2023-06-20 12:33:43 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
import sys
import boto3
import botocore
import time
import concurrent . futures
import io
import os
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
import pathlib
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
import queue
from fabric import Connection
import patchwork . transfers
import invoke . exceptions
import tempfile
# import paramiko.rsakey
import json
from invoke import run as local
from functools import reduce
# import logging
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
#### Environment/arguments: ####
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
# We'll upload reports to:
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# f"{RESULTS_S3_BUCKET}/mono-pr-{PR_NUMBER}/{benchmark_set}.json"
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
# Result sets can be retreived efficiently with
# s3.list_objects(Bucket=RESULTS_S3_BUCKET, Prefix=f"{THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX}/")['Contents']
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
PR_NUMBER = os . environ [ ' PR_NUMBER ' ]
THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX = f " mono-pr- { PR_NUMBER } "
PR_TARGET_BRANCH = os . environ [ ' PR_TARGET_BRANCH ' ]
# The image file we'll ship to the benchmark runner to test:
# You can pull get a local image file from docker with e.g.:
# docker image save -o /tmp/hasura-blah.tar hasura/graphql-engine:latest
if not os . path . isfile ( HASURA_DOCKER_IMAGE ) :
sys . exit ( f " Could not find a docker image file at { HASURA_DOCKER_IMAGE } " )
# For boto3:
#### Globals: ####
# This key just has privileges to SSH into the benchmarks runner instance.
# This variable is the entire PEM file (hasura-benchmarks-runner.pem) as a
# string:
# Keep track of EC2 instances launched in 'run_benchmark_set' so we can
# clean them up on exit/error (NOTE: 'atexit' is useless for this):
LAUNCHED_INSTANCES = queue . Queue ( )
# Global mutable to allow us to abort restarts when the user initiates a shutdown (e.g. CTRL-C)
RESULTS_S3_BUCKET = ' hasura-benchmark-results '
# NOTE: Reports uploaded will be PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE at:
def s3_url ( filename , bucket_prefix = THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX ) :
return f " https:// { RESULTS_S3_BUCKET } .s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ { bucket_prefix } / { filename } "
2021-08-06 18:49:04 +03:00
# This short identifier format (e.g. 'mono-pr-1998/chinook') is understood by
# graphql-bench viewer:
def s3_short_id ( filename , bucket_prefix = THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX ) :
return f " { bucket_prefix } / { filename [ : - 5 ] } "
def graphql_bench_url ( short_ids ) :
return f " https://hasura.github.io/graphql-bench/app/web-app/# { ' , ' . join ( short_ids ) } "
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# We'll write to this, CI will look for it and insert it into the PR comment thread:
REGRESSION_REPORT_COMMENT_FILENAME = " /tmp/hasura_regression_report_comment.md "
def main ( ) :
try :
benchmark_sets_basepath = abs_path ( " benchmark_sets " )
2021-08-06 21:40:35 +03:00
# Collect the benchmarks we'll run in CI:
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
benchmark_sets = [ dir for dir in os . listdir ( benchmark_sets_basepath )
if not pathlib . Path ( benchmark_sets_basepath , dir , ' SKIP_CI ' ) . is_file ( ) ]
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
2021-08-06 21:40:35 +03:00
# Theses benchmark sets won't have raw regression numbers displayed
# (likely because they are unstable for now)
skip_pr_report_names = [ dir for dir in os . listdir ( benchmark_sets_basepath )
if pathlib . Path ( benchmark_sets_basepath , dir , ' SKIP_PR_REPORT ' ) . is_file ( ) ]
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# Start all the instances we need and run benchmarks in parallel
# NOTE: ProcessPoolExecutor doesn't work with shared queue
with concurrent . futures . ThreadPoolExecutor ( ) as executor :
bench_result = executor . map ( run_benchmark_set , benchmark_sets )
# This just surfaces any exceptions from concurrent.futures; we might
# do something else with these later:
# http://docs.pyinvoke.org/en/latest/api/runners.html#invoke.runners.Result
print ( list ( bench_result ) )
report , merge_base_pr = generate_regression_report ( )
pretty_print_regression_report_github_comment (
report ,
2021-08-06 21:40:35 +03:00
skip_pr_report_names ,
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
merge_base_pr ,
say ( " Success! " )
# NOTE: without this 'except', any exceptions are silently swallowed... ugh
except Exception as e :
finally :
print ( " Cleaning up resources and shutting down: " )
for i in list ( LAUNCHED_INSTANCES . queue ) :
print ( f " * { i . instance_id } " )
# NOTE: this is idempotent, so okay to run on success
i . terminate ( )
print ( " " )
sys . exit ( )
def new_boto_session ( ) :
# For other auth options:
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
# https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/credentials.html
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# NOTE: we must start a new 'Session' per thread:
return boto3 . Session (
aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ,
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# Start an EC2 instance that will run 'benchmark_set'. use_spot indicates
# whether we should try to start spot instances. If use_spot=True we'll retry
# once in case this fails, with an on-demand instance instead
def run_benchmark_set ( benchmark_set , use_spot = True ) :
# Prefer this instead of 'print()' so we can follow along with concurrent execution:
def say ( s ) :
print ( f " *** \033 [92m { benchmark_set } : { s } \033 [0m " )
def warn ( s ) :
print ( f " *** \033 [93m { benchmark_set } : { s } \033 [0m " )
boto3_session = new_boto_session ( )
# boto3_session = boto3.Session(profile_name='benchmarks')
ec2_client = boto3_session . client ( ' ec2 ' , region_name = ' us-east-2 ' )
ec2 = boto3_session . resource ( ' ec2 ' , region_name = ' us-east-2 ' )
s3 = boto3_session . client ( ' s3 ' )
# Get benchmark-runner AMI (see README_AMI.md)
runner_images_dirty = ec2_client . describe_images ( Filters = [ { ' Name ' : ' tag:Name ' , ' Values ' : [ ' hasura-benchmarks-runner ' ] } ] ) [ ' Images ' ]
if len ( runner_images_dirty ) > 1 :
sys . exit ( " More than one instance tagged ' hasura-benchmarks-runner ' ; please delete tag from old image " )
elif len ( runner_images_dirty ) == 0 :
sys . exit ( " The ' hasura-benchmarks-runner ' image needs to be copied to this region. " )
runner_image_id = runner_images_dirty [ 0 ] [ ' ImageId ' ]
# We can and do run into capacity issues. Try our best to find a region
# with spot availability (much cheaper), else try on-demand price
spot = {
' MarketType ' : ' spot ' ,
' SpotOptions ' : {
# A bit over the on-demand price
# NOTE: at time of this writing spot price has been very stable around $0.35/hr
' MaxPrice ' : ' 1.80 ' ,
' SpotInstanceType ' : ' one-time ' ,
' InstanceInterruptionBehavior ' : ' terminate '
# Regions in which we can run benchmarks, in order (approximately) from
# cheap to more expensive. With c4.8xlarge we run into capacity issues from
# time to time.
# NOTE: if you want to add a new region here you'll need to copy the
# hasura-benchmarks-runner AMI, security group, and keypair to that region
# also.
ok_regions = [
" us-east-2 " ,
" us-west-2 " ,
" ap-south-1 " ,
" ca-central-1 " ,
" eu-west-2 " ,
" eu-west-1 " ,
# the sequence of spot/on-demand requests we'll make:
market_types = [ spot , { } , { } , { } , " FAIL " ] if use_spot else [ { } , { } , { } , " FAIL " ]
def launch_instance ( ) :
# We'll try on-demand instances three times, hoping capacity gets added, before giving up
for market_type in market_types :
for region in ok_regions :
if market_type == " FAIL " :
sys . exit ( " All regions are out of capacity! We ' ll just need to wait and try again, sorry. " )
market_type_str = " on-demand " if market_type == { } else " spot "
say ( f " Trying to launch in { region } as { market_type_str } " )
try :
# Launch beefy ec2 instances that will run the actual benchmarks:
instance = ec2 . create_instances (
ImageId = runner_image_id ,
MinCount = 1 , MaxCount = 1 ,
# NOTE: benchmarks are tuned very specifically to this instance type and
2023-07-10 17:47:45 +03:00
# the other settings here (see bench.sh):
# Lately AWS seems to be running out of capacity and so we may need to research
# (check numa configuration, etc) and switch to one of these:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/processor_state_control.html
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
InstanceType = ' c4.8xlarge ' ,
KeyName = ' hasura-benchmarks-runner ' ,
InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior = ' terminate ' ,
# Disable hyperthreading:
CpuOptions = {
' CoreCount ' : 18 ,
' ThreadsPerCore ' : 1
} ,
# AFAICT this is always true for c4 instances and comes at no additional
# charge, but the console shows 'false' if we don't set this...
EbsOptimized = True ,
InstanceMarketOptions = market_type ,
TagSpecifications = [ {
' ResourceType ' : ' instance ' ,
' Tags ' : [
# Informational. This will show up in console:
{ ' Key ' : ' Name ' ,
' Value ' : ' hasura-benchmarks-runner- ' + benchmark_set
} ,
# "Owner" here is an arbitrary name; this tag allows us to define an
# IAM policy that effectively restricts hasura-benchmarks-runner to
# only terminating instances that it has started (here):
{ ' Key ' : ' Owner ' ,
' Value ' : ' hasura-benchmarks-runner '
} ] ,
SecurityGroupIds = [ ' hasura-benchmarks-runner ' ]
) [ 0 ]
except botocore . exceptions . ClientError as error :
if error . response [ ' Error ' ] [ ' Code ' ] == ' InsufficientInstanceCapacity ' :
say ( f " Warning, got InsufficientInstanceCapacity in region { region } . Trying the next one " )
if region == ok_regions [ - 1 ] :
say ( ' Waiting a bit, hoping capacity gets added before going through regions again ' )
time . sleep ( 20 )
else :
# Above succeeded, presumably, so we can return...
# Ensure we clean up instances even on error:
LAUNCHED_INSTANCES . put ( instance )
instance . wait_until_running ( )
instance . load ( )
# NOTE: at this point we may still not be able to SSH in
return instance
try :
# for reasons of ergonomics and compatibility on CI, we want to supply the SSH key as an environment variable. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to do that without writing to a file
with tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( mode = ' w+ ' ) as key_file :
key_file . seek ( 0 )
instance = launch_instance ( )
c = Connection (
instance . public_dns_name ,
user = " ubuntu " ,
connect_timeout = 10 ,
connect_kwargs = {
# "key_filename": "
" key_filename " : key_file . name ,
## NOTE: I couldn't figure out how to take the key from a string:
2021-08-05 19:12:38 +03:00
## https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/1866
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# "pkey": paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey.from_private_key(io.StringIO(BENCHMARKS_AWS_PRIVATE_KEY)),
# It can take some time for our EC2 instances to become available, so
# we need to retry SSH connections for a while:
say ( " Waiting for SSH to come up " )
conn_attempts = range ( 0 , 20 )
for n in conn_attempts :
try :
c . run ( " whoami " , hide = ' out ' )
except :
if n == conn_attempts [ - 1 ] :
else :
time . sleep ( 1 )
2022-02-22 19:58:43 +03:00
# Install any extra dependencies (TODO: bake these into AMI)
2023-06-20 12:33:43 +03:00
c . sudo ( ' apt-get update ' )
c . sudo ( ' apt-get upgrade -y ' )
c . sudo ( ' apt-get install -y jq ' )
2022-02-22 19:58:43 +03:00
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# In case our heroic exception handling and cleanup attempts here fail,
# make sure this instance shuts down (and is terminated, per
# InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior) after X minutes:
c . sudo ( ' shutdown -P +20 " Oops, we failed to clean up this instance; terminating now " ' )
say ( " Uploading and loading docker image under test " )
patchwork . transfers . rsync ( c , HASURA_DOCKER_IMAGE , ' /tmp/hasura_image.tar ' , rsync_opts = " --quiet " )
hasura_docker_image_name = c . run (
" docker load -i /tmp/hasura_image.tar | grep ' ^Loaded image: ' | sed ' s/Loaded image: //g ' " ,
pty = True
) . stdout . strip ( )
say ( f " Running benchmarks for: { hasura_docker_image_name } " )
# Upload the benchmarks directory to remote (though we only care about 'benchmark_set')
patchwork . transfers . rsync ( c , abs_path ( ' ../benchmarks ' ) , ' /tmp ' , exclude = ' venv ' , rsync_opts = " --quiet " )
with c . cd ( " /tmp/benchmarks " ) :
# We'll sleep for the 'huge_schema' case to allow memory to settle,
# since measuring idle residency to support the schema is the main
# point of this test. Since 'chinook' takes much longer we don't
# lose any wallclock CI time by waiting here
# TODO the fact that we're mentioning a specific benchmark set here is a wart:
post_setup_sleep = 90 if benchmark_set == ' huge_schema ' else 0
# NOTE: it seems like K6 is what requires pty here:
# NOTE: add hide='both' here if we decide to suppress output
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
lkey = os . environ [ ' HASURA_GRAPHQL_EE_LICENSE_KEY ' ]
bench_result = c . run ( f " HASURA_GRAPHQL_EE_LICENSE_KEY= { lkey } ./bench.sh { benchmark_set } { hasura_docker_image_name } { post_setup_sleep } " , pty = True )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
with tempfile . TemporaryDirectory ( " -hasura-benchmarks " ) as tmp :
filename = f " { benchmark_set } .json "
say ( f " Fetching results and uploading to S3. Available at: { s3_url ( filename ) } " )
local_path = os . path . join ( tmp , filename )
c . get ( f " /tmp/benchmarks/benchmark_sets/ { benchmark_set } /report.json " , local = local_path )
s3 . upload_file (
local_path , RESULTS_S3_BUCKET , f " { THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX } / { filename } " ,
ExtraArgs = { ' ACL ' : ' public-read ' }
# Terminate ASAP, to save money, even though we also ensure cleanup in main():
say ( " Success! Shutting down " )
instance . terminate ( )
return bench_result
# If AWS evicted our spot instance (probably), try again with on-demand
except invoke . exceptions . UnexpectedExit :
warn ( " interrupted, exiting " )
return None
if use_spot :
warn ( " Dang, it looks like our spot instance was evicted! Retrying with on-demand " )
run_benchmark_set ( benchmark_set , use_spot = False )
else :
# Create a regression report between the benchmarks we just ran (for PR_NUMBER;
# assumes 'run_benchmark_set' has been run for all)
# NOTE: this is a little inefficient (since we fetch from S3 the report we just
# generated) in the service of simplicity and so that this function might be
# re-used if this becomes a proper fabfile
def generate_regression_report ( ) :
boto3_session = new_boto_session ( )
s3 = boto3_session . client ( ' s3 ' )
def fetch_report_json ( prefix , bench_name ) :
tmp = io . BytesIO ( )
s3 . download_fileobj ( RESULTS_S3_BUCKET , f " { prefix } / { bench_name } " , tmp )
tmp . seek ( 0 )
return json . load ( tmp )
# Find the PR number of the nearest parent commit, to compare against.
# NOTE: we need a somewhat long history here, because there may be a long
# string of e.g. console commits which never resulted in a benchmark run in CI:
merge_base_candidates = (
local ( f " utils/pr-merge-bases.sh { PR_TARGET_BRANCH } 30 " , hide = ' stdout ' )
. stdout
. splitlines ( )
# Find the most recent PR in merge base with some benchmark results:
for pr_num in merge_base_candidates :
if ' Contents ' in s3 . list_objects ( Bucket = RESULTS_S3_BUCKET , Prefix = f " mono-pr- { pr_num } / " ) :
merge_base_pr = pr_num
try :
if merge_base_pr != merge_base_candidates [ 0 ] :
warn ( " Showing regression report against older PR in merge base! " )
say ( f " Comparing performance to changes from https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/ { merge_base_pr } " )
except UnboundLocalError :
warn ( f " Could not find a commit in merge base with associated benchmarks! (among { merge_base_candidates } " )
warn ( f " Exiting " )
# We'll accumulate a structure like this, with all non-empty maps:
# :: Map BenchSetName (MemInUsePctChg, LiveBytesPctChg, [ (BenchmarkName, Map Metric PctChg) ]
results = { }
# For each benchmark set we uploaded, for PR_NUMBER...
for o in s3 . list_objects ( Bucket = RESULTS_S3_BUCKET , Prefix = f " { THIS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX } / " ) [ ' Contents ' ] :
this_prefix , benchmark_set_name = o [ ' Key ' ] . split ( ' / ' )
[ci] add benchmark for deep schema
### Description
This PR adds a new benchmarl set named `deep_schema`, that is made to replicate one very specific edge-case: schemas that have deeply nested remote relationships. Our schema-building code is, in essence, "depth-first", and there are a lot of subtleties in the way we jump across remote relationship boundaries: this set will allows us to better understand the performance implications of technical decisions we make wrt. schema building.
This set, unlike others, does not declare any query: we are, for now, only interested in the schema building, which is tested with an ad-hoc script.
## Remaining work
There are several points worth discussing, wrt. this PR:
- should we make the schema larger, to make measures more consistent?
- should we extend this idea of measuring schema build performance to other sets?
- how do we extend the report to include this new information?
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/5517
GitOrigin-RevId: 9d8f4fddb9bbdca5ef85f3d22337b992acf13bce
2022-08-24 18:54:16 +03:00
this_report = fetch_report_json ( this_prefix , benchmark_set_name )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
try :
merge_base_report = fetch_report_json ( f " mono-pr- { merge_base_pr } " , benchmark_set_name )
except botocore . exceptions . ClientError :
# This will happen, e.g. when a new benchmark set is added in this change set
warn ( f " No results for { benchmark_set_name } found for PR # { merge_base_pr } . Skipping " )
2022-09-01 23:46:29 +03:00
# A benchmark set may contain no queries (e.g. formerly, If it was just
# using the ad hoc operation mode), in which case the results are an
# empty array. Skip in those cases for now
2022-08-29 11:58:00 +03:00
if not ( this_report and merge_base_report ) :
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
benchmark_set_results = [ ]
# So we can look up by benchmark name:
merge_base_report_dict = { }
for bench in merge_base_report :
merge_base_report_dict [ bench [ ' name ' ] ] = bench
# Record residency stats before any benchmarks have run, to present as
2021-08-06 02:37:02 +03:00
# a baseline for serving this particular schema:
def mem_regression ( ix , stat ) :
this_bytes = this_report [ ix ] [ " extended_hasura_checks " ] [ stat ]
merge_base_bytes = merge_base_report [ ix ] [ " extended_hasura_checks " ] [ stat ]
return pct_change ( merge_base_bytes , this_bytes )
mem_in_use_before_diff = mem_regression ( 0 , " mem_in_use_bytes_before " )
live_bytes_before_diff = mem_regression ( 0 , " live_bytes_before " )
# ...and also the live_bytes after, which lets us see e.g. whether a
# memory improvement was just creation of thunks that get evaluated
# when we do actual work:
live_bytes_after_diff = mem_regression ( - 1 , " live_bytes_after " )
mem_in_use_after_diff = mem_regression ( - 1 , " mem_in_use_bytes_after " )
# ^^^ NOTE: ideally we'd want to pause before collecting mem_in_use
# here too I guess, to allow RTS to reclaim
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
for this_bench in this_report :
# this_bench['requests']['count'] # TODO use this to normalize allocations
name = this_bench [ ' name ' ]
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
# Skip if: this is a "low load" variation with few samples since these are
# likely redundant / less useful for the purpose of finding regressions
# (see mono #5942)
if " low_load " in name :
warn ( f " Skipping ' { name } ' which has ' low_load ' in name " )
# Skip if: no result in merge base report to compare to:
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
try :
merge_base_bench = merge_base_report_dict [ name ]
except KeyError :
warn ( f " Skipping ' { name } ' which is not found in the old report " )
2023-04-18 19:42:45 +03:00
# NOTE: below we want to skip any metrics not present in both reports,
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# since we might decide to add or need to remove some:
metrics = { }
2023-04-18 19:42:45 +03:00
# if this is a throughput benchmark set ( identified by the word
# "throughput" in the name) then for now just look at the average
# RPS for the purposes of this regression report
if " throughput " in benchmark_set_name :
try :
metrics [ ' avg_peak_rps ' ] = pct_change (
merge_base_bench [ " requests " ] [ " average " ] ,
this_bench [ " requests " ] [ " average " ]
benchmark_set_results . append ( ( name , metrics ) )
except KeyError :
# skip remaining metrics:
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
try :
metrics [ ' bytes_alloc_per_req ' ] = pct_change (
merge_base_bench [ " extended_hasura_checks " ] [ " bytes_allocated_per_request " ] ,
this_bench [ " extended_hasura_checks " ] [ " bytes_allocated_per_request " ]
except KeyError :
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
# For now just report regressions in the stable bytes-allocated metric for adhoc
if name . startswith ( " ADHOC- " ) :
warn ( f " Just reporting regressions in bytes_alloc_per_req for ' { name } ' which is adhoc " )
benchmark_set_results . append ( ( name , metrics ) )
# Skip everything else:
2022-09-01 20:24:00 +03:00
# Response body size:
try :
merge_base_body_size = float ( merge_base_bench [ ' response ' ] [ ' totalBytes ' ] ) / float ( merge_base_bench [ ' requests ' ] [ ' count ' ] )
this_body_size = float ( this_bench [ ' response ' ] [ ' totalBytes ' ] ) / float ( this_bench [ ' requests ' ] [ ' count ' ] )
response_body_change = pct_change ( merge_base_body_size , this_body_size )
# filter response body size unless it changes significantly, since this is rare:
if abs ( response_body_change ) > 1 :
metrics [ ' response_body_size ' ] = response_body_change
2022-09-06 23:27:36 +03:00
# We need to catch division by zero here for adhoc mode queries
# (where we just set total_bytes to 0 for now), but probably want
# to keep this in even if that changes.
except ( ZeroDivisionError , KeyError ) :
2022-09-01 20:24:00 +03:00
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
# NOTE: we decided to omit higher-percentile latencies here since
# they are noisy (which might lead to people ignoring benchmarks)
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
# NOTE: we originally had `min` here, thinking it should be an
# asymptote (we can only get so fast doing a particular workload),
# but this hasn't turned out to be a useful summary statistic (we
# might need several times more samples for it to stabilize)
for m in [ ' p50 ' ] :
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
try :
this_hist = this_bench [ ' histogram ' ] [ ' json ' ]
merge_base_hist = merge_base_bench [ ' histogram ' ] [ ' json ' ]
# Store percent difference from this to merge base:
metrics [ m ] = pct_change ( merge_base_hist [ m ] , this_hist [ m ] )
# We only expect ZeroDivisionError for old reports, before we
# fixed precision issue in graphql-bench:
except ( KeyError , ZeroDivisionError ) :
if metrics == { } :
# again, this should only happen with old reports with zeros
warn ( f " Skipping { name } since metrics are empty " )
benchmark_set_results . append ( ( name , metrics ) )
2021-08-06 02:37:02 +03:00
results [ benchmark_set_name ] = ( mem_in_use_before_diff , live_bytes_before_diff , mem_in_use_after_diff , live_bytes_after_diff , benchmark_set_results )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
return results , merge_base_pr
# We (ab)use githubs syntax highlighting for displaying the regression report
# table as a github comment, that can be easily scanned
2021-08-06 21:40:35 +03:00
def pretty_print_regression_report_github_comment ( results , skip_pr_report_names , merge_base_pr , output_filename ) :
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
f = open ( output_filename , " w " )
def out ( s ) : f . write ( s + " \n " )
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
out ( f " ## Benchmark Results (graphql-engine-pro) " ) # NOTE: We use this header to identify benchmark reports in `hide-benchmark-reports.sh`
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
out ( f " <details closed><summary>Click for detailed reports, and help docs</summary> " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
out ( f " " )
2021-07-23 00:04:55 +03:00
out ( ( f " The regression report below shows, for each benchmark, the **percent change** for "
2021-08-05 08:54:28 +03:00
f " different metrics, between the merge base (the changes from **PR { merge_base_pr } **) and "
# NOTE: we don't use #{merge_base_pr} because we want to avoid backlinks from the target PRs
2021-07-23 00:04:55 +03:00
f " this PR. For advice on interpreting benchmarks, please see [benchmarks/README.md] "
f " (https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/blob/main/server/benchmarks/README.md). " ) )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
out ( f " " )
out ( f " More significant regressions or improvements will be colored with `#b31d28` or `#22863a`, respectively. " )
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
out ( f " NOTE: throughput benchmarks are quite variable for now, and have a looser threshold for highlighting. " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
out ( f " " )
2021-08-06 18:49:04 +03:00
out ( f " You can view graphs of the full reports here: " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
for benchmark_set_name , _ in results . items ( ) :
2021-08-06 18:49:04 +03:00
these_id = s3_short_id ( benchmark_set_name )
base_id = s3_short_id ( benchmark_set_name , ' mono-pr- ' + merge_base_pr )
out ( f " - ** { benchmark_set_name } **: "
f " [:bar_chart: these changes]( { graphql_bench_url ( [ these_id ] ) } )... "
f " [:bar_chart: merge base]( { graphql_bench_url ( [ base_id ] ) } )... "
f " [:bar_chart: both compared]( { graphql_bench_url ( [ these_id , base_id ] ) } ) " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
out ( f " " )
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
out ( f " </details> " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
out ( f " " )
# Return what should be the first few chars of the line, which will detemine its styling:
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
def highlight_sensitive ( val = None ) :
2021-08-06 18:49:04 +03:00
if val == None : return " # " # GRAY
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
elif abs ( val ) < = 2.0 : return " # " # GRAY
elif abs ( val ) < = 3.5 : return " * " # NORMAL
# ^^^ So far variation in min, bytes, and median seem to stay within this range.
elif 0 < val < = 15.0 : return " - " # RED
elif 0 < val < = 25.0 : return " -- " # RED
elif 0 < val : return " --- " # RED
elif - 15.0 < = val < 0 : return " + " # GREEN
elif - 25.0 < = val < 0 : return " ++ " # GREEN
else : return " +++ " # GREEN
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
# For noisier benchmarks (tuned for throughput benchmarks, for now)
def highlight_lax ( val = None ) :
if val == None : return " # " # GRAY
elif abs ( val ) < = 8.0 : return " # " # GRAY
elif abs ( val ) < = 12.0 : return " * " # NORMAL
elif 0 < val < = 20.0 : return " - " # RED
elif 0 < val < = 35.0 : return " -- " # RED
elif 0 < val : return " --- " # RED
elif - 20.0 < = val < 0 : return " + " # GREEN
elif - 35.0 < = val < 0 : return " ++ " # GREEN
else : return " +++ " # GREEN
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
out ( f " ``` diff " ) # START DIFF SYNTAX
2021-08-06 02:37:02 +03:00
for benchmark_set_name , ( mem_in_use_before_diff , live_bytes_before_diff , mem_in_use_after_diff , live_bytes_after_diff , benchmarks ) in results . items ( ) :
2021-08-06 21:40:35 +03:00
if benchmark_set_name [ : - 5 ] in skip_pr_report_names : continue
2021-08-06 02:37:02 +03:00
l0 = live_bytes_before_diff
l1 = live_bytes_after_diff
u0 = mem_in_use_before_diff
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
# u1 = mem_in_use_after_diff
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
col = highlight_sensitive
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
out ( f " { col ( u0 ) } { benchmark_set_name [ : - 5 ] + ' ' : ─<21s } { ' ┤ MEMORY RESIDENCY (from RTS) ' : <30 } { ' mem_in_use (BEFORE benchmarks) ' : >38 } { u0 : >12.1f } ┐ " )
out ( f " { col ( l0 ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │ ' : <30 } { ' live_bytes (BEFORE benchmarks) ' : >38 } { l0 : >12.1f } │ " )
out ( f " { col ( l1 ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │ ' } { ' live_bytes (AFTER benchmarks) ' : _>67 } { l1 : >12.1f } ┘ " )
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
for bench_name , metrics in benchmarks :
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
bench_name_pretty = bench_name . replace ( ' -k6-custom ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' _ ' , ' ' ) # need at least 40 chars
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
if " throughput " in benchmark_set_name :
2023-07-10 17:47:45 +03:00
# invert the sign so we color properly, since higher throughput is better:
col = lambda v : highlight_lax ( - v )
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
else :
col = highlight_sensitive
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
for metric_name , d in metrics . items ( ) :
2023-05-05 12:29:02 +03:00
if len ( list ( metrics . items ( ) ) ) == 1 : # if only one metric:
out ( f " { col ( d ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │_ ' + bench_name_pretty + ' ' : _<40 } { metric_name : _>28 } { d : >12.1f } " )
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
elif metric_name == list ( metrics . items ( ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] : # first:
out ( f " { col ( d ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │ ' + bench_name_pretty : <40 } { metric_name : >28 } { d : >12.1f } ┐ " )
elif metric_name == list ( metrics . items ( ) ) [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] : # last:
2022-09-22 19:22:57 +03:00
out ( f " { col ( d ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │ ' } { ' ' + metric_name : _>67 } { d : >12.1f } ┘ " )
2022-09-22 16:27:32 +03:00
else : # middle, omit name
out ( f " { col ( d ) } { ' ' : <21s } { ' │ ' : <40 } { metric_name : >28 } { d : >12.1f } │ " )
out ( f " ``` " ) # END DIFF SYNTAX
2021-07-08 21:17:54 +03:00
say ( f " Wrote github comment to { REGRESSION_REPORT_COMMENT_FILENAME } " )
f . close ( )
def pct_change ( previous , current ) :
return ( ( float ( current ) - previous ) / previous ) * 100
# return an absolute path, from one relative to this file
def abs_path ( p ) :
return os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , p )
# Traverse a dictionary using tuple of keys as path
def get_path ( d , path ) :
return reduce ( dict . get , path , d )
def say ( s ) :
print ( f " *** \033 [92m { s } \033 [0m " )
def warn ( s ) :
print ( f " *** \033 [93m { s } \033 [0m " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )