,11 @@ prvKeyPutMonad (PrvKeyI k _) = putByteString $ EC.getSecKey k
-- fail if the input string does not decode correctly as a base 58 string or if
-- the checksum fails.
-- <>
fromWif :: ByteString -> Maybe PrvKey
fromWif wif = do
fromWif :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe PrvKey
fromWif net wif = do
bs <- decodeBase58Check wif
-- Check that this is a private key
guard (BS.head bs == secretPrefix)
guard (BS.head bs == getSecretPrefix net)
case BS.length bs of
-- Uncompressed format
33 -> makePrvKeyG False <$> EC.secKey (BS.tail bs)
@ -383,10 +323,9 @@ fromWif wif = do
_ -> Nothing
-- | Encodes a private key into WIF format
toWif :: PrvKeyI c -> ByteString
toWif (PrvKeyI k c) =
encodeBase58Check $
BS.cons secretPrefix $
toWif :: Network -> PrvKeyI c -> ByteString
toWif net (PrvKeyI k c) =
encodeBase58Check . BS.cons (getSecretPrefix net) $
if c
then EC.getSecKey k `BS.snoc` 0x01
else EC.getSecKey k

View File

@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ module Network.Haskoin.Network.Message
( Message(..)
, MessageHeader(..)
, msgType
, putMessage
, getMessage
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode, get, put)
import Data.Serialize.Get (getByteString, getWord32be,
getWord32le, isolate,
import Data.Serialize.Put (putByteString, putWord32be,
import Data.Serialize.Get (Get, getByteString,
getWord32be, getWord32le,
isolate, lookAhead)
import Data.Serialize.Put (Putter, putByteString,
putWord32be, putWord32le)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Merkle
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Types
@ -109,68 +111,73 @@ msgType MMempool = "mempool"
msgType (MReject _) = "reject"
msgType MSendHeaders = "sendheaders"
instance Serialize Message where
get = do
(MessageHeader mgc cmd len chk) <- get
bs <- lookAhead $ getByteString $ fromIntegral len
unless (mgc == networkMagic)
(fail $ "get: Invalid network magic bytes: " ++ show mgc)
unless (checkSum32 bs == chk)
(fail $ "get: Invalid message checksum: " ++ show chk)
if len > 0
then isolate (fromIntegral len) $ case cmd of
MCVersion -> MVersion <$> get
MCAddr -> MAddr <$> get
MCInv -> MInv <$> get
MCGetData -> MGetData <$> get
MCNotFound -> MNotFound <$> get
MCGetBlocks -> MGetBlocks <$> get
MCGetHeaders -> MGetHeaders <$> get
MCTx -> MTx <$> get
MCBlock -> MBlock <$> get
MCMerkleBlock -> MMerkleBlock <$> get
MCHeaders -> MHeaders <$> get
MCFilterLoad -> MFilterLoad <$> get
MCFilterAdd -> MFilterAdd <$> get
MCPing -> MPing <$> get
MCPong -> MPong <$> get
MCAlert -> MAlert <$> get
MCReject -> MReject <$> get
_ -> fail $ "get: Invalid command " ++ show cmd
else case cmd of
MCGetAddr -> return MGetAddr
MCVerAck -> return MVerAck
MCFilterClear -> return MFilterClear
MCMempool -> return MMempool
MCSendHeaders -> return MSendHeaders
_ -> fail $ "get: Invalid command " ++ show cmd
put msg = do
let (cmd, payload) = case msg of
MVersion m -> (MCVersion, encode m)
MVerAck -> (MCVerAck, BS.empty)
MAddr m -> (MCAddr, encode m)
MInv m -> (MCInv, encode m)
MGetData m -> (MCGetData, encode m)
MNotFound m -> (MCNotFound, encode m)
MGetBlocks m -> (MCGetBlocks, encode m)
MGetHeaders m -> (MCGetHeaders, encode m)
MTx m -> (MCTx, encode m)
MBlock m -> (MCBlock, encode m)
MMerkleBlock m -> (MCMerkleBlock, encode m)
MHeaders m -> (MCHeaders, encode m)
MGetAddr -> (MCGetAddr, BS.empty)
MFilterLoad m -> (MCFilterLoad, encode m)
MFilterAdd m -> (MCFilterAdd, encode m)
MFilterClear -> (MCFilterClear, BS.empty)
MPing m -> (MCPing, encode m)
MPong m -> (MCPong, encode m)
MAlert m -> (MCAlert, encode m)
MMempool -> (MCMempool, BS.empty)
MReject m -> (MCReject, encode m)
MSendHeaders -> (MCSendHeaders, BS.empty)
chk = checkSum32 payload
len = fromIntegral $ BS.length payload
header = MessageHeader networkMagic cmd len chk
put header
putByteString payload
getMessage :: Network -> Get Message
getMessage net = do
(MessageHeader mgc cmd len chk) <- get
bs <- lookAhead $ getByteString $ fromIntegral len
(mgc == getNetworkMagic net)
(fail $ "get: Invalid network magic bytes: " ++ show mgc)
(checkSum32 bs == chk)
(fail $ "get: Invalid message checksum: " ++ show chk)
if len > 0
then isolate (fromIntegral len) $
case cmd of
MCVersion -> MVersion <$> get
MCAddr -> MAddr <$> get
MCInv -> MInv <$> get
MCGetData -> MGetData <$> get
MCNotFound -> MNotFound <$> get
MCGetBlocks -> MGetBlocks <$> get
MCGetHeaders -> MGetHeaders <$> get
MCTx -> MTx <$> get
MCBlock -> MBlock <$> get
MCMerkleBlock -> MMerkleBlock <$> get
MCHeaders -> MHeaders <$> get
MCFilterLoad -> MFilterLoad <$> get
MCFilterAdd -> MFilterAdd <$> get
MCPing -> MPing <$> get
MCPong -> MPong <$> get
MCAlert -> MAlert <$> get
MCReject -> MReject <$> get
_ -> fail $ "get: Invalid command " ++ show cmd
else case cmd of
MCGetAddr -> return MGetAddr
MCVerAck -> return MVerAck
MCFilterClear -> return MFilterClear
MCMempool -> return MMempool
MCSendHeaders -> return MSendHeaders
_ -> fail $ "get: Invalid command " ++ show cmd
putMessage :: Network -> Putter Message
putMessage net msg = do
let (cmd, payload) =
case msg of
MVersion m -> (MCVersion, encode m)
MVerAck -> (MCVerAck, BS.empty)
MAddr m -> (MCAddr, encode m)
MInv m -> (MCInv, encode m)
MGetData m -> (MCGetData, encode m)
MNotFound m -> (MCNotFound, encode m)
MGetBlocks m -> (MCGetBlocks, encode m)
MGetHeaders m -> (MCGetHeaders, encode m)
MTx m -> (MCTx, encode m)
MBlock m -> (MCBlock, encode m)
MMerkleBlock m -> (MCMerkleBlock, encode m)
MHeaders m -> (MCHeaders, encode m)
MGetAddr -> (MCGetAddr, BS.empty)
MFilterLoad m -> (MCFilterLoad, encode m)
MFilterAdd m -> (MCFilterAdd, encode m)
MFilterClear -> (MCFilterClear, BS.empty)
MPing m -> (MCPing, encode m)
MPong m -> (MCPong, encode m)
MAlert m -> (MCAlert, encode m)
MMempool -> (MCMempool, BS.empty)
MReject m -> (MCReject, encode m)
MSendHeaders -> (MCSendHeaders, BS.empty)
chk = checkSum32 payload
len = fromIntegral $ BS.length payload
header = MessageHeader (getNetworkMagic net) cmd len chk
put header
putByteString payload

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Serialize (decode, encode)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64, Word8)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash
import Network.Haskoin.Script.Types
@ -786,23 +787,24 @@ runStack = stack
-- | A wrapper around 'verifySig' which handles grabbing the hash type
verifySigWithType ::
Tx -> Int -> Word64 -> [ScriptOp] -> TxSignature -> PubKey -> Bool
verifySigWithType tx i val outOps txSig pubKey =
Network -> Tx -> Int -> Word64 -> [ScriptOp] -> TxSignature -> PubKey -> Bool
verifySigWithType net tx i val outOps txSig pubKey =
let outScript = Script outOps
h = txSigHash tx outScript val i (txSignatureSigHash txSig)
h = txSigHash net tx outScript val i (txSignatureSigHash txSig)
in verifySig h (txSignature txSig) pubKey
-- | Uses `evalScript` to check that the input script of a spending
-- transaction satisfies the output script.
verifySpend :: Tx -- ^ The spending transaction
verifySpend :: Network
-> Tx -- ^ The spending transaction
-> Int -- ^ The input index
-> Script -- ^ The output script we are spending
-> Word64 -- ^ The value of the output script
-> [Flag] -- ^ Evaluation flags
-> Bool
verifySpend tx i outscript val flags =
verifySpend net tx i outscript val flags =
let scriptSig = either err id . decode . scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i
verifyFcn = verifySigWithType tx i val
verifyFcn = verifySigWithType net tx i val
err e = error $ "Could not decode scriptInput in verifySpend: " ++ e
in evalScript scriptSig outscript verifyFcn flags

View File

@ -110,22 +110,24 @@ isSigHashUnknown =
sigHashAddForkId :: SigHash -> Word32 -> SigHash
sigHashAddForkId sh w = (fromIntegral w `shiftL` 8) .|. (sh .&. 0x000000ff)
sigHashAddNetworkId :: SigHash -> SigHash
sigHashAddNetworkId = (`sigHashAddForkId` fromMaybe 0 sigHashForkId)
sigHashAddNetworkId :: Network -> SigHash -> SigHash
sigHashAddNetworkId net =
(`sigHashAddForkId` fromMaybe 0 (getSigHashForkId net))
sigHashGetForkId :: SigHash -> Word32
sigHashGetForkId = fromIntegral . (`shiftR` 8)
-- | Computes the hash that will be used for signing a transaction.
txSigHash :: Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign.
txSigHash :: Network
-> Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign.
-> Script -- ^ Output script that is being spent.
-> Word64 -- ^ Value of the output being spent.
-> Int -- ^ Index of the input that is being signed.
-> SigHash -- ^ What parts of the transaction should be signed.
-> Hash256 -- ^ Result hash to be signed.
txSigHash tx out v i sh
| hasForkIdFlag sh && isJust sigHashForkId =
txSigHashForkId tx out v i sh
txSigHash net tx out v i sh
| hasForkIdFlag sh && isJust (getSigHashForkId net) =
txSigHashForkId net tx out v i sh
| otherwise = do
let newIn = buildInputs (txIn tx) fout i sh
-- When SigSingle and input index > outputs, then sign integer 1
@ -170,13 +172,14 @@ buildOutputs txos i sh
-- | Computes the hash that will be used for signing a transaction. This
-- function is used when the sigHashForkId flag is set.
:: Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign.
:: Network
-> Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign.
-> Script -- ^ Output script that is being spent.
-> Word64 -- ^ Value of the output being spent.
-> Int -- ^ Index of the input that is being signed.
-> SigHash -- ^ What parts of the transaction should be signed.
-> Hash256 -- ^ Result hash to be signed.
txSigHashForkId tx out v i sh =
txSigHashForkId net tx out v i sh =
doubleSHA256 . runPut $ do
putWord32le $ txVersion tx
put hashPrevouts
@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ txSigHashForkId tx out v i sh =
putWord32le $ txInSequence $ txIn tx !! i
put hashOutputs
putWord32le $ txLockTime tx
putWord32le $ fromIntegral $ sigHashAddNetworkId sh
putWord32le $ fromIntegral $ sigHashAddNetworkId net sh
| not $ hasAnyoneCanPayFlag sh =
@ -237,14 +240,14 @@ decodeTxLaxSig bs =
TxSignature <$> decode (BS.init bs)
<*> return (fromIntegral $ BS.last bs)
decodeTxStrictSig :: ByteString -> Either String TxSignature
decodeTxStrictSig bs =
decodeTxStrictSig :: Network -> ByteString -> Either String TxSignature
decodeTxStrictSig net bs =
case decodeStrictSig $ BS.init bs of
Just sig -> do
let sh = fromIntegral $ BS.last bs
when (isSigHashUnknown sh) $
Left "Non-canonical signature: unknown hashtype byte"
when (isNothing sigHashForkId && hasForkIdFlag sh) $
when (isNothing (getSigHashForkId net) && hasForkIdFlag sh) $
Left "Non-canonical signature: invalid network for forkId"
return $ TxSignature sig sh
Nothing -> Left "Non-canonical signature: could not parse signature"

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Serialize (decode, encode)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Address
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys
@ -129,13 +130,13 @@ isDataCarrier _ = False
-- | Computes a script address from a script output. This address can be used
-- in a pay to script hash output.
p2shAddr :: ScriptOutput -> Address
p2shAddr = ScriptAddress . addressHash . encodeOutputBS
p2shAddr :: Network -> ScriptOutput -> Address
p2shAddr net out = ScriptAddress (addressHash (encodeOutputBS out)) net
-- | Computes a script address from a script output for a
-- pay-to-witness-script-hash output.
p2wshAddr :: ScriptOutput -> Address
p2wshAddr = WitnessScriptAddress . sha256 . encodeOutputBS
p2wshAddr :: Network -> ScriptOutput -> Address
p2wshAddr net out = WitnessScriptAddress (sha256 (encodeOutputBS out)) net
-- | Sorts the public keys of a multisignature output in ascending order by
-- comparing their serialized representations. This feature allows for easier
@ -148,10 +149,10 @@ sortMulSig out = case out of
_ -> error "Can only call orderMulSig on PayMulSig scripts"
addressToOutput :: Address -> ScriptOutput
addressToOutput (PubKeyAddress h) = PayPKHash h
addressToOutput (ScriptAddress h) = PayScriptHash h
addressToOutput (WitnessPubKeyAddress h) = PayWitnessPKHash h
addressToOutput (WitnessScriptAddress h) = PayWitnessScriptHash h
addressToOutput (PubKeyAddress h _) = PayPKHash h
addressToOutput (ScriptAddress h _) = PayScriptHash h
addressToOutput (WitnessPubKeyAddress h _) = PayWitnessPKHash h
addressToOutput (WitnessScriptAddress h _) = PayWitnessScriptHash h
-- | Get output script AST for an address.
addressToScript :: Address -> Script
@ -162,11 +163,11 @@ addressToScriptBS :: Address -> ByteString
addressToScriptBS = encode . addressToScript
-- | Encode an output script as an address if it has such representation.
scriptToAddress :: Script -> Maybe Address
scriptToAddress = eitherToMaybe . (outputAddress <=< decodeOutput)
scriptToAddress :: Network -> Script -> Maybe Address
scriptToAddress net = eitherToMaybe . (outputAddress net <=< decodeOutput)
scriptToAddressBS :: ByteString -> Maybe Address
scriptToAddressBS = eitherToMaybe . (outputAddress <=< decodeOutputBS)
scriptToAddressBS :: Network -> ByteString -> Maybe Address
scriptToAddressBS net = eitherToMaybe . (outputAddress net <=< decodeOutputBS)
-- | Computes a 'Script' from a 'ScriptOutput'. The 'Script' is a list of
-- 'ScriptOp' can can be used to build a 'Tx'.
@ -258,20 +259,20 @@ scriptOpToInt s
res = fromIntegral (BS.head $ encode s) - 0x50
-- | Get the address of a `ScriptOutput`
outputAddress :: ScriptOutput -> Either String Address
outputAddress s = case s of
PayPKHash h -> return $ PubKeyAddress h
PayScriptHash h -> return $ ScriptAddress h
PayPK k -> return $ pubKeyAddr k
PayWitnessPKHash h -> return $ WitnessPubKeyAddress h
PayWitnessScriptHash h -> return $ WitnessScriptAddress h
outputAddress :: Network -> ScriptOutput -> Either String Address
outputAddress net s = case s of
PayPKHash h -> return $ PubKeyAddress h net
PayScriptHash h -> return $ ScriptAddress h net
PayPK k -> return $ pubKeyAddr net k
PayWitnessPKHash h -> return $ WitnessPubKeyAddress h net
PayWitnessScriptHash h -> return $ WitnessScriptAddress h net
_ -> Left "outputAddress: bad output script type"
-- | Get the address of a `ScriptInput`
inputAddress :: ScriptInput -> Either String Address
inputAddress s = case s of
RegularInput (SpendPKHash _ key) -> return $ pubKeyAddr key
ScriptHashInput _ rdm -> return $ p2shAddr rdm
inputAddress :: Network -> ScriptInput -> Either String Address
inputAddress net s = case s of
RegularInput (SpendPKHash _ key) -> return $ pubKeyAddr net key
ScriptHashInput _ rdm -> return $ p2shAddr net rdm
_ -> Left "inputAddress: bad input script type"
-- | Data type describing standard transaction input scripts. Input scripts
@ -338,12 +339,12 @@ encodeSimpleInput s =
f TxSignatureEmpty = OP_0
f ts = opPushData $ encodeTxSig ts
decodeSimpleInput :: Bool -> Script -> Either String SimpleInput
decodeSimpleInput strict (Script ops) =
decodeSimpleInput :: Network -> Bool -> Script -> Either String SimpleInput
decodeSimpleInput net strict (Script ops) =
maybeToEither errMsg $ matchPK ops <|> matchPKHash ops <|> matchMulSig ops
matchPK [op] = SpendPK <$> f op
matchPK _ = Nothing
matchPK _ = Nothing
matchPKHash [op, OP_PUSHDATA pub _] =
SpendPKHash <$> f op <*> eitherToMaybe (decode pub)
matchPKHash _ = Nothing
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ decodeSimpleInput strict (Script ops) =
f OP_0 = return TxSignatureEmpty
f (OP_PUSHDATA bs _)
| strict = eitherToMaybe $ decodeTxStrictSig bs
| strict = eitherToMaybe $ decodeTxStrictSig net bs
| otherwise = eitherToMaybe $ decodeTxLaxSig bs
f _ = Nothing
errMsg = "decodeInput: Could not decode script input"
@ -374,31 +375,33 @@ encodeInputBS = encode . encodeInput
-- | Decodes a 'ScriptInput' from a 'Script'. This function fails if the
-- script can not be parsed as a standard script input.
decodeInput :: Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInput = decodeInputGen False
decodeInput :: Network -> Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInput net = decodeInputGen net False
-- | Like 'decodeInput' but uses strict signature decoding
decodeInputStrict :: Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputStrict = decodeInputGen True
decodeInputStrict :: Network -> Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputStrict net = decodeInputGen net True
decodeInputGen :: Bool -> Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputGen strict s@(Script ops) = maybeToEither errMsg $
matchSimpleInput <|> matchPayScriptHash
decodeInputGen :: Network -> Bool -> Script -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputGen net strict s@(Script ops) =
maybeToEither errMsg $ matchSimpleInput <|> matchPayScriptHash
matchSimpleInput = RegularInput <$> eitherToMaybe (decodeSimpleInput strict s)
matchPayScriptHash = case splitAt (length (scriptOps s) - 1) ops of
(is, [OP_PUSHDATA bs _]) -> do
rdm <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeOutputBS bs
inp <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeSimpleInput strict $ Script is
return $ ScriptHashInput inp rdm
_ -> Nothing
matchSimpleInput =
RegularInput <$> eitherToMaybe (decodeSimpleInput net strict s)
matchPayScriptHash =
case splitAt (length (scriptOps s) - 1) ops of
(is, [OP_PUSHDATA bs _]) -> do
rdm <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeOutputBS bs
inp <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeSimpleInput net strict $ Script is
return $ ScriptHashInput inp rdm
_ -> Nothing
errMsg = "decodeInput: Could not decode script input"
-- | Like 'decodeInput' but decodes from a ByteString
decodeInputBS :: ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputBS = decodeInput <=< decode
decodeInputBS :: Network -> ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputBS net = decodeInput net <=< decode
-- | Like 'decodeInputStrict' but decodes from a ByteString
decodeInputStrictBS :: ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputStrictBS = decodeInputStrict <=< decode
decodeInputStrictBS :: Network -> ByteString -> Either String ScriptInput
decodeInputStrictBS net = decodeInputStrict net <=< decode

View File

@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ module Network.Haskoin.Test.Block where
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Merkle
import Network.Haskoin.Block.Types
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Network
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Transaction
import Test.QuickCheck
arbitraryBlock :: Gen Block
arbitraryBlock = do
arbitraryBlock :: Network -> Gen Block
arbitraryBlock net = do
h <- arbitraryBlockHeader
c <- choose (0,10)
txs <- vectorOf c arbitraryTx
txs <- vectorOf c (arbitraryTx net)
return $ Block h txs
arbitraryBlockHeader :: Gen BlockHeader

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Serialize (decode)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Address
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys
@ -66,18 +67,17 @@ arbitraryPubKeyU :: Gen (PrvKeyU, PubKeyU)
arbitraryPubKeyU = (\k -> (k, derivePubKey k)) <$> arbitraryPrvKeyU
-- | Arbitrary non-witness address (can be a pubkey or script hash address)
arbitraryAddress :: Gen Address
arbitraryAddress = oneof [ arbitraryPubKeyAddress
, arbitraryScriptAddress
arbitraryAddress :: Network -> Gen Address
arbitraryAddress net =
oneof [arbitraryPubKeyAddress net, arbitraryScriptAddress net]
-- | Arbitrary public key hash address
arbitraryPubKeyAddress :: Gen Address
arbitraryPubKeyAddress = PubKeyAddress <$> arbitraryHash160
arbitraryPubKeyAddress :: Network -> Gen Address
arbitraryPubKeyAddress net = PubKeyAddress <$> arbitraryHash160 <*> pure net
-- | Arbitrary script hash address
arbitraryScriptAddress :: Gen Address
arbitraryScriptAddress = ScriptAddress <$> arbitraryHash160
arbitraryScriptAddress :: Network -> Gen Address
arbitraryScriptAddress net = ScriptAddress <$> arbitraryHash160 <*> pure net
-- | Arbitrary message hash, private key, nonce and corresponding signature.
-- The signature is generated with a random message, random private key and a
@ -90,16 +90,15 @@ arbitrarySignature = do
return (msg, key, sig)
-- | Arbitrary extended private key.
arbitraryXPrvKey :: Gen XPrvKey
arbitraryXPrvKey = XPrvKey <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitraryHash256
<*> arbitraryPrvKeyC
arbitraryXPrvKey :: Network -> Gen XPrvKey
arbitraryXPrvKey net =
XPrvKey <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryHash256 <*>
arbitraryPrvKeyC <*>
pure net
-- | Arbitrary extended public key with its corresponding private key.
arbitraryXPubKey :: Gen (XPrvKey, XPubKey)
arbitraryXPubKey = (\k -> (k, deriveXPubKey k)) <$> arbitraryXPrvKey
arbitraryXPubKey :: Network -> Gen (XPrvKey, XPubKey)
arbitraryXPubKey net = (\k -> (k, deriveXPubKey k)) <$> arbitraryXPrvKey net
{- Custom derivations -}

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Test.Message where
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Network.Message
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Crypto
@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ arbitraryMessageHeader =
<*> arbitraryCheckSum32
-- | Arbitrary Message
arbitraryMessage :: Gen Message
arbitraryMessage =
arbitraryMessage :: Network -> Gen Message
arbitraryMessage net =
[ MVersion <$> arbitraryVersion
, return MVerAck
@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ arbitraryMessage =
, MNotFound <$> arbitraryNotFound
, MGetBlocks <$> arbitraryGetBlocks
, MGetHeaders <$> arbitraryGetHeaders
, MTx <$> arbitraryTx
, MBlock <$> arbitraryBlock
, MTx <$> arbitraryTx net
, MBlock <$> arbitraryBlock net
, MMerkleBlock <$> arbitraryMerkleBlock
, MHeaders <$> arbitraryHeaders
, return MGetAddr

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Test.Script where
import Data.Word
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Test.Crypto
@ -194,13 +195,13 @@ arbitraryMSParam = do
return (m, n)
-- | Arbitrary ScriptOutput (Can by any valid type)
arbitraryScriptOutput :: Gen ScriptOutput
arbitraryScriptOutput =
arbitraryScriptOutput :: Network -> Gen ScriptOutput
arbitraryScriptOutput net =
[ arbitraryPKOutput
, arbitraryPKHashOutput
, arbitraryMSOutput
, arbitrarySHOutput
, arbitrarySHOutput net
, arbitraryDCOutput
@ -237,8 +238,9 @@ arbitraryMSCOutput = do
return $ PayMulSig keys m
-- | Arbitrary ScriptOutput of type PayScriptHash
arbitrarySHOutput :: Gen ScriptOutput
arbitrarySHOutput = PayScriptHash . getAddrHash <$> arbitraryScriptAddress
arbitrarySHOutput :: Network -> Gen ScriptOutput
arbitrarySHOutput net =
PayScriptHash . getAddrHash <$> arbitraryScriptAddress net
-- | Arbitrary ScriptOutput of type DataCarrier
arbitraryDCOutput :: Gen ScriptOutput

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@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ arbitraryTxHash :: Gen TxHash
arbitraryTxHash = TxHash <$> arbitraryHash256
-- | Arbitrary amount of Satoshi as Word64 (Between 1 and 21e14)
arbitrarySatoshi :: Gen TestCoin
arbitrarySatoshi = TestCoin <$> choose (1, maxSatoshi)
arbitrarySatoshi :: Network -> Gen TestCoin
arbitrarySatoshi net = TestCoin <$> choose (1, getMaxSatoshi net)
-- | Arbitrary OutPoint
arbitraryOutPoint :: Gen OutPoint
arbitraryOutPoint = OutPoint <$> arbitraryTxHash <*> arbitrary
-- | Arbitrary TxOut
arbitraryTxOut :: Gen TxOut
arbitraryTxOut =
TxOut <$> (getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi)
<*> (encodeOutputBS <$> arbitraryScriptOutput)
arbitraryTxOut :: Network -> Gen TxOut
arbitraryTxOut net =
TxOut <$> (getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net)
<*> (encodeOutputBS <$> arbitraryScriptOutput net)
-- | Arbitrary TxIn
arbitraryTxIn :: Gen TxIn
@ -46,29 +46,29 @@ arbitraryTxIn =
<*> (encodeInputBS <$> arbitraryScriptInput)
<*> arbitrary
arbitraryTx :: Gen Tx
arbitraryTx = oneof [arbitraryLegacyTx, arbitraryWitnessTx]
arbitraryTx :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryTx net = oneof [arbitraryLegacyTx net, arbitraryWitnessTx net]
-- | Arbitrary Legacy Tx
arbitraryLegacyTx :: Gen Tx
arbitraryLegacyTx = do
arbitraryLegacyTx :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryLegacyTx net = do
v <- arbitrary
ni <- choose (0,5)
no <- choose (if ni == 0 then 2 else 0, 5) -- avoid witness case
inps <- vectorOf ni arbitraryTxIn
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryTxOut net)
let uniqueInps = nubBy (\a b -> prevOutput a == prevOutput b) inps
t <- arbitrary
return $ Tx v uniqueInps outs [] t
-- | Arbitrary Legacy Tx (Witness data is bogus)
arbitraryWitnessTx :: Gen Tx
arbitraryWitnessTx = do
arbitraryWitnessTx :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryWitnessTx net = do
v <- arbitrary
ni <- choose (0,5)
no <- choose (0,5)
inps <- vectorOf ni arbitraryTxIn
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryTxOut net)
let uniqueInps = nubBy (\a b -> prevOutput a == prevOutput b) inps
t <- arbitrary
w <- vectorOf (length uniqueInps) (listOf arbitraryBS)
@ -77,24 +77,24 @@ arbitraryWitnessTx = do
-- | Arbitrary Tx containing only inputs of type SpendPKHash, SpendScriptHash
-- (multisig) and outputs of type PayPKHash and PaySH. Only compressed
-- public keys are used.
arbitraryAddrOnlyTx :: Gen Tx
arbitraryAddrOnlyTx = do
arbitraryAddrOnlyTx :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryAddrOnlyTx net = do
v <- arbitrary
ni <- choose (0,5)
no <- choose (0,5)
inps <- vectorOf ni arbitraryAddrOnlyTxIn
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut net)
t <- arbitrary
return $ Tx v inps outs [] t
-- | Like 'arbitraryAddrOnlyTx' without empty signatures in the inputs
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull :: Gen Tx
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull = do
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull net = do
v <- arbitrary
ni <- choose (0,5)
no <- choose (0,5)
inps <- vectorOf ni arbitraryAddrOnlyTxInFull
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut net)
t <- arbitrary
return $ Tx v inps outs [] t
@ -116,50 +116,50 @@ arbitraryAddrOnlyTxInFull = do
return $ TxIn o (encodeInputBS inp) s
-- | Arbitrary TxOut that can only be of type PayPKHash or PaySH
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut :: Gen TxOut
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut = do
v <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi
out <- oneof [ arbitraryPKHashOutput, arbitrarySHOutput ]
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut :: Network -> Gen TxOut
arbitraryAddrOnlyTxOut net = do
v <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net
out <- oneof [ arbitraryPKHashOutput, arbitrarySHOutput net ]
return $ TxOut v $ encodeOutputBS out
-- | Arbitrary SigInput with the corresponding private keys used
-- to generate the ScriptOutput or RedeemScript
arbitrarySigInput :: Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitrarySigInput =
arbitrarySigInput :: Network -> Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitrarySigInput net =
[ arbitraryPKSigInput >>= \(si, k) -> return (si, [k])
, arbitraryPKHashSigInput >>= \(si, k) -> return (si, [k])
, arbitraryMSSigInput
, arbitrarySHSigInput
[ arbitraryPKSigInput net >>= \(si, k) -> return (si, [k])
, arbitraryPKHashSigInput net >>= \(si, k) -> return (si, [k])
, arbitraryMSSigInput net
, arbitrarySHSigInput net
-- | Arbitrary SigInput with a ScriptOutput of type PayPK
arbitraryPKSigInput :: Gen (SigInput, PrvKey)
arbitraryPKSigInput = do
arbitraryPKSigInput :: Network -> Gen (SigInput, PrvKey)
arbitraryPKSigInput net = do
k <- arbitraryPrvKey
let out = PayPK $ derivePubKey k
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net
op <- arbitraryOutPoint
sh <- arbitraryValidSigHash
return (SigInput out val op sh Nothing, k)
-- | Arbitrary SigInput with a ScriptOutput of type PayPKHash
arbitraryPKHashSigInput :: Gen (SigInput, PrvKey)
arbitraryPKHashSigInput = do
arbitraryPKHashSigInput :: Network -> Gen (SigInput, PrvKey)
arbitraryPKHashSigInput net = do
k <- arbitraryPrvKey
let out = PayPKHash $ getAddrHash $ pubKeyAddr $ derivePubKey k
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi
let out = PayPKHash $ getAddrHash $ pubKeyAddr net $ derivePubKey k
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net
op <- arbitraryOutPoint
sh <- arbitraryValidSigHash
return (SigInput out val op sh Nothing, k)
-- | Arbitrary SigInput with a ScriptOutput of type PayMulSig
arbitraryMSSigInput :: Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitraryMSSigInput = do
arbitraryMSSigInput :: Network -> Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitraryMSSigInput net = do
(m,n) <- arbitraryMSParam
ks <- vectorOf n arbitraryPrvKey
let out = PayMulSig (map derivePubKey ks) m
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net
op <- arbitraryOutPoint
sh <- arbitraryValidSigHash
perm <- choose (0,n-1)
@ -167,51 +167,51 @@ arbitraryMSSigInput = do
return (SigInput out val op sh Nothing, ksPerm)
-- | Arbitrary SigInput with ScriptOutput of type PaySH and a RedeemScript
arbitrarySHSigInput :: Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitrarySHSigInput = do
arbitrarySHSigInput :: Network -> Gen (SigInput, [PrvKey])
arbitrarySHSigInput net = do
(SigInput rdm val op sh _, ks) <- oneof
[ f <$> arbitraryPKSigInput
, f <$> arbitraryPKHashSigInput
, arbitraryMSSigInput
[ f <$> arbitraryPKSigInput net
, f <$> arbitraryPKHashSigInput net
, arbitraryMSSigInput net
let out = PayScriptHash $ getAddrHash $ p2shAddr rdm
let out = PayScriptHash $ getAddrHash $ p2shAddr net rdm
return (SigInput out val op sh $ Just rdm, ks)
f (si, k) = (si, [k])
-- | Arbitrary Tx (empty TxIn), SigInputs and PrvKeys that can be passed to
-- signTx or detSignTx to fully sign the Tx.
arbitrarySigningData :: Gen (Tx, [SigInput], [PrvKey])
arbitrarySigningData = do
arbitrarySigningData :: Network -> Gen (Tx, [SigInput], [PrvKey])
arbitrarySigningData net = do
v <- arbitrary
ni <- choose (1,5)
no <- choose (1,5)
sigis <- vectorOf ni arbitrarySigInput
sigis <- vectorOf ni (arbitrarySigInput net)
let uSigis = nubBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> sigInputOP a == sigInputOP b) sigis
inps <- forM uSigis $ \(s,_) -> do
sq <- arbitrary
return $ TxIn (sigInputOP s) BS.empty sq
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryTxOut net)
l <- arbitrary
perm <- choose (0, length inps - 1)
let tx = Tx v (permutations inps !! perm) outs [] l
keys = concatMap snd uSigis
return (tx, map fst uSigis, keys)
arbitraryEmptyTx :: Gen Tx
arbitraryEmptyTx = do
arbitraryEmptyTx :: Network -> Gen Tx
arbitraryEmptyTx net = do
v <- arbitrary
no <- choose (1,5)
ni <- choose (1,5)
outs <- vectorOf no arbitraryTxOut
outs <- vectorOf no (arbitraryTxOut net)
ops <- vectorOf ni arbitraryOutPoint
t <- arbitrary
s <- arbitrary
return $ Tx v (map (\op -> TxIn op BS.empty s) (nub ops)) outs [] t
arbitraryPartialTxs :: Gen ([Tx], [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint, Int, Int)])
arbitraryPartialTxs = do
tx <- arbitraryEmptyTx
arbitraryPartialTxs :: Network -> Gen ([Tx], [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint, Int, Int)])
arbitraryPartialTxs net = do
tx <- arbitraryEmptyTx net
res <-
forM (map prevOutput $ txIn tx) $ \op -> do
(so, val, rdmM, prvs, m, n) <- arbitraryData
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ arbitraryPartialTxs = do
sh <- arbitraryValidSigHash
let sigi = SigInput so val op sh rdmM
return . fromRight (error "Colud not decode transaction") $
signTx tx [sigi] [prv]
signTx net tx [sigi] [prv]
arbitraryData = do
(m, n) <- arbitraryMSParam
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi
val <- getTestCoin <$> arbitrarySatoshi net
nPrv <- choose (m, n)
keys <- vectorOf n arbitraryPubKey
perm <- choose (0, length keys - 1)
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ arbitraryPartialTxs = do
let so = PayMulSig pubKeys m
[ (so, val, Nothing, prvKeys, m, n)
, ( PayScriptHash $ getAddrHash $ p2shAddr so
, ( PayScriptHash $ getAddrHash $ p2shAddr net so
, val
, Just so
, prvKeys

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust,
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Network.Types
import Network.Haskoin.Script
@ -199,11 +200,11 @@ guessMSSize (m, n)
-- | Build a transaction by providing a list of outpoints as inputs
-- and a list of recipients addresses and amounts as outputs.
buildAddrTx :: [OutPoint] -> [(ByteString, Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildAddrTx xs ys =
buildAddrTx :: Network -> [OutPoint] -> [(ByteString, Word64)] -> Either String Tx
buildAddrTx net xs ys =
buildTx xs =<< mapM f ys
f (s, v) = case stringToAddr s of
f (s, v) = case stringToAddr net s of
Just a -> return (addressToOutput a, v)
_ -> Left $ "buildAddrTx: Invalid address " ++ cs s
@ -256,29 +257,30 @@ instance FromJSON SigInput where
-- | Sign a transaction by providing the 'SigInput' signing paramters and
-- a list of private keys. The signature is computed deterministically as
-- defined in RFC-6979.
signTx :: Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign
signTx :: Network
-> Tx -- ^ Transaction to sign
-> [SigInput] -- ^ SigInput signing parameters
-> [PrvKey] -- ^ List of private keys to use for signing
-> Either String Tx -- ^ Signed transaction
signTx otx sigis allKeys
signTx net otx sigis allKeys
| null ti = Left "signTx: Transaction has no inputs"
| otherwise = foldM go otx $ findSigInput sigis ti
ti = txIn otx
go tx (sigi@(SigInput so _ _ _ rdmM), i) = do
keys <- sigKeys so rdmM allKeys
foldM (\t k -> signInput t i sigi k) tx keys
keys <- sigKeys net so rdmM allKeys
foldM (\t k -> signInput net t i sigi k) tx keys
-- | Sign a single input in a transaction deterministically (RFC-6979).
signInput :: Tx -> Int -> SigInput -> PrvKey -> Either String Tx
signInput tx i (SigInput so val _ sh rdmM) key = do
signInput :: Network -> Tx -> Int -> SigInput -> PrvKey -> Either String Tx
signInput net tx i (SigInput so val _ sh rdmM) key = do
let sig = TxSignature (signMsg msg key) sh
si <- buildInput tx i so val rdmM sig $ derivePubKey key
si <- buildInput net tx i so val rdmM sig $ derivePubKey key
let ins = updateIndex i (txIn tx) (f si)
return $ Tx (txVersion tx) ins (txOut tx) [] (txLockTime tx)
f si x = x{ scriptInput = encodeInputBS si }
msg = txSigHash tx (encodeOutput $ fromMaybe so rdmM) val i sh
f si x = x {scriptInput = encodeInputBS si}
msg = txSigHash net tx (encodeOutput $ fromMaybe so rdmM) val i sh
-- Order the SigInput with respect to the transaction inputs. This allow the
-- users to provide the SigInput in any order. Users can also provide only a
@ -293,26 +295,30 @@ findSigInput si ti =
-- Find from the list of private keys which one is required to sign the
-- provided ScriptOutput.
sigKeys :: ScriptOutput -> Maybe RedeemScript -> [PrvKey]
-> Either String [PrvKey]
sigKeys so rdmM keys =
sigKeys ::
-> ScriptOutput
-> Maybe RedeemScript
-> [PrvKey]
-> Either String [PrvKey]
sigKeys net so rdmM keys =
case (so, rdmM) of
(PayPK p, Nothing) ->
return $ map fst $ maybeToList $ find ((== p) . snd) zipKeys
return . map fst . maybeToList $ find ((== p) . snd) zipKeys
(PayPKHash h, Nothing) ->
return $
map fst $
maybeToList $ find ((== h) . getAddrHash . pubKeyAddr . snd) zipKeys
return . map fst . maybeToList $
find ((== h) . getAddrHash . pubKeyAddr net . snd) zipKeys
(PayMulSig ps r, Nothing) ->
return $ map fst $ take r $ filter ((`elem` ps) . snd) zipKeys
(PayScriptHash _, Just rdm) -> sigKeys rdm Nothing keys
(PayScriptHash _, Just rdm) -> sigKeys net rdm Nothing keys
_ -> Left "sigKeys: Could not decode output script"
zipKeys = zip keys (map derivePubKey keys)
-- Construct an input, given a signature and a public key
buildInput ::
-> Tx
-> Int
-> ScriptOutput
-> Word64
@ -320,36 +326,38 @@ buildInput ::
-> TxSignature
-> PubKey
-> Either String ScriptInput
buildInput tx i so val rdmM sig pub = case (so, rdmM) of
(PayPK _, Nothing) ->
return $ RegularInput $ SpendPK sig
(PayPKHash _, Nothing) ->
return $ RegularInput $ SpendPKHash sig pub
(PayMulSig msPubs r, Nothing) -> do
let mSigs = take r $ catMaybes $ matchTemplate allSigs msPubs f
return $ RegularInput $ SpendMulSig mSigs
(PayScriptHash _, Just rdm) -> do
inp <- buildInput tx i rdm val Nothing sig pub
return $ ScriptHashInput (getRegularInput inp) rdm
_ -> Left "buildInput: Invalid output/redeem script combination"
buildInput net tx i so val rdmM sig pub =
case (so, rdmM) of
(PayPK _, Nothing) -> return $ RegularInput $ SpendPK sig
(PayPKHash _, Nothing) -> return $ RegularInput $ SpendPKHash sig pub
(PayMulSig msPubs r, Nothing) -> do
let mSigs = take r $ catMaybes $ matchTemplate allSigs msPubs f
return $ RegularInput $ SpendMulSig mSigs
(PayScriptHash _, Just rdm) -> do
inp <- buildInput net tx i rdm val Nothing sig pub
return $ ScriptHashInput (getRegularInput inp) rdm
_ -> Left "buildInput: Invalid output/redeem script combination"
scp = scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i
allSigs = nub $ sig : case decodeInputBS scp of
Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs) _) -> xs
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig xs)) -> xs
_ -> []
scp = scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i
allSigs =
nub $
sig :
case decodeInputBS net scp of
Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig xs) _) -> xs
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig xs)) -> xs
_ -> []
out = encodeOutput so
f (TxSignature x sh) p = verifySig (txSigHash tx out val i sh) x p
f (TxSignature x sh) p = verifySig (txSigHash net tx out val i sh) x p
f TxSignatureEmpty _ = False
{- Merge multisig transactions -}
mergeTxs :: [Tx] -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Either String Tx
mergeTxs txs os
mergeTxs :: Network -> [Tx] -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Either String Tx
mergeTxs net txs os
| null txs = error "Transaction list is empty"
| length (nub emptyTxs) /= 1 = Left "Transactions do not match"
| length txs == 1 = return $ head txs
| otherwise = foldM (mergeTxInput txs) (head emptyTxs) outs
| otherwise = foldM (mergeTxInput net txs) (head emptyTxs) outs
zipOp = zip (matchTemplate os (txIn $ head txs) f) [0..]
outs = map (first $ (\(o,v,_) -> (o,v)) . fromJust) $ filter (isJust . fst) zipOp
@ -359,8 +367,13 @@ mergeTxs txs os
clearInput tx (_, i) =
Tx (txVersion tx) (ins (txIn tx) i) (txOut tx) [] (txLockTime tx)
mergeTxInput :: [Tx] -> Tx -> ((ScriptOutput, Word64), Int) -> Either String Tx
mergeTxInput txs tx ((so, val), i) = do
mergeTxInput ::
-> [Tx]
-> Tx
-> ((ScriptOutput, Word64), Int)
-> Either String Tx
mergeTxInput net txs tx ((so, val), i) = do
-- Ignore transactions with empty inputs
let ins = map (scriptInput . (!! i) . txIn) txs
sigRes <- mapM extractSigs $ filter (not . BS.null) ins
@ -381,57 +394,62 @@ mergeTxInput txs tx ((so, val), i) = do
return $ ScriptHashInput (getRegularInput si) rdm
_ -> Left "Invalid output script type"
_ -> Left "Invalid output script type"
extractSigs si = case decodeInputBS si of
extractSigs si = case decodeInputBS net si of
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig sigs)) -> Right (sigs, Nothing)
Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig sigs) rdm) -> Right (sigs, Just rdm)
_ -> Left "Invalid script input type"
f out (TxSignature x sh) p =
verifySig (txSigHash tx (encodeOutput out) val i sh) x p
verifySig (txSigHash net tx (encodeOutput out) val i sh) x p
f _ TxSignatureEmpty _ = False
{- Tx verification -}
-- | Verify if a transaction is valid and all of its inputs are standard.
verifyStdTx :: Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTx = verifyStdTxGen False
verifyStdTx :: Network -> Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTx net = verifyStdTxGen net False
-- | Like 'verifyStdTx' but using strict signature decoding
verifyStdTxStrict :: Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTxStrict = verifyStdTxGen True
verifyStdTxStrict :: Network -> Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTxStrict net = verifyStdTxGen net True
verifyStdTxGen :: Bool -> Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTxGen strict tx xs =
not (null (txIn tx)) && all go (zip (matchTemplate xs (txIn tx) f) [0..])
verifyStdTxGen :: Network -> Bool -> Tx -> [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)] -> Bool
verifyStdTxGen net strict tx xs =
not (null (txIn tx)) && all go (zip (matchTemplate xs (txIn tx) f) [0 ..])
f (_,_,o) txin = o == prevOutput txin
go (Just (so,val,_), i) = verifyStdInput strict tx i so val
go _ = False
f (_, _, o) txin = o == prevOutput txin
go (Just (so, val, _), i) = verifyStdInput net strict tx i so val
go _ = False
-- | Verify if a transaction input is valid and standard.
verifyStdInput :: Bool -> Tx -> Int -> ScriptOutput -> Word64 -> Bool
verifyStdInput strict tx i = go (scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i)
verifyStdInput :: Network -> Bool -> Tx -> Int -> ScriptOutput -> Word64 -> Bool
verifyStdInput net strict tx i = go (scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i)
dec = if strict then decodeInputStrictBS else decodeInputBS
dec =
if strict
then decodeInputStrictBS net
else decodeInputBS net
go inp so val =
case dec inp of
Right (RegularInput (SpendPK (TxSignature sig sh))) ->
case so of
PayPK pub -> verifySig (txSigHash tx out val i sh) sig pub
PayPK pub ->
verifySig (txSigHash net tx out val i sh) sig pub
_ -> False
Right (RegularInput (SpendPKHash (TxSignature sig sh) pub)) ->
case so of
PayPKHash h ->
pubKeyAddr pub == PubKeyAddress h &&
verifySig (txSigHash tx out val i sh) sig pub
pubKeyAddr net pub == PubKeyAddress h net &&
verifySig (txSigHash net tx out val i sh) sig pub
_ -> False
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig sigs)) ->
case so of
PayMulSig pubs r -> countMulSig tx out val i pubs sigs == r
PayMulSig pubs r ->
countMulSig net tx out val i pubs sigs == r
_ -> False
Right (ScriptHashInput si rdm) ->
case so of
PayScriptHash h ->
p2shAddr rdm == ScriptAddress h &&
p2shAddr net rdm == ScriptAddress h net &&
go (encodeInputBS $ RegularInput si) rdm val
_ -> False
_ -> False
@ -439,12 +457,12 @@ verifyStdInput strict tx i = go (scriptInput $ txIn tx !! i)
out = encodeOutput so
-- Count the number of valid signatures
countMulSig :: Tx -> Script -> Word64 -> Int -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Int
countMulSig _ _ _ _ [] _ = 0
countMulSig _ _ _ _ _ [] = 0
countMulSig tx out val i (_:pubs) (TxSignatureEmpty:rest) =
countMulSig tx out val i pubs rest
countMulSig tx out val i (pub:pubs) sigs@(TxSignature sig sh:rest)
| verifySig (txSigHash tx out val i sh) sig pub =
1 + countMulSig tx out val i pubs rest
| otherwise = countMulSig tx out val i pubs sigs
countMulSig :: Network -> Tx -> Script -> Word64 -> Int -> [PubKey] -> [TxSignature] -> Int
countMulSig _ _ _ _ _ [] _ = 0
countMulSig _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = 0
countMulSig net tx out val i (_:pubs) (TxSignatureEmpty:rest) =
countMulSig net tx out val i pubs rest
countMulSig net tx out val i (pub:pubs) sigs@(TxSignature sig sh:rest)
| verifySig (txSigHash net tx out val i sh) sig pub =
1 + countMulSig net tx out val i pubs rest
| otherwise = countMulSig net tx out val i pubs sigs

View File

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ data OutPoint = OutPoint
-- | The position of the specific output in the transaction.
-- The first output position is 0.
, outPointIndex :: !Word32
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
instance NFData OutPoint where
rnf (OutPoint h i) = rnf h `seq` rnf i

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
resolver: lts-12.5
resolver: lts-12.7
enable: true
- autoconf
- automake

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Block.Spec
( spec
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Test.Hspec
myTime :: Timestamp
myTime = 1499083075
withChain :: Network -> State HeaderMemory a -> a
withChain net f = evalState f (initialChain net)
chain :: BlockHeaders m => Network -> BlockHeader -> Int -> m ()
chain net bh i = do
bnsE <- connectBlocks net myTime bhs
either error (const $ return ()) bnsE
bhs = appendBlocks net 6 bh i
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "blockchain headers" $ do
it "gets best block" $
let bb =
withChain net $ do
chain net (getGenesisHeader net) 100
in nodeHeight bb `shouldBe` 100
it "builds a block locator" $
let net = bchRegTest
loc =
withChain net $ do
chain net (getGenesisHeader net) 100
bb <- getBestBlockHeader
blockLocatorNodes net bb
heights = map nodeHeight loc
in heights `shouldBe` [100,99 .. 90] <> [88, 84, 76, 60, 28, 0]
it "follows split chains" $
let bb = withChain net $ splitChain net >> getBestBlockHeader
in nodeHeight bb `shouldBe` 4035
-- 0 → → 2015 → → → → → → → 4031
-- ↓
-- → → 2035 → → → → → → 4035*
-- ↓
-- → → 2185
splitChain :: Network -> State HeaderMemory ()
splitChain net = do
start <- go 1 (getGenesisHeader net) 2015
e 2015 (head start)
tail1 <- go 2 (nodeHeader $ head start) 2016
e 4031 (head tail1)
tail2 <- go 3 (nodeHeader $ head start) 20
e 2035 (head tail2)
tail3 <- go 4 (nodeHeader $ head tail2) 2000
e 4035 (head tail3)
tail4 <- go 5 (nodeHeader $ head tail2) 150
e 2185 (head tail4)
sp1 <- splitPoint net (head tail1) (head tail3)
unless (sp1 == head start) $
error $
"Split point wrong between blocks 4031 and 4035: " ++
show (nodeHeight sp1)
sp2 <- splitPoint net (head tail4) (head tail3)
unless (sp2 == head tail2) $
error $
"Split point wrong between blocks 2185 and 4035: " ++
show (nodeHeight sp2)
e n bn =
unless (nodeHeight bn == n) $
error $
"Node height " ++
show (nodeHeight bn) ++ " of first chunk should be " ++ show n
go seed start n = do
let bhs = appendBlocks net seed start n
bnE <- connectBlocks net myTime bhs
case bnE of
Right bn -> return bn
Left ex -> error ex

View File

@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Block hash tests"
[ testProperty "decode . encode block hash" $
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "block hash" $ do
it "encodes and decodes block hash" $
property $
forAll arbitraryBlockHash $ \h ->
hexToBlockHash (blockHashToHex h) == Just h
, testProperty "From string block hash" $
it "From string block hash" $
property $
forAll arbitraryBlockHash $ \h ->
fromString (cs $ blockHashToHex h) == h
, testGroup
"Merkle trees"
[ testProperty "Width of tree at maxmum height = 1" testTreeWidth
, testProperty "Width of tree at height 0 is # txns" testBaseWidth
, testProperty "extract . build partial merkle tree" $
describe "merkle trees" $ do
it "builds tree of right width at height 1" $ property testTreeWidth
it "builds tree of right width at height 0" $ property testBaseWidth
it "builds and extracts partial merkle tree" $
property $
(listOf1 ((,) <$> arbitraryTxHash <*> arbitrary))
(buildExtractTree net)
{- Merkle Trees -}
@ -40,11 +38,11 @@ testTreeWidth i = i /= 0 ==> calcTreeWidth (abs i) (calcTreeHeight $ abs i) == 1
testBaseWidth :: Int -> Property
testBaseWidth i = i /= 0 ==> calcTreeWidth (abs i) 0 == abs i
buildExtractTree :: [(TxHash, Bool)] -> Bool
buildExtractTree txs =
buildExtractTree :: Network -> [(TxHash, Bool)] -> Bool
buildExtractTree net txs =
r == buildMerkleRoot (map fst txs) && m == map fst (filter snd txs)
(f, h) = buildPartialMerkle txs
(r, m) =
fromRight (error "Could not extract matches from Merkle tree") $
extractMatches f h (length txs)
extractMatches net f h (length txs)

View File

@ -1,126 +1,119 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Block.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Block.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool,
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool,
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Merkle Roots"
(zipWith (curry mapMerkleVectors) merkleVectors [0 ..])
, testGroup
"Compact number representation"
[ testCase "Compact number representations" testCompact
, testCase
"Compact number representations from Bitcoin Core tests"
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "merkle roots" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapMerkleVectors) merkleVectors [0 ..]
describe "compact number representation" $ do
it "check local vectors" testCompact
it "check vectors from Bitcoin Core" testCompactBitcoinCore
testCompact :: Assertion
testCompact = do
assertEqual "Vector 1" 0x05123456 (encodeCompact 0x1234560000)
assertEqual "Vector 2" (0x1234560000, False) (decodeCompact 0x05123456)
assertEqual "Vector 3" 0x0600c0de (encodeCompact 0xc0de000000)
assertEqual "Vector 4" (0xc0de000000, False) (decodeCompact 0x0600c0de)
assertEqual "Vector 5" 0x05c0de00 (encodeCompact (-0x40de000000))
assertEqual "Vector 6" (-0x40de000000, False) (decodeCompact 0x05c0de00)
assertEqual "vector 1" 0x05123456 (encodeCompact 0x1234560000)
assertEqual "vector 2" (0x1234560000, False) (decodeCompact 0x05123456)
assertEqual "vector 3" 0x0600c0de (encodeCompact 0xc0de000000)
assertEqual "vector 4" (0xc0de000000, False) (decodeCompact 0x0600c0de)
assertEqual "vector 5" 0x05c0de00 (encodeCompact (-0x40de000000))
assertEqual "vector 6" (-0x40de000000, False) (decodeCompact 0x05c0de00)
testCompactBitcoinCore :: Assertion
testCompactBitcoinCore = do
assertEqual "Zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00000000)
assertEqual "zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00000000)
"Zero (encode · decode)"
"zero (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x00000000)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00123456)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x01003456)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x02000056)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x03000000)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x04000000)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00923456)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x01803456)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x02800056)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x03800000)
assertEqual "Rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x04800000)
assertEqual "Vector 1 (decode)" (0x12, False) (decodeCompact 0x01123456)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00123456)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x01003456)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x02000056)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x03000000)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x04000000)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x00923456)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x01803456)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x02800056)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x03800000)
assertEqual "rounds to zero" (0, False) (decodeCompact 0x04800000)
assertEqual "vector 1 (decode)" (0x12, False) (decodeCompact 0x01123456)
"Vector 1 (encode · decode)"
"vector 1 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x01123456)
assertEqual "0x80 bit set" 0x02008000 (encodeCompact 0x80)
"Vector 2 (negative) (decode)"
"vector 2 (negative) (decode)"
(-0x7e, False)
(decodeCompact 0x01fedcba)
"Vector 2 (negative) (encode · decode)"
"vector 2 (negative) (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x01fedcba)
assertEqual "Vector 3 (decode)" (0x1234, False) (decodeCompact 0x02123456)
assertEqual "vector 3 (decode)" (0x1234, False) (decodeCompact 0x02123456)
"Vector 3 (encode · decode)"
"vector 3 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x02123456)
assertEqual "Vector 4 (decode)" (0x123456, False) (decodeCompact 0x03123456)
assertEqual "vector 4 (decode)" (0x123456, False) (decodeCompact 0x03123456)
"Vector 4 (encode · decode)"
"vector 4 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x03123456)
"Vector 5 (decode)"
"vector 5 (decode)"
(0x12345600, False)
(decodeCompact 0x04123456)
"Vector 5 (encode · decode)"
"vector 5 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x04123456)
"Vector 6 (decode)"
"vector 6 (decode)"
(-0x12345600, False)
(decodeCompact 0x04923456)
"Vector 6 (encode · decode)"
"vector 6 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x04923456)
"Vector 7 (decode)"
"vector 7 (decode)"
(0x92340000, False)
(decodeCompact 0x05009234)
"Vector 7 (encode · decode)"
"vector 7 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x05009234)
"Vector 8 (decode)"
"vector 8 (decode)"
( 0x1234560000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
, False)
(decodeCompact 0x20123456)
"Vector 8 (encode · decode)"
"vector 8 (encode · decode)"
(encodeCompact . fst $ decodeCompact 0x20123456)
assertBool "Vector 9 (decode) (overflow)" (snd $ decodeCompact 0xff123456)
assertBool "vector 9 (decode) (overflow)" (snd $ decodeCompact 0xff123456)
"Vector 9 (decode) (positive)"
"vector 9 (decode) (positive)"
((> 0) . fst $ decodeCompact 0xff123456)
mapMerkleVectors :: ((ByteString, [ByteString]), Int) -> Test.Framework.Test
mapMerkleVectors :: ((ByteString, [ByteString]), Int) -> Spec
mapMerkleVectors (v, i) =
testCase name $ runMerkleVector v
it name $ runMerkleVector v
name = "MerkleRoot vector " ++ show i
name = "merkle root vector " ++ show i
runMerkleVector :: (ByteString, [ByteString]) -> Assertion
runMerkleVector (r, hs) =
assertBool " > Merkle Vector" $
assertBool "merkle vector" $
buildMerkleRoot (map f hs) == getTxHash (f r)
f = fromJust . hexToTxHash

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Serialize
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Network
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "serialization of keys and hashes" $ do
it "encodes and decodes bytestring" $
property $ forAll arbitraryBS testId
it "encodes and decodes hash160" $
property $ forAll arbitraryHash160 testId
it "encodes and decodes hash256" $
property $ forAll arbitraryHash256 testId
it "encodes and decodes hash512" $
property $ forAll arbitraryHash512 testId
it "encodes and decodes signature" $
property $ forAll arbitrarySignature $ testId . lst3
it "encodes and decodes public key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPubKey $ testId . snd
it "encodes and decodes extended private key" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryXPrvKey net) $
testPutGet (getXPrvKey net) putXPrvKey
describe "serialization of protocol types" $ do
it "encodes and decodes varint" $
property $ forAll arbitraryVarInt testId
it "encodes and decodes varstring" $
property $ forAll arbitraryVarString testId
it "encodes and decodes network address" $
property $ forAll arbitraryNetworkAddress testId
it "encodes and decodes invtype" $
property $ forAll arbitraryInvType testId
it "encodes and decodes invvector" $
property $ forAll arbitraryInvVector testId
it "encodes and decodes inv" $ property $ forAll arbitraryInv1 testId
it "encodes and decodes version" $
property $ forAll arbitraryVersion testId
it "encodes and decodes addr" $ property $ forAll arbitraryAddr1 testId
it "encodes and decodes alert" $ property $ forAll arbitraryAlert testId
it "encodes and decodes reject" $
property $forAll arbitraryReject testId
it "encodes and decodes getdata" $
property $ forAll arbitraryGetData testId
it "encodes and decodes notfound" $
property $ forAll arbitraryNotFound testId
it "encodes and decodes ping" $ property $ forAll arbitraryPing testId
it "encodes and decodes pong" $ property $ forAll arbitraryPong testId
it "encodes and decodes message command" $
property $ forAll arbitraryMessageCommand testId
it "encodes and decodes message header" $
property $ forAll arbitraryMessageHeader testId
it "encodes and decodes message" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryMessage net) $
testPutGet (getMessage net) (putMessage net)
describe "serialization of script types" $ do
it "encodes and decodes script op" $
property $ forAll arbitraryScriptOp testId
it "encodes and decodes script" $
property $ forAll arbitraryScript testId
describe "serialization of transaction types" $ do
it "encodes and decodes tx input" $
property $ forAll arbitraryTxIn testId
it "encodes and decodes tx output" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryTxOut net) testId
it "encodes and decodes outpoint" $
property $ forAll arbitraryOutPoint testId
it "encodes and decodes transaction" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryTx net) testId
it "encodes and decodes witness transaction" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryWitnessTx net) testId
it "encodes and decodes legacy transaction" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryLegacyTx net) testId
describe "serialization of block types" $ do
it "encodes and decodes block" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryBlock net) testId
it "encodes and decodes block header" $
property $ forAll arbitraryBlockHeader testId
it "encodes and decodes getblocks" $
property $ forAll arbitraryGetBlocks testId
it "encodes and decodes getheaders" $
property $ forAll arbitraryGetHeaders testId
it "encodes and decdoes headers" $
property $ forAll arbitraryHeaders testId
it "encodes and decodes merklel block" $
property $ forAll arbitraryMerkleBlock testId
describe "serialization of bloom types" $ do
it "encodes and decodes bloom flags" $
property $ forAll arbitraryBloomFlags testId
it "encodes and decodes bloom filter" $
property $ forAll arbitraryBloomFilter $ testId . lst3
it "encodes and decodes filterload" $
property $ forAll arbitraryFilterLoad testId
it "encodes and decodes filteradd" $
property $ forAll arbitraryFilterAdd testId
testId :: (Serialize a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
testId x = decode (encode x) == Right x
testPutGet :: Eq a => Get a -> Putter a -> a -> Bool
testPutGet g p a = runGet g (runPut (p a)) == Right a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests
( spec
) where
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net =
describe "base58 addresses" $ do
it "encodes and decodes base58 bytestring" $
property $
forAll arbitraryBS $ \bs ->
decodeBase58 (encodeBase58 bs) == Just bs
it "encodes and decodes base58 bytestring with checksum" $
property $
forAll arbitraryBS $ \bs ->
decodeBase58Check (encodeBase58Check bs) == Just bs
it "encodes and decodes address" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryAddress net) $ \a ->
(stringToAddr net =<< addrToString a) == Just a

View File

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (append, empty, pack)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (append, empty, pack)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Test base58 encodings" $
zipWith (curry mapBase58Vec) vectors [0..]
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "base58 encodings" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapBase58Vec) vectors [0 ..]
mapBase58Vec :: ((ByteString, ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Test.Framework.Test
mapBase58Vec :: ((ByteString, ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Spec
mapBase58Vec (v, i) =
testCase (unwords [ "Test base58 vector", show i ]) $ runVector v
it (unwords ["test base58 vector", show i]) $ runVector v
runVector :: (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString) -> Assertion
runVector (bs, e, chk) = do

View File

@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (index, length)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (index, length)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"ECDSA signatures"
[ testProperty "Verify signature" $
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "ecdsa signatures" $ do
it "verify signature" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySignature $ \(msg, key, sig) ->
verifySig msg sig (derivePubKey key)
, testProperty "S component <= order/2" $
forAll arbitrarySignature $ isCanonicalHalfOrder . lst3
, testGroup
"ECDSA Binary"
[ testProperty "Encoded signature is canonical" $
forAll arbitrarySignature $ testIsCanonical . lst3
, testProperty "decodeStrict . encode sig == id" $
it "s component ≤ order ÷ 2" $
property $ forAll arbitrarySignature $ isCanonicalHalfOrder . lst3
describe "ecdsa binary" $ do
it "encoded signature is canonical" $
property $ forAll arbitrarySignature $ testIsCanonical . lst3
it "decodeStrict . encode sig == id" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySignature $
(\s -> decodeStrictSig (encode s) == Just s) . lst3
, testProperty "decode . encode sig == id" $
it "decode . encode sig == id" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySignature $
(\s -> decodeLaxSig (encode s) == Just s) . lst3
{- ECDSA Canonical -}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "extended keys" $ do
it "computes pubkey of a subkey is subkey of the pubkey" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryXPrvKey net) pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey
it "exports and imports extended private key" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryXPrvKey net) $ \k ->
xPrvImport net (xPrvExport k) == Just k
it "exports and imports extended public key" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryXPubKey net) $ \(_, k) ->
xPubImport net (xPubExport k) == Just k
it "show and read derivation path" $
property $ forAll arbitraryDerivPath $ \p -> read (show p) == p
it "show and read hard derivation path" $
property $ forAll arbitraryHardPath $ \p -> read (show p) == p
it "show and read soft derivation path" $
property $ forAll arbitrarySoftPath $ \p -> read (show p) == p
it "from string derivation path" $
property $
forAll arbitraryDerivPath $ \p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
it "from string hard derivation path" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHardPath $ \p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
it "from string soft derivation path" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySoftPath $ \p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
it "from and to lists of derivation paths" $
property $
forAll arbitraryDerivPath $ \p -> listToPath (pathToList p) == p
it "from and to lists of hard derivation paths" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHardPath $ \p ->
toHard (listToPath $ pathToList p) == Just p
it "from and to lists of soft derivation paths" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySoftPath $ \p ->
toSoft (listToPath $ pathToList p) == Just p
it "read and show parsed path" $
property $ forAll arbitraryParsedPath $ \p -> read (show p) == p
pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey :: XPrvKey -> Word32 -> Bool
pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey k i =
deriveXPubKey (prvSubKey k i') == pubSubKey (deriveXPubKey k) i'
i' = fromIntegral $ i .&. 0x7fffffff -- make it a public derivation

View File

@ -1,67 +1,63 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Units (spec) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson (decode, encode)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson (decode, encode)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Serialize (encode, runPut)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool,
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool, assertEqual)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "BIP32 derivation vector 1"
[ testCase "Chain m" $ runXKeyVec (head xKeyVec)
, testCase "Chain m/0'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 1)
, testCase "Chain m/0'/1" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 2)
, testCase "Chain m/0'/1/2'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 3)
, testCase "Chain m/0'/1/2'/2" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 4)
, testCase "Chain m/0'/1/2'/2/1000000000" $
runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 5)
, testGroup "BIP32 subkey derivation vector 2"
[ testCase "Chain m" $ runXKeyVec (head xKeyVec2)
, testCase "Chain m/0" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 1)
, testCase "Chain m/0/2147483647'" $
runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 2)
, testCase "Chain m/0/2147483647'/1" $
runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 3)
, testCase "Chain m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'" $
runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 4)
, testCase "Chain m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2" $
runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 5)
, testGroup "BIP32 subkey derivation using string path"
[ testGroup "Either Derivations" testApplyPath
, testGroup "Either Derivations" testBadApplyPath
, testGroup "Public Derivations" testDerivePubPath
, testGroup "Private Derivations" testDerivePrvPath
, testGroup "Path Parsing" testParsePath
, testGroup "FromJSON" testFromJsonPath
, testGroup "ToJSON" testToJsonPath
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "BIP32 derivation vector 1" $ do
it "chain m" $ runXKeyVec (head xKeyVec)
it "chain m/0'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 1)
it "chain m/0'/1" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 2)
it "chain m/0'/1/2'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 3)
it "chain m/0'/1/2'/2" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 4)
it "chain m/0'/1/2'/2/1000000000" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec !! 5)
describe "BIP32 subkey derivation vector 2" $ do
it "chain m" $ runXKeyVec (head xKeyVec2)
it "chain m/0" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 1)
it "chain m/0/2147483647'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 2)
it "chain m/0/2147483647'/1" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 3)
it "chain m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 4)
it "Chain m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2" $ runXKeyVec (xKeyVec2 !! 5)
describe "BIP32 subkey derivation using string path" $ do
it "either derivations" testApplyPath
it "either derivations" testBadApplyPath
it "dublic derivations" testDerivePubPath
it "private derivations" testDerivePrvPath
it "path parsing" testParsePath
it "from json" testFromJsonPath
it "to json" testToJsonPath
testFromJsonPath :: [Test]
testFromJsonPath = do
path <- jsonPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertEqual path (Just [fromString path :: DerivPath])
(Aeson.decode $ B8.pack $ "[\"" ++ path ++ "\"]")
testFromJsonPath :: Assertion
testFromJsonPath =
sequence_ $ do
path <- jsonPathVectors
return $
(Just [fromString path :: DerivPath])
(Aeson.decode $ B8.pack $ "[\"" ++ path ++ "\"]")
testToJsonPath :: [Test]
testToJsonPath = do
path <- jsonPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertEqual path (B8.pack $ "[\"" ++ path ++ "\"]")
(Aeson.encode [fromString path :: ParsedPath])
testToJsonPath :: Assertion
testToJsonPath =
sequence_ $ do
path <- jsonPathVectors
return $
(B8.pack $ "[\"" ++ path ++ "\"]")
(Aeson.encode [fromString path :: ParsedPath])
jsonPathVectors :: [String]
jsonPathVectors =
@ -77,11 +73,11 @@ jsonPathVectors =
, "M/1'/2'/3/4"
testParsePath :: [Test]
testParsePath = do
(path, t) <- parsePathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertBool path (t $ parsePath path)
testParsePath :: Assertion
testParsePath =
sequence_ $ do
(path, t) <- parsePathVectors
return $ assertBool path (t $ parsePath path)
parsePathVectors :: [(String, Maybe ParsedPath -> Bool)]
parsePathVectors =
@ -105,32 +101,34 @@ parsePathVectors =
, ("NaN", isNothing)
testApplyPath :: [Test]
testApplyPath = do
(key, path, final) <- applyPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertEqual path final $
applyPath (fromJust $ parsePath path) key
testApplyPath :: Assertion
testApplyPath =
sequence_ $ do
(key, path, final) <- applyPathVectors
return $
assertEqual path final $ applyPath (fromJust $ parsePath path) key
testBadApplyPath :: [Test]
testBadApplyPath = do
(key, path) <- badApplyPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertBool path $ isLeft $
applyPath (fromJust $ parsePath path) key
testBadApplyPath :: Assertion
testBadApplyPath =
sequence_ $ do
(key, path) <- badApplyPathVectors
return $
assertBool path $ isLeft $ applyPath (fromJust $ parsePath path) key
testDerivePubPath :: [Test]
testDerivePubPath = do
(key, path, final) <- derivePubPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertEqual path final $
testDerivePubPath :: Assertion
testDerivePubPath =
sequence_ $ do
(key, path, final) <- derivePubPathVectors
return $
assertEqual path final $
derivePubPath (fromString path :: SoftPath) key
testDerivePrvPath :: [Test]
testDerivePrvPath = do
(key, path, final) <- derivePrvPathVectors
return $ testCase ("Path " ++ path) $
assertEqual path final $
testDerivePrvPath :: Assertion
testDerivePrvPath =
sequence_ $ do
(key, path, final) <- derivePrvPathVectors
return $
assertEqual path final $
derivePath (fromString path :: DerivPath) key
derivePubPathVectors :: [(XPubKey, String, XPubKey)]
@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ derivePubPathVectors =
, ( xpub, "M/8/30/1", foldl pubSubKey xpub [8,30,1] )
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport btc
xpub = deriveXPubKey xprv
@ -165,48 +163,56 @@ derivePrvPathVectors =
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport btc
applyPathVectors :: [(XKey, String, Either String XKey)]
applyPathVectors =
[ ( XPrv xprv, "m", Right $ XPrv xprv )
, ( XPrv xprv, "M", Right $ XPub xpub )
, ( XPrv xprv, "m/8'", Right $ XPrv $ hardSubKey xprv 8 )
, ( XPrv xprv, "M/8'", Right $ XPub $ deriveXPubKey $ hardSubKey xprv 8 )
, ( XPrv xprv, "m/8'/30/1"
, Right $ XPrv $ foldl prvSubKey (hardSubKey xprv 8) [30,1]
, ( XPrv xprv, "M/8'/30/1"
, Right $ XPub $
deriveXPubKey $ foldl prvSubKey (hardSubKey xprv 8) [30,1]
, ( XPrv xprv, "m/3/20"
, Right $ XPrv $ foldl prvSubKey xprv [3,20]
, ( XPrv xprv, "M/3/20"
, Right $ XPub $ deriveXPubKey $ foldl prvSubKey xprv [3,20]
, ( XPub xpub, "M/3/20"
, Right $ XPub $ deriveXPubKey $ foldl prvSubKey xprv [3,20]
[ (XPrv xprv btc, "m", Right (XPrv xprv btc))
, (XPrv xprv btc, "M", Right (XPub xpub btc))
, (XPrv xprv btc, "m/8'", Right (XPrv (hardSubKey xprv 8) btc))
, ( XPrv xprv btc
, "M/8'"
, Right (XPub (deriveXPubKey (hardSubKey xprv 8)) btc))
, ( XPrv xprv btc
, "m/8'/30/1"
, Right (XPrv (foldl prvSubKey (hardSubKey xprv 8) [30, 1]) btc))
, ( XPrv xprv btc
, "M/8'/30/1"
, Right
(deriveXPubKey (foldl prvSubKey (hardSubKey xprv 8) [30, 1]))
, (XPrv xprv btc, "m/3/20", Right (XPrv (foldl prvSubKey xprv [3, 20]) btc))
, ( XPrv xprv btc
, "M/3/20"
, Right (XPub (deriveXPubKey (foldl prvSubKey xprv [3, 20])) btc))
, ( XPub xpub btc
, "M/3/20"
, Right (XPub (deriveXPubKey (foldl prvSubKey xprv [3, 20])) btc))
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport
xprv =
fromJust $
xpub = deriveXPubKey xprv
badApplyPathVectors :: [(XKey, String)]
badApplyPathVectors = [
( XPub xpub, "m/8'" )
, ( XPub xpub, "M/8'" )
, ( XPub xpub, "M/1/2/3'/4/5" )
badApplyPathVectors =
[ (XPub xpub btc, "m/8'")
, (XPub xpub btc, "M/8'")
, (XPub xpub btc, "M/1/2/3'/4/5")
xprv = fromJust $ xPrvImport
xprv =
fromJust $
xpub = deriveXPubKey xprv
@ -217,16 +223,14 @@ runXKeyVec (v, m) = do
assertBool "xPrvFP" $ encodeHex (encode $ xPrvFP m) == v !! 1
assertBool "xPrvAddr" $
addrToString (xPubAddr $ deriveXPubKey m) == Just (v !! 2)
assertBool "prvKey" $
encodeHex (encodePrvKey $ xPrvKey m) == v !! 3
assertBool "prvKey" $ encodeHex (encodePrvKey $ xPrvKey m) == v !! 3
assertBool "xPrvWIF" $ xPrvWif m == v !! 4
assertBool "pubKey" $
encodeHex (encode $ xPubKey $ deriveXPubKey m) == v !! 5
assertBool "chain code" $
encodeHex (encode $ xPrvChain m) == v !! 6
assertBool "chain code" $ encodeHex (encode $ xPrvChain m) == v !! 6
assertBool "Hex PubKey" $
encodeHex (encode $ deriveXPubKey m) == v !! 7
assertBool "Hex PrvKey" $ encodeHex (encode m) == v !! 8
encodeHex (runPut $ putXPubKey $ deriveXPubKey m) == v !! 7
assertBool "Hex PrvKey" $ encodeHex (runPut (putXPrvKey m)) == v !! 8
assertBool "Base58 PubKey" $ xPubExport (deriveXPubKey m) == v !! 9
assertBool "Base58 PrvKey" $ xPrvExport m == v !! 10
@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ runXKeyVec (v, m) = do
xKeyVec :: [([ByteString], XPrvKey)]
xKeyVec = zip xKeyResVec $ foldl f [m] der
where f acc d = acc ++ [d $ last acc]
m = makeXPrvKey $ fromJust $ decodeHex m0
m = makeXPrvKey btc $ fromJust $ decodeHex m0
der = [ flip hardSubKey 0
, flip prvSubKey 1
, flip hardSubKey 2
@ -247,7 +251,7 @@ xKeyVec = zip xKeyResVec $ foldl f [m] der
xKeyVec2 :: [([ByteString], XPrvKey)]
xKeyVec2 = zip xKeyResVec2 $ foldl f [m] der
where f acc d = acc ++ [d $ last acc]
m = makeXPrvKey $ fromJust $ decodeHex m1
m = makeXPrvKey btc $ fromJust $ decodeHex m1
der = [ flip prvSubKey 0
, flip hardSubKey 2147483647
, flip prvSubKey 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util (encodeHex)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "hash" $ do
it "join512( split512(h) ) == h" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHash256 $ forAll arbitraryHash256 . joinSplit512
it "decodeCompact . encodeCompact i == i" $ property decEncCompact
it "from string 64-byte hash" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHash512 $ \h ->
fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
it "from string 32-byte hash" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHash256 $ \h ->
fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
it "from string 20-byte hash" $
property $
forAll arbitraryHash160 $ \h ->
fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
joinSplit512 :: Hash256 -> Hash256 -> Bool
joinSplit512 a b = split512 (join512 (a, b)) == (a, b)
-- After encoding and decoding, we may loose precision so the new result is >=
-- to the old one.
decEncCompact :: Integer -> Bool
decEncCompact i
-- Integer completely fits inside the mantisse
| abs i <= 0x007fffff = decodeCompact (encodeCompact i) == (i, False)
-- Otherwise precision will be lost and the decoded result will
-- be smaller than the original number
| i >= 0 = fst (decodeCompact (encodeCompact i)) < i
| otherwise = fst (decodeCompact (encodeCompact i)) > i

View File

@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
-- Test vectors from NIST
-- About 1/3 of HMAC DRBG SHA-256 test vectors are tested here
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 1" [mapDRBG t1]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 2" [mapDRBG t2]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 3" [mapDRBG t3]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 4" [mapDRBG t4]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 5 (Reseed)" [mapDRBGRsd r1]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 6 (Reseed)" [mapDRBGRsd r2]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 7 (Reseed)" [mapDRBGRsd r3]
, testGroup "HMAC DRBG Suite 8 (Reseed)" [mapDRBGRsd r4]
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "HMAC DRBG" $ do
it "HMAC DRBG suite 1" $ sequence_ [mapDRBG t1]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 2" $ sequence_ [mapDRBG t2]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 3" $ sequence_ [mapDRBG t3]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 4" $ sequence_ [mapDRBG t4]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 5 (Reseed)" $ sequence_ [mapDRBGRsd r1]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 6 (Reseed)" $ sequence_ [mapDRBGRsd r2]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 7 (Reseed)" $ sequence_ [mapDRBGRsd r3]
it "HMAC DRBG suite 8 (Reseed)" $ sequence_ [mapDRBGRsd r4]
type TestVector = [ByteString]
mapDRBG :: [TestVector] -> Test.Framework.Test
mapDRBG vs = testCase "HMAC DRBG Vectors" $ mapM_ testDRBG $ zip vs [0..]
mapDRBG :: [TestVector] -> Assertion
mapDRBG vs = mapM_ testDRBG $ zip vs [0..]
mapDRBGRsd :: [TestVector] -> Test.Framework.Test
mapDRBGRsd vs = testCase "HMAC DRBG Vectors" $ mapM_ testDRBGRsd $ zip vs [0..]
mapDRBGRsd :: [TestVector] -> Assertion
mapDRBGRsd vs = mapM_ testDRBGRsd $ zip vs [0..]
testDRBG :: (TestVector, Int) -> Assertion
testDRBG (s,i) = do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests (spec) where
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Serialize (encode, runGet, runPut)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "pubkey binary" $ do
it "is public key canonical" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPubKey (isCanonicalPubKey . snd)
it "makeKey . toKey" $ property makeToKey
it "makeKeyU . toKey" $ property makeToKeyU
describe "key formats" $ do
it "fromWif . toWif PrvKey" $
property $
forAll arbitraryPrvKey $ \pk ->
fromWif net (toWif net pk) == Just pk
it "constant 32-byte encoding PrvKey" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPrvKey binaryPrvKey
describe "key compression" $ do
it "compressed public key" $ property testCompressed
it "uncompressed public key" $ property testUnCompressed
it "compressed private key" $ property testPrivateCompressed
it "uncompressed private key" $ property testPrivateUnCompressed
describe "keys from and to strings" $ do
it "read and show public key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPubKey $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
it "read and show compressed public key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPubKeyC $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
it "read and show uncompressed public key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPubKeyU $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
it "read and show private key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPrvKey $ \k -> read (show k) == k
it "read and show compressed private key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPrvKeyC $ \k -> read (show k) == k
it "read and show uncompressed private key" $
property $ forAll arbitraryPrvKeyU $ \k -> read (show k) == k
it "from string public key" $
property $
forAll arbitraryPubKey $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
it "from string compressed public key" $
property $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyC $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
it "from string uncompressed public key" $
property $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyU $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
-- from function IsCanonicalPubKey
isCanonicalPubKey :: PubKey -> Bool
isCanonicalPubKey p = not $
-- Non-canonical public key: too short
(BS.length bs < 33) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: invalid length for uncompressed key
(BS.index bs 0 == 4 && BS.length bs /= 65) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: invalid length for compressed key
(BS.index bs 0 `elem` [2,3] && BS.length bs /= 33) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: compressed nor uncompressed
(BS.index bs 0 `notElem` [2,3,4])
bs = encode p
makeToKey :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
makeToKey i = prvKeySecKey (makePrvKey i) == i
makeToKeyU :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
makeToKeyU i = prvKeySecKey (makePrvKeyU i) == i
{- Key formats -}
binaryPrvKey :: PrvKey -> Bool
binaryPrvKey k =
(Right k == runGet (prvKeyGetMonad f) (runPut $ prvKeyPutMonad k)) &&
(Just k == decodePrvKey f (encodePrvKey k))
f = makePrvKeyG (prvKeyCompressed k)
{- Key Compression -}
testCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testCompressed n =
pubKeyCompressed (derivePubKey $ makePrvKey n) &&
pubKeyCompressed (derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyG True n)
testUnCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testUnCompressed n =
not (pubKeyCompressed $ derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyG False n) &&
not (pubKeyCompressed $ derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyU n)
testPrivateCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testPrivateCompressed n =
prvKeyCompressed (makePrvKey n) &&
prvKeyCompressed (makePrvKeyC n)
testPrivateUnCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testPrivateUnCompressed n =
not (prvKeyCompressed $ makePrvKeyG False n) &&
not (prvKeyCompressed $ makePrvKeyU n)

View File

@ -1,47 +1,37 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Tests (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Tests (spec) where
import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Property,
arbitrary, choose, (==>))
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Encode mnemonic"
[ testProperty "128-bit entropy -> 12 words" toMnemonic128
, testProperty "160-bit entropy -> 18 words" toMnemonic160
, testProperty "256-bit entropy -> 24 words" toMnemonic256
, testProperty "512-bit entropy -> 48 words" toMnemonic512
, testProperty "n-bit entropy -> m words" toMnemonicVar
, testGroup "Encode/Decode Mnemonic"
[ testProperty "128-bit entropy" fromToMnemonic128
, testProperty "160-bit entropy" fromToMnemonic160
, testProperty "256-bit entropy" fromToMnemonic256
, testProperty "512-bit entropy" fromToMnemonic512
, testProperty "n-bit entropy" fromToMnemonicVar
, testGroup "Mnemonic to seed"
[ testProperty "128-bit entropy" mnemonicToSeed128
, testProperty "160-bit entropy" mnemonicToSeed160
, testProperty "256-bit entropy" mnemonicToSeed256
, testProperty "512-bit entropy" mnemonicToSeed512
, testProperty "n-bit entropy" mnemonicToSeedVar
, testGroup "Get bits from ByteString"
[ testProperty "Byte count" getBitsByteCount
, testProperty "End bits" getBitsEndBits
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "mnemonic" $ do
it "generate 12 words" $ property toMnemonic128
it "generate 18 words" $ property toMnemonic160
it "generate 24 words" $ property toMnemonic256
it "generate 48 words" $ property toMnemonic512
it "generate any number of words" $ property toMnemonicVar
it "encode and decode 128-bit entropy" $ property fromToMnemonic128
it "encode and decode 160-bit entropy" $ property fromToMnemonic160
it "encode and decode 256-bit entropy" $ property fromToMnemonic256
it "encode and decode 512-bit entropy" $ property fromToMnemonic512
it "encode and decode n-bit entropy" $ property fromToMnemonicVar
it "convert 128-bit mnemonic to seed" $ property mnemonicToSeed128
it "convert 160-bit mnemonic to seed" $ property mnemonicToSeed160
it "convert 256-bit mnemonic to seed" $ property mnemonicToSeed256
it "convert 512-bit mnemonic to seed" $ property mnemonicToSeed512
it "convert n-bit mnemonic to seed" $ property mnemonicToSeedVar
it "get bits" $ property getBitsByteCount
it "get end bits" $ property getBitsEndBits
binWordsToBS :: Serialize a => [a] -> BS.ByteString
binWordsToBS = foldr f BS.empty

View File

@ -1,72 +1,64 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (assertBool, assertEqual)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Entropy to mnemonic sentence" toMnemonicTest
, testGroup "Mnemonic sentence to entropy" fromMnemonicTest
, testGroup "Mnemonic sentence to seed" mnemonicToSeedTest
, testGroup "Mnemonic sentence with invalid checksum" fromMnemonicInvalidTest
, testGroup "Empty mnemonic sentence is invalid" [emptyMnemonicTest]
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "mnemonic units" $ do
it "entropy to mnemonic sentence" toMnemonicTest
it "mnemonic sentence to entropy" fromMnemonicTest
it "mnemonic sentence to seed" mnemonicToSeedTest
it "mnemonic sentence with invalid checksum" fromMnemonicInvalidTest
it "empty mnemonic sentence is invalid" $ sequence_ [emptyMnemonicTest]
toMnemonicTest :: [Test]
toMnemonicTest = zipWith f ents mss
toMnemonicTest :: Assertion
toMnemonicTest = sequence_ $ zipWith f ents mss
f e m = g (cs e) . assertEqual "" m . h $ e
g = testCase
f e m = assertEqual "" m . h $ e
h =
fromRight (error "Could not decode mnemonic sentence") .
toMnemonic . fromJust . decodeHex
fromMnemonicTest :: [Test]
fromMnemonicTest = zipWith f ents mss
fromMnemonicTest :: Assertion
fromMnemonicTest = sequence_ $ zipWith f ents mss
f e = g (cs e) . assertEqual "" e . h
g = testCase
f e = assertEqual "" e . h
h =
encodeHex .
fromRight (error "Could not decode mnemonic sentence") . fromMnemonic
mnemonicToSeedTest :: [Test]
mnemonicToSeedTest = zipWith f mss seeds
mnemonicToSeedTest :: Assertion
mnemonicToSeedTest = sequence_ $ zipWith f mss seeds
f m s = g s . assertEqual "" s . h $ m
g = testCase . (++ "...") . cs . BS.take 50
f m s = assertEqual "" s . h $ m
h =
encodeHex .
fromRight (error "Could not decode mnemonic seed") .
mnemonicToSeed "TREZOR"
fromMnemonicInvalidTest :: [Test]
fromMnemonicInvalidTest = map f invalidMss
fromMnemonicInvalidTest :: Assertion
fromMnemonicInvalidTest = sequence_ $ map f invalidMss
f m = g m . assertBool "" . h $ m
g m = let ms = length (C.words m)
msg = concat [ "[MS: ", show ms, "]"
, cs (BS.take 50 m), "..." ]
in testCase msg
f m = assertBool "" . h $ m
h m = case fromMnemonic m of
Right _ -> False
Left err -> "fromMnemonic: checksum failed:" `isPrefixOf` err
emptyMnemonicTest :: Test
emptyMnemonicTest = testCase "mnemonic sentence can not be empty" $
assertBool "" $ case fromMnemonic "" of
Right _ -> False
emptyMnemonicTest :: Assertion
emptyMnemonicTest =
assertBool "" $
case fromMnemonic "" of
Right _ -> False
Left err -> "fromMnemonic: empty mnemonic" `isPrefixOf` err
ents :: [ByteString]

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@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Units (spec) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC (SecKey, exportCompactSig)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (pack)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC (SecKey, exportCompactSig)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (pack)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
-- Unit tests copied from bitcoind implementation
@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ sigMsg =
sec1 :: PrvKey
sec1 = fromJust $ fromWif strSecret1
sec1 = fromJust $ fromWif btc strSecret1
sec2 :: PrvKey
sec2 = fromJust $ fromWif strSecret2
sec2 = fromJust $ fromWif btc strSecret2
sec1C :: PrvKey
sec1C = fromJust $ fromWif strSecret1C
sec1C = fromJust $ fromWif btc strSecret1C
sec2C :: PrvKey
sec2C = fromJust $ fromWif strSecret2C
sec2C = fromJust $ fromWif btc strSecret2C
pub1 :: PubKey
pub1 = derivePubKey sec1
@ -74,35 +74,34 @@ pub1C = derivePubKey sec1C
pub2C :: PubKey
pub2C = derivePubKey sec2C
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "ECDSA PRNG unit tests"
[ testCase "genPrvKey produces unique keys" uniqueKeys
, testGroup "bitcoind /src/test/key_tests.cpp" $
[ testCase "Decode Valid WIF" checkPrivkey
, testCase "Decode Invalid WIF" checkInvalidKey
, testCase "Decode MiniKey format" checkMiniKey
, testCase "Check private key compression" checkPrvKeyCompressed
, testCase "Check public key compression" checkKeyCompressed
, testCase "Check matching address" checkMatchingAddress
] ++
map (\x -> testCase ("Check sig: " ++ show x) $ checkSignatures (doubleSHA256 x)) sigMsg
, testGroup "Trezor RFC 6979 Test Vectors"
[ testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 1" (testSigning $ head detVec)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 2" (testSigning $ detVec !! 1)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 3" (testSigning $ detVec !! 2)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 4" (testSigning $ detVec !! 3)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 5" (testSigning $ detVec !! 4)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 6" (testSigning $ detVec !! 5)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 7" (testSigning $ detVec !! 6)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 8" (testSigning $ detVec !! 7)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 9" (testSigning $ detVec !! 8)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 10" (testSigning $ detVec !! 9)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 11" (testSigning $ detVec !! 10)
, testCase "RFC 6979 Test Vector 12" (testSigning $ detVec !! 11)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "ECDSA PRNG unit tests" $
it "genPrvKey produces unique keys" uniqueKeys
describe "bitcoind /src/test/key_tests.cpp" $ do
it "decode valid WIF" checkPrivkey
it "decode invalid WIF" checkInvalidKey
it "decode minikey format" checkMiniKey
it "check private key compression" checkPrvKeyCompressed
it "check public key compression" checkKeyCompressed
it "check matching address" checkMatchingAddress
(\x ->
it ("check sig: " ++ show x) $ checkSignatures (doubleSHA256 x))
describe "trezor RFC 6979 test vectors" $ do
it "RFC 6979 test vector 1" (testSigning $ head detVec)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 2" (testSigning $ detVec !! 1)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 3" (testSigning $ detVec !! 2)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 4" (testSigning $ detVec !! 3)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 5" (testSigning $ detVec !! 4)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 6" (testSigning $ detVec !! 5)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 7" (testSigning $ detVec !! 6)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 8" (testSigning $ detVec !! 7)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 9" (testSigning $ detVec !! 8)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 10" (testSigning $ detVec !! 9)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 11" (testSigning $ detVec !! 10)
it "RFC 6979 test vector 12" (testSigning $ detVec !! 11)
{- ECDSA PRNG unit tests -}
@ -120,14 +119,14 @@ uniqueKeys = do
checkPrivkey :: Assertion
checkPrivkey = do
assertBool "Key 1" $ isJust $ fromWif strSecret1
assertBool "Key 2" $ isJust $ fromWif strSecret2
assertBool "Key 1C" $ isJust $ fromWif strSecret1C
assertBool "Key 2C" $ isJust $ fromWif strSecret2C
assertBool "Key 1" $ isJust $ fromWif btc strSecret1
assertBool "Key 2" $ isJust $ fromWif btc strSecret2
assertBool "Key 1C" $ isJust $ fromWif btc strSecret1C
assertBool "Key 2C" $ isJust $ fromWif btc strSecret2C
checkInvalidKey :: Assertion
checkInvalidKey =
assertBool "Bad key" $ isNothing $ fromWif strAddressBad
assertBool "Bad key" $ isNothing $ fromWif btc strAddressBad
checkMiniKey :: Assertion
checkMiniKey =
@ -156,10 +155,10 @@ checkKeyCompressed = do
checkMatchingAddress :: Assertion
checkMatchingAddress = do
assertBool "Key 1" $ Just addr1 == addrToString (pubKeyAddr pub1)
assertBool "Key 2" $ Just addr2 == addrToString (pubKeyAddr pub2)
assertBool "Key 1C" $ Just addr1C == addrToString (pubKeyAddr pub1C)
assertBool "Key 2C" $ Just addr2C == addrToString (pubKeyAddr pub2C)
assertBool "Key 1" $ Just addr1 == addrToString (pubKeyAddr btc pub1)
assertBool "Key 2" $ Just addr2 == addrToString (pubKeyAddr btc pub2)
assertBool "Key 1C" $ Just addr1C == addrToString (pubKeyAddr btc pub1C)
assertBool "Key 2C" $ Just addr2C == addrToString (pubKeyAddr btc pub2C)
checkSignatures :: Hash256 -> Assertion
checkSignatures h = do

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests
( spec
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.HashMap.Strict (singleton)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "serialize & de-serialize haskoin types to json" $ do
it "encodes and decodes script output" $
forAll (arbitraryScriptOutput net) testID
it "encodes and decodes outpoint" $ forAll arbitraryOutPoint testID
it "encodes and decodes address" $
forAll (arbitraryAddress net) (testCustom (addrFromJSON net))
it "encodes and decodes transaction" $ forAll (arbitraryTx net) testID
it "encodes and decodes transaction hash" $
forAll arbitraryTxHash testID
it "encodes and decodes block hash" $ forAll arbitraryBlockHash testID
it "encodes and decodes sighash" $ forAll arbitrarySigHash testID
it "encodes and decodes siginput" $
forAll (arbitrarySigInput net) (testID . fst)
it "encodes and decodes public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKey (testID . snd)
it "encodes and decodes compressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyC (testID . snd)
it "encodes and decodes uncompressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyU (testID . snd)
it "encodes and decodes extended private key" $
forAll (arbitraryXPrvKey net) (testCustom (xPrvFromJSON net))
it "encodes and decodes extended public key" $
forAll (arbitraryXPubKey net) (testCustom (xPubFromJSON net) . snd)
it "encodes and decodes derivation path" $
forAll arbitraryDerivPath testID
it "encodes and decodes parsed derivation path" $
forAll arbitraryParsedPath testID
testID :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
testID x =
(decode . encode) (singleton ("object" :: String) x) ==
Just (singleton ("object" :: String) x)
testCustom :: (ToJSON a, Eq a) => (Value -> Parser a) -> a -> Bool
testCustom f x = parseMaybe f (toJSON x) == Just x

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@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Network.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Network.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Network
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ -- Test cases come from bitcoind /src/test/bloom_tests.cpp
testGroup "Bloom Filters"
[ testCase "Bloom Filter Vector 1" bloomFilter1
, testCase "Bloom Filter Vector 2" bloomFilter2
, testCase "Bloom Filter Vector 3" bloomFilter3
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "bloom filters" $ do
it "bloom filter vector 1" bloomFilter1
it "bloom filter vector 2" bloomFilter2
it "bloom filter vector 3" bloomFilter3
bloomFilter :: Word32 -> ByteString -> Assertion
bloomFilter n x = do
@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ bloomFilter3 =
f0 = bloomCreate 2 0.001 0 BloomUpdateAll
f1 = bloomInsert f0 $ encode p
f2 = bloomInsert f1 $ encode $ getAddrHash $ pubKeyAddr p
k = fromJust $ fromWif "5Kg1gnAjaLfKiwhhPpGS3QfRg2m6awQvaj98JCZBZQ5SuS2F15C"
f2 = bloomInsert f1 $ encode $ getAddrHash $ pubKeyAddr btc p
k = fromJust $ fromWif btc "5Kg1gnAjaLfKiwhhPpGS3QfRg2m6awQvaj98JCZBZQ5SuS2F15C"
p = derivePubKey k
bs = fromJust $ decodeHex "038fc16b080000000000000001"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec where
module Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec (spec) where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Data.Serialize
import Data.String
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Test
@ -24,59 +25,55 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Read
spec :: Spec
spec = do
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net = do
describe "scripts" $ do
standardSpec net
strictSigSpec net
scriptSpec net
txSigHashForkIdSpec net
forkIdScriptSpec net
describe "sighash" $ do
sigHashSpec net
txSigHashSpec net
forkIdSpec :: Spec
forkIdSpec = do
standardSpec :: Network -> Spec
standardSpec net = do
it "has intToScriptOp . scriptOpToInt identity" $
property $
forAll arbitraryIntScriptOp $ \i ->
intToScriptOp <$> scriptOpToInt i `shouldBe` Right i
it "has decodeOutput . encodeOutput identity" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryScriptOutput net) $ \so ->
decodeOutput (encodeOutput so) `shouldBe` Right so
it "has decodeInput . encodeOutput identity" $
property $
forAll arbitraryScriptInput $ \si ->
decodeInput net (encodeInput si) `shouldBe` Right si
it "can sort multisig scripts" $
forAll arbitraryMSOutput $ \out ->
map encode (getOutputMulSigKeys (sortMulSig out)) `shouldSatisfy` \xs ->
xs == sort xs
it "can decode inputs with empty signatures" $ do
decodeInput net (Script [OP_0]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPK TxSignatureEmpty))
decodeInput net (Script [opPushData ""]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPK TxSignatureEmpty))
let pk =
derivePubKey $
makePrvKey $ fromJust $ EC.secKey $ BS.replicate 32 1
decodeInput net (Script [OP_0, opPushData $ encode pk]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPKHash TxSignatureEmpty pk))
decodeInput net (Script [OP_0, OP_0]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig [TxSignatureEmpty]))
decodeInput net (Script [OP_0, OP_0, OP_0, OP_0]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig $ replicate 3 TxSignatureEmpty))
standardSpec :: Spec
standardSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script.Standard" $ do
it "has intToScriptOp . scriptOpToInt identity" $
property $
forAll arbitraryIntScriptOp $ \i ->
intToScriptOp <$> scriptOpToInt i `shouldBe` Right i
it "has decodeOutput . encodeOutput identity" $
property $
forAll arbitraryScriptOutput $ \so ->
decodeOutput (encodeOutput so) `shouldBe` Right so
it "has decodeInput . encodeOutput identity" $
property $
forAll arbitraryScriptInput $ \si ->
decodeInput (encodeInput si) `shouldBe` Right si
it "can sort multisig scripts" $
forAll arbitraryMSOutput $ \out ->
map encode (getOutputMulSigKeys (sortMulSig out))
\xs -> xs == sort xs
it "can decode inputs with empty signatures" $ do
decodeInput (Script [OP_0]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPK TxSignatureEmpty))
decodeInput (Script [opPushData ""]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPK TxSignatureEmpty))
let pk =
derivePubKey $
makePrvKey $ fromJust $ EC.secKey $ BS.replicate 32 1
decodeInput (Script [OP_0, opPushData $ encode pk]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendPKHash TxSignatureEmpty pk))
decodeInput (Script [OP_0, OP_0]) `shouldBe`
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig [TxSignatureEmpty]))
decodeInput (Script [OP_0, OP_0, OP_0, OP_0]) `shouldBe`
(RegularInput (SpendMulSig $ replicate 3 TxSignatureEmpty))
scriptSpec :: Spec
scriptSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script Verifier" $
it "Can verify standard scripts from script_tests.json file" $ do
scriptSpec :: Network -> Spec
scriptSpec net =
when (getNetworkName net == "btc") $
it "can verify standard scripts from script_tests.json file" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "script_tests" :: IO [J.Value]
let vectorsA =
mapMaybe (J.decode . J.encode) xs :: [( String
@ -91,7 +88,9 @@ scriptSpec =
, String
, String
, String)]
vectors = map (\(a,b,c,d,e) -> ([0],a,b,c,d,e)) vectorsA <> vectorsB
vectors =
map (\(a, b, c, d, e) -> ([0], a, b, c, d, e)) vectorsA <>
length vectors `shouldBe` 86
forM_ vectors $ \([val], siStr, soStr, flags, res, _)
-- We can disable specific tests by adding a DISABLED flag in the data
@ -108,6 +107,7 @@ scriptSpec =
decodeOutputBS scriptPubKey
ver =
(spendTx scriptPubKey 0 scriptSig)
@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ scriptSpec =
(val * 100000000)
case res of
"OK" -> ver `shouldBe` True
_ -> ver `shouldBe` False
_ -> ver `shouldBe` False
forkIdScriptSpec :: Spec
forkIdScriptSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script ForkID Verifier" $
it "Can verify scripts from forkid_script_tests.json file" $ do
forkIdScriptSpec :: Network -> Spec
forkIdScriptSpec net =
when (isJust (getSigHashForkId net)) $
it "can verify scripts from forkid_script_tests.json file" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "forkid_script_tests" :: IO [J.Value]
let vectors =
mapMaybe (J.decode . J.encode) xs :: [( [Word64]
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ forkIdScriptSpec =
, String
, String
, String
, String )]
, String)]
length vectors `shouldBe` 3
forM_ vectors $ \([valBTC], siStr, soStr, _, res, _) -> do
let val = valBTC * 100000000
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ forkIdScriptSpec =
decodeOutputBS scriptPubKey
ver =
True -- Always strict
(spendTx scriptPubKey val scriptSig)
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ forkIdScriptSpec =
case res of
"OK" -> ver `shouldBe` True
_ -> ver `shouldBe` False
_ -> ver `shouldBe` False
creditTx :: BS.ByteString -> Word64 -> Tx
creditTx scriptPubKey val =
@ -186,25 +187,25 @@ replaceToken str = case readMaybe $ "OP_" <> str of
Just opcode -> "0x" <> cs (encodeHex $ encode (opcode :: ScriptOp))
_ -> str
strictSigSpec :: Spec
strictSigSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script Strict" $ do
strictSigSpec :: Network -> Spec
strictSigSpec net =
when (getNetworkName net == "btc") $ do
it "can decode strict signatures" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "sig_strict"
let vectors = mapMaybe (decodeHex . cs) (xs :: [String])
length vectors `shouldBe` 3
forM_ vectors $ \sig ->
decodeTxStrictSig sig `shouldSatisfy` isRight
decodeTxStrictSig net sig `shouldSatisfy` isRight
it "can detect non-strict signatures" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "sig_nonstrict"
let vectors = mapMaybe (decodeHex . cs) (xs :: [String])
length vectors `shouldBe` 17
forM_ vectors $ \sig ->
decodeTxStrictSig sig `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
decodeTxStrictSig net sig `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
txSigHashSpec :: Spec
txSigHashSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script txSigHash" $
txSigHashSpec :: Network -> Spec
txSigHashSpec net =
when (getNetworkName net == "btc") $
it "can produce valid sighashes from sighash.json test vectors" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "sighash" :: IO [J.Value]
let vectors =
@ -223,11 +224,11 @@ txSigHashSpec =
res =
eitherToMaybe . decode . BS.reverse =<<
decodeHex (cs resStr)
Just (txSigHash tx s 0 i sh) `shouldBe` res
Just (txSigHash net tx s 0 i sh) `shouldBe` res
txSigHashForkIdSpec :: Spec
txSigHashForkIdSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script txSigHashForkId" $
txSigHashForkIdSpec :: Network -> Spec
txSigHashForkIdSpec net =
when (getNetworkName net == "btc") $
it "can produce valid sighashes from forkid_sighash.json test vectors" $ do
xs <- readTestFile "forkid_sighash" :: IO [J.Value]
let vectors =
@ -245,79 +246,77 @@ txSigHashForkIdSpec =
eitherToMaybe . decode =<< decodeHex (cs scpStr)
sh = fromIntegral shI
res = eitherToMaybe . decode =<< decodeHex (cs resStr)
Just (txSigHashForkId tx s val i sh) `shouldBe` res
Just (txSigHashForkId net tx s val i sh) `shouldBe` res
sigHashSpec :: Spec
sigHashSpec =
describe "Network.Haskoin.Script.SigHash" $ do
it "can read . show a SigHash" $
property $
forAll arbitrarySigHash $ \sh -> read (show sh) `shouldBe` sh
it "can correctly show a SigHash" $ do
show (0x00 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0x00
show (0x01 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0x01
show (0xff :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0xff
show (0xabac3344 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <>
show 0xabac3344
it "can add a forkid to a SigHash" $ do
0x00 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00 `shouldBe` 0x00
0xff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00ffffff `shouldBe` 0xffffffff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00aaaaaa `shouldBe` 0xaaaaaaff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0xaaaaaaaa `shouldBe` 0xaaaaaaff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00004444 `shouldBe` 0x004444ff
0xff01 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x44440000 `shouldBe` 0x44000001
0xff03 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00550000 `shouldBe` 0x55000003
it "can extract a forkid from a sighash" $ do
sigHashGetForkId 0x00000000 `shouldBe` 0x00000000
sigHashGetForkId 0x80000000 `shouldBe` 0x00800000
sigHashGetForkId 0xffffffff `shouldBe` 0x00ffffff
sigHashGetForkId 0xabac3403 `shouldBe` 0x00abac34
it "can build some SigHash vectors" $ do
sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x01
sigHashNone `shouldBe` 0x02
sigHashSingle `shouldBe` 0x03
setForkIdFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x41
setAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x81
setAnyoneCanPayFlag (setForkIdFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` 0xc1
it "can test the SigHash flags" $ do
hasForkIdFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
hasForkIdFlag (setForkIdFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` True
hasAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
hasAnyoneCanPayFlag (setAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` True
isSigHashAll sigHashNone `shouldBe` False
isSigHashAll sigHashAll `shouldBe` True
isSigHashNone sigHashSingle `shouldBe` False
isSigHashNone sigHashNone `shouldBe` True
isSigHashSingle sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
isSigHashSingle sigHashSingle `shouldBe` True
isSigHashUnknown sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown sigHashNone `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown sigHashSingle `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown 0x00 `shouldBe` True
isSigHashUnknown 0x04 `shouldBe` True
it "can decodeTxLaxSig . encode a TxSignature" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTxSignature $ \(_, _, ts) ->
decodeTxLaxSig (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldBe` Right ts
sigHashSpec :: Network -> Spec
sigHashSpec net = do
it "can read . show" $
property $ forAll arbitrarySigHash $ \sh -> read (show sh) `shouldBe` sh
it "can correctly show" $ do
show (0x00 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0x00
show (0x01 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0x01
show (0xff :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0xff
show (0xabac3344 :: SigHash) `shouldBe` "SigHash " <> show 0xabac3344
it "can add a forkid" $ do
0x00 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00 `shouldBe` 0x00
0xff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00ffffff `shouldBe` 0xffffffff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00aaaaaa `shouldBe` 0xaaaaaaff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0xaaaaaaaa `shouldBe` 0xaaaaaaff
0xffff `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00004444 `shouldBe` 0x004444ff
0xff01 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x44440000 `shouldBe` 0x44000001
0xff03 `sigHashAddForkId` 0x00550000 `shouldBe` 0x55000003
it "can extract a forkid" $ do
sigHashGetForkId 0x00000000 `shouldBe` 0x00000000
sigHashGetForkId 0x80000000 `shouldBe` 0x00800000
sigHashGetForkId 0xffffffff `shouldBe` 0x00ffffff
sigHashGetForkId 0xabac3403 `shouldBe` 0x00abac34
it "can build some vectors" $ do
sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x01
sigHashNone `shouldBe` 0x02
sigHashSingle `shouldBe` 0x03
setForkIdFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x41
setAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` 0x81
setAnyoneCanPayFlag (setForkIdFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` 0xc1
it "can test flags" $ do
hasForkIdFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
hasForkIdFlag (setForkIdFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` True
hasAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
hasAnyoneCanPayFlag (setAnyoneCanPayFlag sigHashAll) `shouldBe` True
isSigHashAll sigHashNone `shouldBe` False
isSigHashAll sigHashAll `shouldBe` True
isSigHashNone sigHashSingle `shouldBe` False
isSigHashNone sigHashNone `shouldBe` True
isSigHashSingle sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
isSigHashSingle sigHashSingle `shouldBe` True
isSigHashUnknown sigHashAll `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown sigHashNone `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown sigHashSingle `shouldBe` False
isSigHashUnknown 0x00 `shouldBe` True
isSigHashUnknown 0x04 `shouldBe` True
it "can decodeTxLaxSig . encode a TxSignature" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTxSignature $ \(_, _, ts) ->
decodeTxLaxSig (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldBe` Right ts
when (getNetworkName net == "btc") $
it "can decodeTxStrictSig . encode a TxSignature" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTxSignature $ \(_, _, ts@(TxSignature _ sh)) ->
if isSigHashUnknown sh || hasForkIdFlag sh
then decodeTxStrictSig (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldSatisfy`
else decodeTxStrictSig (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldBe` Right ts
it "can produce the sighash one" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTx $ forAll arbitraryScript . testSigHashOne
property $
forAll arbitraryTxSignature $ \(_, _, ts@(TxSignature _ sh)) ->
if isSigHashUnknown sh || hasForkIdFlag sh
then decodeTxStrictSig net (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldSatisfy`
else decodeTxStrictSig net (encodeTxSig ts) `shouldBe` Right ts
it "can produce the sighash one" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryTx net) $ forAll arbitraryScript . testSigHashOne net
testSigHashOne :: Tx -> Script -> Word64 -> Bool -> Property
testSigHashOne tx s val acp =
testSigHashOne :: Network -> Tx -> Script -> Word64 -> Bool -> Property
testSigHashOne net tx s val acp =
not (null $ txIn tx) ==>
if length (txIn tx) > length (txOut tx)
then res `shouldBe` one
else res `shouldNotBe` one
res = txSigHash tx s val (length (txIn tx) - 1) (f sigHashSingle)
res = txSigHash net tx s val (length (txIn tx) - 1) (f sigHashSingle)
one = "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
f =
if acp
@ -328,5 +327,5 @@ testSigHashOne tx s val acp =
readTestFile :: J.FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO a
readTestFile fp = do
bs <- BL.readFile $ "test/data/" <> fp <> ".json"
bs <- BL.readFile $ "data/" <> fp <> ".json"
maybe (error $ "Could not read test file " <> fp) return $ J.decode bs

View File

@ -1,54 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Script.Tests
( tests
, execScriptIO
, testValid
, testInvalid
, runTests
( spec
) where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CL
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CL
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Word
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import Numeric (readHex)
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Framework.Runners.Console (defaultMainWithArgs)
import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Numeric (readHex)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Integer Types"
[ testProperty "decodeInt . encodeInt Int" testEncodeInt
, testProperty "decodeFullInt . encodeInt Int" testEncodeInt64
, testProperty "cltvDecodeInt . encodeInt Int" testEncodeCltv
, testProperty "decodeBool . encodeBool Bool" testEncodeBool
, testFile
"Canonical Valid Script Test Cases"
, testFile
"Canonical Invalid Script Test Cases"
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "integer types" $ do
it "decodeInt . encodeInt Int" $ property testEncodeInt
it "decodeFullInt . encodeInt Int" $ property testEncodeInt64
it "cltvDecodeInt . encodeInt Int" $ property testEncodeCltv
it "decodeBool . encodeBool Bool" $ property testEncodeBool
describe "script file tests" $ do
it "runs all canonical valid scripts" $
testFile "data/script_valid.json" True
it "runs all canonical invalid scripts" $
testFile "data/script_invalid.json" False
{- Script Evaluation Primitives -}
@ -146,30 +136,20 @@ parseScript scriptString = do
parseOp = encodeBytes <$> readMaybe ("OP_" ++ tok)
encodeBytes = BS.unpack . encode
testFile :: String -> String -> Bool -> Test
testFile groupLabel path expected =
buildTest $ do
dat <- CL.readFile path
testFile :: String -> Bool -> Assertion
testFile path expected =
dat <- liftIO $ CL.readFile path
case A.decode dat :: Maybe [[String]] of
Nothing ->
return $
testCase groupLabel $
HUnit.assertFailure $ "can't read test file " ++ path
Nothing -> assertFailure $ "can't read test file " ++ path
Just testDefs ->
return $
testGroup groupLabel $
map parseTest $ filterPureComments testDefs
mapM_ parseTest $ filterPureComments testDefs
parseTest :: [String] -> Test
parseTest s =
case testParts s of
Nothing ->
testCase "can't parse test case" $
HUnit.assertFailure $ "json element " ++ show s
Nothing -> assertFailure $ "json element " ++ show s
Just (sig, pubKey, flags, l) -> makeTest l sig pubKey flags
makeTest :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Test
makeTest l sig pubKey flags =
testCase label' $
case (parseScript sig, parseScript pubKey) of
(Left e, _) ->
parseError $ "can't parse sig: " ++ show sig ++ " error: " ++ e
@ -215,32 +195,6 @@ testParts l =
else let [sig, pubKey, flags] = x
in Just (sig, pubKey, flags, comment)
-- repl utils
execScriptIO :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
execScriptIO sig key flgs =
case (parseScript sig, parseScript key) of
(Left e, _) -> print $ "sig parse error: " ++ e
(_, Left e) -> print $ "key parse error: " ++ e
(Right scriptSig, Right scriptPubKey) ->
case execScript
(parseFlags flgs) of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "error " ++ show e
Right p -> do
putStrLn "successful execution"
C.putStrLn $ dumpStack $ runStack p
testValid :: Test
testValid = testFile "Canonical Valid Script Test Cases"
"test/data/script_valid.json" True
testInvalid :: Test
testInvalid = testFile "Canonical Valid Script Test Cases"
"test/data/script_invalid.json" False
-- | Maximum value of sequence number
maxSeqNum :: Word32
maxSeqNum = 0xffffffff -- Perhaps this should be moved to constants.
@ -292,8 +246,4 @@ scriptPairTestExec scriptSig pubKey flags =
let bsScriptSig = encode scriptSig
bsPubKey = encode pubKey
spendTx = buildSpendTx bsScriptSig (buildCreditTx bsPubKey)
in verifySpend spendTx 0 pubKey 0 flags
runTests :: [Test] -> IO ()
runTests ts = defaultMainWithArgs ts ["--hide-success"]
in verifySpend btc spendTx 0 pubKey 0 flags

View File

@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Script.Units (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Script.Units (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isRight)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Serialize (decode)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isRight)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Serialize (decode)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Multi Signatures"
(zipWith (curry mapMulSigVector) mulSigVectors [0..])
, testGroup "Signature decoding"
(zipWith (curry sigDecodeMap) scriptSigSignatures [0..])
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "multi signatures" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapMulSigVector) mulSigVectors [0 ..]
describe "signature decoding" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry sigDecodeMap) scriptSigSignatures [0 ..]
mapMulSigVector :: ((ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Test.Framework.Test
mapMulSigVector :: ((ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Spec
mapMulSigVector (v, i) =
testCase name $ runMulSigVector v
it name $ runMulSigVector v
name = "MultiSignature vector " ++ show i
name = "check multisig vector " <> show i
runMulSigVector :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> Assertion
runMulSigVector (a, ops) = assertBool " > MultiSig Vector" $ Just a == b
runMulSigVector (a, ops) = assertBool "multisig vector" $ Just a == b
s = do
s <- decodeHex ops
@ -35,11 +34,11 @@ runMulSigVector (a, ops) = assertBool " > MultiSig Vector" $ Just a == b
b = do
o <- s
d <- eitherToMaybe $ decodeOutput o
addrToString $ p2shAddr d
addrToString $ p2shAddr btc d
sigDecodeMap :: (ByteString, Int) -> Test.Framework.Test
sigDecodeMap :: (ByteString, Int) -> Spec
sigDecodeMap (_, i) =
testCase ("Signature " ++ show i) func
it ("check signature " ++ show i) func
func = testSigDecode $ scriptSigSignatures !! i

View File

@ -1,66 +1,70 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests (spec) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (fromRight, isRight)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (fromRight, isRight)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Transaction tests"
[ testProperty "decode . encode Txid" $
spec :: Network -> Spec
spec net =
describe "transaction" $ do
it "decode and encode txid" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTxHash $ \h -> hexToTxHash (txHashToHex h) == Just h
, testProperty "From string transaction id" $
it "from string transaction id" $
property $
forAll arbitraryTxHash $ \h -> fromString (cs $ txHashToHex h) == h
, testGroup
"Building Transactions"
[ testProperty "building address tx" $
forAll arbitraryAddress $ forAll arbitrarySatoshi . testBuildAddrTx
, testProperty "testing guessTxSize function" $
forAll arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull testGuessSize
, testProperty "testing chooseCoins function" $
forAll (listOf arbitrarySatoshi) testChooseCoins
, testProperty "testing chooseMSCoins function" $
it "building address tx" $
property $
forAll (arbitraryAddress net) $
forAll (arbitrarySatoshi net) . testBuildAddrTx net
it "guess transaction size" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryAddrOnlyTxFull net) (testGuessSize net)
it "choose coins" $
property $ forAll (listOf (arbitrarySatoshi net)) testChooseCoins
it "choose multisig coins" $
property $
forAll arbitraryMSParam $
forAll (listOf arbitrarySatoshi) . testChooseMSCoins
, testGroup
"Signing Transactions"
[ testProperty "Sign and validate transactions" $
forAll arbitrarySigningData testDetSignTx
, testProperty "Merge partially signed transactions" $
forAll arbitraryPartialTxs testMergeTx
forAll (listOf (arbitrarySatoshi net)) . testChooseMSCoins
it "sign and validate transaction" $
property $ forAll (arbitrarySigningData net) (testDetSignTx net)
it "merge partially signed transactions" $
property $ forAll (arbitraryPartialTxs net) (testMergeTx net)
{- Building Transactions -}
testBuildAddrTx :: Address -> TestCoin -> Bool
testBuildAddrTx a (TestCoin v) =
testBuildAddrTx :: Network -> Address -> TestCoin -> Bool
testBuildAddrTx net a (TestCoin v) =
case a of
PubKeyAddress h -> Right (PayPKHash h) == out
ScriptAddress h -> Right (PayScriptHash h) == out
PubKeyAddress h net -> Right (PayPKHash h) == out
ScriptAddress h net -> Right (PayScriptHash h) == out
tx = buildAddrTx [] [(fromMaybe (error "Could not convert address to string") (addrToString a), v)]
tx =
[ ( fromMaybe
(error "Could not convert address to string")
(addrToString a)
, v)
out =
decodeOutputBS $
scriptOutput $
head $ txOut (fromRight (error "Could not build transaction") tx)
testGuessSize :: Tx -> Bool
testGuessSize tx
testGuessSize :: Network -> Tx -> Bool
testGuessSize net tx
-- We compute an upper bound but it should be close enough to the real size
-- We give 2 bytes of slack on every signature (1 on r and 1 on s)
= guess >= len && guess <= len + 2 * delta
@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ testGuessSize tx
ins = map f $ txIn tx
f i =
fromRight (error "Could not decode input") $
decodeInputBS $ scriptInput i
decodeInputBS net $ scriptInput i
pki = length $ filter isSpendPKHash ins
msi = concatMap shData ins
shData (ScriptHashInput _ (PayMulSig keys r)) = [(r, length keys)]
@ -113,21 +117,21 @@ testChooseMSCoins (m, n) coins target byteFee nOut = nOut >= 0 ==>
{- Signing Transactions -}
testDetSignTx :: (Tx, [SigInput], [PrvKey]) -> Bool
testDetSignTx (tx, sigis, prv) =
not (verifyStdTx tx verData) &&
not (verifyStdTx txSigP verData) && verifyStdTx txSigC verData
testDetSignTx :: Network -> (Tx, [SigInput], [PrvKey]) -> Bool
testDetSignTx net (tx, sigis, prv) =
not (verifyStdTx net tx verData) &&
not (verifyStdTx net txSigP verData) && verifyStdTx net txSigC verData
txSigP =
fromRight (error "Could not decode transaction") $
signTx tx sigis (tail prv)
signTx net tx sigis (tail prv)
txSigC =
fromRight (error "Could not decode transaction") $
signTx txSigP sigis [head prv]
signTx net txSigP sigis [head prv]
verData = map (\(SigInput s v o _ _) -> (s, v, o)) sigis
testMergeTx :: ([Tx], [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint, Int, Int)]) -> Bool
testMergeTx (txs, os) = and
testMergeTx :: Network -> ([Tx], [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint, Int, Int)]) -> Bool
testMergeTx net (txs, os) = and
[ isRight mergeRes
, length (txIn mergedTx) == length os
, if enoughSigs then isValid else not isValid
@ -136,12 +140,12 @@ testMergeTx (txs, os) = and
outs = map (\(so, val, op, _, _) -> (so, val, op)) os
mergeRes = mergeTxs txs outs
mergeRes = mergeTxs net txs outs
mergedTx = fromRight (error "Could not merge") mergeRes
isValid = verifyStdTx mergedTx outs
isValid = verifyStdTx net mergedTx outs
enoughSigs = all (\(m,c) -> c >= m) sigMap
sigMap = map (\((_,_,_,m,_), inp) -> (m, sigCnt inp)) $ zip os $ txIn mergedTx
sigCnt inp = case decodeInputBS $ scriptInput inp of
sigCnt inp = case decodeInputBS net $ scriptInput inp of
Right (RegularInput (SpendMulSig sigs)) -> length sigs
Right (ScriptHashInput (SpendMulSig sigs) _) -> length sigs
_ -> error "Invalid input script type"

View File

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units (tests, satoshiCoreTxTests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units (spec) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson.Types
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isLeft,
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Serialize (decode, encode)
import Data.Serialize.Get (getWord32le, runGet)
import Data.Serialize.Put (putWord32le, runPut)
import Data.String.Conversions (convertString)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson.Types
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isLeft,
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Serialize (decode, encode)
import Data.Serialize.Get (getWord32le, runGet)
import Data.Serialize.Put (putWord32le, runPut)
import Data.String.Conversions (convertString)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Script
import Network.Haskoin.Transaction
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Safe (readMay)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
import Safe (readMay)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Computing TxID from Tx"
( zipWith (curry mapTxIDVec) txIDVec [0..] )
, testGroup "Build PKHash Transaction (generated from bitcoind)"
( zipWith (curry mapPKHashVec) pkHashVec [0..] )
, testGroup "Verify transaction (bitcoind tx_valid.json)"
( zipWith (curry mapVerifyVec) verifyVec [0..] )
, testCase "" tEncodeSatoshiCoreScriptPubKey
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "transaction unit tests" $ do
it "compute txid from tx" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapTxIDVec) txIDVec [0 ..]
it "build pkhash transaction (generated from bitcoind)" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapPKHashVec) pkHashVec [0 ..]
it "verify transaction (bitcoind tx_valid.json)" $
sequence_ $ zipWith (curry mapVerifyVec) verifyVec [0 ..]
it "encode satoshi core script pubkey" tEncodeSatoshiCoreScriptPubKey
mapTxIDVec :: ((ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Test.Framework.Test
mapTxIDVec (v,i) = testCase name $ runTxIDVec v
name = "Compute TxID " ++ show i
mapTxIDVec :: ((ByteString, ByteString), Int) -> Assertion
mapTxIDVec (v,i) = runTxIDVec v
runTxIDVec :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> Assertion
runTxIDVec (tid, tx) = assertBool "TxID" $ txHashToHex (txHash txBS) == tid
runTxIDVec (tid, tx) = assertBool "txid" $ txHashToHex (txHash txBS) == tid
txBS = fromJust $ either (const Nothing) return . decode =<< decodeHex tx
@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ txIDVec =
mapPKHashVec :: (([(ByteString, Word32)], [(ByteString, Word64)], ByteString), Int)
-> Test.Framework.Test
mapPKHashVec (v, i) = testCase name $ runPKHashVec v
where name = "Build PKHash Tx " ++ show i
-> Assertion
mapPKHashVec (v, i) = runPKHashVec v
runPKHashVec :: ([(ByteString, Word32)], [(ByteString, Word64)], ByteString) -> Assertion
runPKHashVec (xs, ys, res) =
@ -73,21 +72,20 @@ runPKHashVec (xs, ys, res) =
tx =
fromRight (error "Could not decode transaction") $
buildAddrTx (map f xs) ys
buildAddrTx btc (map f xs) ys
f (tid, ix) = OutPoint (fromJust $ hexToTxHash tid) ix
mapVerifyVec :: (SatoshiCoreTxTest, Int)
-> Test.Framework.Test
mapVerifyVec (v@(SatoshiCoreTxTest d _ _), i) = testCase name $ runVerifyVec v i
where name = "Verify Tx " ++ show i ++ ", about: " ++ d
-> Assertion
mapVerifyVec (v@(SatoshiCoreTxTest d _ _), i) = runVerifyVec v i
runVerifyVec :: SatoshiCoreTxTest -> Int -> Assertion
runVerifyVec (SatoshiCoreTxTest _ is bsTx) i =
assertBool name $ verifyStdTx tx outputsAndOutpoints
assertBool name $ verifyStdTx btc tx outputsAndOutpoints
name =
" > Verify transaction " ++ show i ++ "bsTx: " ++ convertString bsTx
"verify transaction " ++ show i ++ "bsTx: " ++ convertString bsTx
tx :: Tx
tx = fromJust $ either (const Nothing) return . decode =<< decodeHex bsTx
outputsAndOutpoints :: [(ScriptOutput, Word64, OutPoint)]
@ -310,14 +308,12 @@ encodeSatoshiCoreScriptPubKey =
Just i -> encodeHex . encode . intToScriptOp $ i
Nothing -> error $ "encodeSatoshiCoreScriptPubKey: " ++ s
satoshiCoreTxTests :: IO [Test]
satoshiCoreTxTests :: Spec
satoshiCoreTxTests = do
txVec <- satoshiCoreTxVec
[ testGroup
"Verify transaction (bitcoind tx_valid.json) (using copied source json)"
(map mapVerifyVec . filter isCurrentlyPassing $ zip txVec [0 ..])
it "verify transaction (bitcoind tx_valid.json) (using copied source json)" $ do
txVec <- satoshiCoreTxVec
sequence_ $
map mapVerifyVec . filter isCurrentlyPassing $ zip txVec [0 ..]
passingTests = [0 .. 5] ++ [8] ++ [11 .. 13] ++ [16 .. 18] ++ [20] ++ [52]
isCurrentlyPassing (_, testNum) = testNum `elem` passingTests
@ -326,7 +322,7 @@ satoshiCoreTxTests = do
type TestComment = String
satoshiCoreTxVec :: IO [SatoshiCoreTxTest]
satoshiCoreTxVec = do
tx_validBS <- BL.readFile "test/data/tx_valid.json"
tx_validBS <- BL.readFile "data/tx_valid.json"
let testsAndComments =
fromMaybe (error "satoshiCoreTxVec, couldn't decode json") .
Aeson.decode $
@ -348,7 +344,7 @@ satoshiCoreTxVec = do
(\x y -> (isLeft x && isLeft y) || (isRight x && isRight y))
takePairs (a:b:xs) = (a, b) : takePairs xs
takePairs _ = [] -- ugh, wish we were using a real parser.
takePairs _ = [] -- ugh, wish we were using a real parser.
includeDescriptions (descriptionLines, tests') =
map updateDescription tests'

View File

@ -1,34 +1,26 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Util.Tests (tests) where
module Network.Haskoin.Util.Tests (spec) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight,
isLeft, isRight)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (permutations)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isLeft, isRight)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (permutations)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Utility functions"
[ testProperty "bsToInteger . integerToBS" getPutInteger
, testProperty "decodeHex . encodeHex" $ forAll arbitraryBS fromToHex
, testProperty
"compare updateIndex with Data.Sequence"
, testProperty "matchTemplate" testMatchTemplate
, testProperty
"testing matchTemplate with two lists"
, testProperty "Testing Either helper functions" testEither
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "utility functions" $ do
it "bsToInteger . integerToBS" $ property getPutInteger
it "decodeHex . encodeHex" $ property $ forAll arbitraryBS fromToHex
it "compare updateIndex with Data.Sequence" $ property $ testUpdateIndex
it "matchTemplate" $ property testMatchTemplate
it "testing matchTemplate with two lists" $
property testMatchTemplateLen
it "either helper functions" $ property testEither
{- Various utilities -}

test/Spec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Test.Hspec
-- Util tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Util.Tests (spec)
-- Crypto tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Units (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Units (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Units (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Units (spec)
-- Network tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Network.Units (spec)
-- Script tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Units (spec)
-- Transaction tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units (spec)
-- Block tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Block.Spec (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Block.Units (spec)
-- Json tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests (spec)
-- Binary tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests (spec)
main :: IO ()
main = do
hspec $ do
Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec.spec bch
Network.Haskoin.Block.Spec.spec bchRegTest
Network.Haskoin.Block.Spec.spec btcRegTest
Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests.spec btc
Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests.spec btc

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec (forkIdSpec)
import Test.Hspec
main :: IO ()
main = do
hspec Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec.forkIdSpec

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Test.Framework as F
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit hiding (State)
myTime :: Timestamp
myTime = 1499083075
withChain :: State HeaderMemory a -> a
withChain f = evalState f initialChain
chain :: BlockHeaders m => BlockHeader -> Int -> m ()
chain bh i = do
bnsE <- connectBlocks myTime bhs
either error (const $ return ()) bnsE
bhs = appendBlocks 6 bh i
main :: IO ()
main = do
defaultMain [ testGroup "RegTest network" tests ]
tests :: [F.Test]
tests =
[ testCase "Get best block" bestBlock
, testCase "Build a block locator" buildLocator
, testCase "Split chain best block" splitBest
bestBlock :: Assertion
bestBlock =
100 @=? nodeHeight bb
bb = withChain $ do
chain genesisHeader 100
buildLocator :: Assertion
buildLocator =
[100,99..90] ++ [88,84,76,60,28,0] @=? heights
heights = map nodeHeight loc
loc = withChain $ do
chain genesisHeader 100
bb <- getBestBlockHeader
blockLocatorNodes bb
splitBest :: Assertion
splitBest =
4035 @=? nodeHeight bb
bb = withChain $ splitChain >> getBestBlockHeader
-- 0 → → 2015 → → → → → → → 4031
-- ↓
-- → → 2035 → → → → → → 4035*
-- ↓
-- → → 2185
splitChain :: State HeaderMemory ()
splitChain = do
start <- go 1 genesisHeader 2015
e 2015 (head start)
tail1 <- go 2 (nodeHeader $ head start) 2016
e 4031 (head tail1)
tail2 <- go 3 (nodeHeader $ head start) 20
e 2035 (head tail2)
tail3 <- go 4 (nodeHeader $ head tail2) 2000
e 4035 (head tail3)
tail4 <- go 5 (nodeHeader $ head tail2) 150
e 2185 (head tail4)
sp1 <- splitPoint (head tail1) (head tail3)
unless (sp1 == head start) $
error $
"Split point wrong between blocks 4031 and 4035: " ++
show (nodeHeight sp1)
sp2 <- splitPoint (head tail4) (head tail3)
unless (sp2 == head tail2) $
error $
"Split point wrong between blocks 2185 and 4035: " ++
show (nodeHeight sp2)
e n bn =
unless (nodeHeight bn == n) $
error $
"Node height " ++
show (nodeHeight bn) ++ " of first chunk should be " ++ show n
go seed start n = do
let bhs = appendBlocks seed start n
bnE <- connectBlocks myTime bhs
case bnE of
Right bn -> return bn
Left ex -> error ex

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Test.Framework
import Test.Hspec
-- Util tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Util.Tests (tests)
-- Crypto tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Units (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Units (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Units (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Units (tests)
-- Network tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Network.Units (tests)
-- Script tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec (spec)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Script.Units (tests)
-- Transaction tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units (satoshiCoreTxTests,
-- Block tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests (tests)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Block.Units (tests)
-- Json tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests (tests)
-- Binary tests
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests (tests)
main :: IO ()
main = do
hspec Network.Haskoin.Script.Spec.spec
satoshiTxTests <- Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units.satoshiCoreTxTests
( Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Util.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Mnemonic.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Network.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Script.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Script.Units.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Transaction.Units.tests
++ satoshiTxTests
++ Network.Haskoin.Block.Tests.tests
++ Network.Haskoin.Block.Units.tests

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Cereal.Tests (tests) where
import Data.Serialize
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of utility types"
[ testProperty "ByteString" $ forAll arbitraryBS testId ]
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of hash types"
[ testProperty "Hash160" $ forAll arbitraryHash160 testId
, testProperty "Hash256" $ forAll arbitraryHash256 testId
, testProperty "Hash512" $ forAll arbitraryHash512 testId
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of crypto types"
[ testProperty "Signature" $ forAll arbitrarySignature $ testId . lst3
, testProperty "PubKey" $ forAll arbitraryPubKey $ testId . snd
, testProperty "XPrvKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPrvKey testId
, testProperty "XPubKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPubKey $ testId . snd
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of protocol types"
[ testProperty "VarInt" $ forAll arbitraryVarInt testId
, testProperty "VarString" $ forAll arbitraryVarString testId
, testProperty "NetworkAddress" $ forAll arbitraryNetworkAddress testId
, testProperty "InvType" $ forAll arbitraryInvType testId
, testProperty "InvVector" $ forAll arbitraryInvVector testId
, testProperty "Inv" $ forAll arbitraryInv1 testId
, testProperty "Version" $ forAll arbitraryVersion testId
, testProperty "Addr" $ forAll arbitraryAddr1 testId
, testProperty "Alert" $ forAll arbitraryAlert testId
, testProperty "Reject" $ forAll arbitraryReject testId
, testProperty "GetData" $ forAll arbitraryGetData testId
, testProperty "NotFound" $ forAll arbitraryNotFound testId
, testProperty "Ping" $ forAll arbitraryPing testId
, testProperty "Pong" $ forAll arbitraryPong testId
, testProperty "MessageCommand" $ forAll arbitraryMessageCommand testId
, testProperty "MessageHeader" $ forAll arbitraryMessageHeader testId
, testProperty "Message" $ forAll arbitraryMessage testId
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of script types"
[ testProperty "ScriptOp" $ forAll arbitraryScriptOp testId
, testProperty "Script" $ forAll arbitraryScript testId
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of transaction types"
[ testProperty "TxIn" $ forAll arbitraryTxIn testId
, testProperty "TxOut" $ forAll arbitraryTxOut testId
, testProperty "OutPoint" $ forAll arbitraryOutPoint testId
, testProperty "Tx" $ forAll arbitraryTx testId
, testProperty "Tx" $ forAll arbitraryWitnessTx testId
, testProperty "Tx" $ forAll arbitraryLegacyTx testId
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of block types"
[ testProperty "Block" $ forAll arbitraryBlock testId
, testProperty "BlockHeader" $ forAll arbitraryBlockHeader testId
, testProperty "GetBlocks" $ forAll arbitraryGetBlocks testId
, testProperty "GetHeaders" $ forAll arbitraryGetHeaders testId
, testProperty "Headers" $ forAll arbitraryHeaders testId
, testProperty "MerkleBlock" $ forAll arbitraryMerkleBlock testId
, testGroup "Binary encoding and decoding of bloom types"
[ testProperty "BloomFlags" $ forAll arbitraryBloomFlags testId
, testProperty "BloomFilter" $ forAll arbitraryBloomFilter $ testId . lst3
, testProperty "FilterLoad" $ forAll arbitraryFilterLoad testId
, testProperty "FilterAdd" $ forAll arbitraryFilterAdd testId
testId :: (Serialize a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
testId x = decode (encode x) == Right x

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Base58.Tests (tests) where
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Address and Base58"
[ testProperty "decode58 . encode58 == id" $
forAll arbitraryBS $ \bs ->
decodeBase58 (encodeBase58 bs) == Just bs
, testProperty "decode58Chk . encode58Chk == id" $
forAll arbitraryBS $ \bs ->
decodeBase58Check (encodeBase58Check bs) == Just bs
, testProperty "stringToAddr . addrToString == id" $
forAll arbitraryAddress $ \a ->
(stringToAddr =<< addrToString a) == Just a
, testProperty "Read/Show address" $
forAll arbitraryAddress $ \a -> read (show a) == a
, testProperty "From string address" $
forAll arbitraryAddress $ \a ->
fmap (fromString . cs) (addrToString a) == Just a

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ExtendedKeys.Tests (tests) where
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck (forAll)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"HDW Extended Keys"
[ testProperty "prvSubKey(k,c)*G = pubSubKey(k*G,c)" $
forAll arbitraryXPrvKey pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey
, testProperty "fromB58 . toB58 prvKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPrvKey $
\k -> xPrvImport (xPrvExport k) == Just k
, testProperty "fromB58 . toB58 pubKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPubKey $
\(_, k) -> xPubImport (xPubExport k) == Just k
, testGroup
"From/To strings"
[ testProperty "Read/Show extended public key" $ forAll arbitraryXPubKey $
\(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show extended private key" $ forAll arbitraryXPrvKey $
\k -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "From string extended public key" $ forAll arbitraryXPubKey $
\(_, k) -> fromString (cs $ xPubExport k) == k
, testProperty "From string extended private key" $ forAll arbitraryXPrvKey $
\k -> fromString (cs $ xPrvExport k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show derivation path" $ forAll arbitraryDerivPath $
\p -> read (show p) == p
, testProperty "Read/Show hard derivation path" $ forAll arbitraryHardPath $
\p -> read (show p) == p
, testProperty "Read/Show soft derivation path" $ forAll arbitrarySoftPath $
\p -> read (show p) == p
, testProperty "From string derivation path" $ forAll arbitraryDerivPath $
\p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
, testProperty "From string hard derivation path" $ forAll arbitraryHardPath $
\p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
, testProperty "From string soft derivation path" $ forAll arbitrarySoftPath $
\p -> fromString (cs $ pathToStr p) == p
, testProperty "listToPath . pathToList == id" $ forAll arbitraryDerivPath $
\p -> listToPath (pathToList p) == p
, testProperty "listToPath . pathToList == id (Hard)" $
forAll arbitraryHardPath $ \p -> toHard (listToPath $ pathToList p) == Just p
, testProperty "listToPath . pathToList == id (Soft)" $
forAll arbitrarySoftPath $ \p -> toSoft (listToPath $ pathToList p) == Just p
, testProperty "read . show == id (ParsedPath)" $
forAll arbitraryParsedPath $ \p -> read (show p) == p
pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey :: XPrvKey -> Word32 -> Bool
pubKeyOfSubKeyIsSubKeyOfPubKey k i =
deriveXPubKey (prvSubKey k i') == pubSubKey (deriveXPubKey k) i'
i' = fromIntegral $ i .&. 0x7fffffff -- make it a public derivation

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash.Tests (tests) where
import Data.Serialize (encode)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions
import Network.Haskoin.Block
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util (encodeHex)
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Hash tests"
[ testProperty "join512( split512(h) ) == h" $
forAll arbitraryHash256 $ forAll arbitraryHash256 . joinSplit512
, testProperty "decodeCompact . encodeCompact i == i" decEncCompact
, testProperty "From string 64-byte hash" $ forAll arbitraryHash512 $
\h -> fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
, testProperty "From string 32-byte hash" $ forAll arbitraryHash256 $
\h -> fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
, testProperty "From string 20-byte hash" $ forAll arbitraryHash160 $
\h -> fromString (cs $ encodeHex $ encode h) == h
joinSplit512 :: Hash256 -> Hash256 -> Bool
joinSplit512 a b = split512 (join512 (a, b)) == (a, b)
-- After encoding and decoding, we may loose precision so the new result is >=
-- to the old one.
decEncCompact :: Integer -> Bool
decEncCompact i
-- Integer completely fits inside the mantisse
| abs i <= 0x007fffff = decodeCompact (encodeCompact i) == (i, False)
-- Otherwise precision will be lost and the decoded result will
-- be smaller than the original number
| i >= 0 = fst (decodeCompact (encodeCompact i)) < i
| otherwise = fst (decodeCompact (encodeCompact i)) > i

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Tests (tests) where
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Serialize (encode, runGet, runPut)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"PubKey Binary"
[ testProperty "is public key canonical" $
forAll arbitraryPubKey (isCanonicalPubKey . snd)
, testProperty "makeKey . toKey" makeToKey
, testProperty "makeKeyU . toKey" makeToKeyU
, testGroup
"Key formats"
[ testProperty "fromWif . toWif PrvKey" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKey $ \pk -> fromWif (toWif pk) == Just pk
, testProperty "constant 32-byte encoding PrvKey" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKey binaryPrvKey
, testGroup
"Key compression"
[ testProperty "Compressed public key" testCompressed
, testProperty "Uncompressed public key" testUnCompressed
, testProperty "Compressed private key" testPrivateCompressed
, testProperty "Uncompressed private key" testPrivateUnCompressed
, testGroup
"From/To strings"
[ testProperty "Read/Show public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKey $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show compressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyC $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show uncompressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyU $ \(_, k) -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKey $ \k -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show compressed private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKeyC $ \k -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "Read/Show uncompressed private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKeyU $ \k -> read (show k) == k
, testProperty "From string public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKey $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
, testProperty "From string compressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyC $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
, testProperty "From string uncompressed public key" $
forAll arbitraryPubKeyU $ \(_, k) ->
fromString (cs . encodeHex $ encode k) == k
, testProperty "From string private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKey $ \k -> fromString (cs $ toWif k) == k
, testProperty "From string compressed private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKeyC $ \k -> fromString (cs $ toWif k) == k
, testProperty "From string uncompressed private key" $
forAll arbitraryPrvKeyU $ \k -> fromString (cs $ toWif k) == k
-- from function IsCanonicalPubKey
isCanonicalPubKey :: PubKey -> Bool
isCanonicalPubKey p = not $
-- Non-canonical public key: too short
(BS.length bs < 33) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: invalid length for uncompressed key
(BS.index bs 0 == 4 && BS.length bs /= 65) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: invalid length for compressed key
(BS.index bs 0 `elem` [2,3] && BS.length bs /= 33) ||
-- Non-canonical public key: compressed nor uncompressed
(BS.index bs 0 `notElem` [2,3,4])
bs = encode p
makeToKey :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
makeToKey i = prvKeySecKey (makePrvKey i) == i
makeToKeyU :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
makeToKeyU i = prvKeySecKey (makePrvKeyU i) == i
{- Key formats -}
binaryPrvKey :: PrvKey -> Bool
binaryPrvKey k =
(Right k == runGet (prvKeyGetMonad f) (runPut $ prvKeyPutMonad k)) &&
(Just k == decodePrvKey f (encodePrvKey k))
f = makePrvKeyG (prvKeyCompressed k)
{- Key Compression -}
testCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testCompressed n =
pubKeyCompressed (derivePubKey $ makePrvKey n) &&
pubKeyCompressed (derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyG True n)
testUnCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testUnCompressed n =
not (pubKeyCompressed $ derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyG False n) &&
not (pubKeyCompressed $ derivePubKey $ makePrvKeyU n)
testPrivateCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testPrivateCompressed n =
prvKeyCompressed (makePrvKey n) &&
prvKeyCompressed (makePrvKeyC n)
testPrivateUnCompressed :: EC.SecKey -> Bool
testPrivateUnCompressed n =
not (prvKeyCompressed $ makePrvKeyG False n) &&
not (prvKeyCompressed $ makePrvKeyU n)

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module Network.Haskoin.Json.Tests (tests) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (singleton)
import Network.Haskoin.Test
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup
"Serialize & de-serialize haskoin types to JSON"
[ testProperty "ScriptOutput" $ forAll arbitraryScriptOutput testID
, testProperty "OutPoint" $ forAll arbitraryOutPoint testID
, testProperty "Address" $ forAll arbitraryAddress testID
, testProperty "Tx" $ forAll arbitraryTx testID
, testProperty "TxHash" $ forAll arbitraryTxHash testID
, testProperty "BlockHash" $ forAll arbitraryBlockHash testID
, testProperty "SigHash" $ forAll arbitrarySigHash testID
, testProperty "SigInput" $ forAll arbitrarySigInput (testID . fst)
, testProperty "PubKey" $ forAll arbitraryPubKey (testID . snd)
, testProperty "PubKeyC" $ forAll arbitraryPubKeyC (testID . snd)
, testProperty "PubKeyU" $ forAll arbitraryPubKeyU (testID . snd)
, testProperty "XPrvKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPrvKey testID
, testProperty "XPubKey" $ forAll arbitraryXPubKey (testID . snd)
, testProperty "DerivPath" $ forAll arbitraryDerivPath testID
, testProperty "ParsedPath" $ forAll arbitraryParsedPath testID
testID :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
testID x =
(decode . encode) (singleton ("object" :: String) x) ==
Just (singleton ("object" :: String) x)